Langdon School Prospectus

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Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE

An Outstanding school Ofsted

Our vision

Our aims

Langdon School is a twenty-first century gateway to a life-long learning journey, enabling our entire community to excel as responsible, global citizens.

• To provide an outstanding twenty-first century learning experience • To equip our community with skills to be life-long learners • To have a shared understanding of our responsibilities as global citizens

Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE

THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE ARE THE BEST THING ABOUT OUR SCHOOL, BECAUSE they make everything we do worthwhile. Head Teacher

Welcome to

Langdon School I truly believe I have the most important job in the world. If we get the education of our students right, we can help turn a young person’s aspirations into reality. We can change their life and make sure nothing stands in the way of them achieving their maximum potential. At Langdon we provide an outstanding learning journey for all our Children and Young People from primary all through their secondary education. We combine traditional values with 21st century learning. Our innovative curriculum and exceptional extra-curricular opportunities make Langdon a very exciting place to be: a place where Children and Young People really can achieve their dreams. Respect underpins all relationships in our school. We are all part of the large Langdon Family. We appreciate and support each other, irrespective of our different backgrounds and cultures. Our students develop into intelligent, articulate, socially assured global citizens who are confident of who they are, where they are from and where they want to go. I hope this prospectus provides you with an insight into how exhilarating life is at Langdon School. Dr. Manuzah Tabassum, Head Teacher B.Sc, M.Sc, MRSC, CChem, MBA, MCMI, NPQH



Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE

Who we are Langdon is a large, richly diverse school with over seventy community languages spoken. Soon to become the largest All Through 3 –16 school in the country, we have been commended for our innovative curriculum structure. Despite our size, we offer a very personalised education and keep individual needs of our Children and Young People at the heart of everything we do. We get to know our Children and Young People exceptionally well. As a Training School and a Leading Edge Partnership Programme mentor school we work with many schools, training teachers and staff and sharing good practice. This enables us to continually develop and improve the quality of education we provide for our own Children and Young People, as well as those in other schools.

Langdon is highly inclusive and one of its many strengths is the ethos of respect that marks out the relationships between its students. They are united by a shared identity and a common sense of pride in their school and the opportunities it offers them. Ofsted

As a Specialist Sports College, our superb facilities and expertise – used widely by the local community – enrich our students’ lives and raise achievement. We encourage all our Children and Young People to adopt healthy lifestyles and ensure sustainable futures. Every new student is given the Langdon Licence, which outlines the range of educational and extra-curricular experiences they can expect here. The Langdon Licence is a record of their education entitlement and ensures that we give every student an enriched learning journey. Good behaviour, effort and achievement never go unnoticed at Langdon. Our VIVO online reward card system awards points and prizes and maintains a high level of personal responsibility and pride in school life.


Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE

An innovative

curriculum Our unique personalised learning programme enables every student to catch up, keep up or extend and enrich their learning. It provides a high quality, personalised, flexible learning experience that caters for all abilities and needs.

Our Early Years Foundation Stage and Primary curriculum all provide a firm basis in ensuring we get the basics right, motivating our youngsters to higher goals. Following a two-year Key Stage 3, every student entering Year 9 is offered a range of subject preferences. They study a core curriculum for 2–3 years and supplement this with up to two preference subjects per year. At the end of each year they take their GCSE exams for their preference subjects. This allows students to focus on a smaller number of subjects more intensively whilst maintaining the breadth of their educational experience. In Year 11, each student is given a personalised learning programme. If they need to catch up, they can concentrate on core subjects. Alternatively students can pick up more preference subjects or extend their studies e.g. by taking on another subject, an AS level or a vocational course. Year 11 students are also given extra lessons in etiquette, life skills and the Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning.

As a result of the school’s outstanding provision in so many spheres, students enjoy their education. This enjoyment is reflected in the high attendance rates. Ofsted


Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

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An inspirational

environment At Langdon we adopt a unique structure to the school day. All students are entitled to a free breakfast, after which they go straight into the first of three 100-minute learning sessions. These sessions are punctuated by a mid-morning break, lunch and a Learning Tutor Period. The Learning Tutor Period is a daily structured 30-minute session which includes assembly, brain training, global citizenship and mentoring. These longer learning sessions greatly reduce travelling time around the school, but more importantly provide a deeper more enriched learning experience for students. The 100 minute learning sessions enable staff to provide a wider variety of activities for students of all aptitudes and learning styles. State of the art Learning Resource Centres offer an extensive range of facilities to support learning. The Learning Resource Centres support learning from 7.30am – 5.00pm. Our Children and Young People receive comprehensive online support 24/7 via our website, email and student Mle (Managed Learning Environment.) We run homework classes before and after school in addition to revision courses in the holidays. There is weekend sports provision all year round and a Summer University that offers both academic and recreational opportunities. Our Early Years Foundation Stage and Primary curriculum engages, supports and nurtures our youngsters encouraging them to be focused, confident and motivated.

