Sixth Form
Greig City Academy
Welcome to Greig City Academy
“ The sixth form is growing in size and reputation and is attracting higher-attaining students.”
“ The principal provides strong and motivational leadership.”
Ofsted, 2011
Ofsted, 2011
I am pleased that Ofsted noted the factors that have led to the Sixth Form being heavily oversubscribed. The good quality of teaching, an enhanced curriculum and excellent monitoring arrangements are all contributing to students’ improving examination results. With the ever-changing demands of higher education we offer an exceptionally wide range of extra-curricular activities. It is this bespoke package for every student which has seen the great success of our students at university.
Deciding how and where to complete your secondary education is one of the first big decisions of your life. It is vital that you make the right choice because educational success will affect your future in further and higher education and in your chosen career.
I am proud of the positive way students respond to our high expectations of them. When you visit the school you will see how well they apply themselves to their studies and the enthusiasm with which they take on responsibilities in so many areas of the school’s work. I welcome applications from all those who can offer the same level of commitment.
Jon Holt, Head of Sixth Form
This prospectus explains what the Academy’s Sixth Form can offer you. If you are already a student here you will be looking forward to the continuity of a challenging and supportive environment for learning. If you are a new student you will discover the benefits of a structured, and stimulating learning experience together with extremely well-resourced facilities. Please come to see for yourself what the Academy can offer you.
Paul Sutton OBE, Principal
Making a
commitment We aim to make your time with us fulfilling and challenging and for you to become an active, independent learner, developing the skills and knowledge you need for school and beyond. We achieve this by providing a high level of personal support within a well-structured learning environment. In return we have high expectations of you. We expect you to attend regularly and be punctual, to work hard and be wellorganised. We expect you to demonstrate high standards of self-discipline, to respect and value your fellow students and other members of the Academy’s community and to contribute to a productive atmosphere for learning.
We expect you to take a full part in the activities of the Academy and the local community. This means supporting and mentoring younger students, taking part in cultural, social and recreational activities and contributing to local events. It also means realising that, simply by being a member of our Sixth Form, you are a role model for younger students. Your behaviour, dress code and interaction with staff and your fellow students will set standards for them so your own standards need to be exemplary.
“[Sixth Form students] are keen to take on responsibility and, for example, enjoy the opportunities to be student leaders and to contribute to various charitable efforts.� Ofsted, 2011
The Sixth Form Contract This is a simple agreement that all students are required to read, understand and sign. By signing, you commit to making the most of all that the Academy and its staff have to offer.
a course
When you enter the Sixth Form you will choose from the wide range of AS and BTEC courses on offer. Current courses are listed on page 6 and full details can be found in the course booklet. You will make the final decision but we provide support right from the start to help you make an informed choice. Before you join us, you will meet with a tutor to discuss options, have a chance to look at course materials, and talk to students already studying the options you are considering. All our Level 3 courses require a great deal of commitment. You need to read widely, conduct independent research, write essays and make presentations. Courses all have different teaching approaches, some relying on formal academic techniques whilst others are very practical. You need to consider all these points as well as your personal skills and qualities so as to make an informed decision. Whatever you decide, you will enjoy studying in an exceptionally well-equipped environment. Up-to-date ICT resources are used in all faculties. Design and Technology students use industry-standard equipment and software including CAD and CAM. Aspiring performers develop performance and technical skills in our professionally-equipped theatre and sound engineering studios. Whether you specialise in Sports Studies or engage in sports for exercise, recreation and team playing, you will be coached by staff and professional coaches in excellent facilities. As a member of our Sixth Form, you will conduct your independent study in a new, dedicated centre with full computer accessibility. The centre also offers pleasant areas for discussion, recreation and relaxation.
“ The curriculum has been improved to meet the students’ needs more effectively and the arrangements for monitoring and tracking students’ performance are challenging and effective.” Ofsted, 2011
Level 3 Courses
Level 2 Courses
Including AS, A2, BTEC L3
Including GCSE, BTEC L2
Art and Design (Fine Art option)
Business and ICT Level 2
Travel and Tourism Level 2
Business Studies
Chemistry Critical Thinking
Product Design (Resistant Materials)
Drama and Theatre Studies
Product Design (Textiles)
English Literature
Sports Performance
Travel and Tourism
You will also be able to take GCSE Maths, GCSE English and Keyskills Numeracy L2 in after-school classes.
