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SC CHOOL DIN NNERS arou und the world

School Food Plan

to shake up school meals

Yum yum!

Vegging out for fruity kids FLYING FL LYING HIGH – th the he East End “birds” ruffl fling the feathers fling of education catering

How to make your school canteen offering g a class act

For starters... >> In the words of the late Whitney Houston, “I believe ve the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way”... Teaching them about healthy eating is certainly a good start. As millions of youngsters head back to school after the long summer break, we’ve got lots of tips, recipes and advice to help you cater for children. Whilst current government nutritional standards focus predominantly on the education sector, we’ve all got our part to play in ensuring that our young people develop good eating habits. As obesity and diabetes levels increase in the UK, it essential for the health of the nation.

Eagle Solution Services, who are doing some sterling work helping schools to bring their meals service in-house (page 5). I also had the pleasure of interviewing the ‘Chef’s Chef of the Year’ Philip Howard, who spoke openly about his past battle with drug and alcohol addiction – as well as admitting his “Greatest love of all” is desserts (page 38). Happy September,,

I had a great chat with Yinka Ewuola, a food consultant from London-based Country Range Group customer

Ingredients... 11






with Nigel Smith


Weekend pub visits increase at the expense of weekday trade

EDUCATION School meals shake up







Vegging out for fruity kids

Philip Howard opens up and tells all

Our editorial partners...

National Chef of the Year fi nalists announced



The East End “birds’ of education catering


Super Simon scoops Care Cook accolade




by Holby City actress Jing Lusi

Make your school canteen a class act









08 THE

Get ready to Follow the Frog


Contact us... EDITOR Janine Nelson editor@stiritupmagazine.co.uk WRITERS Sarah Rigg, Amy Grace SUBSCRIPTIONS Telephone: 0845 209 3777

As part of our environmental policy this magazine is printed using vegetable oil based ink and is produced to high environmental standards, including EMAS, ISO14001 and FSC® certification.

subscriptions@stiritupmagazine.co.uk DESIGN & PRINT Eclipse Creative

www.countryrange.co.uk/stir-it-up p SEPTEMBER 2013 03


Soap Cooks calendar... Box September

by Roger Rant

In season...


The Future >> In March SIU we had a great article about how restaurants might look and operate by 2020. Recently I seem to have been granted a vision of the future in what I would describe as the CONTAINERISATION of food being served in restaurants and pubs.

Whatever next? Thee CONTAINERISATION CO S O oof food ood – you read it here first.


butternut squash



16-23 Follow ow the Frog Week

www. ww w.co cook co oker ok e yand er nddfo foodfest s ivval a .co.uk u

16-23 Nation o al Cup upcake Wee ek

Dedi D d cated to raising consumer awareness of the Rainfforest Alliance

ww w w.rainforestt-alliance.org www.nationalcupcakeweek. k co.ukk

Drin Dr nk Fo F rt rtni tni n gh ght w w.sc ww scotttitishhfo f odanddrinkfo fortni n ght. t co co.uk

8-10 Spe p ciial a ity and Fiine n Foo od

21Britiissh Food o Fortnight l vebritishfood.co.u .uk 6 Oct www.lo 26-27 Lunch! Trade event for

F ir Fa i ,O Ollym mpiia, a Lon ndo d n

th he food-t -to-go o indusstry, y Busiine n ss Design Ce Centre e, L nd Lo don o

ww w w. w sppec e iality tyan a dfineffoo oodf d ai a rs.co.uk u



Craf C aft Gu Guil i d of o Chefs fs fs Un niv iver e sa al Co Cookerry & Food o Fe est stiv ival a , Wa Warb bro rook o Hou use, Ever Ev ersl s ey sl ey, Surrey Su u y

7-22 Sc Scot ottiish ot s Food oo o and d

B king Ba kiing n Indus u try Aw Awards d , Park Pa rk Lane Hi H lton, Lo L ndon

www.lunnchs h how.co.u .uk

w w. ww w bake k ryyaw ke a ards ds.cco.uk

October In season...

I have seen food arrive in plant pots, wire chip baskets, metal containers that look like recycled ancient mop-buckets, food served on hot metal barbecue style and on slate and planks!





wild mushrooms

Brititi issh Eg Br Egg Week



7-13 Na N tional Eatin ng Out We eek

incorporat a ing National Curry y Week

w ww ww w.b itisshe w.br heggweek.com



The Th e Re Restau a rant nt Sho ow, Earl Ea rlls Co C ur u t,, Lon ondo d n

www.nationaleatingoutweek. k com

14-20 Ch C ocolate We W ek k

www. ww w.thher e esta taurantssho ta h w. w.coo.uk

www.chocolateweek.co.u . k

7-13 Na Nati tion onal on n Cake Week

16 31

w w. ww w.na natitonnalcakeweek.co.uk na uk

World Food Day W Hall Ha l oween

November In season...

1 4-8

red cabbage




Worl Worl r d Ve Vega g n Daay N ti Na tion nal School Me M als We W ek


www.ns n mw ns mw.o .org.uk o k



4-10 Brit itis i h Saaus u ag age We Week ek e k w w..loove ww v poork.co. o uk



Bonfi Bo nfire Ni Nigh ghtt gh



brussel sprouts

Reme m mbrance Sunday W rld Food Day Wo Brrititish Frozen Food Fede eration on annuaal lu unc n heon, Hilton on on n Park Lane, London n St And nd dre rew’s Day


F lying High

– the East End “birds” ruffling the feathers of education catering

>> A talented mother and daughter team are ruffling the feathers of education catering with their revolutio onary new approach. Olukem Oluk emii Atijijos osan an, who prevvio ious usly ly r an the sc the scho hool meals service ce in Lamb Lamb La mbet ethh, et andd he an herr da daughter Yinnka k Ewu wuol olaa runn ol Eaagl g e So Solu luti lu tion ons Services e Ltd td, da coons nsul ulttanccy se ul sett up to em mpo powe werr we s hoool sc o s to run u top o qualilility tyy inn-ho n-ho h usse c te ca teri ring ri ngg ser ervi v ces an a d taake ke a “ wh whol olee ol scho sc scho hoool ol apppprooac ach” h too fo food od. od Base Ba sedd in se in Londo ondon’ n s East End, the pass pa ssio iona onaate te duo and n theeir tea eam m firm rmly ly believe tha hat nu nutr trit itio iona nall sccho hool o meal me alss are an integral pa al part rt of a ch chilild’ d’ss educ u ationn an a d are work r ing to insspi piree scho sc hoolss throoughout the cou ountry too embbrace this mantra and nd take cont co n ro roll of o the heir ownn food ag agen enda dass da annd ca cate tering ng ser ervi viicees. s. Moth Mo other thher e -oof--tw twoo Yi Yink nkkaa,, a former innve vest stme ment me nt banker in the City, e pl ex p ai ains nss: “F “Foo oodd is an amazing secrret weap we a on whichh can ap a be us used ed to in insp spir ire kidds. ki s. It It’s ’ss not jus ust st ab abou o t improvin ing ing coonc ncen entrrat a io ionn an andd be beha havi viou vi ourr in i the

Olluk O Oluk u em emii A ijosan At

clas cl assr as sroo sr oom, oo m it’t’ss al m, alsso so abo bout ut tea ut each chin ingg thhem val a ua uabl uabl ble leess ble sson onss an on andd sk skilills l thaat w ll hel wi e p thhem e ffor or the res estt of theeir liv ives es.”.” es Yink Yi nkaa an nk andd thhe Ea Eagl glee So gl Solu luti tioons ti ons Serv Se rvic vic ices es tea eam m re refe ferr too the fe hems mssel elve vees as “ fo food od consu onsu sult ltan lt a ts an ts”” an andd th thei eirr ro ei role le is to of offe ferr pr fe prac acti ac tica ti call he ca help lp and adv dvic icee ic forr sc fo s hoool olss lo look o in ok ingg to bri ring ng the heirirr cate ca teri te ring ri ng inn ho hous usse annd tr tran ansf an sfform r theirr sccho thei hool o culltu ol turees th thro roug ouggh fo food od..

“We are an innovative organisation, always developing new ways for schools to educate our young people in how to eat healthily all their lives,” cont co ntin nt inuees Yi in Y nkka. “ We hel elpp sc scho hool olls take ta ke con ontrol o andd mak a e thhe mo most st of the of heiir he ir res esou ouurc rces and unl nleash sh thee po th power of ffoo oodd to the h ben enefi efitt nott on no only of th thee sc s ho hool o but als ol lsoo th thee comm munitty. Som omee pe peop oplle op le con onfu f se fu se us wit ith cateriingg con ontr trac a to ac tors rs and I expl ex plain the diiff ffer erren ence ce as foolllloows: s: A catering conntr trac acto ac torr is likke a te to tennnis play ayer and ay nd a cat ater erin er ingg ccoons in nsul ultantt is like like a tenn tennis i coa oach ch. If youu’vve go g t Anndy d Murrayy co cooook okin ing yo y urr sch choo ooll oo dinnerrs th then en tha haat’s grrea eatt (b ( ut u mos o t scho sc scho hoools don’ doon’ n t)) but a coach c likke Iv ch Ivan ann Lend ndl d caan dev develoop yo de y u in i too bei eing ngg a Andy Mu an M rray ay you ourssel elff – we we’r’ree always on thhe si sideelil nes to off ffer er help and ndd advviicce, e, and youu’ll be amaz azzedd what yoou can achieve wiith t thee right coach iin your corner! th “In Neewh w am they did a free schhoo o l meal me alss pi p lo lot in prrimary schools and n thee lilteera th racy c ttargets wer e e higher than whe henn tthey introduced lilte tera raacy hoou our. That’ss how w im mpoort r tantt annd im rtan mpa pact ctffu ful ful goood od foo oodd iss.

...the passionate duo and their team firmly believe that nutritional school meals are an integral part of a child’s education...

“Inn etthn “I hniic and cul ulttura turaalllly divers dive rsee ar area rea eass fo f odd has a veery ry important role to play ayy. A lot of chi hildren don’t have E nglish as theeei th eir fifirs r t language g and therefore com mmunicatin mm ingg can

“Food is an amazing secret weapon which can be used to inspire kids.” The Eagle Solutio ns

be cha h llllen engi ging ng. Fo Food od is a ta t ctilililee andd pr an prac actitica call wa wayy to nar arro row ro w th thee ga gap. p Chililldren Ch en migghtt not lik ikee fr fractions and think th they ey’r’rre noot im ey important to them – but they thhey sud uddenly become imp mporr ta t nt when wh en you ou’r’ree di divi vidi d ngg a cak a e up!”

Pupil consultation is key to creating healthy menus, says Yinka, and children are given choices and not dictated to. “Our “Our u mantr an ra is is eveeryth thhin ingg in m deera mo r ti tion onn wit ith th thee exception of trraannnss fa fats ttss andd E numbers. However, if the heyy waant buurrge g r and chhipps ev e er ery day, da y the henn we we’l’l’lll wo w rk to show them thhe cons cons co nseque uences ue e es off th thatt cho hoic ice. “I rea e llly doo bel e ie ieve vee tha hatt yo you are wh what at you ea eat, t, and n obe besi esi sity ty and diabete tess rate ra tees ar aree go goiing ing thhro roug u h th thee ro roof of. Forr a qu Fo quic ickk buc ic buuck ck we, e, as a na nation onn, aree trradding ar inng away ay the hea ealt lthh off lt futuree gener enne attio i ns ns. In sch chhoo ool ols ls you have ve a cap a ti ap tive vee auddie ienc encce annd we w can teac acch thhem bettte terr hab haabits.”

management team

the Eaagl the glee Soolu luti tion ti onss te on team m als lso he help lp school olss to sou ourc rcee inngr rc greedi edients, deesi s gnn and ana naly lysee men enus u , co us c nsult with wi th the com omm munityy, seet up coo ooke kery ry club cl ubss an andd kitchenn gard garden e s, en s dev evel elop op looca loca cal arrea net etwo work wo rkss to rk t supppo port rtt and enha haancce cu currr rricul icculum um teach eaachhin ing, g, re-d re e-d -des eessign ign thei ig thheir ki kitc tche tc hens he en anndd din inin ingg in areeas ar eas an a d ru runn st staf afff tr af t ai a ning ng . “The “T he sch choo ools oo ls do it wit ithh our heelp and addviice – it is not o out ot utso soourrce c d,” shee addss. “H Hea eadt dttea each cher ch erss ha er h ve so ma m ny things onn th thei eir pl ei plat atees es evvery very day ay and in inso sour so urci ur cing ci ng caan ng an see eeem lil kkee a challeng ngge buut, with ouuts tsou ourc ou rcin rc inng, g evverry me meal a yoou ou buyy is a sp spen e d ne en neve neve verr to be re r turnned, wh wher erea er eaas wi with th thi hiss mode mo d l, every ryth ry thin th inng is an in ing inve vest ve stme st meent beca be cauuse use the thhe se serv r viice ice is you ours rs and thee caate th teri ring ri ing n tea eam m are arre pa p rt off yo y ur staf st taf afff annd so so your spendd reema main inss in in youur sc s hool o communityy.””

Eagle Solutions Services is hosting a conference about their work in October. For more information A well as As as helping ngg wit ith th th t e se sett ttin tt ing upp and nd runni ning of in-h inn-hhou ousse se cat ater ter erin ing , visit www.eagl www.eaglessl.co.uk glessl.co.uk SEPTEMBER 2013 05


...the i-crumb range is ideal for schools because they haven’t been pre-fried during the manufacturing process...

Fishy favourites in a new crispy coating >> Our delicious i-crumb range of fish products just got even tastier – thanks to a new and improved recipe. We’ve made a few changes to the i-crumb coating, which means it is tastier and crispier than ever.

fried food option. The i-crumb range means schools can overcome this as it is not fried during the manufacturing process, which gives schools more flexibility and the option of serving it more often.”

Country Range’s versatile selection of delicious i-crumb fish products offer a healthier alternative to pre-fried fish and can be cooked in the oven.

The i-crumb range includes:

They’re ideal for schools because they haven’t been pre-fried during the manufacturing process, making them compliant with the Government’s strict nutritional guidelines. Martin Ward, Country Range brand manager, explains: “The guidelines dictate that deep-fried food, including those deep-fried or flash-fried in the kitchen or manufacturing process, should not be provided more than twice a week across the school day. So, for example, serving battered or deep-fried breaded fish and chips (including oven-baked chips) on the same day means that no other deep-fried food can be provided that week. “Many coated fish products are fried as part of the manufacturing process so even though schools may bake it, it still counts as a

However, the i-crumb range’s appeal isn’t just limited to the education sector. It’s the perfect product for pub menus too – and can be fried or baked, depending on your preference.

