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Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers

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responsibility of the Benevolence Administration Clerk. The Trustees will only be consulted where the Regimental Secretary feels that any decision falls outside the normal grant parameters and, in his assessment, the Trustees would wish to become involved.

A Regimental Trustee from outside RHQ will, once a year, examine a random sample of cases to confirm they have been properly administered, paid and accounted for. He should submit a short report for the Trustees at the June Trustee meeting.


The Assistant Regimental Secretary (Resources) is to provide to the Trustees an annual summary of welfare cases and assistance granted. This should be submitted to the Trustees at the same time as the final accounts for the year.

The Assistant Regimental Secretary (Resources) is to provide an annual report on Welfare Assistance to all the battalions. This report is to be included in Routine Orders so that all officers and soldiers can be made aware of the purpose and value of the ODPS.

The Benevolent Fund will be subject to the normal audit and examination and reporting requirements of the Charity Commission.

One Days Pay Scheme

Every serving Regular Officer, Warrant Officer, NCO and soldier of the Regiment is expected to make a contribution equating to 120% of a day’s pay per annum for the period of his service. Contributions are collected under a Payroll Giving system in 12 monthly instalments. Payroll Giving is a government-backed initiative designed to assist charities in England and Wales and is deemed to be more efficient that the Gift Aid scheme.

This is an important source of income, indeed other than returns from investments, one of the only sources of income for the Regiment and it allows the Trustees to provide appropriate financial assistance more readily. The Regiment currently receives the majority of its income from ODPS. This is divided equally between the Benevolent Trust (YRBT) and the Charitable Trust (YRCT), with that portion allocated to the YRBT being used to support past and present members of the Regiment when they fall on times of need, in the form of direct grants paid from RHQ.

The element that is received into the Charitable Trust is used to return grants to the Battalions to fund sports and adventure training, to nurture and recruit the best soldiers and officers, improve our profile and to market the Regiment. It provides funding for the Journal and to improve the efficiency of the Regiment.


The Yorkshire Regiment brand will be exploited to reinforce and broaden the Reputation of the Regiment, to improve soldier and officer Recruiting, improve our rates of Retention and strengthen our Regional presence. Improving our connection to the wider Regimental Family is also an essential enabler of regimental communications.

The Yorkshire Regiment Journal

The Journal is published 6-monthly covering battalion activities and events and serving as the official record of the Regiment. Inputs from battalions and other contributors are required to be submitted on 1st March and 1st September, annually. The Journal is free to serving personnel and available on subscription. Distribution is reviewed on a 6-monthly basis to ensure correct targeting of influencers and decision-makers. Journals are also bound and archived in the regimental museum as an essential part of the regiment’s history.

The success of the Journal relies upon interesting content that will appeal to a broader audience, featuring striking, high-resolution images. Importantly, interesting submissions must be accompanied by good quality images to provide the designers with more scope to create the optimum impact for each page. Content and images can be submitted to RHQ electronically, by CD, WeTransfer or Dropbox. Article contributors are required to submit their inputs on 1st March and 1st September, or by the date promulgated in the calling letter, which is normally circulated at least eight weeks prior to the date of publication.

The main contributors are the Battalions; other contributions come from RHQ: Ɋ Foreword Ɋ RHQ/AHQ Activities Ɋ Forecast of Events Ɋ Regimental Associations Ɋ Heritage Ɋ Financial Updates

Other contributions are encouraged from: Ɋ Personnel at ‘E’ in ‘interesting’ posts Ɋ Yorkshire Regiment capbadged ACF Companies and Detachments Ɋ Yorkshire Regiment capbadged CCF contingents Ɋ Allied/Affiliated Units/Ships Ɋ Those who have recently participated in adventure training or sporting activities.

The Regiment aims to achieve a level of advertising to offset an element of the production cost. In order to achieve this, RHQ actively seeks a number of good quality sponsors who advertise on a regular basis.

Regimental Newsletter

RHQ will publish Newsletters as required, normally appearing as an electronic newsletter between issues of the six-monthly Journal. Newsletters are widely distributed to both an internal and external audience.


The internet is one of a range of methods open to help communicate the regimental message. Key users include: potential recruits; parents; education/careers services; serving soldiers; association members; other veterans; researchers; press and media; business and political.

In order to maintain the clearest means of communication with these groups the regimental internet presence is concentrated on two websites:

Army website www.army.mod.uk/yorks Public access/outward facing. This website focuses on Recruitment and Representation. It is important that the regiment maintains and accurate profile on this site.

Regimental website www.yorkshireregiment.com launched in August 2017, primarily for the Association. The YRA website should

provide a common touch point for all elements of the regimental family and promote stories with limited external interest and is predominantly ‘internal’ and ‘rearward looking’ and supports the engagement activities undertaken by the AHQs.

Social Media

The use of Social Media is key to promoting our profile and our key themes and messages. Exploitation of a steady drumbeat of regimental communications will be coordinated and delivered by RHQ using a mix of Social Media (SM), websites and printed media. Battalions and other contributors are to collate and deliver content to RHQ using email, WhatsApp, WeTransfer or by physical means. Each battalion has a nominated Unit Communications Officer (UCO) and/or point of contact whose responsibility it is to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content submitted.

Yorkshire Regiment Facebook Page @YORKSRegt. The primary, outward facing news, SM channel. All content is scheduled and edited by RHQ to achieve the desired effect. Raw imagery and content are to be collected by UCOs (and other nominated contributors) and forwarded to RHQ who also monitor all FB notifications and messages on a daily basis. The Comms team will reply to all FB messages.

