Lilian Baylis Course Guide

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Types of Study A broad range of courses are available with something for every student. Course choices for Year 12 and Year 13 may include a mixture of AS Levels, A Levels and a BTEC Level 3 Diploma. All our courses are directly linked to further study at university level. We have formal progression agreements with Kings College, London South Bank University and Birkbeck University. These provide students with a range of guaranteed conditional offers so that they are able to progress on to Higher Education at university.

A/AS Level AS Level courses last for one year. They are a stand alone qualification which is worth the equivalent to half of a full A Level. To gain a full A Level students must study that subject at both AS and A2 Level over 2 years. LBTS6 offers the following AS / A Level courses:

BTEC Level 3 Diploma These are two year courses. BTEC Level 3 Diploma courses are equivalent to 1, 2 or 3 A Levels depending on the size of course taken. LBTS6 offers the following BTEC Level 3 courses: • Applied Science (Medical) • Business • Health & Social Care • Information Technology • Sports Science

Course Entry Requirements English and Maths GCSE grade C or higher and 3 other GCSEs at grade C or above or equivalent L2 BTEC Merit grade. Some AS Level subjects will require a grade B in that subject at GCSE.

• Economics • English Language & Literature • History

Contact Details

• Law

Karen Chamberlain (Head of 6th form)

• Mathematics

Ruth Deniran (Year 12 Pastoral Officer)

• Media


• Psychology • Sociology We are also able to offer additional A Level courses through our links with Pimlico Academy and Lambeth Academy. Please contact us by if your desired courses are not listed here.

LBTS6 c/o Lilian Baylis Technology School 323 Kennington Lane London SE11 5QY Tel: 020 70919500 Email:

contents AS/A2 Levels Economics................................................................................................1 English Language & Literature..............................................................1 History........................................................................................................1 Law.............................................................................................................2 Mathematics.............................................................................................2 Media.........................................................................................................2 Psychology................................................................................................3 Sociology..................................................................................................3

BTEC Level 3 Diploma courses Applied Science (Medical Science)....................................................4 Business....................................................................................................4 Health & Social Care..............................................................................4 Information Technology...........................................................................5 Sport..........................................................................................................5

AS/a2 Level Economics Exam Board – AQA Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a B grade or above in English or Mathematics.

Course Outline Economics concerns the allocation of society’s scarce resources and the many alternative uses to which they could be put. At AS Level students study both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Microeconomics addresses issues such as: “Why are house prices so high?”, “Can pollution effectively be controlled?” and “Should governments interfere with markets?” The macroeconomic issues covered include: “Why does the Government have an inflation rate target and how does it affect us?”, “What happens to the economy if people decide to spend more?” and “How are we affected by the Chinese and Indian economies?”

Assessment One examination in June and a two-part assignment on a chosen pair of texts.

Into the future… This course is widely accepted as an entrance qualification to study English or any other Arts or Humanities subject at university. It is also a valuable qualification for a number of future careers, especially those in media and business.

History Exam Board – Edexcel Entry Requirements

Two examinations in June.

Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a B grade or above in English. GCSE History is NOT essential.

Into the future…

Course Outline

Economics is a versatile subject that can help you in a number of careers. Not only could you find yourself working for big corporations, banks or the government but your qualification in economics would also be valuable in careers such as marketing, law, journalism or teaching.

A fascinating look at the modern world through the critical eyes of a social historian. In particular students focus on:

English Language and Literature

2. Mass media, popular culture and social change in modern Britain – the impact of radio, cinema and television, youth culture and the rise of the internet


Exam Board – AQA Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a B grade or above in English.

Course Outline At AS Level students complete two units of work, the first of which is examined and the other assessed through coursework. Unit 1 is an ‘Introduction to Language and


Literature Study’ and involves reading and understanding a variety of texts in the A Level Anthology. Unit 2 involves the study of two classic novels: ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley and ‘In Cold Blood’ by Truman Capote. Students must produce a two-part assignment on these texts, including a creative response to one or both of them.

1. The Russian Revolution – Communism, Revolution and change; Life and Liberty in the USA – Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and JF Kennedy

Assessment One examination in January and one examination in June.

Into the future… History is one of the most respected A Levels. It enables students to progress on to various degree courses. It is also highly respected by employers in law, finance, journalism, media, public relations, social policy and the civil service.

