The best choice for toddlers
At Clavis, our focus is on what’s best for children. We believe that books play a key role in each new phase in life. Our toddler books are tailored for every stage from 0 to 3 and focus on the five most important themes: daily life, skills, emotions, the world, and language development. The age range and theme of every book in our toddler series can be found on the back cover in the form of a colored train.
The number of train cars indicates the age range:
The color of the train indicates the theme:
www.clavis-publishing.com for babies from 12 months from 18 months from 24 months from 30 months daily life skills emotions the world language development

Hi, friend!

A warm book about Immy and his sweet animal friends. For toddlers ages 12 months and up, with a focus on the child’s emotions.
Immy is still little, but he already has many friends. He pets the kitty, helps the snail, and feeds the duck. Will you come along to visit all of his animal friends?
Price: $9.95
Pub date: July 2025
isbn 9798890631473
Title: You’ve Got So Many Friends, Immy!
Series: Immy
Author-illustrator: Mack van Gageldonk (The Netherlands)
Ages 12 months and up
Board book 20 pages
Dimensions: 6.30 x 6.30
What can you do already?

A warm book in which Immy shows you all the things he can do. For toddlers ages 12 months and up, with a focus on the child’s skills.
Immy is still little, but he can already do a lot. He waters the flowers, builds a block tower, and puts on socks all by himself. Will you join Immy?
Price: $9.95
Pub date: July 2025
isbn 9798890631480
Title: Well Done, Immy!
Series: Immy
Author-illustrator: Mack van Gageldonk (The Netherlands)
Ages 12 months and up
Board book 20 pages
Dimensions: 6.30 x 6.30

My mom is a bookworm

A playful book about a mom with a passion. For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the world surrounding the child.
My mom loves books. She’s always reading—she’s the biggest bookworm there is! I like books, too. Together, we discover lots of fun stories. We go to the bookstore and library, and we read together all the time. Because the one thing she loves more than books is me!
Price: $13.95
Pub date: June 2025
isbn 9798890631428
Title: My Mom Loves . . . Books!
Series: My Mom Loves . . .
Author-illustrator: Nancy Kers (The Netherlands)
Ages 24 months and up
Board book 24 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 8.66
Working out with Mom

Price: $13.95

A playful book about a mom with a passion. For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the world surrounding the child.
My mom loves sports. She’s always moving and having fun! Together, we try out lots of different sports. When I grow up, I want to be just as strong and energetic as she is!
Pub date: June 2025
isbn 9798890631435
Title: My Mom Loves . . . Sports!
Series: My Mom Loves . . .
Author-illustrator: Nancy Kers (The Netherlands)
Ages 24 months and up
Board book 24 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 8.66

Splish, splash!
Also available in Spanish

isbn 9798890631664
Price: $15.95
A cheerful and familiar story about taking a bath. For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the child’s daily life.
To Leo, each day is a new adventure. Today, he had lots of fun playing outside. He jumped in rain puddles and got all covered in mud! Now it’s time to come in and take a bath. Leo knows what he needs: a washcloth, shampoo . . . and his bath toys, of course!
Price: $15.95
Pub date: June 2025
isbn 9798890630674
Title: Leo Takes a Bath
Series: Leo
Author-illustrator: Corlette Douglas (Brooklyn, NY)
Ages 24 months and up
Picture book 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 8.66

Big, little feelings

A cheerful and familiar story about being grumpy and having other feelings. For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the child’s emotions.
To Leo, each day is a new adventure. Some days are lots of fun, but other days he feels like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Why is Leo feeling so grumpy today? And how can he become happy again?

Price: $15.95
Pub date: June 2025
isbn 9798890630681
Title: Leo Wakes Up Grumpy
Series: Leo
Author-illustrator: Corlette Douglas (Brooklyn, NY)
Ages 24 months and up
Picture book 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 8.66

Enjoy your meal
Seriesalready 14publishedin languages!
In the same series

isbn 9798890630865
Price: $15.95 isbn 9781605379968
Price: $15.95
Rights already sold in 8 languages!
A silly story about choosing food and setting the table. For toddlers ages 24 months and up, with a focus on the child’s daily life.
Price: $15.95
Pub date: June 2025
isbn 9798890631572
Title: Eating with Lily and Milo
Series: Lily and Milo

Lily and Milo are going to eat outside together. There’s a table in the garden, but it still needs to be set. First, the friends look for a tablecloth, cutlery, and plates. Then, they pick fruit, bread, and vegetables. They put all of the items in their wagon. But where has all the food gone when they sit down at the table?

