Esher Church of England High School A National Teaching School
Leadership Training Opportunities 2012 – 13
Contents 01
An Introduction
A National Teaching School
Leadership COURSES
An Introduction What is it that underpins all areas of a school’s success? At Esher C of E High School we believe that leadership – at all levels – has been the key factor in enabling continual progression for our students and improvements across the whole school. The school has undergone a significant transformation, judged by Ofsted as ‘satisfactory’ in 2002, ‘good’ in 2006 and ‘outstanding’ in 2009, through encouraging and nurturing aspirational leadership across the school and by working closely with a variety of mentors and partners. In offering leadership training we aim to meet the needs of educators from all phases by sharing approaches developed by ourselves and other agencies, which we have found to transform student experiences in the current educational climate. The Developing Middle Leaders course was developed in conjunction with partner schools from the Esher, Cobham and Molesey cluster group. It is therefore distinct from other leadership programmes in that it identifies and builds upon middle leadership skills common
to both the primary and secondary phase in education. It allows participants to meet and discuss cross-phase issues, enabling them to gain a broader understanding of the challenges middle leaders face whether a teaching or support staff. This has now become a feature in other courses offered here. All our courses have been developed to complement existing programmes run by the NSCL, and to support the Surrey Leadership Strategy. They allow each participant to take away leadership knowledge, understanding and skills that can be applied to their own school context to help bring about sustained whole-school improvement. The courses, seminars and conferences shown in this brochure are coordinated by Track Education Ltd on behalf of Esher C of E High School.
“Leaders’ outstanding ambition ensures an excellent capacity for sustained improvement.” OFSTED 2009
A National Teaching School Esher C of E High School was very proud to have been one of the original 100 schools designated National Teaching School status in September 2011. As a National Teaching School we are committed to working collaboratively with local schools in developing the Teaching Schools remit. As well as offering training and support for our Alliance, we will also identify and co-ordinate expertise from our Alliance, using the best leaders and teachers to:
Level 3: National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH)
• Play a greater role in training new entrants to the profession
Esher C of E High School are proud to be taking the lead, along with West Hill School, in delivering the Level 1 courses from January 2013, in conjunction with Southern Educational Leadership Trust (SELT). This builds on existing expertise as both schools have been delivering the current NSCL Middle Leadership Development Programme (MLDP).
• Lead peer-to-peer professional and leadership development • Identify and develop leadership potential • Provide support for other schools • Designate and broker Specialist Leaders of Education (SLE’s) • Engage in research and development Esher C of E High School is one of four National Teaching Schools in Surrey all of whom have joined together to form the Surrey Teaching Schools Network (STSN). The four schools are working together and are delighted to be able to offer the new National College for School leadership (NCSL) Level 1, 2 and 3 courses.
Level 2: National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) Level 1: National Professional Qualification for Middle Leaders (NPQML)
As a National Teaching School Esher C of E High School is also a lead school for CPD, Research and Development and Leadership Development. For further information on Level 1, 2 or 3 courses, dates and prices please visit the STSN website Please note that the Level 1 programme replaces the current MLDP programme from January 2013.
school to school support As a National Teaching School, Esher C of E High School looks forward to providing a variety of support to schools within and beyond our Alliance and this is an area that we feel passionately about. We have experienced the power of the ‘by schools for schools’ approach for ourselves and are keen that other schools have the same opportunity to benefit. A variety of support is available and bespoke packages are designed and tailored to meet the needs of the schools being supported. At the outset of any support, a very clear set of desired outcomes are identified, enabling us to monitor effectiveness. The outcomes will be set according to the findings of the schools ‘self-evaluation’. If a self-evaluation process is not in place, then this is something we would be very happy to assist with. We are able to draw on specialist support from a variety of National Leaders of Education (NLEs), Local Leaders of Education (LLEs) and Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs). We have a wide range of high quality expertise available and we take great care in matching the appropriate support to the needs of the schools and the individuals concerned.
We currently have SLEs with the following expertise with another cohort being recruited in autumn 2012: • Leadership • CPD • Teaching and Learning • Coaching/Intervention • Line Management • Strategic Diagnostics and Analysis • Behaviour and Attendance • Mathematics • English • Science • MFL • PSHCE One of the roles of National Teaching Schools is to broker the support for other schools of all phases and to monitor and quality assure the work that takes place ensuring that the outcomes are fully met. For further information about school to school support packages headteachers should contact Helen Gregory, Deputy Headteacher
LEADERSHIP COURSES DEVELOPING MIDDLE LEADERS Delivery: Half-term course consisting of five 90 minute twilight sessions.
