Bamford Academy - Prospectus 2023

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Bamford Academy



Welcome to Bamford Academy At Bamford Academy we provide the first important steps on a child’s amazing journey of lifelong learning. We have a privileged role in nurturing children to realise and fulfil their individuality and their ambitions; to have the highest aspirations for themselves and support them on their journeys. In March 2023, Bamford Academy joined the Altus Education Partnership Trust whose mission is to advance education in the borough of Rochdale and its surrounds so that young people lead happy and fulfilling lives and make positive differences to their communities and society. Bamford Academy, as a part of the trust, is committed to creating an inclusive education that is underpinned by excellent teaching and learning and a dynamic and ‘joined-up’ curriculum that sequentially develops academic and personal skills. For the first time in the academy’s history, we will be engaging in 2023/24 with the Children’s University - open to all children and acknowledging with accreditation, the tremendous learning of pupils both inside and outside of school. We are developing our gifted scientists by taking part in an Uxbridge Science project that will link our gifted scientists with other gifted scientists and Uxbridge university tutors. We are committed to raising pupils’ aspirations of themselves in primary school, using our links with the Altus Partnership of


schools and beyond, for children to see how their learning today transforms into their learning of tomorrow and beyond. Here at Bamford Academy, we have created a place of enthusiastic learning, high achievement and love, a caring and happy environment, which encourages our children to enjoy life and thrive. Our holistic approach to education combines academic excellence with a profound commitment to the spiritual and moral development of all our children. At Bamford Academy we have a strong sense of community and belonging yet we promote an ethos of individuality, where children can explore their sense of self and become proud of their own unique talents and contribution to the world. We provide a broad, childcentred curriculum, with myriad enrichment opportunities to give our children the richest possible school experience. At Bamford Academy, school is fun, our children and staff are happy, they feel challenged and stimulated and enjoy success as

a result. We try our utmost to make school a great place to be. Parents are welcome and a valued part of our school community. We guarantee you and your child will love your time with us. Come and visit the team at Bamford Academy and discover more about us. We look forward to meeting you. Michele Lewis BA(Hons), PGCE, MScEd, NPQH Acting Principal

At Bamford Academy we: • always put the children FIRST • are transparent in our actions, which are right, just and fair • are always positive, show enthusiasm, energy, joy and take responsibility for the energy we bring into this space • cultivate a mindset of transformation

‘INSPIRING TO ACHIEVE’ In our school, children and adults flourish by being part of a positive, happy, caring and safe community which sees challenge as a doorway to discovery, persistence as an opportunity for growth and success as going confidently in the direction of our dreams to live the life we imagine.

Our Ethos At Bamford Academy, we choose to be instruments of inspiration. Our ethos echoes our vision to create a community where all can flourish, achieve and grow: where relationships are based on mutual respect, positivity and perseverance; where all partners work together to manage behaviour; and where dynamic interventions support staff, pupils and parents /carers. We are committed to creating an environment where exemplary relationships contribute to excellent teaching and learning. We expect everyone to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. We understand that behaviour is a form of communication and use a trauma informed approach to support pupils who find it more difficult to self-regulate their behaviour.

‘Pupils behave well. They listen well to their teachers… pupils are attentive in lessons…and follow the instructions of their teachers. Low level disruption is rare. Staff provide effective support for those pupils who find it more difficult to concentrate in lessons. Pupils are polite, keen to learn and care for each other… and understand the importance of treating everyone with respect, regardless of differences.’ (Ofsted March 2023)


School Vision

Performing Arts In January 2023, Bamford Academy was accredited with a Gold Arts Mark Award in recognition of the quality of provision in the arts, including the performing arts, and the measurable effect that this provision has on pupils.

