Inspiration Case 14: Green Rooftops

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INSPIRATION CASE 14: GREEN ROOFTOPS General Information Green rooftops, like our inspiration case of the City Hall in Chicago, USA, are not just beautiful oases that contribute to more diverse living in a city. As positive side effects, they help to improve air quality and save utility expenses by reducing building’s maximum temperatures in the summer and providing natural insulation in the winter. Therewith, green rooftops can mitigate the urban heat island effect and actually save on expenses; for this example Chicago City Hall’s green rooftop saves substantial $5,000 a year on utility bills, according to Michael Berkshire, Green Projects Administrator at The City of Chicago.

Inspiration & Parametres for change a) mixed use of built environment, playing with private and public space

As buildings are inevitable for human dwellings, their often unused roof space can be utilised with roof gardens. This opens up a private building for the public and provides common goods as beauty and nature.

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b) natural beauty, leisure and impact on life quality

Whilst designing a green rooftop, mostly unused space in a city becomes an oasis of greens, flowers and beauty where people can spend time on for leisure. But furthermore, these roofs improve air quality in the city, contribute to its biodiversity, and saves utility expenses within the building by cooling down in summer and providing an additional insulation layer in winter. This in turn mitigates the urban heat island effect that many cities with hard surfaces have. As an example: In 2007 scientists flying over Chicago in a helicopter equipped with thermal cameras pointing at a regular black tar rooftop connected to the City Hall measured more than 40°C, whilst the green part of the City Hall itself came to 21° C only.

Information and pictures sourced from | | | | | National Geographic | All rights reserved.

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