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We make children’s dreams come true

there! We’re so glad you’re holding our brand new Clavis catalog! Making books and sharing them with you is our passion. We feel honored to be able to make a difference in children’s lives all over the world, offering them – together with you - little treasures to learn from and to enjoy. The treasure chest you’re reading now is filled with beautiful new gems: from heartwarming toddler books and fun picture books to exciting and blood-curdling novels! Enjoy! And let’s keep making children’s dreams come true… together! Subscribe to our newsletter Contact us Check out our backlist Lise Merken lise.merken@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 99 56 Jing Wang jing.wang@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 99 57 Nele Mathé nele.mathe@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 99 55 Jana Versée jana.versee@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 98 72 Wout Nelissen wout.nelissen@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 99 52 Jill Stevens jill.stevens@clavisbooks.com
1 p 2 Clavis Picture Books p 22 Seasons p 22 So many emotions p 34 Fantasy p 50 Fun p 59 Adventure p 73 Together Non-fiction p Clavis Novels p

Clavis Toddler

Every child loves to read and even babies and toddlers can enjoy warm stories and beautiful images. But in this case the books have to suit their needs and they have to fit in their tiny little hands. That’s why the titles in our toddler line are tailormade for the little ones: with recognizable themes, rich language, fun characters and firm pages.

Board books to discover the world

furniture? What do you call different pieces of clothing?

Vacuums, guinea pigs, t-shirts, cows, lamps, dogs, pants, horses, and much more to discover in these beautiful board books by bestselling author Liesbet Slegers.

160 x 160 mm

12 months and up

12 spreads

3 Clavis Toddler

Little Furry Friends.. All Together Now! Tame Animals

Little Furry Friends.. All Together Now! My Emotions

Playful interactive books filled with movement in our bestselling Furry Friends series.

How do you smile? How do you frown? And how do dogs and cats sound? Dance, play, and shout with the Furry Friends!

4 Clavis Toddler
More baby books by Federico Van Lunter My Body Wild Animals

Head, shoulders, knees, and tail. Play along with the furry friends in these interactive stories filled with movement and fun.

The life of toddlers is filled with firsts. How does a normal day go? Or a special day like a birthday? Discover it with the Furry Friends.

Books for older readers and concept books of the Furry Friends are also available. See pages 26 and 65!

5 Clavis Toddler
Furry Friends. All Together Now! My Birthday
Furry Friends. All Together Now! My Day
160 x 160 mm 12 months and up 10 spreads + cover

Grow Panda Grow

A sweet and heartwarming story about little animals growing into their bigger counterparts.

Baby animals are still very small but grow up quickly. In fact, all it takes is for you to shout ‘grow, grow, grow’. Do you want to try it?

6 Clavis Toddler
More baby books by Guido Van Genechten Look at That! Farm Animals Look at That. Wild Animals Grow Kitty Grow Already published in 8 languages!
210 x 220 mm 12 months and up 12 spreads + cover

Billy’s Birthday

Billy’s Round Belly

Educational and cheerful board books in which Billy the elephant explores the world around him.

Billy the elephant loves life. Every day he encounters something new. Like a birthday party or a feast. Will you go exploring with him?

More baby books by Mack van Gageldonk

Hundred Kisses Before Bedtime My Little Wonder. Welcome Sweet Babies

7 Clavis Toddler
and up
spreads + cover
Translated into 15 languages

Nora in Winter

A happy toddler book about getting introduced to winter.

It’s winter and Nora is feeding the birds. Brrr, it’s so cold outside. There even is ice on the doorstep. Together with Bibi the doll, Puss the cat and Bandit the dog, Nora has some winter fun.

Hardcover with round corners

185 x 185 mm

18 months and up

24 pages

8 Clavis Toddler

Nora in Spring

After winter, Nora is in need of some warmth. So go with her to the season in which everything

Nora feels the sun on her face. The butterflies are fluttering, the birds chirp, and the lambs bleat. Together with Bibi the doll, Puss the cat and Bandit the dog, Nora has some spring fun.

9 Clavis Toddler
Also starring Nora Nora and the Easter Eggs Nora at the Zoo

Little Penguin. Playing on the Ice

Series already published in nine languages!

An interactive book for parents and toddlers to read together, with a focus on language development.

Little Penguin has the funniest adventures on the ice. Little Seal teaches him to dive, Little Whale shows him that even bigger animals exist, and Mommy teaches him to fly through the water. Every cool story comes with a big search image

10 Clavis Toddler

Little Kangaroo. Playing in the Sun

Another interactive book in our Little Animals series. This time in the hot Australian sun.

Little Kangaroo has adventures with his friends

Little Koala and Little Possum. They explore their tails. They play hide-and-seek. And they search for the color blue. Every story comes with a big search image and a funny puzzle.

Series counting 8 titles with more to come

More books in this series

Little Bear. Playing in the Snow Little Goat. Playing at the Farm

11 Clavis Toddler

Eating, Playing, Sleeping on the Farm

A cheerful book filled with games and stories about animals who live, eat, play, and sleep on the farm.

Many farm animals live on the farm. They eat hay, play in the meadows and sleep in the barn.

210 x 220 mm

30 months and up 12 spreads + cover

Series counting 5 titles with more to come

Also in this series

Eating, Playing, Sleeping in the Fores

Eating, Playing, Sleeping under the Sun

13 Clavis Toddler

Kevin in Traffic

Kevin and

neighbor Katie have starred in over 60 stories.


book that explains traffic in a fun

Kevin is on a trip to visit his uncle Ahmed near the beach. First, his mom and he travel by bicycle, then by train, then by tram, and finally, they have to walk a bit. While traveling, Kevin learns everything there is to know about traffic. What a fun day!

You can find concept books of Kevin and Katie on pages 60 and 61.

14 Clavis Toddler
Hardcover with round corners Muffin’s VegetabLe garden

Wooly Learns English. Search Along at Home

A fun search book that will help you learn English!

Wooly goes into the different rooms of his home and searches for all kinds of things there. Can you help Wooly find the things he needs? In return, he will teach you how to say the names of those

15 Clavis Toddler

Anna Takes Care of the Birds

A wintery story about taking care of the birds in the garden.

It’s winter and it is cold outside. Anna is going to feed the birds in the garden. She does so every day. Anna puts the birdfeed on the feeding tray. The birds get seeds and dried insects. That’s their favorite meal! It’s fun to take care of the animals in the garden!

Part of our n° 1 bestselling series in Belgium and the Netherlands!

16 Clavis Toddler
210 x 220 mm 30 months and up 32 pages

Anna’s Big Winter Book

A fun and educational winter concept book with Anna.

Discover the world of winter with Anna. It is freezing outside and snow is falling. That’s exciting. It is cozy and warm inside. Winter really is a special time.

17 Clavis Toddler

Anna at the Bakery

A cheerful story about a visit to the bakery for

Anna and Mom need to go to the bakery to get some bread. Oh, it smells so nice there. That makes Anna very hungry.

18 Clavis Toddler
Hardcover with rounded corners

Anna’s Big Spring Book

A fun and educational spring concept book with

Discover the world of spring with Anna. It is getting warmer outside. The sun is shining and the birds are waking up. Anna can’t get enough of spring and all its smells, colors, and sounds.

