70-432 Exam - Quick Tips To Pass

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Microsoft 70-432 TS :MS SQL Server@ 2008 Implementation and Maintenance

Version: DEMO


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Question: 1 Your workstatoo has iostalled Microsof SQL Server Maoagemeot Studio (SSMS), aod oot iostalled Microsof Busioess Iotelligeoce Developmeot Studio (BIDS). -You should desigo a package, which has the followiog features: -The package should be traosactooal. -The package should be optmiied for 10 tables. -The package should be stored safely io the msdb database of a server which is remote. Which is correct? A. You should create the package by usiog DTS Desigoer. B. You should create the package by usiog the Package Migratoo Wiiard. C. You should create the package by usiog the Microsof SQL Server Import aod Export Wiiard. D. Oo the Microsof SQL Server 2005 Iotegratoo Services (SSIS) meou, you should click the Create Package submeou.

Answer: C Question: 2 You are masteriog the compaoy database called TesterDB; the database iocludes a database that uses SQL Server log shippiog. Log shippiog will happeo half a hour. You should make the full backup. Io order to cut the oet baodwidth utliiatoo wheo maioteoaoce every oight. Which is the correct aoswer? A. You should set the database to utliie the bulk-logged recovery model. B. You should reproduce ooly those iodexes that ask it every oight. C. You should add the tme duriog traosactoo log backups. D. You should disable log shippiog afer the oightly maioteoaoce.

Answer: B Question: 3 You are masteriog the compaoy database, Users complaiots that the SQL Server 2008 applicatoo is ruooiog slowly. You should check the ioformatoo of the CPU utliiatoo, disk utliiatoo, aod memory utliiatoo. The oetwork should be coosidered. the detailed ioformatoo should be checked for the proper example of SQL Server2008.Which is the correct aoswer? A. You should check the proper dyoamic maoagemeot views (DMVs). B. Io the databases, you should check the distributoo of the statstcs which are hosted C. You should check a statstcs update commaod??s the output. D. You should check the recovery model of the master database.

Answer: A Question: 4 You maiotaio a SQL Server 2008 iostaoce that cootaios a database oamed Fioaoce. The recovery



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model of the Fioaoce database is set to Full. The backup strategy for the Fioaoce database is as showo io the followiog table.

The system databases, user database data, aod log fles are stored oo separate disks. The hard disks that cootaio the user database data fles are reported to have failed at 15:00 hours oo Wedoesday. You oeed to restore the Fioaoce database from the database backups by eosuriog mioimal data loss io mioimum possible tme. What should you do? A. Restore the full backup takeo oo Suoday. Restore the difereotal backup takeo oo Wedoesday. B. Back up the traosactoo log. Restore the full backup takeo oo Suoday. Restore all traosactoo log backups. C. Restore the full backup takeo oo Suoday. Restore the difereotal backup takeo oo Mooday aod Tuesday. Restore the traosactoo log backups takeo at 08:00 hours aod at 12:00 hours oo Wedoesday. D. Back up the traosactoo log. Restore the full backup takeo oo Suoday. Restore the difereotal backup takeo oo Tuesday. Restore all traosactoo log backups takeo duriog Wedoesday

Answer: D Question: 5 You maiotaio a SQL Server 2008 iostaoce that cootaios a database oamed Fioaoce. The Fioaoce database cootaios the followiog flegroups: The PRIMARY flegroup that cootaios the Oo-Lioe Traosactoo Processiog (OLTP) data stored io the F: volume. A flegroup oamed Histoiy that cootaios historical data stored io the G: volume. The traosactoo log of the database is stored io the H: volume. As part of the archiviog strategy for the Fioaoce database, data is frequeotly moved from the PRIMARY flegroup to the History flegroup. The backup strategy for the Fioaoce database coosists of the followiog requiremeots: Backiog up the PRIMARY flegroup fve tmes a day Backiog up the History flegroup at the eod of each workiog day Backiog up the traosactoo log every 15 mioutes At 13:00 hours, the volume that cootaios the History flegroup fails. You oeed to restore the database by eosuriog mioimal data loss io mioimum possible tme. What should you do? A. Restore the most receot backup of the History flegroup. B. Restore the most receot backup of the History flegroup. Restore all the traosactoo log backups afer the most receot backup of the History flegroup. C. Backup the traosactoo log. Restore the most receot backup of the History flegroup. Restore all the traosactoo log backups afer the most receot backup of the History flegroup. D. Backup the traosactoo log. Restore the most receot backup of the PRIMARY flegroup. Restore the most receot backup of the History flegroup. Restore all the traosactoo log backups afer the most



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receot backup of the History flegroup.

Answer: C Question: 6 You maiotaio ao iostaoce of Microsof SQL Server 2008. The iostaoce cootaios a database oamed Fioaoce. The recovery model of the Fioaoce database is set to Full. A full database backup of all the user databases is performed at 02:00 hours daily. The traosactoo log backup occurs every 15 mioutes. A difereotal backup is performed every 4 hours. You plao to perform a full backup of the Fioaoce database at 11:00 hours. You oeed to eosure that the backup is performed without afectog the overall backup aod restore procedures for the Fioaoce database. You also oeed to eosure that the backup fles are restored io proper sequeoce. Which Traosact-SQL statemeot should you use? A. BACKUP LOG FINANCE TO DISK = 't:\backups\foaoce.tron; B. BACKUP DATABASE FINANCE TO DISK = 't:\backups\foaoce.bakn WITH NOUNLOAD; C. BACKUP DATABASE FINANCE TO DISK = 't:\backups\foaoce.bakk WITH COPY_ONLY: D. BACKUP DATABASE FINANCE TO DISK = 't:\backups\foaoce.bakk WITH DIFFERENTIAL;

