The Clear View | Digital Clearview Newsletter | Edition: 11, July 2024

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C L E A R V I E W NO.11


The Clear View Newsletter

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Welcome to the digital version of the Clearview Newsletter!

Started in 2016, the Clear View was a printed publication mailed out to Clearview residents from 2016 to 2019.

In its newest incarnation, The Clear View has transformed to a digital publication released three times a year, updating Clearview residents on the progress of our Strategic Plan initiatives, and the projects and plans moving our Township forward

The digital newsletter features relevant, interesting, and educational content, fun facts and Strategic Plan initiative updates. It is delivered directly to the email inbox of residents subscribed to receive it.

Bringing the Clear View into a digital format is an important step under the Communication priority of our Strategic Plan. Modernizing the newsletter makes it easier and more convenient for residents to access A small number of printed copies will be available at the Administration Centre and Clearview Library branches for those who wish to read a physical copy.

You can subscribe to receive the Clear View directly in your email inbox or check for new editions by visiting clearviewca/newsletter

29 July 2024 Get to know Clearview with our ‘Fun Facts’ Quiz:

We’ll pose questions for you in this edition that we’ll answer in the next edition! How many Cemeteries does Clearview own?

What building do Parks and Recreation Staff work out of?

Check back in the next edition for the answer to the questions above

After a Strategic Plan Review in 2023, Council approved the 2024 to 2034 Strategic Plan this past October The plan envisions our community joined together to grow and prosper for today and generations to come and focuses on five key priorities:

protecting our agricultural nature We will embrace our lifestyle, culture, recreational opportunities, and welcome visitors & newcomers. We will enhance our working and living environment for citizens and business.”

The plan’s Mission is “Clearview Township will plan with our community to enhance our local environment and economy through improved communication and innovation. We will build new infrastructure to support more housing and outdoor spaces through sustainable growth while

After both public workshops and a community survey the collaborative public voice was heard and is the driving force behind the vision, mission and key priorities We heard from many residents who felt they weren’t well informed about previous strategic plans, to prevent that, one of the first initiatives completed was the Strategic Plan Dashboard, an interactive online tool that residents can visit at their convenience to stay updated on the strategic plan Learn more or view the dashboard by visiting:


To enhance the dog licensing experience for residents, Clearview is partnered with DocuPet. Licenses can be purchased online and include DocuPet’s HomeSafe 24/7 lost pet service that will help identify and retrieve your pet if they become lost Residents can browse hundreds of designer tag styles, add personalization and gain access to exclusive

EV Charging Stations

An initiative under the Climate priority is the installation of 10 EV charging stations. This initiative is 75% complete with 8 stations installed and operational and 2 more to be installed. Stay updated on this initiative by visiting the Strategic Plan Dashboard:

promotions and discounts. A dog license is required for every dog over 3 months/12 weeks of age and must be attached to the dog’s collar or harness at all times.

Find out more or purchase your dog licence by visiting clearviewdocupetcom

Clearview’s highest flying signature event! Let history & your imagination take off where all Edenvale historical aircraft will be on display Here are the details:

Date: 10 August 2024 | Rain Date: 11 August

Time: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM

Location: Edenvale Aerodrome on Highway 26 east of Stayner

Strategic Plan Highlights

Interactive Dashboa

An interactive dashboard was created to allow any interested residents to check on the progress an status of Clearview’s

Strategic Plan Initiatives: clearview ca/strategic-pla

Council Chambers

Accessibility Reno

The Council Chambers were renovated to remove accessibility barriers while also modernizing the space with technological and lighting updates.

Read More: Council Chambers Renovations

Climate Action Advisory Committee

Created to focus on local initiatives that improve the community’s preparedness for sudden weather events and build on Clearview’ existing Green House Gas reduction efforts. Read More:

Clearview Public Library

Creemore Branch


Investigate and develop a Short Term Rental Licensing By-law with By-law, Planning, Parks & Recreation and input from the public Road Needs Study to evaluate the condition of Township roads and prioritize construction and maintenance. Stormwater Pond Rehabilitation.

Explained: How Stormwater Management Pond Rehabilitation Maintains the Health of the Natural Environment

Stormwater is water that cannot be absorbed into the ground during rainfall and snow/ice melt events. Stormwater runs off of hard surfaces such as pavement or frozen ground, collecting anything in its path such as sand, soil, animal waste, fertilizers and oil/grease Stormwater needs to be managed to prevent flooding, downstream erosion, and water quality degradation There are various ways in which stormwater is managed in our Township including, roadside drainage through ditches and storm sewers, overland ditch/channel systems, and stormwater management ponds. In Clearview, all of the stormwater runoff travels to Lamont Creek, Batteaux Creek, Black Ash Creek, and the Mad River and eventually reaches the Great Lakes. Over time, sediment will accumulate in the stormwater pond reducing the pond’s ability

to improve water quality. As part of the Township of Clearview’s maintenance program, a pond rehabilitation (clean-out) will occur to restore the water quality function. During the pond clean-out, the water level in the pond will be lowered to safely remove the sediment and some vegetation may need to be removed An ecologist will safely manage any wildlife that may be impacted in accordance with the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry The sediment will be tested for contaminants and disposed of safely at a waste facility or dried out and reused depending on test results. During a pond clean-out, additional repairs may be completed. It usually takes one or two seasons for the pond to look natural again. Learn more about how you can help improve water quality by visiting:

