Brand Art Direction

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Brand Promotion

Paul Richardson

t he c at h ous e . o rok o nui trust . caroline basset jewellery design

Basset tessaB


Basset tessaB

E S T. 1 9 7 3

li fe i nsu r anc e . bir d productions . woven 22 textiles

s u sta i nab l e g o ver nance . environmenatl agency . bc

o2 art cafe . victoria . bc

gr e en p eac e in ternational . wellington . nz

gr e en p eac e in ternational . wellington . nz

raffels design school . hanoi . vietnam

design your life + design

+ fashion

+ marketing

+ business

+ raffles

r a ffe l s d e sig n school . hanoi . vietnam

raffles oman opens 2011!

sp e ak c omm unication . vancouver . bc

speak without wordspeak greater than speak intelligence speak resilience speak quietly speak unity speak freely speak this way speak exuberance speak is what we o speak without words speak greater than speak inteligence speak resilience speak uietly speak unity speak freely speak with ut wordspeak greater than speak this way eak exuberance speak is what we do best


speak do

speak do speak do

sp e ak c omm unication . vancouver . bc

think design

ree l ea r th f ilm fes t iva l . wellington . nz

ree l ea r th f ilm fes t iva l . wellington . nz

a ppa r el a rt d ire c tion: firebreed surf apparel . bc

m o pu n k . ri de de funk . vancouver . bc

m o pu n k . ri de de funk . vancouver . bc

b oar d st upid

surf + skate . bc

bo a rd s tupid

surf + skate . bc

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