JBAB Current Issue

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JBAB Journal of BioAcoustic Biology A peer reviewed publication dedicated to Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling and Sound Presentation

FEATURED TOPICS The Future of Medicine with Sound Health Can A NanoGlimpse Change The World? Is There More To Music Than Meets The Ear? The Takeover of GAD.



The information contained herein, in its entirety is under copyright, 2011 by Sharry Edwards. All Rights Reserved.



How not to be at the Mercy of a Health Care System that does not Observe Health as its Priority Health needs to become the priority of health care! If you believe the latest polls, thousands of Americans are demanding change to our present and proposed health care system. But instead of trying to fix a tired and broken system, let’s create a new system that can monitor health and wellness as it creates a future for THE People, by THE PEOPLE. The Sound Health Research Institute, a registered 501(C)3, non-profit, has created a series of software programs in support of optimal wellness and Health Freedom. Using these programs will allow the creation of a Network of Providers; the foundation is in place, the people need to be notified of its existence and their opportunity to be involved. Albany, Ohio, August 12, 2010 The Health Care ax has fallen. Insurance and medical costs are rising; many of us are being forced into health plans that we would not choose if we had an alternative. The leading insurance companies are raising prices in anticipation of revenue losses due to Obama Care. Bill O’Reilly of Fox News (The O’Reilly Factor) announced this week that his premiums raised $2200 last month; making his cost over $20,000 per year for his family of four.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ...Buckminster Fuller We are captive consumers; we pay but have no say. We are at the mercy of a system that does not have our wellbeing in mind when health care decisions are made. Health needs to become the priority of health care. In no other service area is the buyer so thoroughly dictated than within the health insurance industry. We pay premiums, they dictate what practitioners we see, what services we can have, where we purchase our medications; if we can have a brand name, or not; whether or not our families will be required to receive potentially harmful vaccinations?


If you consider the latest polls, thousands of Americans are demanding change, but, to date, no viable options have been offered that allows we, the people, to have dominion over our own health care needs. With dissatisfaction comes the opportunity for change. Instead of trying to fix a tired and broken system, let’s create a system of our own. We can create our own Network of people to monitor health and wellness; a system that is affordable, efficacious and available at a local level, because it will be the visionary people in each community who take on this task. Let those who attempt to suppress such a Network sit in the dust, alone, as we create a new future for THE People, by THE PEOPLE. We can create a nationwide Network of alternative wellness providers in a few weeks; the system is in place, it just needs to be distributed to the people. In 122 AD, Hadrian’s Wall (20’ high 10’ thick) was created by the Roman Empire in an attempt to contain the “barbarians” who occupied what is now northern England. These barbarians would not bow down to the Roman conquers; wouldn’t pay homage or taxes. Rebellion occurred when the Roman emperor attempted to contain the “barbarians”. Not wanting to risk further unrest that was being exhibited by those who would not obey, Hadrian’s Wall was built to keep the influence of the “barbarians” away from the compliant masses. So let us learn from that history lesson. We have already been labeled “the malcontents”, when actually we are the independent-thinking, visionary barbarians. So let’s change the current system by offering better options. It is obvious that people are dissatisfied and with discontent comes the opportunity for change. Let’s be that change. Let’s create a Network of Guardians to provide for the People. We don’t need to play their game; let’s create our own system, play by our own rules. The Sound Health Research Institute, a registered 501(C) 3, non-profit, has created a series of software programs in support of preventative care and Health Freedom. A Guardian Network has been organized, www.GuardiansOfThePeople.com, that is being used to disseminate over thirty software programs (more are being planned), along with training for people who want to make a difference in how health care is being provided to THE PEOPLE. To date we have provided six software programs to our Network members. It is our intention to:  Create a system of Community-based wellness services through organized and informed health

choices.  Provide alternatives to forced vaccinations that are a threat to our genetic future.  Support our Returning Soldiers who are being damaged and then neglected.  Disseminate the latest information about frequency based weight management  Identify bio and environmental toxins and provide frequency based antidotes  Identify pathogenic and bioweapon threats and provide frequency based antidotes  Create frequency based biomarker databases that can be used in support of SELF HEALTH


 Support space travel so that the common people are not required to die to make room for the elite  Share information about frequency based biomarkers and the math matrix that dictates our state

of health and wellbeing; and help reverse supposedly incurable disease. We are like the Barbarians that stood against Rome – the Guardians of the People – We are finished with talking and fighting. We intend to build our own peaceful Guardian Network and leave those who would usurp our health rights, to wallow in their rules and regulations in the hopes that they will bury themselves once they find out we are not paying attention to what they have in mind for us. Please accept our invitation to be part of the Renovation of Health Care in America. Invite all your friends and health care colleagues to join us to learn about the viable, easy to learn options that will create Health for THE PEOPLE by THE PEOPLE. We have already completed these Steps:  Developed an overview strategy  Created the Guardian of the People Network and web site: GuardiansOfThePeople.com  Established an organizational framework  Developed tools in support of Health Freedom for the People, by the People

Guardians Of The People Projects 1.

Vaccine Reparation and Renovation - (VR&R) The recent attempt to scare the American public into allowing themselves to be vaccinated using untested vaccines was sensibly refuted by nearly 80% of the population. Obama’s declaration that the swine flu was a “national emergency” added insult to injury when obvious facts demonstrated that no national pandemic existed. Trust in government health officials plummeted; people were damaged and the entire “spin” of government controlled health care became a joke. It soon became apparent that increasing greed to put $$$$ in the pockets of vaccine producers was behind the attempts to scam the public. Studies conducted by Sound Health have shown considerable promise to help ameliorate the damage considered to be the results of vaccinations given to people whose body was not properly prepared to receive such vaccines and/or the vaccines that were not appropriate medically or morally. The PreVac program has been designed to evaluate the readiness of the body to accept and appropriately process a vaccine. In addition, PreVac can evaluate, in terms of Frequency Equivalents™ the damages that have been caused. In many cases, the use of low frequency sound presentation has supported the body to return to normal form and function. The government expects us to believe that vaccines cause no damage when simultaneously it indemnifies drug companies against damages and pays millions of dollars each year to those who are damaged by the vaccines. Which is it? Either there are damages or there are no damages. We can’t have it both ways, which is what the government would have us believe. Do they really think we are this dumb? 5|Page

If we are going to be forced at gun-point, in court, with attack dogs at-the-ready, there should be at least a testing procedure that would assure readiness. I believe that we will look back upon this time in our history and see ourselves as heathens who sacrificed virgins (our children) for a good crop (a supposed healthy population theoretically). Sacrifice a few for the benefit of the many. One only has to look at the statistics quoted by Ron Paul on his web site to learn that in California, the hepatitis vaccination killed more people than the hepatitis itself. Such is the result of government intervention on a level that precludes government officials from paying any attention to the actual facts. We propose that the PreVac Vocal Profiler be provided to any population that is in the path of planned vaccinations. Every family should have access to the PreVac software so that they may make intelligent and informed decisions as to the wisdom of allowing their loved ones to undergo vaccinations as a modality of preventing disease. 2. Co-Creating a Better Tomorrow for Today’s Wounded Warriors - The Sound Health Research Institute and the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology has recently completed a preliminary study under the auspices of the US Army that resulted in the development of two diagnostic software programs: Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). We propose that these two software programs be used to develop a network of trained technicians who are interested in co-creating a service project that would use the TBI and PTSD diagnostic software and associated protocols to support the rehabilitation of visible and invisible wounds of war for our returning soldiers. We have already been in contact with our local officials who are supportive of this effort. Meetings with national and state organizations are scheduled and we will report through our Guardian Newsletter about how this can be done in your community. 3. Health for the People, by the People – Let’s become the Guardians of the People by establishing a network of trained technicians who are interested in co-creating a community Network for Health and wellness. Sound Health has created a series of nearly thirty computer programs to be used for this purpose; more are planned. The programs are easy to learn and can be used to provide individual information in support of health and wellness, in-person and sometimes even over the phone. Each program can be taught in 2-3 hour classes that we will offer on-line, on-site and/or on-demand via the internet. The software reports can be used as management information in support of optimal form and function. To begin we have chosen five programs as a foundation, but other programs are available that could be used to mix-and-match to fit your interests and your community’s needs. At first it is likely that you will want to work with at-risks populations, like returning soldiers, nutrition for the poor, vaccination rehabilitation, weight management, muscle trauma and those who are lost as to where they fit in this activity of living.



Contact: Media Coordinator Date: 2011 Tel: 740-698-9119 Email: media@vocalprofiling.com


The 911 story you have never heard. What health information did the government and the Union withhold from Ground Zero Responders?

Smoldering WTC-Photo Eric J. Tifford/ US. Navy/ Getty

In 2001, shortly after the 911 attack that startled the world, a -then little knownresearch company, the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health, took part in a pilot study by evaluating eight of the scientists who dared to venture into the gaping hole. What they found was so important that they immediately contacted the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, GA. The official word from the CDC is that they could not be involved since there was no FDA approval for the protocol that was emerging from the data which allowed the alleviation of the” Fireman’s Cough”. Reports have emerged to show that thousands of these heroes experienced devastating lung/health issues as a result of their efforts to help during this terrible tragedy.

A few days later, the Institute received a personal call from an employee of the CDC. That phone call set in motion a series of events that could have saved billions of dollars and eliminated horrendous suffering. Openly, four representatives of Sound Health were asked to evaluate 17 additional Union members of the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York at the union headquarters in New York City. From the window as they were working, the gaping hole was visible as an incredible reminder of how many lives could be potentially involved. 8|Page

A demonstration of the technique showed the elimination of the Fireman’s Cough and even helped one Firefighter stop the pain from what was believed to be a gallbladder attack. Immediately the group was asked back to help the remaining thousands of people who were involved, or near, the deadly toxins that the explosions and consequent fires created. The idea was a Godsend until the Union officials demanded that the small non-profit research company foot the entire bill for the enormous undertaking of testing and treating EVERYONE involved. This would have taken millions of dollars to bring in a large crew of trained professionals to stay for months to provide the care and help that was needed. It was an impossible situation. The funds needed were ten times the entire annual budget of the non-profit Institute. The Union has been receiving millions of dollars daily in donations to help those in need. The trip had been made to NY using borrowed funds, in an attempt to make a difference in the lives that were damaged. The proof was there in front of everyone to see. Yet the Union would not fund this important health evaluation to their members or even allow access even though there was proof, that they had witnessed, that the protocol stopped the Fireman’s Cough in just a few minutes. The crew went home to Ohio, disappointed and dejected but still attempted to find ways to fund the project. For two years they tried and were turned away because there was no FDA approval of these novel, yet phenomenal, outcomes. When asked if she knew why her company’s efforts were rejected, Sharry Edwards, Director of the Institute replied, “It reminds me of the lost wisdom of the willow bark. Centuries ago the inside bark of the Willow tree was used as flayed toothbrushes and for pain relief. Hippocrates left records from 460 BC about the use of willow bark to treat pain and fever. But it wasn’t until much later (1828) that salicylic acid was isolated as the cause of the pain relief and even later as a remedy for muscle, joints and circulation activities. It wasn’t until this last decade that a popular medical journal published the how and why of the pain relief gained from the properties of willow barks. So the comparison is, if it works, use it. We showed that we could stop the Fireman’s Cough. Why allow the FDA – whose record for mistakes and recalls is well known – to stand in the way? There is much more to the story and we have attempted to find some of the union representatives that we originally worked with but we were unable to find anyone. We can only assume that they were so close to the damage that they all died agonizing deaths that could have been prevented. Short public article available upon request.


BioAcoustically Speaking

BP Oil Spill Toxins may be Activator for Dengue Fever Dengue Fever (aka hemorrhagic fever) is transmitted to humans by the Aedes mosquito. The recent outbreak in Florida has been identified as being from the Aedes Aegypti variety. Dengue fever is also known as “break-bone” fever because one of the outcomes is extreme muscle and joint pain. Dengue can only be transmitted via a mosquito bite or when the infected host has a fever. Symptoms of Dengue fever include: sudden fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, low blood pressure, pain behind eyes, gastritis, nausea vomiting, fluid loss, blood loss associated with thrombocytopenia (leakage via blood and vascular system) and rash; the mortality rate is high. The WHO estimates that 2.5 billion people, 2/5 of the world population are now at risk from Dengue Fever; with 50 million cases reported each year. Because Dengue Fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medication or antibiotic designed specifically as a cure. At present there is no vaccination for Dengue. Human antibodies produced in response to the virus actually increase the infection. By the late 1990s, dengue was the most prevalent mosquito-borne disease affecting humans after malaria and has been considered by more than a dozen agencies of the US as a potential biological weapon. The literature reports over a dozen strains of mosquitoes that carry Dengue Fever. The recent strain of Aedes aegypti reported in Florida was identified as the Dominica strain 4. The first indication of exposure will show up as the Genome – showing you have been bitten. After incubation, the resulting protein actually causes the damage. The frequency sets in the chart below were designed to be used by Rife-like devices. They should not be used BioAcoustically unless by a trained BioAcoustic Professional. The Activator will provide the opportunity for the Dengue Fever to invade the body. For example, the lack of Vitamin C can become an opportunistic situation (an Activator) for common cold germs. What does this mean? BioAcoustically speaking it indicates that Benzene (a common component of gasoline and oil) can cause a susceptibility to Dengue Fever. BP oil spill toxins = opportunistic occurrence of Dengue Fever. It may be helpful to ingest Vitamin B1, but that has not been substantiated. Below is a chart of the antidotes we found for this particular species: Aedes Aegypti Strain

Frequency Antidote



Genome Protein

122.08 151.72

B D#




Low B1 Fluorine - A component found in many insecticides Benzene, B1 Co-Factor

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Can low Frequency Sound Presentation Dispel Flulike Symptoms caused by the Deepwater Horizon Disaster? The Sound Health Research Institute decoded, tested and successfully used countervailing frequencies to quell the symptoms of Swine flu last fall. Now the Institute has been asked to attempt to do the same for the toxins released during the US Gulf Coast BP oil disaster. This article summarizes their efforts toward that mission and includes frequencies that may have the potential to countervail oil and dispersant toxins. The frequencies and architectures found in the human voice can be used to identify the innate mathematical biomarkers that represent states of health and wellness. Intrinsic networks of biological signals, called biofrequencies, provide information and direction to produce and reproduce inherent form and function. Tapping into these self-healing biological pathways from brain, to neuron, to cell has long been a goal of scientific investigations as an approach to promote optimal health. Human BioAcoustics is such a system and was used for the purposes of this report. The inhabitants and clean-up crews within the vicinity of the BP oil disaster are reporting flu like symptoms including respiratory stress, headaches, nausea, skin rashes, burning eyes and irritated lungs. In the hope of providing practical, inexpensive solutions for the suit used during oil clean-up symptomatic people in the area, the following graph divulges, Hazmat efforts BioAcoustically derived, frequency-based antidotes that can be used individually or by broadcast. Using extrapolations from a previous project, these antidotes were designed to assuage the symptoms associated with exposure to Benzene – a carcinogen that is a natural constituent of crude oil and Corexit – a chemical being used to disperse layers of oil. The previous frequency-based experiment with swine flu used intermittent, ambient presentation of low-frequency sounds over a 24 hour period. Since the swine flu frequencies were published, a Compact Disc (CD) was created for experiment use by the public. People using the swine flu CD, reported the reversal of flu/cold/pneumonia-like symptoms; and the elimination of sinusitis and bronchial issues. Based on the encouraging outcomes from the swine flu CD a particular set of frequencies have been identified as the countervailing frequencies that are allied with the symptom causing proteins produced by the toxic substances being used in the Gulf oil spill clean-up efforts. The frequencies are published for experimental purposes only.

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Countervailing Frequency Equivalents* for 2010 Gulf Oil Toxicity


Suggestion: These frequencies have been prepared for use with “Rife-like” devices in mind. Do not use these frequencies with a BioAcoustic device. These frequencies need to be used in combination with the colored pairings. The chart color-groups each pair to be used together: (A, D#, A) and “Frequency (E, E, A#); Equivalents it TM doesn’t matter where F# comes a numeric into play as long as you play the grouped notes representation together. The of a person, frequencies can be place, usedemotion, thingthrough - is a term of ambivalently, like or music use coined by Sharry the air; low-frequency Edwards thatisapplies to amplification, barely audible, optimal. We have the not tenets tested,ofnor Human do we recommend, direct skinand Vocal BioAcoustics conduction using these Profiling. The

frequencies presented here are for the Sound Health is committed to the continued study of addressing wellness through the use of BioAcoustic purposes of research Vocal Profiling. If you are willing to share your findings or are interested in helping increase our efforts to and should remain in reach the Gulf oil spill area public; please contact the BioAcoustic Research Institute located in Albany, public use. The Ohio, USA. information contained

Sharry Edwards,™ the investigator conducting these studies, states, “If there is anything that can help, it should at least be given a chance. These people have few options, and we believe the public has the right to this information. When properly informed, people are intelligent enough to make decisions based on personal experience and observations.” The Sound Health Research Institute, a registered 501C(3) non profit, has provided these frequencies to the public in the hope that symptoms experienced from the Gulf oil spill toxins can be contained using inexpensive, non-invasive methods of self help. REFERENCEShttp://www.epa.gov/oem/content/ncp/products/corex950.htmhttp://www.mcclatchydc.co m/2010/05/18/94415/bps-secrecy-keep-facts-on-gulf.html http://www.truveo.com/kevin-costner %E2%80%99s-solution-to-oil-spill/id/20683665

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Secret Sounds: Ultimate Healing A new book that will provide a novel and important look at the field of alternative health and wellness will hit the shelves in early June. The release of, Secret Sounds ~ Ultimate Healing: Your Personal Guide to a Better Life Using Sharry Edward’s Revolutionary “Secret Sounds” will ask and answer the question, “Is frequency a new medicine or an ancient mystery revealed?” This book describes a fascinating, true journey that is the first authorized biography of Sharry Edwards, MEd, whose enormous potential was realized after many years of rigorous scientific study. With dogged persistence, insatiable curiosity, and perseverance, Edwards developed a protocol of math-based medicine which empowers the body to heal itself. The result is that a new science of Human BioAcoustics and BioAcoustic Biology has emerged! Her incredible life story relates how she overcame humble beginnings and was able to construct a new science correlating subtle sounds in the human voice with the associated emotional and physical wellness of each person. Later, Edwards was able to use her remarkable hearing to develop software and equipment that was able to facilitate wellness and self improvement. She also developed a reproducible process, for practitioners to utilize, so that others could duplicate her methods. Edwards, a lifelong Ohio resident, was raised in the rural hills of Appalachia without the intrusion or distraction of noise pollution. Her early years were marked with an unusual sense of hearing, enabling her to detect sounds not normally heard by the human ear. The detection of oto-acoustic emissions, which explains Edwards’ atypical abilities, was later validated by Wendell Browne of John’s Hopkins. Secret Sounds' author Jill Mattson has studied alternative health uses of sound for over 20 years. She has written two previous books based on the use of sound by ancient civilizations for healing and related uses. In this new book Mattson presents Edwards' challenging life story in a way that will inspire others who dared to defy poverty, overcome prejudice and a lack of early education to provide hope for a better future. The scientific basis for Edwards’ BioAcoustic health protocol for the future is detailed along with practical every day applications for personal wellness, growth and emotional development. Accounts of Ancient sonic secrets are also included. Among the topics readers will find in this unique book are: the secret language of the body, how to improve personal relationships by analyzing internal characteristics from the voice, understanding the subconscious mind - using the most exciting unexplored power of the twenty-first century - Sound!! Additional information provides groundbreaking ideas contributing to the fields of alternative health, psychology, color therapy, music, astrology and spirituality. Sharry Edwards' organization - Sound Health - continues to conduct BioAcoustic research and to train practitioners from all over the world from her Albany, Ohio facility.

