GO BAAARMY... for the new Country Range DĂŠcor Collection
Give a Child a Breakfast campaign c ampaign llaunch aunch
Tis the season to be jolly (organised)
for the game season ON NT THE HE R ROAD OAD to o street street food success
Luxury Mince Pies... With a rich pastry case filled with luxurious mincemeat and baked to perfection, make Country Range Frozen Baked Mince Pies top of your Christmas list this festive season. From that delicious first bite of sweet, crumbly shortcrust pastry to the last satisfiying mouthful of subtly spiced mincemeat, nothing says Christmas better than a mince pie. Serve as a side with coffee or warmed through with cream or brandy butter. Luxury Deep Dish Mince Pies - 36 x 65g Mini Mince Pies - 64 x 34g Fully defrost before serving.
For more details call 0845 209 3777 or visit www.countryrange.co.uk
For starters... >> As the nights draw in and the clocks go back, many caterers are turning their attention to their autumn/winter and festive menus. Planning ahead is essential if you are to survive the busy festive season so now is the time to make sure you have all of the essentials in stock. On page 12, we highlight some of the key areas to think about.
others less fortunate than ourselves. This month, for the second year running, the Country Range Group, in association with Kellogg’s, is launching its Give a Child a Breakfast campaign to help fund school breakfast clubs for children living in deprivation. We hope you’ll embrace the campaign and help us raise lots of much-needed cash for this great cause. For more details, see page 16.
At this time of year, game features heavily on many menus but knowing how to prepare game birds and meat – let alone how to cook it! – can be a challenge. Our Melting Pot feature this issue is packed with tips, advice and recipe suggestions to give you inspiration. Are you game?! (page 24).
Happy October!
While Christmas is a time for over-indulgence, it’s also the season of giving, when we should be thinking of
Ingredients... 20 ON THE RANGE
with Nigel Smith
SIGNATURE DISH by singer songwriter Denise Pearson
15 HEALTH & WELFARE Tinned ‘super-food’ Listeriosis guidance
Coach House
Free school lunch for all School scoop award Give a child a breakfast
12 CATEGORY FOCUS – Planning for Christmas
19 HOSPITALITY Leisure spending remains hesitant New last-minute booking system The 4th coffee wave
Our editorial partners...
Cake International Mintec on frozen veg Beef and lamb quality Foodservice set to grow
THE MELTING POT Are you game? Inspiration for fruits of the field.
Jo Wheatley – a great British Baker
Contact us... EDITOR Janine Nelson editor@stiritupmagazine.co.uk WRITERS Sarah Rigg, Amy Grace SUBSCRIPTIONS Telephone: 0845 209 3777
As part of our environmental policy this magazine is printed using vegetable oil based ink and is produced to high environmental standards, including EMAS, ISO14001 and FSC® certification.
subscriptions@stiritupmagazine.co.uk DESIGN & PRINT Eclipse Creative COUNTRY RANGE PHOTOGRAPHY
www.countryrange.co.uk/stir-it-up OCTOBER 2013 03
Soap Cooks calendar... Box October
by Roger Rant
In season...
wild mushrooms
Brititis Br ish h Eg gg We eek
The Restaura The Re Re rant Show, Earls Co C urt, London
14-20 Chocolate Week
www.theresta taur u antshow.co.uk
World Food Day
British Summertime ends
Get back in the centre!
>> Hypermarkets have had their day, it is increasingly stated in the food retailing press.
7-13 Nation nal Eating Out Week
Now, we see in this issue of Stir it up’s Advice from the Experts about the growth of Street Food. Can we see a revival of town centres if there are enough factors at play? Certainly the vibrancy of street food would be a contributory factor. Another factor to throw in the mix, and maybe here old Roger is just being an optimist, BUT I really do believe that I see evolution at work. People of all kinds, whether from different races or economic backgrounds, seem to me to be more comfortable together than in the past? A new dawn for our towns?
www.nationaleatingoutw tweek.com
November red cabbage
brussel sprouts
W rlld Vegan Day Wo
Remembrance Sunday
N ti Na tion onal al School Meals Week
World Food Day
British Frozen Food Federation annual luncheon, Hilton on Park Lane, London
St Andrew’s Day
www.nnsmw.org.uk ww
4-10 Brit itissh Sausage Week www.lovepork.co.uk
B nfi Bo fire Night
December In season...
white cabbage
Great Tastte Festival of Food and Dr Driink, Donington Par ak www.fest stivaloffoodanddrink.co.uk
04 OCTOBER 2013
in ncorp porating National Currry Week
In season...
If we have all we need close at hand, why drive out of town?
7-13 National Cake Week
www.brritisheggweek.com m
The high cost of fuel, the enormous growth of internet shopping and the quality of local convenience stores have altered shopping habits.
C ristmas Eve Ch
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
New Year’s Eve
Jerusalem artichokes
STAR in he making t
“Fish and pastry are my sp eciality and I’m spoilt for ch oice with the bounty of ingredien ts we have here in Devon.” >> A talented chef who helped his former boss secure two Michelin stars is hoping to achieve the same success – in his own right. Country Range cu ust stom om mer Thooma m s Carr rr, 29 29,, wa wass th thee head he ad che heff at Rest Re s au aura rant nt Nat atha han n Outlaw in Cornwall when it was awarded the prestigious tw wo stars. But now, after four years of working with the famou us T V chef, Thomas is stepping out of Nathan’s shadow and going it alone.
Inn Mayy of thhis i yea ear,, he to took o thee heelm lm of Th The CCooach acch Ho Hous u e restau sttau aura rraaannt nt aatt Kennti t sb s ury ry Gra Grr ange ge, a beaau autifu tifuullllyy reest stor o ed V icc ttoori or rian an cou ount ntryy hou ouse see hot otel inn Norr th t Dev evon on,, an on and he is lloovingg the chaalle ch alleeng ngee off run unnningg thi h nggs hi hiss wa w y. y “Fishh an “Fi and pa pasttry are re my sp spec eciialityy andd I’m m sp spoi o lt for cho hoic ice with th the bou o ntyy of ingr in greddie ient nts we hav avee he here re in De Devo von, n” says sa ys Tho h ma mas. “Our ur fifissh an and seaf afoood come co me ffro rom m Lu Lund ndy Issla land jjus ust of offf th thee Nort No rthh De Devo vonn coasst, t and one ne of my ffaavour urit itee di dish shes es on thhe me menu nu at th thee mome mo ment nt is ma mack cker erel el wit ithh Lu Lund ndyy cr crab ab,, feenn nnel el and sam amph phir iree – it it’ss liter eral ally ly flflyi ying ng out of th thee do door or. Al Also so on th thee menu nu is Lu Lund ndyy loobs bste terr co c ck ckta tailil mad adee with wi th smo moke kedd mu m ss sseel may ayon onnaais ise, e, whic wh ichh I ma made de one day whe henn I wa wass muck ckin ingg arouund in th thee kiitc tche hen. n. Itt work wo rkss br brilillilian antlty wi with th lobst ster!” !” Ma y of Th Many Thom omas as’ sk skilills ls wit ithh fish and seaf se afoo oodd we were re hon oned ed dur urin ing hi hiss ti time me work wo rkin ingg wi with th Nat a ha hann Ou Outl tlaw w. He exp xpla laiinss: “N “Nat athaan wa wass pa parr tic icul ular a ly good go od att fish pre repa para ratiton – as we wellll as
maakkiing ng mayyoonnnnaaise issee. He al alw lwa ways ys u eedd to buy wh us whol olee fifish sshh and n fil filleet them th em him imsse self e f. Fillet ettin ing fish ing sh is qu quiite ite In May of this year, a sk skilill an andd make kess a bi big diiff ffer erreenncee ere Thomas took the helm of to the h prese sent ntat atiion at io of thee fis fish. h The Coach House restaurant “M Mos ostt chhef efs te tennd nd to bu buyy fishh whi hich ch haave beenn scal aled e , gu guttted and ndd filleted ed but ut doing ng it yo your urrse s lf mea eanss Although Kentisbury youu teend to spen yo endd moore tim ime ov over er Grange only opened five it and n ass a result it lo l ok okss ne neat ater er. months ago, it has been A teer al Af all, fis fishm hmon o ge gers rs are pai aidd byy how fa fast s the heyy ca cann do it annd thhe flessh such a big success that iss often en ripppe ped as a con onsequ quennce ce.”.” the owner is already The Co The Coac achh Ho Hous usee is alrlrea e dy receeivvin re ingg raave revvie iewss, most st nota no tabl blyy in the Fin i an anci c al Tim mess, annd Th Thom omas as iss fifind ndin ingg himssel elff mo moree andd mo an moree inn de dema mand n . He has as his firs rstt fo food od fes estiva vall in thee bag a , wr writ ites es a mo montthlyy recipe pe col olum umnn fo f r No Nort rh Devo De vonn Li Lifee, ha hass do done ne sevver eral a r ad adio io innte tervvie iews ws and is ho hopi ping ng to ap appe pear ar on Sat atur urda day Ki K tc tche henn ve very ry soo oon. n. Nott ba No badd fo forr a bo boyy fr from om Birirm ming ngha ham whoo fo wh f un undd hi hims msellf at cat aterrin ingg colllleg co egee af afte ter fa faililin ingg hi hiss ma math thss GC GCSE SE!! Says Thooma Says mas: s “I ori rigi gina nallllyy wannted wa ed to be a soc o iaal wo work rker er butt I di bu d dn dn’t’t get a gra rade de C inn my mat aths hs GCSE so I co coul uldn dn’t’t go to co colllleg ege. e. Cat ater erin ingg colllleg co egee waas th thee ne next xt bes estt thin th ingg as I did a lot of co cookkin ingg a hom at omee wi with th my mu mum. m.
Many of Thomas’ skills with fish and seafood were honed during his time working with Nathan Outlaw.
“After “Aft er tha hat, t, I wor orke kedd in a caf aféé forr tw fo twoo ye year arss bu butt I go gott to the poin po intt wh wher e e I co coul uldn dn’t’t ffry ry annot othe herr eg eggg so I got a job as a KP at th thee be best st hot otel el in Wool Wo olacom ombe be andd sta taye yedd ther th ere fo for fo four yea ears rs.”.
talking about opening other similar small boutique hotels – with Thomas heading the restaurant side of the business. In the mea e nt ntim imee, Tho homa mass ha hass se sett h s si hi sigh ghts ts on ga gain ininng soome for orma mall reco re cogn gnit itioon fo for hi hiss ef effo fort rts. s. “M Mic iche helilinn st star arss ar aree ev ever eryy chef ef’s ’s drea eam m bu butt th they ey inv nvol olve ve a lot off ha hard rd work wo rk and you are alsoo de depe pend n en entt on thee se th serv rvicce, e,”” he h con ontinu n es es,, “so my firs r t ai aim m is too be awa ward rded ed a Bib Gour Go urma mand nd (th the Mi Mich chel elin i Gui uide de’ss desi de sign gnat atio ion fo forr re rest stauura rant ntss of offe feri ring ng ‘hig ‘h ighh qu qual alit ityy di dining ng at an aff ffor orda dabl blee pric pr ice’ e’). ) Tha hat’ts ex exac actl tlyy what at I’m tryi tr ying ng to do d her eree an andd we don on’t’t have ha ve any mai ains ns ove verr £2 £20. 0 “It ha hass be been en gre reat at to ha have ve a bla lank nk cannvas ca as and be ab able le too pu putt my own s am st ampp on it.. Whe henn I wo workked for Nath Na than an he was th thee on onee wh whoo go gott al alll of the cre redi ditt so it’t’s ve v ryy rew ewar ardi ding ng to be ab able ble to do it in my ow ownn ri r gh g t.””