DATES: Autumn Term: 6 November to 4 December
Suitable for: Middle leaders of all phases who wish to enhance and refine their leadership skills. Relevant to both new and established middle leaders. An ideal pre-cursor to NPQML.
Spring Term: 26 February to 26 March
Aims: • To enable leaders to evaluate and understand their current leadership practice • To examine leadership styles according to context • To differentiate between leadership and management
Summer Term: 11 June to 9 July TIME: Tuesdays, 4.15pm to 5.45pm VENUE: Esher C of E High School COST: £250
4. Managing Staff
“ I can’t quite put it into words. The course made one feel empowered, and really built an inner confidence. Thank you.”
5. Accountability and Performance
Participant, February 2011
Course Content: 1. Management and Leadership Styles 2. Personal Qualities 3. Values, Vision, Context and Climate
ASPIRING SENIOR LEADERS Delivery: Half-term course consisting of five 90 minute twilight sessions. As part of the programme, participants will also be asked to visit another school to consider one of the course themes in another context. Suitable for: Experienced middle leaders of all phases who aspire to senior leadership roles, with a particular focus on whole school leadership. An ideal pre-cursor to NPQML. Aims: • To raise participants’ levels of confidence and competence in their current role
DATES: Autumn Term: 7 November to 5 December Spring Term: 27 February to 27 March Summer Term: 12 June to 10 July TIME: Wednesdays, 4.15pm to 5.45pm VENUE: Esher C of E High School COST: £250
• To raise participants’ confidence in preparation for a future whole-school role • To raise understanding of effective leadership for the future Course Content: • Values, Vision and Motivation • Change and Emotional Intelligence • Holding others to account – Impact on performance • My personal effectiveness – Holding myself to account
“ I have loved this course. You were so inspiring. I have found it very informative and relevant to my current role and future career ambition.” Participant, February 2011
• Communication and Influence
COACHING SKILLS: AN INTRODUCTION Delivery: Half-term course consisting of five 90 minute twilight sessions. As part of the programme, participants will also be asked to coach a colleague within their current school in order to practice and develop their understanding and skills in coaching. Suitable for: Experienced teachers or support staff of all phases who either lead a team or are considering taking on a coaching role within their school. Aims: • To raise participants’ levels of confidence and competence in coaching • To raise participants’ confidence in preparation for a future whole-school role • To raise understanding of effective coaching Course Content: 1. The coaching relationship 2. Establishing and maintaining a coaching relationship 3. Developing effective questioning techniques 4. NLP language and coaching 5. Refining goal setting and feedback techniques
DATES: Spring Term: 15 January to 12 February Summer Term: 26 April to 21 May TIME: Tuesdays, 4.15pm to 5.45pm VENUE: Esher C of E High School COST: £250
“ This course was incredibly useful and practical. I feel more confident in supporting others to develop professionally without feeling the need of telling people what to do.” Participant, JANUARY 2012
Securing Good Lessons (Improving Teacher Programme) Delivery: Half-term course consisting of three full day sessions. The Improving Teacher Programme (ITP) is a new nationally recognised CPD course, as shown on the NCSL website. As part of the programme participants will have opportunities to undertake classroom observation in order to analyse what constitutes good and outstanding.
• Challenging learning
Suitable for: Teachers of all phases who need to improve their teaching to enable them to deliver consistently good lessons.
• Differentiation
Aims: To develop and improve teaching practice to enable teachers to deliver consistently good lessons. Course Content: During the course participants will have the opportunity to: • Understand the key concepts underpinning good practice in the classroom • Be aware of the impacts of these concepts on good teaching and learning • Know how to deliver these concepts through consistent practice • Provide pupils with the best possible learning experience
• Planning lessons • Questioning techniques • Assessment • Starter activities • Engaging in learning • Plenary sessions DATES: Autumn Term 1: 17 September, 5 October, 15 October (Primary cohort) Autumn Term 2: 15 November, 26 November, 13 December (Secondary cohort) Spring Term 1: 16 January, 30 January, 14 February (Primary cohort) Spring Term 2: 25 February, 12 March, 26 March (Secondary cohort) Summer Term 1: 25 April, 9 May, 23 May (Primary cohort) Summer Term 2: 12 June, 26 June, 10 July (Secondary cohort) TIME: 8.30am to 4.30pm
• Improve standards in their school
VENUE: Autumn Term: Offsite venue in local area (tbc)
• Work more effectively as an active member of the school team
Spring and Summer Terms: Esher C of E High School
• Develop professional skills in the following areas:
COST: £580
OUTSTANDING TEACHER PROGRAMME NEW FOR 2012/2013 Delivery: Half -term course consisting of five full day sessions. The Outstanding Teacher Programme (ITP) is a new nationally recognised CPD course, as shown on the NCSL website. As part of the programme participants will have opportunities to analyse classroom practice in order to identify what makes outstanding.