For further information consult www.SoundHealthOptions or call 740-698-9119 to order. Jill’s web site; www.jillswingsoflight.com

The Power of Music To Affect The Brain 13 | P a g e

Science all but confirms that humans are hard-wired to respond to music. Studies also suggest that someday music may even help patients heal from Parkinson's disease or a stroke. In The Power of Music, Elena Mannes explores how music affects different groups of people and how it could play a role in health care. Mannes tracked the human relationship with music over the course of a life span. She tells NPR's Neal Conan that studies show that infants prefer "consonant intervals, the smoothsounding ones that sound nice to our Western ears in a chord, as opposed to a jarring combination of notes." In fact, Mannes says the cries of babies just a few weeks old were found to contain some of the basic intervals common to Western music. She also says scientists have found that music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function. That's why she sees so much potential in music's power to change the brain and affect the way it works. Mannes says music also has the potential to help people with neurological deficits. "A stroke patient who has lost verbal function — those verbal functions may be stimulated by music," she says. One technique, known as melodic intonation therapy, uses music to coax portions of the brain into taking over for those that are damaged. In some cases, it can help patients regain their ability to speak, and because of how we associate music with memories, Mannes says such techniques could also be helpful for Alzheimer's patients. Less recently, archaeologists have discovered ancient flutes — one of which is presumed to be the oldest musical instrument in the world — that play a scale similar to the modern Western scale. "And remarkably," Mannes says, "this flute, when played, produces these amazingly pure tones." It's a significant discovery because it adds to the argument that musical ability and interest were present early in human history.

Excerpt: 'The Power of Music' by Elena Mannes 14 | P a g e

Many musicians have an instinctive understanding of how musical sound interacts with our bodies. They know — they feel — that sound impacts our bodies in a way no other art does. Opera singer Irene Gubrud says, "As a very young child, I experienced who I was through sound. I felt whole." Daniel Bernard Roumain, a young cross-genre violinist who is known as DBR, thinks one reason music is so powerful is that sound actually penetrates our bodies: "You know when someone says that a piece of music 'touched me' or 'moved me,' it's very literal. The sound of my voice enters your ear canal and it's moving your eardrum. That's a very intimate act. I am very literally touching you, and when you speak to me, you are literally touching me. And then we extend that principle to the sound of a violin." The conductor and pianist Daniel Barenboim believes that our early connection to sound is another reason for its power — one that in today's world we sometimes forget. He thinks that because we live in a very visual society we're more aware of what we see than what we hear. But he reminds us that the latest scientific evidence reveals that the ear, which we now know is active in the womb, has an advantage over the eye. He also says: "The ear has a head start over the eye, which doesn't see anything until it comes out. The eye is also something that one can control more fully. If you don't like the way I look, and you don't want to see me, you close your eyes and I disappear. But if you don't like my voice and you're in the same room, then you cannot shut your ears in a natural way. Sound literally penetrates the human body." This human relationship to sound starts early. The fetus begins to develop an auditory system between seventeen and nineteen weeks. Already, we are in a world of sound, of breath and heartbeat, of rhythm and vibration. But how do we know what the fetus actually hears? Until recently, there were different theories. Some doctors thought that the fetus could hear only some frequencies, probably high ones. It certainly wasn't known whether we could hear and respond to music before birth until the groundbreaking research of Sheila Woodward, a South African, who wanted to know more about musical sound in the womb. She was a young scientist in the early 1990's — and pregnant; she wondered what music her own child was being exposed to before birth. In her studies at the University of Capetown, she worked with the Institute of Maritime Technology to adapt an underwater microphone so it could be placed in the uterus. Her team came up with a tiny waterproof hydrophone, about two inches long, that doctors found safe enough to put inside the womb. As part of Woodward's research, this miniature microphone was inserted through the cervix into the uterus of a mother in early labor and placed alongside the neck of the unborn child. The mic recorded exactly what was audible inside the uterus as Woodward played music, sang herself, and had the mother sing. "The big question," she says, "was, 'Does music really exist in the womb and is it very different from the way we hear it in the outside world?'" As we listen to the recordings that Woodward conducted with several mothers in early stages of labor, we first hear the rhythmic sound of blood coursing through the uterine artery. Says Woodward, "Nature allows us to evolve with rhythm all around us," And her recordings reveal that a landscape of musical sound does indeed surround the fetus. Along with the natural womb sounds, we can hear the strains of a Bach Brandenburg Concerto being played, or the melody of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" as Woodward sings in a normal tone of voice. The recordings show 15 | P a g e

that the very high frequencies, like the sharp attack of an instrument, are attenuated and sound a bit muffled. The overall effect is like listening to music underwater. But when listening to the human voice, one can still detect whether it's a woman or a man. And the tonal quality of the voice comes through. Just because the sound of music exists in the womb doesn't necessarily mean that the fetus hears it. Yet, the "startle response" of the fetus was measured as well, and Woodward's team found that when music is played, the fetal heart rate becomes slightly elevated. Woodward says it was clear from the fetus reacted, as if to say, "Something's happened and now there's music!" Other studies show that even if only the mother hears music — if she has headphones on, and it is music that she finds soothing — the baby's heart rate lowers while the mother is listening. If the mother finds a certain piece of music stressful, the baby's heart rate goes up. So the fetus is echoing the mother's response to the quality of the music. Woodward is convinced that we begin learning about music even before birth. She points out that even when music that can penetrate the womb is absent, the fetus is surrounded by those natural rhythms of the body — heartbeat and pulse and breath. Excerpted from The Power Of Music by Elena Mannes. Copyright 2011 by Elena Mannes. Reprinted by permission of Bloomsbury Publishing.

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Ed Yong winner young writers who inspire and fascinate through the wonders of Science

Grammar, a weapon against disease by Ed Yong Grammar is not just the province of pedants and proof-readers, it's our newest weapon against lethal diseases like MRSA and anthrax. The grammatical rules that govern our languages have now inspired scientists to create a powerful line of synthetic proteins that could give us an edge over deadly drug-resistant bacteria. At first glance, languages and proteins could not be more different. The former is the stuff of human minds and the latter are responsible for building those minds in the first place. But, on closer inspection, they share uncanny similarities. Genes and proteins have their own parallels of letters, words, sentences and even grammar. Proteins are built from chains of molecules called amino acids, in the same way that sentences are chains of words. But random strings of words are pointless. To form sentences and carry meaning, they must be united in specific ways defined by a set of rules – a grammar. A protein's amino acids must be connected using similar "grammatical" rules. Their order determines the protein's shape and function, and haphazard combinations would result in molecular gibberish. For years, popular science writers have used this linguistic metaphor to help people appreciate and understand the genetic world. But Christopher Loose and colleagues from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, near Boston, have used it in a more practical way – to design new medicines. 17 | P a g e

Loose focused on a group of small proteins called anti-microbial peptides, or AmPs. AmPs are normally deployed by the immune system to destroy bacteria and other infectious invaders and they have tremendous potential as cures for bacterial diseases. Unlike conventional antibiotics such as penicillin, they don't seem to trigger resistance in their targets, and they conveniently give the rest of the host's immune system a boost. As a group, AmPs carry out similar functions and individual members have many amino acid sequences in common. For example, nine in every 10 insect AmPs, known as cecropins, contain the sequence QxEAGxLxKxxK, where each capital letter represents a specific amino acid and each small x can be filled by any of them. Loose likened these shared sequences to common phrases in a language. He identified over 700 such "phrases" that commonly occur in more than 500 well-known AmPs, Each one describes a sequence of 10 amino acids, and together these rules make up the grammar of an "AmP language". In a spark of creativity, Loose realized that he could use this language to design all-new AmPs that might outperform their natural counterparts. He designed a set of synthetic "grammatically correct" AmPs, each just 20 amino acids long. In each of these designs, every set of 10 consecutive amino acids matched at least one of the 700 phrases. He excluded any designs that were too similar to a naturally occurring AmP, leaving behind 40 promising candidates. These were synthesized in the lab and tested against living bacteria. Amazingly, they worked. Eighteen of the synthetic AmPs blocked the growth of common species of bacteria and Loose picked the two best ones, snappily named D28 and D51, for further development. Both successfully killed a bacterium called Bacillus cereus, at the same sorts of concentrations as natural AmPs. Bacillus cereus causes mild food poisoning, but belongs to a bacterial group that includes Bacillus anthracis, the bug that causes anthrax, and Staphylococcus aureus, the basis of the drug-resistant MRSA strain.

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Low concentrations of D28 and D51 stopped both bugs from growing. Deploying naturally occurring AmPs against bacteria is risky; if the bugs then developed resistance, it could put public health in serious jeopardy. But synthetic proteins only bear passing resemblance to our natural arsenal. If their targets developed resistance, it wouldn't compromise our own defenses. The study proves that language-based models can help scientists to design new medicines. This method could give us a multitude of new weapons against bacterial infections, greatly reducing the chances of resistance. With an enemy that evolves so quickly, this is an invaluable advantage. Ed Yong Ed Yong works at Cancer Research UK, London and has a blog at http://notexactlyrocketscience.wordpress.com

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Music of the sun recorded by scientists The sun has been the inspiration for hundreds of songs, but now scientists have discovered that the star at the Centre of our solar system produces its own music. By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent Published: 9:00PM BST 19 Jun 2010 Link to this video http://wvvrw.te1egraph.co.uk/science/space/784020 l/Music-of-the-sun recordedby-scientists.html Astronomers at the University of Sheffield have managed to record for the first time the eerie musical harmonies produced by the magnetic field in the outer atmosphere of the sun. They found that huge magnetic loops that have been observed coiling away from the outer layer of the sun's atmosphere, known as coronal loops, vibrate like strings on a musical instrument. In other cases they behave more like soundwaves as they travel through a wind instrument.

Using satellite images of these loops, which can be over 60,000 miles long, the scientists were able to recreate the sound by turning the visible vibrations into noises and speeding up the frequency so it is audible to the human ear. Professor Robertus von Fay-Siebenbi.irgen, head of the solar physics research group at Sheffield University, said: "It was strangely beautiful and exciting to hear these noises for the first time from such a large and powerful source. "It is a sort of music as it has harmonics. "It is providing us with a new way of learning about the sun and giving us a new insight into the physics that goes on at in the sun's outer layers where temperatures reach millions of degrees."

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The coronal loops are thought to be involved in the production of solar flares that fling highly charged particles out into space, creating a phenomenon known as space weather. When the sun's activity, and thus solar flare production, increases, the resulting "space storm" can have catastrophic results here on earth, destroying electronic equipment, overheating power grids and damaging satellites. Nasa warned last week that the sun's activity is starting to increase following an extended period of low activity and is on course to throw out unprecedented levels of magnetic energy into the solar system by 2013. Professor Fay-Siebenbiirgen said that studying the "music of the sun" would provide new ways of understanding and predicting solar flares before they happen. The coronal loops vibrate from side to side because they are "plucked" rather like guitar strings by the blast waves from explosions on the surface of the sun. The scientists also found the loops vibrate backwards and forwards in a way that mimics the acoustic waves in a wind instrument. Scientists cannot directly record the sound produced in the Sun's atmosphere because sound cannot travel through the near vacuum of space. They are, however, able to use visual observations of the frequency at which the coronal loops vibrate to recreate the sound back here on Earth. Professor Fay-Siebenbiirgen's research has been revealed as the University of Sheffield launches a new project, called Project Sunshine, aimed at finding new ways to harness and understand the power of the sun. He said: "These loops are oscillating like the strings on a guitar or the air in a wind instrument. Over time the waves die away and that is telling us new things about the physics in the sun's atmosphere." http://www. eurekalert.org/pub_releases/201 0-06/pb-scl0623 10.php Public release date: 23-Jun-2010 Contact: Dr. Gesine Grosche gesine. grosche@ptb.de

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Sound creates light World first: PTB researchers transfer ultra-stable frequency across a 480-km-long optical fiber link -- comparison of optical clocks is becoming much simpler This release is available in German. When light is used to transmit information, well established techniques of optical telecommunications are available: modulated light pulses travel along optical fibers, become weaker due to optical attenuation in the fiber and are "refreshed" in signal regeneration stations along the way, where the signals are amplified and filtered. This goal becomes more demanding when the light itself - or more precisely, its optical frequency - is the information, and when this information is to be transmitted with extreme precision. Here conventional amplification techniques reach their limits. Three researchers at Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) have now found an elegant solution: they employ so-called fiber Brillouin amplification, which is closely related to stimulated Brillouin scattering. The researchers inject pump light with a well-defined frequency into the far end of the fiber, so that the pump light travels in the opposite direction to the signal light, generating sound waves (acoustic phonons) in the glass fiber. The sound waves in tum scatter the pump light, enabling the existing signal photons to stimulate the emission of many more signal photons: thus a photon avalanche is created, which is kept going by the sound waves, and brings the frequency information to the remote end of the optical fiber with extremely small losses and very high precision. The PTB researchers have already demonstrated this technique on a 480 km optical fiber link: the relative measurement uncertainty they achieved is equivalent to a deviation of one second in 16 billion years. Now they plan to span even larger distances. The new method simplifies the comparison of newly developed optical clocks, which possess such a high frequency stability that traditional methods for frequency and time comparison via satellite are no longer sufficient. The technique is likely to have applications in other areas where precise synchronisation is needed, for example in radio astronomy. Experts in geodesy have already approached the PTB researchers with suggestions for joint projects. The PTB physicists Harald Schnatz and Gesine Grosche are internationally leading experts in the precise measurement and transmission of frequencies via optical fibers. They use the optical frequency of the light, with some 195 • 10*12 cycles per second, as the information. A first application of this new method was the remote measurement, conducted last year, of the so called optical clock transition in a magnesium clock at the Leibniz University of Hannover. The scientists determined the characteristic frequency with which very cold magnesium atoms can be excited to a particular long-lived state, by a measurement from PTB via 73 km optical fiber. It is important to measure such frequencies accurately as they can in principle be used to "generate" seconds. "For such measurements, there are femtosecond frequency comb generators at both ends, which produce 22 | P a g e

a fixed phase relationship between the transmitted light and the frequency standards on site", explains Harald Schnatz. The frequency standards on site are the new magnesium clock in Hanover and an optical clock at PTB. The different frequencies of the two are synchronized with the aid of femtosecond frequency comb generators, which can be compared to a gear mechanism. Schnatz adds: "At first we were astonished how well this complete system works." Now the researchers wanted to bridge larger distances and build a connection for joint experiments to the Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Garching - a link of 900 km fiber, which attenuates the light by the almost inconceivable factor of 10*20 if it is not amplified. Moreover, the fiber has to be passed through twice, because it is part of a huge interferometer; this is how the optical length of the entire link, which otherwise varies due to temperature fluctuations, is stabilized. Here, conventional amplification techniques reach their limits. "Our PhD student, Osama Terra, hit on the brilliant idea of using the Brillouin amplification in the fiber itself ', says Gesine Grosche: "This gives us several advantages at the same time: First, even very weak signals are still amplified; the signal power is multiplied by a factor of up to one million. Thus, we need considerably fewer amplifier stations. Moreover, it is possible to selectively amplify very narrowband light signals." This is very advantageous for the testing of the narrow-band clock transitions of optical clocks. The group immediately tested this concept on a deployed underground fiber link: in cooperation with the "Deutsches Forschungsnetz" (DFN) (German National Research and Education Network) and the GasLINE Company, which together operate a German-wide fiber network. With only one intermediate amplification station, the ultra-stable frequency was transmitted over a record 480 km long fiber link - with a relative transmission uncertainty of only 2 parts in 1O*18, which is equivalent to a deviation of about one second in 16 billion years. As a result, even a connection with the French partner institute of PTB in Paris now looks realistic - with a vision of working together on the best optical clocks in the future. At the technical conference "European Frequency and Time Forum" (EFTF), the results also received recognition: Osama Terra won the Student Award of the EFTF for his contribution in the field of "Timekeeping, Time and Frequency Transfer". The results have been submitted for publication and are available on the "arXiv" preprint server. Currently, the three researchers and their colleagues at MPQ Garching are continuing to work frenetically on establishing a connection between their institutes. They want to deliver the ultra-stable reference frequency of PTB to the laboratory of the working group of Professor Theodor Hansch, where elementary properties of the hydrogen atom are measured spectroscopically with very high accuracy. For the future, Gesine Grosche and Harald Schnatz are seeking to strengthen their team: with Post-docs and doctoral candidates who are keen to meet the challenges of working in this very active area. Interested parties should contact gesine.grosche@ptb.de by e-mail. Prospective doctoral candidates can then apply online - until mid July - with the keyword "Faserlink" in the current HALO STAR program (www.halostar.de ).

