Parliament Hill College for Girls Prospectus

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AIMS Our aim is for Parliament Hill to become a school in which: • All girls belong and where every girl is nurtured, empowered and succeeds; • Everyone enjoys learning and is creative – trying new things, finding solutions, embracing their responsibilities; • Relationships are positive, respectful and everyone does their best, and • We are regarded as an outstanding school by our community and when judged by formal external measures.

Welcome Parliament Hill School provides a distinctive and exciting learning environment in which all girls receive the support and encouragement they need to become successful, confident and mature young women. Located on a beautiful site on the edge of Hampstead Heath and easily accessible to all parts of central and North London, the school provides a peaceful and secure environment for rich and diverse learning experiences. Our students benefit from highly qualified staff who are committed to ensuring all our students progress and achieve. Challenging lessons are taught across a wide range of academic and vocational courses and there is a strong system of support which helps students to manage their learning and develop positive relationships. As a specialist Technology College, the school is continually developing its expertise in Technology, Maths, Science and Information and Communications Technology. Our excellent ICT facilities have been fully integrated into the whole curriculum.

We are part of the most successful sixth form in London, La Swap, which enables our students to access the widest range of opportunities, expertise and resources. We are recognised by the Department for Children, Schools and Families as a very successful, high performing school and as a result we have been awarded both “Leading Edge” and “Training School” status. These programmes enable us to operate as a centre of excellence, sharing our expertise with other schools and organisations, particularly in supporting the further professional development of staff. This co-operative work enables us to remain at the forefront of new educational ideas and to build on our already excellent relations with other educational institutions. It is very important to us that our students are secure and happy and that their school life is a memorable experience which will form the basis of a rich and rewarding later life. We promote full participation in extra-curricular activities and enjoyment in all aspects of school life. We encourage our students to be caring, thoughtful and responsible - and proud of their school. I very much hope that you will visit us and discover for yourself the unique qualities of Parliament Hill School.

Susan Higgins Headteacher

“ The headteacher has strong leadership, clear vision, energy and drive.” OfSTED 2008


MAKING A Difference Parliament Hill is an extremely popular, highly successful and well established school that makes a difference to the lives of the young women who attend it. It has the advantage of a stable and well qualified, specialist staff. Learning is at the heart of everything that we do and our examination results are a testament to this. Standards of behaviour are high. Walk into any classroom and you will be impressed by the calm and orderly environment, the high level of engagement and participation.


THE LEARNING Parliament Hill provides an outstanding learning environment. Lessons are designed to ensure excellence, progression and creative thinking. We are proud of our teachers’ high expectations and relentless commitment to developing new approaches to engaging and inspiring all our learners. Our teachers are passionate about seeing our young women grasp new concepts, learn new skills and excel in demonstrating their knowledge and understanding. Our students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which stimulates and engenders a love of learning. It builds on the achievements at Key Stage 2 and prepares our students for post 16 and lifelong education. Our core curriculum in Key Stage 3 consists of English, Maths, Science, Art & Design, Citizenship, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, ICT, Physical Education, PSHE, Technology and Religious Education. This is further enhanced by our Technology College Specialism. We believe in personalising learning programmes and at Key Stage 4 we offer an extensive range of vocational and non vocational courses.

“ Parliament Hill offers ... an outstanding range of courses and pathways for students at all ability levels.” OfSTED 2008



OUR Specialisms

We believe that learning independently, planning and organising time outside of the classroom, are essential skills to develop.

Technology College

Homework is set regularly. Each student has a personal organiser which shows what is expected, and we ask parents/carers to check that their daughter records the amount of time she spends on her homework. The Information Resource Centre, including the library and a computer room, is open before school, at lunchtime and after school to support students with their homework and independent learning.

Information Communications Technology plays a central part in students’ learning right across the curriculum. The girls develop up-to-the minute technology skills, including computer-aided design and manufacture. We work hard to make sure that students can meet the needs of an ever-changing world. Every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and students have access to a school-wide ICT network offering the internet, their own individual email addresses and industry-standard software. In partnership with local primary schools, we have embarked on a range of projects in Maths, Science and Technology. This has helped us raise student expectations and attainment in Information Technology, Maths, Science and Technology.

Training School As a result of our High Performing Specialist School Status, we are one of very few schools in the country to have been awarded Training School Status. This provides exciting opportunities and huge benefits for students and all our staff. The Training School programme is focused on the school being a centre of excellence for professional development and will ensure that the girls receive the very best teaching.