OCTOBER 2013 05
Pi単ata cookies
Ingenious ingredients to tantalise tastebuds
The Baking Collection: Dark Chocolate Chunks 41% Dark Chocolate / 750g
Milk Chocolate Chunks 24% Milk Chocolate / 750g
White Chocolate Chunks 21% White Chocolate / 750g
Sweeten your profi profits ts with the NEW Ingredients Collections from Country Range When it comes to creating cakes and desserts, Country Range has got it covered. From cupcakes to cookies and desserts to doughnuts, life is sweet with our new Ingredients Collections. Ideal for all catering se ectors, these collections will add the perfect flavvours and finishing touches to your sweet offerin ngs. They are competitively priced and are p packed in easy-pour PET cont co ntai aine ners erss in a m ma mana anage age geab able a le p pack ack ac k size. s ze. size si ze
Dark Chocolate Mini Drops 50.9% Dark Chocolate / 650g
Milk Chocolate Mini Drops 28.9% Milk Chocolate / 650g
White Chocolate Mini Drops 23.6% White Chocolate / 650g
Crystallised Ginger Cubes 8-16mm pieces / 650g Made with Belgian Chocolate in a bake stable chunk/drop format they are a delicious ingred ing ingredient edien ientt for for muf muffin muffi fifins ns aand ns nd coo cookies cookie kies. s.
Chocolate lollies
The Décor Collection:
Ice cream cone biscuits
Meringue Granules 5-8mm granule size / 350g
Mini Milk Chocolate Beans 8mm in size / 875g
Mixed Chocolate Coated Rice Balls 550g Gold Balls Uniform size – 5mm / 465g
Silver Balls Uniform size – 5mm / 465g
Mini Chocolate Coated Rice Crisp Uniform size / 400g
Non Pareilles (100’s & 1,000’s) 875g
Milk Chocolate Popping Candy 850g
Coloured Sugar Strands 800g
Mini Lemon Jelly Slices 320g
Vanilla Fudge Cubes 10mm / 650g
Dark Chocolate Vermicelli 800g
Chocolate Flavoured Vermicelli 800g
Mini Pink & White Marshmallows 500g
Mini White Marshmallows 500g Great for patisserie items, cakes, tarts, biscuits, doughnuts, confectionery, d serts desser des ts t inc includ i luding l ding ic ice e crea cream m and and yog yoghur hurts. ts.
The Fruit Collection: Natural Apple Pieces 650g Natural Banana Pieces 650g Natural Blueberry Pieces 650g Natural Cranberry Pieces 650g Natural Orange Pieces 650g Natural Raspberry Pieces 650g Natural Strawberry Pieces 650g Freeze Dried Whole Blackberries 95g Freeze Dried Whole Raspberries berries 95g Freeze e Dried Strawb berry Slices 95g Freeze e Dried Whole Bluebe erries 125g A healthyy product which can be used dried d or rehydrated, these nattural fruit products have an in ntense flavour, a high fru uit content and are a cosst-effective altern alt ernati ativve v to fre fresh sh fru fruit. it.
S’mores brownie pie
Rocky road brownies
New Choux Pastry Treats COCKTAIL HOUR >> The party season wouldn’t be complete without cocktail sausages on the buffet menu.
Mini Chocolate Éclairs & Chocolate Éclairs >> Nothing beats a cch hocolate Éc (1 x 108) 11.7g each éclair as a delicious sweet treat. • Mini Éclairs • Chocolate Éclairs (1 x 45) 32g each The combination of chocolate Frozen Profiteroles with Chocolate Sauce and fresh cream makes it difficult for most people to resist! • (1 x 24) 80g each
This month, Country Range is launching new Cocktail Pork Sausages (32s) to make sure yourr bash goes off with a bang-er! Perfect for buffets or as a snack witth dips, they are available in 2.27kg boxes and contain approximately 162 sausages per box. Cook from frozen – simply deep fry at 180°C for 5-6 minutes.
...ensure you serve up perfect éclairs and profiteroles every time.
These three delicious choux pastry treats are all filled Made from choux pastry, éclairs date back to 19th with dairy cream. Our éclairs are supplied ready-to-eat century France, where they were called “pains à topped with rich Belgian chocolate and our newly la duchesse” or “petites duchesses” until 1850. launched frozen profiteroles come with a separate Making your own choux pastry though can be serving of Belgian chocolate sauce. quite tricky and time-consuming, which is why To serve, simply remove from the packaging and allow Country Range has created Frozen Mini Éclairs to defrost in a refrigerator for approximately 1-2 hours. and Frozen Chocolate Éclairs to ensure you For the profiteroles, the sachet of chocolate sauce serve up perfect éclairs every time. should be placed, unopened, in a bowl of warm water for about a minute then squeezed over the profiteroles. The sauce can also be served cold.
Festive fancies
>> With the Yulettide season fast approachiing, it’s time to stock up on mince piess! No Chr N hriisstm tmaas as men e u iss com ompl plet ete wi ete with tho hout a minc n e pie to rouund nc offf the meal, and the ne of new w froz frozen en fully lyy bak akeed ed miinc ncee pi pies es fro rom Country Range are an absolute must.
...baked to perfection and lightly dusted with sugar. Rich pastry cases filled wit ithh lu luxu xury ry min ince ceme meat at,, th theyy aree baked to perfection and lightly dusted with su sugar. Simply remove the pies from their outer packaging and allow to defrost in a refrigerator for a minimum of six hours. Ensure the product is completely thawed before serving, and serve with lashings of brandy butter or cream.
The range includes: • Luxury Deep Dish Mince Pies (36 x 69g) • Mini Mince Pies (60 x 34g)
08 OCTOBER 2013
Aneesha wipes away the competition! >> Budding artist Aneesha Grewal, 16, has cleaned up – after winning our Design a Christmas Napkin competition. We were inundated with entries from young and old, and Aneesha, who is the daughter of one of our customers, scooped the top prize of an iPad Mini and £25 app voucher with her quirky reindeer design. Aneesha’s design incorporates the names of all the reindeers using the lesser known name of Donder. This reindeer is more commonly known as Donner and p accordingg to www.claus.com is the most disciplined reindeer! Her design has been replicated on napkins and they ow available to order nationwide. are now For every very case sold, Country Range onate 50p to children’s will donate ty Rainbow Trust, charity whichh provides tional and practical emotional ort to families support who have a child with -threatening a life-threatening rminal illness. or terminal
For every case sold, Country Range will donate 50p to children’s charity Rainbow Trust...
/designs/Š Mars 2013
Q. How do you save time? A. Bottle it.
www.mars-foodservice.co.uk You can now follow us on Twitter at:
Belvita Breakfast are delicious, crunchy biscuits made with wholegrain Rich in cereals Source of fibre
Source of vitamins and minerals
No colours or preservatives
Source of calcium and vitamin E
£5th6e Um K in
Belvita Breakfast, No .1 Healthy Biscuit in the UK* Quick and convenien t Delicious crunchy bis cuits made with wh olegrain Rich in cereals and a source of fibre
*Source: Nielsen MAT 28.05.13 **Source: Nielsen MAT 15.06.13 *** When eaten as part of a balanced breakfast to include a piece of fruit and a portion of dairy.
NATIONAL CURRY WEEK 7th–13th October Indian In diaaan n restaurants, ressttaaau ur nttss,, pu ura p pubs ub bss aand d ca ccanteens a teeeen ens een ns th throughout hrro o gh ou gho hoou out u ut the hee U UK Kw will b be ho h holding oold din ev din di events nts ts aand nd fun u cha challenges halle allen en s to promote IIndian food d to during National on Curry Week. e Don’t on n’ miss out. Create your own festival of curry to ccelebrate eleeb with our range of authentic ethnic dishes. Order O r your 4 great gre reat ea productss aan and get a free ree ee POS pack*. k k*.
Products Chicken Tikka Masala
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Beef Madras
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For more information call 0161 495 4000 or visit us online at www.tafc.com
10 OCTOBER 2013
Delice de France’s have launched delicious new products, range extensions and better- thanever recipes.
Cooks&Co launches 10 litre cooking wines >> Cooks&Co, the RH Amarrowned professional chef and caterer ingredients range, hass added 10-litre size red and white cooking wines to its popular range of cooking wines. The introduction of the 10-litre size cooking wines responds to an increasing demand from foodservice clients for greater economies on large usage ingredients such as cooking wine. The 10-litre size wine completes Cooks&Co’s current offerings of white and red cooking wines in 2-litre and 3-litre PET easy pour bottles.
Sweet & savoury innovation >> Delice de France’s dedication to developing trend-led products has seen the launch of delicious new products, range extensions and better-than-ever recipes.
Previously Cooks&Co cooking wines were dispensed from bag-in-box but the new PET format with an advanced pouring mechanism helps eliminate product wastage from drips when the tap is turned off. It also allows chefs to more easily measure quantities for portion control as well as simply being able to see how much product is left for reordering purposes. An additional benefit of the pouring mechanism is that it reduces the intake of air when the cooking wine is dispensed which better preserves the quality of the wine for longer.
• Soft Khobez Flatbread – Research has shown that more and more consumers are now interested in world flavours, particularly French and North African cuisine. The traditional Lebanese bread can be used to create a range of different wraps, or alternatively as a ‘tear and share’ accompaniment to dips.
Anne-Marie Cannon, product marketing manager, Cooks&Co, says: “Our cooking wines are very popular in the professional kitchen. With 4.2% alcohol content while exempt from VAT they offer a high quality, great value wine for the preparation of ever popular wine-based sauces and casseroles such as beef bourguignon and coq au vin or lighter summer dishes such as the ever popular moules marrinières.”
• Pre-filled Paninis – The new-andimproved range of paninis have been influenced by popular European flavours with an emphasis on fresh ingredients, making them even more appealing. Buttery béchamel sauce, fresh tomato slices and improved ingredients, such as maple-cured bacon, make these lunchtime favourites even more irresistible to consumers.
The new launches include:
• Salted Caramel Fl Flow ower erpo pott Mu Muffin – In sweet bakery, Delice de France has responded p to the current craze for French flavours by creating a delicious limitededition Salted Caramel Flowerpot Muffin, complete with an indulgent gooey salted caramel filling. This popular French flavour has its origins in Brittany and was popularised by the famous pastry chef Pierre Hermé, who invented a salted caramel macaroon. Perfect for the growing afternoon tea occasion. A Salted Caramel Cupcake has also been added to the Happy Days Cupcake Collection. • New-look Cupcakes – The Very Berry & Friends range includes a Wild Berry Cheesecake variation topped with a blueberry, Carrot Cake sprinkled with walnuts and Belgian Bliss now topped with white, milk and dark chocolate balls. The Happy Days range includes a Vanilla Iced Cream version with a chocolate flake, which mimics the look of a 99 Flake ice cream.
PICK UP A PANIZZA! >> Pan’Artisan, producers of frozen, full and part-baked, doughbased products for foodservice, has added dded the ‘Panizza’ Pa to its range. The innovative ‘pizza sandwich’ offers complete convenience onvenience for those wanting to zza trend. serve food on the move that follows the popular pizza
...high quality, great value wine for the preparation of ever popular wine-based sauces and casseroles...
Richard Jansen, MD of Pan’Artisan, explains: “It’s handmade from two 7” thin crust pizza bases that havee been filled and sandwiched together with popular pizza toppings. These are then quickly frozen and packed ready for the caterer to use. All they have to do is defrost prior to service, place straight onto a contact grill and it’s ready in 2½ minutes!”
‘Tis the season to be jolly (organised)! >> With the festive season a matter of weeks away, now is the time to be fine-tuning your Yuletide menus and making sure your store cupboards are fully stocked with all the Christmas dining esssentials. Once the party season is underway, you won’t have a minute to stop, p so it pays to be wellorganised. With every caterer clamouring after thhe key festive ingredients and tableware, it’s also imperative that you order enough of everything to make itt through this busy period.
cuts can be expensive at this time of year, there are a range of alternative beef and lamb cuts that will enable chefs to satisfy their customers while keeping costs down. These alternative cuts can be wonderfully tasty, especially when slow-cooked using the sous vide method.
Make sure your menu includ udes plenty of options and price poinnts – and remember to add thosee essential finishing touches to make it a meal to remember.
Sous vide cooking, which involves vacuum packinng cuts of beef and lamb and cook oking at low temp m eratures in a water bath, helps chefs to manage portion control while ensuring the consistency of the meat. It also makes service a lot easier because it allows chefs to prepare food portions inn advance and it’s a very cost-effective way of preparing meals.