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Contact: Dr. Gesine Grosche, PTB Working Group 4.31 Unit of Length, Tel. +49 531 592-4318, e-mail: gesine.grosche@ptb.de Original publications: 0. Terra, G. Grosche, H. Schnatz: Brillouin amplification in phase coherent transfer of optical frequencies over 480 km fiber. arXiv: 1005.3925vl . http:// arxiv.org/abs/l 005.3925 Grosche, G; Terra, O; Predehl, K; Holzwarth, R; Lipphardt, B; Vogt, F; Sterr, U; Schnatz, H.: Optical frequency transfer via 146 km fiber link with 10-19 relative accuracy. Optics Letters, Vol. 34 Issue 15, pp. 2270-2272 (2009)

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Power of Biological Light in Healing Posted By Dr. Mercola


I August 06 2010

Russian scientist, Pjotr Garjajev, has managed to intercept communication from a DNA molecule in the form of ultraviolet photons -in other words, light. This won't come as a surprise to anyone who is familiar with the biophoton work of Fritz-Albert Popp.

It is well known that if you use UV light to destroy 99 percent of a cell, including its DNA, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength at a much weaker intensity. This phenomenon is known as photorepair. Following the work of Popp, scientists around the globe have begun to consider that your body's communication system might be a complex network of resonance and frequency. Dan Eden, writing for Viewzone, reports: "Popp had begun experimenting ... If cancer-causing chemicals could alter the body's biophoton emissions, then it might be that other substances could reintroduce better communication ... [M]istletoe ... appeared to help the body to 'resocialise' the photon emissions of tumor cells back to normal. In one of numerous cases, Popp came across a woman in her thirties who had breast and vaginal cancer. Popp found a mistletoe remedy that created coherence in her cancer tissue samples ... [A]ft er a year, all her laboratory tests were virtually back to normal. "

It's well known that plants use energy from sunlight to make food, but plants are not the only living beings that have a complex relationship with, and need for, light. Today, scientists across the world are investigating the energies that propel, and likely even rule, life itself and light energy, sometimes referred to as biophoton emission, emerging as a fascinating payer.


>> http://emf.mercola.com/sites/emf/archive/2010/08/27/the-power-of-biological-light-inhealing.aspx

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Your Body is Glowing Your body actually emits light on a daily basis, in concentrations that rise and fall with your body clock and the rhythmic fluctuations of your metabolism over the course of the day. The light is 1,000 times less intense than levels that can be seen with the naked eye, which is why most people cannot detect it (some people, however, are able to see this emitted light or "aura," and some can even distinguish colors). Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp was the first to suggest that this light must come, at least in part, from the foods we eat. When we eat plant foods, the light waves, or photons, in the plants are taken in and stored by your body. Biophotons are the smallest physical units of light, which are stored in, and used by all biological organisms - including your body. The purpose of these biophotons is much more important than many have realized. It turns out they may very well be in control of virtually every biochemical reaction that occurs in your body -- including supporting your body's ability to heal.

Light Controls Your Cell Functions It is known in biology that every cell in your body has over 100,000 biochemical reactions per second, all of which must be carefully timed and sequenced with each other. For a long time it was proposed that this occurred through a "mechanical" concept whereby molecules bumped into each other by chance and fit together like a lock and key, or even by slightly changing shape, to come together and form chemical reactions. Granted, this does sound a bit farfetched, and now researchers believe this cellular dance is not random at all, but rather controlled by biophotons. As Dan Eden wrote for viewzone.com , the paper, "The Real Bioinformatics Revolution: Proteins and Nucleic Acids Singing to One Another?" explains just how this "dance" takes place: "Veljkovic and Casie proposed that molecular interactions are electrical in nature, and they take place over distances that are large compared with the size of molecules. Casie later introduced the idea of dynamic electromagnetic field interactions, that molecules recognize their particular targets and vice versa by electromagnetic resonance.

In other words, the molecules send out specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves which not only enable them to 'see' and 'hear' each other, as both photon and phonon modes exist for electromagnetic waves, but also to influence each other at a distance and become ineluctably drawn to each other if vibrating out of phase (in a complementary way). There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule which is reacting is excited by a photon ... Once the photon has excited a reaction it returns to thefield and is available for more reactions ... We are swimming in an ocean of light. " Dr. Popp, who proved the existence of the biophoton field in 1974, believes that these types of "biophoton emissions" are responsible for transferring information throughout your entire body.

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Where Does Your Body's Light Come From? Dr. Popp proved that light in your body is stored by, and emitted from, your DNA. The DNA inside each cell vibrates at a frequency of several billion hertz (which is unfortunately the same range at which modem cell phone communication s y s t e m s also work). The vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA -- which occurs several billion times per second -- and every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single biophoton; a light particle. That photon contains all the information on everything going on in your DNA at that moment. One single biophoton can carry more than four megabytes of information, and relays this information to other biophotons it crosses in the biophoton field outside your body. All the photons that are emitted from your body communicate with each other in this highly structured light field that surrounds your body, and which is the actual carrier of your long-term memory. This light field also regulates the activity of your metabolic enzymes. The information transfer on biophotons is bidirectional, which means your DNA sends information out on a photon, and on the same photon the information of all the biophotons from your body is broadcast back to your cells, and to your tubulin, which are light conductive molecules in your connective tissue. The tubulin, in tum, receives the information-carrying light impulse and conducts it at the speed of light throughout your body, where it is translated inside each cell into activating or inactivating certain metabolic enzymes.

Illness Occurs When Biophoton Emissions are Out of Sync Research by Dr. Popp also showed that the light emissions of healthy people follow a set biological rhythm for day and night and also by week and month, as though they are connected to biorhythms of the earth, as well. However, in his studies, the light emissions from cancer patients had no such rhythms and appeared scrambled, which suggests their cells were no longer communicating properly. Likewise, according to his research, Dr. Popp found that in multiple sclerosis patients were taking in too much light, leading to a similar confusion on a cellular level. Even stress influenced people's biophoton emissions, causing them to increase in response to the stress. It's known, too, that cancer-causing chemicals alter your body's biophoton emissions, interrupting cellular communications, while certain substances help restore them. Dr. Popp found mistletoe to be one such substance that appeared to restore the biophoton emissions of tumor cells to a normal level. Interestingly, even conventional medicine confirmed that mistletoe extract does appear to have a beneficial effect on cancer, with one study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine showing that mean survival rates nearly doubled among breast cancer patients who received mistletoe extract. Because light is such an integral part of your body's processes, biophoton therapies are at the forefront of medicine. For instance, therapies are emerging that involve stimulating the body with specific quantities of light to reduce pain and promote healing processes. One fascinating alternative practice that Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has started using, based on this science, is to use tools that work with light to influence your biophoton field in beneficial ways . For example, transmitting the information of nutrients in the form of light into your biophotons field can affect your body in the same way as eating the nutrient!

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An Important Tip for Gathering Valuable Light Energy As regular readers know, I've long recommended eating a diet of mostly RAW food to stay optimally healthy. This is because living raw foods contain the biophoton light energy your body needs. Every living organism emits biophotons. It is thought that the higher the level of light energy a cell emits, the greater its vitality and the potential for the transfer of that energy to the individual who consumes it. The more light a food is able to store, the more nutritious it is. Naturally grown fresh raw vegetables, for example, and sun-ripened fresh fruits, are rich in light energy. The capacity to store biophotons is therefore a measure of the quality of your food. The greater your store oflight energy from healthy raw foods (this should not be confused with your vitamin D status, which is produced by the sun on your skin), the greater the power of your overall electromagnetic field, and consequently the more energy is available for healing and maintenance of optimal health. I firmly believe it's only a matter of time before the importance of light energy in your health and well-being becomes more widely recognized and applied in the field of medicine. Until then, remember that your body is not only made up of tissue, blood vessels and organs. It's also composed of light. Related Links: , Your Body Literally Glows With Light Five Principles That Can Heal Virtually Any Illness, Part 2 >

Eat Your Food Uncooked? Here's the Really Raw Truth

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BioTech Firm Decodes Current Swine Flu BioMarkers Sound Health, a small non-profit Ohio Biotech firm, has confirmed that they have decoded Frequency Equivalents™ for the proteins, genes and activators associated with the currently reported Swine Flu outbreak. Yes, people are skeptical about what we are able to accomplish Albany, Ohio (PRWEB) May 6, 2009 -- In response to the increasing incidents of infection and the first reported American death from the new strain of the H1N1 Influenza virus, Sound Health, a small non-profit Ohio Biotech firm, has confirmed that they have decoded Frequency Equivalents™ for the proteins, genes and activators associated with the currently reported Swine Flu outbreak. Sharry Edwards, the Director of Sound Health and the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology, has been recognized by the state of Ohio as the pioneer of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling. This innovative technique comes under the terms "functional and energy medicine" classification as defined by the National Institute of Health. The Vocal Profiling process identifies and classifies relevant frequency and amplitude patterns of acoustic waves contained in a recording of the human voice. The above patterns are then assigned numerical values. These numbers, which serve as relative biomarkers, are then compared to a database of confirmed case study scenarios. The procedures of Vocal Profiling are operator independent and highly reproducible. BioAcoustic Biology is a field of research involving the use of acoustic-wave, frequency-based biomarkers to support the body's innate ability to restore optimal "self health." Over the past 20 plus years, the Sound Health Institute has accumulated many documented cases of successful results that enhance and support the body's innate ability to protect itself efficiently from pathogens and viruses such as Herpes and the Epstein Barr Virus. The process of Sound Presentation consists of monitoring biofeedback responses while playing specially selected combinations of low frequency sounds for specific but short time periods. The procedures of Vocal Profiling and Sound Presentation are noninvasive, simple, and inexpensive. Through the extrapolation of the above successful experiences, the Sound Health Institute is confident that the decoded Frequency Equivalents™ for the proteins, genes and activators associated with the current Swine Flu outbreak can be successfully used to target, enhance and support the body's intrinsic ability to protect itself efficiently from pathogens such as the current Swine Flu threat.

Upon examining this evidence, and taking a professional course offered by Sharry Edwards, Dr. Mark Friedman, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, has made the next logical step in suggesting a hypothesis, that Sharry Edwards has in fact discovered and identified on a functional level a new high level energy-informational control system in human organism, unknown to present day Life Sciences. 31 | P a g e

"Dr. Friedman, whose research area is computational nonlinear dynamics, including mathematical biology, proposes that Edwards' discoveries open incredible possibilities for progress in Life Sciences and Medicine. Moreover, Sharry Edwards has discovered some fundamental mathematical relationships between the structural and biochemical characteristics of the body and relevant patterns of acoustic wave frequencies. This opens possibilities for developing relevant nonlinear dynamic mathematical models, which, combined with computer simulations, would greatly facilitate the validation and rapid integration of Sharry Edwards' discoveries into mainstream Life Sciences and Medicine." "Yes, people are skeptical about what we are able to accomplish", states Edwards "but if I had listened to the scientific establishment I would have realized that what we do here every day would be considered impossible by conventional medical standards and it, the establishment, would likely want to tout our accomplishments as figments of our imagination. The hundreds of people who we have helped don't care how we help them alleviate their pain, they are just happy to be liberated". This swine flu threat has caused people to realize that they want options concerning this supposed epidemic. Thousands of people are seeking options but so far, other than what is being offered by Sound Health and nutritional alternatives, the choices we are being presented are limited to government controlled forced vaccinations and reportedly scarce antibiotics. Many people have questioned this reported swine flu outbreak. Is it a scam or a slam on the intelligence of the American public? "BioAcoustically Speaking" the body can diagnose and prescribe for itself. Without that ability no natural healing could take place. It seems relatively obvious that what Sound Health has accomplished is the ability to tap into the inherent capacity of the body to heal itself. Currently, Sound Health is giving away its Vocal Profiling program "nanoVoice" at nanovoice.org and will be disclosing the frequency correlates that have the potential to help the body resist any threatening pathogen, and particularly today, the Swine Flu. For more information please contact Sound Health at: (740) 698-9119

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Institute of BioAcoustic Biology and Sound Health Contact: Sharry Edwards, MEd. 740-698-9119 sharryedwards@gmail.com

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 26, 2010 SoundHealthOptions.com

STUDY FINDS LINK BETWEEN GMO’s AND CURRENT HEALTH CARE CRISIS Are pesticide resistant seeds responsible for cell signaling malfunctions? The August 14th, 2010 issue of Science News, ”Separating wheat from chaff in celiac disease”, reported that a research team led by gastroenterologist Robert Anderson of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Parkville, Australia, had identified specific triggers (gluten sensitivities) associated with celiac disease. These following observations are based on the mathematical matrix of BioAcoustic Biology developed over the last twenty years by the Sound Health Research Center located in Albany, Ohio, USA. The system allows for the evaluation of any aspect of the body and biochemistry in terms of numeric mathways, aka Frequency Equivalents™. Research efforts at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology often evaluate clients who exhibit gluten sensitivity along with a myriad of associated diseases. In light of this new information it was imperative that this data be added to their analytical software databases. The three proteins identified by the Anderson study were translated into BioAcoustic bio-frequency biomarkers*. The resulting numeric matrix showed that the metabolic pathways influenced by these proteins were linked to nearly all systems of the human body; causing immune distortion, acute cellular inflammation and disruptions in cell communication. The original article listed three proteins, w-5 gliadin (wheat), g-3 hordein (barley) and g secalins (rye) that were implicated in the production of specific anti-gliadin antibody reactions. These proteins, which have been proven to be responsible for allergic reactions, are associated with grain glutens from which they are derived. Patent records indicated many grains seeds being produced for market are GMO’s developed and patented by a multinational agricultural biotech conglomerate that is attempting to make their grains impervious to weed killers. Could this confirm that the present day epidemic of grain related sensitivities/allergies stem from laboratory modified seeds? This may be one These distorted, allergy causing, “engineered” grains are being used to create foods that we eat everyday; bread, cereals, chips, crackers, pastry, seasonings, even some packaged chip products contain gluten. BioAcoustic Biology matrix correlations revealed how thoroughly our health is being negatively influenced by these genetically modified foods (GMO’s). Further investigation revealed that the engineered grains contain two substitutions that distorted the way the body processes two sulfur rich amino acids: proline and glutamine. Disturbances in these amino acid substitutions result in the impedance of the methylation of these two essential nutrients. BioAcoustically speaking, Glutamine distortions seem to be the most destructive. The enzyme required to utilize glutamine is glutamate

of the decade’s most important “connections” between food and genetics. By showing the frequency relationships among substances normally found in healthy people, you have confirmed that the potential for GMO harm is very Real. 33 | PFucetola age Ralph www.HealthFreedomPortal.org

decarboxylase (GAD). Glutamate is a key molecule in cellular metabolism and the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in a vertebrate nervous system. In mammals, GAD exists in two isoforms encoded by two different genes - Gad1 and Gad2. GAD1 and GAD2 are expressed in the brain where GABA is used as a neurotransmitter; GAD2 is also expressed in the pancreas. This led to an evaluation of the GAD genomes and what happens when these genes are activated: Glutamate decarboxylase aka glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) is an enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation (part of the process of breaking down for use by the body) of glutamate to GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) and CO2. GABA is a natural tranquilizer and an important inhibitory neurotransmitter that helps regulate neuron activity and the body’s nanosensors. Starting with the GAD enzyme response and moving toward GABA in conjunction with the active form of B6 (PLP), the nanotransmitters of the body are created and regulated. The movement of electrical energy, and hence magnetic potential within the body, are controlled by these nanotransmitters. GAD uses PLP (pyridoxal 50-phosphate) as a cofactor. PLP was granted a patent by the US government patent office to the Canadian company, Medicure. PLP is now under the control of the pharmaceutical industry and its lack is often associated with blood clotting distortions, migraines, neural disorders and seizures. Nanotransmitters produced in conjunction with GAD metabolism show direct associations with a multitude of diseases: diabetes, autism, arthritis, Parkinson's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, joint pain and deterioration, auditory disorders, Celiac Disease, Crohns, Irritable Bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, schizophrenia, bipolar and anxiety disorders, aspartame sensitivity, MSG reactions, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, depression, seizures, brain signaling, the use of calcitonin (cancer related), histidine function (seasonal allergies), cellular inflammation and vaccination reactions. Of particular importance is GAD’s involvement with cancer via Calcitonin, a 32–amino-acid peptide/hormone that participates in calcium and phosphorus metabolism. BioAcoustically speaking, calcitonin is a major player in the role of how the body handles any cancer threat. Parkinson’s is an incurable, debilitating disease that also shows GAD involvement. The activity of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), the enzyme involved in formation of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), was studied in autopsy brain samples from six Parkinson's patients and 13 controls. The activity of GAD was significantly reduced in brain samples of patients with Parkinson’s disease, being about 50 percent of that in controls. Moreover, levodopa treatment showed a tendency to increase the activity of GAD. The results suggest the involvement of GABA neurons in Parkinson’s disease. A search of the GAD literature stated that acetylcholine, γ-aminobutyric acid, dopamine, calcitonin generelated peptides, choline acetyltransferase and enkephalins are involved with the metabolism of GAD. It would be important to include these biochemicals when testing subjects for GAD presence and methylation. Glutamate is the same Frequency Equivalent* as aspartame and is part of MSG (mono-sodium glutamate). James Oschman in his publication, Energy Medicine, states that cells emit frequency-based signals as a request for needed biochemicals to gather at the site where they are needed. Since Glutamate and Aspartame are the same frequency, this may explain why Aspartame has been implicated in so many muscle and joint disorders. 34 | P a g e

MSG is also used as a stabilizer in some vaccines. This could account for the reported increase in autism associated vaccination damage. “This may be one of the decade’s most important ‘connections’ between food and genetics. By showing the frequency relationships among substances normally found in healthy people, you have confirmed that the potential for GMO harm is very real,” states Ralph Fucetola, JD and health freedom advocate. Sharry Edwards, the recognized pioneer of this emerging technology states, “I expect this information will be the impetus that opens the world to the potential of BioAcoustic Biology and the hope of allowing access to Self Health care via easy-to-use software; even after the appearance of a disease process”. From the original Science News article: “Three protein fragments are looking like the guilty parties in celiac disease, an intestinal ailment that affects as many as one in 133 people in the United States. These partial proteins, or peptides, are the part of gluten in wheat, rye and barley that triggers the immune systems of celiac patients, damaging the small intestine. An Australian research team reports the new findings in the July 21 Science Translational Medicine.” “This is an impressive and very comprehensive study,” says immunologist Ludvig Sollid of the University of Oslo. “The authors find that most celiac patients make a response to these three gluten peptides.” Questions: Are GMO producers aware of the damage to health that is being caused? Shouldn’t those with cell signaling issues be warned about ingesting these glutens? Why are GMO producers and the US government boldly attempting to prevent package warnings that would notify people that they were eating GMO products? Is it greed, ignorance or a misguided attempt to improve our food supply that is in fact poisoning our food, our population, and our genetic pool? Is this assault on our food supply intentionally creating a future that will keep us ill and medication dependent? For further information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Sharry Edwards, please call 740-698-9119 – M-F, EST or write to media@vocalprofiling.com References available by request * all issues expressed in terms of Frequency Equivalent™ (a “term of use” for BioAcoustic Biology) a numeric representation of a person, place, thing or emotion.

