Our values At Acland Burghley, we are proud to:
love learning join in and embrace challenge champion creativity collaborate with others celebrate and strengthen our community earn respect and show respect to all think for ourselves and act wisely rise to responsibility be ambitious for our futures achieve excellence
Our vision – Learning to succeed together
“ Staff impress me by their passion, professionalism, good humour and caring attitudes.” Parent
Acland Burghley’s diverse, inclusive and truly comprehensive community will be recognised across London as a centre for excellence in learning, where all students are supported and challenged to engage creatively, collaboratively and rigorously to fulfil high ambitions for themselves and for the school. Acland Burghley students will have the qualifications, skills, resilience and insight to meet the demands of working, family and community life, and the empathy, confidence and will to work with others to achieve a better future.
Welcome to Acland Burghley I am delighted to introduce myself to you as the headteacher of Acland Burghley School. Acland Burghley has a strong track record of success and a London-wide reputation for innovation. Academic achievement and individual progress are strong, students’ personal development is excellent and creativity abounds from our Arts specialism. We are proud to be a true comprehensive; we value every one of our students and see them as the individuals they are. Walking in to the school, you will see the quality of relationships between all members of the school community and our high expectations for respect and personal responsibility. We are committed to ensuring all students are secure and happy. Staff here will be completely committed to your child’s progress in learning. The quality of teaching is high and
the curriculum offers a rich mix of learning experience designed to inspire, motivate and extend all students. We are aiming for a personal best from everyone and will provide the challenge and support necessary. It is students’ own contribution to their school that secures its vibrancy and development. We expect all students to participate fully and we know that, through this, they will build their confidence, enjoyment and sense of personal pride. Students will remember their Acland Burghley experience and draw on it throughout their lives. Acland Burghley is committed to excellence and knows it is within the grasp of all. We have much to celebrate and look forward to sharing this with you. You are very welcome to visit the school, to see it in action and to find out more from students and staff. We look forward to building a strong and trusting partnership with you as parents in support of our aims. I very much look forward to meeting you.
Jo Armitage, Headteacher
“ The headteacher’s commitment and determination to improve the school further are impressive. Her clear vision has been shared effectively with all staff, who embrace it wholeheartedly.” Ofsted 2010
“ I love my school!” Year 9 student
“ Students with profound learning or physical difficulties are equal members of the school community.” Ofsted 2010
Our learning community Our diverse and inclusive community sustains a stimulating, rich and harmonious learning environment.
We expect students to continue their learning outside lessons through a range of challenging homework tasks linked to the curriculum and their skill needs. Students can seek support with their homework in the il@b (school library and information centre), and through homework clubs and coursework clinics.
We work together creatively to seek out and develop individual talent, aiming for outstanding achievement from everyone. We invite parents to share our high expectations for their children.
We are preparing our students to lead successful, happy and fulfilled lives and to recognise the mutual benefits and obligations that stem from being part of a community. They learn to stand up for what matters. Our high expectations for collaboration, respect and personal responsibility lead to strong and positive relationships.
We are completely committed to sustained progress in learning across a broad curriculum. High-quality specialist teaching inspires our students and motivates them for independent learning; extensive expert support secures access for all; and the diverse and challenging curriculum and extra-curricular programme extends the boundaries of students’ experience.
Students’ active participation builds their confidence, enjoyment and capacity for leadership. Their unique contributions sustain Acland Burghley as a vibrant, forward-looking and innovative community.
Achieving through the arts As an arts specialist school, we champion creativity across the curriculum as a stimulating route to personal development, self confidence and success. We build students’ ability to think creatively, express themselves effectively, find their personal passions and engage with the world around them. Our students confront new ideas through confident exploration and create diverse, personal and discerning responses. They become expert learners and teachers. The Arts Council has recognised the quality of our arts provision through their Artsmark Gold Award. The arts are woven through the curriculum, making experience of and pleasure in the arts integral to Acland Burghley life. All students are encouraged to take part in public exhibitions and performances in art, media, film, music, dance and drama. All Year 7 students have individual musical instrument tuition. Our superb performing arts centre and recording studio provides state of the art facilities and students have extensive access to arts professionals.