AS/a2 Level Law Exam Board – AQA Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Course Outline At AS Level students develop a knowledge and understanding of the legal system and an ability to evaluate its operation and performance. The course introduces students to substantive law and requires them to apply aspects of criminal law and civil law in different case studies.

Assessment Two examinations in June.

Into the future… This course is widely accepted as an entrance qualification to study Law at university. However, it is also suitable as a subject for those considering many other careers, including business and finance.

Mathematics Exam Board – Edexcel Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a B grade or above in GCSE Mathematics.

Course Outline AS Level Mathematics includes both pure mathematics and statistics. In particular, students learn the essential pure mathematical methods that can be applied to real world scenarios. Topics include the solving of equations, graphs and transformations, coordinate geometry, logarithms and exponentials, sequences and series, trigonometry and the formation of differentiation and integration.

Assessment The course is examined via a one and a half hour written examination paper for each module. The modules carry equal weight and there is no coursework. Examinations take place during January and June.

Into the future… Students who successfully complete this course can go on to become accountants, teachers, engineers and various other professionals. In fact, Mathematics is a highly sought after qualification which is held in high esteem by universities for almost all degree courses.

Media Exam Board – AQA Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Course Outline Media and communications are among the world’s largest industries and have huge influence not only on influencing personal opinions but also in shaping international and government policy. A key aim of this course is to make students “media literate” so that they are able to critically question and analyse what they see on television, films, radio, newspapers and magazines. Students not only explore the range, purpose and impact of the media but also develop their own practical skills in a range of technologies. Amongst other practical tasks, students will create their own TV or radio broadcasts, as well as producing online media materials, such as blogs, viral adverts and web pages.

Assessment One examination in June and two pieces of practical coursework which are submitted in either video or electronic form.

Into the future… This course is suitable for students planning to enter a wide range of careers, but is particularly useful for those planning to enter media-related careers in the TV, film or music industries. It may also be useful for those who wish to work in journalism, publishing, advertising and PR.


AS/a2 Level Psychology Exam Board – Edexcel Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Course Outline At AS Level students study the main approaches to psychology in order to gain an understanding and insight into human behaviour and thinking. In particular, students study the importance of nature (what you were born with) and nurture (how you were raised) in making people who they are and how they are. Students also complete a series of short and manageable practical experiments, allowing them to develop an active knowledge of the scientific aspects of psychology.

Assessment One examination in January and one examination in June.

Into the future… Psychology offers students a unique insight into human behaviour and thinking and thus provides students with highly regarded knowledge and skills for almost every profession. Students with this qualification can progress to a range of university courses, from Business and Accounting to Physiotherapy, Nursing or even Psychology itself.

Sociology Exam Board – AQA Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Course Outline Sociology is the study of society and social behaviour. This includes how the influence of our families, mass media, education, religion, international relations, crime, social class, race and gender affect our thinking and behaviour.


By studying sociology you will learn to think critically and independently about society and your place in it, gain the tools to think for yourself and develop a critical and informed understanding of the world around you.

Assessment One examination in January and one examination in June.

Into the future… Sociology develops students with the knowledge and understanding desired for a number of careers within the social and political sciences. These include business administration, communication, criminology, economics, education, government, international relations, law and psychology.

BTEC Level 3 National Diploma Applied Science (Medical Science)

Units include: • The Business Environment • The Economic Environment

Exam Board – Edexcel

• Business resources

Entry Requirements

• Marketing

Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

• Business Communication

Course Outline This course enables students to develop key knowledge of scientific principles through a practical approach. Students study a range of units as part of the core, which include: Fundamentals of Science, Working in the Science Industry, Scientific Investigations, Scientific Practical Techniques, Perceptions of Science and using Mathematical Tools in Science. In addition to these units, students cover key areas of biology, chemistry and physics related to Medical Science.


• Accounting • Managing Business Events

Assessment Assessment is ongoing throughout the two years and includes assignments, presentations and other portfolio based evidence.

Into the future… On successful completion of a BTEC National qualification in Business, students can progress to employment and/or continue their study at university level in related fields, including degrees such as Business, Marketing or Finance.

Assessment is ongoing throughout the two years and includes assignments, presentations and practical based assessments.

Health & Social Care

Into the future…

Exam Board – Edexcel

This qualification prepares students for a wide range of careers including health care, scientific research, cosmetics, food and drink, physical science and engineering. The qualification can be used to progress to medically related degree courses such as Forensic Science, Biomedical Science, Pharmacy, Optometry, Radiography and Nursing.

Entry Requirements

Business Exam Board – Edexcel Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Course Outline The course consists of four core units plus eight specialist units. The course is structured around formal classes, seminars, tutorials, visits and practical experience with experts from industry. It also includes opportunities for work placements.

Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Course Outline At Level 3 students will develop a wide range of knowledge and skills relevant to health and social care professions. They will study units on human physiology, practical health care, caring for children and health and social development through the life stages. Students will also complete work experience within a health and social care field that relates to future career development.

Assessment Assessment is ongoing throughout the two years and includes written assignments, presentations and successful reports from work experience placements.

Into the future… This course will help students gain entry to university in order to study a number of health and social care related degrees, including nursing. Students may also wish to progress straight to employment in health and social care related professions, such as childcare.


BTEC Level 3 National Diploma IT Exam Board – Edexcel

Assessment is ongoing throughout the two years and includes assignments, presentations and practical assessments.

Entry Requirements

Into the future…

Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Students who study this subject along with science at Level 3 can progress on to health care fields related to the sports industry, such as physiotherapy. Alternatively, students may use this qualification to gain employment in a specialist area within the sports industry.

Course Outline The course introduces students to high level IT topics, including those related to web, multimedia and gaming technology, as well as software and network engineering. Students are also able to develop their knowledge and understanding of working in the IT industry and the impact of IT on society.

Assessment Assessment is ongoing throughout the two years and includes assignments, presentations and other portfolio based evidence.

Into the future… This course is widely accepted as an entrance qualification to study a range of courses at university. It is particularly suitable as a subject for those considering careers in IT, business and software / network engineering.

Sport Exam Board – Edexcel Entry Requirements Students require a minimum of 5 A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent, including a C grade or above in English and Mathematics.

Course Outline The course covers a range of units relating to sports coaching and sports science, including human anatomy, fitness testing and training, sports injuries, nutrition and health. Students will also complete work experience in the sports industry.



LBTS6 Application Form Personal Details First Name .....................................................................................................Surname....................................................................................................... Home Address...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................Postcode...................................................................................................... Home Phone Number...................................................................................Mobile........................................................................................................... Email.................................................................................................................Date of Birth................................................................................................

Which courses are you interested in? SUBJECT & TYPE OF QUALIFICATION




Economics – AS Level


Sociology – AS Level


English – AS Level


Applied Science (Medical) – BTEC L3 Diploma


History – AS Level


Business – BTEC L3 Subsidiary Diploma


Law – AS Level


Business – BTEC L3 Diploma


Mathematics – AS Level


Health & Social Care (including childcare) – BTEC L3 Diploma


Media – AS Level


Information Technology – BTEC L3 Diploma


Psychology – AS Level


Sports – BTEC L3 Subsidiary Diploma


My course choices in order of preference (choose 3 or 4 qualifications only) 1.




Please note: If there is an AS or A Level subject you wish to study but which is not listed here, please write it under “MY COURSE CHOICES”. If you need some help choosing the right course, contact either Ms Chamberlain or Ms Deniran to discuss your options. Please call 020 70919500 or email:

LBTS6 Application Form Predicted GCSE / BTEC Level 2 grades Subject

Predicted grade

Would you be interested in applying for EWYL paid positions at LBTS? – (Please tick all that you are interested in) Reading Mentor for year 7 / 8 students

Sports coach for students in years 7 – 9

Classroom assistant

Running an extra curricular activity for students in years 7 – 9

Library assistant

Lunchtime supervisor

Referees – (Please provide the details of two people who will support your application. At least one should be a teacher at your current school. Please note that referees should not be friends or relatives.) Name................................................................................................................Job Title....................................................................................................... Organisation......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Email.................................................................................................................Telephone.................................................................................................... Name................................................................................................................Job Title....................................................................................................... Organisation......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Email.................................................................................................................Telephone....................................................................................................

Signature (student)............................................................................Date.................................................................................................... Thank you for your application. It will be carefully considered and LBTS6 will be in touch soon!

LIlian baylis technology school sixth form

c/o Lilian Baylis Technology School 323 Kennington Lane London SE11 5QY Tel:

020 70919500




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