Reference articles/abstracts/Links Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Jul;67(7):1051-2. Methotrexate and its effect on the anti-GAD titre in two patients with rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes mellitus. van Deutekom AW, Nurmohamed MT, Peters MJ, van Eijk IC, Dijkmans BA, Hamann D, Heine RJ, Simsek S.

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Anti-GAD-positive patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus have higher prevalence of autoimmune thyroiditis than anti-GAD-negative patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Bárová H, Perusicová J, Hill M, Sterzl I, Vondra K, Masek Z. Third Department of Medicine, General University Hospital, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Arch Neurol. 2004;61:902-904.GAD and Lupus/Fibromyalgia Archives of Neurology – Vol 61, No 6, June 2004. Anti–Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies in the Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients With Stiff-Person Syndrome. Goran Rakocevic, MD; Raghavanpillai Raju, PhD; Marinos C. Dalakas, MD. Autoantibodies in patients with gut motility disorders and enteric neuropathy. Törnblom H, Lang B, Clover L, Knowles CH, Vincent A, Lindberg G. Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden Biochemical Medicine. Volume 21, Issue 1, February 1979, Pages 22-32 Blaylock, MD, Russel L. "The Connection Between MS and Aspartame ." Truth In Labeling. N.p., 06 07 2004. Web. 26 Sept 2010. <http://www.truthinlabeling.org/Blaylock-AspartameAndMultipleSclerosisNeurosurgeon%27sWarning.html Clinical & Experimental Allergy. Volume 40, Issue 5, pages 820–830, May 2010. The role of interleukin4Rα in the induction of glutamic acid decarboxylase in airway epithelium following acute house dust mite exposure. J. A. Hirota, A. Budelsky, D. Smith, B. Lipsky, R. Ellis, Y-Y. Xiang, W-Y. Lu, M. D. Inman Clinical and Experimental Medicine Volume 3, Number 1, 32-36, DOI: 10.1007/s102380300013. Anticardiolipin, glutamic acid decarboxylase, and antinuclear antibodies in epileptic patients A. Verrotti, R. Greco, E. Altobelli, G. Latini, G. Morgese and F. Chiarelli. Decreased GAD67 mRNA levels in cerebellar Purkinje cells in autism: pathophysiological implications. Jane Yip, Jean-Jacques Soghomonian and Gene J. Blatt Diabetes mellitus decreases the expression of calcitonin-gene related peptide, gamma-amino butyric acid and glutamic acid decarboxylase in human pancreatic islet cells. Al-Salam S, Hameed R, Parvez HS, Adeghate E

Direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain. Humphries P, Pretorius E, Naudé H.Department of Anatomy, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008 Apr;62(4):451-62. Epub 2007 Aug. European Neurlogy – Vol 12, No. 1, 1974. Brain Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Activity in Parkinson’s Disease. U.K. Rinne, H. Laaksonen, P. Riekkinen, V. Sonninen. Department of Neurology, University of Turku, Turku. Eur Neurol 1974;12:13-19 (DOI: 10.1159/000114599) Fasano, Alessio. "Celiac Disease Insights: Clues to Solving Autoimmunity." Scientific American Magazine August 2009: n. pag. Web. 25 Oct 2010. <http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm? id=celiac-disease-insights> "Frequency of Autoantibodies in Celiac Disease." Celiac Disease Diagnosis, Testing & Treatment. Adams, Jefferson. N.p., 1 29 2010. Web. 26 Sept 2010. <http://www.celiac.com/articles/22001/1/Frequency-of-Autoantibodies-in-Celiac-Disease/Page1.html>. GAD and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2007 Nov;42(11):1289-93 "Glutamic Acid: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article." Absolute Astronomy. Web. <http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Glutamic_acid International Archives of Allergy and Immunology – Vol 152, No 2, 2010: The Diabetic Antigen Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD 65) in the Human Peripheral Blood. G.P. Tilz, J. Dausset, M. Wiltgen J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2009 March; 3(2): 320–330. Published online 2009 March. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Volume 47, Issue 3, September 1980, Pages 353-364 Abnormal glutamic acid metabolism in multiple sclerosis. A. Westall, G.Hawkins, W. Ellison, Lawrence W. Myers Journal of Neurological Sciences - Volume 250, Issue 1, Pages 124-132 (1 December 2006). GABA Areceptor mRNA expression in the prefrontal and temporal cortex of ALS patients. S. Petria, K. Kollewea, C. Grotheb, A Horic, R Denglera, J Buflera, K. Krampfla "Listing Pathways." N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept 2010. <http://pathman.smpdb.ca/pathways/SMP00072 Lupus. 2005;14(6):486-8. Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and fibromyalgia symptoms. Taylor-Gjevre RM, Gjevre JA. Division of Rheumatology, Royal University Hospital, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. 36 | P a g e

Mol Psychiatry. 2006 Aug;11(8):752-62. Epub 2006 May 23. Association between glutamic acid decarboxylase genes and anxiety disorders, major depression, and neuroticism. Hettema JM, An SS, Neale MC, Bukszar J, van den Oord EJ, Kendler KS, Chen X. Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Institute for

Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23298-0126, USA Neurology. 1971 Oct;21(10):1000-7.Title: Glutamic acid decarboxylase in Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. McGeer PL, McGeer EG, Wada JA The Salk Institute, San Diego, CA U.S.A.. Multiple Sclerosis Research Clinic, Department of Neurology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA U.S.A. <http://www.sciencedirect.com> Physiol Res. 2004;53(3):279-86. Possible implication of an inosinetriphosphate metabolic error and glutamic acid decarboxylase in paranoid schizophrenia. Bernardo S. Vanderheiden. Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Henry Avenue and Abbottsford Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19129 USA, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Sharry Edwards, MEd Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107 Named a “modern keeper of the Holy Grail USA information” by Holy Grail and The Tree of Life Role of Immunomodulation Therapy in Autoimmune Diabetes, author Sylvia Francke Johnny Ludvigsson, M.D., Ph.D. for the Linköping Diabetes Immune Intervention Study Group, Division of Pediatrics and Her work has been the subject of twelve Diabetes Research Centre, Department of Clinical and documentaries and has been included in over 20 books. Experimental Medicine, Linköping University, Sweden "Separating wheat from chaff in celiac disease." Science News Recognized Pioneer of BioAcoustic Vocal 178.4 (2010): 8. Web. 25 Oct 2010. Profiling and BioAcoustic Biology Author, Speaker, Researcher, Scientists of the <http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/61321/title/Separati Year, author, Humanitarian, Radio Host ng_wheat_from_chaff_in_celiac_disease>. Sinclair, Mike. "Migraine prevention by targeting glutamate Web sites receptors?." BioMedicine. N.p., 4/28/2009. Web. 22 Sept 2010. www.jbab.org (Journal of BioAcoustic Biology) www.nutrasounds.com (Profiling, videos) http://www.bio-medicine.org/medicine-news-1/Migraine-prevention-bywww.nanoVoice.org (downloads) targeting-glutamate-receptors-3F-43945-1/ Contact Information: Media@vocalprofiling.com Imagine a World? 740-698-9119 – USA, EST Finding your own voice takes on new meaning if you begin to consider the possibility that the sounds of your voice may be a holographic representation of all that you are. Esoteric literature claims that we each have a Signature Sound; a frequency representation of all that we are. Imagine a future in which our individual vocal frequency is our identification; where the use of frequency based biomarkers contained within our voice can be used to keep us healthy and emotionally balanced. From birth to death, we use sounds to express our needs and emotions, but there are additional layers of information hidden within our words. As man evolved, language became levels of

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intricate harmony nestled within structures of great elegance that carried meaning and allowed understanding of ourselves and others. Everything that happens to the body reaches the brain as biofrequencies that are then sorted, routed and assigned an interpretation, but it seems that in modern times we carry very little conscious awareness of this information. Did we as a human race forget, or were we forced to abandon a great deal of our intrinsic abilities to glean information about another person simply by hearing their voice? The recent popularity of The Da Vinci Code sparked interest in the possibility that a great deal of knowledge has been kept hidden from the general population. Is the idea that we have dominion over our lives through our thoughts and intentions an intrinsic fact of human spirit? Can we in truth chant the words and create our Reality? The obvious success of the movie, The Secret, shows that people are ready to accept the fact that we can think or say something and have it manifest. Have we sufficiently matured enough to receive the bounty of consciousness-produced reality with wisdom? Do people really know what they want, deep down, devoid of old parental “tapes,” advertising, peer pressure, the “oughts” and “shoulds” that we are subjected to daily? If we want to manifest our neighbor’s car or wife for ourselves, is this a lack of respect or our basic right of conscious intention? If we accept the reality that we all fit - perfectly into the perfectly conceived perfectly interlocking in the puzzle of life, then how can we allow any two people to want the exact same item? Someone would do without and therein resides a basic flaw in the thinking. If we both pray for the same thing, who gets the prize? So how can someone “program” their lives with the voice of prayer and mantra without bumping into the needs and rights of others? Many spiritual leaders through-out the ages have claimed that we have the power to be who we want to be, to have what we want. Could it be that the world is designed perfectly and if we really knew the ideal life to manifest, then everything would be in harmony? But how can we ever know what will perfectly balance our lives? How can we know what we really want underneath the layers of greed and need? You can find your authentic SELF. Nothing is hidden from your own voice. You may be able to lie to your friends and deceive yourself with your words, but the voice does not lie. Vocal Profiling computer software has been built that can evaluate the frequencies, architectures and harmonics of your voice. Vast frequency based databanks can now be used to create a report of what you really think, who you are emotionally and the status of your health. The frequencies missing from your voice are just as important as those that are present. An entire matrix of information from your DNA to your partner preferences can be evaluated. Using this modality, your voice can reveal who you really are under the layer of public personality you have created. This is an opportunity of the human race to break free of all of the deceit and deception that we live with on a daily basis. What would our world be like? Our legal system would be unwarranted if your true voice could be so easily read: Unsound relationships would crumble, businesses would fall because, for the most part, our world is built on what we can keep hidden from those who think they know us. Vocal Profiling has the ability to let us know the intentions of our leaders, the motivations of our partners, and the pathway to our sense of self. Would that be of value to you, to your clients, to your audience? 38 | P a g e

What would a world be like if everyone only spoke the TRUTH? Can you image a society where we are all known by a frequency signature that people could read through a voice that truly represented who we are? Could finding our true voice allow us to create a world full of grace and dignity? We loudly proclaim that truth should be valued as a virtue. Should it have taken a computer program for us to discover our internal truth and clarity? Sharry Edwards, MEd.Disclaimer: The Personality Profiler and Nano Voice are based on Human BioAcoustics, as originated by Sharry Edwards, M.Ed. Results are intended for self-education and entertainment only. These programs do not diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor does it prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. They do not provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, nor apply medical, mental health or human development principles.

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The Lady Who Sings God The Story of Sharry Edwards, M.Ed. - Founder BioAcousticsSM With Updated Research Essays

of Human

Ed. Kathy Greene Fucetola And Ralph Fucetola JD  2004

Preamble – Everything is Frequency "There are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it.” ~ Sharry Edwards Each of us consists of a unique and changing harmonic of frequencies. All of the biochemical reactions that define life are to be found on the Matrix of Frequencies expressed through the human voice. When those frequencies become unbalanced, we may develop corresponding issues. This is the chief insight of Human BioAcoustics, the research modality founded by Sharry Edwards. This research has developed into a system that both analyzes an individual's energetic status and helps restore that person to wholeness, nourishing with non-invasive sound frequency. Everything is energy. Feeding the appropriate energy frequencies supports normal structure and function. The public has been aware of this research for over a decade. Introduced at Global Sciences Congresses and other alternative sciences venues, an informed public has begun to hear about the potentials of Human BioAcoustics through magazines such as Nexus and organizations such as the International Association of New Science. At the 1998 BioAcoustics Conference, we watched a nineteen-year old tetraplegia with whom Ms. Edwards’s works stand up from his wheelchair and take his first two steps. He can now also "sign" with his formerly useless hands. We are certain he will make it all the way back. We have met people who "used to be dying" from emphysema. They are feeling better now and experiencing lung tissue re-growth using sound frequency. We have seen the protective protein coating around cloaked pathogens dissolve under sound frequency. We have witnessed sound frequency's use in determining nutritional deficiencies, toxic overloads, hormonal imbalances and strained muscles. All were measured and rebalanced with frequency. Sharry Edwards is an independent researcher also associated with The Capital University, Washington, DC, where credit is given for studying her work. Her classes are taught at Sound Health Alternatives. The Sound Health Research Institute is an independent entity, formed to receive grants to support BioAcoustics research. Current research is developing harmonics to support the regeneration of skin, bone, and nerve tissue. The Institute is involved in studying various aspects of BioAcoustics and has published reports on various aspects, including the Frequencies of Immortality and Evaluation and Detoxification with Sound. Ms. Edwards is presently studying what may prove to be age-reversal harmonics as well as frequencies dealing with genetic problems and pathogens. She is an intuitive, part Native American, and (in our humble opinion) a genius. More about her at: www.soundhealthinc.com. This book consists of a biographical sketch of the life and times of Ms. Edwards and a series of essays by her and her research students, validating her approaches to Sound Health. 40 | P a g e

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Introduction The closer we look at the world of illusion about us, the more astounded we are to find levels of harmony nested within structures of great elegance. The seemingly infinite variability of the Natural World (whether we are considering the myriad variations of living things, the structures of crystals, or even the complex objects that fill near and far space) is grounded upon simple chemical (valance electron) reactions among a relatively small number of elements. Those elements are themselves constituted from just a few sub-atomic particles, some of which (eg., protons) are also composite objects. Far beneath the sub-atomic level lies the domain of String Theory and the idea that the fundamental structure of reality arises from multidimensional vibrating membranes (or Branes, for short); thus the fundamental vibrational basis of our perceived reality. To avoid the “infinities” that (one dimension) point particles introduced into the mathematics of Physical Science, the objects of String Theory were originally conceived as two- dimensional strings, the vibrations of which were perceived as the sub-atomic realm. As the theory was probed further, it was realized that all the aspects of our ordinary (three + one) four- dimensional world could be explained through the vibrating of multidimensional objects, Branes, in eleven dimension of a super reality. The seven unperceived dimensions were viewed as having rolled up to nearly infinite smallness when the universe came into being. We would like to thank all those Research Practitioners and Friends of Sound Health whose efforts to elucidate the meaning of the Sounds of our Lives have provided us with the material for this book. We dedicate this book to our friend, teacher and guide, Sharry Edwards.

PART ONE Chapter One: Human BioAcoustics The creative effect of vibration can be seen in a number of areas of research. For example, Cymatics shows how complex physical structure can develop from differing modes of vibration. Human BioAcousticsTM, similarly, studies the vibrations that define normal human structure and function and how abnormal vibrations can be normalized, leading to greater states of wellness. This area of scientific research was originated by Sharry Edwards, M.Ed., 2001 New Scientist of the Year and O. Spurgeon English Humanitarian Honoree in 2002. Merriam-Webster (www.m-w.com) defines "bioacoustics" as: "a branch of science concerned with the production of sound by and its effects on living systems." This term, as applied to humans, and trademarked as Human BioAcoustics now refers specifically to the research initiated by Sharry Edwards, M.Ed. in the 1970's, of voice spectral analysis and the presentation of sound frequency to support normal form and function. Human BioAcoustics, like the physicists’ String Theory, offers an explanation of the structure of reality based on an analysis of vibration. Ms. Edwards has identified areas of the vibrational spectrum that relate to various layers of biological structure. The Frequency Equivalency Relationships among the elements of the biological reactions and systems always “add up” – they always show extraordinary relationship. For example, when the frequencies for the two main minerals that bind bone are summed, the third (or, beat) frequency is that of the protein that binds them into bone. Examples like this are repeated over and over again in Ms. Edwards’ work and form the basis of the Mathematical Matrix developed by her research.