19 Clavis Toddler

210 x 220 mm

30 months and up

32 pages

Anna in Winter On Your Potty, Little Rabbit Anna and the Chocolate Easter Bunny Anna Throws Away Her Dummies Hardcover with rounded corners Anna in Spring

Anna merchandise

As the most popular character in our local market, it is only natural that Anna is also the star of some of the products in our Clavis Joy line.

four different puzzles available

21 To ddler
Anna stickers Anna’s puzzles Anna’s Bedtime, Mealtime and Emotion Calendars


With sunglasses on your nose or winter gloves on. Between the falling leaves or the singing birds . . . We read all year long!

Felix Fox and Friends. Ready for Winter

Start of a new series!

A recognizable and fun story about waiting for the first snow and discovering winter in the meantime.

Felix Fox is ready for winter. He wants to build snowmen, throw snow balls, and make snow angels! But… not a snowflake is falling from the sky. That doesn’t matter to Felix Fox and his friends. You don’t need snow to have fun.

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

23 Seasons

Ribbit Is Ready for Winter

The fifth title in the adorable Ribbit series is all about waiting for winter.

Mommy says that winter is coming. Ribbit can’t wait and quickly puts on his winter clothes. With his sled and shovel, he runs outside. But… where is the snow?

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

Other books starring Ribbit

24 Seasons
Ribbit Hops into the Fall Ribbit Always Has a (Good) Idea

Simple Gifts

A heartwarming story about the coziness of Christmas and the most beautiful gift in the world:

The animals in the forest are busy preparing for the Christmas party. They all have their own talents: Bear prepares soft moss, Squirrel gathers nuts, Deer makes apple juice, Fox bakes a delicious pie and Owl writes a poem. And Rabbit? He doesn’t know yet. But he will come up with

More merry Christmas titles

Santa’s Year

25 Seasons
A Purrfect Christmas Santa’s Present Hunt Published in 9 languages!

Furry Friends. Arthur Celebrates Christmas

A sweet story about discovering your own talents, feeling good and, of course, Christmas.

It’s Christmas! Everybody helps to make it a big party. But what should Arthur do?

Will he bake cookies? Will he decorate the tree? Will he provide gifts? Or will he do all of the above?

250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

More books in the Furry Friend series for 3+

26 Seasons
Furry Friends. Emma’s First Day of School Furry Friends. Olivia Goes to the Beach

Christmas Fun

Fox, Mouse, Raccoon and Owl will now explore the holidays!

An interactive picture book about a cheerful Christmas party.

Fox, Mouse, Raccoon and Owl are looking forward to Christmas. They want to decorate their beautiful Christmas tree. There is so much to do… They have to hang the balls, garlands, lights and more. Will you help them?

27 Seasons
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

Easter Fun

Fox, Mouse, Raccoon and Owl have starred in 6 titles and more is to come!

An interactive picture book about our cute friends celebrating Easter.

Fox, Mouse, Raccoon and Owl are counting the days to Easter. They look for eggs in all the colors of the rainbow. But the eggs are well hidden. Can you help them look?


3 years and up

32 pages

Also in this series

Spring Fun Summer Fun

28 Seasons

Peep. It’s Easter

A simple but cheerful Easter story that will help you explore all the aspects of the Easter holiday.

Far far away, in a little house in the middle of a green forest, lives the Easter Bunny. When it’s almost Easter after a long winter, he gets to work.

290 x 210 mm

3 years and up 32 pages

A classic in a new rabbit’s coat

Other festive titles by Liesbet Slegers

29 Seasons
Santa Claus and the Christmas Mice The Easter Bunny and the Chicks

Luke and Lotie. Spring Is Here!

A classic resized to be bigger and better!

A cheerful and simple story for spring lovers everywhere.

It’s spring! Luke and Lottie are playing in the garden. The trees have new leaves and the birds are building nests. But… who’s that tweeting in the bushes? A fluffy, yellow chick! Will you help Luke and Lottie to find its mother?

Learn to garden with this Luke and Lottie calendar

Also starring Luke and Lottie

My Gardening Calendar

30 Seasons
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages
Luke and Lottie and Their Vegetable Garden

Ian and Sarah Celebrate Easter

A happy story about Easter, animals and playing games. For Easter bunnies both big and small.

Today is a special day because it’s Easter. In class, Ian and Sarah play fun games and make Easter decorations. Then the Easter Bunny visits the class and takes all the kids to the park. There they see lambs and chicks. Do you think there will be Easter eggs too?

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

Other eggcellent Easter titles

Lotta and the Easter Bunny The Easter Bunny’s Present Hunt

31 Seasons
Ian and Sarah have gone on 26 adventures already!

Willow & Warren Let Everything Run Wild

An adventurous story about taking care of nature that combines learning and fun. This book contains 80 types of animals and plants!

Warren is relaxing in his backyard until a loud noise disturbs him. Together with the adorable creature Willow, he flees into the woods. They discover many plants and animals there and learn that nature takes care of itself.

Start of a new series for lovers!nature

33 Seasons
210 x 290 mm 5 years and up 40 pages

So Many Emotions

How are you feeling today? Children face many different situations and so many unknown emotions. Books help children recognize and name their feelings and discuss them in an easy, safe, and playful way. Angry, happy, or sad? It’s okay to feel this way.

Monster Mo Doesn’t Like It

A recognizable story about a toddler that doesn’t want to eat what his parents made.

Mo is usually a sweet boy. But today he is a werewolf monster, and those don’t like to eat toast or fruit. What can Mom and Dad do to make their little monster eat?

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

Also starring Monster Mo

Monster Mo Is Angry

35 So Many Emotions

Travel along to the big city in this adventurous story about letting go and making new friends.

Julia the squirrel finds a beautiful red hat with her name stitched on it. Julia is so happy, but the hat is not really hers. She decides to go on a quest to reunite the hat with its owner in the big city.

Robin’s Christmas Journey Fireflies

A Forest Full of Music

A happy book about discovering unexpected talents just when you think you don’t have any.

Toby dreams of singing with the birds. But when he finally does, everyone runs away because his singing is terrible. Disappointed, he runs into the forest. There he learns that you don’t need to be able to sing to make music.

210 x 290 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

37 So Many Emotions

Paisley’s Big Birthday

A sweet story about a big, little rabbit that can’t wait to grow up.

Today is Paisley’s birthday… or maybe it isn’t? She still can’t do the things that a big girl should be able to do. She still can’t read that well or jump that high, and she has to remain in the same class. When do you really grow up?

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

the same illustrator

Scared of the Big Wolf

39 So Many Emotions

Healthy Minds. The Together Tree

Fifth title in the Healthy Minds series

A touching tale about how groups that are very different are still equal.

“WE have dots and THEY have stripes, and we DON’T LIKE each other.“ This mentality has defined the two bird groups for years. But when a natural disaster destroys their homes, they learn that they might not be that different after all.

In the series Healthy Minds, author Adam Ciccio examines daily obstacles and the mental health of young children. Through a familiar story and helpful tips, which the author draws from his own experiences, children and adults gain insight into what goes on in young minds.

Previously published in this series: The Boring Book (about ADHD), Goodbye, Balloon (about letting go), A Thought Is Just a Thought (about anxiety), and Beelieve (about courage).

40 So Many Emotions
Hardcover 250 x 260 mm 4 years and up 32 pages

Hurry Up, Snail

A fun story about daring to go slow in a fast world.

Snail is traveling slowly and steadily, which is just the way he likes it. When the ants need to pass him, an obstruction is created. Centipede knows the solution, they need to create a second lane and everybody has to travel faster and faster. But is going fast always a good idea?

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

41 So Many Emotions

What Do You Think? Brave or Scared?

What Do You Think? is our series that makes all emotions and situations discussable. This title is about all the situations that make you feel scared or brave.