Course Content: During the course participants will have the opportunity to: 1. Develop their understanding and skills in a range of aspects of teaching and learning, including challenge, engagement, assessment, differentiation, questioning and planning
Suitable for: Teachers of all phases who are, or have the potential to be, outstanding teachers.
2. Undertake a series of lesson observations
Aims: To develop and improve teaching practice to enable teachers to deliver consistently outstanding lessons.
4. Link their learning to undertaking practical tasks back in their own schools
3. Develop coaching skills to be able to raise colleagues performance
5. Develop a higher level of understanding of teaching DATES: Spring Term: 14 January, 22 January, 28 January, 6 February, 11 February (Secondary cohort) Summer Term: 24 April, 30 April, 8 May, 14 May, 22 May (Primary cohort) TIME: 8.30pm to 4pm VENUE: Esher C of E High School COST: ÂŁ660
DEVELOPING CHAIRS OF GOVERNORS PROGRAMME Delivery: Three week course consisting of three 120 minute evening sessions and one additional optional session. Participants will also be asked to undertake a short visit to another school during the course. The course has been developed in conjunction with the new NCSL professional training for school governors. Suitable for: Chairs of Governors or incoming Chairs of Governors from all types of schools. Aims: • To raise participants’ understanding of accountability for school improvement • To enable participants’ to recognise the levels of school improvement • To give participants’ the opportunity to design bespoke action plans for improvement of their governing body Course Content: 1. What makes up your school (visioning and values) 2. Understanding school performance (self-evaluation and systems approaches) 3. School improvement and planning (action planning) 4. Faith leadership (optional session) DATES: Autumn Term: 2 October, 9 October, 16 October, 23 October (optional session) Spring Term: 26 February, 5 March, 12 March, 19 March (optional session)
Summer Term: 30 April, 7 May, 14 May, 21 May (optional session) TIME: Tuesdays, 9am to 4pm VENUE: Esher C of E High School COST: £150 (three core sessions) £50 (additional cost for optional session)
“ May I express my congratulations to you on the presentation of an excellent programme, which not only drew upon the excellent practice of Governors at Esher High, but allowed us to share good practice from other participants. I gained considerably from the course and hope to introduce a number of aspects into our Governing body over next year.” Participant, JUNE 2012
TIME: 9.15am to 12.30pm
Suitable for: Headteachers, deputy headteachers and members of senior leadership teams from all phases.
VENUE: Autumn Term: Offsite venue in local area (tbc)
Aims: • To understand the requirements of the new Ofsted framework • To provide examples of systems approaches leading to school improvement SEMINAR Content: 1. Understanding the new Ofsted framework 2. Systems approaches linked to student achievement, progress and behaviour (student tracking) 3. Systems approaches to assessing leadership 4. Systems approaches to assessing teaching and learning 5. Self evaluation DATES: Autumn Term: 14 November Spring Term: 26 February Summer Term: 11 June
Spring and Summer Terms: Esher C of E High School COST: £150
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT This is one of the most exciting areas of our work. Esher C of E High School has a long tradition in working in the field of research and development. We have designed and implemented systems and structures that incorporate research and development processes into our school self evaluation and school development planning structures. In 2011/2012 we had six different R&D groups working on various aspects of school improvement. The findings have been used to shape our SDP for the coming year. The concept of R&D is very much embedded within our school improvement programme. This practice is something we are keen to share.
Esher C of E High School has been identified as a ‘Lead School’ for R&D by NCSL and we have subsequently been part of a project that led to the publication of a school ‘Kit Bag’ for R&D. We have been delighted to present on the topic of R&D at both National and Local Conferences. We are currently involved in a national project on ‘What Makes Great Pedagogy?’. This project will see us engaged in a Joint Practice Development initiative with members of our school alliance. We look forward to publishing those findings with the National College.
We have learnt a lot on our journey with R&D and we feel compelled to share good practice with others as it has been a transformational part of our work as a school. We aim to offer a sample of our ‘lessons learned’ through a variety of seminar based presentations.
Research AND Development in the Self-improving School Delivery: A one day conference.