Author-illustrator: Pauline Oud (The Netherlands)
Ages 24 months and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 8.66


Come out, come out, wherever you are!

A cheerful book about the game of peek-a-boo. For toddlers ages 2 ½ years and up.
Drew and his stuffies love to play hide-and-seek. They hide under blankets, behind curtains, and more! Will you join them?
Price: $13.95
Pub date: June 2025
isbn 9798890631558
Title: Peek-a-Boo!
Author-illustrator: Guido Van Genechten (Belgium)
Ages 2 ½ years and up
Board book 20 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 8.66

Welcome, Little White Fish

A sweet and warm picture book about Little White Fish’s very first day. For little swimmers of all colors ages 2 ½ years and up.
In the Pacific Ocean, Little White Fish brings Mommy and Daddy lots of joy. They have fun remembering the day he was born and the friends who welcomed him to their underwater world.
Overcopies600.000 worldwide!sold

Series already published in more than 25 languages!
Price: $19.95
Pub date: July 2025
isbn 9798890631466
Title: Little White Fish Is Born
Series: Little White Fish
Author-illustrator: Guido Van Genechten (Belgium)
Ages 2 ½ years and up
Hardcover 24 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20
In the same series

Hip, hip, hooray!

Seriesalready 32publishedin languages!
Over1.8million copiesoftheLittle Mouseseriessold worldwide!
In the same series

isbn 9781605379975
Price: $18.95
Rights already sold in 9 languages!
A playful lift-the-flaps book that celebrates generosity and friendship. For party animals ages 2 ½ years and up.
Today is a special day. It’s Little Mouse’s birthday! He’s throwing a party and all his friends are coming. Little Mouse gets special presents from everyone. But he also has a present for his friends. A very big present . . .
Price: $19.95

isbn 9781605378466
Price: $18.95

Pub date: March 2025
isbn 9798890631541
Title: Happy Birthday, Little Mouse!
Series: Little Mouse
Author-illustrator: Guido Van Genechten (Belgium)
Ages 2 ½ years and up
Hardcover with flaps 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20

A fun family trip to a dinosaur museum. For dinosaur lovers and all other children ages 3 years and up.
Today, Luke and Lottie are going to a museum. Not just any museum. This one’s full of dinosaurs! Join them as they learn all about the tough T. rex, the tall diplodocus, and . . . giant dinosaur droppings?
Price: $19.95
Pub date: July 2025 isbn 9798890631527
Title: The Dinosaur Museum!
Series: Luke and Lottie
Author-illustrator: Ruth Wielockx (Belgium) Ages 3 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20

In the same series

isbn 9798890630988
Price: $18.95

isbn 9798890630063
Price: $18.95
Arrrrr, matey!

This fantastic pirate story with compelling music fragments by Beethoven is a tribute to childlike imagination and classical music. For fearless adventurers ages 4 years and up.
Sometimes, when Sofia lies in bed at night and closes her eyes, something magical happens: everything she imagines becomes real! Tonight, her room changes into a sea with waves as high as the walls. Tonight, Sofia is a pirate!
Price: $19.95
Pub date: March 2025
isbn 9781605376424
Title: Captain Sofia
Series: Classic Fantastic
Author-illustrator: An Leysen (Belgium)
Ages 4 years and up
Music book 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.05 x 9.45


This fantastic wizard story with compelling music fragments by Tchaikovsky is a tribute to childlike imagination and classical music. For brave magicians ages 4 years and up.
Sometimes, when Sofia lies in bed at night and closes her eyes, something magical happens: everything she imagines becomes real! Tonight, her room changes into a castle full of magic wands, cauldrons, and flying brooms. Tonight, Sofia is a wizard!

