Abbotsford Prospectus

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Established 1908


Striving for Excellence

Through high academic standards, exciting activities and pastoral care, we provide children with the best start in life.

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL

A place in which to flourish

1 Welcome to Abbotsford Preparatory School, a co-educational day school and Nursery for children aged from four months to eleven years. Committed to providing a well-rounded education in a caring environment, we are proud that the Independent Schools Inspectorate has judged Abbotsford as outstanding in all areas. From their first steps in our Nursery to the time when they are ready to move on to

secondary school, children are provided with a stimulating education that builds their confidence and inspires a love of learning. A rich curriculum, dedicated staff, small class sizes and a working partnership with parents combine to bring out the best in every child. Through nurturing individual talents and rewarding achievement at all levels of ability, we have built an enviable record of success. The overwhelming majority of Year 6 pupils gain entry to leading

local grammar schools. High standards of work and discipline are balanced with a wide range of opportunities for learning beyond the classroom, including sporting, artistic, dramatic and musical pursuits. We hope this prospectus gives a flavour of school life but we encourage you to visit us to experience first-hand the happy and industrious atmosphere that pervades Abbotsford.

The quality of pupils’ learning and achievements is outstanding. Independent Schools Inspectorate

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL


Making learning fun At Abbotsford, we harness children’s natural curiosity about the world around them to nurture a love of learning. We firmly believe that learning should be enjoyable, as this develops the thirst for knowledge that equips children for life. From joining our Nursery and progressing into pre-school and Reception classes, the children are engaged in exciting activities which help foster their intellectual, physical and social growth through the curriculum of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our caring and qualified Nursery staff provide stimulating activities within a secure, homely environment. Through imaginative indoor and outdoor play, babies and toddlers are encouraged to develop their communication and social skills, sharing achievements with their peers and parents.

As they progress into pre-school (ages 3 – 4) and Reception (ages 4 – 5), children enjoy a lively classroom environment that promotes creativity and confidence. Interactive whiteboards and computers allow ICT to enhance all aspects of learning, while outdoor activities continue to feature strongly in our learning programme. Small class sizes and experienced teachers ensure that firm foundations are laid – particularly in literacy and numeracy – on which to build future learning. Music and French are taught by specialist practitioners. Careful monitoring and appropriate levels of challenge allow all children to achieve their best, preparing them well for the next stage of their education.

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL


The pupils enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum which provides a rich variety of opportunities for the pupils’ academic and personal development. Independent Schools Inspectorate

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL


Independent Schools Inspectorate

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL

The children make very good progress in their learning and development.


Creating active learners An engaging curriculum and specialist teaching combine to deepen knowledge and develop independent learning skills. As they move into the junior department, children follow the National Curriculum, which we enhance through many additional learning opportunities. Our wide-ranging programme, high expectations and regular assessment of progress enable pupils of all abilities to fulfil their potential. Central to this is the excellent rapport between staff and pupils. This allows children to become confident learners with a strong sense of self.

A blend of traditional methods and modern techniques – combined with an increasing amount of specialist teaching – allows pupils’ problem-solving skills to develop in a range of subjects. They enjoy a variety of creative activities and physical challenges, as well as personal, social and health education. Our facilities, which include an ICT suite, music room, art and technology studio, library, science laboratory and Astro turf, contribute to the quality of their educational experience.

Our enrichment programme provides extra learning support for pupils who need it, as well as additional challenge for those with special academic, sporting, artistic or leadership abilities. We provide excellent preparation for those taking entrance examinations, along with guidance for families regarding school choices. Regular communication with parents – through homework diaries, half-termly reports and parents’ evenings – is vital to the success of the school.

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL

A caring community Abbotsford’s well-rounded education offers a wealth of exciting opportunities within a supportive environment.

6 We offer an extended day from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, with children encouraged to participate in a variety of after-school clubs, from tae-kwon-do to gardening, as well as supervised study. Learning beyond the classroom embraces a wide range of activities that develop talents and provide enjoyment. Pupils take part in numerous sports, including swimming, and compete in many interhouse and inter-school fixtures. Those with musical aptitude can benefit from individual tuition by instrumental specialists, and all pupils are encouraged

to participate in the many concerts, plays and assembly presentations, to which parents are invited. Children’s horizons are broadened through visits to museums, theatres and other places of interest. Older pupils undertake a residential adventure course, where activities such as canoeing and orienteering improve their initiative and teamwork. We also foster links with the local community, inviting various organisations to come and talk about their work.

With an ethos founded on the values of respect and kindness, Abbotsford has a happy family atmosphere. Pupils’ welfare is supported through the provision of nutritious meals and a bus service to and from school. Our house system allows children of different ages to work co-operatively, with house points rewarding achievement and consideration for others. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility, with some representing their peers on the school council and many raising funds for charity, supported by our active PTA.

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL


Pupils demonstrate outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness supported and nurtured by the caring ethos that permeates school life. Independent Schools Inspectorate

Abbotsford preparatory SCHOOL


Excellence in education GEMS Education is the world’s largest private provider of Nursery to Year 13 education, with a global network of high-performing schools. GEMS Education is an international education company that owns and operates high performing schools. It also offers consulting services to both the public and private sectors. For 50 years, GEMS Education has provided excellent education to hundreds of thousands of children around the world. GEMS has a global network of world class international schools, which provide quality holistic education to more than 100,000 students from 125 countries. It employs over 9,000 education professionals, specialists and staff. GEMS has a world class leadership team, that combines business and education expertise from around the globe. The GEMS Education school model is unique in the world. It offers a broad range of curricula with varying fee structures, making private education more accessible to the broader community. GEMS Education also supports Governments’ education reform agendas by working with Ministries of Education to lift school performance and improve the standards and expertise in government schools across the globe.

Our core values GEMS schools focus on academic performance and nurturing each pupil’s character, creativity and all-round capability. This commitment to developing compassionate, competent and lifelong learners is embedded in our core values, which permeate the life of our schools: World Citizenship Empowering students with a global and local perspective. Universal Values Accepting that we are all different, while recognising that we are all the same. Leadership Developing each student’s individuality and discovering his or her potential. Forward Thinking Developing skills for the future.

The Varkey GEMS Foundation is a not for profit education organisation. Our aim is to impact one hundred underprivileged children for every student enrolled at a GEMS school. The Foundation will benefit 10 million children globally.

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Abbotsford Preparatory School

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