LEADING EDGE As part of our drive for excellence, for our students, we aim both to reflect on our own practice and learn from other schools and institutions. We offer a wide range of expertise to other schools in Camden and other boroughs. This includes work on developing the use of new technologies, projects which accelerate girls’ progress and curriculum development.




“ The pastoral curriculum at Parliament Hill supports students fully…There is a clear ‘sense of belonging’ and students speak highly of their school, their peers and of staff.” Cultural Diversity Quality Mark Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, 2009

Personal Development We want our girls to be confident individuals and responsible citizens who have a strong sense of their own place in the world. Through our strong pastoral system we support and nurture each individual so that she can achieve her potential. In Year 7 each girl joins one of seven tutor groups and remains with her tutor under the leadership of her Achievement Team Leader until Year 11. This continuity enables the tutors to get to know the girls very well and the students begin to make life long friendships.


We understand that transferring from primary to secondary can be unsettling. That is why we ensure

that we get to know your daughter very well even before she arrives at Parliament Hill. We visit her primary school and ask all of our students to come in for a meeting in the summer term. This is a time when we get to know more about your daughter’s interests, achievements and any concerns that she may have. Staff and older students are particularly adept at helping new girls settle into the school.

“ I love my lessons, and I have great relationships with my teachers and the other students in the school.” Year 7 Student

beyond the Classroom Learning in the classroom is crucial, but at Parliament Hill School we also believe in extending learning opportunities. Our extensive range of enrichment activities supports this. Day trips and residentials are built into the school year, with regular study visits abroad. Inside school there is also a wide range of clubs and activities at lunchtime and after school. These include Breakfast Club, creative writing, music, languages and sport clubs. The students have many opportunities to take on positions of responsibility and student leadership roles. Girls contribute to the development of the school through the student-led School Council.


Gifted & Talented The Gifted and Talented programme at Parliament Hill School recognises and encourages each student’s individual skills. We believe that meeting the needs of the more able students is an important aspect of our inclusive school. Each subject challenges students in an environment where high achievement is celebrated. Extra curricular activities include programmes of activities with other Camden schools, mentoring by graduates and visits to universities. We strive to ensure each student achieves to the full extent of her ability, and to celebrate excellence across the curriculum.

“ During my time at Parliament Hill I have met inspirational teachers, made brilliant friends and will come out with amazing grades.� Sixth Form Student


Support for Learning The Learning Support Development Department ensures support for girls with additional needs. Support may be provided by a teacher or a teaching assistant working alongside the student in class. Support may also be provided during intervention programmes delivered to small groups or on a one–to-one basis outside the classroom. The school has an excellent team of support workers, including learning mentors, home school liaison workers, and counsellors. These members of staff work with students and their families to remove barriers to learning and to promote success.

“ I find it inspiring to work with students who have such confidence and creativity.� Teacher


Post 16 In addition to operating a Joint Sixth form with William Ellis Boys School, Parliament Hill School is also part of the La Swap Consortium comprising four schools: La Sainte Union, William Ellis, Acland Burghley and Parliament Hill.

With over 1300 students, the consortium is one of the largest and best established in the country. Our long tradition and experience in preparation for university entrance mean that we are able to guide each individual through the challenging selection process. Furthermore, we encourage our sixth formers to develop responsibility for their own learning and we support them in the transition from school to university; art college and the world of work. Our sixth formers are important contributors to school life at Parliament Hill. They act as role models for younger students, both academically and socially, while continuing to develop as individuals.


OUR Parents We know that our students achieve their very best when the partnership between parents and the school is a strong and a trusting one. The girls feel secure and confident when teachers and family support each other and know what is expected. We keep our parents/carers fully informed of their child’s progress through regular Parents’ Evenings, Academic Review Days and reports. We monitor absence closely and contact parents promptly if there are any concerns. We ask parents/carers to help by: • Supporting and following the school’s code of conduct and the school anti-bullying policy; • Demanding high standards of behaviour and attendance; • Maintaining close contacts with school, using the personal organiser as a means of communication; • Attending Parents’ Evenings and Academic Review Days, and • Engaging with publications such as Parli News and the school website.

“ My daughter has blossomed into a confident, articulate and compassionate young adult.” Parent of a student in the OfSTED report


Headteacher: Susan Higgins M.A. (Cantab) M.A. (Ed) Parliament Hill School, Highgate Road, London NW5 1RL Tel: 020 7485 7077 Fax: 020 7485 9524 Email:

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