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She has recently shown a deep vibrational relationship among the elements that are the primary building blocks of living systems, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon and Water (H 2O). When researchers

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apply a gnomic expansion to the BioGenetic root of these elements, vibrations related to the Frequency Equivalents of the rest of the group are exhibited, in a multi-dimensional Matrix of Trans-Lated Frequencies. This research explicates the fundamental vibrational relationships that dictate the behaviors permitting proteins to develop into complex structures. This discovery confirms the vibrational nature of the chemical reality of structure, It points in the direction of further research to unlock the secrets of the Vibrational Structure of Matter and Energy, approaching String Theory, as it were, from another direction, illuminating this fundamental “Theory of Everything” with the practical value shown by the application of Human BioAcoustic principals to issues of individual wellness.

The Harmonies of Life Ms. Edwards continues to uncover new Human BioAcoustics information, and her research proposes the idea that the body requires the presence of a full range of harmonious frequencies working cooperatively. Consider the body as a musical instrument. When even one note is out of tune, the result is often discordant. Tune the instrument and the sounds become consonant. It has long been known that sounds reflected from a metal girder could predict the integrity of the structure. This parallel was used to develop the processes using sound to test the integrity of bone density and formation. Each structure and process within the body has a distinctive combination of frequencies that must be present for the body to maintain integrity. As Ms. Edwards states, “The body is capable of being self-evaluating, but not so capable of self-generating, by itself, the frequencies that are required for restoration.” The idea of using sound to facilitate change within the body is not just a contemporary notion, though Ms. Edwards’ work is the most contemporary sound modality. Song and movement to create mood and provide physical dominion over the body was an intimate part of almost every culture on earth, but those efforts were often surrounded with superstition and mysticism. It wasn't until recently that computerized technology and instrumentation was developed that allowed the advancement of procedures that could be used to allow the body to individually predict and prescribe for itself. Nonetheless, humans have known that particular sounds were of particular importance for a long time. “The Upper Paleolithic [from 30,000 BC] was also the first time that evidence of music appears. Simple flutes carved from the long bones of animals have been found... How... were these instruments... used? Several cave sites provide... some indication of their possible context. Researchers were puzzled by simple blobs of paint smeared in isolation at certain points of the inner recesses of caves where art was found. They assumed that they were some sort of trail-mark... until they discovered that every point so marked was a resonance point for sound. With sophisticated equipment they reproduced the frequencies characteristic of the surviving bone flutes and found that at each point a harmonic resonance was produced. Music, which can certainly be magical in its transformation of the human spirit... may have been born as an early way to contact the spirit world, which answered back at those Paleolithic listening posts in the depths of dark caves.” (Eco Homo by Noel T. Boaz, Ph.D.) Ms. Edwards’ research in 2003 confirmed that each note (frequency) has a series of other frequencies that it "plays" with, in a dimensional Matrix, to create holistic balance within a system of the body. Each note (frequency) has a series of harmonics that it "plays" with to create the harmonics we observe throughout the systems of the body. This vibrational holism is at the root of all bio-chemical systems. Normally the harmonics are used to nourish long term, multiple systems that are in stress. For instance, researchers have seen frequency normalization and reversal ("spontaneous remissions") in some types of cancer (limited subject base) where the researchers were using the harmonics of the Krebs Cycle to achieve and maintain a harmonious Voice Spectral Analysis. Normally the frequency sets are used for one system 44 | P a g e

or one issue. Each nutrient, biochemical substance, organ and emotion has a series of predictable relationships that are mathematical in nature and exhibit a gnomic progression among related frequencies. States Ms. Edwards, For example, the Frequency Equivalent for Choline (a necessary nutrient) has an opposite or balancing frequency equivalent. These two frequencies work together to harmonize the body and the energy conversion system. If you subtract the numeric frequency equivalent of Choline from the harmonic (opposite) frequency equivalent of Choline, the result is the frequency equivalent of Acetylcholine. This is exactly the process that the body goes through when these compounds are introduced. In other words, what the body does with chemical compounds, can be predicted and shown mathematically. The body is a Mathematical Matrix of frequency interactions. Biochemical relationships are frequency relationships (since it is the valance electrons that govern chemical reactions, and "valances" are frequency shells around the nucleus of the atom). Ms. Edwards has explicated other essential aspects of Human BioAcoustic (life sounds) work: 1. Different people respond differently to different sounds. I have yet to discover a universal sound that is beneficial to everyone. I did find that sky blue seems to be acceptable to most people no matter what the issue or location. 2. Different people respond differently to different sounds if the person is in a different geographical location. For instance, the sound I need to see clearly is around A. London puts off that sound. In London I don't need glasses. Ms. Edwards continues, this also leads me to state that each place that I have been on the planet has a different sound. Every person, every herb, everything has a sound. 3. “The Earth Frequency. This would also give rise to the idea that the earth is a combination of all sounds which would be a frequency somewhere between F/F# (left) and B/C (right) respectively - depending on your perceptive brain dominance. We have shown conclusively that people with different brain dominances have different responses to sound and frequency.” Further explaining the seeming inconsistencies among earlier researchers, she states, “For example: “Dinshah depicts Red as the note of G; Science depicts Red as the note of C and the Rosecrusians depict Red as F#. They are all correct: For the Left brain, physically oriented person Red is C; for the right brained, physically oriented person, Red is F#; but for the nonphysical oriented person, Red is perceived as G and for the whole brained person, the Red note may be D#. ”“When you consider that people also respond differently depending on the situation, you can quickly see that there are some complicated math issues. I've tried to simply it this way. Use a note as a base let's use C. “Starting with C (red) -- Red's pigment frequency opposite is F# (green); Red's light frequency opposite is G (turquoise) “If you are left brained, it is likely you will respond as below: “If you have a physical issue that requires C, you will need a shade of the note of C. If you have a maintenance issue with your physical body that requires the note of C, you will likely use a shade of F#. If you have a processing issue dealing with the note of C, you will likely use a shade of G. This has been shown repeatedly to have efficacy. “For left brained persons, tone and color are opposites. “If you are left brained and need the note of C, this note would translate to the color Green. For right-brained persons, tone and color are the same. If you are right brained and need the note of C that translates to the color Red. “Not considering left and right-brained preferences has caused the greatest problem for those who use color and sound therapy in combination. In this context, we must always remember the First Rule of Alternate Healing: "Do no harm."” Ms. Edwards explains the concept of Frequency Equivalent, “4. Every muscle, emotion, organ -- everything has a Frequency Equivalent. Compounds, herbs, etc. have a frequency equivalent based on molecular weight. Muscles have a frequency based on nerve interactions. Emotional frequency equivalents are based on brain waves. “I believe that everything has a frequency and that everything is a frequency. We have shown the unique link between substance and frequency from Einstein's famous formula, e = mc 2 by recognizing that, in its expanded form, hf = mc 2 (since e = hf) it shows a direct relationship between frequency (f) and mass (m) mediated by two Constants of Nature -- the Speed of Light (c) and Planck's Constant (h).“There is much more. This has been my life's work and I have seen the miracles happen that keep me looking for the simple answer how we really "work" as animated mechanical, thinking, emotional beings.” “5. Earth Frequency Equivalent. If the earth's sound is B, then it can be expressed as F, its physical complement or opposite and as F#, its light reciprocal. Each set of frequencies and harmonics have a corresponding system, organ and emotion set. One note can be expressed and perceived many ways. For example, the B, F, F# combo in BioAcoustics nourishes normal structure and function for 45 | P a g e

kidneys, mineral distribution, high blood pressure and the system of fluid distribution through the body. As an emotional frequency it deals

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with trying to do too much for others. Giving too much of the self. Life lesson - setting your own boundaries, learning that your care taking nature means that you also must take care of you.” “6. Each compound has another frequency that activates it. If Niacin is the note of B and you play the specific frequency equivalent of niacin (based on the molecular weight) - you will activate niacin. There is an additional frequency dealing with niacin that causes the energy of niacin to be expressed. It is called the Energy Equivalent. For example, we can say the molecular weight frequency equivalent starts up (activates) the car but the energy equivalent puts the car in gear so that the car becomes animated.” Ms. Edwards sophisticated approach uses (1) standard Windows' technology to record a voice .wav file then (2) a standard frequency analysis program to identify the stressed frequencies and (3) the BioGenesis and Svani Programs to complete the Voice Spectral Analysis by identifying harmonizing Frequency Equivalent series, allowing the whole person to achieve and maintain a healthy status. (4) The Square One program is then used to input the frequencies into an appropriate tone generating device. This is a purely non-medical technology that does not intend to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease condition, since it does not identify disease nor does it need to know anything about disease in order for it to recommend harmonizing frequencies. The programs do not know anything about disease, they only knows about harmonic relationships among frequencies and a bit about the relationship between substance and frequency. The art in this research modality is when the research associate chooses which stressed notes to put into the programs, to identify the corrective frequencies. The final, fourth step is providing sound frequency to the individuals environment. This is done through speakers or headset powered by a small frequency generating device which can be programmed with various frequencies in various patterns. The specific frequencies and patterns are part of the private and confidential area of Human BioAcoustics only provided to research associates under contract. In this way, Ms. Edwards has shown a real world equivalency to the fundamental frequency basis of String Theory, with its multi-dimensionally vibrating Branes existing as the deepest level of the reality we inhabit. Human BioAcoustics, with its elegant multidimensional Matrix of Frequency Equivalents, begins to define the new Periodic Table of the Frequency Domain, uncovering the specific vibrational states of the chemical compounds that interact in the mystic dance of Life. These are the harmonies from which greater wellness and higher consciousness arise. They are available to each person and are as close as your own voice. Ms. Edwards, known for her innovative approach to health and wellness, is again being acknowledged as one of the nation's visionary health care professionals in a new book published by Teacher/Penguin. Health on the Edge by Larry Trivieri dedicates an entire chapter to Edwards' pioneering work with Human BioAcoustics. This field of study is based on the principle that the body has the ability to diagnose and prescribe for itself through Vocal Profiling. Just as law enforcement agents can glean information using the voice as a Lie Detector, BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling uses a computerized sample of the human voice as a holographic representation of the human body. Trivieri noted in the forward of his book that his interviews with the twelve experts in the book were designed to help him answer the question as to what the future of our health system holds. To respond to this concern he wanted "to speak to experts in the vanguard to find out from them where their research is leading us." His search for a legitimate leader in the field of sound therapy lead him to Edwards and her company, Sound Health, which is located in Albany, Ohio (www.soundhealthinc.com). Examples of Edwards' work that brought her to the attention of Trivieri included toxicity evaluations for World Trade Center engineers and firemen who worked at ground zero; the development of a 47 | P a g e

computerized pre-screening for vaccination risk factors and pain relief through the presentation of low frequency brain

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entrainment. Since the interview was conducted nearly two years ago in preparation for this publication, Edwards' current projects with insulin sensitivity, aging, infertility, the identification and timing of labor/delivery plus her work with sexual dysfunction and enhancement were not included in the book. Over the last two years as the results of BioAcoustic research increasingly having caught the attention of governmental agencies, Edwards has been invited to work with a wider range of frequency based health related paradigms. Her work with pathogens, particularly nanobacteria, was a well-received topic at a national conference this summer. Edwards' has not only decoded the frequencies associated with nanobacteria but has shown a predictable mathematical matrix relating tooth plague to the early warning signs of heart disease associated with nanobacteria invasion. At that conference, Roman Chrucky, MD credits Edwards' decoding of the frequencies of nanobacteria with helping his body reverse not only his heart condition but his prostate cancer as well. For the past 25 years Edwards has been known as a person who is always on the edge of change and innovation whether it be local politics, health care reform or human rights. "Sharry has always been in the lead, always the person who gets attacked because she shows the way to make room for change. I have been following and reading about her work for the last 10+ years. She is always about 20 years ahead of the rest of us! It must be challenging, frustrating and ultimately rewarding for her to know that the abuse she suffers from a few of her contemporaries, who resist crediting her but often take her work and claim it for their own, does not deter her from continuing to make a difference for everyone else without taking the abuse personally," states Ralph Fucetola, an attorney who has supported freedom of choice in health care, www.vitaminlawyer.com. The preliminary work for BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling was part of Edwards' undergraduate work at Ohio University. She now works in cooperation with other educational institutes and is a faculty member of the Capital University Integrative Medicine Program (W.DC.) Edwards has created the primary foundation for a highly innovative approach to health and wellness. As she works with medical professionals to increase awareness of the effects of frequency on the human body, Sharry enthusiastically and tirelessly works to bring this information to the public. As a service to humanity, she provides the premier expertise for health and wellness professionals who want to explore the healing potential of low frequency sound presentation as a method of body entrainment. The emerging field of Human BioAcoustics has been developed with a minimum of support from the medical community, the government or private funding. Had it had not been for the courage, tenacity, determination and just plain fortitude, that is the basic nature of Sharry Edwards, Human BioAcoustics would not be a part of our future. The evidence speaks for itself! Human BioAcoustics can help the body identify and reverse its own disease. Sharry Edwards' work has provided a monumental leap into the next evolutionary step in medicine and wellness care. Trivieri choose well and wisely when he elected to present Sharry Edwards to the world in Health on the Edge. Other books by Trivieri include: Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (Ed) and The American Holistic Medical Association Guide to Holistic Health and the coauthor of The Complete Selfcare Guide to Holistic Medicine.

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Willie’s Story It may very well be that every research modality has inspiring stories of individuals who appear to have been helped by the modality. The Science, though, we are told, is in the repeatability of the results (and then one looks a little deeper and it seems many touted "standard cures" have result rates just slightly above placebo...). Thus, when apparently hopeless cases respond to new technologies, more hope is generated than by many "double blind" studies put together. This is one such inspiring story. For reasons that will become obvious, names and details have been changed - but not the story. It begins with tragedy in a medium sized American city a decade or so ago. Some hooligans decided to raid a local mall, with baseball bats. One pre-teen got in the way. Beaten senseless and left for dead. He survived, barely, in a coma for many months. Profoundly paralyzed. When they discovered he had survived and might someday identify them, his family had to flee their home state. God brought them to Ohio, and eventually to Sharry Edwards. Let's call the boy "Will" -- perhaps for his indomitable will to live. His devoted father saw something in Sharry's work and when they met, hoped only for some relief for Will, maybe his head would loll less, perhaps he might dribble less. After all, medical science said he was a hopeless tetraplegic - nothing more to do. Will was lucky; almost everyone else ever beaten so badly had simply died. Sharry, Will and his extraordinary mom and dad refused to accept this verdict. Sharry's work did support normalization of his neck muscles and even the drooling was minimized. But Will's team did not stop there. Applying good nutrition and Human BioAcoustics, Will continued to struggle. Using low frequency sound, improvements grew. Hand movement. Ability to use a computerized talking key board. The rebuilding of a shattered body. Sharry Edwards worked closely with Will's family. She evaluated and re-evaluated his Vocal Profile, identifying the Frequency Equivalents of needed nutrients, analyzing frequencies supporting normalization of structure and function. The long hours of low frequency analogue sound continued for several years. At the 2000 Human BioAcoustics Conference we saw a video of his struggle. He stood from his imprisoning chair. We were all moved to tears. The love and care provided by his parents and other caregivers were providing him the opportunity to heal. Will continued, indomitable. Hand movement returned. It is now the fall of 2002 -- and here is Will, standing, taking steps. Later during this same session, Liz was able to elicit the slow return of words -just "ma" and "fa" and "ah" at first. Please understand, there is no claim here that Will is being "cured" or "treated" by Sharry Edwards and Human BioAcoustics. We suspect that Love and sheer determination are curing Will. We do contend that Human BioAcoustics can complement the natural movement toward wellness. We never abandon hope. We are convinced of the potential of Sharry Edwards' Human BioAcoustics. That is what Sound Health Research seeks to evaluate.

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What Ms. Edwards Does Merriam-Webster (www.m-w.com) defines "bioacoustics" as: "a branch of science concerned with the production of sound by and its effects on living systems." This term, as applied to humans, now refers, as Human BioAcoustics, specifically to the research initiated by Sharry Edwards in the 1970's, of Voice Spectral Analysis and the presentation of sound frequency to support the normal structure and function of the Vocal Profile. Identifying the frequency relationships in a vocal sample provides the research Vocal Profile. Human BioAcoustics is concerned with the frequencies manifested in the human voice, as measured through standardized computer-based evaluation technologies. The goal of the evaluation is to determine how to use generally low frequency analog sound to support the normalization of the Vocal Profile. Frequencies are determined, relationships are evaluated and then, sound can be presented. The primary factors necessary for this process are the numerical frequencies involved, and their harmonic relationships. Among other areas, Human BioAcoustics studies the relationship between the Vocal Profile and states of wellness. Human BioAcoustics has determined that there is a Frequency Equivalent for each substance and structure. The purpose of Human BioAcoustics is to normalize the Vocal Profile. It is not intended that the developing science of Human BioAcoustics be included within the limitations of licensed medicine. This is because medicine is licensed since it deals with diagnosing and treating disease, and uses dangerous methodologies, such as powerful prescription drugs and invasive techniques like surgery and radiation, while Human BioAcoustics does not use any drug material remedies or invasive technologies. Human BioAcoustic researchers are developing professional nomenclature appropriate to the Signature Sound Techniques and Technologies of Human BioAcoustics as founded by Ms. Edwards. Knowledgeable researchers discourse about Voice Spectral Analysis (the process of taking a voice sample and converting it into graphic representations), the Vocal Profile (the graphic presentation of the data), Frequency Equivalents (the numerical relationships between substance or structure and frequency), "Root" frequency, harmonizing the vocal profile and similar terms. This is the language we need to cultivate and understand in order to continue the development of the research discipline of Human BioAcoustics as an independent branch of science. Human BioAcoustics uses multi-step research protocols. These usually include: (1) the Windows' record program to make a voice .wav file, then (2) a standard frequency analysis program to identify the stressed frequencies and (3) the BioGenesis Program, or its successors, to complete the Voice Spectral Analysis by identifying the Root frequency and the Frequency Equivalent series that will re-harmonize it, allowing the whole person to achieve and maintain a healthy status. This is a purely non-medical technology that does not intend to diagnose, prescribe for, treat or claim to prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease condition. The only place to get Sharry Edwards' work is through Ms. Edwards in Ohio or through the handful of research associates she has certified. The Human BioAcoustics Techniques and Technologies can only be performed by someone trained to do so, through the programs and equipment built for that purpose. Identifying the "Root" should not be confused with "diagnosis" since the "Root" is not a medical labelterm, it is just a frequency linking the vocal disharmonies! Our concern is the Vocal Profile and the stresses (disharmonies) it reveals in the normal structure and function of the physical, biochemical and psychological aspects of the individual.