An Inspiring Curriculum At Bamford Academy, our curriculum is ‘ambitious and introduces pupils to a broad range of subjects.’ (Ofsted March 2023). We recognise and respect the uniqueness of each child. Our curriculum embraces the community, recognising and celebrating the diverse backgrounds and experiences from which our children originate. We constantly adapt our learning journey to meet the needs and interests of our children, offering an excellent education underpinned by a broad, culturally rich and powerful curriculum to ensure that all pupils are well equipped for the next stages in their education. Our pedagogies develop children’s thinking skills and learning behaviours, known as ‘habits of mind,’ to assist them as life-long learners. Children learn to follow their

curiosity, to think creatively and to work both independently and cooperatively with others. We pique a child’s curiosity and nurture and encourage their innate gifts, while instilling in them integrity, compassion, confidence, a sense of adventure and a hunger for challenge!

Core subjects Teaching the core subjects is the backbone of our curriculum and we have expert teachers who lead on core subjects Phonics, Maths, English and Science to ensure outstanding results. We explore other aspects of the curriculum such as History, Geography, PHSE, RE, Philosophy, Art & DT through a topic led curriculum so pupils learn how to make connections and transfer skills.

Throughout the school year, there are many opportunities for children to develop skills in performance through our well planned curriculum events, where pupils in EYFS Reception, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 lead performances for the whole school community to enjoy, or through our myriad of after school clubs and events such as ‘Bamford’s Got Talent or Shakespeare’s School Festival. Our Drama club was applauded in March 2023 by the Coram Shakespeare Schools Foundation on their performance of ‘Twelfth Night’ at the Bury Met theatre.

‘What a wonderful, character-filled performance this was! The comedy of the play shone through everyone’s fantastic characterisation and playfulness. Dialogue was delivered with emotion and a clear understanding of the text, including the narration which really helped the audience follow the complex story. You all had such loud, confident voices which reached right to the back of the auditorium. Well done for taking this ‘top tip’ on board!’ Coram Schools Shakespeare Schools Foundation

Physical Education


Bamford Academy has excellent facilities, enabling the children to take part in a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. In July 2023, the school was awarded the Gold School Games award in recognition of the curriculum provision of sports for pupils. Specialist coaches from EdStart deliver lunchtime sports clubs and after school sports clubs in a range of sports such as gymnastics, jag tag, basketball, multi sports, netball and football, growing within children an interest in and a love of sport whilst also supporting children to develop as healthy and well-rounded individuals.

Bamford encourages a love of music. Children are taught to sing, play instruments, read music and create compositions. Children have the opportunity to learn how to play a variety of instruments such as the ukulele or guitar through our partnership work with ‘Front Row Music’ and have opportunities to learn how to play as a member of a rock band through our partnership with ‘Rock Steady Music School’. Performance events are built into the school year so that these children are able to perform to the whole school.

Languages From Reception to Year 6, children receive Spanish lessons from a specialist Spanish teacher. Children learn simple conversations in Reception and progress to writing in Spanish as they progress through the school. Whole school celebrations and events enable our pupils to collectively come together to showcase their singing of songs in Spanish as well as their conversational skills. Our pupils regularly take part in festivals and competitions within Manchester and wider afield such as in Mexico, where they apply and further enhance their skills and understanding of language and culture. We celebrate the diversity of languages celebrating ‘Mother Tongue Languages Day’ and ‘European Languages Day’ each year.

Computing Computing skills are taught from Year Reception to Year 6. Children learn computing skills through discrete computing lessons and have opportunities to use these skills across the curriculum to present or explore their learning. As a part of these lessons, children

learn about e Safety and how to stay safe online and what to do should they have a concern. Each class has access to several sets of chromebooks through the school day. There is wireless connection throughout the school and filtering and monitoring systems in place to ensure pupils are safe whilst learning online at school. In Year 6, children can choose to take on additional responsibilities as a member of a tech team who are responsible for the tech of school performances and assemblies.