Sophie has to bring a package to her neighbor but is scared of his big dogs. Igor is scared of thunder. Achmed has to say sorry. What do you think? Are they brave or scared?

42 So Many Emotions
210 x 290 mm 5 years and up 32 pages Also in this series
What Do You Think? Honest or Dishonest?
Do You Think?
or Not?

Leroy, King of Lions

A heartwarming picture book about being yourself and a stuffed lion with a brave heart.

The life of Leroy the stuffed lion is beautiful. He goes everywhere with his human and gets many hugs every day. That is until he sees a documentary about wild lions on TV. Is Leroy’s life too domesticated? What would it be like to live like a real lion?

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

43 So Many Emotions

Watch Out for Puck!

A funny story about a poisonous frog that is just a little bit too toxic.

Puck never smiles, is rude and gets angry easily. Puck thinks that a poisonous frog is supposed to be this way. But one day, the other animals call him out on his behavior, which makes Puck sad. With the help of a duckling, he learns the value of being nice.

44 So Many Emotions
250 x 260 mm 5 years and up 32

Hearts with a Kiss

A collection of recognizable, touching and funny stories and poems for every day.

Puck and Eagle live in two homes. They live sometimes with their daddy and most of the time with their mommy. Wherever they are, adventures are assured. They laugh, cry, fight, and can be naughty, nice or angry. But they like each other and their parents a lot (most of the time).

260 mm

5 years and up pages

45 So Many Emotions

A story about learning to be yourself, even when your environment doesn’t support you.

Ravens are supposed to be black, but Raffa was born with colored feathers. Mom and Dad are embarrassed and paint Raffa’s feathers black. Raffa feels like an outcast until he meets a new friend who shows him a different, more colorful way of living.

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

46 So Many Emotions R
a f f a

The Butterfly Effect

A poetic story about how everything is connected and the impact your choices have on others.

A butterfly crashes into a bee. Without the butterfly knowing, this sets a chain of chaotic events in motion on the farm.

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

47 So Many Emotions

No One Like Grandma

A picture book filled with colorful and nice-smelling memories.

Grandma has made more memories than you and I together. Grandma was once a baby, then a girl, and finally a woman. She carries her whole life with her everywhere she goes. Grandma smells nice. She smells like… Grandma!

210 x 290 mm

5 years and up 32 pages

More books to read with your grandma

I Love You, Grandma My Grandma Is a Superhero

49 So Many Emotions
Dancing with Grandma


Fly on the back of a dragon, visit a distant planet, rescue a clumsy prince from a tower, or travel to the future. Anything is possible in your imagination . . . and in a book!


A funny story about the strongest animals in the animal kingdom… and a little mouse.

Who is the king of the animals? The strong lion? The big elephant? The scary crocodile? WRONG! It’s the mouse… thinks the mouse.

51 Fantasy

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

An Leysen’s fairy tales have been published in 19 languages!

A beautiful edition with two stories: a classical fairy tale and a fun adventure with the seven dwarfs. With games and riddles.

One day, a beautiful princess is born: Snow White. Every day, her stepmother looks into a magic mirror to hear she is the most beautiful. Until, one day, the mirror says that Snow White is prettier than her. From that moment on, the queen tries to plan Snow White’s demise. That’s how the girl ends up with the seven dwarfs. Can they save her? In the second part of this story, the dwarfs go on their own adventure. A wonderful new story about seven little friends who make the world of Snow White even more magical.

52 Fantasy

The Tin Soldier

Another beautiful title with two stories: a classical fairy tale and a surprising new adventure with the characters of the story.

The living room is filled with toys but one corner draws the tin soldier’s attention. There is a dancer with one leg dancing in a paper house. When the toys come to life at midnight, the soldier and dancer get sucked into an unexpected adventure.

Seven fairy tales available with more to come

53 Fantasy
More fairy tales by An Leysen Beauty and the Beast The Nutcracker
5 years and up 56 pages
250 x 260 mm

Eri Wants to Be a Unicorn

A special picture book about discovering who you are and what you can do.

Eri the hedgehog doesn’t feel good about himself. He has sharp spines and because of that everyone stays away from him. Or, at least, so he thinks. If only he was a unicorn… A magical animal like that would have lots of friends. But then Eri discovers that the other animals like him for who he is.

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

54 Fantasy
Mr. Sandman Is Upset Finch Is Scared of Heights

Paper Boat

An imaginative story that takes you on a dreamlike journey.

A special paper boat takes a girl and her dog on a wonderful journey. They sail under the water, on the clouds and catch a wave of stardust. Will you sail along?

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

56 Fantasy
discovered by Key Colours New Talent

Phil in the Clouds

A gorgeous book that stimulates the imagination.

Phil loves clouds. He can lay in the grass and watch them float by for hours. One day, while hiking in the woods, Phil discovers a stairway into the clouds. He climbs it to find the castle of clouds.

290 mm 5 years and up 48 pages

58 Fantasy


With all these textbooks trying to teach children things, we sometimes forget that reading can also be fun. So sit back, relax, and read.

Let’s Go, Dragon! Kevin’s Big Book of Knights

An imaginative picture book filled with knights, dragons and castles.

How did knights live? Kevin takes you on a magical journey of exciting tales and interesting trivia. Are you brave enough to get your knight diploma?

60 Fun

Ship Ahoy! Katie’s Big Book of Pirates

Kevin and Katie have been published in 20 languages!

You can find pirates, sailors, monsters, treasures Katie’s Big Book of Pirates.

How does one become a pirate? Katie takes you on a maritime journey filled with tales of piracy, sea chanties and interesting trivia. Are you brave enough to get your pirate diploma? Aye, matey!.

Other big concept books about Kevin and Katie

61 Fun
Hello, Dino! Kevin’s Big Book of Dinosaurs Meow! Katie’s Big Book of Animals Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! Katie’s Big Book of Fairy Tales
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 56 pages

I Won

Original edition was published in 9 languages!

A restyling of our most exhillirating bestseller. Get emerged in the exciting race between the animal friends.

Three… two… one… GO! The race has started. Who do you think will win? The fire truck? The tricycle? The race car? Read, laugh and find out!

Cooperative game for up to four players.

Board game also available!

62 Fun
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

The World of Worm. Numbers

A playful look and point book that will introduce you to the numbers.

Today, Worm is going to the beach. What does he see on the way there? He sees one dinosaur skeleton, two carrots, three baby mice,… and much more! Worm can count to five already. He can also imitate the numbers with his flexible body!

Series already sold to Brazil, China, Denmark, Italy, South Korea, Turkey, and Taiwan!

Worm’s other educational adventures

63 Fun
The World of Worm. Colors The World of Worm. Shapes
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

Furry Friends. Everyone on the Road. Vehicles

A playful concept book filled with cars and cute, animalistic drivers!

A garbage truck, a food cart or a submarine… What are they for? And who are the drivers? Together with Emma, Louis, Olivia and Arthur, you will discover the most fun vehicles. Ready to go on the road?

65 Fun
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 56 pages

Playing with Shapes

A cheerful and educational board book with colorful shapes that can transform into the wildest figures.

Did you know that you can combine basic shapes into wild animals?

66 Fun

Playing with Letters

A cheerful and educational board book with colorful letters that can transform into the wildest

Did you know that you can combine basic letters into wild animals?

and up cover

67 Fun

Is That Possible? Books on the Roof

First title in a new series

A hilarious search book with many surprises on every page. Nothing is the way it seems.