TIME: 9.15am to 12.30pm
Suitable for: Senior leaders and CPD Co-ordinators.
VENUE: Esher C of E High School
Aims: To share and disseminate good practice with regards to research and development in schools.
Please see the Track Education website in the spring term for further details of this conference.
MA Education: Leading Innovation and Change (LIAC) Accredited and run by St Mary’s University College, Twickenham this MA programme aims to develop knowledge and skills in: • Research enquiry • Project management for the purposes of leadership in teaching and learning • Bringing about change in educational practice The programme supports early and career-long teacher development at various levels including continuing professional development, curriculum leadership, preparation for school leadership, teachers interested in research and consultancy skills development. Teachers can study for the MA in LIAC in learning clusters, based in their own schools, in other authorised school centres or at St Mary’s University College, through an on-line programme of learning. A learning cluster is based at Esher C of E High School for participants from the local area and the tutor for the learning cluster is an existing teacher here at the school.
The two year LIAC MA programme involves a five module programme (non-optional) of 20 twilight teaching sessions per year with keynote lectures, research conference and an MA award based on a 10–12,000 word academic paper and conference presentation. Please note that a cohort for the Esher C of E High School learning cluster is due to start in September 2012 and September 2014. For further information please see the St Mary’s University College website: education-leading-innovation/index.htm Please note that participants who have completed the Level 1, 2 or 3 NCSL courses will be able to transfer credits from these courses to the MA programme above and to the MA in Pedagogy and Professional Values in Practice, also offered at St Mary’s.
SCHOOL CENTRED INITIAL TEACHER TRAINING (SCITT) Members of the Surrey Teaching Schools Network (STSN) are offering a School Centred Initial Teacher Training Course for postgraduates who wish to teach in secondary schools. The course leads to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) from the Department for Education and carries MA accreditation from St Mary’s University. We are seeking an award of Post Graduate Certificate in Education over the coming year. We are delighted to be working with our accredited provider, George Abbot School. This is a one year full time course with training based entirely in a local Surrey consortium of schools, of which Esher C of E High School is a part of.
The course is full-time for one academic year (September to July) and is 100% school-based. Trainees each have their own experienced subject teacher who is assigned as their individual mentor. The curriculum areas catered for are as follows: • English • Mathematics • Geography • History • Chemistry • Physics • Modern Foreign Languages • Information Communication Technology • Design Technology • Music • Art Entry requirements are – Maths and English GCSE at grade C, and a good degree, the content of which is relevant to the subject the applicant wishes to teach. Contact is via the George Abbot website (www.georgeabbot., alternatively Helen Gregory, Deputy Headteacher at Esher C of E High School, is available for consultation regarding this route into teaching.
We have a long history in working within ITT but when the opportunity presented itself to create a whole new and innovative course for potential teachers, we grasped it with both hands.
The newly created ‘Learning Theatre’ enables group observations and discussion to take place in real time, with the assistance of audio/ visual technology.
We take our responsibility in the field of ITT very seriously and we are delighted to work with George Abbot School in the creation of a new SCITT course – School Centred Initial Teacher Training. George Abbot have entrusted us with the creative work and we have produced what we consider to be an exciting course for new trainees which focuses on a series of core values:
Leadership is a core strand within our work and trainees are set a variety of leadership challenges to complete throughout the course.
• Love of Learning • Care and Respect for Ourselves and Others • Success and its Celebration • Strive to achieve through Effort and Determination • Developing Leadership • Working Together We have developed the concept of the ‘Learning Walks’ as a central part of our training programme, which exposes new trainees to the very best learning and teaching at the very start of their training. Trainees are guided through the detailed observation of learning and teaching.
Finally, trainees are required to engage in Research and Development activities from the outset. This core skill is essential for work in schools where the ability to self evaluate and self improve is central to our work as teachers. This innovative approach is complimented by the vast experience of George Abbot School as an ITT provider. Their professional studies programme provides an outstanding foundation for our new trainees. George Abbot School are the awarding body for this course and we are delighted to be working with them. Following the DfE ITT Strategy Paper ‘Training our next generation of outstanding teachers’, Esher C of E High School aims to be involved in the delivery of the new School Direct programme in 2013/2014. Details of this will be announced on the school website later in the academic year. On completion of the SCITT programme, participants will also be awarded a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education from St Mary’s University.
