The Sixth Form is the crowning experience of a student’s school education. In our rapidly changing world it is essential to equip sixth formers with the skills to ensure they make their own way forward confidently and successfully. At Claremont Fan Court Sixth Form, you will enjoy the challenging pace of our diverse curriculum with academic excellence at its core. In small classes, with personal attention, you will be treated as an individual. As you work alongside our enthusiastic and skilled teaching staff, they will draw the best out of you because they will share a common interest in your academic studies. These two years are a precious investment and will provide that vital bridge between GCSE and university. You will be a member of our Sixth Form of fine young people who are aiming high in their academic studies whilst enjoying the camaraderie of a tight knit two year group. Situated in White Cottage, your A level studies and Sixth Form life will be vibrant, stimulating and supportive.
“ We are delighted with the excellent set of exam results which have enabled our daughter to gain her first choice university place, in an extremely competitive environment.” – Parent of undergraduate student of biology
Achievement at A level is the gateway to success at university. Our Sixth Form offers a broad range of subjects across the arts, humanities, languages, mathematics, sciences and the creative arts. Full details of courses and academic procedures are in the A level curriculum booklet. We expect Claremont Fan Court students will achieve and surpass their academic potential. Teaching groups of no more than twelve ensure that specialist subject teachers are aware of students’ individual abilities. Half termly academic reviews ensure that students and their parents are well aware of the academic and pastoral progress to support successful university preparation. Subject enrichment includes conference days, language exchanges, field trips, museum visits, theatre productions, concerts, sculpture workshop, national subject competitions, sports tours and visiting writers. We offer a comprehensive programme of co-curricular and cultural trips abroad as well as opportunities for work experience. Sixth Form scholarships (Academic, Art, Drama, Music, Sport) are available and further details can be found in the Information Booklet or on the school website.
“ I still use the essay writing techniques I learned at Claremont for my university work.”
– Undergraduate student of philosophy
“ The Rome trip was a real highlight – the best school trip I have ever been on. It was great to see amazing sites as well as having a great time with my friends.” – Lower Sixth student
“ The encouragement and character development that Claremont has given me is supporting me in many aspects of my university life.” – Undergraduate student of medical materials
Critical decision-making, creative problem solving and confident interaction help the Claremont Fan Court Sixth Former to become a force for good in the community. With the confidence of proven academic success at GCSE, it is so important for Sixth Form students to contribute to the school in preparation for university, career and adult life. The Sixth Form experience is enhanced by taking part in a wide range of activities and opportunities for leadership. Prefects and House Captains take an active role in Senior School life and work closely with all other pupils and staff. Sixth form students organise all the events in Charity Week, lead the school student council and are role models for the younger pupils. First team and recreational sports, school plays, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, volunteering within the community as well as an extensive programme of day and residential trips, contribute to an exciting and different two year course. Regular consultations take place with the pastoral tutor. Weekly lessons focusing on careers and university preparation and frequent meetings with the Head of Sixth Form and subject Heads, give plenty of mature, intellectual support to every Sixth Former. A programme of visiting speakers supports our Citizenship and Critical Thinking Courses.
Claremont Drive Esher Surrey KT10 9LY Tel: 01372 467841