Religious Education This school is non-denominational and follows the locally agreed syllabus for religious education. Collective Worship takes place each day, mostly of a Christian nature, however, we frequently have visiting speakers from a variety of religious orders and during their time at Bamford, children visit a Christian church, Islamic mosque, Buddhist temple, Jewish synagogue and Hindu temple.

SMSC Social, moral, cultural and spiritual dimensions permeate every other aspect of our curriculum. Our PSHE scheme has mindfulness at its heart and children are taught meditation and visualization. Rights and responsibilities for children are clearly sign posted throughout the school and the children have designed their own versions of the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Children are also part of School Council Curriculum Committee, the Bamford buddies programme and Eco Committee.

Educational & Residential Visits We encourage staff to make effective use of the local area and places of interest within travelling distance. There are planned curriculum visits or visitors each term for each year group linked to the topic of study. As a part of Altus Educational Partnership Trust, these visits that enhance the curriculum are partially subsided. A full risk-assessment is undertaken prior to the visit and staff will visit the site before the trip. All visits are approved by the Principal prior to taking place. At the end of each academic year, noncurriculum year group trips take place for children to have a day out away from their academic work with their friends. In Year 6, children have the opportunity to go on a residential trip to Robinwood Activity Centre in Wrexham, where they experience a number of outdoor activities over the course of three days, usually at the beginning of September. There are costs to take part in these trips, but arrangements can be made to spread payments over the year.

Peacocks Before and After School Club

At Peacocks before and after school club, children are encouraged to play, explore and discover their own talents, gifts and interests in a safe, caring and vibrant environment. Our staff are highly trained and experienced in the areas of child development and can design a bespoke experience which will allow your child to grow and develop on their own journey. Specialist teachers and play workers run our after school clubs and activities. At Peacocks we run various clubs throughout the year and are always planning new clubs and activities to keep our children challenged and stimulated. Whatever your child is interested in, we have a club for them, for example: RAFC Football, Netball, Athletics, Cricket, Lacrosse, Drama, Street Dance, Yoga, ICT, Film, Gardening,

Baking, Obstacle Course, Scavenger Hunt, Arts and Crafts, Cartoon Drawing, Lego, Hand bells, Choir. Our wraparound care runs from 7.30am – 8.40am and from 3.00pm – 6pm. A light breakfast is provided in the morning and a snack tea in the afternoon session. A charge is made for this service. Peacocks also run theme week clubs in school holidays.

Admissions & Organisation Admissions There are 60 Reception Places available at Bamford Academy. If requests for places do not exceed this number then all applicants will be admitted. However, if the number of applications is greater than this number, then the Admissions Committee will consider applications in accordance with the Academy’s Admissions Policy (this can be found on the school website). A copy of the Admissions Policy and further information about the admissions procedure, is provided at the back of this booklet.

School Uniform There is a school uniform for winter and summer, which we expect every child to wear. Parents are expected to help the school to maintain high standards of dress amongst pupils. Bamford Academy children designed our uniform which is bespoke, eco-friendly and supplied locally. Uniform can be ordered via the school website.

School Meals

The School Day 7.30am – 8.40am

Peacocks Breakfast Club

8.40am – 3.00pm

School Day

11.30am – 1.30pm

Lunch Period

(1 hour lunchtime that is staggered to allow all children to eat their lunch in the school dining hall)

3.00pm – 6.00pm

points throughout the year and reports are sent to parents at the end of each year. There are two parent/carer - teacher consultation meetings each year, usually in the second half term of the Autumn and Spring term, and a third consultation meeting in the Summer term in which children present their year’s achievements.

Peacocks After School Club

‘Mellors Catering’ provide our school meals. They are available to all our children, are cooked on the premises and there is a wide variety of choice including vegetarian and halal meals each day. Mellors catering are able, by arrangement, to cater for children with allergies and medical conditions so that these children can have a hot, well balanced and nutritious meal at lunchtime. We operate a “healthy eating policy” and children are encouraged to choose healthy foods.