• Salmon Bites (approx. 100 x 20g)

• Cod Bites (approx. 100 x 20g) • Salmon Fishcake (60 x 57g) • Whitefish Fishcake (60 x 57g) • Salmon Small Fry (approx. 60 x 50-70g) • Whitefish Small Fry (approx. 60 x 50-70g) All fish is caught from sustainable sources. We’ve also added the i-crumb coating to our scampi bites (pack size: 1kg). Made from a tasty blend of whitefish and scampi and wrapped in crispy coating, they’re ideal for light bites, for starters or as part of a seafood sharing platter. • Scampi bites (pack size: 1kg)

What a caper! >> We’ve changed the pack size of our range of olives and capers so that they’re all the same 1kg g size: • Pimento Stuffed Olives ves in Brine • Pitted Green Olives in Brine • Pitted Black Olives in n Brine • Capers



New look for Pritchitts’ Comelle Ice Cream Mix ..attract even more >> Pritchitts has seasonal business... introduced a bold new w pack design and pointt of sale items for Comelle Ice Cream Mix, giving customers and caterers the upper hand in meeting the demand for iconic whipped ice creams. A trusted favourite among caterers, Comelle offers great vanilla taste, complete convenience and consistency with no additions needed to make the perfect cone. It is also suitable for vegetarians, GM and gluten-free and supplied ambient eliminating costly storage headaches at a stroke.

Triple Layer Indulgence >> Exquisite Handmade Cakes is launching a brand new flavour within its gourmet Triple Layer range of luxury cakes. Carrot is the latest flavour addition from the cake specialist and is now available to caterers and chefs, alongside its existing opulent chocolate, traditional Victoria and lively lemon variants in the Triple Layer range. The Carrot Triple Layer Cake is a dense and moist gateau has three layers of lightly spiced sponge made with an abundance of freshly grated carrot and sultanas. It is finished with a sweet white cream-cheese icing and crunchy walnuts. All of Exquisite Handmade Cakes’ Triple Layer range can be bought in single units, and are available in both portioned p and un-portioned p formats. When cut theyy serve between 14-16 portions. Each has a ‘Best Before’ of 28 days from date of manufacture and all are suitable for freezing.

Simon Muschamp, head of marketing at Pritchitts, says: “With a new look on our pack and our point of sale items we’re giving one of our most trusted products a new face, and in doing so, helping customers to attract even more seasonal business. “With Comelle Ice Cream Mix it’s so easy; you don’t need anything else to make the perfect final product. It also provides the perfect base for incremental sales opportunities with the addition of sauces, sprinkles and chocolate.”

Almondy tårta are already a big hit with consumers..

...finished with a sweet white cream-cheese icing and crunchy walnuts...


>> Swedish baker Almondy has launched a new range of free point-of-sale material to help caterers cash in even further on one of the UK’s top five frozen desserts. The colourful line-up of posters, wobblers and tent cards highlight some of the key selling-points that have made the almond biscuit-based tårta (or cakes) firm favourites among consumers. It includes the co-branded Daim and Toblerone confectionery toppings and the gluten-free status of Almondy which addresses an expanding market now worth £126m and caters for 11% of the UK population leading a gluten-free lifestyle. Andrew Ely, managing director, Almondy, explains: “Last year, Almondy increased sales by a recession-busting 42.7% bucking the general downward trend (-2.9%) in frozen desserts – so it is clear that our tårta are already a big hit with consumers who have made it the UK’s fastest growing frozen dessert. But to make the most of this opportunity to drive sales, operators need to ensure that customers know that Almondy is on the menu and this is why we have created our new POS material to support our foodservice clients – research shows that 50% of customers would buy Almondy if they saw it on a menu so claim your kit now!” To request your free POS material, email alex@jellybeancreative.co.uk with your name, business address and Almondy POS in the subject heading.


T l of Harrogate Taylors H og goes big for latest coffee offering >> Taylors of Harrogate is expanding its number one coffee brand with the introduction of a new 100% Arabica 1kg espresso bag. Inspired by the espresso of northern Italy, the Rainforest Alliance certified, dark roasted coffee blend is made up of six different components from key coffee producing regions to create a rich, full bodied and complex blend with excellent chocolate and nutty notes. John Sutcliffe, out-of-home and convenience controller, Taylors of Harrogate, said: “We’re committed to the out-of-home market and so when our customers demanded a biggeer format we delivered. The new 1kg esppresso bag means that operatoors can enjoy the same great quality Arabica coffee that has made us the U UK’s number one coffee beans brand – all in an optimum format.” As withh Taylors’ entire coffee range, the 100% AArabica espresso blend is roasted and vaacuumed packed in a foil bag withinn two hours to maintain freshness.

...a deliciously smooth coffee with character...

to the

baaking g witth the new w and d improved McDougalls * flour based d mix range from Premieer Foods: O O



Delivering prove vena nanc ncce and full traaceaabillitty nce Products complly wi with t govver th ernm n en e t 20 2012 salt targets* Quality assure red prod ductss fro rom m a trrus uste ted te d and much lovved Brittish bran nd Saaves caterers catere ers valua valuab ab bllee tim time me in the th he kkiitc tche tc che hen en

Find out more...



Ambrosia is staging its biggest ever foodservice give-away with hundreds of prizes up for grabs. Winning is easy… Once you’ve purchased your Ambrosia Rice or Custard pots from your wholesaler, log on to www.premierfoodservice.co.uk/potofgold, enter your details and click to see if you’re a winner.

For more information please visit: www.premierfoodservice.co.uk/potofgold @PremierFoods _ FS Competition open from 1st September – 31st October 2013. T&C’s apply. Please visit website for further information.


The Craft Gu uild of Chefs Memb bership >> As the leading chefs association in the UK, The Craft Guild of Chefs represents the interests of chefs and promot o es und derstanding, apprrec e ia ation and the advancement of the art of cookery and the science of food. The association is supported by an increasingg number of professionnal supply companies whicch offer members major benefits and savings.

Five ways t o use...


>> Martin Bates, CEO of the Craft Guild of Chefs, is something of a fan of the humble butter bean – but that hasn’t always been the case. Hee explains: “I rremember as a chhild one of the ‘ foods too be avoided’ was buutter beans, not for any health reasons, inn fact quite the oopposite. They just ddidn’t stack up to a bar of chocolate... How times change!”

We are giving Stir it up readers the ch c ance to receive a 20% discount on membership. Membership will therefore cost justt £42.30 including VAT at 20% for yo y ur first year (nor o mal price £ 2.88). As the Craft Guild of £5 Chefs is a professional body youur membership fee is tax deductible. Too recei e ve your diiscounted membership simply call 0800 195 2433 and quote reference SU/20.

Your membership gives you the following benefits: • Free access to the Guuild’s websitte which incl c ud cl u es information o on jobs, sppecial offers, suppliers, early discounted booki k ngg to Guild events, news, recipes and competitions • The Guildd’s quarterly Stockpot maga g zine which is packed with innformation, news and ideas • Advance notification of forthc h oming events, mastercl cllasses, competitions, regionall activities etc • Free membership to the Guild’s Culinaary Academy to hone your competition skills yo e use of the Guild’s • Free extensive reference lilbrary • Free pe p rsonal a copies of: Eat Out, Restaurant, Foodservice Footprint, plus the new Caterer & Hotelkeeper Chefs Newsletter.

In his role at the h helm h l off the h Craft C f Guild G ild off Chefs, C Martin comes across all manner of exotic and unusual ingredients, and is not afraid to experiment with them in the kitchen. Country Range Butter Beans are a great store cupboard ingredient, he says, and can be used to enhance a wealth of dishes. Here are Martin’s five ways to use butter beans:

Butter Beans can be used to enhance a wealth of dishes...

1. Use them in tasty ‘Trencherman’ soups served with warm crusty breads – Bean, Cabbage and Chorizo served with sundried tomato bread is a particular favourite of mine (see below).

2. Stews – you will find that the butter beans absorb the flavours and their texture will add a new dimension. Try them in a rich Navarin of lamb.

3. Pureed –

as a vegetable or garnish. Cook them in a vegetable stock then remove the outer layer and puree with a little of the stock and crème fraiche. The resulting puree looks great as a swirl on a dark plate.

4. As a dip – use the butter beans as a replacement for chickpeas in a hummus-style dip. You will also find they go very well when pureed with black olives and drizzled with balsamic vinegar.

5. Finally – and only if you still have that “hang-up” from your childhood, they make a great baking aid when blind baking a flan!

Bean, Cabbage & Chorizo Soup (leave out the chorizo for a vegetarian version) Ingredients


250g Country Range butter beans 2 medium onions, roughly chopped 4 cloves of garlic, crushed 50ml Country Range olive or rapeseed oil 150g chorizo (large dice) 350g shredded white cabbage or 250g shredded Savoy cabbage 1.5litres good vegetable stock

1. Heat the oil in a large pan, sweat the onions in the oil then add the chorizo and garlic and fry untill the spicy oil startss to be released from the chorizo. 2. Add the cabbagge and beans, stir well to cover them in the spicy oil then add the vegetable stock cover and bring to the booil. 3. Lower the heat and simmer for 45-60 minutes taste and adjust the seasoning.




UNILEVER FOOD SOLUTIONS ENCOURAGE SCHOOLS TO HELP END CHILD HUNGER Unilever Food Solutions UK, the leading supplier of modern professional ingredients, is taking on a double task this year by continuing to help school children in the UK eat more nutritiously, while fighting child hunger in Indonesia by working with the World Food Programme. Partnering with the World Food Programme’s school feeding initiative, Unilever Food Solutions aims to transform Indonesian children’s lives by providing over 150,000 school meals in 2013. To achieve its goal, Unilever Food Solutions is working with its customers to raise awareness and money for this worthy cause. James Allred, channel manager at Unilever Food Solutions, says: “One caterer that’s already inspired staff and students to raise money for the World Food Programme g is

Babs Askham from St Wilfrid’s School, Pontefract. From fancy dress and charity triathlons to raffles and ‘around the world’ meal deals, her fundraising activities are bringing the school together.” Babs says: “It’s good for students who do get a good meal here to see what other children in the world are eating. We started our fundraising activities during World Hunger Awareness week in May and put on different menus every day: Chinese, Italian, Indonesian, American and Mediterranean. We also created delicious cupcakes decorated with flags from across the world and for every one of our special cup cakes sold we donated 20p to the World Food Programme.” Year 9 student India Gannon, who has been supporting the World Food Programme at her school by taking part in a fun triathlon and selling raffle tickets, says: “We’re asking staff and students to give 20p because that’s all it takes to feed a child in Indonesia. With 20p in the UK you could probably just buy some ppennyy sweets and that’s about it!”

To achieve its goal, Unilever Food Solutions is working with its customers to raise awareness and money for this worthy cause...

ALL FOR ONE Fundraisers from St Wilfred’s Scho


ol, Pontefract


Kevin K e Walsh, accting head teacher, says: “The reason thaat we wanted to get involved in this project was because, as a Christian school, we feel that the whole world’s problems about food is very important. Anything that makes our children think about how lucky they are is a very good thing. With World Food Week approaching in October, we look forward to developing p g on what we’ve alreadyy achieved.”

James continues: “We’ve already provided over 35,000 meals, thanks to working with school caterers across the country - but there’s still more to do. Our customers can help us simply ordering some Knorr Create More. Between September to December, for every tracked case of Knorr Create More Sauce sold into schools, in addition to what is raised in school, we’ll donate 10 school meals to this campaign. For school caterers who really want to get behind the initiative, we’ll also provide a fundraising kit to help raise awareness during World Food Week in October (14-18 October). The kit is packed with emotive and educational promotional materials, recipes to engage students and fundraising ideas that you can do at your school to raise money. “It will really help to get your students involved in the initiative, as Babs has shown, whilst also educating them on the issues faced by these children and their families.


Remember, 20p can pay for a meal for one school child in Indonesia and together we can make a really positive difference.” James concludes: “We’re doing this because we recognise that as both a business and individuals we have a responsibility to do things efficiently, effectively and sustainably. This year, we pledged to help one billion people across the globe improve their health and wellbeing, as part of Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan, by 2020. It’s a huge challenge, but one we’re 100% committed to and supporting the World Food Programme will help us to meet our goal.”

For more details on how you start fundraising to raise money for the World Food Programme, visit: www.unileverfoodsolutions.co.uk

“It will really help to get your students involved in the initiative... whilst also educating them on the issues faced by these children and their families...”



Just add water, fresh ingredients and your inspiration Knorr has launched a new range of Italian Create More Concentrated Sauces, made with sustainable tomatoes, to help chefs put an authentic taste of Italy on their menus. Joining the range of Knorr Blue Dragon (Oriental) and Knorr Patak’s (Indian) sauces, Knorr Create More is designed to allow school caterers to add their own signature to a sauce. All caterers they need to do is add water, fresh ingredients and their own inspiration to create great-tasting dishes.


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Make your school canteen offering

a class act

>> School food is once again on the men nu at the House of Commons. As politicians debate th he much-anticipated recommendatio ons put forward d by the School Food d Pla an, education caterers wait with bated breath to see e how th hey will affe ect their day-to-day operations. One th hing is for sure e, achieving the balance between th he de emands of a healthy eating product and pu upill power ca an be difficult. The opportu unity liies in mak king heallth hier foods more appealing and thee treats more acceeptable.

Grains of goodness Tilda Tild a is mon onit itor o in i g th the pr prog ogre r sss of th the e Sc S ho hool Foo o d Plan and is com mmi mitt tted ed to he help lpin ing g ca ate tere rers cop pe with h cha h nges they will h ve to ta ha take ke e on bo boar ard d as new measure r s are impllem e ented.