Are your eyes deceiving you? Are there fish in the window? Is that hedge made of legos? Is that woman walking a pig? The longer you look, the more things will seem out of place in the house that seemed so normal at first glance.

260 mm 5

and up 32 pages

68 Fun

All Dogs!

A funny picture book with two cats and a lot of Kitty has never seen a dog. Cat will explain what they look like. Some are big, others are small. Some are bald, others are very hairy. Actually, they all look very different … But one thing is for sure. They’re all dogs!

4 years and up

The Yippee Stick I Have a Better Idea

69 Fun

What’s for Din-Din Tonight?

A fun book filled with food to laugh yourself hungry.

What’s for din-din tonight? Maybe a noodle sweater or ketchup lipstick? Or would you rather have a game of egg snooker? No, let’s have a sandwich sword fight. So delicious…

71 Fun
250 x 260 mm 4 years and up 32 pages discovered by Key Colours
New Talent

The Way of Monsters. A Real Mess Monster

A funny first part of a new series called The Way of Monsters. Every title in this series will focus on one monster-like behavior, like making a mess, stealing candy, cheating in games and much more…

Roki is a Mess Monster because everywhere Roki goes, a mess appears. This title is all about the fun of making a mess and the horror of having to clean it up.

250 x 260 mm 4 years and up 32 pages

72 Fun


Life is an adventure and so are books. These stories are all about exciting chases, dangerous expeditions, and situations that will put you on the edge of your seat.

Wrestlers of the Grassland

A picture book filled with big grasslands, the power of teamwork and the forces of nature..

On the Mongolian plains lives a boy who has one goal in life: to become a wrestler of the grassland. In spring he lifts sheep. In summer he battles bulls. In fall he runs with horses and in winter he fights wolves. Will he ever be strong enough?

New Talent

74 Adventure
260 mm 5 years and up 48 pages discovered by Key Colours

Code Breaker Charlotte

A surprising picture book about history, science,

Charlotte likes to solve hard puzzles. On her tenth birthday, she is taken on a mysterious trip by her grandma. They have to crack a lot of codes and Charlotte learns about her grandma’s important role in the Second World War.

New Talent

discovered by Key Colours

76 Adventure

The Big Shrinking Spell

A funny book about how peculiar ordinary things can be when you look at them from a different point of view.

Oh, dear! When Witch Hannah casts a spell to shrink some herbs, she accidentally drops her wand. She and her kitty have been shrunk themselves! The garden looks so different when you’re the size of a bug. It looks like a jungle!

More books in this series

78 Adventure
260 mm 4 years and up 32 pages
Clavis Ratna Kusuma Halim Ratna Kusuma Halim De bloemetjesheks Heksje Hannelore is uitgenodigd voor een ijsjesfeest! Op de uitnodiging staat dat ze haar vrolijkste bloemetjeskleren aan moet trekken … maar ze heeft alleen zwarte jurkjes, zwarte hoedjes en zwarte laarsjes! Wat nu? Een grappig en magisch boek over nieuwe dingen proberen, over volhouden én over ijsjes eten! Voor heksen en tovenaars vanaf jaar.
The Broken Broom The Flower Witch

Hugo the Hippo. Adventure on the Nile

An exciting quest that takes you on a trip through Ancient Egypt.

Every day, Hugo the hippo takes a morning swim in the Nile. One day, she notices that the Nile is unusually quiet. The whole city is looking for princess Kiya who has disappeared. Hugo and his friend Ibi don’t have to think twice about helping out.


and up 210 x 290 mm

40 pages

79 Adventure


Books bring people together. Reading teaches us that we’re all different and all the same. With each reader, the world becomes a little more beautiful.

Bear and Squirrel don’t want to play with Fox and that makes him sad. Fox thinks that they might be too different to be friends. Luckily, Mommy knows a solution.

By Mark Janssen and Suzanne Diederen

81 Together
By the same illustrator
A Kiss for Giraffe Little Bear Wants to Grow Illustrated
Written by Judith Koppens
by Suzanne Diederen Little Bear Wants to GROW Koppens & Diederen
A sweet story about a friendship that lasts, even when the friends are very different.

Trybear Has a Sleepover

A funny and comforting book about spending the night at grandma’s and grandpa’s house.

Such a fun day! Today you get to have a sleepover at grandma’s and grandpa’s place. Exciting, isn’t it? But don’t be scared, Trybear. I’ll explain everything to you.


250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages


So exciting. Maybe it’s time for your first sleepover, doctor visit, school trip… Whatever your adventure might be, Trybear comes along. But he tries it out first. So you both can comfortably do something for the first time.

82 Together

Trybear Goes on a School Trip

A funny and comforting book about going on your first school trip.

Such a fun day! Today you get to go on a school trip. That’s making a trip with the whole class. Exciting, isn’t it? But don’t be scared, Trybear. I’ll explain everything to you.

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

83 Together

I Will Catch You

much easier when you do it together.

Oh no! Bear is stuck in the tree. His best friend Mouse knows the solution. He will just catch Bear. But is that such a good idea?

84 Together

The Very First Kiss

very first kiss ever is now available as a board

Some start feeling warm, others start to float. You have those whose hearts start beating faster and others feel butterflies all over their bodies. Whatever happens to you, we can all agree that kissing is the best feeling in the world. But who Original

86 Together
edition published in 14 languages!

Dario’s Violin

A colorful picture book about the connecting power of music.

Dario plays for the whole street. Both happy and sad tunes. Usually playing comes naturally to him. But now he can’t manage to make his violin sing. And tragedy never strikes once as the magical scissors of the hairdresser also aren’t working. And today is the day of the block party.

290 x 210 mm

4 years and up

40 pages

87 Together

Big Panda and Little Panda

A sweet story about the relationship between big adults and little kids. Panda hugs all around!

This is Little Panda and he woke up early. He runs up and down the hill, jumps like a frog and flutters like a butterfly. And there is Big Panda. Together, they play all day, every day.

88 Together
235 x 325 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

Lion Heart

A sweet story about a mouse that conquers his biggest fear to help others. Even mice can have a heart the size of a lion.

Leon is a mouse with a big heart. When one day a woman loses her keys, Leon brings them back. Because the woman loses things all the time, Leon has to help her more and more often. When he and the woman encounter danger on the streets of Venice, it is up to Leon to save the day.

210 x 290 mm

5 years and up 40 pages

89 Together

Lena’s Favorite Sweater

A recognizable story about learning to share. Sharing makes both you and others happy.

Lena has a favorite sweater. It is very special because Grandma made it. No one is allowed to touch it. But when one day, mysterious holes appear in her sweater, Lena goes on a journey

Other books by bestselling author Ellen Delange

91 Together
Lissy’s diary the WaLL of Mr. Mo
Bahasa, Danish, English, Korean,
and Romanian!
recommendations 2021
Translated into
White Ravens list of

Little Tractor Learns to Share

Little Tractor has been on 8 adventures with more to come!

A sweet book about a little tractor that has a big heart and learns to share.

Little Tractor returns home after a beautiful spring day to find that two swallows have built their nest in his garage. Now he has to share his home… Will that lead to conflict?

92 Together
Hardcover 250 x 260 mm 5 years and up 32 pages

Little Tractor Is Sick

A beautiful book about being sick and feeling better with the help of your friends.

Little Tractor isn’t feeling well. His headlights are red, his exhaust pipe is leaking and his motor is overheating. It’s clear: Little Tractor is sick and has to rest. He doesn’t want to do that as he has a fear of missing out on all the fun things that happen on the farm.

