The Clear View Newsletter
Xplor Recreation platform
The new user-friendly online platform allows registered users to search, register and pay for programs, facility bookings and memberships at a time that is convenient for them.
After following the quick and easy four-step sign-up process, the Xplor Recreation platform will allow users to:
Search and register for recreation and Youth Centre activities, courses and events
Purchase swim passes Manage memberships Request refunds online
The online platform gives users a reliable and easy-to-use system, making recreation offerings more accessible.
To sign up and Xplor Clearview Recreation from any device, any day, at any time, visit: discoverclearview ca/registration
6 November 2024 Get to know Clearview with our ‘Fun Facts’ Quiz:
We’ll pose questions for you that we’ll answer in the next edition! Who is responsible for waste collection in Clearview?
Where do I find out about Community Events? Check back in the next edition for the answer to the questions above
ModernizingMunicipalServices:CityViewProvidesConvenientand AccessibleOnlineBuilding&By-lawServices
Since 2022 building and by-law services in Clearview Township have been accessible through our online portal, CityView: Online Building & By-law Services.
CityView is a software solution allowing residents to access Building and By-law services online at their convenience, without having to visit the Administration Centre in person
Registered users with Clearview’s CityView portal can complete a variety of actions online including:
Applying for a permit
Paying for a permit
Estimating Fees
Applying for a compliance letter
Requesting an inspection
Submitting By-law complaints
Searching for a property
Applying for a Special Event/Backyard Chicken Permit
The portal has allowed Clearview to streamline and enhance customer service, while also offering users the convenience of accessing Township services when it is convenient for them
New users must first register an account through a simple 3-step process to begin using the portal.
To sign in or register your account today visit clearviewca/cityview
The Township is very thankful to Duntroon resident Jeromy Currie of Curries Creative for his community contribution honouring the past and making Duntroon more beautiful. Jeromy donated his time and skill to restore the Duntroon Pioneer Cemetery sign back to its
Fun Facts Answer: How many Cemeteries does Clearview own?
Clearview Township owns nine cemeteries. Five of them are inactive and four active. Each of the cemeteries is unique, whether it be through the history or the layout. Visit our Cemeteries page for more information
Clearview is lucky to have talented and community-minded residents Thank you, Jeromy you are the embodiment of community.
Find out more about the cemetery by visiting clearview.ca/cemeteries.
What building do Parks and Recreation Staff work out of?
They work out of the Stayner Arena and Community Centre at 269 Regina Street and the Creemore Arena and Community Centre at 220 Collingwood Street.
Strategic Plan Highlights
Electric Zamboni
An electric ice resurfacer machine was purchased for the Stayner Arena to replace the older propane model. This reduces the carbon footprint and improves the air quality in the arena
Stormwater Pond Rehabiltation
Sediment & vegetation removal is complete at 2 of 3 ponds (Collingwoodlands, McKean) Post-clean-out surveys will occur in Fall for Collingwoodlands and Spring 2025 for McKean
Expand Discover Library Days
The popular pop-up library program made available at the Nottawa and the Dunedin Halls in 2023, was expanded to the Brentwood and Duntroon Halls.
Road Needs Study
Evaluation of the condition of all Township roadways has been completed The review of data and report formulation to provide construction and maintenance priorities is underway
Upcoming Strategic Plan Initiatives:
Relocate the Youth Centre into a nonresidential location to facilitate growth. Review how the Clearview Public Library and their patrons can reduce their carbon footprint
Investigate and develop a Short Term Rental Licensing By-law with By-law, Planning, Parks & Recreation and input from the public.
approvesanannualbudgetforthe municipality.Thebudgetisafinancialplan thatdescribeshowmuchmoneythe Townshipwillraiseandspend.Itdetermines thelevelofserviceprovidedtoClearview residentsandguidesdecisionsonwhat infrastructurewillbebuiltandrepaired.The budgetingprocessprioritizesprojects, programsandservicelevelsbasedon anticipatedrevenueandexpensesand consistsoftwocomponents:
OperatingBudget,whichplansfordayto-dayspendingsuchasmaintenanceof buildingsandinfrastructure,heat,hydro, salariesandwages
seniorstaffsubmittingthebudget informationfortheupcomingyearto Council,followedbythreebudget workshopsthatallowCounciltoreviewthe budgetindetail,askquestionsandsuggest revisions.
HowCanYouEngageintheBudget Process?
CapitalBudget,whichplansforthe purchase,orfinancingofassetsor improvementofexistinginfrastructure suchasroads,bridges,andwater systems,ornewinfrastructureneededto meetthegrowingneedsofthe municipality.
Aftertheinitialreviewprocess,thebudgetis thenpresentedtoresidentsataBudget PublicMeeting,whichgivesClearview residentsachancetocomment,ask questionsandprovidefeedbackonthe budgetforCouncil’sconsideration This feedbackisthenusedtomodifythe proposedbudget Thefinalbudgetisthen approved,andthetaxBy-lawispassedin theSpringofthebudgetyear The2025budgetpublicmeetingwillbe scheduledinJanuary2025
Stayuptodateonthebudgetprocessby visitingclearview.ca/budget.