“TThe aim m of th t e ac acti tion ti on pla lann is to improve the quality of school meals and too enc ncou ouura rage ge pup upilills to purrsuue a more hea e ltthyy diet wh w ich is obviously a g od go od thi hing ng,”” sai aidd Ma Mark rkk Lyd y dy dy, Ti T ldda’s head of fooddservice. “Ultimat a ely, it wiill lea eadd too a sig igni nifififica cant nt inc n re r ase inn thee number of chi h ldre ren eating n good, heeallth t y fo food odd in sccho h olls wh whic ich is som met e hi hing thatt everyb y ody involved in educ ed uccat atio iona n l ca na cate teri ring ngg sup uppo poorts. “H How owev ever ev e , we er w als l o ap appr prec ecia iate tha h t th t e pl p an wilil pr pres e en e t a freshh challenge forr so fo some m eduuca cati tionnal catter e erss wh who wi w lll have to serr ve up be b tter quality f od – oft fo ften en wit itho hout u anyy inc ut ncreeas ase in the h ir bud udgets ts.. As gre ts reat aterr emphasis is p t on sch pu choo ooll ca cate tereers too deelive v r bett tter er qua uality mea ealss, caate terers will have to giv to i e mo m ree con onsi side dera r ti ra tion to thhe im impaact certainn foods d havee inn relation to thhe di diet ettar aryy in inta taake of ch chilildr dren en.” “ ic “R ice, e, parr tit cu cula larl r y ba rl basm smat ati,i, has a big rol olee to pla layy in the hea ealt lthi hier er eating era w are we r now in beeca caus u e of its us t ver ersa satilility t , th ty thee si sign gnifi ificcan antt dietar aryy co c ntri r bution it can it an makke an andd th thee va valu luee it off ffer erss scho hool o cat aterrer e s an andd thheirr sttud udennts t ,” saays Marrk. k “B “Bas asma as matitii is ve very ry muc uchh a ‘c ‘cal a orrie bar arga gain in’’ be b caausse a ha h lff cup up cook co oked edd ser ervi ving ng is ju just st oveer 10 00 ca calori ries e , it is he heal alth thie ierr th than a longg grain rice andd keep an keeep e s yo youu fu f llller er ffor or lon o ge g r.r Ric i e iss an im impo port rtannt pa part r off a heeal alth t y diet; it is a co comp m lex, mp x, staarcchy car arbo bohy hydr drat atee an andd ther eref efore a go g od o sourc rcee off e er en ergy gy for or the h bod ody. y. It pr prov ovid ides es ffue uell to the he musscl cles es and nd alll othher boddy s st sy stem emss in em incl clud cl udin ingg th thee br brai ain. n It is alsso fr free ee of tr tran ans andd satu turate tedd fa fats ts andd is nat an atur ural a lyy freee of sod odiu ium, m m ki ma king n itt a pe perf rfec e t fuell because it forr titififies wor o ki king ng mus uscl cles witth thhe carb rbohhyd ydra raate tess ne need e ed to exerrci ex c se lon onge gerr an and haardder er.”.

“Brown rice is a perfect fuel because it fortifies working muscles with the carbohydrates needed to exercise longer and harder.”

...a better-for-you doughnut with over 40% less fat, 45% less saturated fat... Rice has many m other valuable l properties for scho hool cater e ers att a time when morre and more children are being diaggno n sed withh a varrie ietyy of food allergies. In fact, rice is one of the foods that is leas ast like keely l to caaus use allergies. It is easy to digest an andd is among the first foo foodss sui suita tabl b e for adults who have gl g ut uten e intolerance or coeliaac diseasse. e

Ringing the changes With th so many restric ctions on the he typess off fo food ds whic ich ca c n and can’tt be served in sch hools,, creating appealing mea als and d treats for kid ds can be e challen engiing.

CCSM ha hass de d veelo lope p d a dooughnut tha hat is accepptable to schools but still tasted e as good as the typical American an dough ghnut thhat are ava vailabble onn thhe hi h gh streeet. t Their ir red educ uced fat at dou o ghnuts ts (Suugare redd Ri R ngg and Coccoaa Ringg) which are made usingg a patented baking ng techn hnologgy, mea e ningg a better-ffor be o -yyou dough ghnu n t with over 40% less fat, 45 5% less sat aturatted fat and siign an g ificcan antl tly re reduce cedd caloriess. Th T e pa p tented technologgy miimics clas cl a si sic fryi yingg to givee the tas aste and n texture re of a traddit itio i nal fu fully friedd produc pr uctt (thin crrus u t andd a softt, moist in insidee) by beiingg blaanc nchedd in sunflowerr oil annd then en baked, im mprov o ingg evenn furthherr the nut u rition o al profile profil le as welll as thee taste. Lisa B Li Bosswe w ll, markket e ing manager, CSM Unite tedd Kingdo dom, say ays: s: “ We wo “W w rkkedd with sc scho h ols too proodu d ce c a minni doug u hnnut servi ving ng bagg whhic bba ich clearly comm mmunic i at ates es the h produ d cts fe f atures and benefifits ts. It car a ri r es a str t ong ed educat atioona nal me mess ssag age with ‘40% lless s fat a ’ em emblazonned acros osss the fr fron o t wi with th the sup u po p rt r inng mess m ssage ‘no artifificial a colours, flavou ours rs or preser e va vatives’ baala lanced with a taste meess ssag age. For schhools thi his wass se seen as t e kkey to the th he lis isting,, ass itt ed educatedd pup upils to loook fo f r th thee B4 B4U U opti op tionss on all the h irr food chhoi oices, eveen tr t ea eats ts. Th T e baack off thee ba bagg a so al s include des me de m ssaggin i g on heaalthyy eat ating, reiite t rating n thhe nutriti t on onal ccomparison co mparis iso off 40 4 % less ss fat ver e su suss ty typicaal fr frie i d doougghnut u s. s”



The best start to the day T B Breakfast clubs are becoming increasingly popular – and important – in schools as p figures show one in seven children rregularly skip this vital meal.

Milk the benefits

“The students absolutely love it...”

As sch choo o l ca oo cate t ri te ring ng g man anag ager ag e er f r a bu fo ust stli ling li ng aca cade demy my,, A dr An d ea Col o li lins nss has a her fai airr sh shar hare off cha hall h llen ll enge gess – sh she he an and dh her dedi de diica cate ted te d te team am at th the e CT CTC C Ki King ngsh shur urstt Aca cade demy my in Bi Birm rmin ingh g am prov pr ovid ovid de br brea eakf ea kfas a t,, bre as reak ak-t -tim ime e an and d lu lunc nch h se serv r ic rv ices e for or 1,5 , 00 0 vibra r nt and an d va vari ried ri e pup ed upil ilss ea each ch and eve very ry day y.

Ensu En s ri su ring ng the child ldre renn ar a e no nott dr draw awnn of offf site te by th thee luure off fast foo o d an a d sugaary, caarb rbon onnatted dri r nk n s me m an anss me menuss mu must st be co c nsstanttly keppt fres e h andd inte t resting, w ilie st wh stoc o ki oc king ngg hea e lt lthy hy dri r nk n s th that at stitillll ret etaiin a highh appeaal iss a mus u t. t For the last three year ye a s, ar s And ndre reaa ha hass be b en ser ervi ving ng Pri ritc tchi h tt ttss Vi V va Flaavooured ed Milkk to herr young diners. “TThe stu t de d nt n s ab abso solu lute telyy lov ove it it,”,”” she he sayys,, “a “ ndd it’ts a mu much ch healthier alternative too suggar aary ry so ssoft ooft ft dri ft rrink innk nks. kkss. We enco encourage cour uragge th t e kki kids ds to choose healthy hyy opt p ioons n such as VViv Vi iva va Mililkk as a par artt off mak akkin iing ng sm s art choicess for life, because if theyy just fill up on car on arboona nate ate ted ddrrin inks kkss the hen th that at’ss wha h t thhey’ll get uusseedd to, o, anndd tha hat’tt’’s whhaatt thhe hey’llll look for laate ter on.” P itch Pr itchhit it itts t has ts a alsso rreeece cent ntly ly intro r duce ceed ad addeed Vitami m n D to its Viva Flavoured Milk Mi lk fol ollowi winng ng a sttr trin ing of rec e ent higggh profifile media calls to address a percei pe eive vedd de ve defifici cciieen ency ncy cy in childrenn’s diets.

“...it’s a much healthier alternative to sugary soft drinks.”

A spokesman for Kellogg’s explains: “Research shows that you are more likely to perform better at school if you eat breakfast which is why we have been supporting school breakfast clubs around the country for more than scho 15 years. In that time, we’ve set up more than 1,000 clubs in some of the most deprived areas in the UK and have served more than two million breakfasts. As well as breakfast clubs, Kellogg’s is also pledging to donate more than 15 million breakfasts and snacks to people in need by the end of 2016 to support the most vulnerable people in our communities.” Caterers can find out more about setting up a Kellogg’s breakfast club here http: //www.giveachildabreakfast.co.uk/ about_breakfast_clubs.asspx Kellogg’s also supports caterers with a wide range of merchandising equipmennt to suit both cereal and snacks displays which are available to order from the Kellogg’s Careline 0800 626066. 6 Similarly, Pepsico work with the Magic Breakfast charity, which w supports breakfast clubs in over 230 primary schools acrooss the UK. To date, they have donnated over 50,000 litres of Tropicana fruit juice and 1,862kg of Quakker oats.


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TERMS & COND DITIONS #OboZ =Zber Pbg _k^^ ikbs^ ]kZp bl hi^g mh l\ahhe inibel *+&*1 r^Zkl h_ Z`^ _k^^ ikbs^ ]kZp bl hi^g mh l\ahhe inibel *+&*1 r^Zkl h_ Z`^ hger' >gmkr hgebg^ Zm ppp'oboZfbed'\h'nd' Hg^ +@; bIh] lan_Ü ]kZp b ]k p bl hi^g mh l\ahhe inibel *+&*1 r^Zkl h_ Z`^ hger' >gmkr hgebg^ Zm ppp'oboZfbed'\h'nd' Hg^ +@; bIh] lan_Ü p mh mh l\ h l\ h l\ l\ ahh ahhe ah hhe he ini inibe in ibel * l *+& +&*1 r *1 r^ 1 r^ 1 ^Zkl h_ Z`^ hger' >gmkr hgebg^ Zm ppp'oboZ ^Zkl h Zkl ' >gmkr hgebg^ Zm ppp'oboZfbed'\h'nd' Hg^ +@; bIh] pp'oboZ pp'obo oboZf Zfbed fbedd '\h '\h'n h'n nd' H d ' Hg d' Hg Hg^ ^ + ^ +@ +@; @; ; bIh] bI Ü ^ mh [^ phg ^o^kr l\ahhe ]Zr ^ mh [^ phg ^o^ ^ mh ^o^ o^ !F Fhg]Zr&?kb]Zr Zr" _khf *lm FZr & +)ma =^\^f[^k +)*,' Fhgmaer l\ahhe [hgnl ebfbm^] mh hg^ pbg a =^\^f[^k +)*,' Fhgmaer l\ahhe [hgnl ebfbm^] mh hg^ pbg i^k l\ahhe' L^^ ppp'oboZfbed'\h'nd _hk _nee ]^mZbel Zg] m^kfl Zg] \hg]bmbh k +)*,' k + )* )*, *,' Fhgmaer l\ahhe [hgnl ebfbm^] mh hg^ pbg i^k l\ahhe' L^^ ppp'oboZfbed'\h'nd _hk _nee ]^mZbel Zg] m^kf r l\ r l\ahhe l\ ahh ahhe ah hhee [h [hgnl [ hgnl nl ebfbm^] m ebfb fbm^] m^] mh h h hg^ hg^ ^ pbg pbg i^k i^k l\ahhe i^ i^k l l\ahhe' l\ahhe \\ahhe' L^^ ppp'oboZfbed'\h'nd _hk _nee ]^mZbel Zg] m^kfl Zg] \hg]bmbhgl' ' L^^ L^^ L^ ^^ ppp ppp'ob ppp' oboZf Zfbe bedd'\h bed'\ \h'nd n nd _h _hk _ _hk hk _ k _nee nee ] ee ] ]^mZ ^mZ l Zg] m^kfl Z \hg] mbh ^mZb



Magnificent marinades Qu uic ick k an and d ea easy sy sol olut utio ut ions io ns are ess ssen enti en tiial for o coo ooks ks in bu busy sy y kittch hen e s. s In n res espo pons po nse, ns e Maj e, ajor or Int n er erna na ati tion onal on al hav ave e de eve velo lope lo p d a ne pe new w ‘S ‘Sim impl ply pl y T st Ta ste’ e’ con o ce cept ptt forr the sch choo oo ols and uniive v rs r ittie iess ma mark rket rk et..

T e ma Th m ri rina nade na d por de ortf tfol olio ol io inc nclu luude dess 11 dififfe fere rent nt flflaavo v ur u s ra rang ngin ng inng fr from om Car a ibbbe bean a Jer an erkk to Med edit iter errra r neeann, al alll off whi hich ch are r sui u taabl blee fo forr veegge geta tari ta r an ri anss an andd gl glut g uten en-f -fre ree. e The heyy ar aree perf pe rfec ectt fo forr anny sp spec ecia iall bo boar ards ds and tra rans nsfo forrm r e is ex isti ting ng flflaavo vour urleess men enus us int ntoo he heal alth thyy, m ut mo uthw hwat ater e in ingg di dish shhes ful ulll of exo xoti tic flflav avou ours rss.

...the perfect solution for creative but time-pressed school cooks...

Thee Simp Th mply ly Tas aste te con once cept pt can a bee ap appl p ie iedd to v ri va riou ouss sc scho hool o or un univ iver ersi sity ty can anteeen areas incl in c ud udinng sa salads ds, sooupps, s bur urge gers rss, sand sa ndwi wich ches e and wra r ps p , ja jack ckets potatooes, stirr fry’s st ’s,, pa past sta andd pi pizzaa st s at atioons takinng stud st uden ents on a jo j ur u neyy across the gloobe. Majo Ma jor al also provi v de d alll point of sale material includ in udin ing po p st s err s, banne ners rs, me m nu boa o rds, wind wi n ow o disspl p ay ayss annd ov over erhe headd ceiling n adve ad veerr tissem emen ents t . On oof the One h uniiveers r itiees to t imp mplement Siimpply Tasste into their whole dining area is Heeriot Wa W tt t s Un U iversity in Scotland. “I reaallyy am astou o nded e by just how easyy this co c ncept is to take k on board,” saayss Jam amie ie Watts at the university. “Th T e ma marinades are great to work with, so too havee a concept that meean a s all I “We look for simple ideas that are havee to do is buyy the products, to me iss greeatt! We lookk ffor simple iddeas that quick yet healthy and this concept a e qquick yeet he ar healthhy and this concept for us encompasses all of them.” for uss enc fo n ompasses all of them.”

