BCP Legals - June 21, 2020

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Page 10 - The Brown County Press - Sunday, June 21, 2020


PUBLIC NOTICES Legal Notice To the Defendant: Unknown Spouse, if any, of Tom Schoner, whose addresses are unknown: In the Brown County Clerk of Courts 101 South Main Street Georgetown, Ohio 45121 Brown County, Ohio Court of Common Pleas Plaintiff: Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc, Defendant: Tom Schoner, et al. Case No. CVE20200001 Judge Gusweiler Plaintiff has brought this action naming you as the Defendants in the above-named court by filing its Complaint on January 2, 2020. The object of the Complaint is to foreclose the mortgage against Defendants. The prayer is that Plaintiff be found to have a good and valid first lien on the within described premises in the amount as set forth in the complaint and accrued interest and penalties, if any; that each of the Defendants be required to answer setting up their interest, if any, in said premises, or be forever barred from asserting same; that unless the amount found due the Plaintiff be paid within a reasonable time to be named by the Court, the equity of redemption of said Defendants shall be foreclosed and an order of sale issued to the Plaintiff for it to be directed to sell said premises as upon execution, and for such other relief as Plaintiff may be entitled. Situated in John Watt’s Military Survey No. 3781, Clark Township, Brown County, Ohio and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an existing nail in the centerline of Lucas Road, said nail being the Northeasterly corner of Arthur B. & Catherine M. Trumble’s 1.119 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 264, Page 96 of the Brown County Records Office; Thence along said centerline S 78 deg. 00’ 00” E 200.00 feet to a set mag nail; Thence leaving said centerline S 12 deg. 00’ 00” W, passing over a set 5/8” iron pin at 20.00 feet for a total distance of 325.00 feet to a set 5/8” iron pin; Thence N 78 deg. 00’ 00” W, 200.00 feet to an existing 5/8” iron pin being the Southeasterly corner of Trumble; Thence along Trumble’s Easterly line N 12 deg. 00’ 00” E, passing over an existing 5/8” iron pin at 305.10 feet for a total distance of 325.00 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 1.492 acres and being subject to legal highways, easements, and restrictions of record. Being part of the property conveyed to Charles R. Schoner’s 35.411 acres tract as recorded in Official Records 25 Page 769 of the Brown County Recorder’s Office. North is based on the centerline of Lucas Road of S 78 deg. 00’ 00” E by Robert Satterfield and dated July 8, 1992. Being the result of a survey made by Richard D. Jasontek, Ohio Registered Surveyor No. 7582 and dated November 2000. You are required to answer the Complaint within twentyeight days after the last publication of this notice, which will be published once each week for three successive weeks, and the last publication will be made on June 28th, 2020. In case of your failure to answer or otherwise respond as permitted by the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure within the time stated, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. David J. Demers, Esq. (0055423) Brenda J. Graf (0066507) Cooke Demers, LLC 260 Market Street, Suite F New Albany, Ohio 43054 614-939-0930 614-939-0987 (fax) Attorney for Plaintiff BCP 6-14-20, 6-21-20, 6-28-20 ---------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE The Fayetteville-Perry Board of Education Regular Meeting is changed to June 24th, 4pm in the HS Library. Due to COVID-19, public participation is not available but will stream the meeting live. Tim Carlier Superintendent Fayetteville-Perry Local Schools BCP 6-14-20, 6-21-20 ----------------------------------------

Please be sure your Legal Notices are in by deadline, to ensure they run in the required issues.