Safeguarding At Bamford Academy, it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe. We have a safeguarding leaflet for visitors to the academy to read and understand their responsibilities whilst on the school premises and posters advertising the three safeguarding officers. Bamford Academy has a Pastoral Team who are highly trained in identifying children at risk and will intervene or make a referral to social care or other agencies if necessary. Our attendance officer monitors pupil attendance and liaises with the attendance safeguarding officer where there is a concern around a child’s attendance or punctuality. All safeguarding officers, trustees, staff and volunteers receive regular annual safeguarding training and regular updates and know the school’s procedures to follow when they have a concern.

‘There is a strong safeguarding culture across the school. Leaders provide regular safeguarding training for all staff. This gives staff the skills to spot if a pupil is in difficulty. Staff know what to do if they have concerns about a pupil. Those responsible for safeguarding are knowledgeable and draw upon links with outside agencies when required.’ (Ofsted March 2023)

Class Organisation Children are allocated a class on entry to ensure that there is a spread of gender, age, ethnicity and disability in each class. During your child’s time with us (s)he is continually assessed by the class teacher. There are 6 formal assessment

The Directors and Trustees The Local Governing Board The local governing Board is responsible for the policies and practices in our Academy. They represent different groups and points of view and act as a link between the school and the community. The Board meets formally at least once per half term and at other times as necessary. Trustees are appointed and elected and represent the varying aspects of school life.

Parent & Teacher Meetings At the beginning of each academic year, there is a ’Meet the Teacher’ meeting to enable parents/ carers to learn about: the routine of their child’s school day, about key school policies and to offer suggestions about how parents can support and work in partnership with their child’s teacher. We also hold information meetings through the year to support parents/ carers with information around Phonics at home and Yr 6 SATs.

Parents’ meetings are held once per term to enable parents to discuss their child’s progress. Teacher’s are willing to meet at other times if parents’ would like support between these times. We have a ‘Reading morning’ each Friday between 8:30-8:40am, where parents/carers can come into their child’s classroom to read and share a book with their child.

you to support your child’s learning journey. Class teachers communicate with parents/ carers using online technology platforms which means that communication has never been easier and is instant with your child’s class teacher. You will be aware of the whole year’s events at the start of the year and through the weekly newsletter meaning you can book dates along time before the event takes place.

Home, School & Community Liaison

Bamford Academy Community Forum

When your child joins Bamford Academy, you become part of the Bamford family. We find working in partnership with parents a very important part of our work here. We have parents on the board of directors, parents who run the Bamford Academy Community Forum, helping in classes or assisting on trips and functions, and helping us get involved with Charity work such as supporting the food bank or fundraising. We run various parent sessions to help you be part of your child’s learning. We are open and understanding and will make time to support

Bamford Academy Community Forum is made up of a team of dedicated parents / carers who are passionate about bringing the community together whilst raising monies for pupils in the school through community organised events. The team works together to organise and support events across the school year such a : Halloween disco, a Christmas Fayre, Eid parties, Sports Day, Bamfest – to name just afew. In addition, we raise money for local, national and international charities regularly and these projects are often championed by the children themselves.

We hope you have found this brochure informative. If you would like to visit the school, please telephone 01706 631496 to make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you.


BAMFORD ACADEMY is a proud member of ALTUS EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP since 2023. The Altus Education Partnership is a multi-academy trust (MAT) established in April 2017 by the governing body of Rochdale Sixth Form College, an outstanding A level provider. The Trust’s mission is to advance education in the borough of Rochdale and its surrounds so that young people lead happy and fulfilling lives and make positive differences to their communities and society. Our academies are joined in a partnership of equals, each with a distinctive identity, working together for the benefit of their communities. For more information about Altus Education Partnership, please visit our website:








Bamford Academy


Tel: 01706 631496 Email:


Belgium Street Bamford Rochdale OL11 5PS




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