Also starring Little Tractor

93 Together
This series has been published in 12 languages!
Little Tractor and the Baby Deer Little Tractor Is Brave

Taking Care

Global superstar Piglet is back with two new stories!

Piglet is back with a new story about taking care of each other unconditionally.

Piglet finds a baby hedgehog at the edge of the forest. He decides to take care of it. But in all his enthusiasm, Piglet forgets to take care of himself. Luckily, his friends are there to lend a helping hand.

210 x 290 mm 4 years and up 32 pages

94 Together

The Winner Is…

Piglet is back with another new story about winning and losing. The biggest prize of them all is friendship.

Piglet has made a beautiful painting. He is so happy with it that he submits it to a competition. Then the unthinkable happens, Piglet’s painting is destroyed. Luckily, his friends are there to lend a painting hand.

Also about Piglet

Party for Everyone Just for You

95 Together
Series published in 15 languages!
210 x 290 mm 4 years and up 32 pages

Just Like Owl

Boris the fox is back for his third adventure filled with humor and friendship.

There is a beautiful red balloon hanging very high in the tree. Boris and his friends can’t reach it, even when they jump or stand on each other’s shoulders. If only there was a way to reach it… But, wait a moment, can’t owl get to it?

210 x 290 mm

5 years and up

40 pages

More books in this series

It Started with No Always Moonday

96 Together

Just One Pebble

A heartwarming true story about a boy that changed a lot of lives for the better with one good idea.

One day, Braeden sees a homeless man sitting on the side of the road. “Someone has to help him!” he cries out. “That’s true,” says Mom, “but you are someone.”

Braeden hadn’t thought of it like that. He devises a plan to help…

Translated into Bahasa, English, Korean, Romanian, Simplified Chinese and Slovenian!

97 Together
250 x 260 mm 5 years and up 32 pages

Ricky is back for his 16th adventure!

and daydreamers!

Ricky and Daddy are building a rocket. Once it is done they name it the RIDA I. With the astronaut’s suit that Mommy made, Ricky is ready to travel

98 Together

Ricky is proud to present his merchandise line!


Stuffed toy

Stickers Memory game

99 Together

The Green Maowusu

An inspiring story about never giving up and living in harmony with nature.

Bao Ri grows up in the Maowusu desert. It’s not an easy life but she tries her best to live it to the fullest. Through perseverance and wittiness, she convinces the town to transform the desert slowly into a green grassland.

290 x 210 mm

6 years and up

32 pages

New Talent

discovered by Key Colours

100 Together

A Jar Full of Love

A heartwarming picture book about friendship and being vulnerable.

Dog has a jar in his paws. He calls it a jar full of sweet things. Fox doesn’t understand, the jar is empty. That is until the animals of the forest fill it with sweet notes. But one day the jar goes missing…

210 x 290 mm 5 years and up 32 pages

101 Together

A recognizable story about the border between playful teasing and harmful bullying.

Pio and the parrots give all the other birds funny nicknames. After a while, some of the birds start to get annoyed with the jokes. Time to stop, thinks Peacock Pio because he doesn’t like bullying.

More books in this series

102 Together
Peacock Pio and the Owlet


To all little (and bigger) readers out there, the world is an open book. Some adventurers get on a ship and others dive into a story. Our non-fiction titles enlarge your world, because reading in itself is a voyage of discovery.

Social values

Young children are introduced to different social values like respect, loyalty, honesty, patience and politeness when they interact with others. The series Me, You and Us. Social Values helps them with the first introduction with the help of tailormade books. They help children develop their social skills in a playful way.

Me, You &Us

Me, You and Us. Social Values. I Can Wait. Everything About Patience

An educational story about two very important skills: patience and flexibility.

The series Me, You and Us helps to teach children social skills with tailor-made books. This title is all about patience, self-control, organizing, perseverance, respect, humbleness and flexibility.

Also in this series

Me, You and Us. Social Values. Will You Come Along? All About Friendship


105 Non-fiction
250 x 260 mm 4 years and up 40 pages

Hide and Seek

A book about the marvelous camouflage techniques that animals possess. For eagle-eyed detectives.

Is this just a tree, or is there a cricket hiding on that leaf? Is that a bird hiding in the reeds, or is it just the wind moving the reeds? Some animals are so great at hiding that you almost can’t see them.

106 Non-fiction

Butterflies in Your Belly. I Say No and That’s Okay

A recognizable, educational, and funny book about learning to set boundaries and naming

Not everyone likes the same things and that’s a good thing. Imagine if everyone thought, felt, and acted the same. The world would be such a boring place. Sometimes managing all the different personalities around you can get confusing. How do you know what someone else wants and doesn’t want? And what if you don’t like something? It’s always good to talk about your feelings. Even

In Your Bel yl Children and sexuality


Small Hearts and Big Feelings

107 Non-fiction

Want to Know. Birds

Want to Know. Living in the World

Informative picture books about the different birds and homes you will find all over the world.

Are birds really the last living dinosaurs? And does my home look like yours? You’ll find the answers to these questions and more in these picture books in our bestselling Want to Know series.

Our Want to know series contains 62 titles with more to come!

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages with one fold-out page

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages with one fold-out page

108 Non-fiction

Want to Know. From Past to Future

An informative picture book about the big historical periods in European history.

Have you ever heard of Ancient Egypt or the Middle Ages? Do you know which came first? You’ll find the answers to these questions and more in this picture book.

More books in this series

109 Non-fiction
The Romans The North Pole and the South Pole Pierre Winters & Margot Senden The North Pole and the South Pole Want to know The North Pole and the South Pole Wa nt to know th w rd d Wa nt to know Wa nt to know or h ry do a do
Hardcover 250 x 260
years and up 32 pages with one fold-out page Amazing

A sensitive picture book about depression with with an expert and games.

Alex’s mom has been very sad lately. She is quiet, doesn’t eat much and isn’t sleeping. The doctor says Mom has a depression. Alex has a hard time understanding that. Does Mom not like him anymore? Of course, she still likes him. She’s just having a hard time showing it right now.

About high sensitivity BAN D -AID
to come Non-fiction
If I Can’t Blow Bubbles About asthma
Warm Home
Series counting 18 titles with more

How Does It Work? Technology at Home. That’s

How Water Comes out of the Tap

How does it work? Get ready to study common objects in an uncommon way!

How does a tap work? And how does it stay cool inside the refrigerator? Through funny short stories and detailed technical drawings with explanations, children learn about objects they see or use in everyday life in this book.

Want to Know. The Bicycle Want to Know. Electricity

111 Non-fiction
250 x 260 5 years and up 48 pages

Super Animals. Climbers

Series published in 13 languages!

112 Non-fiction

Animals. Builders

Other Super Animals!

Super Super Animals. The Loudest Super Animals. The Largest Super Animals. Travelers

I Spy with My Little Eye. Why Do Dogs Have Tails?

Every day you encounter things you want to know more about. This series provides answers that are both clear and surprising. This title is about all the questions you may have about your pets.

Why do cats have whiskers? How do you know if an egg contains a chick? Why do hamsters sleep all day? All the animal questions you might have get answered in this book.

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

Also in this series

Why Do Bruises Bruise? Who Cleans the Dirty Train

114 Non-fiction

Reading pleasure

Learning to read is important for your development, but it’s also just plain fun. Our publications for beginning readers focus on reading pleasure. Reading is fun, and so is learning to read!

©2022, Clavis Publishing, picture by Bente Pompen

Early Reader

This section is all about stories for beginning readers, with a focus on reading pleasure.