EARLY ENTRANT TEACHER PROGRAMME The course has emerged as a result of an effective collaboration between three secondary schools: Esher C of E High School, Heathside School and Hinchley Wood School. The course is currently also offered to staff at RES. The programme consists of a series of five twilight sessions, each 90 minutes in length. This year we are seeking to pilot the course with some of our primary colleagues with a view to offering the programme more widely in 2013/14. The programme for 2012/2013 is as follows: Session 1: Launch Event Session 2: CPD Routemap The Early Entrant Teacher Programme was launched across four schools in Elmbridge in 2011 to offer further support and professional development to staff at the end of their NQT year. The NQT year is so structured in terms of support that it was felt desirable to have a more structured approach to the second year in teaching also. The second year in teaching is a crucial year for the development of a variety of skills and so the course is designed to offer support in the fields of learning, teaching and leadership. It is an opportunity to identify potential talent at an early stage.
Session 3: Developing your repertoire of teaching and learning strategies Session 4: Career Planning: creating opportunities for career development Session 5: Participant presentations If your CPD Co-ordinator is keen for your year two teaching staff to be involved with the programme, please contact Helen Gregory by emailing
SPECIALIST LEADERS OF EDUCATION (SLE’S) SLE designation builds on the success of the National Leader of Education (NLE) and Local Leader of Education (LLE) designations by supporting and developing the leadership capacity of peers in other schools. As with the NLE and LLE approaches, the SLE concept is about recognising leaders who are excellent at what they do and are able to help leaders supporting the school improvement agenda.
“ A great combination of theory, observation and practice, thank you. I felt challenged and inspired as I went through the course and have so many new ideas and techniques to take back to my school.”
SLEs work beyond their own schools for up to fifteen days a year, supporting individual or groups of leaders using a high-level coaching Participant, MAY 2012 or facilitation approach that draws on their knowledge and expertise in their specialist area. SLEs support the professional development of leaders. Their work may also play a key role in succession planning by helping to identify potential future leaders. SLEs are also able to engage with other opportunities and areas of work. This could include, for example, undertaking research activity on behalf of Esher C of E High School as a National Teaching School and the National College. If you are interested in becoming an SLE or would like further information please contact
NATIONAL COLLEGE BME HEADTEACHER INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME In 2012 Esher C of E High School became one of only ten pilot schools across the country to support in the delivery of this new NCSL programme. Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) leaders continue to be significantly underrepresented, particularly at headship level with only 2.5% of our school leaders coming from a non-white background. By participating in this programme Esher C of E High School supports the career progression of successful deputy headteachers, and in some cases exceptional assistant headteachers, from BME backgrounds who have completed their NPQH and been in role for 2+years in the case of deputy headteachers and 4+years in the case of assistant heads. For further information about this programme please visit bme-headteacher-internship-programme
BESPOKE CONSULTANCY Staff at Esher C of E High School have extensive, front-line experience in several specific areas, including leading and developing departments and creating successful support staff teams. We would be delighted to share these experiences with you and support your school in any of the following areas: • Monitoring and improving the quality of teaching and learning • Intervention strategies • Coaching and mentoring staff • Developing support staff leaders
• Leading a successful team of teaching assistants • Leadership in ICT • NQTs as leaders • Developing R&D within school We are also able to offer a number of the courses and seminars advertised in this brochure to groups of schools. Please contact Nicola Buchan, Business Development Manager to enquire about bespoke training and support packages.
LESSON TRACKER SYSTEM (LTS) Lesson Tracker System (LTS) is an online software package designed to raise the quality of teaching and learning in schools. Hosted on-line, it is designed so that Senior Leadership Teams can monitor and identify school trends. It encourages and enhances professional dialogue between colleagues and provides an evidence-based, systems approach to improving teaching practice.
LTS provides: • Bespoke set up, meeting individual needs of the school • Flexibility to monitor full observations, lesson drop-ins, external observations, book sampling, homework as well as self-evaluation and anything else you choose • Bespoke tariff system • Different levels of access for control of data
To find out more call 01372 468068 ext. 246 for your FREE 14 day trial or visit
• Individual, department and whole school analysis • Graphs and reporting tools, ideal for SLT and Governors meetings, Ofsted inspections etc • Archiving facility • Support helpline
CONTACT INFORMATION To book a place or for more information about any of our courses or seminars, please contact: Yanina Brazier Bookings Administrator, Track Education Ltd Esher C of E High School More Lane, Esher, KT10 8AP 01372 468068 ext 246
Esher Church of England High School Track Education Ltd c/o Esher C of E High School More Lane, Esher, Surrey, KT10 8AP Tel: 01372 468068 Fax: 01372 471058 Email: Web: