Primary School
High achievement, an understanding of the world and a love of learning.
Welcome to
Primary School
Bonneville is a two form entry primary school situated in Clapham, South London. The school reflects the community it is part of, with children coming from a wide range of backgrounds. This diversity is celebrated as a real strength of the school.
I feel very privileged to be the Headteacher of Bonneville Primary School and I am very proud of all that is achieved in our school community. Together we promote high achievement, an understanding of the world and above all, a love of learning.
The school is organised into 8 year groups, Nursery – Year 6 with two classes in each year group. Teachers and support staff are committed to delivering a creative and exciting curriculum which inspires children to learn. We place a high emphasis on developing children’s personal and social skills so that they are: Enthusiastic about learning Confident and proud Respectful of others
Bonneville is a friendly, happy and stimulating place to learn. We have a strong sense of community and we ensure that our children feel safe and nurtured. Above all we want our children to have a variety of experiences during our time with us, to be willing to try new things without fear of failure and to become independent, confident and open minded young people. I look forward to meeting you and hope your child will be happy in our school.
Ms Julie Hillman Headteacher
Enjoying Learning At Bonneville we believe in children’s entitlement to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum.
e have a strong focus on literacy and numeracy as a basis for all learning. The curriculum is tailored to the children’s interests and reflects the multi cultural nature of our community. We promote an enjoyment of learning with as many first hand learning experiences as possible. Our curriculum is linked to enable children to deepen understanding and apply skills across areas of learning.
Educational visits, workshops, visitors and theatre groups extend opportunities for learning and enhance the curriculum. Getting a clear picture of how each child learns best is important. Well established procedures are in place to identify and meet children’s individual needs. Each child’s progress is carefully monitored so that appropriate action can be taken to help any child who might be struggling with a particular area of learning, to provide the more able with appropriate challenge and to help every child fulfil their potential.
“ Pupils find learning absorbing and fun. In addition they are developing good learning habits and behaviour.� OFSTED
Beyond the Curriculum Bonneville has a strong commitment to helping children adopt healthy lifestyles and we aim to make health, in its broadest sense, an integral part of school life.
e have achieved Advanced Healthy Schools Status and Activemark Awards.
We encourage children to make healthy choices about their lifestyles. We are committed to ensuring that children are safe from bullying and discrimination and show respect within their communities. All children receive age appropriate personal and social development support, including high quality Sex and Relationships Education and Drugs Education. We also help children understand the importance of supporting their own community and the wider environment.
We offer an active and thriving range of clubs and after-school activities. A varied range of extra-curricular activities organised by enthusiastic staff provide additional opportunities to extend children’s experiences. Large numbers of children are involved in sport, music and creative activities. We compete regularly in school sports partnerships. We are a school that loves music. Children perform regularly in music events locally, and at venues such as The Royal Festival Hall. There is a range of opportunities for children to develop their musical strengths and talents – we offer instrumental lessons as well as the opportunity to belong to the school choir.
“ A strength of the curriculum is the wealth of extracurricular activities such as dance, choir, drumming and football.” OFSTED
“ The sharper focus on learning, in combination with the expectation of success and warm relationships, is fostering pupils’ confidence.” OFSTED
Our School Community Bonneville is a strong community of children, staff, parents, governors and friends.
e believe that partnership with parents is vitally important. The school provides opportunities to discuss each child’s progress and needs through regular consultations. Additionally, we provide an increasing range of opportunities for parents and carers to learn alongside their children through family learning projects. As well as our enthusiastic and very dedicated teaching and support staff we have a large group of volunteers who visit the school regularly to provide additional support to children. We also have a very active and hard working parent association (FAB).
Primary School of Governors A letter from our Chair and vibrant school contained in our new n tio ma or inf e th d un fo erall flavour I hope that you have ovided you with an ov pr ve ha to d an e tiv en informa prospectus to have be environment. of the school and its e calibre and Body at Bonneville. Th ing rn ve Go e th of air shown by the Ch ent to the dedication I am very proud to be am st te is s or rn ve go all teaching venteen fellow commitment of my se r leadership team and nio se r he of s er mb to me Hillman, re are able to achieve ca eir th our Headteacher, Julie in n re ild ch e ensuring that all of th and support staff to individuals. academically and as th bo , ial nt te po st he maintain their hig as our main priority to ve ha s ue ag lle co n ee I and my sevent that all of the As a governing body, n, striving to ensure re ild ch ur yo of ion at ach of the educ t, to enable them to re en em ag a strategic overview ur co en d an t opportunity, suppor children receive every their full potential. on the happy ol regularly comment ho sc e th at n re ild ch we also have an Parents and carers of school. The fact that ive lus inc d an l ra ltu rers, is multicu run by parents and ca ol, ho environment within th sc e th r fo p ou pport within essful fundraising gr help with learning su o enthusiastic and succ wh s er te lun vo r re parent and ca hool and you as alongside a number of links between the sc ive ct fe ef e th te da to consoli the school, all helps parents and carers. ion, at the critical ing your child’s educat st tru en in nt ide nf co ort staff el p of teaching and supp I hope that you will fe ou gr e siv es pr im r ou imary level, to nursery through to pr at Bonneville School. keen to he or she is genuinely e er wh ol ho sc a to she ur child e school day, as he or th of If you wish to send yo d en e th at on school rning and to stay a wide array of afterattend school each mo in rt pa ll fu a y pla to hool, in order ormation on the progresses up the sc e to receive further inf fic of ol ho sc e th t ac do cont activities, then please ol open day. date of the next scho Neil Salt Chair of Governors
a love of learning. anding of the world and rst de un an , nt me ve hie High ac
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Primary School Bonneville Gardens, Clapham, London SW4 9LB Tel: 020 8673 1183 Fax: 020 8673 8522 Headteacher: Ms. Julie Hillman Chair of Governors: Mr. Neil Salt
High achievement, an understanding of the world and a love of learning.