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Human BioAcoustics does not diagnose, since it does not identify disease nor does it need to know about disease in order for it to recommend harmonizing frequencies. This is not to say that a careful researcher

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would not want to note any formally diagnosed disease for each research subject. The first rule is always, Do No Harm. The BioGenesis Program, for example, does not know anything about disease, it only knows about harmonic relationships among frequencies and a bit about the relationship between substance or structure and frequency (Frequency Equivalent). The art in this research modality is when the research associate chooses which stressed notes to put into the BioGenesis Program. This is where the training is most important. The final step is providing sound frequency to the subject's environment. This is done through speakers or headset powered by a small frequency generating device, the BioAcoustic Square One, which can be programmed (through the proprietary Square One Program) with various frequencies in various patterns. Providing biologically compatible frequencies is like providing the body dietary supplements to support normal structure and function. That is why we have often described modalities such as Human BioAcoustics as BioEnergetic Nutrition and like physical nutrition, Bioenergetic Nutrition - such as low frequency sound -- does not “treat� disease, but rather, it supports normal structure and function, allowing the body to experience wellness. The Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association has also begun to acknowledge the role of alternatives in healing. The original Hypocratic Oath, with its injunction to "Do no harm." has been replaced by a complex Code detailing the relationship between physician and patient and alternative practitioner. The most recent changes, during the early 1990's, were inspired by anti-trust lawsuits brought during the 1980's by chiropractors and others. While "treatment which has no scientific basis" is condemned (Opinion 3.01), under Opinion 3.04, physicians are free to refer a patient "for therapeutic or diagnostic services to another physician, limited practitioner or any other provider of health care services permitted by law to furnish such services, whenever he or she believes that this may benefit the patient." Thus, unscientific "treatment" is distinguished from "health care services permitted by law" and "treatment" -- which means the use of standard medicine and surgery to "cure" disease -- is distinguished from other health care services which need only meet the lesser "may benefit" standard. Thus, modalities such as Human BioAcoustics, can be seen to complement licensed medicine, but not be held to its strictures, nor limited in its practice to licensed physicians. The specific frequencies and patterns used in Human BioAcoustics are part of the private and confidential property of their Discoverer and are provided only to research associates under contract. Specific frequencies are part of the core coding of the universe and proprietary to their Discoverer, like the proprietary snippets of DNA that the Courts have allowed to be patented. The Sound Health Research Institute (SHRI) as an exempt non-profit organization, is concerned with education and research in Sound Health and, as an organization, leaves specific frequencies to their Discoverers. A Frequency, like any other form of Intellectual Property, is taken by its Discoverer from the common resources of the world and made useful property, by the Discoverer, because of the Frequency Equivalent relationships determined by the Discoverer. That creation of property deserves to be respected. It is only by respecting the limitations of the research modality, respecting its language and the proprietary aspects of its knowledge, that researchers can expect the reciprocal recognition that they are annually certified research associates, working together in this exciting extension of human knowledge. Human BioAcoustic evaluation is not medical diagnosis, and discovering further proof that it is of benefit to people is the goal of our research.

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Honors for Breakthrough Research New Scientist of the Year Award The International Association of New Science (IANS - http://www.newsciences.org -- CapitalU) awarded its top honor to Sharry Edwards, Research Director of the Sound Health Research Institute, www.soundhealthresearch.org at the September 2001 IANS Conference in Colorado. Recipients of this prestigious award are chosen for their dedication, innovation and leadership in a field of study. Edwards pioneered the field of Human BioAcoustics which utilizes voice spectral analysis and the use of low frequency analog sound presentation to promote wellness. Laverne DeWilde, Executive Director of IANS, states that her organization has been following Edwards' research work for many years and feels that Edwards' contributions deserve recognition and support from the scientific community. Edwards has long been recognized as a leader in Sound Research. Two documentaries have been completed about her work: Sharry Edwards Energy Medicine and The Sonic Apothecary. Edwards recently appeared in a third documentary that was produced by an English film company that traveled to Ohio to film Ms. Edwards at the Sound Health Center in Athens County. Edwards has been the subject of hundreds of articles published throughout the world and her work has appeared in several books and Journals. A writer for Alternative Medicine Magazine will feature Edwards as a leading pioneer in the field of energy medicine in a book due out next early next year. Edwards makes appearances throughout the world at the invitation of complementary health groups. Edwards has trained thousands of persons to use her techniques which are offered through Capital Universityยนs Integrative Health Program. She has written hundreds of articles, several books and has made numerous radio and TV appearances. Edwards states that, "Everything starts with an idea. Not data, not statistics. An IDEA! Iยนm very honored that my peers have accepted my work as I follow my intention to make a contribution to the idea of SELF HEALTH." Edwards and her husband, William, traveled to Colorado to participate in the 11th annual conference of IANS held in Fort Collins where Edwards appeared as a keynote speaker. The award was a surprise to both of them. Says William, "She deserves that and more. It is nice to see her get recognition after all the hard work she has done. The major contribution of BioAcoustics, and what I see as being accepted first, is the value it offers as a diagnostic tool". William Edwards is employed by Verizon in Athens, Ohio. Edwards is the daughter of Dessie and the late Victor Perry of Meigs County. Her graduate and undergraduate work was completed at Ohio University.

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2002 O. Spurgeon English Humanitarian Award A Meeting of Beautiful Minds... The 2002 O. Spurgeon English Humanitarian Award recipients – Sharry Edwards, MEd, Capital University of Integrative MedicineJohn Forbes Nash, Jr., PhD, Princeton University, Nobel Laureate William J. Rea, MD, Capital University of Integrative Medicine Doris J. Rapp, MD, State University of New York at Buffalo Joan Amtoft-Nielsen, MD, PhD, DC, Ludwig Maxmillian U & U of Copenhagen C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, Duke U., Holos University Graduate Seminary William A. Tiller, PhD, Stanford University Oscar G. Rasmussen, PhD, Capital University of Integrative Medicine James S. Gordon, MD, Georgetown University Esther Pearl Roberts, MD, Fisk University & Meharry Medical College Vijendra K. Singh, PhD, Utah State UniversityBetty Bloomer Ford, former First Lady The Humanitarian Awards are named in honor of Dr. English, for 34 years, head of the Psychiatry Department at Temple University, and are granted to leading physicians and scientists who have made major humanitarian contributions to human welfare. SHRI is especially appreciative to Clancy D. McKenzie, MD and all those involved in sponsoring, creating and conducting the 2002 Awards for recognizing Sharry Edwards, as part of such an extraordinary gathering of luminaries in the most advanced areas of medical and scientific research. Both the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine (http://www.nfam.org/) and Capital University of Integrative Medicine (http://www.cuim.edu) were well represented at the gathering. The event included a day-long series of presentations and discussions at Temple University in historic Philadelphia, culminating in an Awards Dinner where the recipients were awarded metals and proclamations. Each received the acclaim of the audience. To this observer, the most exciting moments were those of intense intellectual interaction among those present. During the breaks in the agenda, the honorees exchanged their thoughts and visions with the attendees in ways that will stimulate research and thinking for years to come. The 2nd edition of Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide includes Human BioAcoustics as a recommended alternative therapy. This innovative alternative for health and wellness, pioneered by Sharry Edwards, was chosen to be listed after lengthy interviews and investigation. In addition to being listed as a recommended therapy, a lengthy article highlighting Human BioAcoustic methods and research has been included in the chapter on Sound Therapy. As noted above, Ms. Edwards’ work is also featured in the newly published Health on the Edge by Larry Trivieri. BioAcoustics uses voice spectral analysis (Vocal Profiling) to identify and interpret the complex frequency interactions that constantly occur within the body. “The frequencies contained in the vocal pattern provide a holographic representation of the body and its energy patterns,” Edwards states. “BioAcoustics seeks to influence the systems within the body that produce, interpret, and use those frequencies in order to achieve and maintain sound health.” Only four techniques, chosen from the hundreds being researched, were featured in the Sound Therapy Chapter, including Ms. Edwards’ work. Among those also included was the Tomatis Method, a worldrenowned program that assists deaf and hard of hearing children to regain listening and communication skills.

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Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide was published to select the most efficacious and trusted programs in alternative health. Over 400 leading medical doctors, health practitioners, scientists, researchers and reporters investigated each program chosen to be highlighted and/or recommended for inclusion in the 2nd Edition. Over 600,000 copies of the first edition are in print. Deepak Chopra, MD, a well-known authority in the health field states “If you are interested in alternative medicine of any kind, and want the security of authenticity in this field, you’d better get Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide.” The Stanford Center for research in Disease Prevention at Stanford University reports that in 1997, $27 billion was spent on alternative wellness methods. Recent studies translate this to mean an astounding number of people (2/3 of those living in US & Canada) now employ some form of alternative to achieve and maintain health. Ms. Edwards and her work have also been chosen as a featured practice on the Alternative Medicine web site. Further information about Sound Health can be found at www.alternativemedicine.com/sharryedwards. Her work continues to be the leading edge of frequency and sound research. Presently Edwards heads the research division of Sound Health in addition to her duties as an adjunct faculty member of the Capital University Program of Integrative Medicine.

Chapter Two - Sharry’s Birth and Youth “The south field sounds like it wants to grow watermelon this year…” Chapter 3 - Sharry’s Education & Family – [Triumph] Chapter 4 - Signature Sound – The Early Years – [Struggle] Chapter 5 - Human BioAcoustics Comes of Age – [Triumph]

PART TWO An Introduction to Human BioAcoustics: A. Forum I & II – God’s Work B. Voice Spectral Analysis & Presenting Sound to Clients C. Sound Health Research Institute D. CUIM & the future of Human BioAcoustics Conclusion -- Future Developments – The God Sound A. The Once4 and Future Science B. Wellness Evaluation and Medical Pre-Screening C. The Frequencies of Immortality Appendix – Essays on Human Bio-Acoustics [Herein a series of pieces by Ms. Edwards and her research students] [1] Frequency and Body Mass - Ms. Edwards [1 page] [2] Keeley, Pods and Chords - Ms. Edwards [1 page] [3] Where is BioAcoustics Available? - R. Fucetola [1 page] [4] The Emerging Field of BioAcoustics – Ms. Edwards [10 pages] [5] Tones, Chords & Frequency Equivalents – Ms. Edwards [2 pages] [6] BioAcoustics in Action – Ms. Edwards [2 pages] 58 | P a g e

[7] The Frequency of Immortality - R. Fucetola [1 page][8] Evaluation and Detoxification with Sound Kathy Greene Fucetola [2 pages] [9] When Good Intent is not Good Enough - Ms. Edwards [2 pages] [10] Overriding Frequencies and Sound Research R. & K. Fucetola [2 pages] [11] Digital v Analog Sound in Healing – Ms. Edwards [2 pages] [12] The Signature Self - Frequencies and Departed Loved Ones – Ms. Edwards [4 pages] [13] Resistant Pathogens Research Report (basis for Dec. 2000 Nexus Article) [8 pages] [14] Lita Lee, Ph.D. - Sound Bites from To Your Health, 1998 – 2001 [12 pages] [15] Vocal Profiling for Pathogen Evaluation – Ms. Edwards [4 pages] [16] BioAcoustic Evaluation is not Medical Diagnosis - R. Fucetola [4 pages] [17] The Story of Indomitable Will - Human BioAcoustics and Tetraplegea [2 pages] [18] On Doing No Harm - Sharry Edwards - posted 11/16/02 [1 page] [19] Ms. Edwards granted an Intellectual Property Seal Order - 02/10/03 [1 page] [20] Ms. Edwards - The Byte Show Interview - 01/24/03 [14 pages] [21] BioAcoustics and Pregnancy - 04/25/03 – [1 page] [22] Ms. Edwards on Protecting IP From Computer Criminals - 06/07/03 [3 pages] [23] Decloaking Pathogens with Sound, Nexus Magazine (Nov/Dec 2000) [permission needed] [24] The Frequencies of Love: A Dialogue - Nov 2003 – Ms. Edwards, Dale Pond [3 pages] [25] Breaking the Sound Barriers of Disease: Vocal Profiling - 12/06/03 [1 page] [26] Sharry Edwards: SOUND E.R. - 12/2003 [1 page]

Footnotes: 1. Human BioAcoustics is not intended to diagnose, prescribe for, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any human disease condition. 2. See www.soundhealthresearch.org for details. 3. Human BioAcoustics has been established by the Research of Sharry Edwards, M.Ed. and is taught by her through various licensed channels, including her certified independent research associates. It is organized through several autonomous entities under her direction. Ms. Edwards conducts her teaching activities through her privately-owned company, Sound Health Alternatives, Inc. (SHAI – www.soundhealthinc.com) which also provides annual certification to the independent research associates. Ms. Edwards is the President of SHAI. Her intellectual property is licensed through SHAI. All practitioner activities are directed through this entity. Sound Health, Inc. (SHI), overseen by its own Board of Directors, is charged with the commercialization of Human BioAcoustics and has an exclusive limited license to market new commercial applications of the research. Ms. Edwards is the President and CEO of SHI, Bill Edwards is Chairman of the Board and Robert Bethel is Secretary Treasurer. The other members of the Board are Eric Kalugin, William Crum, Liz Lonergan and Ralph Fucetola. Educating the public about Human BioAcoustics and that portion of the Research that is appropriate to be funded through grants and donations, is conducted through the Sound Health Research Institute, Inc. (SHRI – www.soundhealthresearch.org), an IRS Code 501(c)(3) approved exempt organization. Charitable activities, such as the providing of equipment in cases of special need, can be arranged through SHRI. Ms. Edwards is Director of the Institute. The SHRI Trustees are Ms. Edwards, Mr. Bethel, Kathy Greene Fucetola, Ronna Steel and Terry Bugno, MD. 4. Eco Homo (How the Human Being Emerged from the Cataclysmic History of Earth) by Noel T. Boaz, Ph.D., BasicBooks, 1997, pp. 212-3.

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Profiles The following evaluations are Vocal Profile developed from the research tenets of Human BioAcoustics. The software used for this evaluation is available to the public from www.nanoVoice.org at no charge.

STATEMENT OF FACT: The information herein contains opinions concerning correlations between personality traits and frequencies found within the voice. The computer printouts are generated by a computer using fast Fourier transforms and voice spectral analysis developed by the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology – a non-profit research organization: SoundHealthOptions.com – 740-698-9119.

Exploring YOUR inner-self through Vocal Profiling Thank you for taking the opportunity to experience the nVoice computer program. As you speak into the microphone, the computer will catalog your words into musical note patterns. Your 60 | P a g e

print-out will reflect the twelve notes of the musical scale – C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B; plus the octave(s) in which you speak. The notes, octaves and general architecture of your vocal graph are used to create a personalized nVoice interpretation for you. Each of these notes has general characteristics. The database used for your analysis has been developed over the last twenty years as we collect data. We would appreciate feedback as to how you think your profile matches the REAL you. For this particular type of vocal profiling, your emotions can greatly influence the interpretation. If you would like information about a variety of subjects, take several voice samples; keeping with one subject for each voice sample. Every print-out will be “flavored” by the subject you talk about. Remember that each written report will reflect what you say as well as what you don’t say. Sometimes you will find conflicting statements on a report. This indicates that these same conflicts reside within your own personality. As you talk about different subjects you will be able to determine the conflicts and joys of each subject. If you doubt the accuracy of your report, ask a friend who will tell you the Truth about how you are perceived by others.

George W Bush on 911 – What did he know? LINK #1: Bush Caught Lying About September 12th http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60 First Vocal Profile: Date: three months after 911 61 | P a g e

Link#2: GWB: The 911 Interview – Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSQ391fg4Ro Second Vocal Profile: Date: August 29, 2011

There have been many different versions of what George W Bush did or didn’t know about the planned 911 attacks. This report attempts to take a look at his vocal biomarkers shortly after the event and then ten years later. What his voice revealed in his speech a few short months after the attacks is very informative. The lower octaves, -2 and -1 represents the gut level foundation of a voice. This Vocal Profile lacks any foundational frequencies; meaning the information is likely imaginative. The strongest note is D#; that of an “information broker”. Notes missing are F# (the balance of perception and action) and G (physical reality). Below is graph for Vocal Profile #1.

Empty – lacks energy and foundation

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Vocal print #1 by column.

The voice is emotional but on a level of providing information for a purpose. A chart at the end of this report explains the emotional correlations for each of the vocal notes. Vocal Print #2 – August 29, 2011

George W. Bush’s speaks about the decisions he faced after 911. Vocal prints that are truthful are NOT filled with gaps and the columns are balanced. It is not the case here. When the note of A# and E are not balanced (equal in size and number), the implication is LACK of truth. Bush wants to believe (high A#) but knows the words and perceptions are not genuine.

