Service and Ux Designer portolio

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claudia nicoletta product service system designer & interior designer

Hi I’m Claudia. I'm a service designer and ux researcher with an Interior design background. I appreciate working in multucultural team with different background since It’s a good training to change the point of view in order to offer specific innovative solutions. I feel comfortable doing activities that involve direct contact with people such as co-design, interviews ecc. I have an empathic side that I use for understanding customer needs and developing a quality customer experience. In the free time you can find me writing Instagram’s captions, discovering the new TikTok trend or exploring the New MusicFriday playlist on Spotify.

who i am? Claudia Nicoletta | 03/09/95 Brindisi | Milan Interior Designer and Product Service System Designer | Politecnico di Milano

last experience ProntoPro User research methods During my internship in ProntoPro's research group, I actively participated and contributed to the development and implementation of activities with the platform's customers, in order to understand their behaviour, analyse their needs and gather insights to improve the product. As a researcher, I learnt the importance of having a more user-centred approach to design: listening to opinions and gathering users' needs and problems is fundamental for making strategic decisions in product evolution and imagining new functionalities. The skills developed in these months, combined with the design skills acquired during my studies, have contributed to complete my profile as a UX designer.

For each project, the research involved 5 stages: - Definition of the research protoco: in agreement between the research department and the corporate team responsible for the project focus of the research. - Recruiting: rfrom the pool of users registered on the platform, filtered by certain characteristics according to the purpose of the research. - Research: carried out according to the most suitable methodology for the purpose to be achieved. - Analysis of results: in-depth analysis and interpretation of the data collected. - Presentation of results: return of the insights gathered to the project team through presentations in English or Italian. The main research areas were: - Inbox dedicated to professionals - Inquiries and chat - Payment page - The costs of ProntoPro - Category management - Professions - Churn of the pros - Payment models

Research tools used for remote work

01 Toc-Toc a peer to peer platform to triggertrust-based relationships among the members of a cooperative community. Toc Toc is my experimental thesis project in the field of social innovation and specifically social housing. The field of action was that of the Cooperativa Vercellese in Milan, a housing complex made up of private dwellings and common spaces created to stimulate a participatory lifestyle. The year-long project included both desk and field research. In the discovery and exploring phase of the context I used metodologies sush as joining traditional encounter, survey, shadowing in order to indetify the target, observe the relationship dinamics, frame the context. Afterwards during the defining and prototyping phase I facilitate workshop and co-design session to test their deegre of collaboration and socialization.

hey, that’s me

codesign and workshop activity with the inhabitants

Having processed all the insights, my design question was: HOW MIGHT WE DESIGN AN ENABLING SOLUTION THAT RECONNECT A COMMUNITY WITH THE PLACE WHERE THEY LIVE, WITHOUT INTERACTING EACH OTHER AS A STANGER? So Toc-Toc was born as a platform designed to be official channel of COMMUNICATION, ORGANIZATION, and INTERACTION for the members of cooperative Vercellese. During the design of the functions possible through the use of the platform, the notions acquired about the guidelines in case of designing platforms that generate trust have been very useful. Wearing the shoes of the now famous “mutual friend”, I have taken into account the teachings: - TRUST TAKES EFFORT - A WELL-DESIGNED REPUTATION SYSTEM IS KEY FOR BUILDING TRUST - THE IMPORTANCE OF RELIABILITY

Here are some of my main mock-ups of the platform to understand how it works and how the values of reputation, reliability, trust and participation have been translated into the user interface

academic projects

02 ideal bikesharing analysis competitors and concept generation This project, made during User Experience course, was aimed to design the concept of the ideal bikesharing for Milan city. Analyzing the already existing bikesharing services (Mobike, BikeMi and Ofo) was the key, in order to understand the target, the feautures, the weakness and the strenghts of each one. At the begininnig, each member of the team was focused on one existing bikesharing service so my personal research was about Ofo, the newest bike sharing in Milan. I analyzed the history and the communication of the company as well as the physical features of the bike and the necessary steps to use the service. I made a service blueprint to have a clear idea of the Ofo bikesharing. After collecting our personal research, we made a comparison chart to sum up the features of the competitors clusterized in different sections.






In the second phase my team and I used the service design tools such as persons, storyboard, custumer journey, in order to bettere understand how the different types of users experience the existing bikesharing. Thanks to this approach, we were able to figure out important awareness, useful to design the features of the idel bikesharing. In particular, I took the task to work on the custmer journey for each type of users, dividing the experience in stages, action, feelings, thinking and opportunities.


03 chinese food experience live the experience and design solutions The Chinese food experience was a project aimed to discover how people of Milan, multicultural metropolis, approach chinese food and restaurant, in order to figure out how the existing services work and if they are effective enough to allow a good user experience. The direct experience of these restaurants and food made by me and my team, was a milestones of the project. As first step, each member of the team had to create a chart that showed their relationship with food. Then, after having decided the kind of chinese food service to taste (street food, restaurant, take away) and having experienced it, we started to analyze the strenghts and weakness of the service.


During our Chinese food experience in Paolo Sarpi, my group and I put the attention on the types of people who could live a similiar situation. So, we have distinguished three categories of customers: the “expert”, the “globetrotter” and “choosy”, who is the most problematic customer because he/she has no trust and needs more assistance. I personally created these experence maps about these users by focusing on their biography to understand their background, the specific actions done during an experience in an oriental restaurant, the related feelings and thoughts and, at least, the touchpoints between the customer and the restaurant.



To have a total view of the experience, me and another membr of the team did a Mental Model Map. First of all, we collected our thoughts and our different feelings about the same experience because, even if we ate in the same restaurant, an experience is somethong individual. Then, we wrote these feelings, expectation, reactions in differents boxes which became the basic building blocks of the entire chart. After this, we clusterized the boxes with affinity. So, we had the top half part of the chart that described the mental model patterns across a set of people and the low half part where we put the opportunities, that the restaurant could adopt to improve its service.

According to the new awareness achieved thanks to the mental map, I focused on a specific problem that some users may have to face during a chinese food experience. So through this chart, I splitted the issue in sub-categories, trying to generate reflection points for possible that solutions. The aim was to allow Milan people to improve their experience with chinese food and help the restaurant owner to increase their business.


04 DROP.mi : revealing the incoming city Service for a resilient city Drop.mi was a service design project born on the wave of Resilient city. As the word says, a resilient cities are those that can adapt to change by exploiting an unfavorable condition and turning it into an opportunity. As a response to some problems that affected Milan, the Municipality design the idea of use water as an element of solution and in particular to restore the ancient Navigli waterways of Milan. According to this will, my team and I started a path which led us to the design of a product-service that could help the citizens to adapt and appreciate this change. The process was divided in several phases: the desk and field research, the interviews and codesign sessions and the service generation, including the visual communication of the project.


After the desk research, useful to understand the issues that affected Milan sush as traffic congestion, bad hair quality, slow mobility ecc. We wanted to use a participatory design approach, including the possible users of the service. For this reason, we made three different co-design sessions with citizens, experts and shopowners to know their point of view about the reopen of Navigli, their fears and suggestions about our first idea of service.In this occasion me and one of my teammate had the role to design the toolkit and the boundaries object for the codesign. Furthermore, I was the facilitator during the codesign session.




The awareness acquired during the research and the codesign sessions lead us to the design of Drop.Mi. It is a service which helps Milan’s citizens to adapt to the new mobility and negative influence caused by construction work under the background of reopening of Navigli. Drop.mi aims to encourage Milan’s citizens to explore new Milan in a sustainable way by awarding them with virtual money(“drop”). It also promote business activites in construction area for buliding new Navigli waterways. About the visual communication of the service I created all the digital illustrations which then characterized the graphic motion video for the presentation of the service during “The energy festival” at Triennale Milano.



05 Vieni a galla social innovation service design When we talk about Milan, people have usually in mind Duomo, Navigli, Brera, all the center landmark, forgetting that Milan is a big city characterized by a lot of suburban neighborhoods. Vieni a Galla is a service born in the social innovation field aimed to make the citizen of Gallaratese (outskirts of the city) aware of their potentiality and give them the tools to empower their sense of community through a service. In this case, the process behind the final outcome, was the real key of the project during which we tried to use an user-centered approach. The main steps of the path were: research, codesign attivities, concept generation, prototyping and concept definition and visual communication.


First of all, my team and I made a very deep desk and field research that helped us to know the context, the strenghts and weakness of Gallaratese. Thanks to shadowing, interviews, photos reportage and so on we had mapped the terrotory according to 3 levels: spaces, points of interest and perception of the citizen.



Including the possible users in a participatory design process has been essential for this project. Firstly, we made a co-design session with the most active associations of the neighborhood in order to discover something new from who already know the attitude of citizen about social event. After having elaborate a draft of the service, we dive into the street with mock up and prototypes in order to allow citizens to have a direct contact with the service and to check with our eyes their feedbacks. It was an enlightening experience! In this process, I had the communicaticative role to interview people and introduce our service to them to break the ice.





Recognised that one of the mainly issue of Gallaratese was the lack of entertainment and the huge presence of underused spaces, at the end of the design process Vieni a Galla bacame collaborative platform that holds events in underused public spaces, through a collective usage of common resources. These events (open stage, semi-professional exhibition, professional exhibition and festivals) planned thanks to a calendar aim towards social aggregation the growth of creative communities that encourage the local inhabitants to co-create small scale events in their neighbourhood.





To validate our service and me check the possible economical sustainability, me, as project manager, with one of my teammate organized a test event into one of the underused location in Gallaratese. It was an hard challange, especcially to obtein the trust of people. But in the end, thanks to field prototyping it was a success. Furthermore, since our main tarhget was characterized by young usersW, I had take care of the social media part as an important element to spread and make the service know, as well as a channel to present the artist of our event.

06 fuorisalone 2019 social media manger supporter In occasion of the Milan Design Week 2019, I made a curricular internship of two months as Social Media Manager and Graphic supperter at, the creators of the Fuorisalone. it: official communication platform that offers a support system to companies, organizations, individuals or associations for the conception, realization and promotion of events during the Design Week. The stage aimed to make me me able to manage the iter of an important event such as the Design Week. I had take care of create post and content for the instagram profile of BreraDesignDistrict and Fuorisalone. I had also deal with the writing of articles for the digital magazine as well as the creation of tematic guide for different users of Fuorisalone. I also aquired experience as photo and video reporter.



07 advanced graphic techniques digital illustration Here there are some of the works carried out during the course of advanced graphic techniques held at 3 years. They range from the digital sketching of environments and objects, to postproduction of photos with the bitmap method, up to the application of drawings on textures.


personal projects

07 personal photos fuorisalone 2015 Here there are a series of shots made during the 2015 furniture fair. I tried to convey the concept of color and shape through the photos.


08 manual sketches A small collection of some sketches made with the technique of light and dark in pencil as regards the study of light on solids, pastels for objects and pantones for fruit reproductions.


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