Students and their parents/ carers talk enthusiastically about the way teachers, tutors and learning mentors help them learn. Ofsted


Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

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Every child & YO

can excel

Everybody can excel at Langdon. Opportunities outside the classroom are endless. They include clubs, ranging from chess to science, musical and performing opportunities and a host of sporting activities.

Students make outstanding progress as they move through the school, and parents and carers are delighted with the education their sons and daughters receive. Ofsted

UNG PERSON All students are encouraged to take up extra-curricular sports. The majority of students receive up to five hours of quality PE a week. Langdon Sports teams are very successful competing at local, regional and national level. Children and Young People with Special or Additional Educational Needs are particularly well catered for. The SEN Panathlon, hosted by the school, is very popular as is the Newham Girls Sports Convention.

Edinburgh Award Scheme. Our older students enjoy the inter-schools iNET conferences, engaging with other young people around the world. We foster international links with schools around the world and our students enjoy numerous day trips and residential visits abroad. We are partners with a school in China. We are proud of our Gifted and Talented programme, which includes visits to many universities, including Oxford and Kings College.

Drama develops confidence. Visual and Performing Arts are also a particular strength. Our students contribute to the community through work for charities. Many others take part in the Duke of

Langdon School is well known locally, nationally and internationally for hosting numerous events, workshops and courses. We are delighted that our facilities are used so extensively.


Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE


specialism We have been a Sports College for over ten years and sport permeates everything we do. Through sport we foster collaboration, building teamwork, confidence and competitiveness. We use the power of sport to influence and motivate all our young people, whether they have sporting talents or not. We strongly believe that sport engages young people and raises their aspirations and achievement in all areas of school life. As an active Sports College, we work with seven secondary and thirty seven primary schools to raise national standards in coaching and sports leadership. The majority of our Children and Young People take sports leadership qualifications.

Langdon’s sports college status makes a very positive impact on results in physical education (PE) and, more widely, in the excellent opportunities offered. The wide range of sports on offer enables all students to become confident and accomplished in an area of their choice. Ofsted

We see healthy, active living, not just as exercise that stops at the end of the learning day, but something that is fundamental to students’ education and wellbeing. During the learning day Children and Young People follow a high quality PE programme that includes a range of sports and activities. Our commitment to sport is matched by impressive facilities. These include: a state of the art sports hall with an air-conditioned fitness suite; six badminton courts; a third generation flood-lit astroturf football pitch; eight floodlit tennis/ netball courts and three gymnasia. Our 43-acre site also has plenty of space for outdoor sports and learning of all kinds. Langdon has been linked with the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics since the launch of London’s bid. As a training venue for the 2012 Olympics we are very proud partners of the Games.


Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE

Langdon school is composed of students from many different backgrounds. Students and their families talk of the respect that is at the heart of the school’s ethos.

A community


working together Being a very large All Through School, it is imperative we get to know each of our students as individuals. Personalised support for our young people is fundamental if we are to get the best out of them. We work in partnership with Parents/Carers and the local community, providing regular communication and assessment of student progress. Thanks to extended links and ongoing projects with our partner primary schools, we get to know students and their families before they come to Langdon. Year Six students attend an induction day, taster sessions and our Summer University, so they start secondary school life with confidence. Every student has two designated Learning Tutors who see them every day for 30 minutes. The Learning Tutors remain with the students for the duration of their school journey. We also have a very active peer mentoring programme where older students support younger ones. Student Leadership is integral to the success of the school. The Student Council plays an important role in the development of the school. Student receptionists, Head Girl, Head Boy, Prefects and a student-elected Langdon Young Mayor all give our Children and Young People opportunities to be ambassadors and role models for the whole school community.

Our top three questions Are you helping, learning and teaching? Are you behaving like a responsible Langdon student? Can you please stop and reflect?

Our top three MAXIMS Good manners cost nothing If you believe, you can achieve Treat others how you wish to be treated

Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE

Langdon SCHOOL AN ALL THROUGH EDUCATION progressio cum populo

Progress with the PeopLE

Langdon School Sussex Road East Ham London E6 2PS Tel: 020 8471 2411 Fax: 020 8470 7436 Email:

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