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS BROWN COUNTY, OHIO CASE NO. 20171096 LEGAL NOTICE BRENDA LAYTON, Administrator Of the Estate of Darrell Inskeep Plaintiff Vs. BRENDA LAYTON, ET AL. AND ERIC BROWN Defendants Defendant, Eric Brown, will take notice that on May 22, 2020 Brenda Layton, Administrator of the Estate of Darrell Inskeep, filed her Complaint in the Court of Common Pleas, Probate Division, Brown County, Ohio, Case No. 20171096. The object of the Complaint is that Plaintiff be granted an Order permitting her to sell the subject real estate as described in Exhibit A attached to the Complaint, being a onehalf (1/2) interest held by the Decedent, Darrell Inskeep, in 0.042 acres, more or less, being parcel number 16-026284.0000, for payment of debts of the Estate. Defendant, Eric Brown, should take notice that he will only receive notices required by Law if he enters his appearance in the within case as required by law. Defendant, Eric Brown’s last known address is unknown. Plaintiff prays the Court Order as follows: To sell the real estate described in Exhibit A attached to the Complaint; To survey the property, if required, by the Brown County Tax Map Department; To employ a realtor, if necessary, to aid in the sale of said property; To have an Attorney examine the title to the subject property to be sold and file a report with the Court; To grant Plaintiff authorization for such other matters as may be required. The Defendant, Eric Brown, as named above is required to answer the Complaint within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication of this legal notice. This legal notice will be published once a week for six (6) successive weeks. Cecilia J. Potts (0034613) BCP 5-31-20, 6-7-20, 6-14-20, 6-21-20, 6-28-20, 7-5-20 ---------------------------------------PROBATE COURT OF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO VAL E. LEWIS II, JUDGE ADOPTION OF Olivia Grace Wilhelm CASE NO. 2020 5009 NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR ADOPTION Notice must be served not less than 20 days before the date of the hearing [R.C. 3107.11] To: Kenneth Baxter LKA 753 Delhi Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45204; Samantha Lee Slaven LKA 7331 Bernard Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45231. You are hereby notified that on the 10th day of June, 2020, Joseph and Kerri Wilhelm, filed in this Court a Petition for Adoption of Olivia Grace Wilhelm a minor, whose date of birth is January 9, 2011, and for change of the name of the minor to Olivia Grace Wilhelm. This Court, located at 510 East State Street, Georgetown, Ohio 45121, will hear the petition on the 15th day of July, 2020 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. It is alleged in the petition, pursuant to R.C. 3107.07, that the consent of Samantha Lee Slaven is not required due to the following: That person is a parent who has failed without justifiable cause to provide more than de minimis contact with the minor for a period of at least one year immediately preceding the filing of the adoption petition or placement of the minor in the home of the petitioner. “A FINAL DECREE OF ADOPTION, IF GRANTED, WILL RELIEVE YOU OF ALL PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO CONTACT THE MINOR, AND, EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO A SPOUSE OF THE ADOPTION PETITIONER AND RELATIVES OF THAT SPOUSE, TERMINATE ALL LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE MINOR AND YOU AND THE MINOR’S OTHER RELATIVES, SO THAT THE MINOR THEREAFTER IS A STRANGER TO YOU AND THE MINOR’S FORMER RELATIVES FOR ALL PURPOSES. IF YOU WISH TO CONTEST THE ADOPTION, YOU MUST FILE AN OBJECTION TO THE PETITION WITHIN FOURTEEN DAYS AFTER PROOF OF SERVICE OF NOTICE OF THE FILING OF THE PETITION AND OF THE TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING IS GIVEN TO YOU. IF YOU WISH TO CONTEST THE ADOPTION, YOU MUST ALSO APPEAR AT THE HEARING. A FINAL DECREE OF ADOPTION MAY BE ENTERED IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN OBJECTION TO THE ADOPTION PETITION OR APPEAR AT THE HEARING.” Val E. Lewis II, Probate Judge By: Lesley Myers, Deputy Clerk BCP 6-14-20, 6-21-20, 6-28-20 -----------------------------------------

Phone: (800) 404-3157 • Fax: (937) 444-2652 E-mail: legals@browncountypress.com

VILLAGE OF ABERDEEN ORDINANCE #2019-05 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REVISED USER RATES FOR THE VILLAGE OF ABERDEEN WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND DECLARING THE SAME AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, the present user rates for the Village of Aberdeen wastewater system are not adequate to meet the needs of the wastewater department, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Village of Aberdeen make capital improvements and repairs to its wastewater system which will further increase the revenue needs of the wastewater department WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise the wastewater user rates in order that the Village of Aberdeen can remain fiscally sound, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Village of Aberdeen, Brown County, Ohio, three-fourths or more of all members thereof concurring as follows: SECTION 1. That there is levied and assessed upon each occupied structure, as defined in the General Provisions Relating to the Village of Aberdeen, a monthly minimum (min) charge determineable and payable as provided in this Ordinance (a) The definition of occupied structure in this ordinance will not include any undeveloped lot with a meter or any lot in which a meter has been removed. SECTION 2: From and after the effective date May 21, 2020 of this Ordinance, the following monthly rates and charges shall apply to customers of the Village of Aberdeen for wastewater and will be based upon water usage: RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL RATES METER SIZE MIN. MONTHLY CHARGE



5/8” x 3/4” (STD)



The next 48,000 gallons of water usage will be billed at $6.18 per thousand. All water usage over 50,000 gallons will be billed at $4.50 per thousand.




