responsibility of the Benevolence Administration Clerk. The Trustees will only be consulted where the Regimental Secretary feels that any decision falls outside the normal grant parameters and, in his assessment, the Trustees would wish to become involved. A Regimental Trustee from outside RHQ will, once a year, examine a random sample of cases to confirm they have been properly administered, paid and accounted for. He should submit a short report for the Trustees at the June Trustee meeting. The Assistant Regimental Secretary (Resources) is to provide to the Trustees an annual summary of welfare cases and assistance granted. This should be submitted to the Trustees at the same time as the final accounts for the year. The Assistant Regimental Secretary (Resources) is to provide an annual report on Welfare Assistance to all the battalions. This report is to be included in Routine Orders so that all officers and soldiers can be made aware of the purpose and value of the ODPS. The Benevolent Fund will be subject to the normal audit and examination and reporting requirements of the Charity Commission.
nurture and recruit the best soldiers and officers, improve our profile and to market the Regiment. It provides funding for the Journal and to improve the efficiency of the Regiment.
One Days Pay Scheme Every serving Regular Officer, Warrant Officer, NCO and soldier of the Regiment is expected to make a contribution equating to 120% of a day’s pay per annum for the period of his service. Contributions are collected under a Payroll Giving system in 12 monthly instalments. Payroll Giving is a government-backed initiative designed to assist charities in England and Wales and is deemed to be more efficient that the Gift Aid scheme. This is an important source of income, indeed other than returns from investments, one of the only sources of income for the Regiment and it allows the Trustees to provide appropriate financial assistance more readily. The Regiment currently receives the majority of its income from ODPS. This is divided equally between the Benevolent Trust (YRBT) and the Charitable Trust (YRCT), with that portion allocated to the YRBT being used to support past and present members of the Regiment when they fall on times of need, in the form of direct grants paid from RHQ. The element that is received into the Charitable Trust is used to return grants to the Battalions to fund sports and adventure training, to 86