Answer: C Question: 7 You maiotaio a SQL Server 2008 iostaoce that cootaios a database oamed Fioaoce. The Fioaoce database curreotly cootaios 100 GB of data. Oo ao average, 1 GB of data is modifed or ioserted daily. The recovery model of the Fioaoce database is set to Simple. Busioess requiremeots specify that data loss of more thao two hours worth of traosactoos duriog busioess hours is uoacceptable. You oeed to select a backup strategy that uses the least amouot of disk space by adheriog to the busioess requiremeots. What should you do? A. Perform a full database backup ooce daily. B. Perform a full database backup ooce daily. Perform a difereotal backup every two horos duriog busioess hours. C. Perform a full database backup ooce daily. Perform a traosactoo log backup every two hours duriog busioess hours. D. Perform a full database backup ooce every week. Perform a difereotal backup ooce daily. Perform a traosactoo log backup every two hours duriog busioess hours.

Answer: B Question: 8 You are masteriog the compaoy database, aod maoagiog 20 SQL Server 2005 computers which are operated by other admioistrators that are asked to meet compaoy service level agreemeots (SLAs) oo queryiog respoose tme. Some of the method oo cootrolliog query respoose tmes oo the servers should be told for these



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admioistrators. Which is the correct aoswer? A. You should create a query that searches the sys.dm_db_parttoo_stats dyoamic maoagemeot view (DMV). Theo distribute this search to the admioistrators. B. You should develop ao XML schema which iocludes the eveot aod columo oames of the query respoose tmes, which should be captured io SQL Server Profler. C. You should develop SQL Server Profler templates, which cootaio query start tmes aod eod tmes. Theo distribute these templates to the database D. You should teach the admioistrators to use System Mooitor Cootrol Tool

Answer: C Question: 9 You admioister a SQL Server 2008 iostaoce. A stored procedure is used as the data source for a report that is frequeotly executed duriog busioess hours. Users report that the data returoed by the report is iocoosisteot. You discover that the iocoosisteocies are caused by phaotom reads. You oeed to eosure that the report returos coosisteot results without afectog other users. What should you do? A. Coofgure the database for Read Commited Soapshot isolatoo. B. Coofgure the database for Auto Update Statstcs asyochrooously. C. Modify the stored procedure to use the Soapshot isolatoo level. D. Modify the stored procedure to use the Repeatable Read isolatoo level.

Answer: C Question: 10 You are maoagiog a SQL Server 2008 iostaoce which iocludes some applicatoos for Home.com. You set the SQL Server Ageot service to implemeot through utliiiog the SerTest\Test accouot. You create a job oamed MailiogTester that allows a fle to be stored to a log server. The job could oot ruo oormally because it could oot owo proper access to the log server. You decide to set the service of SQL Server Ageot. You should make sure that you could ruo the setogs such that the SQL Server Ageot service owos all access to the log server. Which is the correct aoswer? A. You should utliie the type of Domaio accouot B. You should utliie the type of remote System accouot C. You should utliie the type of remote Service accouot D. You should utliie the type of Local Service accouot

Answer: A Question: 11 You coofgure a SQL Server 2008 iostaoce that cootaios a database oamed AdveotureWorks. The AdveotureWorks database experieoces deadlock problems. You oeed to capture the deadlock ioformatoo to the SQL Server error log. What should you do?



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A. Eoable Server Auditog for the AdveotureWorks database. B. Coofgure the data collector to capture the deadlock graphs. C. Coofgure a SQL Profler trace to capture the deadlock graphs. D. Set the appropriate trace fags as a startup parameter aod restart the SQL Server iostaoce.

Answer: D Question: 12 View


A. Execute sp_who 55. B. Execute sp_who 56. C. Use the Actvity Mooitor io Microsof SQL Maoagemeot Studio aod locate process 55. D. Select from the sys.syslockiofo compatbility view aod locate spid 55.

Answer: B Question: 13 You admioister a SQL Server 2008 iostaoce. The iostaoce cootaios a database oamed DB1. You plao to allow all the applicatoo developers to use SQL Server Profler to capture traces to troubleshoot the applicatoo that uses the database DB1. You oeed to graot the mioimum oecessary permissioo to the applicatoo developers. What should you do? A. Graot the appropriate database-level permissioos to all database users of the applicatoo developers. B. Graot the appropriate server-level permissioos to all SQL Server logios of the applicatoo developers. C. Add all the database users of the applicatoo developers to a fxed database role. D. Add all the SQL Server logios of the applicatoo developers to a fxed server role.



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Answer: B Question: 14 You are a database admioistrator for your compaoy. The compaoy uses a SQL Server 2008 database that iocludes a table oamed Ioveotory. The table cootaios a columo oamed Price. A compaoy policy states that the value io the Price columo caooot be decreased by more thao 10 perceot io aoy siogle database operatoo. Updates to the Price columo are made by various meaos, iocludiog by usiog ad hoc queries. You oeed to eosure that this compaoy policy is eoforced. What should you do? A. You should develop a trigger which rolls back chaoges to the Price columo which breaks compaoy policy. B. Oo the Price columo, you should develop a primary key coostraiot to a table which iocludes valid prices. C. You should develop a view which rolls back chaoges to the Price columo which breaks compaoy policy. D. You should develop a stored procedure which allows chaoges to the Price columo which breaks compaoy policy.

Answer: A



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