The next 45,000 gallons of water usage will be billed at $6.18 per thousand. All water usage over 50,000 gallons will be billed at $4.50 per thousand.




The next 34,000 gallons of water usage will be billed at $6.18 per thousand. All water usage over 50,000 gallons will be billed at $4.50 per thousand.

SECTION 3. That any ordinance or part of any ordinance, specifically Ordinance 2017-18 or resolution conflicting with a section of this ordinance is hereby repeated. SECTION 4. That this resolution is hereby declared an emergency to be found in the best interest of the residents of the Village of Aberdeen, Ohio. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the earliest date allowed by law. Passed: May 21, 2020. Jason Phillips, Mayor Rhonda Purdon, Fiscal Officer BCP 6-14-20, 6-21-20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PROBATE COURT LEGAL NOTICE PROBATE COURT OF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO The Brown County CommisOF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO VAL E. LEWIS, JUDGE sioners with recommendation VAL E. LEWIS II, JUDGE ADOPTION OF from the Brown County Plan- IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME Trayden Kent Ikaika-Makana ning Commission are seeking 2 OF Xavier William Douglas Stivers-Figgins members to serve on the Board Carr to Xavier William Douglas CASE NO. 2019 5007 of the Brown County Planning Zink. NOTICE OF HEARING Commission for a 3-year term CASE NO. 2020 9025 ON PETITION appointment. NOTICE OF HEARING FOR ADOPTION The member shall serve to ON CHANGE OF NAME Notice must be served not less provide the utmost efficiency in Applicant hereby gives notice than 20 days before the date of the transaction of its internal afto all interested persons and to the hearing [R.C. 3107.11] fairs and all other affairs which, Robert Carr whose last known To: Jennifer Lizon, 2820 Pe- by their nature or character, are address is Unknown that the aptersburg Rd Jackson, Ohio related to the development, plicant has filed an Application 45640 growth and welfare of Brown for Change of Name in the ProYou are hereby notified that County. The member shall debate Court of Brown County, on the 26th day of February, cide and act upon matters to give Ohio, requesting the change of 2020, Tina Marie Stivers-Fig- primary consideration, in all dename of Xavier William Douglas gins, filed in this Court a Petition liberations, to the public welfare; Carr to Xavier William Douglas for Adoption of Brayden Kohl to avoid bad planning decision, Zink. Figgins, a minor, whose date of no matter what the political presThe hearing on the applicabirth is 11/07/2010, and for sure may be; to refuse to act for tion will be held on the 24th day change of the name of the minor personal gain; to show leaderof July, 2020, at 11:30 o’clock to Trayden Kent Ikaika-Makana ship in enlightening both the A.M. in the Probate Court of Stivers-Figgins. This Court, lo- public and the political adminis- Brown County, located at 510 E. cated at 510 East State Street, tration in the ways of planning; State Street, Georgetown, OH Georgetown, OH 45121, will to recognize the role of compro- 45121. hear the petition on the 28th Day mise in public affairs, but never Amanda Zink of July, 2020 at 11:00 o’clock to compromise the principles of 17952 Gauche Rd a.m. honesty and integrity. The Williamsburg, OH 45176 It is alleged in the petition, Board of the Brown County BCP 6-21-20 pursuant to R.C. 3107.07, that Planning Commission meets ---------------------------------------the consent of is not required due monthly and serves without pay. PROBATE COURT to the following: All interested parties shall OF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO “A FINAL DECREE OF submit to the Brown County VAL E. LEWIS II, JUDGE ADOPTION, IF GRANTED, Planning Commission a resume IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME WILL RELIEVE YOU OF ALL or professional biography, and a OF Valerie Lynne Richey to PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RE- brief statement of intention to Valerie Lynne Bazylewicz. SPONSIBILITIES, INCLUD- serve Brown County at the adCASE NO. 2020 9026 ING THE RIGHT TO dress