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Like many people in leadership position, the refusal to acknowledge cognitive dissonance becomes a way of life. They compartmentalize and rationalize until all is well in their fantasy world.

COMPUTER ANALYSIS Bush - book tour 911 Recording Date: 09/08/2011 Subject/Topic: What did he really know - Bush caught lying Missing Notes You have no hits for the note(s) of: F#, G, A#. Either you did not take enough samples (100-500 is usually best) or your subject matter did not include thoughts or topics that would involve this/these note(s). See the Note Correlate Chart that appears on the Cover Page for more explanation. Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence You have a high degree of intuition when it comes to listening to what people are not saying. You have strong opinions about protecting others who don't have the ability to protect themselves. You will come back again and again to a situation that is unsettled until you find an answer that satisfies you. It is distressing to you when someone is attempting to prove you wrong. You know when you have settled your mind about a situation because you no longer have a need to talk about it. Being without a reason/cause for an unsettling event can be disturbing and very mentally time consuming for you. You may appear to over-estimate your own value to those around you because your self-approval is solid. When you think things through from an internal perspective, your philosophical opinions are very much appreciated. You challenge the opinions of others with good reason. You desire to have information confirmed. You tend to teach by intellectually adapting your behavior to be a good example for others.

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You have the ability to use words to persuade the minds of others. If you ever had to lie to see justice done, you would do it but your sense of justice does not always jive with the law. Using vocal expressions to misdirect a query is easy for you. You can use the high or low of your voice to give people direction as to how to treat you. You can convey a great variety of expressions using vocal nuance instead of words. Your highest note is associated with the expression of change of the body, mind and/or spirit. Seekers of internal Truth live here. The balance between self-expression and self- worth resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of Self Approval and Self Worth. Issues of digestion, enzyme and energy production reside with this note. Your highest note deals with expression through words both written and oral. The world of creative self-expression resides with this note. You sometimes depend on others to support your place in the world. You can see how a situation needs to play out but you don't want to seem interfering. You don't always express your sense of confusion to the appropriate person when others attempt to deal with you inappropriately. Providing balance between what you want and what you will allow yourself will result in harmony in your life. Those around you will allow you to give too much unless you define your own needs. You tend to do more for others than they do for you. Sometimes you think you might as well be invisible when you spend your energy to help others because they don’t seem to be listening at the moment. You want to do something about the mess the world is in but just don't seem to have the energy. Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints Your standards for emotional trust are high. You understand intellectually that trust should be earned but often give trust without reservation. You think about how your words will be received before you speak. You understand that stubbornness of thought exhibited by others is likely a lack of having all of the appropriate information about the subject. You can see through people who are trying to convince you that wrong is right. You work well behind the scene but you expect to be compensated for a job well done, not necessarily in money but in appreciation. You have the ability to convince others with words - spoken and written. You have the ability to use words very creatively. You have the ability to inspire people using stories and demonstrations. You can think well and spontaneously when the need arises. You can change mental direction in a heartbeat. Working to improve yourself is a strong issue. You seek information about yourself that allows you to be resourceful in your interactions with others. You approve of yourself and let others know by the good example you set. You are not likely to allow yourself to be pushed around by other people's opinions. You tend to teach by your actions. You know how to get things done but don't always have the time to deal with the details. Remember that planning something is not the same as getting something done. Thinking and doing needs more balance. You don't always know how to fight back to secure what is properly your due. It is hard for you to understand why people take your peaceful nature as being an easy target. As long as a rule doesn't pertain to you or yours personally, you don't often bother to object. You very much appreciate those who come to your verbal rescue. You have a tendency to neglect your spiritual growth by maintaining too heavy a work load. You would like to have more time to spend on spiritual things. You have a hard time prioritizing what you want to do first. Points of Cooperation, Learning, Opportunity and Growth 65 | P a g e

Your self-approval is often improved by appreciation from others. To your own detriment, you sometimes put the opinions of others ahead of what you think about yourself. You would rather take criticism than give it. Not knowing the "why" of a situation can cause you great concern about your own involvement in the outcome. You have a low tolerance for meaningless conversation. You have lots of ideas but prefer to keep them to yourself until you have worked them out completely. Even when you know someone is lying you feel uncomfortable confronting them. You would like the world to be a fair place without the need for arguments. You want it done right the first time. You have the ability to see what won't work when others present you with a plan. You like verbal excitement via words and music. You can easily use self-talk as a way of self-healing. You would like to be appreciated but often feel awkward handling the attention. You sometimes know the right solutions before you hear all of the facts. You dislike being interrupted when you are trying to concentrate or explain. It is often hard to get going in the morning. Stress can literally take your breath away. You have a tendency to promise more than you have time to deliver. You don't always have the energy to carry-out what you intended to do. You can get excited when you talk about an idea but can easily lose interest if you already know the outcome. Your spirituality is often at odds with your physical lot in life. You don't often allow yourself the time to dedicate to your spiritual endeavors. You would like more time to contemplate the universe, humanity and mankind's place in history. You tend to want to do more than time allows.

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Dick Cheney DOB: 01/30/1941 Recording Date: 06/25/2007 Subject/Topic: Iraq 911 terrorist intelligence

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Separation – no notes in E this - The octave voice empty

I ran this chart twice because I didn’t believe it. There is a separation of what he is saying and what is really going on in his thought process. On both charts there is a large gap between what he is saying and what he is thinking. On one chart there is no “E” – vocal expression. This could mean that it is a subject that he doesn’t want to talk about and possibly a subject that he can’t talk about. Either way the listener would get a sense that the person was not being forthcoming with the information. The charts are also very limited in what is being shared. Information broker would be a good description of this chart. There is a great tendency for MANIPULATION in this chart. This topic will not be expanded. There is NO response to spirituality, justice or humanity.

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Ran another part of the speech – same results Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence You may tend to overestimate your own value to those around you. When you think things through from an internal perspective, your philosophical opinions are very much appreciated. When you repeat gossip make sure that it is true. Removal of self from Pretend the person being talked about is in the same room and can the situation hear you. You challenge the opinions of others with good reason. You tend to teach by intellectually adapting your behavior to be a good example for others. Same Separation – but he is more willing to talk about this part of the conversation – You have a high degree of intuition when it although there is no plan (F) and little call to comes to listening to what people are not action (F#) saying. You have strong opinions about protecting others who don't have the ability to protect themselves. You will come back again and again to a situation that is unsettled until you find an answer that satisfies you. It is distressing to you when someone is attempting to prove you wrong. You know when you have settled your mind about a situation because you no longer have a need to talk about it. Being without a reason/cause for an unsettling event is disturbing for you. You have an unusual sense of time. Not having all the information needed to make a decision stresses you more than it does others. Your reputation is very important to you. You will go to great lengths to protect it.

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Your highest note is associated with the expression of Self Approval and Self Worth. Issues of digestion, enzyme and energy production reside with this note. Being lazy causes less stress for you than for those around you. Some days it just feels good to sit back and do nothing. Having someone help you get started gets the job done faster. The demands on your life don't leave enough time for you personally. It is important to consider how your actions influence others. When confronted with what may be untrue, have the courage to go to the source and ask questions. Sometimes you think you might as well be invisible. You want to do something about the mess the world is in but just don't seem to have the energy. Your leadership ability is hampered by lack of opportunity. Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints Working to improve yourself is a strong issue. You seek information about yourself that allows you to be resourceful in your interactions with others. You approve of yourself and let others know it by your interactions with them. You are not likely to allow yourself to pushed around by other people's opinions. You tend to teach by setting a good example. Your standards for emotional trust are high. You understand intellectually that trust should be earned but often give trust without reservation. You think about how your words will be received before you speak. Stubbornness of thought exhibited by others is a pet peeve. You can see through people who are trying to convince you that wrong is right. You work well behind the scene but you expect to be compensated for a job well done. Seeing every side of an issue is important to making the right decision that is for the betterment of all concerned. You can easily put yourself aside for the benefit of others. You can be good counsel for others if you allow them to keep their own systems intact and not insist they follow yours. You plan to get things organized as soon as you finish doing what's important. You know how you want things to look but don't often have the energy/enthusiasm to make it so. Too much energy is spent taking care of other people's issues/things. Your spiritual side may be neglected because of the responsibilities you hold. Taking time for yourself is important but you don't often do it. Allowing all that you do to be for the benefit of all concerned even if it stresses you personally is the best solution. Your connection to universal truths can be easily misplaced if you allow an individual to demand your time. Deciding to put yourself first may cause you considerable guilt. You like to see what others think and then add your opinion later. You have the ability to put yourself aside for others and often do. Points of Cooperation, Learning, Opportunity and Growth You don't often take enough time for yourself but wish that others would. You have a very high regard for those who appreciate you. You give more lip service than attention to your spiritual needs. You have been known to do for others before you do what is necessary for yourself. Others expect a great deal from you because you have always shown yourself to be selfless. Those who demand you do something because you always did it in the past don't have your best interests at heart. 70 | P a g e

Your own self approval issues can get in the way of expressing your opinions that need to be heard. You can be quick to judge before you gather all the facts. Your sense of self importance is not always shared by others. You have a low tolerance for meaningless conversation. You have lots of ideas but prefer to keep them to yourself until you have worked them out completely. Even when you know someone is lying you feel uncomfortable confronting them. You would like the world to be a fair place without the need for arguments. Having time for inner thought is important to you. You often put others ahead of yourself. You sometimes talk to yourself about your own plight. Calling on the help of spirit can make your life lighter. You will likely resent people who use power trips to get their own way. You ability to use power for the right reason at the right time is important to you. You have a good grasp of when you should use your influence for others and when you should use it for yourself. Others look to you for leadership but you don't always want to be in that position. You can easily use complaining as a way of self healing. You would like to be appreciated but often have difficulty handling the attention. You sometimes offer solutions before you hear all of the facts. You dislike being interrupted when you are trying to concentrate or explain. It is often hard to get going in the morning. Expressing your true emotions is rare for you. You would just as soon that people keep their opinions about you to themselves.

Colin Powell Retired four star general in US Army; served as Secretary of State under George W Bush. 911 – The Bloody Morning After –

Colin Powell Speaks… Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=vtatuntq108

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Graph #1 – intelligence gathering about 911 I included Colin Powell because I didn’t really hear much about him being involved. I thought he was someone who didn’t know much about the depths of 911. I expected to find a strong personality but

one that had no foundation knowledge of 911 even though he was Secy of State during that time.

Empty-3 Left Brained (logical) Perspective – this perspective is in the ara of fantasy and imagingation

Solid -3 Right Brained (creative) foundation Colin Powell talks about 911

From the frequencies contained in his voice – from the vocal prints we have analyzed so far, Powell is/was one of the MOST knowledgeable of the events of 911. Bush and Rumsfeld both lack this foundational octave (-3). Chaney’s vocal print contains a left brained foundation perspective but lacks the right brained perspective [See Chaney and Powell comparison below.] Together their two charts combined show a near complete foundational octave (-3) basis relating to knowledge about 911.

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Dick Chaney talks about 911

They have similar charts but both lack significance for the note of F – which represents a balance of perception and action, money and male sexuality. What Powell doesn’t have, Chaney does and vise versa. They both have over abundant notes of D on several octaves. This equals, behind the scene support for people, projects and ideas but comes with the price of the provider wanting it their way.

73 | P a g e

I was very surprised that the video we used to evaluate Powell was nearly ten years old but had only been viewed by less than 1500 people. This chart indicates a strong foundation of manipulation (like Chaney, of separation from foundation (Bush lacks this foundation) to God level – thinks he did the right thing

Graph #1 =- CIA gathering evidence

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Donald Rumsfeld, Sec. of Defense under GW Bush and former White House Chief of Staff under President Ford. A person with this vocal graph would appear solid, focused and capable to those around him because the person has the ability to “read” what a person wants to hear and deliver what the other person sees as important. This personality is a Chameleon; able to change as they move from person to person who is in need. There is an emotional desire to manage and help others but there is a lack of personal foundation indicated in the numeric lack of any lower octave framework of the Vocal Profile. This vocal graph is very similar to GW Bush’s – the topic is the same (911). Chaney has more of an ability to meet, assess and respond appropriately than does Bush. Chaney is verbally agile, always ready with an answer but his perception of the actual situation is limited. He relies on the “reflection” of others to set his place in a situation. He is more left brained with the notes of D as his strongest personality trait. These people can be very manipulative particularly when the rest of the chart is so sparce.

Link: http://video.foxnews.com/v/11 46455669001/rumsfeldsreflections-on-911/? playlist_id=87485

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Lack foundation except for a score of 36 in the note of C in -2 octave = self, ego.

Rumsfeld on 911 COMPUTER PRINT-OUT Missing Notes You have no hits for the note(s) of: F, G#, A#, B. Either you did not take enough samples (100500 is usually best) or your subject matter did not include thoughts or topics that would involve this/these note(s). See the Note Correlate Chart that appears on the Cover Page for more explanation. Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence

You may appear to over estimate your own value to those around you because your self approval is solid. When you think things through from an internal perspective, your philosophical opinions are very much appreciated. You challenge the opinions of others with good reason. You desire to have information confirmed. You tend to teach by intellectually adapting your behavior to be a good example for others. Because you are a strong, capable leader you sometimes find it hard to listen, without interruption, to the opinions and ideas of others. Others see you as having leadership potential but they may resent you for the same 76 | P a g e

reason. People don't usually contradict you because your reaction to perceived criticism can be unsettling to others. Pushing others as hard as you push yourself can lead to resentment. You have the ability to step in and take over if a job needs done. You know where your physical things are located even when others can't understand your system. You like control of your physical environment. Your stamina to get things accomplished is admirable Your highest note is associated with the expression of Self Approval and Self Worth. Issues of digestion, enzyme and energy production reside with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of self power. The issues of circulation and stamina reside with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of what you consider to be your physical domain. Having dominion over your physical environment resides with this note Being able to prioritize what needs to be done emotionally is not always easy for you. You have the ability to just shut down when you are overwhelmed. Your metabolism shows be a weak point in your vocal print. You sometimes depend on others to support your place in the world. You can see how a situation needs to play out but you don't want to seem interfering. You don't always express your sense of confusion to the appropriate person when others attempt to deal with you inappropriately. The right words at the right time can sometimes elude you because of all of the internal dialogue. You would rather not talk than say something useless Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints Working to improve yourself is a strong issue. You seek information about yourself that allows you to be resourceful in your interactions with others. You approve of yourself and let others know by the good example you set. You are not likely to allow yourself to pushed around by other people's opinions. You tend to teach by your actions. You tend to express your ideas in term of benefits to others. You prefer to have enough time to take pride and pleasure in what you accomplish. You have the ability to work well with others and are often put in a leadership position. You don't always know how to fight back to secure what is properly your due. It is hard for you to understand why people take your peaceful nature as being an easy target. As long as a rule doesn't pertain to you or yours personally, you don't often bother to object. You very much appreciate those who come to your verbal rescue. You like praise but don't always know how to accept it humbly. You don't always know what words to use to express what your real needs are. You would rather they just be provided. You wish someone could understand you without demanding a lot of conversation. You have a tendency to neglect your spiritual growth by maintaining too heavy a work load. You would like to have more time to spend on spiritual things. You have a hard time prioritizing what you want to do first. Points of Cooperation, Learning, Opportunity and Growth You have a tendency to think you ought to fight authority to prove personal points of honor even when it costs you. Joining a group that thinks like you do will help bring justice to a 77 | P a g e

situation. Your own self approval issues can get in the way of expressing your opinions that need to be heard. You can be quick to judge before you gather all the pertinent facts. In most cases it is a lack of understanding your motivations. Your self approval is often improved by appreciation from others. To your own detriment, you sometimes put the opinions of others ahead of what you think about yourself. You would rather take criticism than give it. Not knowing the "why" of a situation can cause you great concern about your own involvement in the outcome. You may go along with the crowd too easily just because it is convenient. You see what is "right" but don't always know how to make it happen. Having the leader run over others who can't express themselves engages deep emotions for you. Your spirituality is often at odds with your physical lot in life. You don't often allow yourself the time to dedicate to your spiritual endeavors. You would like more time to contemplate the universe, humanity and mankind's place in history. You tend to want to do more than time allows. The desire and ability to be a leader is not often recognized until you speak up. You don't always do things because you want to but because it is expected of you. You tend to give too much or too little of yourself. Reciprocal appreciation is important to you. Expressing your true emotions is a private matter for you unless justice is involved. You would just as soon that people keep their opinions about you to themselves. Being comfortable is more important to you than your image.

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NOT FOR PUBLICATION PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL February 7, 2002 Copyright 2002 by Jennifer Budz and Sound Health Research Institute, Inc.

World Trade Center: Toxicity Pilot Study Submitted by Jennifer Budz of Tones for Living, Inc. of Warwick, NY in association with Sound Health Research Institute – a 501 C-3 qualified organization.

Pilot study During the months of November/December, 2001, Tones for Living personnel used BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling to identify the Frequency Equivalents™ of toxins that people may have been exposed to near the World Trade Center disaster.