Soup-er starters During the winter months, many diner e s are looking for a hot and hear a ty starter to warm their cockles – and soup is therefore a must on your menu.
...alternative beef and lamb cuts will enable chefs to satisfy their customers while keeping costs down...
Not only does it represent great value foor your cusstomers, from a caterer’s perspective, it also offers a great profit margin. Na Naomi Padfield, channel marketing manager at Unilever Food Solutions, exxplains: “When pl planning for Christmas, it’s important that chefs offer their customers good value. After all, it’s the seasson of goodwill. And, soup is not only a se popular option, but it’s also cost-effective. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be stylish. “We ha h ve a wide range of Knorr Soups. From thick and chunkyy 100% fresh soups to our u Knorr 1-2-3 dehydrated and classic vaarieties, s, there’s som mething for everyyon o e.” Tomato, Mu M shroom, Minestrone, Leek and Potato and Chicken tend to be the most popular flavours and a simple swirl of cream makes a great finishing touch.
Meaty issues M M n ging meat su Mana supplies and choosi ch s ng cuts wisely to provide e tiici en cing menu ideas is the key to the succ cess of o your Christmas offering.
Whe planning your Christmas When menu it’s also good to offer an menus altern alternative to turkey. Beeef annd lamb dishes are alwayss popular during B the fe the f sst stiv ivee season, and, although so s mee prime
12 OCTOBER 2013
Some suggestions from EBLEX – the organisation for the English beef and sheep industry – from its ‘Master Chef and Master Butcher’ series include: • A Chuck Eye ‘Centre Cut’ Joint – sous vide cooked in a water bath for 48 hours, oven roasted for six hours, sliced, pan sealed and finished in the oven. Serve on the plate sat on a bed of creamy mashed potato and served with seasonal vegetables. • Boneless Rolled Breastt of Lamb – when rolled and cut into square portions, can be used to create a main course dish. Alternatively, sheep’s ricotta cheese placed between two thin slices of the lamb breast, will create a delicious Ravioli of Lamb Breast starter dish.
Similarly, pork offers a tasty and cost-effective alternative. Says Tony Goodger, BPEX foodservice trade manager: “Pork lends itself well to both formal and buffet style occasions, offering busy kitchens the flexibility needed to cater for all types of diner. It is also a great flavour carrier, working well with other festive ingredients to provide menu variation.” A pork roast will be hard to beat as a Christmas showstopper. Using quality forequarter cuts that can be cooked loong n and slow will enable chefs to maximise budgets, as well as preparation time in order to serve up tender and tasty dishes during a busier tha h n average service. Tony adds: “Porkk belly and shoulder are ideal in that they are largge enough to feed big parties yet can be broken do downn into smaller portions for
...buffets afford more flexibility and a strong profit opportunity... more formal options. For exaample, pork belly can be roasted whhole or cut into blocks, tendrons or slices and served with a variety off seasonal glazes, sauces and accompaniments. E xcellentt festive ideas include ‘Pork Belly Bloocks with Orange and Maple’, ‘Roast Pork P Belly with Chilli, Lemon and Thym yme’ annd n ‘Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder with Blonde Beer B and Shallots’.”
Brilliant buffetss While the scale of the par arties and the nature of the food served might have suffered a downsizing since the prree rece ession heyday, workplaces and families still want to mark the occasion with a memorable occasion aligned to their particular budget.
While the full Christmas roast with all the trimmings remains a firm favourite, there is an increasing trend towards Christmas buffets which afford more flexibility and a strong profit opportunity for caterers. In response, fine food distributor RH Amar has worked with its brands to create Christmas menu solutions. They have createdd a range of buffet menu ideas and finger food offerings based on Cooks&Co’s Antipasto range that includes 1kg plastic jars of Mixed Antipasto, Grilled Red Peppers and Long Stem Artichokes. Christmas is the key time for caterers to squeeze as much profit as they can, ho h wever, it is also a highly competitive time of year so focus must also be on delivering a sense of value for money to the customer. A great way to achieve this and ensure a venue becomes a Christmas ‘go to’ destination, is by offering a free experience to customers. This experience may be in the form of a sharing antipasti platter, some antipasti on cocktail sticks, or a free glass of mulled wine.
Delicious desserts Even if they refuse pudding for the rest of the year, th he vast majority of people are happy to indulge at Christmas time, so make sure you have a comprehensive desserts menu.
When it comes to Christmas profits the brand-power of confectionery products rule annd operators can maximiise the sales season through confectionery-inspired cakes to cater for the phhenomenon that peaks during the Christmaas period. Confectionery-inspired cakes are always a hit, claims Andrew Ely, managing director of Almondy: “Chrisstm t as is the time when customers aree open to indulgence and are
liike kely ly to spend more when th they ey eat out. We all know the popularity of confectionery bran a dss such as Toblerone over the festive period with adults and children alike, and our ca cakees allow w catere rerss to cash in and bring this brandd ap a peal too their menus with minimum m efffor o t.”
...the vast majority of people are happy to indulge in pudding at Christmas...
With the added bonus off beingg gluten-fre ree, Almondy also takes the headache outt off catering for o special dietaryy nee eedss dur urinng the party season. Ice cream ceentred desserts account for o 53%% of the 800million desserts consume m d in the UK K , but they sti till remain a la largelly untaapped source of revenue byy operatoors. Recent research commissioned by Kerrymaid Angelito found that 85% of respoond n ents had eaten an ice cream sundae in the past 12 months, with 88% expecti ting their consumption to increase in the coming year – indicatinng scope fo for a consumer trend. Furthermore, 59% of respondents agreed th t ey would choose a sundae as a snack if they were more readilily available and 40% wo w uld chhoose to snack on a sundae instead of cake or sweet treat. Adrian Cou o lter, developmen e t chef for Kerry Foodservice, comments: “The increased popularity of ice cream sundaes on dessert menus iss following the trend in out-of-home dining for personalisation of food options; ice cream sundaes allow consumers to choose their own flavours and toppings. “Caterers can really broaden their desserts menus, serving nostalgic favourites such as a Knickerbocker Glory, indulgent Cookies and Cream, or a refreshing Lemon Meringue.”
Well-presented desserts will also win you business, says Julia Jones, head of customer marketing, Mövenpick Ice Cream. “The festive season is an ideal opportunity to showcase the quality of your selection using show-stopping presentation that truly sets you apart from the crowd. For example, try presenting ice-ccream differently – perhaps as a cylinder or a quenelle to make for a point of interest – and consider decorative touches with accompani niments such as coulis, crushed nuts or fresh mint tips. Similar arly, keep the presentation of food on the plate uncluttered to showcase dishhes in thheir best light – a tart should be sliced pre recisely and a scoop of ice-ccream perfeect c ly roundd.”.
Go crackers No festive table is complete without Christmas crackers. Similarly, festive napkins and tableware are a must. Country Range has a wide selection of designs to suit all budgets.
Get minted After dinner mints with coffee add the perfect finishing touch to a festive dinner, so be sure to stock up in advance.
Plain Mint Chocolate Neapolitans from Country Range are a popular choice.
Get saucy Don’t forget to stock up on condiments and sauces. Cranberry Sauce, Bramley Apple Sauce and Cumberland Sauce are all top Christmas sellers – so make sure you don’t run out.
Perfect roast spuds Cook your roast potatoes and parsnips in duck or goose fat for delicious veggies every time.
OCTOBER 2013 13
PȾɏ-Pɛԯiʝȸeɍ ʖntɛ 12 ʂʙiȪeɡ
Indulge in a sweet treat this Christmas Our Yule Log is chocolate sponge cake split, filled and covered with chocolate fudge icing decorated with sweet sugar dusting.
Please contact your account manager for more Christmas treats
A crisp chocolate digestive biscuit base topped with layers of white chocolate and Irish cream mousse, meringue pieces, chocolate sauce and malt balls.
Individual moist sponge puddings topped with syrup, strawberry jam, sticky toffee and treacle sauce & don’t forget our spotted dick pudding.
A white chocolate mousse with raspberries and raspberry sauce in the centre on a digestive biscuit base; decorated with raspberry sauce, raspberries and blondie cubes, sprinkled with white chocolate flavour shavings.
N New listeriosis guidance g for hospital fo caterers c
Tinned ‘super-food’
for the elderly ...the good news is you don’t have to be a super-chef to make the right choices for the people in your care.
>> Th >> he Foo od Standarrds Ag A gency (F FSA) is in the e prro ocesss of develo opin ng guid dance to help pre eve ent hospital ca ate ere ers red ducce death hs from listteriosis. LLissterrio iosi sis is the h foo o dbbor orne illlnesss caaus ussed by listeria andd is relati t velyy rare – but u it ca c uses morre de d at a hs from m food o poiso oi oniingg in the UK K tha h n ot o herr foood o boornee bu b gs. Vulnner e able grooup u s off the h poppullation are at a increas ased r ssk andd man ri any caases are associatedd with chi w h llled reaady-to eat foods. s..
>> One of the biggest issues for care caterers is providing nutrition to poorly patients or elderly clients who have little or no appetite.
Here are a few of their suggestions from their ‘Eating well when you’re over 70’ guide: Breakfast
• Toasted crumpets with jam and a glass of fruit juice • Porridge oats made with milk, topped with The Royal Voluntary Service, in conjunction canned prunes with top nutritionists, has devised an easy • Toast topped with eating plan for you to follow when cooking mashed banana up the appropriate food for the elderly. • Fruit nut and seed muffin And the good news is you don’t have with sunflower spread to be a super-chef to make the right choices for the people in your care. Hob or microwave So while other sectors struggle to cut down the fat in their dishes, for care caterers it is an essential source of energy, more so than any other nutrient.
Canned fish, tinned vegetables, and cheese and nuts have emerged as the staple stars of any menu to be served to the over 70s, tackling everything from constipation to confusion/depression and muscular weakness. The very best dietary source for the elderly is oily fish which helps to maintain healthy bones and muscle strength, while vitamin C and zinc, found in fresh fruit, nuts, dairy and seeds will help to prevent pressure sores and infection. Calcium supports normal blood clotting and to stave off osteoporosis, a common condition in the elderly. Canned salmon, dark green vegetables and cheese will help with this. Iron is an essential part of haemoglobin in red blood cells which carries oxygen around the body. Deficiency causes anaemia. Good sources include red meat, offal such as liver, dark green leafy vegetables, pulses and some dried foods.
• Chunky beef and vegetable or Tuscan bean soup • Pasta sauce with grilled vegetables on pasta • Canned stewed steak and meaty gravy with green beans • Canned chunky chicken and vegetables
Simple suppers • Toast topped with tinned mackerel in tomato sauce or canned wild red salmon • Scrambled eggs or sliced ham on toast with grilled tomatoes • Fish cakes with carrots and peas • Jacket potato with baked beans and cheddar cheese
Oven or microwave • Fish pie with steamed broccoli • Cottage pie with canned or frozen peas • Aberdeen Angus steak and ale top crust pie with mashed potato • Quiche Lorraine with vegetables
Snacks • Soreen fruity sliced malt loaf or banana loaf with sunflower spread • Hot milky drinks like Ovaltine, hot chocolate and Horlicks with a stive biscuit digestive read of Marmite or • A spread nut butter on toast peanut ty or fruity yogurt • Nutty
Sweet eet Treats • Apple le or blackberry mble crumble ned fruit with jelly • Canned king apples stewed • Cooking in a saucepan with ar, served sugar, withh custard ted cream • Clotted rice pudding The
Betw Be ween 200000 and 2009, the annuall nuumber e of labooraatoory-cconnfirm er r ed caasees off lis iste t ri r ossis mor o e thann doubl blled frrom om 114 too 2334 casess in the UK. Inn 20112, theeree were 184 labooratooryconfirmed caases, which rem co mai ains elevvated el att d (moore r thaan 50 5 %) % above leve le velss obser ve e ve v d inn thee 199 9 0s. The Ag A encyy aims to redduce the number of cassess off list steriosis in the UK by the year 20115 th t rooughh the Liistter e ia Rissk Maanageme M ment n Programme. TThhe progra r mm mmee will focus on best pprr ac a tice in reelati t on to prrovidingg ffooodd too vu v ln l erablee patients and wi w ll pprrov ovid i e pr id praac ti t cal suppport fo f r sttaff inn hospitalss and similar healthcare eesta t blis ishm mentss who hav ave rreesppon o sibililty for o providi d ng foood to:: • Pregnant women e and the heirir unb n orn and newl w y delivere red in infantss • People aged 60 years andd overr with wea e kened immuune syste tems m • Peeople with we weakkenned immun u e system ems due to illness illneesss, disease diseeas ase or med e ication LListeriosi s s has a sign g ifificannt pu p bl b icc hhealth and ecoonomi m c impa pact because of its high ho bbe h spitalisation aand mortalit ityy ratee. Most st people iinfe f cted withh liisteriaa are hos ospi p taaliisedd andd ap aan a prrox o imat a el e y a th thir i d di ir d e. TThhe di d seas asee cost stts the thh UK UK econo nomy myy an est s imatted e £24 245mililliionn a year.