ICT Mathematics
Course Booklet
Media Studies
The course booklet gives you full details of all the courses listed as well as additional courses such as support studies for students whose first language is not English and community languages. The booklet also explains the entry criteria for each course. All courses are offered subject to demand.
Modern Foreign Languages
“ Students feel supported and well advised about careers and university applications. Applications to higher education are rising, with many students having high, but realistic, expectations about their next steps.� Ofsted, 2011
Support and
guidance Staff and outside speakers advise on courses, careers and study skills. You will have opportunities to visit universities, particularly those with which we have formal links such as Cambridge, Sussex, Essex and Roehampton. You will be able to take part in summer schools, masterclasses and residentials where you will attend lectures and get a feel for university life. Exstudents of the Academy, now at university, regularly return to share their experiences with current students and act as mentors to them.
There is a significant difference between GCSE and advanced level courses. The whole way of working changes dramatically and there is a far greater emphasis on independent learning. Our support starts with an induction where you will discuss your learning needs with your tutor. This enables us to assess your strengths and weaknesses and tailor support to your particular needs. Regular meetings with your tutor take place to review your attendance, punctuality and progress and to change the level and nature of support if necessary.
Preparing students for their next step is an important part of our programme. Whether completing UCAS forms or applications for jobs, all students receive help in preparing for their next step in life, including comprehensive careers guidance. Parents will receive regular reports on your progress and will have regular opportunities to meet teachers to discuss performance and other relevant issues. We run a popular financial management workshop for students and parents that covers the complexity of university funding and support available.
A rounded
education Personal development is a vital component of education at the Academy, encouraging a willingness to help others, giving you chances to take on new responsibilities and equipping you with vital life skills. Universities and employers recognise the advantages you gain from taking part in activities such as field studies, work placements, cultural events and national competitions as well as arts, sports and community activities. Such opportunities help you expand your horizons, develop new interests and challenge yourself. In our Sixth Form, you will be able to perform in drama productions and concerts, as individual performers or as a member of a band, ensemble or choir. The theatre, music rooms and sound engineering studios are in constant use as students develop their skills together, supported by staff and professional arts practitioners.
“Students have many opportunities to enjoy outdoor pursuits and this is a key strength of the academy. Students are also offered plentiful opportunities to develop interests in the arts, or to participate in clubs and societies.� Ofsted, 2011
The Academy has a strong tradition of sporting excellence and many current and former students play for national teams and compete at international level. You will enjoy challenging outdoor education trips and study visits in this country and abroad. Involvement in the Academy’s charity work will give you a chance to make a direct contribution to the lives of those less fortunate than yourself.
What to do next How to apply You need to complete the application form available from the Academy and return it to the Head of Sixth Form by the date shown on the form.
Who can apply? All applicants who will be aged 16 by September 1st in the year of entry and who meet the entry criteria, details of which can be found in the Academy’s admissions policy and course booklet. Please ask for copies when you visit the school or download the information from our website We provide statutory information on policies and procedures on our website. Hard copies may be provided for a photocopying charge.
“The academy’s systems to care for and support students are outstanding.” Ofsted, 2011
“The academy sets students challenging targets.� Ofsted, 2011
Greig City Academy
High Street, Hornsey, London N8 7NU T: 020 8609 0100  F: 020 8609 0101 E:  W: Principal: Mr Paul Sutton OBE, BSc (Hons), MA Chair of Governors: Mrs Sheila Taylor MA (Hons)
Status Wood Green Alexandra Palace
Greig City Academy is a co-educational comprehensive school for students aged 11 to 19 years. It has independent status and is maintained by the Department for Education.
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Sponsorship The Church of England, as the sponsor of Greig City Academy, contributed to the renewal and refurbishment of facilities when the Academy first opened and continues to support the school in achieving its objectives. The Greig Trust also contributed to the initial programme of new build and refurbishment. David Greig, a successful local businessman, founded The Greig Trust in memory of his parents in 1949 with the aim of providing funds to assist in the education of Hornsey children in accordance with the Christian faith. The Trust has continued to support a wide range of programmes at the Academy, including extra-curricular activities and improvements to facilities and resources, all of which have been, and continue to be, of significant benefit to our students.