Braintap special report 7 simple steps to activate your brains peak potential patrick porter phd

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Do you realize that every day scientists are making breakthroughs solving the many myster足 ies of the brain? For example, we now know that the brain remains plastic our entire lives, meaning it is fully capable of building new neural pathways at every stage of life. It also means that we're not victims of genetics, or an inherited low IQ, as once thought. Consider that at this very moment there is an internal genius at work within you that's some足 how monitoring the seventy-five trillion cells of your body and replacing those cells at the rate of fifty million or more per second. Your eyes are scanning this page and, believe it or not, your super-conscious mind has already absorbed every word. It is all happening auto足 matically and with incomprehensible precision and accuracy. In other words, you already have a perfect memory-it's your ability to recall that informa足 tion that needs a bit of sharpening. Neuroplasticity is the natural mechanism for doing this because it keeps your brain operating in a state of flawless high performance day in and day out. What's that you say? Your brain isn't working flawlessly?

Don't despair! If your brain isn't delivering you the life you want, there are really only three things that can be standing in the way-negative thoughts, habits and stress-and these can all be fixed. Once you know the simple steps for managing these three factors, having and maintaining a high-performance, goal-achieving brain-a youthful, resilient and fully plastic brain-will be a snap. And the good news is, you can accomplish all this in just 7 simple steps. Ready to get started? Let's do it!

STEP #1: Have Clarity of Purpose Your brain is a goal-striving organism, meaning it will always strive to prove you right. Henry Ford once proclaimed, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!" What he understood is that if you don't believe it, your brain can't achieve it. Having goals in life is important, but you must believe it's possible, and you must believe it's worth it. High performance people almost always have one big audacious why that drives them; it's the all-important, all-consuming reason they do what they do. It's why they get out of bed earlier than everyone else, why they are willing to burn the midnight oil to get a project to the finish line, and why they pick themselves up, dust off, and keep going no matter how hard they've been knocked down. BrainTap Technologies Copyright@ 2016 All rights reserved.

These words that house our values are called impact words. These words help run the pro足 grams of the other-than-conscious mind, which is driven by emotion. How can these words be of benefit to you? First, you can find out how these words are influ足 encing unwanted behaviors and then make appropriate changes. Next, you can use them to supercharge your goals. Here's how to find your impact words. Take out a piece of paper and fold it in half and then in half again. Use each of the four folded sections to answer the following questions. After you have listed as many as you can possibly think of for each question, fold the paper so that you can no longer see the answers to the previous questions.

What has to be present in a job for you to enjoy it? What has to be present in a hobby for you to enjoy it? What has to be present in a relationship for you to enjoy it? What has to be present in your life for you to enjoy it? Now unfold your paper so you can see all of your answers. Circle the answers that are the same. These are the words that will have the most impact upon your brain. Now, when you think about or write goals or affirmations, you can easily supercharge them with these emotional drivers. New ideas and concepts will easily become a part of your thinking when they are brought into your mind in your language and with impact. Remember, your brain is working perfectly, and now you've completed the first step in activating its peak potential. Congratu足 lations!


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Because the conscious mind listens to the subconscious, which follows the instructions of the other-than-conscious, we need to train the other-than-conscious to give new instructions to the subconscious. This is where visualization comes in. We provide images to the other-than-conscious mind. It provides the triggers to the subconscious, which then sparks the conscious mind to action. Your brain gets information from your senses, and when all the senses are engaged, your brain will be on high alert. Let's give it try. Think of a goal you have for your life, and then turn it into a picture. Next you will empower it with emotion. Imagine yourself fulfilling the affirmation...see it in full living color...hear the sounds... imagine how you feel while living that goal. Can you taste that success? What does it smell like? Are you picturing your shoulders rolled back? Is your head high? What else would convince you that it's true for you? What are you hearing? What happens when your favorite music is in the background? You will likely find this easier if you close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax your body a bit. Visualization, like any other skill, takes practice to master, but the rewards are beyond measure. However, thanks to amazing advances in brain training technology, this learning curve can be virtually eliminated, which is why so many people are now taking ad足 vantage of BrainTap Technology and why over 1,000 doctors in 40 countries worldwide con足 sider BrainTap Technology a fundamental part of the recovery process.


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between meals, which could be their learned tendency, but now, thinking long-time, they simply put it off; they procrastinate snacking. What do you think would happen if they did this over time? If you guess they would build a habit of not eating between meals, you are right. This same principal can be applied to education, money matters, stopping smoking, or any other goal. Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although diffi足 cult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem and personal satisfaction. I don't know of anyone who would leave those qualities out of a future they would design. Sheila Graham once said, "You can have anything you want if you want it desperately enough. You must want it with an inner exuberance that erupts through the skin and joins the energy that created the world." So how do we stimulate the other-than-conscious with this inner exuberance? That is what we will explore next.



STEP #4: Manage Emotions There is really only one way to manage emotions, and that is by managing stress. Emotions are really energy in motion, and if your brain is always busy coping with stress, there's not enough energy left for performance. We are living in the most stressful time in human history. Our world is fast-paced and high-tech. On average, people pick up their smartphones 150 times a day; and if you've ever BrainTap Technologies Copyright@ 2016 All rights reserved.


brain's full resources. Let's give it a try! For this exercise, you're going to be counting down slowly from three to one. On the count of three, tighten your hands and make them into a fist. Squeeze tightly, as tightly as you can. Notice the tension in your hands and forearms. Now, on the count of two, take a deep breath. Hold the breath. Continue to study the tension in your hands and forearms. Feel the strain and pressure. On the count of one, now, let go of the breath; exhale all the air out of your body. Relax your hands and release the tension. Let it go. Do you feel that tingling sensation in your fingers? That's blood flow returning to the ends of the fingers. When you're under stress, you restrict the flow of blood and oxygen to the cells of the body. But when you're relaxed, the blood flows easily to all organs, especially to the brain. This allows your brain to perform at its fullest potential.



