Inspiration Case 15: Mobile Health Clinics

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INSPIRATION CASE 15: MOBILE HEALTH CLINICS General Information Mobile health clinics like our inspiring example Smile on Wheels from India provide good quality healthcare to people who do not have the necessary resources to visit regular medical centers. These clinics are set up inside large vans that are equipped with a patient examination area, a pharmacy and various testing equipment. They visit lowincome, deprived rural, peri-urban and urban areas to perform check-ups, prescribe medicine and educate people about health and nutrition.

Inspiration & Parametres for change a) access to multiple deprived communities

Since these health clinics are mobile, they can offer their services to a number of communities in a city, town or village. After setting up one such clinic successfully, the systems and processes can be replicated and multiple vans established relatively easily to cover larger areas.

Š Clear Village 2011

b) regular check- ups: prevention instead of cure

Mobile clinics make regular, scheduled visits so that people in the community are tested frequently and any onset of disease is discovered and prevented early. Additionally, doctors become familiar with health, sanitation and nutrition conditions of the community and can offer information about the prevention of common health problems that occur in a particular area.

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