Price: $19.95
Pub date: March 2025
isbn 9781605377070
Title: Wizard Sofia
Series: Classic Fantastic
Author-illustrator: An Leysen (Belgium)
Ages 4 years and up
Music book 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.05 x 9.45

Go camping with Ruby

Scan the code inside the book to find fun activity sheets!
Rights already sold in 7 languages!
A sweet story about endless summer days and new friendships. For little campers ages 4 years and up.
Today, Ruby is going on vacation. She’s going camping for the first time. Will she miss home? And what can you do at the campsite?

Price: $19.95
Pub date: May 2025
isbn 9798890631442
Title: Ruby at the Campsite
Author-illustrator: Esther van den Berg (The Netherlands)
Ages 4 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.25 x 12.80

Too big to ride the bus
A humorous and wise book about friendship . . . and an elephant. For children ages 4 years and up.
It’s always peaceful in our city. Except for today. Because today, an elephant has suddenly appeared. Just like that. Out of the blue. In the street in front of Ben’s house. What on earth?
Price: $19.95
Pub date: March 2025 isbn 9798890631459
Title: An Elephant in Our City
Author-illustrator: Friederike Dammermann (Germany) Ages 4 years and up
Hardcover with jacket 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 11.42
Silver medal winner of the Key Colours Competition, 2022

An elephant or a vacuum cleaner?

An imaginative book that turns a regular living room into a wondrous zoo. For children ages 4 years and up.
When her dad is out shopping and her mom needs to get a bit of work done, a little girl is excited about having time to play. And when she invites a few special friends to come over and share a snack with her, an ordinary day turns into a wild adventure.
Price: $19.95
Pub date: April 2025
isbn 9798890630698
Title: A House Full of Animals
Author: Fatemeh Amiratashani (Iran)
Illustrator: Ghazaleh Bigdelou (Seattle, WA)
Ages 4 years and up
Hardcover with jacket 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 11.42

Kirkus Starred Review

Bang! Oops . . .

Also by this author

isbn 9781605379647

A book full of imagination and fun, but also full of mess and mischief. For children ages 4 years and up.
My dog, Smithy, is the best. We play lots of games together. Sometimes he wins, and sometimes I win. Sometimes we end up in a mess. But Mom doesn’t mind. Or does she?
Price: $19.95
Pub date: April 2025 isbn 9781605379746
Title: Smithy and Me
Author-illustrator: Darcy Day Zoells (Chicago, IL)
Ages 4 years and up
Hardcover with jacket 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20
And the winner is . . .

A playful story about a doggie that likes to steal the show but doesn’t really like to practice. For tail waggers ages 4 years and up.
Wizard is a show dog. He enjoys the applause when he shows off his tricks. But of course, those tricks don’t come out of nowhere. To perform them well, Wizard needs practice. Lots of practice. And sometimes he’d rather just romp around with his dog pals . . .
Price: $19.95
Pub date: April 2025
isbn 9798890630643
Title: Wizard’s Two Lives
Author: Ellen DeLange (Canada)
Illustrator: Janneke Kelderman (The Netherlands)
Ages 4 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 11.42

One unruly sheep

Baaaaaa-rilliant new book by
Guido Van Genechten
A funny story (and seek-and-find book) about a sheep who doesn’t always follow the crowd. For free spirits ages 4 years and up.
Sheep are herd animals. This means they all do the same thing at the same time. They eat and leave droppings together. They sleep, dream, and run together. And together, they watch the passing train. They do so every day. All together. Isn’t that right, Scout? . . . Scout?
Price: $19.95
Pub date: April 2025
isbn 9798890631510
Title: What about Scout?
Author-illustrator: Guido Van Genechten (Belgium) Ages 4 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 11.42 x 8.27