Sunnidale Corners Community Centre Accessibility Renovation
Whenyoupulluptothenewlyrenovated SunnidaleCornersCommunityCentre(Hall),the accessibilityimprovementsareimmediately evidentinthepavedparkinglot,accessible parkingandnewfrontentrycompletewitha universalelevator.Bothcurbappealand accessibilitywerekeptinmind.
TheHallisthefirstofClearview’ssixsmallhalls toberenovatedtocurrentAODAandHuman RightsStandards.Thesestandardsarepartof theAccessibilityforOntariowithDisabilitiesAct 2005(AODA)whichspecifiesthatcorporations with50+employeesmustmakenewor developedpublicspacesaccessible TheOntari ProvincialGovernmentimplementedthese accessibilitystandardstohelpbusinesses& organizationsremovebarriersandimprove accessibility
TheHallisnowbuilttoaccommodateaccessib needs,withmajoraccessibilityupgrades including:
pavedparkingwithidentifiedaccessible parking.
auniversalelevatortoself-accessmultiple levels.
acommercialkitchentoaccommodate patronsrequiringaccessibleservices includinglowercountertops,accessible appliances,sinksandcupboardspaces
Therenovationshaveprovidedmorespace andanicecurbappealtotheoutdated building Thehallisnowfunctioningas normalandisavailableforbooking,fordetails visittheCommunityHallswebpage
TolearnmoreabouttheCommunityHall AccessibilityRenovationsandAODAvisitthe StrategicPlanDashboard:
A self-guided tour of over 20 dazzling 3D light displays at local parks and community halls in every hamlet and village in Clearview Township.
Watch the magic of the annual tree lighting at Station Park in Stayner on December 5 and at Creemore Village Green on December 6.
Celebrating 50 years in 2025! Come celebrate all things winter with Winterama Willie and his friends at “The greatest little show on snow!”
Meet The Building Department
Promoting Design Excellence and Ensuring Healthy & Safe Living Environments
TheBuildingDepartmentoverseesconstructionprojects ensuringtheyaresafeandadheretomunicipalzoningby-laws, theOntarioBuildingCodeandanyapplicablehealthandsafety regulations
Thisisaccomplishedbyreviewingpermitapplicationsand drawingsforcompliance,issuingbuildingpermits,conducting routineinspections,enforcingminimumstandardsand enforcingnon-compliance.
Theyprovideinformationandassistancetohomeandbusiness owners,contractors,builders&designprofessionalsduring developmentandconstruction,ensuringhealthyandsafeliving environmentsandpromotingexcellenceindesign Building Officialsareboundbylawtomaintainminimumconstruction standardsandtofollowOntarioBuildingCoderequirements DoyouneedaBuildingPermit?OurBuildingPermitGuides arefilledwithusefulinformationforcommonbuildingprojects. TheBuildingDepartmentalsoofferspre-consultationstoreview yourproposedconstructionproject.
TolearnmoreaboutbuildinginClearview,visitourBuilding PermitGuidespage:clearview.ca/permit-guides
With529KMofroads,winteroperationsarea bigundertakinginourTownship.Everyyear seasonalstaffarehiredtohelpmaintain Clearview’sroadsandsidewalksthroughout thewinterseason
Lookingatwinterroadmaintenancebythe numbersgivesagoodsenseofthesizeofour winteroperations Thereare12full-timeand eightseasonalstaffmaintaining529KMof roadswith12snowplowsand11different routes,eachroutetakingapproximately threehourstopatrol.Anewadditiontothe teamfor2024isatracklesssidewalkmachine toclearStayner’swell-travelledsidewalks.
Nightpatrolsareperformed,andif-needed staffarecalledoutbetween3:00-3:30AM,to reporttoworkandstartplowingtheroadsby 4:00AM.AllofClearview’ssnowplowsare fittedwithGPSsystemssowecantrackif, andwhen,maintenancewasperformed Roadsareplowedonapriority-basedsystem withmajorroadsbeingplowedfirst,to accommodatehighlevelsoftrafficand schoolbusroutes Lesser-travelledroutesare maintainedafterthemajorrouteshavebeen completed
Forinformationoncheckingroadconditions throughoutClearviewTownship,pleasevisit: clearview.ca/road-conditions
Clearview Township is governed by an elected Council comprised of a Mayor, a Deputy Mayor and five Councillors, one from each of the five wards
To contact Council as a whole email council@clearviewca Contact information for all members of Council is available on our website:
Contact Council
Adigitalpublicationreleasedthreetimesannuallywith updatesontheprogressofourStrategicPlaninitiatives, andtheprojectsandplansmovingourTownshipforward.