New Lowell Joint Operations Centre

Grand Opening

OnJuly16thClearviewwelcomedthecommun tocelebratetheGrandOpeningoftheNew LowellJointOperationsCentrelocatedat5212 CountyRoad9.Theribbonwascut,andresiden staffandmembersofCouncilsharedina CommunityBBQ.Attendeesreceivedtoursofth newfacilityandwereabletointeractwiththe inflatableFireSafetyeducationhouse,FireTruc andPublicWorksEquipment

TheJointOperationsCentrewasdesignedwith efficiency,accessibilityandtheenvironmentin mind,beginningbyreplacingtwoseparate facilitieswithoneJointOperationsCentre(JOC forefficientuseofboththelandandbudget.Th new13,000square-footfacilitywillbetterserve thecommunityasitgrows Someofthenotabl updatesinclude:

TheJOCisAccessibilityforOntarianswith Disabilities(AODA)Compliant

AspartoftheFireandEmergencyServices cancerpreventionprogram,avehicleexhaust extractionsystemwasinstalledonthefire sideoftheJOC

Tosaveonenergytherearenolightswitches, alllightsturnonandoffwithmotionsensors

On the Fire side, the new Station is home to Clearview’s recruit firefighter program and permits space for enhanced Fire training.

On the Public Works side, the JOC’s central location in the Township will serve as the starting point for snowplows to start their routes this winter season, creating faster response times to winter events In addition, some Public Works staff are stationed in the building, serving as an additional location for residents to visit for Public Works assistance, so stop by and say hello

Services and Public Works the space to serve multiple functions






Experience the very best of rural living, contemporary art, live music, culinary delights and family-friendly activities at the Small Halls Festival Series in Clearview Township An annual celebration welcoming visitors to celebrate our community between September and November. Celebrating 10 Years! Below is a sample of the diverse events in this year's Festival.


Celebrate 10 years of the Festival with four different concerts: From an intimate genrebending evening to folk to funk and familyfriendly!



By Duncan Macmillian: As a mother battles chronic depression, a child creates a list of every brilliant thing they can think of, to remind them what makes life worth living As the child grows, so does the list


Gurdeep Pandher, famous Canadian Bhangra dancer from the Yukon welcomes ages 12 and up to learn Bhangra dance





Healing Through Reclamation, unearthing our local Grey-Bruce Gàidhlig heritage through story and song. What is Diaspora? The dispersion of people from their original homeland.

Meet The Planning Department

Representing the Public Interest to Build Great Communities

ThePlanningDepartmentoverseesdevelopmentandgrowth managementthroughPlanningapprovals.Theyensuresafe, functional,andattractivedevelopmentcompliantwith regulations,notablytheTownship’sOfficialPlan.Well-planned communitiesensurethatresourcesandservicesareplanned andreadyfortheresidentsofacommunityasitgrows.

PlanningreviewworkislegislatedstepbystepbytheOntario PlanningActtoensureplanningprocessesareopen, accessibleandfair.Plannersrepresentthepublicinterest amongvariouscompetinginterestsandworktoguidethe developmentofhealthy,completecommunities.Public Interestisdeterminedthroughcommunityengagement processessuchasPublicMeetingsandCommentingPeriods.

WanttoWeighinonHowYourCommunityisPlanned? Engagewithus!Communityengagementisthebiggestpart ofthePlanningprocessandiswhyPlannersprocessplanning applications

Tolearnmoreaboutwhatplanningprojectsarehappeningin Clearview,visitourCurrentProjectspage:

Community organizations and volunteer groups improve the well-being of the community and quality of life for our residents Community Assistance Grant and Sponsorships are provided to support those important contributions made to better our community.

Organizations that are volunteer-driven, notfor-profit and provide services to residents of Clearview Township are eligible to apply for funding for programs and services that support the Townships strategic and operational goals and are available and accessible to Township residents on an equal basis with a demonstratable or potential social, economic or environmental benefit

Community groups have received funding for initiatives such as:

Cold weather field training for the 1944 Creemore Army Cadets

The building of a structure by Creemore Cats to house a heated water bowl

Clearview Township is governed by an elected Council comprised of a Mayor, a Deputy Mayor and five Councillors, one from each of the five wards

To contact Council as a whole email council@clearviewca Contact information for all members of Council are available on our website:

Contact Council


Adigitalpublicationreleasedthreetimesannuallywith updatesontheprogressofourStrategicPlaninitiatives, andtheprojectsandplansmovingourTownshipforward.

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