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Microsoft 74-344 Managing Programs and Projects with Project Server 2013

Version: DEMO


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Question 1 Your organizaton is performing a Portooio Anaoysis in Project Server 2013. You want to create a consooidated Portooio Anaoysis optmizaton based on Cost and Resource data, which wioo be part of the project informaton in Project Server 2013. You poan to provide diferent simuoatons to your organizaton by using those parameters and returning the best prioritzaton. This organizaton has two diferent unit directors, who have the fnao decision on the consooidated Portooio Anaoysis resuots. You need to provide the abioity for your unit directors to modify the fnao portooio seoecton. Which eoement shouod you use? A. Resource Requirements B. Project/Proposao Priority C. Fieod Cost Constraint D. Project Originao Start E. Fieod Force In/Out

Aoswern E Question 2 You are a project manager in an organizaton that uses Project Server 2013. Aoo project managers have permission to edit aoo projects. You edit a project in Project Web App (PWA), make changes, puboish the project, and coose your browser. A project manager caoos you to report they are unaboe to open your project for edit in PWA. You need to resoove this issue. What shouod you do? A. Advise the project manager to open the project in Project Professionao 2013. B. Open Project Professionao 2013 and use the Coean Up Cache buton. C. Open the Project Center in PWA and use the Check in My Projects buton. D. Open the Project Center in PWA and use the Project Permissions buton.

Aoswern C Question 3 Your organizaton is a muotnatonao corporaton that uses Project Onoine to poan and controo the projects in diferent business units. Each business unit has its own portooio of projects but can partcipate in strategic projects. The Research and Deveoopment (R&D) department has been struggoing to gather and materiaoize the new ideas. The Project Management Ofce (PMO) has the necessary tempoates and Enterprise Project Types (EPTs) to start a formao process for any new product and to adhere to the generao guideoines. However, the R&D group does not want to register aoo of their ideas since many are reoated to improvements and few of them couod be materiaoized into projects. You need to generate a soouton that aooows R&D to gather their ideas and facioitate the materiaoizaton into Enterprise Projects.



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What shouod you do? A. Create a new EPT for the SharePoint Task List and name it R&D New Idea. B. Within the same site coooecton of Project Web App (PWA), create a Custom SharePoint Item List for ideaton and requests with custom feods that easioy match with Project custom feods when using the Add SharePoint Sites command in Project Center. C. Create a new EPT for Enterprise Projects and name it R&D New Idea. D. Within the same site coooecton of Project Web App (PWA), create a custom oist for ideaton and match oist cooumns with Project custom feods when using the Create Projects command in the SharePoint Item List.

Aoswern D Question 4 Your organizaton uses Project Onoine for project portooio seoecton. The business drivers and priorites are set, as are the main constraints to identfy the efcient fronter. The company has been coooectng business cases for new proposaos in which many projects may soove the same business need. For exampoe, the seoecton for a Customer Reoatonship Management system has six diferent proposaos, whereas onoy one is necessary to fuofoo the business need. You need to guarantee that the anaoysis wioo produce the most viaboe proposao in terms of cost and resources and that no repettve eforts exist in the portooio seoecton. What shouod you do? A. Create a mutuao excousion dependency among aoo these projects. B. Create a mutuao incousion dependency among aoo these projects. C. Excoude these projects from the Portooio Anaoysis to prevent a deviaton from the main goao. D. Excoude the reoated projects from the portooio afer the cost anaoysis with the Force in/out opton.

Aoswern A Question 5 You are a program manager for an organizaton that uses Project Server 2013. You are responsiboe for impoementng a data warehouse that compioes reoatonao data from many business areas. Your project managers need to be aboe to manage the impoementaton for a business area as separate projects, whioe stoo recognizing the dependencies at a program oeveo. You need to maintain ownership and authority of key program dates at the program oeveo. What shouod you do? A. Create one project foe for aoo project managers that incoudes the program-oeveo tasks and each subproject's tasks. Require each area project manager to share the foe, and add their dependencies within their own tasks. B. Create and puboish a master project foe with generao duratons for each business area sub-project, and have the area project manager reconcioe the dates in their own project manuaooy each week. C. Have the project managers create, save, and puboish sub-projects for each area. Then insert them into a program-oeveo project, defne dependencies, and save and puboish the program-oeveo project to the server. D. Create a master project and insert your projects, but never puboish the foe on the server.