Get saucy The new Knorr ‘Create More’ c concentrated sauces are the perfect ssolution for creative but time-pressed sschool cooks, who want to put their own stamp on their dishes. o

T range includes Italian, Oriental and Indian The vvarieties – all you have to do is add water, frresh ingredients and inspiration whether thhat’s in pasta, pizza, soups, bread or curries. Thhe options are endless. Thhe sauces provide greater convenience than paastes whilst leaving room for creativity which ready-to-use sauces don’t allow. They’re also perfect to be used hot and cold, straight from pe the jar, to add flavour to any dish.


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...don’t forget the

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Makes 10 portions



800g (1 lb) dried penne pasta shapes 2tbsp olive oil 2 red peppers, cut into thick strips 2 yellow peppers, cut into thick strips 1 aubergine, finely sliced 4 courgettes, finely sliced 390g can artichoke hearts, drained and halved 800g can Maggi Rich & Rustic Tomato Sauce freshly ground black pepper 100g (4oz) pitted black olives, sliced large handful basil leaves

Cook the pasta according to the pack instructions.





436 13.7g 7.9g 1.3g 0.01g

22% 15% 11% 7%


Toss the vegetables in the olive oil. Heat a griddle and char-grill the vegetables on both sides. Heat the tomato sauce in a large pan. Add the char-grilled vegetables and heat through. Drain the pasta and stir into the tomato sauce and vegetables. Season with freshly ground black pepper. Transfer to a large serving dish and finish with black olives and freshly torn basil leaves. Serve immediately with a fresh green salad. To serve as a pasta salad: Refresh the pasta under cold running water. Grill the vegetables as above and toss into the tomato sauce with the pasta. Finish with the olives and basil.


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For more recipe ideas, please register at www.maggi-menusolutions.co.uk ÂŽ Reg. Trademark of SociĂŠtĂŠ des Produits NestlĂŠ S.A. All rights reserved.


Top Tips

Community >> How a business operates within the local community is of real importance in terms of reputation, resilience and social impact.

1. Helping hands – Look for ways that your organisation can help people in the local community who are in need – do you have products, waste materials, skills or simply time that others might benefit from? 2. Participation not consultation – Engage with your community – provide opportunities for them to find out what you do and even participate in decision making about your business. Be prepared to listen, take action and work with your local community. 3. Stronger communities – Your organisation can be a catalyst in creating a more cohesive community by supporting local groups and finding ways to bring people

together. Sponsor a local sports team or community event –it’s great PR and supports local causes too.

4. Staff engagement – Engage your staff in what you are trying to do and help them find ways that they can do their bit – whatever the scale of your business you can have a real impact.

5. Sell local, buy local – You can make a valuable contribution to your local economy by supporting other local businesses and suppliers as much as possible. To find out more about Eden’s work with businesses visit www. greenfoundation.org.uk

G reat to grab o... rab and go... Sausage Chilli Empanadas SERVES: 8 - 10




Adult GDA Children Child GDA

Calories Kc










Fat g





Saturated Fat g 5.6




Salt g





INGREDIENTS METHOD HOD 3tbs 3tb bsp U Un ncl c e Be Ben’ n’s ’s Chil Ch illii Con il o Carrne Sau uce ce 20 00g 0g coo ooke k d sa ke saus u ag age, dicce ed d 1 pa p cket ck kett of pu puff f pas astr tryy 3ttbs 3 tbs bsp pm ma ayo onn nai aise se 150g 15 50g 0g gra rate ted te d ch chee h ese s 1 be eaten en eg gg gg

1. Coo ok the th h sa saus usag sag ges the hen he n di dice ce up.. 2. M 2. Miix th the e ma m yyo onn nnai a se se and chi hill llii sa ll sauc uce uc e to toge geth ge ther th er.. er Sttir S ir in th the cch the he ee ese and ese d sau usage g s. s 3.. Roll oll ou ol ut pa past past stry r then ry hen ccu he ut in nto o 8-1 -10 la -10 arge rge ci rg circ rcle rcle les. s s. 4.. Spo 4 p on mixxtu ture re on to eac ach h past pa ast stry r y cirrcl c e an nd e g wa eg wash s edg d ess to seal al. 5. Fol o d over er into a ha alf moo oon ssh oo hap ape, pe, e crriimp mp the e ed edge dge ges es with with wi h for o k an and d eg egg g wa wash sh the sur ur ffa ace ce. 6 Bak 6. ake e in the ove v n 180˚ 18 80˚ 0˚cc / ga as 5, for or 200-25 0-25 5mi min ns , ns, ns un nti t l go gold lden ld e and en d set et. 7 Serr ve wit 7. i h Ca Caju ju un we wedg dg ges and sou ourr cr c e ea am m..


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Revolutionary ‘Plan’ to shake up school meals >> A new plan to revolutionise school meals has set itself a target of at least 70% take-up by 2018. The School Food Plan – written by Henry Dimbleby and John Vincent, the co-founders of the LEON restaurant chain – builds on the work of Jamie Oliver and makes a number of recommendations, including: • Free school meals for ALL pupils regardless of their financial situation • A ban on unhealthy packed lunches • Pupils being banned from leaving school premises at lunch-time • Cooking to be part of the school curriculum until at least age 14 • Academies and free schools having to comply with a new set of simplified school meal standards • Ofsted inspections to include the behaviour and culture in the dining room

So this plan is aimed primarily at giving headteachers the practical support, advice and information they need.”

At present, the majority of pupils (57%) take a packed lunch or buy food outside school. Currently school meals cost £140million in school subsidies and their provision in England will only break even if average take-up rises above 50%. The report found that the quality of food in England’s schools has improved enormously since 2005, when Jamie Oliver alerted the nation to the horrors of the Turkey Twizzler.

It continues: “Increasing c e s g take-up e p is not something that can be done from the top-down. It requires a cultural change within each school. It means cooking food that is both appetising and nutritious; making the dining hall a welcoming place; keeping queues down; getting the price right; allowing children to eat with their friends; getting them interested in cooking and growing.

“Many studies have shown that hunger affects concentration, and that well-nourished children fare better at school. The government has agreed to allocate money to It says: “The best schools do a The plan acknowledges help schools in the poorest areas brilliant job of weaving food that the only person with establish breakfast clubs. And it education – cooking, growing has promised to look at extending the power to orchestrate vegetables, even modest efforts at animal husbandry – into school free school meal entitlement, to all these changes is the ensure that the children of the life and the curriculum. We have headteacher. so-called ‘working poor’ do not been hugely impressed by the go hungry at lunch.” It states: “They need support from energy and enthusiasm we have their governors and leadership witnessed among school cooks, To help England’s 60,000 team, but if the head isn’t behind caterers, teachers, nutritionists, school caterers share ideas, an changing the food culture in a parents, volunteers, charity easy-to-access online archive will school, it won’t happen. The vast workers and many others working be created of ‘What Works Well’ majority of headteachers already to make school food great. and will cover a broad range of b li believe that th t goodd food f d is i vital it l to t areas, including: recipes, rotas, rot “But there is still work to be done. children’s health and academic training for cooks, and how to Some schools are lagging ing behind, be achievement, and to the broader life cut costs to increase take-up. serving food that iss m much too of the school. But many feel they bland, boring g and an d b beige.” You can read the School lack the knowledge ge and ge n expperiencee Food Pla la an online at ttoo im mppro rove ve the heir hei ir fooood cu c ltur lture lt re. e. www. ww w.sc school hool ho olfo f od odpl p an pl an.com com

“The best schools do a brilliant job of weaving food education... into school life and the curriculum.”

>> Carmel McConnell, founder of the Magic Breakfast charity, welcomed the Plan:

“We can’t emphasise enough how important it is for children to be given nutritious food at school because, sadly, all too often there are empty cupboards at home.As well as welcoming the Government’s pledge of cash to increase the uptake of school meals, we are particularly pleased to see that they have committed £3.15million over the next two years to ensure healthy breakfasts are available to those pupils in greatest need”. Linda Cregan, chief executive of the Children’s Food Trust, added:

“The recipe for a good school lunchtime is a classic, and this plan is a reminder of the key ingredients and how they all need to work together. “Getting school food to where we all want it to be is going to take time, continuing effort and – crucially – continued support at every level. So we’re pleased to see such encouragement to headteachers to take a lead on food in their schools, support for standards in all schools to continue improving children’s nutrition, recognition of the vital role of the school food workforce and their skills, and help for smaller schools to make their meal services sustainable. “It’s now eight years since Jamie’s original school meals manifesto and the last national review of school meals. In another eight years, I hope we’re talking about this plan as one which galvanised government, politicians, headteachers and other school meals leaders to keep up a sustained commitment to and support for good food in all schools, and for all of those who deliver it.”


Sweetness from a leaf Truvia® is the market leading calorie-free sweetener from the stevia leaf Truvia® is perfect for sprinkling on fruit or cereals, or adding to your favourite hot drinks Truvia® is the only sweetener brand working with Diabetes UK; the UK’s leading Diabetes charity Truvia® has invested £10m in the sweetener category through media support since January 2012 Truvia® is available in 60 & 120 sachet packs, a 270g jar and now 100 tablet packs






Super Simon scoops Care Cook accolade

Above: Simon Lawrence, with his winning dishes. Right: Simon Lawrence with Karen Oliver (left) & Bev Puxley

>> A “thoughtful and organised” chef from Wetherby has been crowned NACC Care Cook of the Year. Simon La Si L wrennce, exec ecut u iv ivee ch cheef for o Hadr d iaan He H allthca care Grooupp bas ased e at Wether e by b Man a or o , beat offf tough com o pe p ti titioon to claim i the im h covvet e ed tittle l at the grr annd fina n l of the eve v nt, which is organised by thee Nationnall A ssocciation o of Caare Cat a er e ing. Over 90 minutes of int O n en e se compe p tition o , S mo Si m n im i pr pres e sed th t e expe peert r jud u ges wi w th hiis creativi v ty, kn k ow wle ledg dgee aannd culinary cuu y excellence, andd provved ed tha hatt hee was thee finalist worthy of thee crown w .

The judges praised Simon’s thoughtful and organised approach and enthus u ed about the great att flflaavo v ur urs of S mon’’s winning menu Si n off oatt-cr crum umbe b d mackerel e and sweeet e potatto fish cakkes e ser ervedd with pea puree and n roaasted nd ed thy hyme m pot o atoe oess oe with a home-made de horseraadi d shh sauucee, follow wed e by pa p nnac a otta wit ithh roaste it tedd rhubar te arbb and caara r me m lilseed fig. Simon o ’ss mennu allso receivvedd the Hig i hlly Commen endedd Ma M in accolade. JJarosl s aw Figiel,l head chef ef att th the Ha Ham mpton G ange Gr ge Nursi s ng Home in Her eref e ord, claimed e seco c nd placee,witth Ismail Pol olatt, from o the New w Tyne n Res e ou ource Ce Centre, Westt Sus u se s x Co C un unty t Counciil, tak Co aking th t ird placce. e Alaan Innees, heaad c ok at Apppi co p n Ho Hous u e, Fife Co C unci c l,, receiveed thee Hiigh g ly Com o me mended Des e se es s rt accol o adde. ol One of the One h longeestt-sta t nd n inng, inddeppende d nt reeci cipe pe compeetiti tionns in ti in the UK, K the h NACCC Ca Care re Cook of thee Year Co a Com mpe petitiion o cha h llen enge g s ch cheffs a d cook an okks wo workingg inn the care se secttorr too really ly push pu sh theems m el e vees, hon oninng th t eir sk s illls andd k ow kn owle l dgge, andd demonst sttraati t ng ng cul u inar a y flai air,r in a bi bidd to be na n med tthhe nationn’ss bes e t caare coook. k

AAll en e tranntss werre reequuirred to de d visee new w andd e citing ex n reccipes e apppropr p iate for a caree envi en v ronm nmeennt, t and nd creat atee a deelilici ciou ci ouss and ou an an nuutritionallyy balanced ed two wo-couurs rsee me m nu n , ma m in a d deessserr t,, suita an t bl b e foor se servic i es use sers, annd meetin me i g thee se s t bu budg dget et of noo mor o e thhan £1. 13 30 0 peer headd. Innno n vaati tion o , cost stin iinng , sui u taabili biility tyy for or the ennvi v ronm men ent, t adherence to nu t, nutr tritio tr ritional ona n l gu gguidel idelines, e ines, taast s e annd ov o er erall menu n ballannce ce wer e e thhe ke k y attr t ibbutes beiing n loo ooke keed fo f r by the t juddge g s. s

“The h six fin final a istss gav a e a re real masteer cl clas a s inn care ca ar catter e iinng. ng The h ir mennuss showedd cr creativity ty andd ap an a ti titude d , undeerpin i ne in n d by b a real undeers un r tand ndingg of o the fun u daamental issues face fa c d da dailyy inn a care en envi v ro ronmentt – nameely ly, nuutrit itioon, n buddge g t andd th t e sppecifi ific nee e ds of seervic ser r vice c users. On topp off thiis, the h exe x cution on of thee menus men e us showed showedd re r al ski real skill k ll and pas ki passion assion annd thee actuual a disshe hess tastted amaazi z ng n .”