FSA aims to reduce the number of cases of listeriosis in the UK by the year 2015... OCTOBER 2013 15
Manchester school first in UK to scoop food award >> A Manchester academy has become the first school in the country to receive a new national award for excellence in children’s food.
Schools are cooking up lots of treats for National School Meals Week....
The Manchester Health Academy in Wythenshawe has been awarded the first Children’s Food Trust Award – given to schools and childcare providers who can show how they are championing healthy eating and nutrition for children.
FREE SCHOOL LUNCH FOR EVERYONE! >> Schools across England and Wales are cooking up lots of treats for National School Meals Week next month (November 4-8).
The national accreditation scheme is designed to help schools and early years settings show parents their commitment to helping children eat well.
The Children’s Food Trust Award is open to any school or childcare provider. vider. For more information visit: www.childrensfoodtrust.org.uk/award oodtrust.org.uk/award
The main event this year is ‘The Great School Lunch’ and nd organisers, the Local Authority Caterers Association, are urging school caterers to provide a FREE meal to every pupil in their school who wants one on one day during the week – so they can see just how good they are.
There are lot of resources and advice to support NSMW activities on the event website bsite www.nsmw.org.uk and you can also follow w the news on Twitter @NSMW or Facebook. k.
The national accreditation scheme is designed to help schools and early years settings
“...breakfast clubs are widely regarded as a cost-effective way to tackle child hunger...” >> Country Range Group and Kellogg’s campaign to give kids the
Give a Child a Breakfast best start to the school day. Following our hugely successful campaign last year to help provide nutritious breakfasts for the nation’s needy kids, we’ve decided to run it again.
We will be awarding grants to 32 school breakfast clubs – across the UK – to help provide the food and equipment they need.
as many children as possible the best start to the day.”
Last year, you helped us to fund an astonishing 50,000 breakfasts – and this year we’re hoping to smash that target and fund 68,000 meals.
“One in seven children go to school hungry making it difficult for them to concentrate and learn in the classroom. We are delighted to be working with CRG this year to extend the breakfast club programme so we can give
“It also feeds children that haven’t had breakfast at home and would go hungry until lunchtime if it hadn’t been provided, which would impact on their wellbeing and learning.”
Helen Lewin, nurture leader at Barrowford School in Lancashire, which received a grant from Research shows an incredible The Country Range Group (CRG) one in seven children go to school CRG earlier this year, said: “We are so grateful for the grant. has once again joined forces on an empty stomach or having We couldn’t run our nurture group with Kellogg’s to “Give a Child a eaten inappropriate food. It is as successfully without it. Breakfast” and we’re hoping estimated that a million school to enlist the help of all of our children go without a proper “The breakfast allows a time customers throughout the UK. breakfast each day – that’s more where children can sit and eat together talking about their For every case of Corn Flakes and than the combined population of Liverpool and Glasgow – and day ahead or any worries they Rice Krispies bought between that number is on the increase may have – it’s amazing what October 1 – November 29, according to teachers, as families conversations we have at Kellogg’s and Country Range are hit hard by the recession, breakfast time and I really Group will donate four breakfasts per case to a local breakfast club. unemployment and benefit cuts. believe it sets the children Louise Hanlon for Kellogg’s said: off well for their day.
16 OCTOBER 2013
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Prepare for the 4th Wave of Coffee – but don’t put the kettle on!
Consumers feel the most optimistic about their disposable income since the Tracker began in 2011
The wheels are turning, but consumer spending on leisure remains hesitant to take off >> Consumer confidence is growing and behaviour is beginning to change, according to the latest Deloitte Consumer Tracker. Consumers feel the most optimistic about their disposable income since the Tracker began in 2011. Confidence has been bolstered by an improving economic climate and a reduction in consumer concerns about debt which has nearly halved in the last year, from -15% in Q2 2012 to -8% in Q2 2013.
Jon Lake, a corporate finance director in the licensed retail group at Deloitte, added: “Consumers have been reluctant to cut back on eating out and the slow return of consumer confidence will be welcomed by the restaurant sector.
“Of particular interest is that while the As a result, consumers are showing a consumer drive for value for money slightly greater willingness to spend on remains strong, those operators and non-essentials, such as leisure activities brands who consistently deliver quality and net spending on short breaks and of product and service are being eating out rose by four points to -13%, rewarded by a loyal consumer and compared to -17% this time last year. better relative market performance.”
>> Over the past few years Allegra has talked about the 3rd wave of coffee shops as we witnessed the growth of artisan independent operators provide a real challenge to the branded chains. This hass now rea eached a poi oiint where two developmenntss hav avee le ledd us to de desc s ri sc r bing the 4th wave: 1. Tesco set up Harris+Hoole in partnership with the owners of Taylor St. Baristas. Designed to be an independent style chain where the staff have no uniforms and the design of each store is different, this move changes the game for both supermarkets and the coffee shop chains. There are now nearly 20 Harris+Hoole sites, with Tesco rolling them out into their own stores – Tesco Metro in Tooley St and Tesco Extra in Watford. An artisan coffee shop chain owned by Tesco – it changes the landscape! 2. Tapped & Packed is a chain of three coffee shops which have no branding, although they all look the same. This might sound really strange, but the photo below shows a coffee shop with no name or signage, apart from a bike and the street number of the store. As there are now three of these stores in London, they are a chain, but they have no branding, even customers don’t know what they are called! (www.tapcoffee.co.uk) (www tapcoffee co uk)
So watch this space – the 4th Wave is coming and you don’t need a kettle!
Help diners “pounce” on your tables >> Restaurateurs looking to secure last-minute table bookings can now enlist the help of a new online service. TablePouncer, the UK’s fastest-growing last-minute restaurant bookings website, has joined forces with reservation and table management system ResDiary in a partnership which will allow restaurants currently to fill last-minute tables that would otherwise remain empty. Tables are promoted to the consumer with an attractive discount on the TablePouncer.com website, with bookings then automatically inserted into the restaurant’s diary system. Patrick Knight, founder and CEO of Table Pouncer, said: “This integration will make working with ResDiary restaurants so much easier as we can access table availability in
real time and insert bookings directly into the ResDiary instead of confirming them via email or SMS.” Selina Dagger, manager at the Salvador and Amanda restaurants, is a fan of the new service. “There’s nearly always a point in the day when we know we’ll have a couple of empty tables spare. We can now fill these tables through TablePouncer with a healthy profit margin and without the hassles usually associated with ‘dining deals’. The reservation appears instantly in our diary and the TablePouncer model, which charges a booking fee to the customer, ensures that no-shows are non-existent.”
So what is the 4th Wave? The 4th wave of coffee is using different brewing methods to produce filter coffees rather than espresso-based drinks like Cappuccino or Latte. The science of coffee is already present on the fringe of the coffee shop market, with education around origin, roast, grind, dose and brew style all contributing to different coffee experiences. As consumers become accustomed to high quality and varying delivery methods in independents, the expectation to experience the same proposition in coffee shops and across all channels where coffee is served, will rise.
One example is Cold Brew filter coffee which provides a better experience of the flavours of coffee as the ground coffee is steeped for 12 hours in cold water. So watch this space – the 4th Wave is coming and you don’t need a kettle!
OCTOBER 2013 19
ON THE Range >> Reducing food wastage is a hot topic in professional kitchens and most chefs worth their salt can create clever ways of using up leftovers. Country Range development chef Nigel Smith has lots of tricks up his sleeve to avoid throwing good d food in the bin – and his ingenious recipe this issue shows what you can do with leftover ca rice pudding. Says Nigel: “Nine times out of 10, leftover rice pudding gets thrown in the bin but, once you’ve tried this recippe, you’ll never throw it away again! “Instead you can make rice pudding ba b lls with a crispy brioche coating, which can be deep fried for a deliciously different dish. I serve them with fresh raspberries and/or raspbberry coulis, which cuts nicely through the rich, creamy rice pudding. “It’s a very cheap dish and would make a great pub dessert – plus you can make them in advance which is a big help.”
Deep Fried Rice Pudding >> Serves 4
Ingredients 50g Country Range round grain rice 1 pint fresh milk 50g Country Range caster sugar Good pinch of CCountry Range nnutmeg and cinnamon 2 eggs, beaten
50g Country Range plain flour 100g sweet bread dough (brioche, dried and made into breadcrumbs) 12 raspberries to dress the dish 25g icing sugar Country Range Pomace olive oil to deep fry
Method 1. Place the rice, sugar, milk, nutmeg and cinnamon into an earthenware dish and bake in a hot oven for 2-3 hours, or until rice is cooked. Allow to cool. 2. Once cool, roll into balls and place them into flour then the beaten egg then the breadcrumbs. 3. Repeat this again and then deep fry at 160°C until golden brown. 4. Dust with icing sugar and serve with fresh raspberries.
You can also access this recipe using Country Range’s round grain rice by using your smart phone QR code reader. Scan the code or enter the web address in your internet browser window. www.countryrange.co.uk/recipes/?ID=245
200 OCTOBER 2013
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Get passionate about baking A relaxing read >> There’ss nothing like unwinding with a good bo ook – and the new Kindle Paperwhite offers the “ultimate readin ng experience”. Onne luuckky re read a er wililll winn on onee of the hese faant ntas asti tic ga g dg dget e s, worth th ove verr £1 £100 00. Ki e’s mosst ad Kindle adva vanced ed e-r -rea eade der ha hass higgherr resol hi olut utio ion, n, highe herr co cont ntra rast st toouc uchs hscr cree een, n, 8-wee e k ba batt tter eryy lilife fe andd a pa pattent ntedd bui uilt l -inn light. t. Itt ho hold ldss upp t 1,100 to 0 boooks – soo you cann ta t ke your ur libra r ry whereverr yo y u goo! Forr yo Fo your u cha ur hanc ncee to win in, simp m ly sennd an em emaiil tiitl tled ‘Ki Kind ndle le P peer whi Pa h te’,, along ng with you wi our nam me, coont ntac act de deta tailss an andd thhe name name of yoour u Coun Co untr t y Ra Range Grroup oup wh w ol olesaller er to compettitions@ s irrit st itup upma maga g ziine. co.uk
WIN: A Kindle Paperwhite
>> This issue’s Leading Light Jo Wheeatleyy was 2011’s Great British Bake Off winn ner, delighting the judges witth her raw talent, original ideas, and deliiciiouss bakiing each week. In her fifirr stt boo o k, Jo shares thhe tips pss, tric trric icks ks and family recipess whhich icch sh s e ha hass de d veloped ve in her oow he wn kiitc tche hen. he n. Wit ith the
straightforwardness of a busy mother, but an eye fo for the pretty details, Jo’s love of o baking shines through thiss col olle lect ctio ionn of more than 100 recipes.
WIN: Signed Jo Wheatley books
Frrom the family bakes whhic ichh Jo r aised her three hungry boys on, to the Afternoon Tea treats for her fri rien ends ds, andd thee m utth-wa mo watering savoury piess anndd ta an tart rts ts baked in her very o n Ag ow Aga, a, all of Jo’s recipes will inspir insp in ire yo you to to develop your ow wn ppaass ssio ionn for fo baking.
We’vve got threee sign gned ed copi pies es of Jo Jo’ss bookk up for grabs. F r your Fo yoour cha hanc ncee too win, se nc send an ema mail tit itle led e ‘A Passion for Bakingg’,, alo Ba long ng wiith your ur name, coont n act details and the name of your Country Range Group wholesaler to competitions@ stiritupmagazine.co.uk
BLUMEN... MARVELLOUS! >> Kit itch chen enwa ware re expe ex pert rtss Sa Salt lter er hav avee teeam a ed up wi w th TV chef ch ef Hes esto ton n Bl Blum umen enth thal al to cre reat atee a ne new w ra r ng nge of kit itch ch hen gad adge gets ts and an d ba bakkki king ng too ools ls.. The He The Hest stoon Blu lume ment ntha h l Prrec ecis isio ion rra rang ngge en ensuure ress ki k tc tche henn e thhus en u ia iastts are ef effe f ct fe ctiv ivel elyy equipp eq pped ed to crea eate te top qua ualility ty gasttronom ga micc de mi m deliligh ghts.. Ea Each ch p odduc pr uct is specififica callllyy de desi sign gned ed to ena nabl b e uus user ers to max axim imis isee c ntroll an co andd at a teent ntio ion to t det e ai ail for mooree preciise resul u ts.
WIN: Heston Thee ra Th rangge in incl clud udes es:: • Ad Adju just stab able Rol olliling linng ng Pinn Blumenthal • Adj djus usta tabl blee Me Meas assur urin ingg Sp Spoo oons ns Precision •M Mul ulti tipu purp rpos osee Sp Spat atul ulas as • Pr Prof ofes e siion onal al Whi h skk Range by Salter • Orb Ele lect ctro roni n c Scal a e by Sal alte terr We’vee go We’v gott on onee of eac ach of o thee abo bove ve to give gi ve awa wayy to the h win he innnerr of o oour u prize ur zee draw dr w – wor orth th a tot otal al of ov over er £11 110! 0! To ent nter er,, si simp mply ly sen endd an ema mailil tit itle ledd ‘H ‘Hes esto tonn Blum Bl umen enth thal al Pre reci cisi sion on’,’, a on al ongg wi with th you ourr na name me,, cont co ntac actt deeta taililss an andd th thee name na me of yo your ur Cou ount ntry ry Rang ngee Gr Grou oupp wh whol oles esal aler er to com ompe peti titi t on o s@ stir st irit itup upma maga gaziinee.c .co. o.uk uk
Closin Clo si g datee fo forr al a l comppetiti t ons: 31st 1st Oc Octob t er 201 2 3. 3 All winne winners rs wil willl be be notifi n fied e by 30th 3 h No N vem mber 20 2013. 1 Po Posta stall entr entries ies fo for all of the coompe mpetit tition ionss can can be sen entt to: to: Cou Countr ntryy Rang Range Grou Group, PO Boxx 50 508, 8, Bur urnle nley, y, Lan L cas ashiriree BB11 BB11 1 9E 9EH H. Ful Fulll terms t s and and con condit ditio ioons can can be fou found nd at: www www.co count untryr ryrang ange.c e.co.u o.uk/s k/s / tir tir-it -it---up
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OCTOBER 2013 23
Are you game? Rachel Green is a chef, farmer and food campaigner who is passionate about game food (www.rachel-green.co.uk)
>> With the game season in full swing, chefs are “gunning” to fill their autumn/ winter menus with tasty alternatives to chicken, beef and pork. Gam meat has a wi Game wide app peal, it’s heealthy and freee range. Bu ut wh w at’s ’s tth he be b st way to pr p eparee an nd co cook ok it? Heree, e, six sea asoned as on ned chefss share thei eirr ti tips ps and n reecipes es...
There’s nothing better than sitting down to dinner and enjoying natural produce such as pheasant, rabbit or partridge, it’s immensely satisfying to be able to cook with game you’ve caught yourself.
Venison sausages with sour cream & cranberriess >> Serves 4
Ingredients 1 tbsp rapeseed oil 8 venison sausages 20g butter 1 onion, peeled & finely sliced 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed
4 juniper berries, crushedd 50ml white wine 110g fresh cranberries 2 tbsp cranberry sauce ce 150ml sour cream 1 tbsp chopped parssley Sea salt and black pepper
Method 1. He H at the rapeseed oil in a casserole dish or heaavy-bassed pan an a d fry the sausages until well browned and cooked throuugh, about 10-12 minutes. Set aside. 2. Meelt the butter and add the onion. Cookk fo forr 10-15 minuttes, stirring from time to time, untilil completelyy softened ed. Add the garlic and juniper beerries and coook for a furthe herr mi m nute. Add the white wine ne, cranberries an a d cranberry sa cr sauc u e and return the sausages to the pan. Brr in ing to the boiil and simmer er for fi ve minutes, s, until ntil the he liliqu quid id has reduceed and the cranberries havee softenned slight htly. Season to ta tast stee. © michaelpowell.com
3. Stirr in th t e soured cream, being careefu full not to let the sauce booil as this will cause the creaam to curdle.. Sprr in inkl ke with the cho hoppped parsley and serve ve with masheed potat atoe oess.
Rachel Green’s venison sausages
Jason King, head chef at The Wellington Arms pub in Baughurst, Hampshire, (www.thewellingtonarms.com) I servee my gaamee terrine re recipe with Bram mley apppl ple chutneyy, which reaalllly compplemennts thhe meats.
Gam me terrrine of loca al venison, rabb bit, wood pigeon & pork Ingredients 200g minccedd venisonn, 200g shoould sh lder orr leeg 1 raabbit, boned wiith th heart, kidney and liver kid 2 wood pigeons, boned with hea eart rt and livver 300g free-rangge belly porrk 150g freeee rangge po pork fat/spe p c
20 thin slilicess of pa pancetta 3 junipe per berrries, crushed 4 baay leaves 2 spri rigs gs of thyme, picked 2 clooves garlic, finelyy chhop opped 5gg salt 8g peppper pe 4gg mac ace
Method 1. On the larrges t setting off yourr mincer, pass through vennison, rabbbiit, t pheas asan ant, t, por orkk and fat. 2. At the pubb we confifi t the livvers and hearts and put them intoo the terr riine who hole to crrea eate an interesting cross section when the terrine wh er e is sl s iced and served. Alternativeely you could minnce them into the miix. To confi t, salt liv ivers, hearts and kidney eyss ov ey o erniigh g t,, nexx t morning wash off f salt, warm a little duc uckk fat in a sauceppan. pa Add offal and cov oveer with tin foil, then enn cook inn the ovven on 160°C or until teend nder e. 3. Mix toogether ge with cruushe hed juniper berries, s, thyme, garlic and nd salt annd peppperr. 4. Cover with clingg film andd allow to infuse over erni nigh ght in the frid r idge. 5. Li Line nee a terrinee mould with itt tin foil, triple foldedd for streng ngth, g with ext x ra ovverh rhang to allow you to remove the te terrine in one piecee when cold. 6. Laaye y r panc ncet etta intoo terrine te mould with oveerh rhaangg pi piec eces es forr the th top, overlappi p ngg eac a h other. 7. Press Pr the mi mince firm mlyy into the mould to ens nsur uree a smoooth shaape. sh ap Add confi t offaal randomly if using. Top op wit ith bay leaaves and cover witth remaining pancett ta ta. Co Cove verr to topp of terr rine with foil. te 8. Bake in thee oven at 160°C for about 2 ho hour urss in a water bath. h 9. To test if cooked inseert a metal skeweer in into the centre of the terrinne. It should coome out hot if thee ter rine th ine is cooked. k 10. When coooked remo moove v from water baath and leave to cool slightl tly. 11. Abbou o t an hour laate terr place a heavy obje ject ct on to topp of thhe terr r inne to press itt down. We use an ol oldd ho hous usee br b ick covered inn tin foil annd cling film.
Your terriine will taast s e better over time,, soo rem emem embe b r to mak ake a few dayss in advance.
Jason King’s game terrine 24 OCTOBER 2013
“There’s nothing better than sitting down to dinner and enjoying natural produce...”
THE MELTING POT Shane Hughes, chef at The Tudor Room, one of the awardwinning restaurants at Great Fosters Hotel (www. greatfosters.co.uk) in Egham, Surrey, and former game butcher at The Connaught • Buy all of your gamee birds ds “on the he feeather” from freshly shot ot so that youu have more orre co c ntrol over the he tre reat a ment annd ha hanggingg of it. White mea eatt bi birds, such as partriiddgge ge and pheasaant nt,, sh should be hung for lesss thaan a week, redd meat can be hanged for upp to three weeeks. s. • If the meat is peppeered and has red sppot otss, don’t use it as it will almostt certainnly be riddled with shot. ce • Once the birrds havee been be gutted they will begin to dry up and decayy, so keep thee guts intacc t. • Don’t wrapp the birdss in clingfilm ass thhey will sweaat pr prof o usel elyy be el b cause off thhe high acidity in the h ir blood. • Ha Hang n on the feat ather by their neck not th thei he r legs to pr prevennt the acidic stom macch juicees froom the guts flow wing into the h breast meat. • Reemove thee legs off Mallards as sooon as they arrive an andd braise in veal stocck, red winne, honeyy and nd sherry vineegar. You can the h n reduce the sauuce and vacc-pac wiithh the legs ready foor wh when the res e t of thee bird is ready. • Wrap three or four birrds ds neatly in a black bin bag before hanging to prrevvent licee infestationns.. • If the tail feathers com om me out easily whhen you givee them a gentle en tug, yoou’ll know th the bird is mature ennough to ro roast. Check ck eve very three orr fou o r dayss as birds ca cann go from reeaddy to rott te ten very quicckly. • When the Parson’s Noose (the fatty extreme endd po p rtion of the tail of a fowl) o turnns green, thaat’ts al also a sign that the bir irdd is absolut utel ely ready. • Retain allll bon ones – coooked and raw – for gamee jus. I like to fr free e ze them in vac-pacc bags untill I ha h ve enough too produce ce a good saauce. • Wrap gam amee birds in baacon as it’s a lazy bird andd doesn’ n t have much fat. This proteectts them whil Th hilstt roasting an prevvents them and m frrom o drying out. • Bl Bleed ha hares and re rem mo their guts. move s. Thheyy have tw two stom mac achhs and the acidity will turn the me meat a off.
Shaun Rankin, Proprietor, Ormer Restaurant, Jersey (www.ormerjersey.com) This recipe is taken from my Seasoned Islands cookbook. My chefs’ tip: If you have some chocolate in the cupboard, grate it over the top of this dish. Chocolate adds another dynamic and it’s great with venison.
Roast venison loin with parsnips, cardamomscented quinoa & medjool dates >> Serves: 2 Ingredients 100g (3 ½ oz) quinoa 200ml (7fl oz) chicken stock 5 whole cardamom pods 1 garlic clove, peeled 1 sprig of thyme 2 parsnips, peeled and cut into quarters 4 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp maple syrup
250g (9oz) venison loin, trimmed and cleaned Salt and cracked black pepper 25g (1oz) unsalted butter 6 medjool dates 1 tbsp cooked and diced baby carrots 1 tsp peeled andd grated ginger 1 tsp chopped coriander Madeira sauce
6. Remove from the water and place in the hot roasting tray from the oven with 2 tbsp of the olive oil. Put the roasting tray back into the oven and cook the parsnips for 6–8 minutes, or until golden brown turning them every 2 minutes. 7. When the parsnips are golden brown, add the maple syrup and place back in the oven for a further 2 minutes so the maple syrup glazes the parsnips. Keep warm until needed. 8. Heat a frying pan until very hot and add the remaining 2 tbsp of olive oil. 9. Season the venison loin with salt and pepper and put straight into the pan. Seal the venison on all sides until golden brown. 10. Add the butter to the pan. When it starts to foam, turn down the heat to stop the butter from burning and cook for a further 2 minutes, continuously rolling the loin in the butter. (If you prefer the venison well cooked, allow another 4–5 minutes cooking time.) Remove from the pan. 11. Meanwhile, warm the quinoa through. Chop 4 of the dates and add them to the pan along with the carrots, ginger and coriander. Season with salt and pepper and mix well. 12. To serve, spoon the quinoa onto 2 plates. Carve the venison loin and lay on top and garnish with the remaining dates. Add the roast glazed parsnips and finish the whole dish with the Madeira sauce.
Shaun Rankin’s roast venison loin with parsni ps
1. Preheat the oven to 170°C (340°F/Gas 4). 2. Place the quinoa in a saucepan and cover with the chicken stock. Add the cardamom pods, garlic and thyme, bring to the boil thenn reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for 12–15 minutes – the grains should have split open and be tender. 3. Remove the cardamom pods, garlic clove and thyme stalk and discard. Put the quinoa aside in its pan. 4. Warm a roasting tray in the oven.
“Chocolate adds another dynamic and it’s great with venison.”
5. Cook the parsnips in salted boiling water for 15 minutes or until just cooked.
Philip Cooper, former chef of the Mirabelle, London, and now owner and chef, Coopers Restaurant C Consultants
Ian Rudge, chef at The Rib Room in Jumeirah Carlton Tower Hotel in Knightsbridge
My advice is to sim mply give pheasants lots of love i.e. hang them in you ourr ce c llar for at least 24 ho hour urs before you tac ackl k e plucking the little buggers, treat them like a beautiful woman, be firm yet gentle. If you leavve its feet and wings on you should be ablee to keep them for at least seven days, before re roasting.
Serve a sauce with your ga gam me as the thh meat iss always a little lean an anndd can an be drier th than ann farmed meeat – as wild birds irrds do no not build up as much fat. Autum mn frr uitss (suchh as blackbe berr rrie ies, s, appless, plums and cranberriees)) enhhan a cee anyy gam amee di dish sh. sh Servee th them as a garn rnis ishh or o add dd to yo y ur sau aucce ce at th thee en endd. Buying ng you our game a lit ittle lateer inn the season willll ensuree it is chhea eapper to buy, more mattur ured andd will illl ha have develooped pe more fat.
Becaus usee ga g me meatt haas a strong flavour (some mor oree than othhers) it will stannd up to spicee and curry influence ces, and iff used se carefullyy these will noot over-power the me meat at.
Simply season with freshly ground white pepper and salt inside and out, put a sprig of thyme and bay up its posterior then cover with lots of butter, brown the pheasant on all sides. Basically don’t mess about with itt, the butter in your roasting pan should not ge get hotter than 70°C. If it does it will start to burn and will ruin all the love you have given. Restinng is king.
Se erving gam me
I always yss like to servee a stuffingg with with game, use earth thyy herbss liike thyme andd rosemarry, withh fruit such ch as ap apri rico cots ts, also by adding nuts will give yo youu dishh som me texture. Befoore sealingg vennisoon (pr prioor too roa oassting) g)) spr prin inkl in klee it wit kl ithh a litttlee ici c ng suugar ar. It gives venison a nic icee ca cara rame melilise sedd crusst,, with just a hin int of sweetness which goes wellll withh the rich flavou avour of the venison.
OCTOBER 2013 25
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The streets ARE paved with gold A street food foray My foray into street food began 10 years ago. As the then restaurant critic of the Independent newspaper, I was sent to profile Marco Pierre White in New York. It was quite an adventure and we’d had a ‘heavy night’ where we ended up at Jay-Z’s party. The evening had got a bit out of hand, and let’s just say, it was a late one.
Richard Johnson, journalist and broadcaster, is the founder of the British Street Food Awards and the author of Street Food Revolution. >> Here Richard talks us through the mood for good street food and how to grab a slice of this soaring sector’s profits.
The morning after the night before, Marco and I staggered blinking into the Manhattan daylight looking for something substantial to eat. I was staggered by the diversity of the cuisine on offer on the street. You could eat the world in four or five blocks. There were Vietnamese noodles, hot dogs, burgers, and even an Ethiopian fella selling teff – a spongy bread with this extraordinary meaty sauce.
Talking food Something special happens in a street food queue. You commune with people in a way you don’t normally do at a restaurant. You are talking about the food you are eating, and inevitably whatever the person next you has got is something you wish you had chosen!
London is still at least a year ahead of everyone else but some of the most exciting things are happening in Leeds...
Sitting in the park eating, I thought why can’t we do this sort of food, outdoors, at home? I lived in London and realised the demographic was the same as New York, the weather was roughly the same, so why was British street food no more than blokes selling food to drunk people at 2 o’clock in the morning? Why couldn’t it be soups, salads, from all corners of the world, presented from really cool vans, trucks and trailers? Why was our street food scene ugly and prone to give you food poisoning?
People say the British weather is a problem for street traders, but there are various ways to get around that, many are moving inside. In the winter months you should be providing some kind of covering, somewhere for people to sit. Look at getting a patio heater. People make too much fuss about the weather in this country. Yes it gets cold – but eating outside in the cold is one of the great joys of life.
At that time we were sorting out our restaurants, starting to not be the laughing stock of the world, but when it came to street food everything was just languishing.
Starting up
A decade on... and a year ahead Nearly a decade on, the street food scene is here – admittedly moving at different speeds in different parts of the country. London is still at least a year ahead of everyone else. Saying that, some of the most exciting things are happening outside of London, in Leeds for example, where we are working with Trinity Leeds shopping centre and putting street food traders on the first floor. There will be traders from all over Britain there by the end of this month.
I like the idea of staying a while and that’s why I like benches or tables around, I think that is important.
For anyone thinking of become a street trader NCASS, the National Caterers Association, has a fantastic website as a starting point (www.ncass.org.uk). In the next edition of Stir it up magazine I will share some vital advice for setting up your business. There will be some exciting news about our new phone app that will help you to market your business to enthusiastic customers all over the country... at the touch of a button.
In next month’s Stir it up: The best advice on setting up your own street trade business – and a look at the massive success stories already out there. OCTOBER 2013 27
by Denise Pearson >> Denise Pearson is one of the latest 80s pop stars to make a comeback. She was the lead singer of Five Star, has recently toured with the Jacksons and has appeared in the West End. This monthh she he s rel he’s eleasi sing her sol ollo mate teeri rial al forr th first tim the th me sinnce her succceess wiith the band nd.. She loves co cook ookkinng and livves with her daughterr a d cat in Ber an erks kshi h ree. hi “I love homeemaade sou oups p , I wouldd saay thhey are 60% ps of myy we w ekly l meals along with sttuf uffe fedd le lettuce, organi nic i toma mato ma toes oes e , ri ricce cakes and hum ummu mus. s. Then for dessert Lemo moon CChhee eese secaake! That’s why I exe xerc rcis ise for two hours evver eryd ydayy!” Denise is feelingg re real a ly excited about the release off her new album an andd th thee ne new w si s ngle Fre reak a dance. She says: “I’Im enjoying the rid i e on once ce aga gain and nd loving my Gatsby-style video for my ne n w siing ngle ‘Freakdannce’. It’s very personal to me – a lot ot of th thee so song ngs ab ng a ou outt past relationships, the loss of my fat a her annd my m journey in the industry over the past 30 years.” jo Sh also gearing up to go on tour again – She’s b t does touring have an impact on your diet? bu “II’m ’m always very good when I’m active, busy and enttertaining. I’ve been a part of two sold-out en ut Eur urop opeeann tours with my brothers and sisters – I hav avee sp spec ecifi ificc sexy stage outfits that make eat se atin ingg ririgh ghtt im impe pera ratitive. N body wants to se No seee me m wobbblin ingg arou ound nd on stage! Soo it’t’ss a big big ‘N No’’ to an anyy de desserts ts – unt ntil after the tour. I caan gett sm smas ashe hedd on suggar whe h n the tour ends!”
“I’m always very good when I’m active, busy and entertaining. I’ve been a part of two sold-out European tours with my brothers and sisters...”
So it’s heal a thyy fo f od onl n y, which fortunately inncl clud u es herr Siggna n tuure Dish, Dolmeh. “D Dol olme mehh are are a starter and could be mad adee wi with th lamb, la a chhic icke kenn or beef – or theyy cann be veg egetarian. Servve them Se m col oldd or hot witth a co cool bow wl of plain Gree Gr e k yo ee y gurt rt andd Bul ulga g ri rian a fet etaa on the sid i e. Iff you waant to go auth authen entitc yo y u co coul uldd se serv rve it wiith Doo with oogh g – a Mid gh iddl dlee Easste tern rn drink nk mad adee from y gurt yo gurtt, sp spar a kl ar klin ing ng wa wate terr annd fr fres e h mint nt. ““It It ta take kess a lo ke long ngg tim ime to preepa p – and my th pare thou ough ghts gh ts aree that ar thatt the h longeer th thee prep prepparrat atio ioon, n the bet ette terr te t e food th fo d. Th This is hass bec ecom omee my om my siggna natu tuure dissh beeca causee of thi h s very ver reasonn bu b t mo m re r so fo f r it itss aw wes esom ome taast om s e.. Wooe be b titide de any de nyoone whho is ny brrave avve en enou ouugh to pu push awayy th t ei eirr pl plat atte inn disl di s ikee at sl a my di dinn nnnnerr tab a le l !””
Denise Pearson’s debut but solo single ‘Freak Dance’ is out now, and will be followed owed by ‘Free Fall’ later this is month. month h. Follow @MsDenisePearson and earson an nd visit denisepearsonmusic.com music.com
Denise Pearson’s Dolmeh recipe Ingredients 1 bunch Fenugreek herb 1 bunch flat leaf parsley 1 bunch parsley 3 cups of minced meat
1 cup of Basmati rice 2 tsp sugar 3 pinches salt 3 pinches black pepper Half cup White vinegar 1 medium onion
Method 1. Cook rice and set aside. Finely chop herbs and onion and put aside. 2. Brown off minced meat. Add salt, pepper and sugar. 3. Mix chopped herbs, rice and minced beef together, stuff into grape leaf and gently fold into small parcels. 4. Fill a medium sized pot with quarter cup of white vinegar and add two generous pinches of sugar. 5. Pile parcels around the inside edges of the pot building a parcel wall leaving vinegar and sugar liquid is in the middle. 6. Cook on a low heat. 7. Steam for an hour and a half while occasionally scooping up the liquid and bathing the parcels. 8. When soft take out and serve.
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Five ways to use...
The Craft Guild of Chefs M Membership
>> As th he leading ch hefs associatioon in the UK K, The Craftt Guild of C Chefs representts the interests of chefs and promotes understanding, apprecia iattion and the advancem ment of o the art of coo okery and the scien nce of food.
>> Capers are the unripened flowerbuds of Capparis spinosa, a prickly, perennial plant which is native to the Mediterranean and some parts of Asia, and their use dates back to 1200BC. Caperss are a common ingredient in Mediteerranean cuisine, especially Cyprioot, Italian and Maltese, where the salted and pickled caper bud is often used as a seasoning or garnish. They also work brilliantly in salads, pasta dishess and with fish, being a key ingredieent of tarttare sauce, and are sometimes substiituted for olives to garnish a Martini. But suurely this versatile ingredient can be used in many ways? We set Lee Maycock, nationnal vice chairman of the Craft Guild of Chefs and Chef-Director of LBM Food Solutions, the chhallenge of creating five deliciously differeent ways to use the humble caper. Here are his suggestions:
The association is supported by an increassing number of professional supply companies which offer m members major benefits and savings.
....the use of capers dates back to 1200BC 1. Caper and Lemon Crust for a Roasted Shoulder of Lamb – Make a crust with chopped capers, lemon, garlic and flatleaf parsley and either stuff the lamb or crust over the top before cooking.
2. Caper and Heritage Tomato Bread – Make some homemade bread with B wholemeal flour, dried heritage tomatoes and capers. w
3. Caper and Black Olive Sablee Biscuit – Amazing as an alternative to cheese B b biscuits or as a canapé base, blend the capers and oolives together in a blender until nice and fine.
4. Caper, Tuna and Parmesan Straws – Mix some flaked cooked tuna, chopped S c capers, lemon zest and parmesan together, season well, egg wash two sheets of pre-rolled puff pastry w aand place the filling on one sheet and top with the oother sheet of puff pastry, cut thin strips and twist, bake until golden and serve warm.
5. V Venison Cappachio, Cap per-Infused Mayyonnaise and Ca aper Flowers – Heat a
Lee Maycock has created five deliciously different ways to use the humble caper...
littlee rapeseed oil and remove from the stove s and infuse with some capeers and leave to cool, use the capeer oil to make some mayonnaise. Openn the capers by peeling back the edgees to create a flower. Serve the venison carpaccio with the flowers and the t caper mayonnaise.
We are givingg Stir it up readers the chance too receive a 20% discount on m membership. Membership will therefore cost just £42.30 including VAT at 20% for your first year (nor o mal price £52.88). As the Craft Guild of Chefs is a proofessional body your membership fee is tax deductible. Too receive your discounted membership simply call 0800 195 2433 and quoote reference SU/20.
Your me embership gives yo ou the follow win ng benefits: • Free access to the Guild’s website which includes information on jobs, special offers, suppliers, early discounted booking to Guild events, news, recipes and competitions • The Guild’s quarterly Stockpot magazine which is packed with information, news and ideas • Advance notificatiton of forthcoming events, masterclasses, competitions, regional activities etc • Free membership to the Guild’s Culinary Academy to hone your competition skills yo • Free use of the Guild’s extensive reference library • Free personal copies of: Eat Out, Restaurant, Foodservice Footprint, plus the new Caterer & Hotelkeeper Chefs Newsletter.
OCTOBER 2013 31
Leading Light... >> Jo Wheatley, winner of the popular BBC TV show ‘The Great British Bake Off’ in 2011, hosts master classes across the country and is also the author of two best-selling recipe books: A Passion for Baking and Home Baking. Jo’s backing a ne ew cam mpaig gn suppo orted d by Stork to get schoo ol catterers an nd cooks excited abou ut bak king g by tta akiing th hem back k to basiccs – The Big School B Bak B ake Off.
Jo Wheatley How did it feel to be crowned winner of the TV Bake Off show? Winn Wi nnin ingg th thee sh show ow in 20 2011 11 was am mazzinng; g som omet ethi hing ngg bey eyon ondd my wild wi l es ld estt dr drea eams ea ms.. At thee tim ms i e itt diidn dn’t’tt sin inkk in in,, bu b t I sa s w my m boy oyss jump ju mpin mp ing up and dow ing o n wi with th joy and thee st storyy sttartss the h ree.
How has it changed your life? I liike k too th thin inkk th that it’s mee, but buut beett tter er.. er Winning the show has givenn me some so me fannta t st stic ic opp p or ortu tuniiti ties:: I’m w iting my own cookbooks wr kss andd foodd collumn m . It’s allowed me to be the pers pe rson o I’vee al always wanted too be. e Why do you think baking is celebrating such a renaissance in the UK? Thanks to show owss lilike the ‘The Great Brrittissh Bake Off’, it’s having n a m ssiv ma ive reviva val.
I believe that baking is a great way to give something back to people because it’s based on nice family values. nic Itt’ss ver eryy nnu nurt rtur tur urin ingg an in andd re reac ache hes ou outt to peo eopl ple, pl e, whi e, hhich cch is wh whyy I en enjo joyy it soo much mu ch.. It rem ch mind indds me off whe h n I wa wass youn yo unge un g r co ge cook okin ok ingg wi w th my faamiily ly.. Who W ho is y your baking inspiration and why? inspira With Wi thhouut a do doub ubtt Ma ub Mary ry Ber e ryy. Sh She’ e’ss rea re eaal ally ly ins nspi p ra pi rati tion ti onal on al and res eson onat ates tes with wi th eac a h an andd ev ever eryy g ne ge nera rati tion onn.
She’s always y bee een a familyy andd c reer ca er wom oman an who ho enjoy oyss creating grea gr eat-taasting food od.. She’s just fantastic. I actually applied fo forr th thee ‘TThe Greeat Briti tishh Bake Offf ’ because se I wa w s to told ld tha hatt I’Id geet too meet eet he herr at thee first rou ound off audi d tiion ons! s What are you doing now?
I ha have a month thlly col olum umnn in Sain Sa insb sbur ury’ y’s ’s ma maga gazzi zine andd hav avee ju just st publ pu blis isshe hedd my sec econ o d bo on book ok Hom omee Baaki king. I also do a lo l t of bak akingg demonsstr de trationss for peo eopl plee ac acrosss thhe cooun untr tryy in tr incl ncl clud udin ud ingg th in thee BB BBCC Go Good od F od Show an Fo and St S ork’s Bigg Scho hool Bake k Off f . Whenn I do have a spare moment, I’m al a wayss developing new recipes and ge getting fresh sources off inspirationn to sppar a k new ideas. I’ve also sett up a cookkery school from m my home me inn Essse s x (w (www ww essexcookeery r sc school.co.ukk) be beca c us u e I love sha haring my baking knowledge. Your books have received rave reviews. How did you find the process of writing them and what makes yours different? I ab abso solu lutelyy lov oved ed wri riti ting ng my bookss an andd I’Im so s proud ud of them. I leeft f sch c oo ooll wi w thhoutt many n qual qu alifi ificcat atio ions ns so too hav a e pr p odduced tw wo be best s -s st -sel elliling el n cookb ng kboo ookss iss a real re al sen ense see of acchi h ev evem ementt. I thi h nk bein be ingg a mu in mum m ha h s beeen my 25 25-y -yea eaar ear reeci c pe appppre rent nttic ices esshi h p! I’vve al alwa ways ys cook co oked edd for my fa fami mily mi ly and n my reci re ciipe pess aree a bl blen endd of fam mililyy favo fa vour urrit ites e and a twi es wist st on th thee diish shes es I lik ikee wh when en I eat out u.
“All recipes should be attainable, especially when it comes to encouraging healthy eating.” 32 OCTOBER 2013
You run n a successful blog blog. g. Do you enjoy interacting with the public? I reeal ally ly enj njoy social me medi d a and interacting withh the peopl plee thhatt buyy my bu my boooks on Jo Jo’s ’s Bluue Ag Aga. a. Whyy is itt ca c llledd Jo’ o’s ’s Bl Bluue Aga ga? ga? Beca Be caus usee I ha have ve one at ho h me me!! I alwa al ways ys thi hink nk if so some meon o e sp spok oke ke to to mee in th thee st stre reet et I’d ’d respo esspo pond nd,, aannd soci so cial al med edia ia is no n dififfe fere rent re nt. I nt make ma ke suree I an answ wer any n quest stio ionns and th than ankk pe peop ople le for tak akin ingg th thee tim me to ge gett in touuch c with me me. As a mother and grandmother, what can chefs do to encourage healthy eating? All re recipes should be attaain inablee, especially whe h n it comes to encouraging healthy eating.
I like to make sure that all the ingredients I use can be sourced from the store cupboard and that there’s not an endless list of steps to the method. Simple dishes sometimes deliver the best flavour and results. What are your three kitchen secrets? 1. Allwa w ys try and n rel elaax bef efor oree youu star yo st r t to bak ake. e It’t’ss a plea pl e suure ea re aft fter e alll . Do er Don’ n’’t ruushh, simp si mply mp ly enjoy njjoy it. 2. Tr Tryy an andd ennsu sure ree tha hatt all all yoour ur ingr in gred gr ediie ed ient ient ntss ar aree th thee sa s me temp te mpper mpe er at erat atur uree wh ur when en you en o start ta t bakkin ingg ass thi hiss he help lps ps th them to bl blendd bettter er.. 3 Us 3. Usee an ove v n th ther ermo mome mete terr beca caaus usee everyo ev one n ’s r un unss at diiff ffer eren er e t te temp mper erat atur ures es..
Jo Wheatley’s Whoopie Pies >> Serves 12
Ingredients 6 g St 65 Stoork or k 100g bro 10 rown wn sug ugar ar 50gg eg 50 eggg x 1 3g bak akingg poowd wder e er 150g 15 0gg pla lain in flfloour 30gg co 30 coco c a po powd wdder e 5mll va 5m v nill illlla ex extr trac ra t 125m 12 5m ml seem mii-sski k mmed mm med mililkk Fillllin Fill ing: in g: 50 0g St Stor orkk or 125g 125 5g ici cing ngg sug ugaar ar 10ml 10 mll sem mi-i sk skim imme im m d mi me milk lk 2ml 2m ml va vani anillla extr exx tr traact ac t
Method 1.. Pr 1 P eh ehea eatt th thee ov oven en to 19 190° 0 C, 0° C, 170° 17 0°CC fa 0° f n ov oven en, Ga en Gass ma mark rkk 5. 2. Pl Plac acee thhe St ac Stor ork, k, sug ugar ar and egg ggss inn a mix ixin ingg bo b wl and bea eatt unnti tl smooth smoo sm th.. Mi Mixx th thee dr dryy in ingr gred edie ient ntss fo forr thee Wh th Whoo oopi pies es in a bo bowl wl.. St Stir ir in th thee Stor St orkk mi mixt xtur uree wi w th a spo poon on or mi mixe xer.r. Stir St ir in th t e mi milk lk.. 3. Us Usee tw wo ta tabl bles espo poon onss to scooop thee ba th b tt tter er int n o 24 mou ound ndss on ontoo the prrepar prep ared ar edd bak akin ingg sh shee eets ts. Ba Bake k the ke Whoo Wh oopi pies es in th thee pr preh ehhea eate tedd ov oven en forr 10 fo 10-1 -12 2 mi minu nuute tess un unti til coooked okked.. Take Ta ke the W ho hoop opie iess from om the he ove ven andd co an cool ol the hem on a r acck. k 4. Mi 4 M x th t e in ingr g ed gr edie ieen s fo ient for thhe fillllin ingg in a bow owll un unti till sm ti smoo ooth th. 5. Sp 5 Spreead the h fifillliing wit i h a kn knififee on the he flaat si s dee of thhe Wh Whoo ooopi p es es.. Sand Sa ndwi w ch tog oget ethe her, res eser erving some so me of th thee fillllin ingg for for de deco c raati co t on.
“When I do have a spare moment, I’m always developing new recipes and getting fresh sources of inspiration to spark new ideas.”
What is your favourite ingredient and why? I ba bake ke eve very ryy day ay,, so it’s real re ally ly imp mpor ortaant tha haat I us usee inngr g edie ieent n s th t at a are up to the he c allenge of cre ch reat atin ingg gr greatttast ta stin st inng di dish shes es – and n Sto tork rk deelilive vers ve rs every veery tim ime. e. Fro rom om baana nana anaa cake ca kess to ke to flflaapj pjac ack, k, it ge gets t the job ts done do onnee. That That a ’ss why I’m m hap appy p to back Sto ba torkk’ss Big i Sch choo ooll Ba Bake ke Off C mp Ca m ai a gn, wh w ic ichh reallly put utss th the p idde baack pr ck into school bak akin i g.
6. De Deco c ra rate te eac achh Whhooopi pie, e by e, spre sp reead a inng wi with th a lit ittl tlee icin icingg an andd your yo ur cho hoic ho ice of topppi ice ping ngg.
“I think Whoopie Pies are so much fun and great sweet treats for kids...”
Please could you share your favourite recipe with us, with reasons for your choice. I th thin inkk Wh W oo oopi piee Pi P es are so much mu chh fun and gre reaat swe weet et trea tr eats ts for kidds be beca caus usee yo youu cann ma ca make ke the hem m in a r an a ge of col olou ouurss, so theey’ y re goood foor tthhem emee daayyss.
OCTOBER 2013 33
Knowing your audience, recognising when to communicate and demonstrating the benefits of change are all key to success.
role in change if they have a reason to – they want to feel part of it and need to have the resources, time and tools to support them taking part.
Top Tips for Positive Change
>> We know that big changes in the way we live are inevitable in the next 10, 20, 30 years – so how do you manage change well…?
1. Inspire – Create a vision that everyone can engage with and see themselves as part of – this way they’re more likely to get involved. Showing how the change will improve the current situation is vital to buy-in! 2. Empower – People want to feel valued and be part of something so find a way to encourage them to take a role in the process. People are more likely to take an active
3. Communicate – Effective communication will help inspire and empower people and get them motivated. Share progress so people can see what is happening and celebrate your successes widely – positive news and visual progress help make people aware that the change is working. To find out more about Eden’s work with businesses visit www. greenfoundation.org.uk
Warming Tomato & Butternut Broth h with DOLMIO Tomato & Basil Serves: 10 Preparation time: 5 mins s Cooking time: 25 mins
Ingredients a ce asilil Sau to & Bas mato Toma o To mio olmi 500g Dol 500g oill ve oi ive Oliv p Ol bsp 2tbs 2t d ped oppe chop s ch ons n on 4 0g Oni 40 e ed iced ots dic rots arro 0g Car 00g 50 5 utt rnut tern utte 0g But 500g 50 ced sh dic uash squa sq en reen 300g Gre 300g d ped pe p opp chop s ch ans bean be terr Wate 0mll Wa 200m 20 ble ab etab eget or veg k ock stoc st full off n fu nd Hand Ha d ped ppe op chop sh ch fres fres y ley sle pars pa
METHOD 1. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onions, carrots and squash for 5 mins. 2. Pour in the sauce with water or stock, then cover and simmer for 15 mins. 3. Add the green beans and cook for a further 5 mins. 4. Taste the vegetables to check if they are cooked and then season. Stir in the parsley and serve with rolls or crusty bread. NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION
34 OCTOBER 2013
Per Portion
Adults Adult GDA Children Child GDA
Calories Kc
110.0 6%
Sugar g
Fat g
Saturated Fat g 0.5
Salt g
widely varying trade from day to day, consider multiple fryers so that you don’t heat or use oil unnecessarily. For example, using three smaller fryers on a Saturday night and only one for most of the rest of the week will save costs compared to using one largecapacity fryer all the time.
Deep Fried Bliss Consumers love fried food and the deep fat fryer is a cornerstone of most commercial kitchens. However, plenty of ethnic food recipes also call for frying, from falafel to pakora to tempura. The continuing rise in demand for non-European flavours is another factor maintaining the fryer’s place in the commercial kitchen.
Deep fat fryers are rated by power output, oil capacity and the production rate in kilograms per hour (usually in terms of kilograms of French fries). For operators preparing less than 30kg per hour, a counter top model may be ideal. For higher volumes, a floor model or a battery of fryers will be required. Fryers are big consumers of oil and energy. Before you buy, compare the manufacturers’ running cost figures: a more expensive machine that costs less to run may pay for itself in a very short time. If you have
...mmmMacphie The Macphie range of desse erts help busy chefs create high quality, profitable desse serts. Jusst heat, chill and serve. Range includes; Panna Cotta, Crème Caramel, Crème Brulee, Chocolate Pot and Sicilian Lemon Pot in 1 liit itre re tet t ra pack.
Oil Care Oil is expensive and it has to be looked after and replaced regularly to maintain food quality. • Frequent filtering will extend the oil’s life. • Oil quality can now be monitored easily with hand held sensors. • When changing oil, make sure the ‘cool zone’ at the bottom of the fryer is emptied properly. • For safety ensure the oil is cooled down before draining. • Some manufacturers offer integral filtration systems to simplify the operation and keep the oil fresher for longer.
Recipe Amaretto & Pistachio Choco
late Pot
Ingredients • 1ltr Chocolate Pot • 100ml Amaretto Liqueur • Pistachio Nuts Method • Heat half the car ton of add half the amaretto liquChoeurcolate Pot and • Pour into shot gla sses half way up and allow to cool • Add a layer of coa rsely chopped pistachios • Heat the remaining Cho te Pot and amaretto liqueur and fillcola shot glasses • Chill until set and sprinkle with remaining chopped pistachios
The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment – from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit www.cesa.org.uk
Baumann’s blog >> Everything is ‘go go go’ at the moment. There are a lot of exciting things happening! I’ve set up a new company called Bourgee, specialising in luxury food creation and consultation, as well as luxury lounges, and I’m currently in negotiations with several supermarkets about a new I’ve been in range of products I’ve developed. with the world’s More on that next month hopefully...
talks most exclusive private airline
It’s so hard to get products into the supermarkets and they treat you pretty badly initially when you are trying to pitch your idea but we’ve got there in the end thankfully.
I’ve also got a new restaurant in Billericay called Bourgee @The Rare Cow, which I’m hoping will be up and running by Christmas. In addition, I’ve been in talks with the world’s most exclusive private airline, who want me to help train their staff to create top-class meals for their clientele – many of whom are among the richest people in the world! Their jets can carry up to 14 people at a time but, quite often, there are only two people on board. It’s going to be a really interesting project. Happy cooking!
Serv Serving Se S erviing ng S Sugges Sugg gesti estiio est es on n
OCTOBER 2013 35
All are finished by hand with exquisite decorations, including royal icing, opulent chocolate and sugar frosting.
‘LIKE BUTTER BUT BETTER’ >> Caterers who love the inimitable taste of butter but want less hassle can have it all with new Whirl Griddle Spray – the latest innovation from leading cooking oils specialist AAK Foodservice. The new product brings together the UK’s number one butter alternative brand, which cooks like butter but better, and a cost-effective format that offers the ultimate in convenience.
An exquisitely festive handmade cake Christmas >> A decadent range of sumptuous Christmas cakes has been launched by Exquisite Handmade Cakes for coffee shop, pub and hotel owners to offer to their festive clientele over this winter season. The new range includes: • Rich Brandy Fruit and Iced Brandy Fruit loaf cakes • Rum Truffle and Spiced Apple and Caramel sponge cakes • Triple Layer Black Forest gateaux • Mincemeat Shortbreads • Brandied Chocolate Tiffin • Cranberry Brownie tray bakes • Cranberry and Orange and Spiced Apple mini loaves • Mince Meat Tulip Muffins • Iced Christmas Cake slices
Seven ways with Whirl Griddle Spray
• Baked potatoes – spray potatoes before putting them in oven for a crispy golden skin, and inside once cooked for a buttery flavour preferred over real butter in blind tests. Ideal for shallow frying, grilling, roasting, • Corn on the cob – spray over cooked cobs griddling or simply spraying over hot food as a much quicker, even and mess-free just before serving for that buttery taste application than a knob of butter. and aroma, the ultra-functional spray can be used on grills, griddles and hot plates for • Grilled chicken – spray onto chicken prior to putting it in the oven for a golden crispy skin. great looking and tasting food every time. It will also allow spices to stick to skin better. Rachel Neale, marketing manager for • Paninis and hot sandwiches – grilling and AAK Foodservice, said: “Whirl, a liquid vegetable oil with butter flavouring for that toasting plain sandwiches might result in a much desired buttery taste, was launched dry, unappealing crust if not greasing grilling in answer to caterer demand, and it is now plates. Try spraying some Whirl Griddle Spray directly on a panini for a nice golden shine. even easier to work with thanks to this new liquid spray format. More convenient • Pancakes and waffles – butter can be messy than butter, there is no need to refrigerate, to apply and easy to burn here. Add the same clarify or reduce, while the new format buttery flavour just with one spray of Whirl makes it easy to handle and manage Griddle Spray. portions with a press of the trigger spray.” • Grilled veggies and onions – just a couple One of the added beauties of Whirl in an sprays on to your griddle or hot plate and increasingly health-conscious age is that you are ready to cook. it is healthier than butter. It is not only • Mushrooms – using Whirl griddle spray for lower in bad fats, saturates and trans sautéing mushrooms will ensure they stay fats, but higher in good fats such as looking appealing. Butter tends to set and make polyunsaturates and monounsaturates, juices of mushrooms look pale and watery. with no cholesterol or trans fatty acids. Whirl Griddle Spray will ensure mushrooms look like theyy are jjust out of the pan.
“More convenient than butter, there is no need to refrigerate, clarify or reduce, while the new format makes it easy to handle and manage portions...”
All are finished by hand with exquisite decorations, including royal icing, opulent chocolate and sugar frosting.
OCTOBER 2013 37
On promotion in October
Range meets Department of Health Salt Reduction Targets 2012*
case size case yield
Country Chicken & Vegetable Lentil & Bacon Cream of Tomato Highland Vegetable Cream of Chicken Cream of Mushroom Wild Mushroom Minestrone Carrot & Coriander Red Pepper & Tomato Leek & Potato Beef Goulash Thai-Style Vegetable Sweet Pumpkin & Parsnip
4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L 4x2.5L
40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml 40x250ml
Suitable for vegetarians *KNORR 100% SOUP range meets Department of Health 2012 Salt Reduction Targets for soup.
Get your ‘10 ways with...’ guide and USB POS kit visit www.unileverfoodsolutions.co.uk Alternatively call 0800 783 3728 (Option 1) Lines open Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm.
Oh crumbs! Market Report
>> Cake enthusiasts will be heading to the NEC in Birmingham next month for a ‘slice’ of cake heaven.
Getting to the root of frozen vegetable price rises
Baking legend Mary Berry and Mich Turner will be fronting Cake International – The Sugarcraft, Cake Decorating and Baking Show from November 8-10. Joining an international line-up of sugarcraft and cake decorating talent at the show, Mary Berry will demonstrate some of her favourite recipes, while cake decorating extraordinaire Mich Turner will show off her amazing technical skills throughout the 3-day show, imparting her specialist knowledge and answering fans’ questions.
Baking legend Mary Berry and Mich Turner will be fronting Cake International For more information visit www.cakeinternational.co.uk.
>> Michelin-starred chef Nigel Haworth is starring in a series of new cookery demonstration videos showing caterers new cuts of meat. support the launch of a range of product development initiatives for Quality Stan St ta dard Mark (QSM) beef and lamb. Thee videos, which can be viewed on www. Th ebblleext eble x rade.co.uk, focus on the ‘Steak Bar’, ‘CChop hop House’, ‘Gourmet Burger’ and ‘Veal’ r anges launched this year.
“Nigel is a fantastic chef and came up with lots of recipe ideas using the cuts from our new ranges...”
Hugh Judd, foodservice project manager for EBLEX, said: “Nigel is a fantastic chef fo an came up with lots of recipe ideas using and t e cuts from our new ranges, which we’ve th narrowed down to his top three cuts in each na video. Nigel is an avid supporter of our new prooduct ranges and is using a number of pr the cuts, including the Flat Iron steak, on his own menus in his establishments.”
>> A number of factors have been blamed for rising prices for frozen vegetables. Vegetable crops have struggled to compete against agricultural commodities such as oil seed rape and wheat, and increases in land used for non-food crops for renewable energy have also started to have an impact as European ethanol production starts to ramp up. Bio-digesters for methane production are having an effect too, particularly in the UK, which is now playing catch-up to Europe in the use of this technology for electricity generation. In addition, the cost of power and fuel are on the increase again, while labour costs are up by around 2.5%. Extremes of weather have also impacted across a range of crops, with the very late cold spring this year followed by high temperatures in July and August playing havoc across a number of crops, most notably peas. Finally, with the European industry being such a big player in the UK frozen vegetable market, the effects of a weaker pound have resulted in an approximately 8% price difference year on year.
UK foodservice market set to grow to £90billion by 2018 >> The UK K foodservice market is predicted to grow by £10.3billion over the next five years, according to the latest statistics from Allegra Strategies. Their latest ‘EEating Out in the UK’ report claims total turnover will be over £90billlion by 2018, representing compound annual growth of 2.4%. Eating out has h become the “new normal”, claims the report, with 19million UK U adults visiting eating out establishments at least once a week – rrising from 17million in 2012. All day eaating, the importance of adding value beyond price, and the rise of thee era of the individual are key future trends that will impact the ffoodservice industry.
Vegetable crops have struggled to compete against agricultural commodities such as oil seed rape and wheat... OCTOBER 2013 39