Digitalized Production

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Research and Development at the Production Technology Center

FUTUR Vision Innovation Realization

Digitalized Production

Industrie 4.0

Flexible Transparent Manufacturing

High-tech with Cultural Relevance

From Reconstruction to (Re-)Production



Content Imprint FUTUR 1-3/2016 ISSN 1438-1125

Publisher Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann


Industrie 4.0 – Flexibel Transparent Manufacturing


AMELI 4.0 – a Micro-electromechanical Electronic System for Condition Monitoring in Industrie 4.0


RetroNet – a Practical Bridge to Industrie 4.0


Batch Size 1 – the »Smart Factory 4.0« Demonstration Cell

Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF), TU Berlin


Quality Science Lab – the Factory with Quality Awareness

Editor-in-chief Steffen Pospischil


Runs Smoothly – a Novel High-performance Spindle for Aluminium Milling

Compilation, Layout and Production Claudia Engel, Corinna Fischer, Ismaël Sanou


Method-based Innovation – Medical Systems Engineering


High-tech with Cultural Relevance – from Reconstruction to (Re)Production


At work in Armenia – Rescuing Ancient Manuscripts


Interview: Cleverly Connected Manufacturing, Klaus Löffler, TRUMPF


Company Profile: The Deutsche Bundesbank – the National Analysis Center for Damaged Banknotes and Coins


Laboratory Portrait: The SecVerification Lab Berlin – Automated Reconstruction of Badly Damaged Security Documents


Events and Dates

Co-publishers Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Rethmeier Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark F­ raunhofer Institute for Production Systems and ­Design Technology IPK

Contact Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK Director Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann Pascalstrasse 8-9 10587 Berlin Phone +49 30 39006-140 Fax +49 30 39006-392 Printed by Ruksaldruck GmbH + Co. KG Photos Deutsche Bundesbank: 26 Fraunhofer IPK/Lukasz Buda: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 left Fraunhofer IPK/Jelena Radojicic by courtesy of COMAU: 31 Fraunhofer IPK/Angela Salvo: 28 Fraunhofer IPK/Katharina Strohmeier: 1, 9 right, 30, 35 bottom Fraunhofer Venture: 29 IWF TU Berlin: 16, 17 Marcin Konsek: 23 right Trumpf: 25

© ­Fraunhofer IPK Reprint, also in extracts, only with complete references and after consultation with the editors. Please forward a copy.

FUTUR 1-3/2016

Editorial Dear Readers,

Digitalization is increasing in pace and permeating ever deeper into the value creation chain. Our new issue of FUTUR magazine shows how companies of all sizes can cost effectively embrace this transformation of production. Information technology plays a key role in such change. In future, data, information and digital models will abandon their traditional roles as planning objects and con-

Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann

trols on statistical processes to fuse together in an information factory in the sense of a

And incidentally, it was back in the 1990s

»digital twin«. Such a smart factory, like the

that we first began to transfer our techni-

one we have built at Fraunhofer IPK, enables

cal production solutions in the fields of digi-

a continuous foresighted simulation and pre-

tal image processing and pattern detection

diction of expected states in the construction,

to non-industrial fields of application. The

transformation and operation of produc-

result is automated virtual reconstruction, a

tion systems and operational manufactur-

technology that makes an invaluable contri-

ing. Thus, it allows for the use of completely

bution to the preservation of cultural assets,

new production paradigms such as selective

to historical research and the reappraisal of

assembly in large-scale production.

history as well as to forensic science. What

Yet even with digitalization, the technological

mated reconstruction of the shredded files

manufacturing stage will remain an essential

of the State Security Service of the former

part of every production process. What we

German Democratic Republic, has now

began with the »Stasi-Puzzle«, the auto-

need to do is to clarify how new technol-

spread to reach national and international

ogy or the integration and networking of

circles. Experts in other disciplines – from

intelligent sensor systems can contribute to

art scholars to archivists and criminologists

enhancing the efficiency of individual tech- – are following our development work with nologies, and thus increase performance

the keenest interest. With our technology

across the whole of the value creation chain.

we can help them make enormous strides in

We are investigating how manufacturers can

terms of information and feasibility, as you

react to the increasingly rich diversity of prod-

can also learn in this issue.

ucts with a flexible shop floor production and how they can re-equip their legacy machines

With best wishes

and systems for the digital age. Our goal here

for some fascinating reading

is to bring Industrie 4.0 cost-effectively to the shop floor – also in small and medium-sized enterprises. How exactly this works, you can find out in this issue of FUTUR or, in the near future, at our Digitally Integrated Production Application Center in Berlin. Here, we offer companies a testbed for the real-world trial and testing of Industrie 4.0 technologies.

Eckart Uhlmann



Research and Development

Digitalized Production

Industrie 4.0 ­Flexible Transparent Manufacturing Manufacturing small and fluctuating batch sizes while still keeping costs stable is an increasing demand in industry. Yet if production becomes more flexible,

►►Digital Technologies for Flexible Process Networks

processes become more complex, increasing the danger of unmanageable proce-

This is where the new opportunities of digi-

dures making production inefficient. Fraunhofer IPK demonstrates with a specially

tal networking are brought to bear, because

developed scenario how digitally integrated technologies facilitate transparency

they support the definition and practical

in flexibly organized production. The possibilities offered by novel technologies

application of flexible process networks

will redefine the tasks and work of production employees along a process chain

which can be adapted to changing requi-

from corporate-wide job management through manufacturing organization to

rements. Such systems put people at the

work on individual machines.

center, because it is the staff at all levels of production plants who are responsible for making sure that workpieces move through

►►Gear Production Scenario

groups for different machining tasks to be

the production process on time. So, in order

Industrie 4.0 promises mostly one thing:

laid out in different sizes – greater capac-

to ensure that the tasks are carried out reli-

Great flexibility in production. In the future

ities, for instance, could be facilitated for

ably in a process network that consists of

it will be possible to adapt production to

machining processes that are more time-

many minds and manufacturing stations

ever-changing versions of products and

consuming. The result would be a significant

and whose composition could vary slightly

processes and still keep costs stable. Ide-

improvement in response times and capac-

with each version of the product, intelligent

ally, developments will even allow small and

ity utilization.

technologies deliver the necessary transpa-

smallest batch sizes to be realized without

rency and continuously monitor the actual

causing production costs to explode.

Such a factory layout makes it possible to adapt processes in response to job-spe-

scheduled and demanded deadlines. Such

To show how production may be structured

cific requirements at any time. On the one

concepts also make Industrie 4.0 interes-

more flexibly, Fraunhofer IPK has developed

hand, it allows, for instance, an order to be

ting to small and medium-sized businesses,

a complex scenario using the example of

turned on all the turning machines available

because they allow the creation of consi-

gear production. Gears are presently manu-

in a company. On the other hand, process

derably more adaptable flow controls while

factured in firmly linked lines that are laid

steps can be combined in new sequences

keeping investments and the implementa-

out to produce specific components and

again and again, additional steps can be

tion effort manageable.

which, for example, employ interconnected

added or unnecessary ones taken out.

progress of work by comparing it against the

milling and turning machines. The entire line

However, dynamic process networks place

The IPK scenario illustrates what a paradigm

comes to a standstill, if a single machine

high demands on coordination – it must be

shift in the organization of production could

goes offline. In addition, it is complicated,

ensured that all participants are able to keep

look like along the process chain – from cor-

if not impossible, to adapt lines to chang-

track of everything at all times, if processes

porate-wide job management to work on

ing product ranges or to produce orders to

are to remain manageable. Also, alterna-

individual machines. The five parts of the

special demands.

tive methods must be applied to meet one

scenario present technologies developed and

major demand that linked manufacturing

results achieved in the MetamoFAB, iWePro

Greater flexibility in this regard requires that

fulfils: Reliable production flows must be

and pICASSO projects and in IPK's preli-

such interlinked structures be broken up.

guaranteed as otherwise processing steps

minary research. They show how the tasks

One way to do so is to employ the job shop

could be overlooked or orders might stall

carried out by workers in different parts of

production principle. It groups machines

halfway through production as a result of

a production company could be redefined

that may be employed in similar manufac-

being repeatedly delayed in favor of more

through the use of networked technologies.

turing tasks – for instance, several turning

urgent jobs.

Greater flexibility will be made controllable

machines could be combined into a turn-

by greater transparency. Companies will

ing machine group – which permits orders

therefore become fit for customer-specific

to be guided flexibly through the manu-


facturing process. It also allows machine

FUTUR 1-3/2016

»I know exactly which stage each job is at – and provide ­ every employee with precisely the information they need for their tasks.« Chief Operations Officer

►►Part 1: Industry Cockpit

monitoring and tracking facilitates a precise

process responsibility to be lived. On the

The most important demand that needs to

overview of the plant's overall situation –

other hand, executive levels always have an

be met to prevent flexible networks from

of both processes and the condition of the

exact overview of the company's overall sta-

ending in chaos is that everyone must be

manufacturing equipment.

tus and its individual orders at their disposal.

able to keep track of what is happening at all times. If processes are to become adaptable

Industry Cockpit enables individual views

►►Part 2: Production Planning

without making production uneconomical as

and dashboards to be automatically gene-

The iWePro project is striving to do the same

a consequence of the resulting administra-

rated from the available data. Shop floor

for production flows as the Industry Cock-

tive effort, companies need a dynamic con-

employees, shift supervisors, sales represen-

pit is doing for process networks. In other

trol center that keeps every member of staff

tatives, and managers can directly access

words, the project aims to ensure reliable

directly and in a task-related manner up to

this information from their workplaces. Wor-

throughputs while information transpa-

date on what they need to do to help carry

king with the data turns each member of

rency and a partial decentralization of pro-

out an order and when to do it.

staff into a »process controller« for his or

cess responsibility support flexibility. Once

her specific areas of responsibility. And as

customer orders reach production, they

Fraunhofer IPK's Industry Cockpit, devel-

staff complete their tasks, the cockpit auto-

need to be assigned and scheduled accor-

oped in cooperation with Pickert & Partner,

matically adapts the information for all other

ding to the shop floor's capacities. Produc-

an MES manufacturer based in Karlsruhe,

parts of the process that may be affected

tion management plans production flows

meets these demands. The Industry Cockpit

by their activities. As a consequence, on

using machine allocation schedules so that

has been developed to reliably monitor and

the one hand cooperation between diffe-

orders can be carried out cost-effectively

control flexible process networks. It uses

rent disciplines is encouraged – all members

and in accordance with requirements. These

models to bring together all the information

of staff remain within their disciplines and

schedules specify which production step of

and processes available within a company so

do what they do best while, at the same

an order has to be carried out on which

that it becomes possible for them to be ac-

time, they can always see what effects their

machine and when.

curately monitored and easily tracked. Such

decisions are having. This is a solid base for



Research and Development

Digitalized Production

»Manufacturing processes are becoming more flexible, because the schedule can be updated at any time and the workshop crew are directly informed about their tasks.« Production Manager

Such scheduling so far is largely rigid and

to initially plan machine allocation centrally,

and directly communicate changes in the plan to the production staff.

the leeway for later rescheduling is limited. If

but then enables dynamic adjustments to be

adjustments become necessary during pro-

made with its help. So, if changes become

duction, for instance if a machine fails or

necessary during production, it is possible

►►Part 3: Shop Floor

a more urgent job demands prioritization,

to modify the plan with little effort and the

A dynamically changeable scheduling control

usually production management has to take

assistance of the agent system. Such adjust-

as it is being developed by iWePro produces

action: It is required to act as a »fire fighter«

ments may be initiated both by production

enormous changes on the shop floor as it

and reschedule or approve changes. In addi-

management itself and by employees on

shifts responsibility for processes and there-

tion, traditional scheduling makes sharing

the shop floor. And because both are wor-

fore necessitates adjustments to the acti-

the plans with production staff time-consu-

king on the same database, it is guaranteed

vity profiles of certain groups of employees.

ming and inflexible: It requires the informa-

that production management always has a

Shop floor employees are currently usually

tion to be communicated in briefings that

complete overview of the current planning

required to execute a production plan drawn

are usually held at the beginning of shifts.

and work status to hand.

up by production management without deviations. But, in future, they are going to have

Any later changes that result from revised planning make further meetings necessary.

Another benefit the system delivers is that it

a decisive say in workflows. Such involve-

Such procedures are too rigid to allow pro-

allows the plan to be communicated more

ment will require either additional qualifica-

duction processes to be flexibly structured

directly with employees. Networked techno-

tions or intuitive tools that provide support

on the basis of the job shop production

logies allow each member of staff to access

in carrying out the extended tasks.

principle. That is why iWePro combines a

those components of the plan that are rele-

modern tool for scheduling with an agent-

vant to them directly at their workplaces on

The concept employed by iWePro assu-

based assistance system. This produces a

the shop floor. This reduces the time spent

mes that in a production set-up applying

system that allows production management

on briefings and makes it possible to easily

decentralized job shop production teams

FUTUR 1-3/2016

of employees share responsibility both for a

In order to ensure that such reconfigura-

Intelligent machine tools deliver a further

group of machines – for instance, for a cer-

tion creates as little disruption as possible,

benefit in the decentralization of process

tain number of turning or milling machines

employees will be supported by an agent-

responsibilities. They constitute an impor-

– and for the process steps associated with

based assistance system. This system takes

tant link between scheduling tasks and phy-

these machines. Corresponding excerpts

account of such factors as the specific

sical processes. Equipped with sensors, they

from the machine allocation schedule are

order's anticipated completion date, the

are able to analyze their own states, antici-

individually adapted to their requirements

availability of staff, machine conditions, and

pate maintenance requirements and report

and provided to them directly at their work-

upcoming maintenance requirements and

capacities. In addition, virtual machine

places so that they can at all times be kept

costs. Building upon this basis, it will make

tools allow all machining operations and

up to date about which processing steps

adjustment suggestions that the production

tool changes within the flow to be simu-

for an order have been assigned to which

staff can take into account when amending

lated before a new production sequence

of their machines. But they will not only

their plans. The system will also take care

is commenced. This will support produc-

be able to read the plan, they will also be

that any later processing stages or parallel

tion staff in assuming production-manager responsibilities.

able to actively intervene. If delays, machine

jobs affected by the rescheduling will also

downtimes or other events prevent the plan

be adapted and that all members of staff

from being followed, they themselves can

affected as well as the management level

change how the machines in their work area

will be informed about the changes.

are scheduled.

»I take on responsibility for the part of the m ­ anufacturing process that runs on my machines and I can change the schedule as needed.« Machine Operator



Research and Development

Digitalized Production

►►Part 4: Shop Floor Logistics

to machine B for further processing, they

resources – staff and vehicles – in the best

The smooth running of job shop production

will be able to arrange the required trans-

way possible. The final decision about the

does not only depend on intelligent tools

port between the two machining steps by

implementation details, however, is left to

controlling the individual production steps.


the staff with responsibility for production

How the routes between the steps are organized is just as important.

logistics. iWePro additionally factors in the longer transport routes between production areas

The system informs logistics staff on mobile

It is relatively easy to reorganize transports

– in other words from soft machining to har-

devices about the type, scope and dead-

between machining stations within a pro-

dening, from there to hard machining and

lines for upcoming transport jobs while

duction area, which so far are ensured by

finally to the end-of-line buffer. An intelli-

also handling basic organizational tasks

the links. These transports can be carried out

gent transport-management system, devel-

for each transport job. The most suitable

manually by the machine operators on the

oped by SAFELOG GmbH, could be used for

means of transport is initially chosen from

shop floor. Separate transport-management

the adaptive organization of transport. The

those available depending on the route, dis-

systems are not necessary here, because the

system does not only emphatically organize

tance and scope of the transport job. These

transport requirements may be drawn from

the transportation required between the

may include manual carts and trolleys, but

the scheduled production flow: Once the

production areas to ensure that nothing can

also automated guided transport systems or

staff have been informed that after machi-

be forgotten, it also provides for optimum

trailer units that can be coupled and towed

ning on machine A an order needs to get

logistics planning that utilizes the available

by powered vehicles. For jobs where a nonautomated means of transport – i.e. transport by a member of the logistics staff – is

»I always know exactly which job is headed where and when –

selected, the system provides the appropri-

and how to best ensure it reaches its destination.« Logistics Team Member

ate member of staff with instructions similar to those familiar from navigation systems.

►►Part 5: Assembly Last but not least, the production of components with customer-specific characteristics requires innovative robot systems that are able to rapidly adapt to new product variants or tasks. Such robots possess multiarm systems with articulated hands, tactile and visual sensors, as well as new types of controls that include impedance, force and visual control. These technologies are enabling robots to carry out complex assembly tasks despite of errors and tolerances – they can now, for instance, assemble gears on shafts. This does not only make them more flexible, it may also change their field of application: New types of robots are able to assist people working in complex assembly processes and to minimize physical or mental stresses – e. g. when handling heavy parts or with monotonous repetitive tasks

FUTUR 1-3/2016

Fraunhofer IPK at Hannover Messe 2016

Fraunhofer IPK demonstrated its scenario for flexible transparent manufacturing at Hannover

»For us, humans and robots are colleagues: They share the same

Messe 2016. The exhibit featured five stations

work space and complement each other’s skills, w ­ orking together

presenting technologies developed and results

to complete assembly tasks.« Head of Assembly

achieved in the MetamoFAB, iWePro and pICASSO projects and in IPK's preliminary research. The presentation at the fair was realized

– or even relieve employees completely of

ronments, whereby different robot skills will

in close cooperation with the partners involved

these burdens. They will also increase the

be activated depending on the environment

in the projects: MetamoFAB – Pickert &

opportunities to optimize capacity utilization

and tasks. Increased safety using advanced

Partner GmbH; iWePro – Adam Opel AG, DMG

in factory assembly departments, because it

visual, tactile and other sensors enables the

Electronics GmbH, flexis AG, SAFELOG GmbH,

will become possible to distribute jobs fle-

new robots to share the workspace actively

SimPlan AG, Sociological Research Institute

xibly between staff and robots depending

and dynamically with people.

(SOFI) at University of Goettingen, TAGnology

on the job and attendance situation. The new robots are able to actively commu-

RFId GmbH; pICASSO – Comau S.p.A..

Finally, by incorporating robots and machines

The research and development projects Meta-

into such systems as the Industry Cockpit,

moFAB and iWePro are funded by the German

nicate with people using spoken language,

they can be remotely monitored, and quality-

Federal Ministry of Education and Research

gestures and similar forms of interaction.

relevant information can be observed and

(BMBF) within the program »Innovations for

They also detect the presence and move-

analyzed during the process. Such tracking

Tomorrow’s Production, Services, and Work«

ments of people in their work area and adapt

makes it possible to detect sources of errors

and managed by the Project Management

their behavior accordingly. In addition, they

at an early stage and minimize delays caused

Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA). The author is respon-

provide advance notification to people about

by machining errors or machine failures. Also,

sible for the contents of this publication.

their own activities and movements. The

machine operators will be significantly sup-

most important features that the new robot

ported in their task of ensuring the availabil-

systems offer are their innovative program-

ity of »their« machines. The resources

ming and controls, which make it possible

required to this end could, for example, be

Your contact

for people to intuitively and interactively

made available through the cloud.

Eckhard Hohwieler

instruct robots using voice and gestures

Phone: +49 30 39006-121

or to efficiently program them graphically

with the help of prepared modules. Robots will be programmed and controlled on a

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Knothe

behavior-oriented basis to enable them to

Phone: +49 30 39006-195

rapidly adapt to dynamically changing envi-



Research and Development

Digitalized Production

AMELI 4.0 A Micro-electromechanical Electronic System for Condition Monitoring in Industrie 4.0 The industrial sensors available on the market are mainly application-specific solutions which are highly expensive, wired and endowed with only a modicum of intelligence. On the other hand, new sensors based on so-called »micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)« are highly integrated, miniaturised, affordable multi-systems with extremely low power consumption, which makes them an excellent basis for future sensor systems in networked production. The AMELI 4.0 project takes a consistent approach to the development and implementation of highly integrated, networked, energy self-sufficient MEMS multi-sensor systems with intelligent real-time processing of data on the sensor level and high data and system security. Smart data instead of big data – the part-

In addition, there is also a highly reliable sys-

ners in this joint project see the capture of

tem design platform with a high degree of

structure-borne sound and acoustic sound in

autonomy and the ability for self-diagnosis

combination with energy-efficient signal pro-

and self-configuration for sensor systems

cessing on the sensor level as the key tech-

and gateways. Finally, this holistic system

nology for networking energy self-sufficient

approach is completed by connectivity to


industrial sensor systems. This is why their

Industrie 4.0 topologies and guaranteed data

–– Binder Elektronik GmbH

focus is on the development of an electron-

security through security of communication.

–– Hahn-Schickard Gesellschaft

ics-based sensor system, enriched with high

–– Robert Bosch GmbH

system robustness and a modular hardware

Within the project, Fraunhofer IPK is devel-

–– Schaudt Mikrosa GmbH

and platform design.

oping adaptive, robust and intelligent methods of analysis as well as self-learning algo-

–– Siemens AG –– STAKEFORCE GmbH

For this purpose, AMELI 4.0 is deploying

rithms for the monitoring of abrasion,

functionally robust MEMS sensors, in par-

condition and processes in a wide spectrum

This research and development project is funded

ticular structure-borne sound sensor sys-

of industrial applications. This involves the

by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

tems and acoustic MEMS microphones, in

development of a suitable IT infrastructure

(BMBF) in the »Sensor-based Electronic System for

a completely energy self-sufficient multiple

for data management of distributed data

Industrie 4.0 Applications (SElekt I4.0)« program

degree of freedom (Multi-DOF) sensor sys-

from multiple MEMS sensors and its imple-

and managed by lead partner VDI/VDE-IT GmbH.

tem. This is combined with kinetic harvesters

mentation on individual sensor systems and

Responsibility for the content of this publication

and energy-efficient sensor-oriented, adap-

in the gateway.

lies with the author.

tive and self-learning evaluation algorithms.

Your contact Claudio Geisert Phone: +49 30 39006-133

Abdelhakim Laghmouchi Phone: +49 30 39006-129

FUTUR 1-3/2016

RetroNet A Practical Bridge to Industrie 4.0 The emblem of Industrie 4.0 is the intelligent factory in which all the means of production are deeply intertwined with one another. Such networking enables access to up-to-the-minute data from production and operations and supports compilation of long-term data histories. Business analyses, forecasts and decisionmaking all benefit from such a comprehensive information database. By enabling connectivity to existing means of production, the joint project RetroNet brings »research to the factory floor«.

Implementation of Industrie 4.0 calls for a

integration of single machines in small com-

continuous process of change in the com-

panies to integration processes for pro-

pany. Since small and medium-sized enter-

duction lines in serial manufacturing. Yet

prises in particular tend to make long-term

whatever the scenario might be, they are all

investments in their machines and equip-

based on the capture of data from machines,

ment, this sector is often slow to embrace

equipment and production and its transmis-

the practical use of Industrie 4.0 tech-

sion to a central data management system.

nologies, which puts the brakes on its application-oriented further development.

Under the leadership of Bosch Rexroth AG,

Against this backdrop, the RetroNet proj-

»connectors« are being developed as adapt-

ect is designed to create a bridge between

ers with the intended scope of functions.


the current constellation of plant facilities

Development of the software platform is


and networking as a guiding principle of

coordinated by PI Informatik GmbH. In par-

–– Bosch Rexroth AG

Industrie 4.0.

allel, methods and concepts are also being

–– Finow Automotive GmbH

created that allow for assessments of the

–– Fraas und Richter Werkzeugbau GmbH

The project develops methods and compo-

added value, investment and risks to be

–– KleRo GmbH Roboterautomation

nents for integration of existing hardware

incurred by the company in the Industrie 4.0

–– Lernfabrik Neue Technologien

in the intelligent factory control system.

integration process. This enables RetroNet

Physical and logical connectors are evolved

to evolve a structure of methodologies that

–– PI Informatik GmbH

that enable connectivity between exist-

supports companies from the selection and

–– Technische Universität Berlin IWF

ing machines and equipment with a con-

cost calculation stage through the integra-

–– Universität Stuttgart ISW

trol platform. In this way companies can

tion process to the deployment of appropri-

build a cyber-physical system in successive

ate added-value services.

stages and combine classical and Indust-

Berlin gGmbH

This research and development project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and

rie 4.0 production to meet their changing

In this joint project Fraunhofer IPK is con-


cerned with the requisite communication

for Tomorrow’s Production, Services and Work«

software. One particular focus is on devel-

and managed by lead partner Karlsruhe (PTKA).

The specific application scenarios given

opment of middleware which delivers ser-

Responsibility for the content of this publication

by the industrial partners are the point of

vices and related subsystems according to

lies with the author.

departure for these developments. They

the client-server principle. Available func-

evaluate which machines and system com-

tions are structured as added-value services,

ponents should be connected to a control

similar to apps for smartphones, and opti-

platform and which exemplary services are

mized for the real-time and security require-

Your contact

worth considering for this. The spectrum of

ments they will need to meet when used in

Moritz Chemnitz

scenarios ranges from method-supported


Phone: +49 30 39006-127

Research (BMBF) in the program »Innovation


Research and Development

Digitalized Production

Batch Size 1 The »Smart Factory 4.0« Demonstration Cell The way to Industrie 4.0 involves the trial, testing and skilful combination of novel methods, concepts and technologies. To this end Fraunhofer IPK has developed the »Smart Factory 4.0« demonstration cell which uses batch size 1 production to make the modes of action, application cases and potential of smart data and a digital factory twin tangible and researchable for R&D partners. In conjunction with a strategic consultancy portfolio and development of methods and technologies, this is Fraunhofer IPK’s path to working together with its customers for the realization of individual Industrie 4.0 solutions for product development and production.

n &O p ti m i z a ti o

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Living Digital Twin



Dat a&


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In the »Smart Factory 4.0« demonstration cell a modular batch size 1 production line has been built, both physically and virtually in the form of a digital twin.

►►Information as a production factor

individual sensors, through equipment sta-

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) were first

tus and production line capacity utilization

potential of cyber-physical systems and digi-

described in 2006 as the outcome of the

to networked manufacturing plants, intel-

tal twins for industrial application, and to

of information technology as well as the

development of embedded systems. It was

ligent production systems should exchange

work together with customers to develop

their networking capability that chiefly dis-

data and information, interpret it and feed it

strategies for their introduction at the com-

tinguished them from classical types of sys-

back into a networked autonomous process

pany level.

tems. Over the next few years, this gave

landscape. The challenges here range from

rise to the concepts internet of things (IoT)

issues of standardization and themes of IT

►►A real-world production line

and Industrie 4.0 in Germany. Since its first

security to development of business models

The »Smart Factory 4.0« demonstration cell

usage in 2011, the term Industrie 4.0 has

and occupational and further training.

works with the scenario of the manufactur-

become synonymous with new develop-

ing of a drinks coaster whose form, material

ments in the fields of networked produc-

Ultimately the move to Industrie 4.0 can only

and color can be freely chosen by the cus-

tion and industrial information technology.

be successful, if the individual needs of com-

tomer and which is then either manufac-

panies are addressed by a customized migra-

tured directly or by tele order. The product,

Two of the key tasks of Industrie 4.0 are the

tion strategy. With the »Smart Factory 4.0«

which the customer can configure over a

collection and processing of data from cyber-

demonstration cell at Fraunhofer IPK, a pro-

web-based interface, can be specified as an

physical systems, and use of the information

duction line has been created on which all

individual part or as a unit, both of which

thus gained in the fields of product devel-

aspects of Industrie 4.0 can be tested and

open up different pathways through the

opment and manufacturing – across the

optimized in a myriad of ways. The aim is

production process. The demonstration cell

whole lifecycle of a product. Starting with

to identify the modalities and interactions

consists of three modules arranged first in a

FUTUR 1-3/2016

Semi-finished stock/ raw parts

Module 2




Product information and delivery terminal

Withdrawal station

Module 3

Output depot




Virtual Product creation

Product configuration and information terminal

Module 1

Pick and place

Quality control

Crawler robot


Information flow


Stock of assembly components

Product configuration by customer

Design by machining Withdrawal and transport of raw parts and semi-finished products

Assisted assembly by skilled worker

Quality control for single parts and assembled products

Commissioning, Storage

Product delivery to customer

Schematic construction of the »Smart Factory 4.0« demonstration cell with its three modules for machining, assembly and quality control.

fixed, then in a variable order in space and

Other extension levels of the demonstration

advance and thus remain transparent for

which are interconnected with one another

cell provide for the manufacturing of cyber-

people. The digital twin generates informa-

through media and information technol-

physical systems themselves, whereby the

tion and perceptions that are relayed in-the-

ogy. The product structure, process plan

customer-designed drinks coaster becomes

loop to the machines themselves, their oper-

and control program are fully automatically

an intelligent product equipped with move-

ators, users and to product development. A

generated from the product specifications.

ment and temperature sensors. Furthermore,

web-based smart data dashboard has been

Generation includes G code CNC program-

it can also store information about its own

specially developed for this which visualizes

ming for machining, unit numbers on RFID

manufacturing. But not only that: it also

all relevant information and enables intuitive

chips, control of the clamping jigs, logistic

receives network and internet access which

interventions in the production process. This

and quality control processes and derivation

means that it can engage with a variety of

then makes it possible to develop and oper-

of the assembly plan.

services depending on user behavior.

ate robust CPS networks.

Depending on the particular order, the

Communication for the exchange of process

blanks are brought into the desired shape

and planning data is provisionally based on

at a milling station. A camera-based quality

software interfaces such as OPC-DA, and

control unit checks product characteristics

later also OPC-UA, via WLAN, RFID and Eth-

like form, dimensional accuracy, material

ernet, EtherCAT as well as other industrial

and color, and sends defective parts back for

bus systems like ProfiBus or ProfiNet. Yet the

re-milling. At the same time, deviations are

demonstration cell also serves as a test envi-

continually fed back into the automatic G

ronment for new protocols for the internet

code generation in order to achieve continu-

of things, and in particular the constrained

ous improvement in the production process.

application protocol (CoAP).

Once the individual parts have been

►►Digital twins

inspected, they are taken to the assembly

The digital twin, which here comes in the

workstation by an autonomous crawler

form of a kinematic factory model, enables

Your contact

robot where they are assembled by the

the fusion of real production with digital

Thomas Damerau

technician following assembly instructions

planning and simulation tools. Any changes,

Phone: +49 30 39006-216

dynamically generated per display, head-

whether they be in virtual or real space, are

up-display or pick-by-light. The final assem-

bi-directionally synchronized between the

bly is re-checked for quality, moved to the

demonstration cell and its digital twin. In

Thomas Vorsatz

output depot and then to the withdrawal

this way, autonomous processes in the dem-

Phone: +49 30 39006-271

station after identification of the customer.

onstration cell itself can be secured in



Research and Development

Digitalized Production

Quality Science Lab The Factory with Quality Awareness At present, no other topic is having such an impact on German industry as Industrie 4.0. The transition to cyber-physical production systems and the mass availability of process data have opened up a whole new realm of opportunities for quality science. In the Quality Science Lab of the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) at TU Berlin, a demonstrator plant models a complex product creation process on a laboratory scale. The aim is to use high-precision sensor systems in combination with automatic and intelligent data analysis to create a learning factory with awareness of quality. The factory will autonomously optimize the manufacturing quality of individually and serially produced

Trends in Industry 4.0 and resulting opportunities for the these novel approaches the Quality Science Lab is forging a unique connection approach of “Quality Assurance and Control 4.0” products, and involve the customer in all stages of the production process. With between quality science and Industrie 4.0.

Customer integration

Human-machine interaction Batch size 1


Intelligent Q-assistant systems

Big Data Smart Data


Automated CIP for CPS

Horizontal ITintegration

Vertical IT-integration

Inline measurement of batch size 1

QUALITY Condition monitoring

Process parameter control in real-time

Self-learning production processes

CPS: Cyber-physical systems

Trends in Industrie 4.0 and opportunities for quality assurance (CPS: cyber-physical system, CIP: continual improvement process)

►►Connecting everything

Strategications Focus: Quality in Industry 4.0 are detected at an early stage and promote the transformation to Industrie 4.0. reject rates minimalized. At the same time,

The classical catapult with its manual setting

Industrie 4.0 is marked by the increasing

long-term analysis and pattern detection

options has been evolved into a cyber-phys-

interconnectedness of all systems. The pro-

allows statements to be made about the

ical system equipped with sensor and actua-

gressing automation leads also to a large

status of machines and equipment, so that

tor technology. The object to be thrown is

quantity of highly accurate sensor data,

outages can be avoided through timely

produced in a smart micro factory and the

while all data from machine controlling to


design of experiment trials are automatically

The transition from traditional industry to © Fraunhofer

executed. The system is modular, transport-

management systems is available at all times. This opens up new possibilities for quality

►►The Quality Science Lab

able and extendable. In its present configu-

assurance. Real-time evaluation of process

Across the world the catapult is used as the

ration it consists of a 3D printer, 3D scan-

parameters during the manufacturing pro-

standard instrument in quality science for

ner, grinding unit, industrial robot, catapult

cess generates knowledge of the quality

the teaching of design of experiments meth-

with throwing board and central and quality

of the product being fabricated. Learning

ods. The Quality Science Lab has embraced


algorithms automatically tune the process

this well-established approach and devel-

sequence to produce a perfect result. Devi-

oped it even further in order to support and

FUTUR 1-3/2016

The Quality Science Lab in the department of Quality Science and Quality Management

►►3D printing with a learning effect

the workpiece is taken by the commission-

­Industrie 4.0: regulation of process param-

Quality starts with the customer. Qual-

ing robot to the catapult. If patterns being

eters based on real-time data evaluation.

ity assistants support the customer during

indicative of a defective print occur, the

Machine learning algorithms support the

compilation of the order. These assistants

system decides whether the grinding unit

realization of independent continuous

help to draw up possible geometries and

can rework it or whether it should be dis-

improvement processes, while the system

also show the relationship between work-

carded. If the outcome is not unambiguous,

autonomously optimizes its flexible modules

ing time and accuracy. Apart from the actual

the print is compared to the digital model in

and the overall system during on-going

production order, an assistant guides the

the in-line measuring system using a struc-


customer through the specification of the

tured light 3D scanner. In this way the sys-

test series to be conducted on the printed

tem learns new error patterns and refines

object. 3D printing – the key technology of

its optimization capability.

the transition to mass customization and batch size 1 production as envisioned by

►►Quality in Industrie 4.0

Industrie 4.0 – forms the point of departure

Comprehensive networking of all software

for the production process in the Quality

systems is an essential requirement for the

Science Lab.

intelligent product in Industrie 4.0. At any point in time the intelligent product knows

During 3D printing all the process param-

which stages of production have been exe-

Your contact

eters such as layer thickness, temperature

cuted on its components. It is aware of its

Patrick Drange

and material feed-in are precisely monitored.

quality and, due to real-time evaluation

Phone: +49 30 39006-311

Analysis of these process parameters deter-

of its product data, is able to intervene

mines the next stage in production. If all

autonomously in the production process.

parameters comply with the pre-set target

Detailed knowledge of process data through

Klaus Seiffert

values, and if there are no indications of

analysis of extensive sensor networks offers

Phone: +49 30 314-23565

patterns resulting in lower quality products,

a new approach to quality assurance in



Research and Development


Runs Smoothly A Novel High-performance Spindle for Aluminium Milling When it comes to metal cutting, the main spindle is the high-tech core element of the machine tool. Precision and productivity of the manufacturing process are critically dependent on its rotational speed, performance and concentricity. In partnership with South Korea’s Hyundai WIA Corporation, Fraunhofer IPK has now developed a high-performance milling spindle with hydraulically adjustable bearing preload for aluminium machining. After successful prototype testing, Hyundai WIA intends to put the new spindle on the market as quickly as possible.

►►Stringent requirements

to be evolved while sensors for capturing

chosen. For the drive system, the scientists

Design of the spindle, which complies with

thermal and dynamic behavior and deter-

chose a synchronous rotor by the Swiss com-

VDI-Guideline 2221, had to meet stringent

mining the bearing preload had to be inte-

pany e+a Elektromaschinen und Antriebe

requirements. For instance, a maximum rota-

grated in the spindle.

tional speed of 30,000 min-1 had to be met – which for a spindle of HSK-A63 tool capacity lies on the borderline of what is technically

because of its high performance density and efficiency. In the next stage, the cool-

►►Well thought through – the spindle design concept

ing system of the high-performance milling system was designed and optimized by

feasible. The bearings are the constraining

The Fraunhofer experts first drew up con-

simulation. Even at this early stage the need

factor here: on the one hand, they largely

cepts for the clamping unit, the spindle shaft,

for a water cooling system for the rotor sys-

determine the stiffness, while on the other

the bearing arrangement, and the spindle’s

tem and the two bearing seats was clearly

they have to be mounted on the shaft which

drive and cooling systems. The clamping

apparent, especially in the area of the back

in the front part near the tool holder has

system specially developed by Ott-Jakob

bearing seat where high temperatures were

a diameter of at least 70 millimeters. This

Spanntechnik determined the inner struc-

to be expected due to low heat transfer to

relatively large diameter and the required

ture of the shaft. The outer structure was

the surroundings.

degree of stiffness create high thermal stress

evolved in conjunction with the concepts

which has to be considered in subsequent

for the drive and mounting concepts. A

work stages. Further requirements included

shaft shoulder separates the front mount-

►►Design and simulation hand in hand

a high power rating of 80 kilowatts through

ing from the drive and back mounting. To

By the end of the conception phase the

which an extremely high material removal

meet the stiffness requirements while keep-

geometry of the main modules of the high-

rate of 5,000 cm³/min can be achieved, and

ing the maximum rotational speed, a sup-

performance milling spindle have been set.

a challenging rotational speed to natural fre-

port bearing in tandem-0-tandem arrange-

The rough structure of the spindle was cre-

quency ratio of at most 0.4. Furthermore,

ment with high precision angular contact

ated with Inventor 2010 CAD software, as

hydraulically adjustable bearing preload had

ball bearings by Schaeffler Technologies was

the customer requested. Using the rough

Construction details of the spindle (left) and simulated thermal behavior (right)

Assembly and testing of the final spindle prototype

structure preliminary simulations were car-

Simulation was also used to show the ther-

ried out with ANSYS 14.0 simulation soft-

mal behavior and the heat-induced defor-

ral frequencies was less than thirteen per-

ware with a view to investigating thermal

mation of the spindle. It was apparent that

cent. Amplitudes of transmission frequency

between simulated and experimental natu-

behavior and designing a correspondingly

temperatures reached their maximum in the

response at the spindle nose were approxi-

effective cooling unit. At the same time, the

area of the bearings inner rings. Under water

mately one dimension over the measured

spindle’s dynamic behavior was also to be

cooling of the stator and the bearing seat,

amplitudes. Dampening values were adapted

estimated and if necessary to be influenced

temperatures of up to 98 degrees Celsius

in order to improve concordance, so that

through changes in the wall thickness of

were reached in the bearings inner rings

there was also a quantitative and not only a

the spindle shaft and the positioning of the

whereby the front bearing showed higher

qualitative agreement.

bearings and the rotor.

temperatures than the smaller back bearing. On top of this, there were also dislo-

The successful outcome to the project also

Over the course of the project the level of

cations in the spindle due to temperature

included FEA training for the staff of Hyun-

detail of both the spindle design and the

distribution. Axial dislocation of the spindle

dai WIA’s R&D division given by simulation

simulation model was extended. Labyrinth-

nose with regard to the clamping of the

experts from Fraunhofer IPK. Hyundai WIA

and bearing shaft seals were added and the

spindle in quasi-stationary operating mode

is now planning to put the new spindle into

back bearing seat was given axial play. Fur-

30,000 min came to approximately 88

serial production as soon as possible and to

thermore, hydraulic cylinders for preloading


use it for milling aluminium parts for the


of bearings were integrated as were sup-

aerospace industry.

ply ducts for cooling, lubrication, hydrau-

►►Field testing of the prototype

lics, power supply, sensor systems and lubri-

The high-performance milling spindle was

Authors: Jan Mewis, Bernd Peukert,

cant supply. Also, the tensioning system was

manufactured, assembled and evaluated

Simon Thom

added to the design. Finally, the prototype

by Hyundai WIA in Changwon und Uiwang,

design including its dynamic, thermal and

South Korea. Thanks to the spindle’s ease-

thermal-elastic behavior were inspected

of-assembly construction, actual assembly of

through FE simulation. Modal analysis

the prototype went off without any setbacks.

revealed an axial rigid body movement at

Any difficulties like, for instance, extremely

a frequency between 550 and 680 hertz

narrow ducts for the rotor power supply,

depending on bearing preload. The first

were documented.

bending mode appeared in the frequency region from 695 to 745 hertz. A further

On-site trial runs by Fraunhofer research-

structurally conditioned bending mode with

ers showed that the final spindle fulfilled

a marked dependency on bearing preload

all the key requirements and that there was

was shown between 1,255 and 1,505 hertz.

broad agreement between experimental and

These three modes not only dominated the

simulated measurement values. Previously

dynamic behavior of the spindle nose, but

simulated temperature values deviated from

Your contact

it also could be shown that they also have

measured values by eleven percent at the

Dr.-Ing. Fiona Sammler

a substantial effect on the spindle’s chat-

front bearing and by five percent at the back

Phone: +49 30 314-25689

ter behavior.

one. Yet in all cases the relative discrepancy


Research and Development

Medical Technologies

Method-based Innovation Medical Systems Engineering Making the wrong kind of decisions about innovation or lagging behind with R&D leads to clear competitive disadvantages. This applies with particular force to the medical technology sector where manufacturers not only have to meet the high demands of their customers in terms of quality, results and time of delivery, but also must keep abreast of the stringent legal and administrative demands placed on medical products. In this context, an efficient structured approach to the development of new medical products is critical for their subsequent market success. Against this backdrop, Fraunhofer IPK has developed method-assisted engineering as the basis for systematic research and development right through to the market-ready product and uses this to give proactive support to its partners in designing medical systems that meet the whole spectrum of requirements.

Method-assisted engineering was devel-

cifically for medical technology also helps to

be found in surgical departments – even

oped by Fraunhofer IPK in collaboration with

ensure compliance with authorisation, qual-

though tablets in particular are eminently

Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin specifi-

ity and time requirements. New system con-

suitable for adding mobility to clinical appli-

cally with medical technology in mind. To

cepts for mobile 3D visualisation, 3D X-ray

cations. However, before this can happen,

date, it has chiefly been used in the highly

imaging and visual navigation bear witness

existing visualization programs must be

complex technology fields of medical imag-

to the success of the Fraunhofer engineer-

modified in their modes of operation and

ing, clinical software, optical systems and

ing method.

presentation to adapt to the features of the

►►Tablets not monitors

smaller displays.

medical mechatronics. Its efficient structured approach ensures that product matu-

tablet, such as touch screen input and much

rity always keeps apace of the progress time

In the »Suit« project Fraunhofer IPK, experts

of the project. Agile requirements manage-

are investigating what opportunities the use

The project has its focus on visualization of

ment also means that timely account is taken

of tablets is offering surgeons. Although

medical 3D imaging data. To this end, a soft-

of the partner’s business constraints. The

mobile devices are now an integral part

ware architecture has been developed that

model of quality objectives developed spe-

of our everyday world, they are seldom to

enables visualization independently of the operating system – whether it be Android,

An app brings 3D image data to the tablet.

iOS or Windows. As visualization is based on popular standards, it will be supported and identically presented by the majority of devices. Building on this architecture, a visualization app for Windows and iOS has been implemented and tested by surgeons at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The first results show that physicians find operating the program with a tablet is much more ergonomic and much easier than with the usual desktop computers they have been used to so far.

►►3D reconstruction at unprecedented speeds 3D X-ray imaging enables the spatial imaging of the inside of an object without the

3D Reconstruction with EVORA

need for any mechanical change. Its field

matic suppression of picture disturbances or

of pre-operative patient data minimizes the

of application ranges from diagnostics in

highlighting of filigree structures, and gives

preparation time needed for surgical inter-

human and veterinary medicine to non-

users optimal support in the evaluation of

ventions, while the system also avoids both

destructive testing of material in industrial

reconstructed volumes.

line-of-sight issues associated with optical navigation systems and the electromagnetic

measuring technology. During the imaging process, the object under examination

â–şâ–şVisual Navigation

interferences to which electromagnetic navi-

is X-rayed from a variety of directions and

Visual Navigation (VINA) is a novel image-

gation is prone. Thus, VINA could open the

multiple X-ray images are taken. To com-

based method for surgical navigation in

way to a much more comprehensive use of

pute a volume from these 2D image data,

which a proprietary miniature camera sys-

clinical navigation in surgical procedures

reconstruction techniques like EVORA are

tem is integrated in standard surgical instru-

which would raise the level of patient safety


ments. The video stream generated by the

in the operating theater. Furthermore, a

Visual navigation

EVORA is a hardware-accelerated recon-

camera is used to generate a 3D road map

larger number of low impact minimally inva-

struction technique that can be easily inte-

of the operating field, while cutting-edge

sive procedures would lead to shorter post-

grated in existing applications. The algo-

algorithms from robotics and computer

op recovery times and shorter hospital stays,

rithms used for 3D reconstruction are

vision simultaneously localize the position

which would lower costs in the healthcare

implemented on the graphics card which

of the instrument on the 3D map. The 3D


is so powerful that it considerably shortens

map is then superimposed on the patient’s

computation time. This means that as soon

CT dataset to enable computation of the

as the first X-ray image has been taken, it

precise position and orientation of the

is ready for 3D reconstruction so that the

instrument within the CT volume. Minimal

reconstructed volume is available shortly

hardware requirements make the technol-

after conclusion of the image-shooting

ogy ideal for universal and flexible use with

phase. Both the 2D image data and the

any kind of surgical instrument or device.

Your contact

reconstructed volume can be pre- and post-

VINA has the decisive advantage that it is

Dipl.-Ing. Felix Fehlhaber

processed in order to achieve high presenta-

much easier to handle than conventional

Phone: +49 30 39006-226

tion quality. This includes, for instance, auto-

navigation systems. Automatic registration


Research and Development

Virtual Reconstruction

High-tech with Cultural Relevance From Reconstruction to (Re)Production The most famous application case of technology developed at Fraunhofer IPK for the automated virtual reconstruction of documents that have been torn, shredded or otherwise damaged is the »Stasi Fragments Project«, the reconstruction of the files of the former GDR Secret Security Police. The »ePuzzler« developed by the project is a reconstruction software that uses sophisticated image-processing and pattern detection algorithms to automatically recompose scanned paper fragments into complete pages. In 2013, this globally unique reconstruction technology was honoured with an EARTO European innovation award. Since then, the IPK technology has excited keen interest among scholars of the ancient Middle East, archivists and criminologists who see the invaluable contribution it can make to the conservation of cultural assets, historical research and the reappraisal of history as well as to forensics. Fraunhofer experts have also reconstructed destroyed material evidence for the customs, police and tax authorities, thus making an important contribution to the maintenance of public safety. But not only that: they have also transferred the technology to the reconstruction of priceless cultural artefacts which have been damaged through natural catastrophes, acts of terror or improper storage, making them legible again and accessible to a broad audience. The first projects in this line are the digitization and reconstruction of fragments buried in the collapse of the HisFrom analog to digital and back – reconstruction systems make it possible.

torical Archive of the City of Cologne, and the reconstruction of order and sequence in the cut–up manuscripts of the polymath

►►Technology of great potential

beyond the reconstruction of single pages

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. The social rel-

The automated virtual reconstruction sys-

to embrace mechanisms both for the auto-

evance of this technology was one of the

tem developed at Fraunhofer IPK enables

mated match-up of single pages to form

reasons why the EARTO award went to the

the computer-assisted re-composition of

complete files and for development of their

Fraunhofer researchers.

digital images of fragments of torn or dam-

content. Such tools are particularly needed

aged documents – thus restoring documents

when it comes to the evaluation of large

to legibility whose manual reconstruction

quantities of source material as was the case

would be either no longer possible or far

with the torn-up Stasi files.

►►From virtual 2D to 3D reconstruction The areas of application for automated virtual reconstruction are by no means con-

too time consuming. The Stasi Fragments Project solicited enqui-

fined to two dimensional objects like paper.

The overall reconstruction process is struc-

ries from other countries like Poland, the

In the past, Fraunhofer IPK has developed

tured in three stages. Firstly, fragments

Czech Republic, Chile and Argentina who

concepts for the automated virtual recon-

must be digitized in order for them to be

were searching for help with the reconstruc-

struction of three dimensional objects for

virtually processed. Then the ePuzzler pro-

tion of torn and shredded documents as part

archaeology and the conservation of histori-

cesses the digital copies and reconstitutes

of their efforts to come to terms with the

cal monuments. Artefacts such as frescos

them into full pages. The third stage goes

legacy of violent repressive regimes. Yet

and sculptures are ideal for the first attempts

FUTUR 1-3/2016

Using virtual 3D reconstruction, even the smallest fragments of smashed wall frescos can be recomposed.

in this field, because there is no need for

servators will wear augmented reality glasses

complex three dimensional capture of frag-

to guide them in the efficient matching and

ments. Reconstruction can rather be done

joining of fragments.

using surface information gained from evaluation of contours and textures similar to the

Many reconstruction jobs are typified by

procedure in 2D. In addition – and this is

their large volume of fragments, often in

where the approach goes beyond that of

their tens or even hundreds of thousands,

2D – the thickness of the object at the point

the complex geometry of fragments and

of rupture is also factored in to facilitate the

the inaccessibility of the place they are

matching of pairs of fragments.

located. Such projects are only economically viable, if a high degree of automa-

This approach thus represents an intermedi-

tion can be achieved in the feed-in and

ate stage to a »genuine« 3D reconstruction:

handling processes. These challenges will

what is imaged is a 2D image of one side of

accelerate development of »reconstruction

an object, enriched with depth information.

robots« which, for instance, could be used

In this sense, the approach can be termed a

in reconstruction of badly damaged facades

2.5D reconstruction. In a further stage mul-

and wall mosaics. Paired with »digitization

tiple 2.5D images covering the whole surface

highways« which enable the large-scale

area of an object can be turned into a fully

digitization of fragments, they would form

3D object .The major challenge here is sepa-

complete reconstruction systems with high

rating the object’s surface and the breakage

degrees of flexibility.

surface from one another and generating corresponding views of them.

Furthermore, it should be borne in mind that many reconstruction projects have to deal

►►The vision of physical reconstruction Following virtual reconstruction, a digital

with incomplete sets of fragments. This is where in future 3D printing technology will make it possible to use additive techniques

template can be used for actual physical

for the reproduction of missing fragments

reconstruction. In future, proven technolo-

through a digital template to complete the

Your contact

gies and tools from production technology

object under reconstruction.

Dr.-Ing. Bertram Nickolay

will be used to automate process stages like

Phone: +49 30 39006-201

the handling and joining of fragments. Con-



Research and Development

Virtual Reconstruction

At Work in Armenia Rescuing Ancient Manuscripts The Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, commonly referred to as the Matenadaran, holds one of the world’s largest collections of medieval manuscripts and books on ancient and medieval Armenian science and literature and bears unique testimony to the richness of the country’s culture. The storage, conservation and restauration of these unique manuscripts is a task of both national and international importance. In 1997 parts of the Matenadaran collection were included in the UNESCO »Memory of the World Register«. Fraunhofer IPK is currently conducting a feasibility and concept study to ascertain to what degree its methods for the handling, digitization and virtual reconstruction of damaged documents could support the work of the Matenadaran.

►►Ancient treasures Even though the Matenadaran’s manuscript collection is under permanent archival and conservational care, recent studies have shown that parts of the collection are in a remarkably poor physical condition. This means that quite apart from the digitization of content for conservation purposes, the restoration and physical reconstruction of damaged artefacts is one of the key tasks confronting the Matenadaran. The institute is the key reference point and port of call for all enquiries regarding restoration and reconstruction in the region. Its expertise in the restoration of books and documents is internationally recognized. Yet even though the Matenadaran’s restoration department produces work of high quality, it is currently not in the position to embark on the full scale restoration of its repository of manuscript fragments. One reason for this

Badly fragmented pages of St. Gregory of Narek’s Book from the 13th and 14 century

is that up to present its restoration work has

►►Modern technology

been in the form of time-consuming manual

Against this backdrop, in 2016 Fraunhofer

Previous digitization work at the Matenada-

operations, without technical support. Work

IPK started a feasibility and concept study

ran was exclusively concerned with safe-

on assignments showing pronounced frag-

to determine the extent to which the newly

guarding the existing repository and does not

mentation can only be carried out to a limited

developed methods and the associated

offer a sufficient basis for virtual reconstruc-

extent – if at all. Consequently, untouched

know-how of the Fraunhofer experts in the

tion. Accordingly, in a first step two work-

treasures, some of which are seriously dam-

handling, digitization and virtual reconstruc-

shops were held in Yerevan in which the staff

aged, lie dormant in the archives or are under

tion of damaged documents could be suc-

of the restoration, digitization, archive and

the conservational care of the restoration

cessfully deployed at the Matenadaran. To

research departments were given an intro-


finance the project, scientists have gained

duction to the technology of virtual recon-

funding from the Federal Foreign Office.

struction and the preparation and procedures

FUTUR 1-3/2016

This project is funded by the Federal Foreign Office.

Entrance of the Matenadaran (© Marcin Konsek)

Loose blocks of fragments

needed for digitization work. In joint work

during reconstruction work to a bare mini-

groups potential application scenarios were

mum. Once the virtual reconstruction pro-

drawn up and exemplary material for sample

cess is completed and its results have been

processing was selected and digitized. This

validated by experts, the physical reconstruc-

first test phase is still being evaluated; how-

tion process can begin. Suitable parts can

ever, the first partial results look very prom-

be selected on the basis of the results of the

ising and confirm that the digitization and

virtual reconstruction and physically recon-

reconstruction technologies developed by

structed. This means that not only is there


Fraunhofer IPK can indeed provide decisive

now the possibility of tackling reconstruction

The Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manu-

assistance in helping the Matenadaran cope

work that otherwise would be impossible or

scripts, (Matenadaran), is a museum, repository

with the reconstruction work that lies ahead.

highly problematic to accomplish, but that

and scientific research institute for ancient and

Possible application scenarios shall be drawn

the whole reconstruction process is designed

medieval manuscripts in the Armenian capital,

for minimal and careful handling.

Yerevan. The collection comprises of 18,000

up in the further course of the study which

manuscripts and a further 30,000 documents

will also investigate – with due account taken

Quite apart from the study now being con-

of conservational aspects – how correct stor-

ducted, knowledge transfer is another key

collection covers broad areas of ancient and me-

age can be achieved during and after isola-

aim of the project. In this respect the Mat-

dieval Armenian science and literature and bears

tion of the artefacts. This is needed in order

enadaran is only the beginning – in future

unique testimony to the diversity of Armenian

to assure consistent attribution of the frag-

the Fraunhofer technologies should also be

culture. The history of this manuscript collection

in Armenian and many other languages. The

ments as the only means by which the results

deployed in other institutions which have to

goes back as early as the 5th century AD. Over

of virtual reconstruction can be subsequently

deal with the conservation and physical

the course of the following centuries, thousands

transferred to physical reconstruction.

reconstruction of damaged artefacts.

of manuscripts have been lost through wars, occupations and expulsions, pillaging and fire.

The advantages offered by virtual reconstruction are clear to see: most of the document fragments are in such a poor physical state that too much handling is out of the question.

Your contact

A coordinated process of gentle digitization

Henry Zoberbier

and careful temporary storage can reduce

Phone: +49 30 39006-196

manual handling and thus, physical stress




Cleverly Connected Manufacturing Founded in 1923 as a mechanical workshop, TRUMPF has since grown to become one of the world’s leading companies for machine tools, lasers and electronics for industrial applications. In the 2015/16 business year the company, with more than 11,000 employers, had a turnover of 2.81 billion euros. FUTUR talked to Klaus Löffler, Managing Director TRUMPF Lasertechnology, about technical innovation and the value of tradition.

FUTUR: What role does the trending topic

our customers and lead them step by step

possible malfunctions in production. Let me

Industrie 4.0 play in laser technology?

through to the fully connected smart fac-

give you a concrete example: if a laser is

tory. Industrie 4.0 means that a myriad of

threatening to malfunction in the foresee-

Klaus Löffler: For laser technology, Indus-

different modules can communicate with

able future through the sinking level of cool-

trie 4.0 is not just a trend – it is an ongoing

one another with the aim of achieving the

ing water, say, or a soiled filter, the customer

concern. Because without laser technology

best possible advantage for the customer.

receives notification from us to this effect

Industrie 4.0 can hardly be realized. In pro-

In the field of laser technology, this gives

and can take timely action and so reduce

duction environments lasers serve as sen-

rise to products like Condition Based Ser-

unplanned-for stoppages.

sors; they transmit data for further evalu-

vices and Visual Online Support – to give just

ation and process optimization – but even

two examples. At the same time these new

as tools, they are an enormously important

service products open up completely new

bonus of trust as a traditional family-owned

building block. Lasers are contact-free in

business models for our customers – and


FUTUR: Do you enjoy a kind of extra

operation, they can be quickly and simply

for us, too. In this context we never lose

controlled, and like no other tool they mas-

sight of the four levels process sensor sys-

Löffler: Certainly the stability our company

ter all kinds of manufacturing techniques.

tems, systems and machines, manufacturing

has demonstrated and lived out under the

With these three attributes, lasers offer the

locations, and finally the connected industry. Leibinger family does give us a certain extra.

basics for a fully flexible tool in Industrie 4.0

For many years now we have been embody-

manufacturing. This also goes for product

FUTUR: How do you persuade your custom-

ing our values and standing for openness

labelling with QR and Data Matrix codes.

ers to hand over the data you need for this?

and closeness to our customers. At the

Marking lasers are set to play an increas-

same time we are also guarantors of inno-

ingly important role in terms of the fabrica-

Löffler: We show our customers very spe-

vation. In long-term constructive partner-

tion and traceability of products across the

cifically what added-value Industrie 4.0

ships with our customers we have build up

whole production cycle.

can bring to their manufacturing process.

solid relationships of mutual trust, and it is

We show them how they can continue to

these relationships of trust that make deci-

FUTUR: Under the heading TruConnect,

build on their commercial success by, for

sions to mutually exchange process-relevant

TRUMPF is offering a new technology for

instance, minimising downtimes, tailoring

data much more easy.

connected manufacturing – what exactly

maintenance planning to the specific con-

does this mean?

dition of equipment or optimising energy consumption within a production network.

Löffler: TruConnect is the TRUMPF technol-

For all of this of course we need the process

ogy for connected manufacturing. In it we

data of our lasers to be released. However,

bring together all our company’s services

the economic benefits for our customers

and products related to Industrie 4.0. With

are very tangible. We have been capturing

TruConnect we help our customers optimize

and collecting such data for many years now

their business processes – both holistically

which means that our service experts are

and individually – and reduce their num-

well positioned to make algorithm-based

bers of interfaces. We cover the needs of

condition and trend analyses and predict

FUTUR 1-3/2016

FUTUR: Youth development is written big at TRUMPF. In the Fraunhofer Academy’s »Fraunhofer Research Manager« program you are now mentoring one of our young scientists. What would your most important advice be for young up and coming engineers? Löffler: In my opinion there are three essential points that really need taking to heart. First and most decisively – be open for new things and new methods of approach. Never be put off, never be discouraged by blanket statements like »we have always done it this way« or »we have tried this and it did not work«. Be open

About Klaus Löffler

and flexible, think out of the box. It is the only way to get to new approaches and

Klaus Löffler is Managing Director TRUMPF Lasertechnology of the laser

new solutions. Secondly, be a team player.

specialist company TRUMPF in Ditzingen. He sees each challenge as an

As individuals we might be able to solve

opportunity for further personal development. Difficult cases? He prefers

problems, but the job of a research man-

to solve them straight away at eight in the morning. The secret of his suc-

ager is to assemble and motivate a mixed

cess is the triad of profession, family and health, all of which he carefully

team. In the long term it is only in teams

nurtures for a positive beginning to each and every day. As a passionate

that we can successfully tackle the number

long distance runner he has learnt to divide his strength so that in the end

of challenges awaiting us. And thirdly: to

he will be the first to cross the finishing line – in his professional life, too.

achieve long-term goals a high degree of

Klaus Löffler came to TRUMPF in 1991 as a development engineer and

stamina paired with a strategic approach is

from 1995 to 2002 built up TRUMPF‘s laser business in the USA. After four

absolutely essential. I see it as being similar

years as head of the joining technology department at Volkswagen, he

to a marathon runner – long-term training

took over management of international sales at TRUMPF in 2006, and in

fixed on a particular goal and careful man-

2014 was appointed to the executive board of the company.

agement of resources to successfully reach the finishing line. Your contact Klaus Löffler



Company Profile

The Deutsche Bundesbank The National Analysis Center for Damaged Banknotes and Coins In Germany it is the job of the Bundesbank (Federal Bank) to ensure an adequate supply of high quality euro banknotes and coins at all times. The Bundesbank ensures their distribution to commerce and banks and removes unfit or damaged coins and banknotes from circulation. Each year high performance systems that can process 20 banknotes per second automatically inspect over 14 billion banknotes as part of the money processing undertaken by the 35 branch offices of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Inspecting banknotes (© Deutsche Bundesbank)

The remit of the Bundesbank in the field

techniques were used in the making of a

to the NAC for inspection. Apart from com-

of currency also includes combatting coun-

counterfeit and whether the counterfeiting

mon forms of damage, there are numerous

terfeit money and the reimbursement of

process shows similarities to that of other

instances that pose special challenges for

badly damaged coins and banknotes, both

already documented counterfeits. This gives

the reconstruction of banknotes. Recently,

of which services come together at the

the police an accurate picture of the number

for instance, there has been an increase in

National Analysis Center (NAC) in Mainz.

of sources of fake money now active, the

the number of cases in which large amounts

The NAC experts make a technical inspec-

amount of counterfeit money coming from

of banknotes have been torn or cut into

tion of each counterfeit banknote and coin

individual sources and where and when it

small parts, damaged by floodwater, or by

found in Germany and pass on their infor-

was distributed. The results of the counter-

exposure to heat and pressure during the

mation to the police and law courts. Basi-

feit analysis are directly fed into counterfeit

criminal dynamiting of ATMs. In such cases

cally, what the NAC does is to establish after

prevention work. The NAC develops training

the NAC checks whether the banknotes can

the fact which procedures, materials and

programs for a variety of target groups such

be reconstructed to such an extent that a

as retail trade apprentices and also conducts

safe decision to reimburse their equivalent

special seminars for the criminal police.

value can be made.

Your contact Deutsche Bundesbank – Nationales Analyse­

Soiled or only slightly damaged banknotes

zentrum für beschädigtes Bargeld

are removed and replaced as part of routine

Hegelstraße 65, H 313

money processing by the branch offices of

55122 Mainz

the Bundesbank. Badly damaged coins and

Phone: +49 6131 377-4363

banknotes or those contaminated with for-

eign substances, on the other hand, are sent

Lab Portrait

FUTUR 1-3/2016

The SecVerification Lab Berlin Automated Reconstruction of Badly Damaged Security Documents Since 2009 Fraunhofer IPK and Bundesdruckerei (Federal Printing Office) have been jointly running the SecVerification Lab Berlin. To date, the main focus of its work has been on the development and investigation of methods for verifying the authenticity of official documents. In future the focus of its activities will shift to the automated virtual reconstruction of security documents and banknotes that have been destroyed or damaged.

Restoration of security documents using geometric and content-based features

The reason for this shift in focus is that wil-

security documents can be digitized and

Furthermore, the planned work also includes

fully destroyed or unintentionally damaged

virtually reconstructed for analysis, test and

construction of a prototype for a systems

banknotes are continually being secured or

demonstration purposes. Further develop-

platform with which the system can effi-

handed in to banks for reimbursement while

ment of the software platform is based on

ciently reconstruct familiar security docu-

at the same time in border areas and transit

the reconstruction assistance system now

ments and be simply and interactively trained

zones more and more IDs, passports and

at Fraunhofer IPK which was designed in a

to recognize, as yet, unfamiliar security docu-

visas are deliberately being torn or cut up

project with the German Bundesbank for the

ments and reconstruct them. In a long-term

in order to conceal their owner’s identity.

processing of certain euro banknotes.

perspective, the extent to which reconstruc-

amount of fragments, is already enormously

With the help of the digitization unit, both

security features will also be investigated.

time-consuming, manual reconstruction of a

sides of the fragments should be digitized

large number of tiny fragments is frequently

with at least 600 dpi against a homoge-

As manual reconstruction, even of a small

tion features can be used for generation of

no longer possible or only possible with an

neous scanning background that enables

undue expenditure of time.

pixel-exact masking of fragments. The digi-

Accordingly, the aim of the partnership

and colour to the original fragments and

between Fraunhofer IPK and Bundesdruck-

should not show any kind of shadowing or

erei is to develop and construct the pro-

reflection so that the downstream image

Your contact

totype of a digitization unit together with

processing algorithms of the reconstruction

Dr.-Ing. Bertram Nickolay

the prototype of a software platform to be

assistance system can put together matching

Phone: +49 30 39006-201

built on it with which selected fragmented

fragments without any risk of error.

tal copies must correspond exactly in form



Events and Dates

Double Billing The Georg Schlesinger Award 2015 Goes to Altintas and Pritschow

Professor Eckart Uhlmann (middle) with the award winners Professor Günter Pritschow (left) and Professor Yusuf Altintas (right).

Professor Yusuf Altintas, Ph. D., Dr.-Ing. (Hon.) of the University of

duction facilities. In 1984 he was appointed Professor of Control

British Columbia (Canada) and Professor emeritus Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c.

Technology for Machine Tools and Manufacturing Facilities at the

mult. Dr.-Ing. h.c. Günter Pritschow of the University of Stuttgart

University of Stuttgart. From 1986 to 1990 he was Vice Rector for

were presented with the Georg Schlesinger Award of the Federal

Academic Affairs, and from 1996 to 2000 Rector of the University

State of Berlin on 25 February 2016. The two distinguished scien-

of Stuttgart.

tists received the award for their pioneering work in the field of production technology

The Berlin Senate instigated the Georg Schlesinger Award on 20 June 1979 on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Insti-

Born in 1954 in Turkey, Yusuf Altintas studied mechanical enginee-

tute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) at the TU

ring and is professor at the Department of Mechanical Enginee-

Berlin. The award honours Berlin engineers and scientists for their

ring of the University of British Columbia. The areas covered by his

outstanding achievements in the field of production technology as

research work included vibrations in machine tools and design of

well as for the social or humanitarian benefits their technological-

virtual CNC systems. In 1986 he founded the Manufacturing Auto-

scientific work has marked. Since 2003, the TSB Technologiestiftung

mation Laboratory where he has since developed award-winning

Berlin has provided the prize money.

systems for process simulation which are now used in the domain of machine tools by numerous companies and research institutes across the world. Born in 1939, Günter Pritschow studied communications engineering at the Technical University of Berlin and took his doctorate at the TU Institute for Machine Tools and Production Technology.

Your contact

From 1976 to 1980 he was Professor of Automation Technology for

Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann

Quality Assurance and Production at the TU Berlin. His extensive

Phone: +49 30 39006-100

research was focused on control and drive technologies for pro-

FUTUR 1-3/2016

Fraunhofer Start-up Prize for Scopis

On 23 February 2016, Scopis GmbH was awarded the Fraunhofer Start-up Prize. The prize was established by the Fraunhofer Venture together with the High-Tech Gründerfonds and is worth 5,000 euros. It recognizes the current success and phenomenal development of the Fraunhofer spin-off on the international market for medical technology. Scopis GmbH is now active in more than 50 countries with its surgical navigation systems for minimally invasive surgery in the specialist areas of ENT, CMF, neuro and spine surgery. The Fraunhofer Start-up Prize developed out of the FraunhoferGesellschaft’s new spin-off and investment strategy. It honours a spin-off that is active and successful on the market and whose products and services provide a direct benefit to society. »Together with the High-Tech Gründerfonds, we want to support spin-off projects inside the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and acknowledge exceptional start-up activity,« says Thomas Doppelberger, head of Fraunhofer Venture, explaining the goals of the new Start-up Prize.

At the Fraunhofer »Network« Symposium, Professor Dr. Alfred Gossner, member of the executive board of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (left), and managing director of the High-Tech Gründerfonds, Dr. Alex von Frankenberg (right), presented the Fraunhofer Start-up Prize, endowed with 5,000 euros prize money, to Scopis CEO Bartosz Kosmecki (middle) (© Fraunhofer Venture).

Scopis GmbH was founded in 2010 out of the Berlin Center for Mechatronic Medical Technology (BZMM), a partnership between

company Scopis. Professor Eckart Uhlmann, director of Fraunhofer

the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Tech-

IPK, is particularly happy about the founding of Scopis out of his

nology (IPK) and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The medi-

institute: »With the development of new products as well as the

cal technology firm develops and sells endoscopic and microsco-

securing of the innovations with a strong IP strategy, Scopis GmbH

pic navigation systems for use in minimally invasive surgery. With

has extended the initial application area of ENT surgery to CMF,

Scopis' »Target Guided Surgery« technology, surgeons can deter-

neuro and spine surgery, thus aiming to achieve even deeper mar-

mine the target and the path for the intervention even before they

ket penetration. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft wishes to honour

begin the operation. An acoustic signal gives a warning as soon

these exceptional scientific and entrepreneurial activities with the

as the surgeon deviates from the planned path. At the same time,

Start-up Prize.«

a new »Augmented Reality« function visualizes planning information and the path guide. This enables the operating doctor to find and remove the diseased tissue without damaging nerves or other critical structures. The operation can be conducted less invasively, thereby accelerating the healing process. The navigation system also considerably facilitates the training of new surgeons. »One of the most important factors in the success of Scopis was gaining the support of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin as partners and shareholders. This enabled us to license the unique and innovative technologies that we have further developed and integrated into novel interdisciplinary products,« explains Bartosz Kosmecki, founder and CEO of Scopis GmbH. »We are delighted to be able to develop successful companies

Your contact

together with Fraunhofer Venture, Fraunhofer institutes and resear-

Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann

chers in internationally leading technologies« says Dr. Alex von

Phone: +49 30 39006-100

Frankenberg with regard to the decision in favour of the medical



Events and Dates

The Night of Ideas IPK is a Guest of the French Embassy

How will we be living 50 years from now? Which technologies are

The Night of Ideas is an important scientific and cultural event that

going to change our everyday lives? These and similar questions

took place for the first time in Berlin at the Maison de France on the

were asked by the French embassy during its »Night of Ideas« which

Kurfürstendamm. The Night of Ideas was organized by the French

took place on 3 June 2016 at the Institut Français in Berlin from

Embassy in Berlin and its partners.

seven in the evening to one in the morning. Answers to these questions were also given by experts from Fraunhofer IPK. In his talk Dr. Bertram Nickolay sketched the future and explained the importance of the virtual reconstruction of badly damaged cultural assets. In

Your contact

collaboration with project partner Musterfabrik Berlin, Fraunhofer

Dr.-Ing. Bertram Nickolay

IPK presented its interactive solution for the reconstruction of badly

Phone: +49 30 39006-201

damaged mosaics.

Getting the Green Light Fraunhofer’s Berlin Center for Digital Transformation Starts Work Since 1 July 2016, the Berlin Fraunhofer Institutes FOKUS, HHI, IZM

will be established at IPK for the development and supply of enab-

and IPK have brought their expertise and research together in a

ling technologies for connected industry and production. Industrial

»Center for Digital Transformation«. Its work is focused on tech-

partners have the opportunity of collaborating on research projects

nologies and solutions that recognize the increasing digitalization

with the stakeholder Fraunhofer Institutes. The advantage here is

and networking in every area of our lives. Research trajectories are

that such projects have access to the institutes’ existing infrastruc-

aimed both at fundamental and cross-sectional technologies and

tures and offer direct transfer of research findings into practice. For

at solutions for the Center’s four areas of application: health and

more information, please go to:

medicine, mobility and the city of the future, industry and produc-

tion, and critical infrastructures. Over the next two years the Center will receive funding of 13.9 million euros from the state of Berlin, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and from industry projects. The partnered institutes will receive special benefits from harnessing the synergy effects generated by pooling their expertise in the domains of information and communication technology, data processing and handling, development and supply of electronic systems, and production and microelectronics to cover the whole digital networking technology chain. Fraunhofer IPK will be concerned with

Your contact

methods and tools for Service Engineering 4.0 and with approa-

Eckhard Hohwieler

ches to multimodal and multimedia human-machine interaction

Phone: +49 30 39006-121

and cooperation. Furthermore, a Transfer Center Industrie 4.0 Lab


FUTUR 1-3/2016

AUTOMATICA 2016: Polishing without a Protective Fence Fraunhofer IPK Supports COMAU in the Development of Cooperative High-payload Robots »Think out of the Fence« was the motto of the exhibits Italian robot

One of the two »Aura« robots showcased at the Munich trade

manufacturer COMAU showcased at the international trade show

show was developed in cooperation with the University of Pisa and

for robotics AUTOMATICA 2016 in Munich. And this meant much

Fraunhofer IPK. As what is currently the world’s biggest collabo-

more than thinking outside the box and overcoming conventions:

rative robot, this has a payload of 110 kilos. On behalf of COMAU,

with its new »Aura« (Advanced Use Robotic Arm) robots the com-

Fraunhofer’s Dr. Dragoljub Surdilovic and Barbara Konz »taught«

pany gave compelling proof that industrial robots with high pay-

this colossus manual guidance (programming) and force/resilience

loads really can safely interact with people.

regulation. This new functionality was demonstrated as applied to polishing and battery assembly tasks. Such complex jobs call for

The new »Aura« robots by COMAU come equipped with a special

adaptive control and regulation techniques with which the trajec-

outer skin that enables them to feel when they are being touched

tories and pressing forces applied by the robot to the surface can

by people or other devices. At the same time their camera systems

be autonomously adjusted in line with the different shapes of the

and laser scanners allow them to register the movements of peo-

vehicle’s body. The sheer reliability of this function was demonstra-

ple in their vicinity. They can autonomously regulate their trajecto-

ted on a Maserati Ghibli whose bonnet was polished by this heavy­

ries to accommodate to the movement of people or be completely

weight robot for four days long until it gleamed with a brilliant shine.

under human control. Such technologies make protective fences superfluous so that human workers can now collaborate directly with large-scale assistants.

Your contact Dr. Dragoljub Surdilovic Phone: +49 30 39006-172

The new »Aura« robots can execute processing tasks either automatically (left) or in direct physical interaction with people (right). (© Fraunhofer IPK / Jelena Radojicic by courtesy of COMAU)



Events and Dates

PTK 2016: Digitalized Production Potentials for Sustainable Urban Value Creation Where will we be producing tomorrow? How will we be producing

cation and Research (BMBF) and Dr. Hans Reckers, state secretary

tomorrow? And what will we be producing tomorrow? The only

at the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research

thing that is clear is that digitalization is increasing in pace and per-

of the state of Berlin. They were followed by Hendrik Fischer, state

meating ever deeper into the value creation chain. With this in mind,

secretary at the Ministry of Economics and Energy of the state of

the Production Technology Colloquium (PTK) held on 15-16 Sep-

Brandenburg who explained how the people of Brandenburg could

tember in Berlin was dedicated to exploring the topic of »Digita-

tone up their companies and make them fit for Economy 4.0. In

lized Production – Potentials for Sustainable Urban Value Creation«.

his keynote address, Dr. Reinhold Festge, president of the German

Renowned speakers from government, business and science drew

Engineering Federation (VDMA) emphasized that the digitalization

up the challenges and discussed approaches and solutions for Ger-

of the German Mittelstand was already a fait accompli.

many as an economic powerhouse with around 200 guests. The second day of the conference investigated the perspectives and After the conference was opened by IPK director Professor Eckart

potentials of digitalized production in three parallel sessions with

Uhlmann, Günther H. Oettinger, EU Commissioner for the Digital

reference to information technology, management and organization,

Economy and Society, offered his congratulations from Brussels for

and technology. In the closing panel discussion, panel members

the thirtieth anniversary of the PTZ and the fortieth anniversary of

including Professor Dr. Holm Große, mayor of Bischofswerda, Dr.

Fraunhofer IPK. He went on in his video greeting to underscore

Bernd Heinrichs, Cisco Systems, Dr. Harald Schrimpf, PSI and Sven

the invaluable contribution made by systematic practice-oriented

Weickert, Confederation of Employers and Business Associations of

research in terms of accelerating the pace of digitalization in indus-

Berlin and Brandenburg (UVB) discussed the opportunities offered

try and maintaining its competitive edge. Against the background

by crowd production as a module for regional economic develop-

of an increasing urbanization of life styles, he pointed out that it

ment, and support for micro-factories and co-creation networks.

was now more important than ever to develop production methods that are environmentally friendly, integral and local.

Your contact Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann

The policy framework for digitalized production was then outlined

Phone: +49 30 39006-100

by Engelbert Beyer, head of section at the Federal Ministry of Edu-


FUTUR 1-3/2016

Intelligent Manufacturing Fraunhofer IPK Plans a Sino-German Industrie 4.0 Research Institute There is a new major contract for Fraunhofer IPK – over the next five years the Berliners are to build the »Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing Research Institute«, or SGIMRI for short, in the Chinese province of Jiangsu. Based on the Fraunhofer model, this institute shall be financed by contract research for industry and will offer engineering services for Chinese companies in the domain of intelligent manufacturing.

On 13 June 2016 Professor Holger Kohl and the mayor of the city of Nanjing signed an agreement for the SGIMRI in the presence of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

Back in June 2015 Fraunhofer IPK and the Jiangsu Economic and

Within the project – which has a contract volume of 7.5 million

Information Technology Commission (JSEIC) signed a memoran-

euros – Fraunhofer experts will advise their Chinese colleagues on

dum of understanding on future collaborative work in the domain

strategic business alignment and draw up business plans for the

of Industrie 4.0. In this memorandum both parties agreed to deve-

management of the future SGIMRI. Furthermore, they will also

lop joint strategies for the standardization of Industrie 4.0 and to

offer on-going coaching and training programs for the staff of the

strengthen exchange and cooperation in the fields of intelligent

SGIMRI and support them in the acquisition and running of projects

manufacturing and ICT. Their declared goal was the establishment

and services in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

of an Industrie 4.0 application center in the province of Jiangsu as a showcase for the latest technologies and application scenarios. The contract for this has now been awarded.

Your contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Phone: +49 30 39006-233 holger.kohl@ipk.­

Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand Air Chief Marshal Prajin Juntong Visits IPK On 19 September, the deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Air Chief Marshal Dr Prajin Juntong, was the guest of Fraunhofer IPK. The former Saab pilot in the Thai air force came accompanied by a delegation with an interest in science and various representatives of the Thai embassy with the aim of informing himself about the German research landscape in general and the Fraunhofer model in particular. He was greeted by Professor Holger Kohl, director of the Corporate Management division at IPK. After a lecture, the delegation toured the testing field at the Production Technology Center (PTZ) Berlin. The distinguished guest was particularly impressed by the application-oriented nature of the work undertaken at the institute. Stopovers on the tour included robot-assisted processing;

The deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Air Chief Marshal Dr Prajin Juntong talking to Professor Kohl in front of a showcase of additively manufactured components.

generative manufacturing with selective laser melting and the topic of condition monitoring in the cloud.

Your contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Phone: +49 30 39006-233 holger.kohl@ipk.­



Events and Dates

The Special Envoy of the President of China, Meng Jianzhu, Visits IPK

On Friday 4 November 2016, an autocade bearing a particularly high ranking guest came to a halt in front of the Production Technology Center (PTZ) Berlin. Directly after his visit to the Federal Chancellery, the Special Envoy of the President of China, Meng Jianzhu, came to Fraunhofer IPK. He and his some 40-strong delegation were welcomed by the director of the institute Professor Eckart Uhlmann and head of division Corporate Management Professor Holger Kohl. After a short talk outlining the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the PTZ and Fraunhofer IPK, Professor Uhlmann presented the Industrie 4.0 activities of IPK. Apart from these, a further point of interest lay in the long history of cooperation binding IPK and China. After the

Came with a large delegation: Meng Jianzhu, Special Envoy of the Chinese President (on the left of the picture; on the right: IPK executive director Professor Eckart Uhlmann).

talk the delegation visited the testing field at PTZ. The distinguished guest showed particular interest in robot-supported processing, one of IPK’s key focal points of research. But the dual-arm robot,

Your contact Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann

which can be used in flexible assembly processes, also excited the

Phone: +49 30 39006-100

enthusiasm of the state visitor and his delegation.


Preparations for a State Visit The Egyptian Ambassador Prepares for a Ministerial Visit Egypt’s Minister of State for Antiquities Professor Dr Khaled elEnany had announced his visit to Fraunhofer IPK for 2 December 2016. But first the ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, His Excellency Professor Dr Badr Abdelatty called by. His special interest was in the virtual reconstruction of decayed historical documents. This globally unique technology developed by Fraunhofer IPK could help in the at least virtual reconstruction of the countless fragments of decayed ancient Egyptian papyri and thus, open them up for research purposes. Apart from cultural topics, the ambassador also expressed interest in automation technology applications such as dual arm robots and rehabilitation robotics and their possibilities.

The Ambassador or the Arab Republic of Egypt, H.E. Dr. Badr Abdelatty (right) talking to Professor Jörg Krüger, head of the Automation Technology division. On the left of the picture: Dr. Bertram Nickolay.

Your contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Phone: +49 30 39006-178 joerg.krueger@ipk.­

FUTUR 1-3/2016

Securing Cultural Assets The Berlin-Visegrad Conference on Novel Digitization and Reconstruction Technologies In scientific cooperation with Fraunhofer IPK, the Senate Chancellery of the state of Berlin organized the special conference on »Securing Cultural Assets: The Berlin-Visegrad Conference on Novel Digitization and Reconstruction Technologies« which was held from 8-9 December 2016 in Berlin’s Red Town Hall. The aim of the conference was to showcase innovative technologies for the digitization and reconstruction of cultural assets and to discuss their application potential for the four Visegrad states of Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, and Hungary. Fraunhofer IPK’s reconstruction experts presented their projects for restoring legibility to 300 year old Czech sermons, for reconstruction of the badly damaged documents of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne, and for restoration of the music collection of the Duchess

A huge number of historical documents were destroyed or badly damaged in the collapse of the Cologne City Archive.

Anna Amalia Library in Weimar. They also worked together with representatives of cultural institutions, museums, commemorative

Your contact

sites, libraries, archives, universities and administrative authorities of

Dr. Bertram Nickolay

the Visegrad states to draw up potential ideas for projects.

Phone: +49 30 39006-201 bertram.nickolay@ipk.­

Use IT! Efficient Production with Digital Technologies Save the Date: Hannover Messe 2017 The answer to challenges like individualized products and shorter lifecycles is now reaching application maturity: digital technologies are controlling complex workflows ever more effectively. At the Hannover Messe 2017 Fraunhofer IPK will be showcasing readyfor-use solutions for digitally supported production. The »digital twin« mirrors the composition and behavior of whole production units. Its wide spectrum of uses ranges from early stage equipment adaptation for manufacturing newly developed products to ensu-

Your contact

ring smooth and free production runs. Modular shop floor IT offers

Katharina Strohmeier

the level of flexibility required in order to make rapid changes to

Phone: +49 30 39006-140

processes during running operations.



Profile Production Technology Center PTZ Berlin The Production Technology Center PTZ Berlin comprises of the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management IWF of the Technical University of Berlin and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK. The PTZ develops methods and technologies for management, product development, production processes, and design of industrial manufacturing plants. Furthermore, we also leverage our proven expertise to engineer novel applications in emerging fields such as security, transport and medical technology. The PTZ is equally committed to making its own contributions to applicationoriented basic research and to developing new technologies in close collaboration with industry. The PTZ works together with its industry partners to transform basic innovations born in research projects into fully functional applications. With the methods and techniques we develop or improve, we offer our partners comprehensive end-to-end support from product development and fabrication through to product recycling. This also includes the conception of means of production and its integration in complex production facilities, and innovation of all corporate planning and controlling processes.

Your Contact at the PTZ Berlin Corporate Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Kohl Phone +49 30 39006-233 holger.kohl@ipk.­ Virtual Product Creation, Industrial Information Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Stark Phone +49 30 39006-243 rainer.stark@ipk.­ Production Systems, Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann Phone +49 30 39006-101 Joining and Coating Technology (IPK) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Rethmeier Phone +49 30 8104-1550 michael.rethmeier@ipk.­ Coating Technology (IWF) Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht Phone: +49 30 314-25176 Automation Technology, Industrial Automation Technology Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Phone +49 30 39006-181 joerg.krueger@ipk.­ Assembly Technology and Factory Management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger (comm.) Phone +49 30 39006-181 joerg.krueger@ipk.­ Quality Management, Quality Science Prof. Dr.-Ing. Roland Jochem Phone +49 30 39006-118 roland.jochem@ipk.­ Medical Systems Engineering Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann (comm.) Phone +49 30 39006-101

Fraunhofer Innovation Cluster LCE Life Cycle Engineering Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhlmann Phone +49 30 39006-100 eckart.uhlmann@ipk.­ Next Generation ID Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Krüger Phone +49 30 39006-183 joerg.krueger@ipk.­

­Fraunhofer Alliances

Competence Centers

AdvanCer Hochleistungskeramik Christian Schmiedel Phone +49 30 39006-267 christian.schmiedel@ipk.­

Additive Manufacturing Dipl.-Ing. André Bergmann Phone: +49 39006-107 andre.bergmann@ipk.­

autoMOBILproduktion Dipl.-Ing. Eckhard Hohwieler Phone +49 30 39006-121 eckhard.hohwieler@ipk.­

Application Center Microproduction Technology (AMP) Dr.-Ing. Dirk Oberschmidt Phone +49 30 39006-159 dirk.oberschmidt@ipk.­

Additive Manufacturing Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Graf Phone: +49 39006-374 benjamin.graf@ipk.­

Benchmarking Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Oliver Riebartsch Phone +49 30 39006-262 oliver.riebartsch@ipk.­

Numeric Simulation of Products, Processes Dipl.-Ing. Raphael Thater Phone +49 30 39006-375 raphael.thater@ipk.­

Electromobility Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schönewolf Phone +49 30 39006-145 werner.schoenewolf@ipk.­

Cleaning Technology Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Mankiewicz Phone +49 30 39006-154 Water Systems (SysWasser) Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Schreck Phone +49 30 39006-152 gerhard.schreck@ipk.­ Traffic and Transportation Dipl.-Ing. Werner Schönewolf Phone +49 30 39006-145 werner.schoenewolf@ipk.­

Working Groups Berliner Runde (Machine Tools) Dipl.-Ing. Fabio Meister Phone +49 30 314-24450 Ceramics Machining Alexander Eulitz, M. Sc. Phone +49 30 314-24963 Microproduction Technology Dr.-Ing. Dirk Oberschmidt Phone +49 30 39006-159 dirk.oberschmidt@ipk.­ Blasting Technologies Simon Motschmann Phone +49 30 39006-269 simon.motschmann@ipk.­ Tool Coatings and Cutting Materials Florian Erdmann, M. Sc. Phone +49 30 314-21791

Advanced Training Claudia Engel Phone +49 30 39006-238 claudia.engel@ipk.­ PDM/PLM Dr.-Ing. Haygazun Hayka Phone +49 30 39006-221 haygazun.hayka@ipk.­ Process Management Dr.-Ing. Thomas Knothe Phone +49 30 39006-195 thomas.knothe@ipk.­ Simulation and Factory Planning Dr.-Ing. Thomas Knothe Phone +49 30 39006-195 thomas.knothe@ipk.­ Self-Organising Production (SOPRO) Dipl.-Ing. Eckhard Hohwieler Phone +49 30 39006-121 eckhard.hohwieler@ipk.­ Virtual Reality Solution Center (VRSC) Dipl.-Sporting. Andreas Geiger Phone: +49 30 39006-109 andreas.geiger@ipk.­ Knowledge Management Dipl.-Kfm. Ronald Orth Phone +49 30 39006-171 ronald.orth@ipk.­ Center for Innovative Product Creation (ZIP) Dr.-Ing. Haygazun Hayka Phone +49 30 39006-221 haygazun.hayka@ipk.­

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