On winning thee tittlee, Simonn saaidd:: “It haas be been e a real pleas asur u e too compe pete pe tee aga gainnst ns other er chheefs f who are so pas assionatte andd geenu nuinelyy care abo ca bout u cat a erringg foor thhe care ree sectoor.r After th threee ye y ar a s off com o peeting n in thhe ng Northernn hea eats t , I knew ts ew each acch ye year I had too impro r vee to ju j st coom mpete pee e in the final, and nd to fina nally achiiev e e thhiss is a very proud rooud achhie i ve v meent nt.” Karenn Olliv iver e , NA N CC cha h irr, ad adde d d: d “O Our u heartfe f ltt congratul ullatioons n go t Sim to mon – a worr th t y winner off the t C re Coo Ca o k of the h Yea ear 20 2013 1 tittle 13 le. “TThhee NACC ACCC Ca C re Cook of the Yea earr comp co m et etittion is vitall for the h caree cate ca teri r ngg sector. As welll as ceele lebr b at atin inng the true ue tal alen al ent that en at e issts withi ex h n th the fifiel eld, el d itt al d, a so f lfi fu lfilss th the im mporttan a t ro role le of rais isinng thhe pr p ofile off the h sectorr annd hiighhlighti ting n the speeci ng cifific culililina cu n ryy kno noowl wleddggee, sk skilils, flflaiir an andd deedica dicati di t on requiredd to ensure co cons n iste iste t ntt exce ex ceellllen e ce withi en h n care ca e cat ca a erin ingg. g

“It has been a real pleasure to compete against other chefs who are so passionate and genuinely care about catering for the care sector.” SEPTEMBER 2013 23


Weekend pub sales and visits increase at the expense of weekday trade

The effect of changing demographics on the Eating Out market >> Over the past few years Allegra has identified the changing nature of the UK population by age demographics with some extrapolation of what this means for the Eating Out market. Thh ch The char haarr t be b lo low w de deta tails the last analysis that was cond nduc duc ucte tedd in te i 20100. 0. The simplest assessment of the effect off th theesee chaanges is to sspeculate that current favo v urrites of the ollder demoggraphic will be more successful as thosse numberss increase, but of course i won it on’t be ass simp impl im pl as that. ple TThe laate test st Alllleg eggra Pro roject Resstaurant Report forecaast sted ed tha hat th the br bra randed ppub market will continue to grow, outpe perf rffor orming mi g all othher branded restaurant sectors, and nd we arre ce cert rtain thhat the ageing population will hellp th this is,, ho is howe wever changees are not restricted we ttoo pubs. Garden cent n res re and oother similar leisure purssuits aree expec xppec ectted ted to grow w as the Baby Boomer g neera ge raattion uses them for more leisure pursuits; howe weve verr we have also seen thhat the ageing population ve is haavin ingg to to worrk for longer, so it isn’t all gardening annd crrui and uisse ses. The Higgh Street ccontinues to change as shoppers switch to online purchases; however the coffee shop market continues to grow, providing an alternative place to meet on the High Street. We anticipate that the older demographic will increase in the use of coffee shops, helping further growth in this sector. This could however have some implications for any evening trade, with the emphasis switching to the weekday day-time economy benefiting.

...when Britons do visit the pub, it’s increasingly a family affair.

Guy Fielding, director of business development for the NPD Group

>> UK pubs are flagging during weekdays but food and a focus on families could lead to a renaissance, according to new research.

Latest figures from global information company the NPD Group show that Britain’s pubs are increasingly becoming weekend haunts and that weekday business is weakening. Between 2011 and 2012, weekday visits to pubs declined -3.7%, while weekend visits increased 5.9% in the same period. Weekend sales accounted for 39.3% of sales overall in 2012 and 37.5% of visits. While lunch has been a significant casualty in recent years, with visits declining by -3.9% annually since 2009, pubs are becoming more popular as breakfast venues with 23.4% more breakfast visits to pubs in 2012 compared to 2011. However, breakfast is still a small part of the picture compared with lunch and dinner. Guy Fielding, director of business development for the NPD Group, commented: “The slight recovery at lunchtime seen in 2012 provides a glimmer of hope. Lunch is now in recovery across the quick service and foodservice retail sectors so there’s a real opportunity to use the lunchtime occasion to build weekday business in pubs too.


“A streamlined weekday lunch offer enables pubs to cash in on this growing market – it’s more about pies than pints.”

But what about learned behaviours, and taking customs with us as we get older? We can expect that the 30-40 year olds who are currently very happy taking the family to Pizza Express and Giraffe will continue to do so as they age, and so the casual dining sector will continue to thrive. There will be positive implications as grandparents increase their childcare responsibilities, however empty-nesters will possibly look to avoid family-friendly locations.

According to these latest figures, when Britons do visit the pub, it’s increasingly a family affair. Adult-only visits have posted consecutive year-on-year declines since 2009. In contrast, parties with kids of all ages have enjoyed increases. The desire to eat as a family or spend time as a family is increasingly being cited as a primary motivation for visiting the pub. Visits for this reason accounted for 14.2% of all visits in 2012, up 2.3% on 2011. Guy Fielding concludes: “The way people visit the pub has undergone a significant change in recent years as impromptu visits and an emphasis on drinking have given way to planned, family outings where food takes centre stage. So in terms of building business, pubs need to work hard to adapt their offerings to cater for this family/food formula and ensure that their product and service offerings are sufficiently differentiated from the rest of the casual dining market in order to achieve growth in this competitive field.”

What will suffer from an ageing population? We could envisage that the fast food market will lose customers as the Generation X (who are currently the most significant group to use fast food restaurants) becomes a smaller part of the population, however the branded chains such as KFC and McDonald’s have taken measures already to try to attract and retain an older consumer. Current Weekly % Growth Ave. No. of Meals Eaten Out 8,223 7,496 -8.8% 3.3 8,190 9,446 15.3% 3.1 8,840 8,368 -5.3% 2.3 8,533 8,677 1.7% 1.8 7,311 8,122 11.1% 1.6 10,285 12,686 23.3% 1.2 51,382 54,795 6.6% 2.2

2010 Age Range Popn 000s 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ TOTAL

2020 Popn 000s

2010 Total Meals Out per Week 000s 26,840 25,303 20,121 15,083 11,783 12,252 111,383

2010 Total Meals Out per Week 000s 24,467 29,183 19,047 15,338 13,090 15,112 116,237

Est. 2020 Weekly Ave. No. of Meals Eaten Out

Est. 2020 Total Meals Out per Week 000s

3.5 3.3 3.1 2.3 1.8 1.6 2.5

26,236 31,172 25,941 19,750 14,357 20,446 137,901

Source: Office for National Statistics Research & Analysis 2011


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>> Encouraging children to get their 5-a-day can be a bit of a challenge, but this enticing pasta dish not only looks good – it tastes good too!

ON THE Range

My sweetcorn, chicken and broccolii pasta is always a big hit with youngsters,”” says Country Range development chef Nigel Smithh. “It’s a brilliant di dish for childreen be b causee it has lots of bright colours, which makes it really eye-catching. “The sweettcorn is roasted to give it a lovely nutty flavour and you can also add cabbage and spinach to it for extra flavour. For a change, you coul u d even substitute the chicken with fish.” Country Range sweetcorn was alsoo on the menu at the British Open Golf in July. Nigel was given the prestigious role of being the personal chef for Sir Nick Faldo and US golfing legend Gary Player.

Nigel was given the prestigious role of being the personal chef for Sir Nick Faldo and US golfing legend Gary Player. “One of the dishes I serve v d that w nt down particularly wel we e l with both Garyy and Nick was steamed red mullet with sweetcorn and chor o izo broth,” adds Nigel. “Gary is very much into his healthy eating and he really enjjoyed the pureed sweetco corn and carrot smoothies I made for him.”

>> Serves 4 >> Cooking Time: 30-40 minutes



2. Place a hot pan onto the stove with a splash of olive oil in and add the sweetcorn to roast until golden brown (approximately 4-5 minutes).

200g Country Range sweetcorn Country Range salt and pepper 100g Country Range pasta shells Country Range olive oil, a good splash 50g broccoli (cut into small pieces) 25g Country Range sundried tomatoes 500g chicken fillet (cut into thin strips) 50g grated Parmesan

1. Place the pasta in boiling salted water with a splash of olive oil and cook for 10-15 minutes.

3. Add the chicken strips and cook for 8-10 minutes along with the raw broccoli. 4. Drain the pasta, keeping some of the water. 5. Add the pasta to the chicken and sweetcorn and mix for 2-3 minutes. 6. Add half a mug of the pasta water and bring to the boil. Check the seasoningg then add sundried tomatoes, sprinkle witth Parmesan and serve. You can also access this Country Range recipe using your smart phone QR code reader. Or enter the web address in your internet browser window. www.countryrange.co.uk/ recipes/?ID=246



National Chef of the Year finalists announced >> Eight outstanding chefs are gearing up for what could be the greatest highlight of their career after making it through to The National Chef of the Year 2013 final. 2012 winner Ben Murphy The talented line-up was chosen following four nerve-racking semi-final heats in London and Sheffield, with 44 of the UK’s top chefs striving to make the cut. Each finalist will now be invited to a mentor day with workshops, a masterclass with Phil Howard and Alyn Williams, expert advice on preparing for the final and the all important unveiling of the mystery basket of ingredients in a farmer’s market-style exhibitionn before facing the ultimate live showdown at The Restaurant Show on October 8. The 2013 winner of The National Chef of the Yeaar, who will follow in the footsteps of celebrated chefs Gordon Ramsay, David Everitt-Matthias, Mark Sargeant and Simon Hulstone, will be announced at a glittering awards ceremony and VIP dinner in the evening. As well as national acclaim, the chef that takes the title walks away with an impressive haul of prizes, with last year’s winner, Alyn Williams, winning cash, an exclusive study trip with dinner at a 3-starred Michelin restaurant in France, a second study trip to Norway, master classes with industry greats and specialist chef’s products and equipment. David Mulcahy, organiser of the competition and vice president of the Craft Guild of Chefs, said: “As the date now looms to take The National Chef of the Year title, competitors now have to get their heads down in preparation for October’s final,” he said. “It’s difficult because each finalist is a busy working chef, but I can’t emphasise enough the importance of practice, practice and even more practice. We hope they get as much as possible out of the mentor day arranged for September 20th, which aims to give them a better understanding of what they are going to face at the final. Ultimately, what judges will be looking for on the day is seasonality, good sourcing, and a well balanced menu. We can’t wait to see what this year’s finalists pull out of the bag.” Alyn Williams (below) and Phil Howard gives expert advice on preparing for the final

accepting his award

Market Report ‘Currant’ climate not good for dried fruit >> For those of you planning to make Christmas cakes, we recommend that you buy your ingredients sooner rather than later as costs of dried fruit look set to rise.


The National Chef of the Year 2013 finalists are: • Andrew Wright, Restaurant 23, Leamington Spa • Joe McCafferty, head chef, Flesh and Buns in Covent Garden • David Bush, senior chef de partie, House of Commons • Russell Baterman, head chef, Colette’s Restaurant • Alex Bond, sous chef, Auberge du Lac • Hayden Groves, executive chef, BaxterStorey • Lahiru Jayasekara, head chef, The Manor, Weston-on-the-Green, Bicester • Simon Webb, head chef, CH&Co

>> In addition, the Craft Guild of Chefs has revealed the names of the eight young chefs going forward to the grand final of Young National Chef of the Year 2013 (open to chefs aged 18-23). They will compete for the coveted accolade on October 8.

The finalists are: • Rory Welch, Broad Chard Pub, Newcastle • Danny Hoang, Viajante, London • David Alexander Squire, Danesfield House, Marlow • Ruth Hansom, Boundary Restaurant, London • Ben Champkin, The Elephant Restaurant, Torquay • Louisa May Matthews, Eton College, Sodexo • Daniel Akrigg, Rogan and Company • Matthew Ambrose, Claridges

Crops in Turkey were damaged by poor weather in March and pricing is some 40% higher. This decrease in supply and massive increase in pricing has encouraged suppliers to hold back further stocks in a bid to exploit the situation meaning that prices could rise further in the months ahead.

Raisins The poor weather in Turkey has also affected the raisin crop and they are anticipating a much reduced supply. Whilst there are no supply problems for Californian raisins, however, producers are taking advantage of the reduced production in Turkey and pushing up their prices.

GUIDE FOR SANDWICH BARS PUBLISHED >> A new industry guide to good hygiene practice for sandwich bars and similar foodservice outlets is available to order from The Stationery Office (TSO). The guide aims to help processors to comply with food safety and hygiene law, and is recognised by the Food Standards Agency and includes details of current legal requirements and how to comply with the legislation and practical advice on good practice. To find out more go to www.tsoshop.co.uk (ISBN BN number num ber 97 97801 9780117082007) 801170 170820 82007) 07)



>> > Aft fter er a hug ugel elyy succ su ccesssf sful u car a eerr span sp anni niing ove verr 20 yea ears rs,, piicck king up two Micche eli ln s ar st ars alon alo g th he wa way, y Phil Ph P ilip lip i How owar ard’ d s fi firs rstt fo ora rayy in into to wri riti ting n his ng is own ow o n co cook okbo b ok was alwa al a w ys going ng g to o be some sso meth thin ing g spec eccia iall.

Th resu The s lt wass not onee but twoo coloosssal volum co umes – one covver e ingg Savooury,, the h other er Swe weet e – makkin ingg them th em a must fo forr all ch chef efs. s Thhe Sq Squa uarre: ‘ The Co C okboook Vollum ume 1:: S avvouryy’ wi withh pho hoto togr grap aphs by Jean Je an Caz a al a s, Absollut utee Pr Pres esss ÂŁ4 ÂŁ40 The Sq Squa uare: ‘ Th Thee Co Cook okboook o Vol olum umee 2 Swe 2: w et e ’ wi w th pho hoto togr grap a hs by Jeean a Caz azal als, s Abs bsol olut utee Pr Presss ÂŁ3 ÂŁ 0

...one book covers Savoury, the other Sweet – making them a must for all chefs...



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Portable pictures! >> Anyone taking a long road trip with children will know that keeping them entertained during the journey is key to you keeping your sanity! Watching a film is a great way to occupy lively youngsters for a couple of hours in the car – and we’ve got a fantastic Nextbase portable DVD player complete with car kit for one lucky reader.

The Nexx tbase NB48-A is a 7-inch screen tablet style poortable DVD player system, with the disc slootting neatly under the screen itself. This alllows the player to be very sllim and makes it ideal for use in the home as well as in the car on long journeys. It also features a picture frame style stand for standing the player on a flat surface such as a table and comes with a car headrest mounting case for fitting your portable player

WIN! a Nextbase portable DVD player

in the car, toggether with a car cigarette lighhter power adapter. For your channce nce to win win, simply send an email titleed “DVD player�, along with your nam me, contact details and the name of your Country Range Group wholessaler, to competitions@ stiritupmagaazine.co.uk

CClosingg da date foor all com mpet p iti itions ons n : 30th th Se Septe pte tembe mberr 2013 2013 0 . Al A ll win winne nerss w ilill be no notifi t ed by 31 1st Oct Oc obe b r 2013 3. Postal Pos tal entri ries for al a l of the compet p itiions ons caan bee sent sent to to: Coun ou try Raange Grr oup, oup PO Box 508 508,, Bu Burnley leyy, Lan La a cas cashirr e BB11 11 9E 9EH. H. Fulll ter term er s andd con o dit dition ons can n be fou ound n at: www www.coount untryr ry ang an e.cco.uk/stirr -it-up -up up

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HIGH FIBRE BUNS Fres Fr Fre F resshl re hlly frro h roz zen e for ea ase of use iin n bus bu ussy sch cho ool ol kitchen ns, th the Hiigh Fi H Hig Fibre Bu Bun is a white e roll roll ttha th hat chil hildre hild dren are wil willing to eat inste in ins te tea ea ad of brrow o own brea rea ead. d This d. prrro pro p oduct cont ontri rib buttes on aver average 69% towards a ch hilld’s d da ail ily ly ďŹ br ďŹ b bre allowance. Hig igh Fibre Bunss are grea at fo for or s dwiches, bur san ug ur ger ge ers, bread ad d portion with po h a mea me eal al o orr breakfast bre st ba ap. p

For more information contact your Country Range Wholesaler or visit www.karafs.co.uk



Vegging out for fruity kids >> We’re constantly being told the importance of children eating a healthy, balanced diet, and caterers, whether in the education or hospitality sector, share this responsibility. Howe H Ho owever, persu su uading yo oungs ungsters to trry mo m re nu utrit tritio tr ious us dishe h s is i a conssta tant nt challeenge g . ge Heree, seeve ven n ex e pe pertts in cate terring g for kids shar are theirr ti t ps, ps ad advice and d r cipe re pe sug gge g st stio i nss:

...chefs need to find creative ways to ensure little ones do eat fruit and vegetables ... Eleanor Cunningham’s Carrot, Apricot and Pumpkin Seed Cake

Eleanor Cunningham, owner of The Edinburgh Larder (www.edinburghlarder.co.uk) This delicious cake is packed with healthy ingredients AND tastes fabulous. Kids will love it!

Carrot, Apricot C A and Pumpkin Seed Cake Double these amounts for a two-layer cake or you can make a standard sized loaf cake with this amount.

Ingredients 1 cup / 8oz sugar ¾ cup / 6fl oz rapeseed oil 2 eggs 1 ½ cups grated carrot 1 cup / 4oz plain or wholemeal flour (or a mix of both)

1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp ground ginger ½ tsp grated nutmeg ¼ tsp salt ¾ cup / 4oz chopped dried apricots ½ cup / 2oz pumpkin seeds 1 tsp grated orange rind

Method 1. Preheat oven to 180°C, line and grease cake tin (I use two 8 inch tins for a double layer cake or a standard loaf tin for a single cake) 2. Beat the sugar and oil together till well mixed, add the eggs one at a time, beating well, then add the grated carrot and mix well. 3. Sift the dry ingredients together, place the apricots, pumpkin seeds and orange rind in a separate bowl and sift the flour mixture over them, mix well then fold this into the sugar-carrot mixture mixing lightly but thoroughly. Spoon into the tin. Bake for 32 – 40 minutes then cool on a rack. 4. If you want to ice this cake, you will need three tubs of cream cheese mixed with enough icing sugar and orange zest to taste. I usually use a minimal amount of icing sugar so the icing isn’t too sweet but you can use as much or as little as you like. Beat the ingredients together with a whisk in a mixing bowl until smooth. If you would like to thin down the icing a little bit, use a bit of freshly squeezed orange juice.


Amy Cheadle, marketing director, The Northern Dough Co (www.northerndoughco.com) Cookkin ingg w wiithh childre r n sh should alwayss be a fun playfu full ac fu acti t vi vity ty,, annd ma maki king n recippes tha hatt en enccourag agee them m to get th theeirr ha h nds ndds involved creattes lot otss off oppport portun u ityy fo for cr crea eati tiiv ty. Ready ma tivi made de piz izza za doug ughh, like th ug the raang n e fr from o The Northher ernn Do Doug u h Co, which is made with onl wh nlyy naturaal in ingrediients, is a great st s ar artt fo for ki kid’ ds advent ad ntur urees in the kitc tche tc hen. It’s re read a y to rooll,l so means yo youu ca cann ge g t ri righ ght to the fun stage – rolliling ing and nd top oppingg! On One of my favourit itee Sa Satu turdayy aftern rnoo oonn activities ess witth my m nie i ces annd ne nephews is to se sett th them up with a little spot in the thhe kitche hen, n, their coo ooking ‘station’’, sp spri rink nkle le a litt ttle le flfloour and givve tthhem a dou ouggh balll annd ro r lling pin eachh. Little Litt le bowls of vari riou ouus he h althhy ingred eddieents are laid out, fu fullll of co c lour urfu ful vegg ve ggies, tomatoo sa sauc ucee, cho uc hopp pped e coo ooke keed me ked m ats and mi milk lkyy mo mozz zzar arel ellla chee ch eese se and the kidds’ s cha hallllen enge ge iss th then en to roll out theeir piz i za andd create thee be th best and moss t de deliciouss pizza th they e can ey a think of.f Theeir ima magi gina nati tion ons run wild, and th ru they ey com ome up wit ith all ki kind nds of creative co conc ncoc octi tion ons, from mak aking a pi pizz zzaa ‘face’ wit ithh differren ent veggies fo forr th thee no nose se,, ey eyes es andd mouth, to ggeettin an tttin i g th the do doug u h to roll oll out in the shape ol pe of th thei eirr favourite annim imal all or caarttoo oonn ch characteer. Whatever they ey mak ake, the resu re s lt is alwaays the samee – de delighht in watching their crrea eati tion on bake, and cl cleean plat attes as th t ey enjjoy eatinng wh what they’ve mad adee! Someti Some times a cook cookking sess ssio ion can doouble as a spelling les e so son! n! Childdre renn cann te ca tear a off piece cess of douugh gh, an a d ro rollll them into sausagess be betw twee eenn th thei eirr hand ha nds, beforee sh shap happingg th them em intoo leett tter ers and spelling outt their nam me! e As they take ke jusst a fe few mi minu nute tes to bak ake in a hot oven, kid idss ca cann pe peer in thr hrou ough thee gla lass s doo oorr an andd watc waatc t h th t eir creation pufff up and sweellll, annd wh when bro rown wneed wn ed and nd cri risped ed, thheyy can dip them in into to fre resh shh tom mat atoo or oth ther e veggi giee sa sauces es.. Siimp mple le, fuun and and delicious!

THE MELTING POT Romilla Arber, author of “What’s for Dinner?” and “What’s for Dinner? Second Helpings” I am not a great believer in “children’s food”, children en should eat the same m as adults as soon as they are weaned. Getting childdren to try new ew thi h ngs caan ce c rt rtai a nly be a challenge but patienc ncee an andd pers pe rsevver eran ance ce are the two thi h ngs that will succeed. Remembeer that a negative attitude of ve vegetabl bles is usuallyy piick cked ed by ch chilildr d en from adullts ts.

Andrew Bennett, executive chef for Marco Pierre White’s UK-based portfolio of country inns It’s so important to give young children the right balance of nutritious and tasty food – we make sure we have a good choice for children on our menus and the Wheeler’s fish pie is one of their favourites – we also have a ham and pea soup which is pretty popular.

I usee se seas ason onal al fru ruit i and veg e etables in many of myy puudd ddin ings gs. My car a rot and co cour u gette muffi mu f ns aree pack cked ed ful ulll of flflaavo v ur and can be madee swe weet eter if yo y u lilike, by add dding some cream m che heese fr froostingg. Ad Adding vegetabble less to the h muf uffifin mix impr prov oves e its teext xtur ure and is a great at wayy of ge gett ttin ingg children used too eat atin ingg caarrots annd courge g ttes.

Linda Redman, chef at Just Learning Nursery in Sunderland, and winner of the Busy Bees Sensational Soup competition

Soups, broths an andd past sta sauc u es can inclu uc nclude de as many veg eget etab able les, s, bea eans and pulsess as you like. A simple toma mato to and red pepppe perr pasta saucce ca can be made in minuttes andd is muc an u h healthier thann a shop boug ught ht one ne. Sp S ices can ertaiinly liven up vege getabl bless. A feew handdfu fuls ls of sp spinach inn a curryy, noot onnly provides a splash of coloour co ur, but but alsso so add d s to the texx tu ture re and enhhan ance cess it ce itss flav avou our.

I decided to create a roast carrot and cauliflower soup as I’m a great champion of home-grown pproduce, and aim to use it where possible within the nursery. I asked the children what was their favourite vegetable, and they agreed on carrots and they love our beetroot and chocolate cake, so I decide to create the beetroot bread. Next year the children will have a go at growing their own carrots, cauliflowers and beetroots to help make the soup, which is a great way of showing them where vegetables come from and how they are grown.

Proces essedd an andd ccooonv nvenience foodss ar are high inn su suga gar,r, fat ga at and salt which is damag aging to a child’s diet, not ot to me m ntion thei eirr he h alth th!!

Andy Lowe, David Lloyd Leisure’s head of food and beverage, who designed the new enhanced DLicious menu (www.davidlloyd.co.uk)

Roasted Carrot & Cauliflower Curried Soup >> 6 portions

Some children can be fussy eaters and often don’t like vegetables and fruit. Clearly with the nutrients in fruit and vegetables chefs need to find creative ways to ensure little ones do eat fruit and vegetables and ultimately get used to the flavour and texture in their food. For really fussy eaters I would encourage chefs to mince and finely dice vegetables and fruit so that they become less visible in dishes. Children are often put off by seeds so I would also encourage chefs to remove these e.g. tomato seeds and pulp are removed from the tomato flesh. Many children like food which is recognisable to them, so children will often be happier with more common types of fruit and vegetables than exotic types which perhaps they have not seen or tried before. When serving fruit I would always recommend cutting fruit into sizes and pieces which make it easier for children to eat. Peeled orange segments being more appealing than a whole orange. Fruit can also be cut into weird and wonderful fun shapes which is often a great way to introduce children to healthy great tasting food. Ultimately one of the easiest ways to get the younger ones to eat fruit is to peel and blend making a great, fresh colourful smoothie.

Food writer Fiona Faulkner, who has joined forces with the Children’s Food Trust on a campaign called “Take Two” to help parents get kids eating more fruit and veg. (www.facebook.com/TakeTwoAtSchool • Ge Gett fr frui uity t with main in cou ourses: put dried apricots into tagi gine nees and cuurr nes rrie ies, s, sul ulta taana tan nas in an apple an nas andd ce cele lery r salad or chopped grapes to savo voour uryy chicke kenn co c us cou ous. ou s. • Ge Gett a pi pizzaa th thee ve vegg acc ti tion on: use gr on grated car arro rott or cou o rgette in a home-made pizza base ba se;; pack thee tom se omato ssaaucce wi w th extra veg eg and n include veg in your toppings. • Be B it too win it: add pu pulssess andd beeanns to di dish shes es – the hese count as veg too. Kiddn Ki dney beans ns inn chilli andd chick c peas in cuurr rryy ma make a great start, while lentils aree bbrrilillilian ar a t in sou oups p , st stew ewss an ew and evven e cold in sal alads. • Supe Suupersizze your fruit it and nd veg in sa sand ndwich ches es:: tr t y low-fat cream cheese and bllueeberry, orr hu hummuss wit ith gr grat atedd car a rot,, som omee sultanas and a little grated Red Leic Le ices c steer ch cheeese s . • Pl Play with th thee su subb sttyl yle: e: su e: s pply the bread ad and a selection of vegetable fillers, wiithh the insstr with truc uctiion tha hatt chil children can takee an anyy tw two fillers of their choice. • Try ry veg in sa savvoury muffi muuffins – beetroott an andd ca carr rrot work particularly well. • Bee colourf rful – kidss resp reespon ond well to bright ht var a iety on their plate. Usee ve Us vege getaabl bles e as garnis isshes hes – sliced tom omat atoe oes on fish pie or ma macaroni ni che hees e e,, or sppri rink nkle nk le gra rated ca carrot ot and n parsley on top of ssooup u s and st stew ews.

Ingredients 6 carrots, peeled and chopped ½ head cauliflower, trimmed and chopped 1½ tsp olive oil

2 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tsp ground black pepper 1½ pints vegetable stock 1 tbsp curry powder 400ml coconut milk ½ lime, juiced

Method 1. Pre-heat oven to 200°C. 2. Place carrots and cauliflower in casserole dish, toss in olive oil, garlic and pepper 3. Roast carrot mixture in the preheated over for 15 minutes; stir and roast until vegetables are tender and slightly charred, another 20 minutes: remove from oven and stir. 4. Bring vegetable stock to boil in large pan. Stir in curry powder and add roasted vegetables. Cover and boil soup until vegetables are soft, 8-10 minutes. Remove from heat. 5. Blend soup with a blender until smooth. Return to a medium heat. Stir in coconut milk and lime juice to soup, simmer until heated through, 5-10 minutes..

Beetroot Bread >> 20 portions Ingredients 450g strong flour plus 2tbsp for dusting 1tbsp vegetable oil or melted butter

7g easy blend dried yeast Plus 1tsp for greasing 300ml / 10 fl oz tepid water 2 medium beetroots (boiled, skinned & grated)

Method 1. Place flour, yeast, oil, beetroot and water into mixing bowl. Fit with dough hook and mix on slow speed until mixed thoroughly, then on high speed for 4-5 minutes. Remove hook, cover with cling film, place in warm place and leave for one hour. 2. When it has doubled in size turn out onto floured board. Knead douggh until smooth and shape dough intoo rectangle shape to fit greased tin. Place into tin and place in warm place to rise for 30 minutes. 3. Pre-heat oven 220°C. Bake in centre of oven for 25-30 minutes until firm. Test loaf is cooked by tapping bottom – it should sound hollow. 4. Cool on rack for 30 minutes. 5. Store in airtight container in cool place for 3-4 days.

“I asked the children what was their favourite vegetable, and they agreed on carrots...”

Linda Redman’s Roas ted Carrot & Cauliflower Curried Soup SEPTEMBER 2013 33


How to make it as

a woman in hospitality By Sharon Glancy, founder of Women 1st, the thought leadership, training and mentoring programme for the UK’s hospitality, passenger transport, travel and tourism industries. >> At the recent Women 1st Conference we heard from a number of remarkable high achievers including Susan Gambardella of Coca-Cola, Jill Easterbrook of Tesco and Liz Bingham of Ernst & Young. These women shared their experiences and provided clear guidance on how women might enable themselves to achieve their ambitions. I have worked in hospitality all my life and found their experiences and advice to be harmonious with my own which I’ve summarised below in Ten “Go-mmandments”! 1. Take control of your own career and don’t expect other peopl ple to do it for you; set goals and work out a broad plan to help you achieve those goals. You can then work out what training and experience you need to make progress.

2. Be brave and put yourself forward for proj ojects ts that take you out of your comfort zone. Often you will be surprised at what you are capable of of,, but be prepared to learn from thos ose projects that don’t go so well.

3. Never dwell on the failure but fo but focus focu cuss on tthe he eexperience xper xp erie ienc ncee yo you’ you uu’ve ve acquired. Remember: diamonds aree only ly for orme medd af afte terr be bein ingg su subj bjectt too huge am amou ount ntss of pre resssur ure! e


...use your networks to build relationships which will endure... 4. Be prepared to reach out and ask for help when you

7. By blending in and being ‘one of the boys’ we

think yo you need it and, when you start movi v ng up the career ladder, remember to reinvest that assistance to other young women.

increase our chances of being disappointed and frustrated. d We are unlikely to add anythi hingg of significance if we’re foocu cussing our energy on not beinng noticed.

5. Mentoring can play a critical role in helping to instill

8. Don’t make assumptions; always ask

confidence and self-belief and evidence from Women 1st has shown that with the right training, mentoring and support, women can flourish. Use the experiences of women who have succeeded before you.

because you may be surprised by what you learn. By making sure you know any relevant background facts before you ask, you may find that you, unexpectedly, open a few w doors. For example, forwardd thinking male bosses mad a e an enormous difference to Susan Gambardella’s career trajectory. If you need part-time or flexible hoour urs then make the business caase and

6. Be true to yourself; understand your own values and be clear about what is an im mportant to you. It is often what h makes us unique that addds the greatest value.

shhow w them hoow it’s in their inte t re r st to support you – we’ve doocu cumented thiis in our book: Thhe Li L ttle Book of Diversity.

9. Remember, connections are invaluable; use your networks to build relationnship ips which will endure and on which you can rely.. As Susan Gambardella so succinnctl t y put it: “develop your own bo boar a d of directors” mad a e up of advocates, mentors and sponsors to help look after your interests, chhallengge and guide you.

10. ...and finally, from Liz Bingham: “never present with your hands in your pockets because people will think you’re lying”!

Now go get ‘em ladies...

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My signature dish

>> Ji Jing L Lusii iis b bestt known for her Holby City junior doctor role as Tara Lo but has recently filmed with Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth in Before I Go To Sleep (2014).

by Jing Lusi

She thinks food is all about nourishment, socialising, gathering and enjoyment – but don’t expect Jing to suggest cooking Chinese. Although she was born in Shanghai, she moved to England at the age of five and was raised in Hampshire. She leaves the Chinese cooking to her parents. “My dad is an amazing cook but I haven’t really been influenced by Chinese cooking at all – if anything, I’ve gone the other way, as I’ve always taken it for granted that my parents always cook Chinese.” Instead, Jing became more adventurous in other cuisines and she loves pasta. “I learnt how to make fresh pasta on a cooking course I went to in Florence last year – I also learnt how to make proper Spaghetti Bolognese and Tiramisu, so if I were trying to impress, I’d probably go for an all-out Italiano feast! “My Raw Vegan Salad is more something that I’m known for eating on the go or it’s a great accompaniment – it would complement something more exotic such as a grilled fish. It’s a bit like coleslaw, creamy and crunchy, but it’s packed with goodness. The first time I had it, it was served with Butternut Squash and Coconut Cream Soup!” Her friends are all salad fans as well, even the not-so-health-conscious ones. “I think that when some people think of salads, they think of lettuce leaves attached to a gnawing rabbit but you can have so much fun with salads – and put in meat, rice, noodles, cous cous. It doesn’t just have to be sad, lonely leaves! People are surprised when you present them with a well-crafted salad.” Jing’s dish is vegan but despite trying a strict vegan diet for six months, she finds her lifestyle too spontaneous and transient to stick to it all the time. “When you’re on your feet the whole time, you need fuel, so it’s important to set yourself up with the right sources of energy – otherwise it’s too easy to reach for crisp and chocolates. I’m health conscious but being healthy isn’t worth being miserable for! I wouldn’t want to have missed out on the Hot Cross Bun van that Nicole Kidman hired for everyone when we were filming Before I Go To Sleep at Easter. How lovely!”

For news and updates on Jing’s upcoming projects visit www.jinglusi.com or @JingLusi


Jing thinks food is all about nourishment, socialising, gathering and enjoyment

Jing’s Raw Vegan Salad Ingredients 1/22 ca 1/ cabb bbbag agee 2 ca carr rroot rr o ts 1 cu c cu cumb umb mber err 3-55 to 3toma mato ma toes to eess 1 av avoc occaddo

Oliv Ol ivee oi iv ol 1 cl c ov ovee ooff gar a lilicc Juic Ju icee of ic o 1 lem mon AAllfaalffa or o bro rocc ccol olii sp sproout utss (oopt ptio ionnaal io al)) S alt and peepppeer Sa

Method C t th Cu thee caabb bbag agee innto ag to shr hred reds, edds, s, a manndo d lilin lin or gra r atteer mayy be qui ma u ck cker err. Us Usin Usin ingg a JJuulilien ennee peeele l r or gra r ate rate ter,r,r grat gr atee th at t e carr caarrrrot andd cuc ucum umbe um mbeer. Lea eave eave ve the cuc ucum u be um berr cent ce ent ntre ree and add thi hiss seecttion ion to to a bleendder e. Add sh Ad s re redd d ed veg dd eget etab et able ab less and sp le spro roout u s innto a bigg b wll. Cuut to bo toma maatooes in ha halflflf, ttaakee out ut see eeds dss and nd juiice ce annd pu and p t in ble lend nder nd er. Di er. er Dice cee thee tom mat atoe toes, oes,, addd to bo bowl owl wl.. Toge To gethherr wit ge ithh th thee toma toomatoo see eeds ee eds ds andd cuc ucum u beer co um corre r e, addd an avo ad voca cado ca do,, ga do garl rlic icc clo love ve, fr ve fres esh le esh es lemo mon mo on ju j ic ice,,

a fair fairr glluug off oliive fa v oil and sal a t an andd pe pepp pper pp er to se seas ason on. n. Bllittz itt in th B Blit the he bl blen ende en nde der er un unti till yo ti youu ha h ve a pas aste ste t lik ikee c ns co n isste tenc tenc ncyy.. AAdd dd mor dd o e leemoon ju juic icee orr olilive ve oil if tooo thhicck , but it shou shhould l be qu ld q it itee th thic icck an anyw yway yw a . ay Poour Pou ur thee dreessssin ing oovver e youur s re sh redd edd dded e veeggettab ed a le less aannd mi mixx weelll. Serv Serv Se r ve an rve and ea e t im mme m di d at ateely. ely. y


Leading Light...

“...strive for simplicity rather than complexity...”

>> Philip Howard is one of Britain’s most accomplished and respected chefs. However, unlike many of his contemporaries, he has avoided the spotlight and rarely shouts about his achievements, including the two Michelin stars he has held at The Square in Mayfair since 1998. After 20 years in thee industry, Phil has ass finally found timee to pen two encyclopedic recipe vo v lumes. Here, he talks about his journ rneey from micro-biology graduate to t acclaimed “Chef’s Chhef of thee Ye Year” via rehab for drug and alcohol addiction. After completing a degree in micro-biology, you had an epiphany and decided to become a chef. Please can you describe how and why you came to this lifechanging decision? Ultim mately it was thhe fifirs r t thhingg I rs came across on the con ca o veyor belt of life thatt I reallly felt positiv i e abou out. I didn’t cook at all be b fore I went to universityy – my mum always did the cooki k ng – and nd it w s on wa o e of those thinggs that I felt imme m diatel e y wa w s going to plaay a si s gnificannt pa p rt in my m life.

I had a brief spell working in a kitchen in France and I absolutely loved it. Then I went tr t avel elllilng for a year and wa w s away froom thhe pr p esssu s re of follo lowing thr lo h ough gh withh thee edduccation I had haad, and I reaally feelt that I ha h d foound a world I want nttedd to be b a part of. You are regularly referred to a “chef’s chef”, someone who has “quietly notched up years of service and influenced the industry immeasurably”. Is this an accurate description, in your opinion? Yess I th Ye t ink it is. Whate t ver I’Ive done I’m st s ilill th t is mann in thhe ki k tche h n puttinng st s ock on, ma m king a terrine and playyinng around with a simple vina vi naigre rett t e. Yes e I have other r spon re onsi s bililtites e as a fathher andd a h sband annd I like hu k to go g on ho h lida daay, y b t I wake up in the morniing bu n and I go go to wo work and I havve ne n ve v r leeft it. t Nobody d cares ess more abou o t Thee Square r than I do.


Who have been your biggest influences and why? I ha hadd thre ree relative v ly brief expeeriences working in a kitchhen e before I went on my own. The fifirst was for the Roux brothers in the h ir contract cateringg division and they gave me my firstt ins nsig i ht into refine ned French tec echniques an a d seet me offf on thee journ rneyy to fifine ne din ining. The h nI workedd with Marco Piierre White at Harveys and he taugh g t me abo bout exci c ti t ngg , contem e poora rary ry coooki k ng. T e ki Th k tche h n waas a hi he h ghh-octanee envi v ronm nment wi w th one n superstar a and a bogg sttan a daardd gag aggle of o young chefs, and nd I lea earnnedd what was ea possible witth limitedd reesour u ces.

Simon Hopkinson was the most important influence. He taught me the appreciation of flavour and the importance of seasoning. How would you describe your style of cooking? Moodeern French, h, which is rigoorous usly l seas asson o al al, naatuural,l refififinnedd, eleg egan a t annd soph p istiica ph cateed but stopps beefore r it taakees thhe heearr t annd soul u out off thee diish you ou are r tryying too create. Nurturing new talent is of prime importance to you. What key characteristics do you look out for in prospective trainees? It’s a huggelyy impo p rttantt paart of thhe job.. It’s st jo stilil absolute t lyy an in i du dustry ryy base ba s d onn manual labour ur and auto au toomatiion andd there are nott manny industtries e leff t like tha h t. t I loo ook foor enth thhusiast s ic, br b ig ight h , ambitious people who have goot a se s ns n e of urgenc nccy and a desire re to cook. Th T ey have to be able to multi-ttask and w rk pro wo r fe f ssionallyy an a d ef effectiv i elly. What are your three kitchen secrets? 1. Foc o us on seassonalityy and flflavour.r. oc 2.. St Stri r vee for sim i pl im pliccitty rathherr tha han compple l xity t . 3. Seassoning is criticaal – no n sal alt, t no flav avou o r.r

What is your favourite ingredient and why? The onnion. n They juust provide a wonderful, melllow baack c gr g ound flflav avouur to almos osst everyt ything ng that you coookk inn thee kitchen. What has been your career highlight to date and why? Wiinn n ingg Reest s auraant magazinne’s Chhef’s Che h f of the he Yea e r la last year wass a paart rtic icullarly nice mooment. I thinnk wee alll feeel inncreddibbly jud u ged ass chefss so reco cognnitioon fr f om your peeers is par a ticularlyy re r wardin in ing, evvenn morre so 20 0 years do d wn w thee line. Competition Co Co iss so fierce so too stilll be ackknowl st w edgeed fo for yoour u sttyl y e off cooking ng after er all that t me iss woond ti n err ful. You have spoken openly about your battle with drug and alcohol addiction in the past. How are you feeling now? It’s veery mucch a thhin i g of thee pas a t b t wa bu wass a hu huge g par a t off my lilfe and ar always ys will bee. I ow o e a lott of o my s cc su c esss too the h fac a t thhat a I wennt d wn tha do hat jo j ur u ney. y. I thi h nk yoouu hi leearrn the moost s throuugh diff fificu cultt time ti mes. s It’t’ss th thro r ug ro ugh deespai a r annd chhal alleeng nges e tha es hatt wee grow. w. I’m ’m ma better e and n mor o e ba balanc nced hum man a bbeeingg offf th the back of thhat par a t of m liffe. I cer my e ta t innly l don on’t’t driink n , sm mokke or o touch c anyythhin i g any more r and liffe iss fan re a ta t stic icc. Statistically, people working in the hospitality have a higher propensity to addiction. Why do you think this is? I thhink ce certainlyy th t ere are pr p obblems in the h ind n ustry. It’s an env n iron o me m nt n w ere thher wh eree ar a e a lo lot of youngg ppeeopplee at a vu v lner e abblee point er nt inn th t eirr liife who can be ea e silly led e by thei er p er pe e s. It is a rel e en e tlesslyy pr p essure r d e viiroonm en mentt annd whhat you do to to reelaax and release thhat press ssur u e is ur go out u and ut n lett yourr ha h ir dow own, which can beco ca come m habbitua uaal an a d reeliant. t.

Your long-awaited cookbooks (The Square, The Cookbook Volume 1: Savoury and Volume 2: Sweet) have been extremely wellreceived. Why did it take you until now to write them? Was it an enjoyable process? I was going too writee the boooks to coinncide with ouur 10thh anniversary b t I kn bu k ew itt wa w s goinng to be a bi bg t ing. th g I wanteed to wriite every woord of i so I haad to it t waiit unntil I ha had th thee ti t me t do th to t att. Itt toook 20 yeearr s un u til I feeltt I cooulld taake a back seeat for o a few w m nt mo nths hs to re r allyy brea br eakk th thee ba b ck of itt. To be ho h ne n st it’s no n t veery rew very war a di ding ng grrinndi d ng out rec ecip ipes 24/7, 4/7 it’s noot paart r ic i ul u arrly a bun undl dlee of fun u .

If I ever do it again it will be something completely different like ‘Mountain Restaurants of the World’ because I’m a mad skier. Please could you share your favourite recipe from the books, along with your reasons for choosing it. It hass too be Crè r me Caram a el. I’m m a sw weet tooothh andd en e jo joyy p dd pu d ings g enorm mou o sly. y Crrèm è e Ca Cara a ame m l,, whe h n co cook oked ed corr co rrrec ectl tly, y hass thee cap y, a ac a it ityy too del e iv iver hug uge pl p eaasure. It’ss suppreeme m ly eleegaant n coomf m ort fo food.


Crème caramel with Golden Raisins and Sauternes >> Serves 8 The cooking of the crème caramel is all-important. Like other baked custards, if undercooked it will not set; if overcooked it will split/curdle. Overcooked custard (cooked at too high a temperature or maybe simply cooked for too long) becomes too firm and develops minute air-pockets and an unpleasant grainy texture. The caramel needs to be dark and flavourful enough to provide a genuine counterpoint to the sweet creaminess of the custard. While the Sauternes for the crème caramel need not be a worldclass bottle, it still needs to be decent. Save a better wine for the jelly, where it is effectively served in its raw state – the better the wine, the better the jelly. Start the crème caramel base the day before so it can infuse for at least 12 hours. Put the golden raisins to soak in Sauternes and make the Sauternes jelly the day before too. Soak the raisins for the purée at least 6 hours in advance. All that is then required is to make the purée and cook the crème caramels.

Ingredients Crème caramel base: 450ml organic double cream 250ml organic whole milk 1 vanilla pod, split lengthways 250ml Sauternes 165g organic eggs 75g organic egg yolks 125g caster sugar

Sauternes-soaked raisins: 50ml Sauternes Approximately 60 golden raisins Sauternes jelly: 3 gelatine leaves 400ml Sauternes Golden raisin purée: 150ml apple juice 50ml Sauternes 200g golden raisins 150g caster sugar Caramel 175g caster sugar


“...recognition from your peers is particularly rewarding, even more so 20 years down the line.”

Crème Caramel base: Put the cream and milk into a large bowl. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod and add to the bowl along with the empty pod. Whisk to disperse the seeds, then leave in a cool place to infuse for 12 hours. Pour the Sauternes into a heavy-based pan and bring to the boil. Boil until reduced by half, then set aside to cool. Combine the eggs, yolks, sugar and reduced Sauternes in a large bowl and stir with a whisk until smooth – do not overwhisk or you will aerate the mix and make it frothy. Add the vanillainfused cream mixture and stir with a whisk until completely combined. Remove the vanilla pod, then set aside, covered, in the fridge. Sauternes-soaked raisins: Warm the Sauternes. Add the raisins and set aside to soak for 12 hours.

a container, add the remaining Sauternes and stir to mix. Cool, then cover and place in the fridge to set. Golden raisin purée: Bring the apple juice and Sauternes to near boiling point in a pan. Add the raisins and set aside to soak for 6 hours. Put the sugar in a heavy-based pan and set it over a high heat. When the sugar starts to melt, swirl the pan gently so it melts and caramelises evenly. Continue to cook until it turns to a golden caramel. Drain the raisins, reserving the liquid, add them to the caramel and stir to combine. Stir in their soaking liquid. Bring to the boil, then pour into a blender and blend to a smooth, glossy purée. Pass through a fine sieve into a bowl. Transfer to a squeezy bottle and set aside. Caramel: Put the sugar in a heavy-based pan and set over a high heat. Melt the sugar, tilting and shaking the pan (and stirring if you have to), so it dissolves evenly. Continue to cook until it turns to an even hazelnut brown caramel. Carefully add 30ml water, remove from the heat and stir until the caramel has dissolved. Divide this caramel sauce equally between 8 ramekins (7cm x 4cm) or disposable foil moulds and set aside to cool. To cook the Crème Caramels: Pour the crème caramel base into the moulds, to within a few millimetres of the top. Set the moulds in an ovenproof dish or tray and pour enough boiling water into the dish around the moulds to come three-quarters of the way up their sides. Place in an oven preheated to 110°C/Gas Mark ¼ and bake for about 40 minutes. The crème caramels are cooked when the centres are no longer liquid but there is still the slightest wobble in the centre when the moulds are gently moved (they will finish cooking and set evenly soon after being taken out of the oven). Remove the dish from the oven and set aside to cool to room temperature. To serve: Lay out 8 shallow bowls. Run a knife around each crème caramel to loosen it from the mould, taking care not to damage its appearance. Gently turn out the crème caramels into the bowls, with all of their caramel sauce. Surround the crème caramels with little scoops of Sauternes jelly and the plump soaked raisins. To finish, apply a generous squeeze of raisin purée to the top of each crème caramel.

For your chance to win both of Phil’s books, see Country Club (page 30).

Sauternes jelly: Soak the gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes, or until softened. Put half of the Sauternes in a pan and heat to near boiling point. Squeeze excess moisture from the gelatine, then add it to the hot Sauternes and stir until completely melted. Pour into



...in the UK, school lunches have never been better, healthier and more appealing...

School dinners around the world


• Catering services differ between countries. In Spain, external private companies are normally contracted to provide school catering, whereas in Italy in Rome, 92% of schools have meals cooked in the school kitchens and >> As a school caterer, you may sometimes feel about as source organic and local produce. popular as Gordon Ramsay holding a swear box. If it isn’t • The average spend on ingredients for an the kids turning their noses up at your ‘veggie speciality’, individual meal ranges from 30p in Chile it is the mainstream media cooking up their own storm. and £1.50 upwards in France. But the fact is that in the UK, school lunches have never been better, healthier and more • Take-up varies from 95% of Finnish and 85% of appealing – and compared to other countries around the world, we serve up a balanced Swedish school children eating a main course nutritional meal every day of the school week. on most days (where free meals are available to all) compared to 9.1% in Canada where Claire Rick of the Children’s School Food Trust, which has an ongoing world food research the vast majority take packed lunches. program, says: “There has never been a better time to celebrate our school dinners. • Many schools with canteen-style services E ngland has the most comprehensive school food standards compared to other EU serve 2-3 courses at lunch-time although in nations, as well as the US, Canada and Australia.” France, four-course meals are not uncommon. American president, Barack Obama is making big changes in his country – although, In most countries (except Finland where with 28million pupils to feed, the school food industry has a huge task to undertake. packed lunches are not permitted) many children take packed lunches. • The dining experience differs across countries Here are some of the most popular owing to differing dining room cap capacities. school foods from around the world More often than not, space is lim limited although most countries try to t Australia – Packed lunches contaain sandwiches of cheese and accommodate pupils by providing pro Vegemite, a jam-like salty yeast-basedd spread. Of surveyed schools adequate facilities and space spa for them that do run a canteen, all sold meat piees daily, but less than a to sit down and eat their sschool meal quarter reported selling regular portioons of fruit. or packed lunch. In many ccountries, Brazil – The school day here starts at 7am and ends at noon. it is not possible for schoo schools to have Most children head home for lunch, but they are given a middedicated rooms for dining and hence morning snack which is usually Queijadinhas – muffins made from some dining areas are multi-purpose mul cheese and coconut. and so act as an assembly or sports halls and often hold other cla classes as well. United States – Hamburger withh potato wedges or rotisserieIt is normal that schools in Hon Hong Kong and style roast chicken, shredded lettuce and pickles, chilled fruit and many in Japan do nnot have a cookies still remain the most popular ddishes in school canteens. dining hall and children eat South Africa – No formal school lunches in their cla classrooms. but children buy from vendors selling bbags In Italy Italy, children sit of corn curls, crisps, apples and banannas. ...less than a quarter of down at round The bad diet is blamed on rising obesitty. tables with surveyed schools reported Germany – Only pre-packed sandwwiches tablecloths and tablec selling regular portions of fruit. and soup are provided, resulting in manny proper crockery children making alternative arrangemeents. and cutlery to cu And we all know the choices children make! enhance enhanc the whole meal experience.


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Th T he M Ma acp phi hie ra range of ready y-t -too us ose savo sa avo vour ury ur y sa sauc uces es all llo ow chefs to crea ow eate te e del e ic icio io ous sign g at gnat gn atur ure ur e dish hes s, en ens suring g co onsi sis st nt re st sten esu sult l s ti time m aft ftter tim ime, whilst me eetin ettin ing g 20 2012 2 FS SA Sa alltt Re ed ducti t on n Tar a gets 2012. 01 2. Rang Ra nge ng e in nclud clud des es; Bèchamel with Butter, Red Wine Sauce, White Wine Sauce, Hollandaise, Cheddar Cheese and Demi-Glace. Avai Av Avai ailabl labl la b e in in 1 liittre re pa ac cks ck ks.

Recipe Fisherman’s Pie Ingredients • Macphie Bèchamel with Butter • Chopped Onions • Cooked Prawns, Sal mon and Cod Loin • Mashed Potatoes

Method • Line the bottom of

an ove Bèchamel with Butter n-proof dish with • Add the chopped onions Salmon and Cod Loin and layer the Prawns, • Season and pour ove r Bèchamel with Butter • Finish with piped mashed potato and bake for 25 minutes at 180°C (3 70°F)

Visit the Macphie Youtube channe l to see Chef Norman Brockwell make this simple but delicious dish

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Wines to Suit the Season >> Do the seasons affect what people drink?

Let’s be honest, the weather in Europe is unpredictable. Whether it’s snow in May or a heatwave in November, each season brings with it unexpected surprises. This is a pain for winemakers, but for consumers it can lead to a wider selection of styles on wine lists to get stuck into. When you’re looking at wines for the autumn, it pays to have a wide selection to prepare for all outcomes. There is a school

of thought that during the cooler months, it is better to stick to countries in the southern hemisphere like Australia, Chile, Argentina; where wines are richer and full of vibrant fruit as opposed to their northern counterparts which are leaner and more refreshing. Of course rules are there to be broken. As you would expect, when the temperature plummets we begin to crave more robust styles of wine, ideally with punchy fruit flavours that give us that much-needed, hearty afterglow. Grapes like Riesling and Viognier are staples on the white front, but there are also interesting variants like the floral Torrontes from Argentina or Chenin Blanc from South Africa.

of character. In addition, the price tags aren’t astronomical, as with some Pinot Noirs and Cabernets from certain well-known French regions. When the temperature eventually soars, our palates crave the zing that many Old World countries can provide; with Albariño from Spain and Vernacchia from Italy being high up the hit list.

For red drinkers, grapes like Tempranillo from Spain or Cabernet Franc from the “...have a wide Loire should be explored selection to prepare as these offer good fruit for all outcomes.” flavour with a richness

Baumann’s blog >> We don’t have a separate children’s menu in the brasserie. Instead, we have something called “Young Gourmets” for children up to the age of 8. Basically, “Children tend to they can have a smaller portion of any dish on the choose beef or chicken menu at a reduced price. roast dinners...” I think it’s important to encourage children to eat what their mum and dad are eating. It makes them feel grown up. Sunday is the most popular day for children to come to the brasserie and they tend to choose beef or chicken roast dinners above everything else and they generally want the meat to be well done. They rarely want starters, other than basil bread and things like that, and generally choose ice cream for dessert. We’ll try to offer fruit salad and sorbets, but it’s rarely what kids go for. They’d much rather have something chocolatey. We do serve fruit mocktails though, made with fresh fruit juice, which are very popular. We even let the children sit at the bar to drink them, which they love. Encouraging children into the kitchen to see how food is prepared is the best way to get them interested in food – but it’s difficult for chefs to get insurance for that. I looked into running cookery courses for kids and the insurance was extortionate! Happy cooking!



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CRAFT GUILD TREASURER APPOINTED AN MBE >> The national treasurer of the Craft Guild of Chefs had a double celebration after being appointed an MBE for services to the catering industry on the day his son got married. Retired Army Captain Geoffrey Acott was officially named in the Queen’ss Birthday Honours List whilst travelling to Edinburgh for his big family occasion. The former MOD instructional officer, who started his career as a chef at distinguished West End establishments including London’s Ritz Hotel before joining the Army Catering Corps as a private in 1968, said the appointment really had come completely out of the blue. “I honestly thought I missed the boat,”” he said. “You see great chefs such as Albert Roux and Cyrus Todiwala receive honours over the years, and to even be mentioned in the same breath as them is an honour in itself. It really has hit me straight between the eyes.”

SEARCH FOR BRITAIN’S BEST CARE HOME ROAST >> To celebrate British Roast Dinner Week Knorr has launched the search for the best roast dinner served in Britain’s care homes. Care home chefs are being challenged to create an extra special roast for British Roast Dinner Week 2013, which will run from September 30 to October 6. To enter, care homes need to offer at least two roasts on their menu during British Roast Dinner Week – something special or different that makes the meal time the highlight of the residents’ day. Then ask at least five residents which was their favourite of the roasts served. Entry is made by simply emailing the following information to donna@williammurray.co.uk by 18 October 2013: • The name of your winning roast • A sentence on why your dish was special • A sentence telling us how many residents voted and why they loved the roast • NOTE: There will be bonus points for photographs

...fundamental cooking skills are the first and foremost ingredient to success...

Get ready to follow the frog

>> Coffee shops, cafés and other foodservice businesses are being asked to Follow the Frog later this month. They are being urged to take par t in the Rainforest Alliance’s 3rd annual Follow the Frog Week from September 16-22 to engage and inspire its customers and employees about the work of the Rainforest Alliance. Follow the Frog 2013 is a week dedicated to raising consumer awareness, highlighting the collective achievements of the Rainforest Alliance and the businesses it collaborates with, as well as celebrating sustainability. Follow the Frog 2013 For more information – and to register for the Follow is a week dedicated the Frog 2013 Toolkit – visit to raising consumer http://w ww.rainfores talliance.org /marketing awareness /follow thefrog.

A d Academy off Culinary C li Arts gets Royal approval >> The Academy of Culinary Arts has been granted the honour of becoming the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts. Founded in 1980, the Academy is a body of like-minded professionals committed to training young people. ‘Royal’ status acknowledges the Academy’s ongoing contribution to education in culinary and service excellence across the generations throughout the UK. Sara Jayne Stanes OBE, chief executive, said: “This great privilege is granted very rarely and is in the gift of Her Majesty The Queen, on the advice of Government. We understand our Patron, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, is delighted that the Academy has been granted permission to use the title Royal. To receive this honour in the Queen’s Coronation year lends it an even greater g relevance.”

Reminder g about eating curry leaves >> The Food Standards Agency is reminding chefs who use fresh curry leaves in th heir dishes, to ensure that the leeaves are washed thoroughly before u use. Cooking provides further assurance that thesse leaves are safe to eat. The use of uncooked fresh curry leaves, which were contaminated with several different bacteria including salmonella, was the cause of a food ppoisoningg outbreak which affected more than 400 people at thee Street Spice fest stiv ival al in Ne Newc wcastle.


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