“ Acland Burghley students are still doing brilliantly in the arts.” Eddy Grant, musician and ex-Acland Burghley student
“ The arts take you out of your comfort zone and into your challenge zone!” Year 8 student
Key Stage 3: Years 7, 8 and 9 Students follow a common curriculum that builds on the strong achievements of our feeder primary schools. Subjects in Years 7 and 8 are: • English, Maths, Science • Art, Dance, Drama, Music • Humanities (in Year 7, a single programme including history, geography, RE and ICT; in Year 8 these same subjects taught discretely) • Languages (French or Spanish) • Design and Technology • PE • P ersonal Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) and Citizenship Teaching teams work closely together to provide a balanced and coherent programme of study that extends the National Curriculum and is both challenging and relevant. Students develop the learning skills that underpin
success across the curriculum. The curriculum is carefully enriched and supported to meet each student’s learning needs. This curriculum range continues into Year 9 and students specialise in either performing or visual arts, aiming to achieve a BTEC qualification equivalent to a high-grade GCSE by the end of Year 9. From the summer half term, many subjects begin their GCSE programmes. Students’ tutor groups, of about 26 students, provide a strong ‘home’ throughout their school career. In Year 7 the vast majority of lessons are taught in tutor groups, and are therefore mixed ability. Setting by ability in maths begins in the second autumn half term. From Year 8, maths and languages are taught in ability sets and this is extended to English and science in Year 9. We reduce Year 9 group sizes to around 20 in core subjects. All subjects offer extensive extracurricular activities, linked to the curriculum or “something completely new”.
“ Science in a science lab, dance in a dance studio, tech in a workshop – the challenge comes with the space...” Year 7 student
“ It was really enjoyable and different – we did two hours of Maths revision at a time and in between did cycling, walking, caving and rock climbing.”
Year 11 student
Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11 Our broad curriculum offers all students subjects essential for their futures, together with individual choices and pathways to success.
In addition students choose from a wide range of GCSE and vocational courses in the following areas:
All students in year 10 and 11 follow a core curriculum including:
• PE and sports
• english (language and literature) • maths • s cience (3 separate science GCSEs, 2 combined science GCSEs or BTEC) • RE • ICT • PE, PSHEE and Citizenship English, maths and science are taught in ability sets.
• visual, performing and media arts • languages • humanities • technology • business • sociology
Some students also access specialist vocational provision at other Camden centres. We are particularly proud of the high take-up of languages. All students have two weeks’ work experience and a strong programme of guidance and support to prepare them for their next educational or career steps.
LaSwap sixth form LaSwap offers both the flexibility and diversity of a college and the individual care of a school community. Acland Burghley’s sixth form is part of the LaSwap consortium which, with over 1300 students, is the largest sixth form in Camden. We have 30 years’ experience of providing excellent post-16 education LaSwap students benefit from our innovative A level and vocational curriculum – more than 40 subjects in almost any combination. Our 200 specialist
teachers provide consistently high-quality teaching and we have a well-deserved reputation for high expectations and academic success. Excellent guidance on future opportunities from an expert team of advisors supports students in securing places at a wide range of prestigious universities and students make very successful transitions to college, university and work. Our sixth form is very important to us and sixth-form students are valued contributors to the whole school. They act as academic and social role models for younger students and help foster high aspirations.
“ The outstanding sixth form curriculum offers a very wide variety of courses and opportunities.” Ofsted 2010
Beyond the classroom Learning never stops at Acland Burghley and a huge range of extra-curricular opportunities enables every student to discover and develop new talents and skills. Sports clubs, teams and competitions, for girls and for boys, are offered alongside a rich mix of activities including chess club, science club, creative writing, gardening club, the student’s Amnesty International group, “Let’s get cooking” and Mandarin language and Chinese culture lessons. There are rock bands and a jazz group, the Burghley Dance Company, and drama and theatre groups. All year groups take part in day trips across London and residential visits, including to France and Spain. Our students also participate in London-wide events with universities, theatres, local government and galleries and are invariably highly praised. Students are encouraged to take leadership responsibilities for the benefit of the whole school community. For example, Acland Burghley Ambassadors help visitors feel welcome, ABC peer supporters help everyone belong, Junior Sports Leaders coach primary school students, and year and school councils meet regularly to develop and contribute to many aspects of school life. The school is a hub of exciting and purposeful activity long after lessons end.