©2022, Clavis Publishing, picture by Bente Pompen

Learn to Read and Count with Jana and

story about nature, search games that make reading even more fun. For beginning readers to read together with a co-reader or to read all by themselves.

The Big Mountain is down in the dumps. Because everyone wants to get to the top first. But people leave a lot of trash behind. That’s how the Big Mountain gets destroyed. And the animals no longer feel at home either.So the Big Mountain sinks deeper and deeper. But Jana and her dinosaurs come to the rescue!


Also in this series

117 Early Reader

The Fairytale Forest of the Bookfairy. The Goblins Go Overboard

Enter the first imaginative and funny adventure of the Bookfairy.

The enchanted forest is not only the home of the Bookfairy and her friends but also of the goblins Gob and Lin. They find it very funny to tease others. But the teasing goes too far. Way too far. So far that it’s not teasing anymore, but bullying. When enough is enough, the Bookfairy comes up with a plan that the goblins won’t soon forget…

118 Early Reader
195 x 254 mm 6 years and 72 pages, 4.070 words LEARN TO READ

Henrietta and the Tomcat

In the seventh part of the Heroes of the Past series, a girl shows great courage and perseverance during the Second World War.

When Henrietta’s parents are arrested by the Germans, she is given an impossible task. How does she keep two English pilots, who hid her father, out of the enemy’s hands? Luckily, she still has her ginger tomcat Don, who gives her all the courage she needs to not give up, even when all seems lost.

Series counting seven titles with more to come.

Curious about the other heroes of the past?

119 Early Reader
Trassus and the Lion Metzi and the Eagle
145 x 210 mm 7 years and up 64 pages, 10.271 words
Maran and the Orangutan

Rip and Rash. Gardener Nettles

Rip and Rash: a little bit creepy and a big bit funny.

Welcome to the garden of Nettles the gardener. It’s both the only and the most beautiful garden in all of Brimstone City! Enjoy all the weeds, nettles and, of course, carnivorous plants.

145 x 210 mm

7 years and up 80 pages, 4.800 words

More Rip and Rash

120 Early Reader
Rip and Rash. Dentist Biteman Rip and Rash. Miss Spider

Rip and Rash. Hairdresser Scissors

Books for ages 10 and up are also available in this series!

The official card game of the international bestseller

121 Early Reader
Hotel Hotchpotch

Reading together with Felix and Lily. Poopy, Whoopee!

An imaginative story to read with one or more children.

Maybe you’re not reading very fluently yet. Maybe you rather daydream or play. Then that’s probably because you don’t know that reading is a lot like playing, singing or blowing bubbles. It’s something that becomes more fun the more you practice! In these three stories (one of which is about Poopy the cockatoo), you will soon find out how simple letters can make a world of difference.

122 Early Reader
195 x 254 mm 6 years and up 64 pages, 4.500 words By
Super! Oblivion Soup LEARN TO READ Sold to China, Iran and Russia

Middle Grade

Children develop, and so do the books that they read. Our middle-grade books focus on fun adventures and stories about friends, emotions, being a child, and all other things children can relate to and fall in love with.

Perfect for kids that want to start their reading journey or for those who are already on it.

©2022, Clavis Publishing, picture by Bente Pompen


The third book in the series The Secrets of Treasuredam is about keeping your footing and making choices in life.

“Help me!” whispers someone to Star in her dreams. Could it be Dad? She hasn’t seen him in a few years. Or is it Ali, the refugee whom she’s helping at school? With the help of Noah and Sparrow, Star discovers that an even bigger secret is hidden in the woods of Treasuredam.

145 x 210 mm

8 years and up

120 pages, 23.432 words

Also in this series

124 Middle Grade
Griebel Flyfast

The Extraordinairy Life of Benjamin Socks

An extraordinarily funny fantasy story about being who you truly are.

Benjamin Socks ends up in the washing machine. Colored laundry set to sixty degrees. Afterward, he is crisp and clear. In his head, too. So clear that he knows where the crooks are. He becomes the talk of the town. He ends up on a mountain where he predicts like crazy. Only, Benjamin isn’t happy with his new life. Luckily, he gets an idea, a very crazy idea…


Other books by Lorena Veldhuijzen

The Something The Winner of Big Fortune

125 Middle Grade
Hardcover 145 x 210 mm 8 years and up 64 pages, 12.262 words
to Korea

Puck the Small the Big. The Magic Show Full of Sorcery and Tricks

A ridiculously funny book about friendship, perseverance…and magic!

‘Welcome to my magic show!’ With these words, Puck wants to start her performance. In two weeks, there will be a talent show at school and Puck is going to win it for sure. She just needs to come up with a magician’s name, find an assistant, and come up with a trick…Oh, and she needs to find out why bully Fleur opposes her so. Luckily, she gets help from her friends Toby and Jasmine, because together they can do everything. Hocus-watch-out-pocus!

145 x 210 mm

8 years and up

96 pages, 16.880 words

126 Middle Grade
From the duo that brought you Brimstone City

Lúcia Flores and the Mysterious Gift Factory

An adventurous new story in the wonderful world

Lúcia Flores is in class when she hears something in the hallway. Abuelo Hugo needs her help again! She goes to check it out and discovers a big box with shiny wrapping paper. When Lúcia gets sucked in, her annoying classmate Dion accidentally travels with her to the Land of Donum. There, the big giftmaker is missing. Can Lúcia and Dion work together to find him in time?

words The third part of the bestseller series

Other books about Lúcia Flores

Middle Grade
Lúcia Flores and the Curse of the Carrion Beetles Lúcia Flores and the Haunted Funfair

Operation Flower District

A moving book that makes you think about the assumptions we have about each other and the choices we make.

Serkan’s mother is ill. He wants to help pay the medical bill, but he doesn’t have the money. The solution he comes up with gets him in trouble. Now he needs help himself. Who knows, maybe his environment understands him better than he

Middle Grade

Glorious Gymnastics. Rival

In the eighth part of the Glorious Gymnastics series, Nicky has to deal with a very special opponent: herself.

Top Spirit participates in the Gym Cup: a competition for young talent, in which a female and a male gymnast pair up. The preparations run anything but smoothly. The lovesick Marie can’t stop thinking about Lucas, Lottie receives too much attention from coach Leon according to Jill, and Nicky doesn’t feel comfortable in her own skin. All of the sudden, she no longer dares to perform a backflip or somersault. Does Top Spirit still stand a chance?

145 x 210 mm

9 years and up 200 pages, 42.000 words

More Glorious Gymnastics

129 Middle Grade
Medal Rain Podium Placae

Felina and the Missing Children

An adventurous fantasy story in which two worlds come together, no matter how different they may be.

On the isle of Yukonias rules a dictator: the Beak. To stay in power, he has all the children locked up. Fortunately, Felina manages to escape. When she reaches the beach, she meets Sven, who comes from a completely different world. Together they try to find the other children, but that’s easier said than done. Especially when Felina finds out she is not who she thought she was.

130 Middle Grade
145 x 210 mm 10 years and up 200 pages, 46.818 words

novel with

Twelve-year-old Bren travels with his uncle Waldo to Peru, the land of the Incas. They have to search for the lost professor Lingu, who has discovered an ancient secret. But the Peruvians want to keep their secret hidden at all costs and Bren is soon put in danger. Who can be trusted still? And what are those enormous drawings in the

131 Middle Grade
By the same duo The Mystery of the Red House

The Time-Eaters

A contemporary fairy tale about being under pressure and about what’s truly important to us.