Also available in Spanish

isbn 9798890631688
Price: $19.95
An incredible train ride

atdiscoveredtalent the AcademyDreamClavis

Look for Dax in the humorous, exciting, and absurd railroad cars in this original seek-and-find book. For inquisitive detectives ages 5 years and up.
Max gets on the train, but his dachshund Dax is faster! Max searches for his dog in the many different railroad cars. He looks in the circus car, the swimming pool car, and even the pirate car! Can you find Dax?
Price: $19.95
Pub date: April 2025 isbn 9798890631497
Title: Where’s Dax in the Train?
Series: Where’s Dax?
Author-illustrator: Delano van der Geest (The Netherlands) Ages 5 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 11.42 x 8.27

A heartwarming act of friendship

A touching story about the gift of friendship in every season. For children ages 5 years and up.
Millie has gorgeous hair. It’s useful, helpful, and fun! Her best friend, Chloe, agrees. Millie should never cut it! Until Chloe ends up in the hospital with cancer. When Millie notices that Chloe has lost her hair during treatment, she doesn’t hesitate to help.
Price: $19.95
Pub date: May 2025
isbn 9798890631503
Title: Don’t Cut My Hair!
Author-illustrator: Bheng Pay (UK)
Ages 5 years and up
Hardcover with jacket 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20

Never stop hopping
New series aboutchildren’smentalhealthby therapist Adam Ciccio

A heartwarming story about conquering depression with the support of caring friends. For frogs and friends ages 5 years and up.
Jeff used to be a happy frog. He loved hopping from lily pad to lily pad with his three friends, Dominic, Fred, and Alice. But when his best friend, Dominic, suddenly moves away, Jeff feels so sad that he loses his hop. Can his friends find a way to help Jeff jump again?

Price: $19.95
Pub date: May 2025
isbn 9798890630667
Title: The Lost Hop
Series: Jeff the Frog
Author: Adam Ciccio (Marblehead, MA)
Illustrator: Natallia Bushuyeva (France)
Ages 5 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20
Crying is okay

A comforting story about accepting feelings and letting them go. For children ages 5 years and up.
My name is Sadness. I might visit when it’s gloomy or gray. But you also might see me on a beautiful day. I’m here sometimes, but I don’t stay. Just give me a chance, and listen when I say: Everyone cries! And that’s okay.
In the same series

Price: $19.95
Pub date: May 2025
isbn 9798890630421
Title: Everyone Cries
Series: Healthy Minds
Author: Adam Ciccio (Marblehead, MA)
Illustrator: Barbara Bongini (Italy)
Ages 5 years and up
Hardcover with jacket 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20

Creepy-crawlies on a mission
A sweet and informative picture book about the important little critters that live all around us. For nature friends ages 6 years and up.
When a little toy mouse is accidentally left in the grass after playing with her human friend, she discovers the hidden world of insects and other tiny creatures. Her new friends tell her all about how they help keep the world healthy.
Price: $19.95
Pub date: March 2025
isbn 9798890631534
Title: Bugs Buzz
Series: Animals in Need
Author: Ellen DeLange (Canada)
Illustrator: Malgosia Zajac (Poland)
Ages 6 years and up
Hardcover 40 pages
Dimensions: 8.27 x 11.42

A magical flame

The timeless classic The Tinderbox in an imaginative new edition, with beautiful illustrations. For all readers ages 6 years and up.
“One, two, one, two!” One day a soldier is proudly marching home when he encounters a witch. “Oh, soldier!” she cries. “If you can get my tinderbox out of this hollow tree, I’ll give you all the money you want.” The soldier doesn’t have to think twice. He lowers himself into the hollow tree and ends up in a magical adventure.
Price: $21.95
Pub date: May 2025
isbn 9798890631596
Title: The Tinderbox
Series: Story Gems
Author-illustrator: Sara Ugolotti (Italy) Ages 6 years and up Hardcover 48 pages
Dimensions: 9.25 x 12.80

Piece of cake

This STEM book is a additionmust-have collection!toany
With invaluable summaries and examples to teach and learn about math, covering essential topics like fractions

A hilarious comic that shows how much fun math can be. For math fans and non-math fans ages 7 years and up.