STEP #5: Eliminate Fear and Doubt Have you ever stopped to consider what really stands between who you are today and who you wanted to become? You're probably thinking the answer is fear, but it's not.The answer is you! It's you and your relationship to fear ...and your relationship to doubt ...your doubt that you have what it BrainTap Technologies Copyright@ 2016 All rights reserved.


act, and respond as if you are already the person you want to be! This way of thinking sends a strong signal to your other-than-conscious mind that will stop the sabotage of fear and doubt. When you start acting as if you deserve the best life has to offer, your powerful brain will set about creating it for you.



STEP #6: Be Flexible The number one obstacle to optimizing your brain's peak potential is being stuck in old rou足 tines... This is what you have always done on Monday or Wednesday...this is the route you always drive home from work...this is what you always do on the weekends, and so on. It's easy to get into comfortable ruts, but your brain ends up in a rut with you and starts losing the neural pathways that are no longer active. When people get too routine-oriented, any time they are pushed out of that comfort zone, it can be quite stressful. This is because the brain no longer has the flexibility to meet new challenges head on. Seniors need to be es足 pecially mindful of this. When people retire, they tend to fall into daily habits and their brains lose resiliency. Thus the old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." Fortunately, science has now proven that our brains retain neuroplasticity all our lives. This means we can keep our neurons firing and wiring together at every age. We can continue to build new neural networks, and enjoy a great quality of life at every age. In other words, you can teach an old dog new tricks! This is why it's so important that you open the door to the subconscious every day by turning BrainTap Technologies Copyright@ 2016 All rights reserved.


on your imagination. Visualizing all the positive new things you can do awakens you to the opportunities you have for achieving your goals. The brain doesn't know the difference be­ tween real and imagined, so whatever you conjure up will work to activate the neuroplasticity of your brain. So now you know the whole idea behind visualization. Using the power of your imagination, you will practice new success habits and behaviors so well, that you're brain will perform for you like a well-oiled machine. Look at it this way: while no one can predict the future, by using your natural ability to imag­ ine, you can interact with it. Success may not show up quite the way you fantasized it, but when your brain actively participates in success scenarios every day, it will have all the right neural networks to bring about success.

RECOMMENDED BRAINTAP VISUALIZATION SESSIONS: LM08-Enthusiasm, Focus & Flexibility...Your Keys To Success


STEP #7: Balance Your Brain for High Performance While there is a wide assortment of relaxation and visualization methods-progressive relax­ ation, meditation, autogenic (self-produced) training such as self-hypnosis, and biofeedback to name a few-most of these take conscious effort. With the breakthrough of light and sound brain training technology, you don't have to "believe in "or "do" anything. Through fre­ quency following response, the brain "syncs" to the gentle light strobes and embedded tones. You are in the experience and don't have to create it. As discussed earlier, negative thoughts, habits, and stress are the enemies of the brain. You can't expect to have peak brain performance when it's busy managing the flight-or-flight re­ sponse that's inherent in your overloaded lifestyle. In order to overcome the brutal effects of BrainTap Technologies Copyright@ 2016 All rights reserved.


stress, you must achieve the relaxation response, and it needs to happen every day. You can't get into the relaxation response while generating beta brain wave activity. Your brain wave activity must dip into alpha, the intuitive mind, and theta, the inventive mind. In modern society, due to our environment and lifestyles, nearly everybody's brain has habit足 uated to high beta activity with little or no alpha or theta, which means few people ever engage the intuitive or inventive capabilities of their brains. Many people believe that theta is the optimum state for creativity and that it's the only place one can make a quantum leap in consciousness. But the theta state is difficult to maintain. When you slip into theta (4-7 Hz), which everyone does at least twice each day (right before falling asleep and just before awak足 ening), and when there are no beta or alpha frequencies mixed with the theta, most people lose consciousness. This is where frequency following response comes in-it keeps your brain engaged and balances brain wave activity. When people use light and sound technolo足 gy, they often describe feeling as if their inner experience is more real than the outer experi足 ence, which is temporarily suspended. Most importantly, by training your brain to operate in a full-spectrum balance of brain wave activity, you'll have a brain fortified for endurance and optimized for exceptional cognition, creativity, and inventiveness.


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A MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR: Since the mid 80s I've been testing, using and researching the science of light and sound fre足 quencies for deep relaxation, visualization and peak brain performance. I believed then, and still do, that a light and sound device should be in the hands of every human being, and that, if it happened, our world would be transformed instantly. This has been my goal since the day I first encountered this amazing technology, and it's the reason I developed the most ad足 vanced light and sound brain training system to date-BrainTap Technology. But you don't have to take my word for it. You can get a taste of what this amazing technolo足 gy can do for you, and it's absolutely free. Simply [click here] to get a 7-Day FREE Trial of BrainTap Technologies' On-Demand Library. During the trial, you'll have access to nearly 700 guided visualization audio sessions, all of which are encoded with special tones for brain wave entrainment and peak brain performance. Experience all the benefits outlined in this report starting today. Get your 7-Day Free Trial now! Dedicated To Your Success, BrainTap Technologies Copyright@ 2016 All rights reserved.

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