Moving to secondary There is no need for concern about the transition to secondary school. Tia Barkley-Dugdale, just starting Year 8, gives her reflections. “I t’s daunting starting a new school especially if it is about 10 times the size of your primary school. There is nothing to be afraid of. Remember there are about 180 other students going through the same thing as you and that everyone else in the school has already been the smallest one. Because the school’s so big, it’s easy to meet new people and they want to meet you too. “ My first day at Acland Burghley was nervewracking - but only at the start! So many new faces and different kinds of people. The ABC mentors quickly helped me. There was no need for me to worry about making friends – it happens naturally and Acland Burghley people are really nice.
“ The school is so big and I must have got lost a thousand times. Now I can’t think why; it all seems so easy. I started to love my lessons and to join in with everything. I love dancing and the dance block is my favourite part of the school. It’s a place where I can just dance and no-one finds it funny. I enjoy dance, art and English lessons the most. Lessons are exciting and challenging. “I feel really lucky to be at Acland Burghley. There’s so much going on and we all feel we want to do our best. I’m sure you will enjoy it too.” We pride ourselves on our careful programme to support each student’s transition. Many local primary students will have taken part in activities at Acland Burghley or with our staff. Every student joining Year 7 has an induction day at the school at the end of Year 6. Students with special needs are part of our innovative Headstart induction. We have strong communication with students’ primary school teachers. Our ABC peer supporters are trained to support the youngest in the school. Your child will be safe and happy.
“ Students are happy and safe; they behave well and demonstrate a desire to learn. Relationships between students and adults are very positive.” Ofsted 2010
Care and support We believe that positive relationships, based on respect for others, are the key to a welldisciplined and secure learning environment. We have very strong equal opportunities and antibullying policies. Heads of Year and form tutors are responsible for supporting and extending students, securing their full engagement and monitoring their progress. Students form strong relationships with their tutor, who usually moves up the school with them. Almost all students will at some time require support or guidance. We believe in working with our students to identify, and support them with, any potential issues early. We encourage strong communication between school and home to ensure students’ well-being. Students with particular needs or aptitudes benefit from specialist support, for example: • t he Achievement Support Facility’s support, in and outside the classroom, for students with special educational needs; • c lassroom support for students for whom English is an additional language; • t he Learning Support Team’s programmes, including learning mentors, for students facing any type of barrier to their learning;
• t he Inclusion Team’s multi-agency support for students facing wider difficulties in or out of school; • o ur Going for Gold provision for students ready for new challenge. We have an outstanding track record in all these areas. ABC Peer Support Scheme The school’s renowned ABC programme, established in 1993, trains students to act as peer mentors to support students who are finding any aspect of school life difficult. This might include settling in to secondary school, adapting to new situations or issues of friendship, confidence or being a teenager. ABC students also lead workshops and other activities to support students in their transition to secondary school and are attached to Year 7 tutor groups for the first term.
The Base - a specialist resource for autism The Base enables us to include young people with autism who require more specialist support to access a mainstream secondary environment. The Base is an integral part of our school and a hub of focused activity that everyone wants to be part of. Students supported by the Base participate in as many lessons as possible and also have specialist teaching and support in the Base. The Base has places for 4 students in each year group, accessed through Camden’s Special Needs team.
“ We are treated 100% equally and fairly.” Year 12 student
“ There’s a great sense of community and parents are included – communication is fantastic!” Parent
Our partnership with you An active partnership between school and home is essential if students are to get the most out of school and achieve their best. We look forward to working closely with parents and carers and you are welcome at the school at any time. We look forward to working closely with parents and carers and you are welcome at the school at any time. Parents come to the school for an in-depth review of their child’s work and progress twice a year on Progress Review Days. You receive three progress reports each year, detailing your child’s achievement against their targets in each of their subjects, and there is an annual parents’ evening with subject teachers. We will contact you if we are proud of your child or if we have concerns and we encourage you to do the same. Our weekly bulletin and our website keep parents fully informed of what is happening at the school and publicise events which we hope you will join. Our vigorous Parent-Teacher Association contributes to the social, curricular and wider life of the school, providing a strong voice for parents’ views and organising after-school sessions on topics of interest to parents. The school governors, including six parent governors, are actively engaged in all aspects of the school’s provision and outcomes. Parents’ views play an important role in guiding the direction of the school.
Acland Burghley School Burghley Road, London, NW5 1UJ 2 minutes from Tufnell Park tube (Northern Line) Bus routes: 4, 134, 390, C11 Tel: Email: Websites:
020 7485 8515 genadmin@aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk www.aclandburghley.camden.sch.uk www.laswap.camden.sch.uk (sixth form)