Background Biochemical Individuality, by Roger J. Williams, PhD., states that vast diversities in our anatomy and body chemistry dictate our unique nutritional needs. In addition, Einstein proved that mass is energy and we know from science class that down to our smallest cells-we are vibrating. By looking at the human body in this way, it is easy to understand how our genetics, environment, and nutritional habits provide individuality to our structural and biochemical make-up. We are each a unique harmonic of frequencies. Sharry Edwards, the founder of BioAcoustics, has done research for over 20 years to determine the Frequency Equivalents of the structure and biochemistry of the body and develop technology to detect potential frequency imbalances. Using the computer software developed by Edwards’ research group, practitioners have identified the potential root causes of such mysterious conditions as leaky gut syndrome, depression, abnormal gait, autism, fibromyalgia and others. Recent research has centered on resistant pathogens, such as anthrax and smallpox, environmental pollution and weight loss. Sharry was recently named Scientist of the Year by the International Association of New Science and was recently appointed to the faculty of Captial University’s Integrative Medicine Program. Edwards believes that the individualized voice print can be seen as a holographic representation of the body. BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling has been used to identify the Frequency Equivalents for biochemical imbalances, weak or strong muscles, and pathogen or toxin exposure, all from a 44 second voice print. Standard lab tests have substantiated the potential to predict the presence of pathogens, toxicities, and disease states before symptoms occur. The information gained from Vocal Profiling is being used experimentally as a management tool by selected wellness/health practitioners. 79 | P a g e

Pilot Study A small sample pilot study (N = 8) was conducted by this author and my business partner, Anne Palmer. Vocal prints were taken of eight individuals either working at “Ground Zero” or in a nearby office (within two blocks of “Ground Zero”). Analysis of these prints showed imbalances of Frequency Equivalents™ in common for certain environmental toxins, muscles, and biochemicals. See Appendix A. It was also apparent that the people in the study had individual differences in their vocal patterns. As Williams indicated in the above referenced publication, everyone’s body will not respond the same when exposed to toxins that are emitted from burning metal, plastics, resins, fire retardants and pesticides. We are unique biochemically and anatomically, so while one person’s body may be able to detox the foreign substances effectively on their own, others may need additional help as the toxins begin to take their toll on the body. A good example would be the “fireman’s cough” that is being experienced by those exposed to toxins at the WTC site. Previous case studies by Edwards show that exposure to inhaled toxins can be seen as Frequency Equivalents™ from a vocal print. One such exposure was toxic poisoning due to the malfunctioning of a welding mask. That case, which was conducted at a Denver hospital, has been documented.

It is proposed that these same techniques, through BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling, could be used to evaluate possible toxicity exposure and identification for the New York City Firefighters who are experiencing, what is now called, “Fireman’s cough”. Method of Proposed Study 1) Assign 5 firefighters reporting symptoms of “Ground Zero Cough” to the

study. 2) Obtain vocal samples of the participants by asking each to speak into a

microphone for 44 seconds. 3) Perform an FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) on each vocal sample to convert

the wave file into a plot of frequencies arranged from lowest to highest Numerically. 4) Assess each plot for patterns and frequencies that appear to be high, low,

or imbalanced. 5) Use the computer programs developed by Sharry Edwards to find

relationships by examining the coherence of the vocal prints and specific Frequency Equivalents™ for toxins, muscles and biochemicals. 6) Discuss the findings with the participants. 80 | P a g e

Applications Once an individualized structural and biochemical assessment is performed using BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling for the pilot group, substantiation of the Frequency Equivalents™ can be confirmed. We would then look to the medical community to quantitatively verify exposure and toxic effect. This would open the way for anyone exposed to the toxins present at the WTC site to be tested using a procedure that is non invasive, inexpensive and definitive. The procedure is completely non threatening. A participant need only speak into a microphone for 44 seconds. With very little modification to the program, this could be done via the internet where data could be compiled so that outbreaks of any environmental toxin could be tracked. With the current situation at the WTC site and the constant threat of bioterrorism, BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling can potentially provide a technique that could help eliminate the fear of bioterrorism as well as provide a much needed answer for our leaders who are attempting to solve the threats that America is facing as a result of 9/11. The following pages contain graphs showing the vocal analysis data of the eight volunteers; the number of FE’s depicted for each vocal print plus a dictionary of the toxins evaluated.

Jen Budz/Anne Palmer

Medical Consultant


Terrence Bugno, MD





Sound Health Research Institute, Inc.

Legal Consultant

Sharry Edwards

Ralph Fucetola





81 | P a g e

The following chart shows the prevalence of 13 specific toxin Frequency Equivalents™ that were identified from the vocal prints of the eight participants of the pilot study.

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Frequency Equivalent™ for:

Subjects plus the number of times each Subject’s vocal print exhibited the FE.

Key: 4(x2) would indicate that Subject #4 had two (x2) FE’s for Bromochloracetic on his/her vocal print


4(X2); 5(x2); 7(x4)

Vinyl Acetate:

1, 3(x2); 4(x2); 5(x4); 7(x2)

Methacrylic Acid:

1, 3(x2); 4(x2); 5(x4); 7(x3)


1, 3(x2); 4(x2); 5(x4); 7(x4)


1(x2); 4(x3); 6(x2)

Styrene D:

1(x2); 4(x3); 6(x3)

Silver Aluminum:

2(x2); 4(x2); 6(x2); 7


2(x2); 4; 5(x2); 6(x2); 7

Phthalic Anhydride:

1(x6); 2(x6); 3(x6); 4x6;6(x2)

Sodium Cyanide:

1(x4); 3(x4); 5(x2); 6(x2); 7(x4)


1(x4); 3(x4); 5(x2); 6(x2); 7(x4)


1(x4); 2(x2); 3(x4); 4(x2); 6(x2)

Potassium: Cyanide:

3(x2); 6(x2); 7(x3)

Toxin Information 83 | P a g e

ACROLEIN – used in the manufacturing of colloidal forms of metals; making plastics, perfumes. Inhalation of high doses causes pulmonary edema. Irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. AZINPHOS-METHYL – used as an insecticide. Potential symptoms of over exposure are aching eyes, blurred vision, runny nose, headache, chest tightness, wheezing, laryngeal spasms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, twitching, paralysis and convulsions, low blood pressure, cardiac irregularities. BROMINE – a halogen. Used in water disinfection, bleaching fibers and silk. Used in the manufacturing of medicinal bromine compounds, dyestuffs. Inhalation causes serious irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa. Dermal contact may cause corrosion. FOLPET – agricultural fungicide. May irritate mucosal surfaces. HEXANE – chief constituent of petroleum ether. Used to determine refractive index of minerals. Used in thermometers instead of mercury. May be irritating to respiratory tract. MALEIC ANHYDRIDE – used to make certain resins, dye intermediates, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural chemicals. Powerful irritant, burns eyes and skin. Inhalation can lead to pulmonary edema. METHACRYLIC ACID – used to make Lucite, Plexiglas, Perspex (resins and plastics). May act as a strong irritant. MIREX – fire retardant for plastics, rubber, paint, paper, electrical goods. This substance is reasonably thought to be carcinogenic. PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE – used in the manufacturing of phthaleins, phthalates, benzoic acid, synthetic indigo and artificial resins. Irritating to mucous membranes. PIPERONYL BUTOXIDE – insecticide. Large doses have caused vomiting and diarrhea. ROUND-UP (GLYPHOSATE) - herbicide SODIUM CYANIDE – case hardening of steel, used in manufacturing of other cyanides, used in electroplating baths, fumigation of storage/warehouses, etc. Potential symptoms of over exposure are irritation of the eyes and skin, weakness, headache and confusion, nausea, vomiting, increased rate of respiration, slow gasping respiration, asphyxia, thyroid and blood changes. STYRENE-D – used in the manufacturing of plastics, rubber, resins and insulation. Irritating to the eyes and mucous membranes. VINYL ACETATE – plastic masses, films and lacquers.

Janet Napolitano Recording Date: 07/22/2009 Subject/Topic: swine flu announcement on Sunday April 26

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The goal of this voice is to carry out a plan that is supported by persuasice words in the name of justice. There is a strong emotional undercurrent to the message; much stronger than the planned message. The emotions deal with a balance between self approval and self sabotage. This is a planned message that will be carried out for the people. There is not much emotion to support this task.

Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence It is easy for you to see the faults in others but don't always know how to get your point across politely. If you ever had to lie to see justice done, you would do it but your sense of justice does not always jive with the law. You have the ability to allow others to use your strength and support for their own needs. Your highest note is associated with the integration of appropriate perception and action. The ability to assess a situation quickly resides with this note. Your highest note deals with expression through words both written and oral. Your highest note is associated with the expression of justice, fairness and Truth. Structure is not required for you to be comfortable. When in doubt have the courage to go to the source and ask for clarification. Your leadership ability is hampered by lack of opportunity.

Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints Being able to see the steps to how something should be done is easy for you. You have a strong sense of justice, fairness and Truth. You have the ability to use words very creatively. You have the ability to inspire people using stories and demonstrations.

85 | P a g e

Live capture below

Barack Obama Recording Date: 06/18/2007

This chart indicates that humanity comes first. The left or logical side of the brain is directed

through thoughts of justice, self sacrifice and using words to influence and change the world. The right side of the brain – the creative holistic side – makes sure that management through having enough and having equal distribution of resources is a prominent goal. 86 | P a g e

Physical strength is not the mode of operation but using ideas and good management to accomplish goals is well balanced in this chart. Humanity, accomplish, think and strength – in that order – is how this person operates. This person is multi-tasker and would resort to physical violence only as a last resort. Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence You think that feeding the mind is just as important as feeding the body. You are aware of how painful thoughtless words can be. You want everything done but you do so much that some things don't get done on time. You can be very stubborn if Truth, justice and fairness is involved. It is sometimes hard for you to understand why others think you are being controlling. Your ability to champion a cause is admirable especially when the cause becomes personal. You have the ability to allow others to use your strength and support for their own needs. You tend to stubbornly defend your self-image and opinions but don't often admit it. Your strong sense of justice needs an outlet. You have strong opinions about your own opinions. Your highest note is associated with the expression of your internal perspective of service to self vs. humanitarian need. The spirit of the inner core of one's being resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of physically prioritizing what you need and want to accomplishment. Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints You have the ability to organize and prioritize in your head. It may not look that way to others but it is your mode of operation. You like to organize yourself so that everything is at hand and easy to utilize. It is particularly bothersome when people use or borrow your property without permission. You have a strong sense of justice, fairness and Truth. Bullies and breaches of trust disturb you at a deep level. You like to contemplate an issue before you speak up. You are sometimes reluctant to take the lead. You have good ideas but are sometimes reluctant to speak up. You like the idea of leadership but not all of the work involved. You would rather people come to you and ask for help instead of assuming you have the time to assist them. Points of Cooperation, Learning, Opportunity and Growth You have the power and ability to get things done. You sometimes take on more than you can do. You have pride and patience to see the best job done. You are willing to take the lead to get things done. Your ability to have an idea and get it done is admirable. You have a balance between your need to have credit for accomplishments and your ability to get things done. You tend to let your accomplishments speak for you. Getting to the core of what you really believe to be the right way of life is important to you. There are times when you disregard your own needs in order to help others. It is important to you that you make a difference in the lives of others. To help them move toward a more unselfish life. You are a natural 87 | P a g e

teacher by example. You have a patient outlook on life and can work many years toward a specific goal without regard for your own needs. You spend a lot of your time making sure that others learn about integrity, wisdom and responsibility. You challenge yourself much more than others challenge you. You love seeing all the pieces fall together to make it all work. You have a tendency to fight authority when threatened. You work hard to see that justice is included in those around you. You can become physically weak when people take advantage of you or yours but only after you have taken care of the situation. You love justice and truth and work hard to see that these qualities are upheld. You love a happy ending that includes justice, physical restitution and emotional fulfillment. You love truth and justice and try hard to see that people are compensated for their efforts. You love a happy ending and like to think the world is fair and balanced. Your strong sense of justice needs a cause/outlet. You are likely to fight for the rights of others than for yourself. You work to see that others are not taken advantage of. Writing that flows freely to you can also help move others towards their own inner strength. Your self approval depends on living from the inside out - from the core of your being. You have a great ability to learn from your own mistakes and move on. Planning and carrying through your plans is an important aspect of your personality. You plan well and have an intuitive sense about what will work. Others respect your opinions about your projects even though they may argue with your suggestions. Bringing plans to fruition is important to you. Your sense of physical honor is high. A lack of physical space and tools can keep you from doing what you planned. Having time for inner thought is important to you. You often put others ahead of yourself. You sometimes talk to yourself about your own plight. Calling on the help of spirit can make your life lighter. You plan well and can supervise your plans into fruition. You have balance between perception and action. You have high expectations of others because of your ability to produce. You have the ability to see what needs done and give direction to completed the task. You have the ability to visualize yourself in other places. You can physically breathe yourself through stress. You like to improve what you see, feel, hear, read and think about. You can easily read between the lines to what is really being conveyed. One line in a book can cause you to see many different avenues of thought. One of your favorite activities is to think. You like to think of yourself as someone who is contributing to making the world a better place. You have a love of humanity but not necessarily the people that make it up. Your self power will increase when you begin to demand equal treatment. Your desire to help others can override your ability to accept from others. Always doing for others first is sometimes a lonely life. Those around you attempt to influence you through your emotions. When you think what has happened is unfair, your first thought is to make things right. You do this without thinking about how your actions will be perceived. 88 | P a g e

Lady GaGa on Geraldo at Large -

Says NO to sex?

http://video.foxnews.com/v/4306327/lady-gaga-says-no-to-sex Recording Date: 08/11/2010

I expected Lady GaGa’s vocal print to exhibit high ego but that is not the case; note of “C” is low. The relationship to ego is the fruition of useful physical acts unbalanced with the ego. So the outcome and the process is more important to her. Not that “E” and “ A#” do not match – so these statements were not her TRUTH. Also” A” and “A#” are missing indicating that spirituality is not part of this topic. Lady GaGa will do what she needs to do physically (High “G”), to get to where she wants to go. The green dominance in her chart puts her attention to the outcome of whatever she is doing. I expected that her chart would also contain more emotionality because she explained on Oprah that she really has a message for people with her music. This print says “not so”; making moves that secure the future is the intent. She will do whatever it takes, manufacture whatever persona will serve her ambitions.

89 | P a g e

Subject/Topic: talking about wanting to please her fans

Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence You know where your physical things are located even when others can't understand your system. You like control of your physical environment. Your stamina to get things accomplished is admirable. You push yourself and others to finish the job.

You love new ideas that mean you can have a project to work on. A sense of belonging is important to you. You plan well and want to see to it that your plans are carried out. It is easy for you to see the faults in others but don't always know how to get your point across politely. You expect others to take your suggestions seriously and gracefully. Nice things appeal to you and you are not averse to working hard to obtain them. Your highest note is associated with the expression of what you consider to be your physical domain. Having dominion over your physical environment resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of duty to work and accomplishment. The ability to see the flaws in a plan and make it right resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression and integration of appropriate perception and action. The ability to assess a situation quickly resides with this note. You can see how a situation needs to play out but you don't want to seem interfering. You don't always express your sense of confusion to the appropriate person when others attempt to deal with you inappropriately

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Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints Being able to appreciate your environment is important to you. Comfort in your environment needs to be balancing with pleasing colors and functionality. You like your working environment to be efficient with things readily available. You are capable of pushing yourself to get things done. Creating new projects from the ideas you generate is rewarding. You take pleasure in changing things for the better. You have the ability to plan for yourself and others. You can easily show others how to put a plan together. You can get satisfaction out of being able to find and correct mistakes. Your spiritual side may be neglected because of the responsibilities you hold. Taking time for yourself is important but you don't often do it. Allowing all that you do to be for the benefit of all concerned, even if it stresses your personally, is the best solution for you in the long run. You have a tendency to neglect your spiritual growth by maintaining too heavy a work load. You would like to have more time to spend on spiritual things. You have a hard time prioritizing what you want to do first. You don't always know how to fight back to secure what is properly your due. It is hard for you to understand why people take your peaceful nature as being an easy target. As long as a rule doesn't pertain to you or yours personally, you don't often bother to object. You very much appreciate those who come to your verbal rescue. Transcritp from: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4306327/lady-gaga-says-no-to-sex “Now the objective is not to seduce which was my, my …which is really the objective of any song writer, to seduce the world. Now my objective is to please, is to please my fans. I think sex fits perfectly with everything; in the eyes of the public and the media.”

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Exempt NGO No. 20-0982110 Maj Gen Bert Stubblebine (US Army Ret.) President Rima E. Laibow MD Medical Director

Ralph Fucetola JD Legal Director 58 Plotts Road - Newton, NJ 07860 973-300-4594 - Fax : 300-5486


Links for Essential Health and Food Freedom

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I www . teapartypatriots. ning.com/forum/topics/health-freedom-is-our-first

Vaccination and Autism Truth Portal I www.healthfreedomusa. org/?p=5016 Vaccination Information Portal I www . healthfreedomusa. org/?p=3085 Valley of the Moon Coffee I www.ValleyoftheMoonCoffee. org Valley of the Moon Eco Community I www . NaturalSolutionsFotindation. org VotM Teaching Kitchen, Restaurant & Internet Cafe

I www.MyValleyoftheMoon. Org

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BioAcoustics Too Esoteric, Too Scientific Vocal Profiling has the ability to let us know the intentions of our leaders; the motivations of our partners; the foundation of our sense of Self Health and well being. Would those abilities be of value in the struggle to attain dominion over our intrinsic right to personal freedoms? From birth to death, we use sounds to express our needs and emotions, but there are additional layers of information hidden within the words. In modern times we possess only limited conscious awareness of this information for ourselves or as a means to interpret the intentions of others. Vocal Profiling software has been developed that can use the components of the voice to create a matrix of information about anyone, from fundamental DNA, to the hidden intentions of those who claim to speak for us. Imagine a future in which the individual frequency based biomarkers contained within the voice can be used to keep us and our world, healthy and emotionally balanced. Sharry Edwards has been accused of being too scientific by some, too esoteric by others. In actuality she is a bridge between both fields of inquiry. Sharry is the acknowledged pioneer in the emerging field of Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling. She has for many years provided the leading-edge research to show the voice as a holographic representation of the body that can be used to change the face of medicine. During Sharry’s presentation it is her intention to demonstrate how the present system of health and governmental tyranny is both a tragedy and an opportunity.

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