Sten and Stan have been living on their mountain, where time seems to stand still, forever. They live there quietly and happily. But in the valley, they see increasing crowds. One day, a little boy comes to visit. He looks like a gnome…Or are they perhaps giants? And then, little gray figures appear, the Time Eaters, who nibble and gnaw on everything. When Stan goes to the valley and gets carried away by the crowds, time moves quicker than ever before.

More by this author Searching for the

132 Middle Grade
145 x 210 mm 10 years and up
pages, 18.600 words
Search Master

Trip Down Memory Lane

A fast-paced book filled with short fragments and illustrations in which the fantasy and reality of two

It’s a sullen day. The air is cold and humid. Gusts of wind torment traffic. A strong wind blows through the country. The trees on the roadside tighten their roots. The woman is standing there. In the middle of the road. A naked woman. Soaked. She has put a big towel around her. Cycle along with Nena and Nok on Sea-Beans-Lane and enter

Middle Grade

Ava Keeps Digging

The third book about Ava and her best friend Tom. An in-depth story about family history and slavery.

Ava notices that her mother doesn’t get along with her parents. She hasn’t seen her grandpa and grandma for a long time. She’s very curious about them. When Ava and her friend Tom go to the beach for the weekend and visit a maritime museum, they learn that an ancestor of Tom was brought to the Netherlands as a slave long ago. That family history turns out to be interwoven with Ava’s…

ISBN978-9044835830 Aaf vindt bij toeval een stapel weggegooide oude brieven bij het vuilnis. Van wie zouden die brieven zijn? En wat zou erin staan? Samen met haar beste vriend Tom gaat Aaf op onderzoek uit. Ze duiken in een bijzondere geschiedenis: het verborgen en geheimzinnige liefdesverhaal van iemand die ze maar al te goed kennen. Stiekem pluizen Aaf en Tom de hele kwestie tot op de bodem uit. Ze doen dingen die misschien niet helemaal mogen, maar ze hebben de beste bedoelingen. Uiteindelijk brengen de twee vrienden verleden en heden weer bij elkaar. Een leuk, spannend en lekker romantisch avontuur voor lezers vanaf jaar. Clavis Nienke Berends Marieke ten Berge Nienke Berends 134 Middle Grade
145 x 210 mm 9 years and up 88 pages, 17.883 words
other adventures Ava and the Letter Mystery Ava Goes Underground

The Future Is Ours. Young People Fighting for the Climate

An urgent and necessary book full of testimonies, expert insights, perspectives on the future and solutions that children can offer us.

Our climate is not doing well. On the news, you hear more and more often about forest fires, storms and floods. But we can be optimistic as young people across the globe are taking matters into their own hands. They go on strikes, join politics, plant trees or campaign. And whatever they can do, you can do too! Travel around the world in search of the causes and solutions to the climate crisis.

135 Middle Grade
195 x 254 mm 11 years and up 104 pages, 24.000 words

Counter Soccer

Sports writer Gerard van Gemert knows like no other how to bring soccer and adventure together

An important Champions League game on Crete is the reason for Interpol to give Steve and Storm an assignment. They have to keep an eye out for the perpetrator in a years-long missing-person case that still hasn’t been solved. When a young fan is kidnapped, the young soccer players know More in this series On the Edge of

136 Middle Grade
Offside Kick of Death

Battle for the Cup

A fun novel full of action and adventure.

Steve and Storm, two young soccer players from FC Rapitas, and their friends are involved in an intense battle with the Bulls, their biggest rival. The two teams have to compete in the soccer cup. But soccer is not their only concern: Steve and Storm are also fighting for friendship and

137 Middle Grade
Get a kick out of this restyling of our favorite

Not Another Story

An exciting story about how everything turns out fine, even if things don’t go the way you expected them to.

After his parents’ divorce, Boyd lives with his mother in a new neighborhood. There he meets the wonderful girl Elodie and her mother. The latter is a bit strange. She looks like a witch, but is she? His mother probably won’t believe him if he were to tell her. And she wouldn’t believe him at all if he talks about the pirates that are chasing him. She’ll think he’s making up stories again. But this time it’s real. Truly!

More by this duo Grassheavengreeny

138 Middle Grade
145 x 210 mm 9 years and up 136 pages, 28.003 words

Boobytrap Inc.

139 Middle Grade

Young Adult

A book isn’t just a book. It’s an adventure, a world of experience. And reading isn’t reading. It’s feeling tension, falling in love, laughing, and crying. Clavis Young Adult is meant for readers who know that.

The Pact

A thrilling mix between crime and Greek philosophy.

Godz is a sixteen-year-old boy and – more importantly – the son of an unemployed philosopher. To escape outside pressure, he makes a blood pact with his best friend: they will never think again. But then his father is found beheaded next to the abandoned theme park and a murderous gang absolutely wants him to know the Greek philosophers.

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult 368 pages, 97.745 words

More books by Wendy Stroobant

nichtje Sam bijvoorbeeld, die in het plaatselijke psychiatrisch centrum verbleven hee en zichzelf snijdt. Of boerenzoon Billy, die beweert zijn dode vader thuis in de diepvrieskist te bewaren. En dan is het Halloween. Wat staat Lena te wachten bij het nachtelijke, aan Teutates opgedragen bosspel? Een beklemmend verhaal over wraak,

142 Young Adult
Tightrope Walking Burn Mark Clavis WENDY STROOBANT WENDY STROOBANT Omdat haar vader na een auto-ongeluk in het ziekenhuis ligt, logeert Lena bij haar tante in Ravensdal. Papa jaren geleden uit zijn geboortedorp weggegaan en Lena snapt algauw waarom: in het bekrompen Ravensdal, waar van alles verzwegen wordt, aanbidden sommige dorpsbewoners nog altijd de wraakzuchtige Keltische stamgod Teutates. Lena vindt aansluiting bij het vriendenclubje van Tess en Roel. Net als zij staat ze wantrouwig tegenover Ravensdalse jongeren die zich vreemd gedragen. Haar
achterdocht en gekonkel dat de lezer tot het einde in spanning houdt. Voor iedereen vanaf 14 jaar. www.clavisbooks.com Joren werkt als tuinman bij de Woestenborgs, een wat vreemde familie met een strenge oma, een oom die dieren opzet en de tweeling Edith en Edward. Hij valt voor de charmes van Edith, maar waarom verlaat zij zelden het huis? En waarom heeft tante Anna haar eigen kamer terwijl ze allang overleden is? Of die stuntelige Edward. Zijn familie spoort hem aan zich wat stoerder gedragen, meer ‘mannelijk’. Maar is Edward wel een échte jongen? Een spannende en meeslepende young adult over familiegeheimen en over jezelf durven zijn. Wendy Stroobant koorddansen Clavis koorddansen Wendy Stroobant

Between Two Fires

First part of a new trilogy

A raw dystopian novel in which the magic of Disney gets a dark side...

In the year 2038, after hurricane Andrea destroyed the south of Florida, the 18-year-old Ayla and thousands of others are accommodated in one of Walt Disney World’s parks: Magic Kingdom. Living in an amusement park sounds like a fairy tale. Until there is a threat of food shortages and the Board of Directors lies about the true cause. Ayla is determined to find out the truth.

143 Young Adult
More books by Laura Diane Ivelle When Tomorrow Begins 304 pages, 73.382 words

Curse of the Shadows

The grim and heartbreaking sequel to Wings of Death is about unconditional love and learning to stand firm.