Yorkshire Regiment Twitter @YORKS_Regt. The secondary SM news channel used primarily to connect to Army higher formations, local and national organisations, ‘Friends of the Regiment’, employers, events and trends. RHQ ensures that all content is finessed with tags and hashtags to ensure the widest possible engagement. RHQ also review all notifications and messages daily.

Yorkshire Regiment Instagram @yorksregt. Successfully introduced in August 2017 to appeal to a younger demographic and to our serving soldiers. The most popular content is serving personnel, awards, promotions and good action shots as well as pre-planned Instagram stories.

Regimental Band Facebook Page @YORKSBand. The use of dedicated Facebook presence recognises the unique needs of the Band. Owned by the DoM who is to ensure that usage complies with regimental branding and guidance and that imagery and text from key events and activities are shared with RHQ.

Other Social Media Usage. Within the Regiment, Facebook and other SM applications may be used at the Battalion, Company or Platoon level, but only in a closed/secret group status. Commanding Officers are to ensure the integrity of non-regimental, lower-level, SM usage.

Written Correspondence

Service Correspondence (A4 paper)

Font: Arial


Worsley Barracks, Fulford Road, York, YO10 4AU

Telephone: 01904 629425 Military Network: 94777 8000 Fax: 01904 668026 Fax: 94731 4841 Email: 4YORKS-HQCOY-Clk@mod.gov.uk

Regimental Headquarters The Yorkshire Regiment 3 Tower Street YORK YO1 9SB

Telephone: 01904 662790 Army Network: 94777 2790 Email: rhqyorks@btconnect.com

Size: Size:

DO Letter Headings (A4 paper)

From: Title Pitch 12 Address Details Pitch 10

Font: Size: Size: Arial Title Pitch 12 Address Details Pitch 10

Compliment Slip (A)

Font: Size: Size: Arial Title Pitch 12 Address Details Pitch 10



Somme Barracks, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, DL9 4LD

Telephone: 01748 870000 Military Network: 94731 0000 Fax: 01748 874841 Fax: 94731 4841 E-Mail: 1YORKS-BHQ-COMDCLK

Compliment Slip (B)

Font: Size: Size: Arial Title Pitch 12 Address Details Pitch 11


Captain AB Eve Adjutant 1ST BATTALION, THE YORKSHIRE REGIMENT Somme Barracks, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire, DL9 4LD

Tel: 01748 870000 Mil Network: 94731 0000 Fax: 01748 874841 Fax: 94731 4841 Email: 1YORKS-BHQ-COMDCLK Compliment Slip (B) – Reverse Side

Regimental colour band extends for the length of the slip


Text in white Font:

Arial Font Size: 36 Point in Bold Regimental Number Font: Times New Roman Font Size: 18 Point Bullet Points: Arial Font Size: 32 Point Sub-Bullet Points: Arial Font Size: 28 Point


Name and Unit

Email Signature Block (MODNet)

Font: Size: Arial Name 12 / Address Details 10

ADAM EVE Captain Job Title

civ: 01904 461014 mil: 94777 8114 mob: 07701 23567 Regimental Headquarters, The Yorkshire Regiment, 3 Tower Street, YORK, YO1 9SB email: abc@btconnect.com web: www.army.mod.uk/yorks


Images and Logos

The corporate image of the Regiment is important in reinforcing our identity both with internal and external markets. The colours and size of images and logo must be used consistently. Specified suppliers should be used to ensure continued uniformity across the Regiment.

Name Image

Cap Badge, Backing Patch

Dimensions Remarks

Height: 55mm Width: 50mm Badge H: 45mm Badge W: 38mm

Cap Badge, Colour Height: 45mm Width: 38mm Usage: Correspondence

Cap Badge, Monochrome Height: 45mm Width: 38mm Usage: Correspondence Army Marketing

Name Image

Regimental Belt ‘Stable Belt’

Dimensions Remarks

(Cross Section) Height: 60mm Proportions: 8/24 Green, 3/24 Black, 2/24 Scarlet, 3/24 Black, 8/24 Green

Yorkshire Rose Secondary Image

Cap Badge and Stable Belt Secondary Image Image sits within a regular box ‘Y’ configuration, with leaf at the base facing down

As per above images Usage: Compliment Slip and Army Marketing. Stable belt continue left and right as appropriate to the width of design.

Scheme of Colour

Name of Colour



Brunswick Green



Pantone CP

Process Black 485C 627C 5497PC 121C

Notes: The Pantone Matching System (PMS) Code are fixed references.



Regimental Battalion


Background: Brunswick Green Background: Brunswick Green Dimensions: 1800mm × 1200mm Dimensions: 1800mm × 1200mm



Background: Colour as directed Dimensions: 1200mm × 900mm Font Size: 340pts Font: Times New Roman


Regimental Gate Sign Company Sign

Dimensions: 2700mm × 1800mm Dimensions: 1200mm × 900mm Font: Arial Font: Arial Font Size: 500pts Font Size: 250pts



President of the Regimental Institute (PRI) Items

Regimental Items

The President of the Regimental Institute (PRI) at Regimental level is the Assistant Regimental Secretary (Resources). He is responsible for procuring on behalf of the Regiment PRI stock and items for sale across the Regiment (Category A items).

Item Description

The Yorkshire Regiment (Number 8 Dress) Cap Badge (Metal)

The Yorkshire Regiment (Number 8 Dress) Cap Badge (Cloth)

Item Description

The Yorkshire Regiment (Number 1 and Number 2 Dress) Cap Badge (Gilt)

Regimental Neck Tie (Silk)

Regimental Neck Tie (Polyester)

Regimental Sports Colour (Silk)

Regimental Bow Tie (Silk)

Cuff Links (Gilt)

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