below by July 10th, 2020. NOTICE OF HEARING CONTACT THE MINOR, AND, For questions regarding this ON CHANGE OF NAME EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO posting call 937-378-4716. The applicant has filed an ApA SPOUSE OF THE ADOPBrown County plication for Change of Name in TION PETITIONER AND Planning Commission the Probate Court of Brown RELATIVES OF THAT 325 W. State Street, County, Ohio, requesting the SPOUSE, TERMINATE ALL Building B change of name of Valerie Lynne LEGAL RELATIONSHIPS BEGeorgetown, OH 45121 Richey to Valerie Lynne TWEEN THE MINOR AND BCP 6-21-20, 6-28-20 Bazylewicz. YOU AND THE MINOR’S ---------------------------------------The hearing on the applicaOTHER RELATIVES, SO PROBATE COURT tion will be held on the 10th day THAT THE MINOR THEREOF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO of July, 2020, at 11:00 o’clock AFTER IS A STRANGER TO DANNY R. BUBP, JUDGE A.M. in the Probate Court of YOU AND THE MINOR’S IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME Brown County, located at 510 E. FORMER RELATIVES FOR OF Zachary David Lane Fields State Street, Georgetown, OH ALL PURPOSES. IF YOU to Zachary David Lane Penny. 45121. WISH TO CONTEST THE CASE NO. 2020 9018 Valerie Richey ADOPTION, YOU MUST FILE NOTICE OF HEARING 123 Emmons Place AN OBJECTION TO THE PEON CHANGE OF NAME Mt. Orab, OH 45154 TITION WITHIN FOURTEEN The applicant has filed an ApBCP 6-21-20 DAYS AFTER PROOF OF plication for Change of Name in ---------------------------------------SERVICE OF NOTICE OF the Probate Court of Brown PROBATE COURT THE FILING OF THE PETI- County, Ohio, requesting the OF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO TION AND OF THE TIME change of name of Zachary VAL E. LEWIS II, JUDGE AND PLACE OF HEARING IS David Lane Fields to Zachary IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME GIVEN TO YOU. IF YOU David Lane Penny. OF Yvonne Elizabeth Wigginton WISH TO CONTEST THE The hearing on the applica- to Yvonne Elizabeth Henson. ADOPTION, YOU MUST tion will be held on the 24th day CASE NO. 2020 9030 ALSO APPEAR AT THE of July, 2020, at 1:00 o’clock NOTICE OF HEARING HEARING. A FINAL DECREE P.M. in the Probate Court of ON CHANGE OF NAME OF ADOPTION MAY BE EN- Brown County, located at 510 E. The applicant has filed an ApTERED IF YOU FAIL TO FILE State Street, Georgetown, OH plication for Change of Name in AN OBJECTION TO THE 45121. the Probate Court of Brown ADOPTION PETITION OR Zach Fields County, Ohio, requesting the APPEAR AT THE HEARING.” 9487 Sisterville Rd. change of name of Yvonne ElizaVal E. Lewis, Probate Judge Hamersville, OH 45130 beth Wigginton to Yvonne ElizaBy: Lesley Myers, BCP 6-21-20 beth Henson. Deputy Clerk ---------------------------------------The hearing on the applicaBCP 6-21-20, 6-28-20, 7-5-20 tion will be held on the 10th day ----------------------------------------of July, 2020, at 10:30 o’clock PROBATE COURT A.M. in the Probate Court of OF BROWN COUNTY, OHIO Brown County, located at 510 E. VAL E. LEWIS II, JUDGE State Street, Georgetown, OH IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME 45121. OF Kathryn Dawn Bess Ratcliff Yvonne E. Wigginton to Tyler Kian Pennington. 679 S. Main St., #24 CASE NO. 2020 9033 Georgetown, OH 45121 NOTICE OF HEARING BCP 6-21-20 ON CHANGE OF NAME ---------------------------------------The applicant has filed an Application for Change of Name in the Probate Court of Brown County, Ohio, requesting the change of name of Kathryn Dawn Bess Ratcliff to Tyler Kian Pennington. The hearing on the application will be held on the 21st day of July, 2020, at 2:00 o’clock P.M. in the Probate Court of Brown County, located at 510 E. State Street, Georgetown, OH 45121. Kathryn Ratcliff 511 E Main St #43 Mount Orab, OH 45154 BCP 6-21-20 ----------------------------------------

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to the flag of the

United States

of AMERICA and to

the Republic for which it stands,

one nation

under God Indivisible

with liberty and justice for all.


Deadline for the July 5th Issue of The Brown County Press will be:

Wednesday, July 1st 10:00 a.m.

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