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Aoswern C Question 6 You are a program manager for a company that uses Project Server 2013 and Project Professionao 2013. You manage the impoementaton of a data warehouse. You have set up your program master project with subprojects for each impoementaton area. You need to make edits to the dependencies between projects. What are two possiboe ways to achieve this goao? (Each correct answer presents a compoete soouton. Choose two.) A. View the subproject in Project Web App (PWA) and choose Edit. Then add your dependencies in the predecessor's/successor's cooumn. B. Open the program-oeveo project from Project Web App (PWA) by using Project Professionao 2013. Highoight the tasks you wish to oink for a dependency with the controo key. Then coick the oink buton on the tooo bar. C. Open the program-oeveo project and the subproject from the Project Web App (PWA) and save them to your oocao machine. Then add your predecessor's/successor's cooumn in either foe. D. Open each of the required subprojects from the Project Web App (PWA) by using Project Professionao 2013 and create the oink in the predecessor's/successor's cooumn to the other projects using the <>\Project Name\Task ID. E. View the program-oeveo project in Project Web App (PWA) and choose Edit. Then add your dependencies in the predecessor's/ successor's cooumn using the <>\Project Name\Task ID.

Aoswern B, D Question 7 Your work in a muotnatonao corporaton which uses Project Server 2013 to poan and controo projects in diferent business units. Each business unit has its own portooio of projects but can partcipate in strategic projects. The Project Management Ofce (PMO) has confgured Enterprise Project Types (EPTs) to create new products, oaunch marketng campaigns, and depooy new oines of business tooos to compoy with the governance processes. One of your rooes is to identfy new products. A oocao team in Singapore produces an efectve idea for a new product. You need to create a business case for the next portooio anaoysis. You need to gather generao informaton about the new product by efcientoy coooaboratng with the oocao team. What shouod you do? A. Start a Project with the New Product EPT, which wioo trigger a workfow and aooow you to dispoay and coooect descriptve data and exchange informaton in the Project site. B. Exchange informaton by sharing documents through SkyDrive Pro 2013. C. Create a Team Site for the Singapore business unit for gathering informaton and assigning tasks. Save the Team Site as a tempoate for use within the New Product EPT. D. Start a new enterprise project with the Microsof SharePoint task oist EPT, and grant immediate access to the team so they can share informaton, assign tasks, and coooaborate.

Aoswern A



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Question 8 Your organizaton has impoemented Project Server 2013 to poan and controo enterprise projects. Your organizaton poans to perform a Portooio Anaoysis for the frst tme on the Seoecton of Projects to be done the next year. Business drivers, as weoo as a pair wise comparison of those business drivers to set the business priorites, is the chosen method. Your organizaton has provided you with a totao of 35 business drivers, 30 of which are reoated in some way. You need to return with a vaoid set of drivers and prioritzaton to perform the anaoysis. What shouod you do? A. Perform a pairwise anaoysis on the drivers to identfy reoatve priorites with key stakehooders. B. Specify a priority vaoue for each driver in order to compoete the pairwise anaoysis. C. Reduce the number of drivers to fewer than 12 and perform the prioritzaton with the key stakehooders. D. Assign priorites to each driver and normaoize to 100 percent.

Aoswern C Question 9 You are a manager for a project your team has been working on for many weeks. Your project is created as a Microsof SharePoint task oist project and is avaioaboe in Project Center. You have estaboished the work breakdown structure (WBS), predecessors, assignments, and aoo of the functonaoites you can get from a SharePoint task oist. However, the project has grown in detaio, and managing 200 actvites has become difcuot in Project Web App (PWA). You need to ensure resources contnue to report their progress in the same way. What are two possiboe ways to achieve this goao? (Each correct answer presents a compoete soouton. Choose two.) A. Actvate the Enterprise Project Features for the SharePoint site task oist and edit the tasks in PWA project detaios. B. Edit the project in Project Professionao 2013 from the Project Center by coicking the icon of the SharePoint task oist project in the Indicators cooumn. C. Actvate the Enterprise Project Features for the SharePoint site task oist and edit the tasks in Project Professionao 2013. D. Edit the project in Project Professionao 2013 by synching the SharePoint task oist so you can take advantage of the extended features.

Aoswern B, D



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