Farmer Ed brings Sheep, Chicken, and Goat a chocolate cake. Delicious! But hold on, it’s not a circle or rectangle, like most cakes. Dividing this cake is going to be tricky. Luckily, Goat has the solution. If the cake is cut in half, Goat gets one half and Sheep and Chicken share the other half. Easy peasy, milk and cheesy! Or is there a better way?
Price: $19.95
Pub date: July 2025
isbn 9798890630285
Title: The Cake Problem. Equivalent and Simplified Fractions
Series: Hilariously Simple Math
Author: Bill Wise (Gorham, ME)
Illustrator: Davilyn Lynch (Australia)
Ages 7 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20

Shoot and score
Over copies45,000 soldProfessionsofourseries in the States!United
An enlightening and informative book about soccer players and what they do. For sports enthusiasts ages 4 years and up.
Soccer players train every day with their team. They need to eat healthy food, exercise, and get lots of rest to stay in shape. Whenever there’s an important game, the soccer stadium is filled with fans. Every top team wants to be the champion and win the trophy.
Rights already sold in 10 languages!
In the same series

Price: $19.95
Pub date: July 2025
isbn 9798890631565
Series: Professions

Title: Soccer Players and What They Do

Author-illustrator: Liesbet Slegers (Belgium)
Ages 4 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20
isbn 9781605379630
isbn 9781605378602

The best animal mommies

A gorgeous picture book filled with animal facts and warm fuzzies! For curious explorers who are wild about their moms, ages 5 years and up.

Rights already sold in 7 languages!

A sleepy baby gorilla likes to snuggle, while a cheeky baby bear wants to play. See these baby animals interact with their moms and learn what their lives are like. You’ll soon discover they love their moms, just like we do!
Price: $19.95
Pub date: May 2025
isbn 9798890631411
Title: Wild about Mom
Author-illustrator: Jessie Jans (Belgium)
Ages 5 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.25 x 12.80
Scan the code inside the book

In the freezing cold

Two books in one!

A unique book about the South Pole and the North Pole that can be read along two sides. For little scientists ages 5 years and up.
The southernmost part of the world and the northernmost: How alike are they? It’s very cold in both places, but there are big differences as well. Come along on a journey to explore these special habitats of penguins and polar bears.
Price: $20.95
Pub date: March 2025 isbn 9798890631404
Title: The South Pole and the North Pole. Two Books in One
Author: Li Rongbin (China)
Illustrator: Juliana Motzko (Brazil)
Ages 5 years and up
Hardcover 2 x 24 pages
Dimensions: 9.45 x 9.84

Incredible talents in nature
In the same series

isbn 9781605379876
Price: $18.95

A wondrous journey through the fantastic world of nature. For children ages 6 years and up.
Could you take a nap while standing? Or taste with your feet? Some animals and plants can! Animals and plants can do countless remarkable things that people could never do. Within these pages, you’ll learn about 11 animal and plant species and their extraordinary abilities: mountain goats, starfish, chameleons, armadillos, horses, cheetahs, giant anteaters, houseflies, sharks, oak trees, and algae.

Price: $19.95
Pub date: April 2025
isbn 9798890630629
Title: Can You Hide Like a Chameleon?
Fun Facts about Extraordinary Animals and Plants
Series: Could You? Some Do!
Author: Karen Koepcke Morgan (Monument, CO)
Illustrator: Nelke Roose (Belgium)
Ages 6 years and up
Hardcover 32 pages
Dimensions: 9.84 x 10.20
Do you want to play a game?
Spot the ten differences.


Beautiful bestsellers in bilingual editions
Arabic + English Russian + English Ukrainian + English

isbn 9798890630537
Paperback 24 pages

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Paperback 24 pages

Paperback 24 pages

isbn 9798890630551
Paperback 24 pages
isbn 9798890630544
Paperback 24 pages

Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890630490
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890630483
Paperback 32 pages

Little White Fish
Little White Fish Has Many Friends

Arabic + English Russian + English Ukrainian + English

isbn 9798890630391
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890631183
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890630339
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890630377
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890631169
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890630315
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890630384
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890631176
Paperback 32 pages

isbn 9798890630322
Paperback 32 pages

Magnet Box Little White Fish


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