Brynn doesn’t feel at home anywhere and worries about her son. Little Rodion possesses a dangerous gift and magicians are being prosecuted. With the support of the king, she tries to secure his reputation and inheritance, but as soon as Brynn steps out of the shadows, she is confronted with rivals and untrustworthy nobles who do not want to bury the hatchet. A great discovery leads her to the bewitched town of Ebony Wood, where something evil lurks.

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult

456 pages, 100.995 words

Earlier in this trilogy

Wings of Death

144 Young Adult

Five Hours Before the Fire

Can you fight fire with fire? A burning thriller about revenge, love and wanting to turn back time.

When I woke up, I was simply at home in bed. At that moment, I couldn’t remember anything from the past couple of days. No robberies, no police… as if nothing had happened. It was March 22, 2016, exactly five hours before my parents would die. I had five hours to stop the murders from happening.

Share your stories

We want books by and for young adults. That’s why we started a writing competition last year for aspiring writers aged 12 to 18 years old. Three winners were chosen by a professional jury. They were each assigned one of our Clavis authors to make a novel out of their writing. These are their stories.

145 Young Adult
145 x 210 mm Young Adult 96 pages, 20.680 words More books in #Your Stories
Power Failure Code C Hunted
Books written by and for young adults

Combi Tickets

A bold and musical coming-of-age about breakups, festivals and friendship.

What do you do when you get dumped by your boyfriend in the middle of summer? Easy. A lot of partying, making music and making sure you become more famous than your ex. Or at least, that’s what Jules has to do if she is to believe her best friend Jessie. But maybe that’s not too sensible, because Jessie doesn’t tell her everything…

Another book by Rudi Verbunt

It’ll Be Alright

146 Young Adult

Floppy and the Oracle of Bruges

series, Floppy’s girlfriend Jacky takes the lead. A sappy and funny love

Together with his beloved Jacky, who has found her calling as a poet, Floppy leaves for the city. Through numerous detours and exciting encounters, they keep getting closer to their final goal: exposing evil. Until the Oracle of Bruges and her tarot cards make it clear that there’s a traitor in their midst. In this story, nothing is as it seems…

Previous adventures of Floppy

Floppy Sees the Light Floppy and the Order of the Armored Cruisers

147 Young Adult
www.clavisbooks.com P.P. Van Cauwenbergh P.P. Van Cauwenbergh Patrick Van Oppen Floppy Samen uit, samen thuis. We gaan er samen voor. We zijn vrienden voor het leven. Maar zodra de bel gaat, kunnen we elkaars smoelen niet meer zien of ruiken dan is het elk voor zich. Want ik ben op zoek naar de waarheid, zij spelen nog met Playmobil en Lego. En dat rijmt niet, probeer maar WaarheidenPlaymobil.Zoals gezegd: niet te rijmen. Dieter Floppy is de weg kwijt. Wie is hij? Waar komt hij vandaan? En wie kan hem de weg weer wijzen? Zijn ouders? Zijn vrienden? Zijn nieuwe leraar? Pastoor Von Apfelstrudel? Of een eenzame cowboy uit het Wilde Westen? Niemand lijkt echt geschikt, maar toch wordt onze held na elke ontmoeting wat wijzer en rijper. Misschien zijn vragen wel belangrijker dan antwoorden? Eengrappigmaardiepgravendverhaal,datleest alseenabsurderoadmovieoverallesenniets. Voorlezersvanaf15jaar. heeft het licht gezien Clavis

Blossom Fall

How far would you go under peer pressure? A thrilling coming-of-age story set against a mysterious Japanese background.

Mika and Haru both live in Tokyo. They carry the pain of a past event and meet each other through a creative online community. There they join the group of the mysterious Venom, whose father is a famous artist and has a new project about abandoned locations. Mika, however, discovers that there’s evidence of a chilling shadow project…

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult

200 pages, 44.916 words

148 Young Adult

Pearl and Tide

A fresh mix of a magical world and the everyday lives of teenagers, about being yourself, no matter how many contradictions are involved.

As long as she conceals her past and wears foundation over her gills, the fifteen-year-old Riv Dazzler is just a normal student at Chestnut High School. But when mysterious floods hit the city of Rotterdam, Riv fears that her hidden mermaid side is in danger. Together with her friends, she plunges into an adventure filled with dragons and dynasties, followed by a pair of green eyes…

145 x 210 mm

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The Shadow Chronicles. The Final Five

A chilling second part of the Shadow Chronicles series in which nothing is as it seems.

After the 2956 nuclear disaster, people and androids coexist in districts. When Eric flees by train after a failed burglary, he meets Mr. Johnson. He takes Eric to a safe place with the Elite in the countryside, where he stays along with four others and hunts in his spare time. But then it turns out that Johnson isn’t an ordinary hunter.

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult

200 pages, 43.637 words

150 Young Adult
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Hell Night

A blood-curdling supernatural horror that grips you till the end.

Netflix, pizza and secretly drinking rum cokes. Emma and her friends are having a chill evening, until, suddenly, unexplainable things start to happen. It starts quite innocently: the lights flicker and noises can be heard. But quickly, things become more intrusive and menacing, especially when an old lady appears in the house. Someone is targeting Emma. But why?

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Infinity. The Final Destination

The final part of the Infinity series, in which the well-known characters meet each other to unveil unresolved mysteries.

Britt and Benedict (from ‘Enigma’) are sent to Shang Tai, where the Xanthi live. Those Chinese immigrants just want to further explore the Milky Way. But during their mission, they pick up signals from the presumed lost Godavira. Not much later, the interplanetary traders, Lady Anxil and Aristid (from ‘Nomad’) discover that the Turing People are up to something. But don’t forget the Farr and the intelligent ship Infinity …

272 pages, 71.421 words

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152 Young Adult
Enigma. The World of the Kraken Nomad. Different Times

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Articles inside

Infinity. The Final Destination

page 154

Pearl and Tide

page 151

Floppy and the Oracle of Bruges

pages 149-150

Five Hours Before the Fire

page 147

Curse of the Shadows

page 146

The Pact

page 144

Not Another Story

page 140

The Future Is Ours. Young People Fighting for the Climate

page 137

Ava Keeps Digging

page 136

The Time-Eaters

page 134

Felina and the Missing Children

pages 132-133

Glorious Gymnastics. Rival

page 131

Lúcia Flores and the Mysterious Gift Factory

page 129

Puck the Small the Big. The Magic Show Full of Sorcery and Tricks

page 128

The Extraordinairy Life of Benjamin Socks

page 127

Reading together with Felix and Lily. Poopy, Whoopee!

pages 124-125

Henrietta and the Tomcat

page 121

Learn to Read and Count with Jana and

page 119

I Spy with My Little Eye. Why Do Dogs Have Tails?

page 116

Want to Know. From Past to Future

pages 111-112

Butterflies in Your Belly. I Say No and That’s Okay

pages 109-110

A Jar Full of Love

pages 103-105

Just One Pebble

pages 99-101

Hugo the Hippo. Adventure on the Nile

pages 81-84

The Way of Monsters. A Real Mess Monster

pages 74-75

Is That Possible? Books on the Roof

pages 70-71

Eri Wants to Be a Unicorn

page 56

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

page 54

No One Like Grandma

pages 51-52

Hearts with a Kiss

pages 47-48

Healthy Minds. The Together Tree

page 42

So Many Emotions

pages 36-38

Furry Friends. Arthur Celebrates Christmas

pages 28-30

Grow Panda Grow

pages 8-9

Board books to discover the world

pages 5-7
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