Post 16
Academy Status
In July 2011 Stanley Park High was granted an Academy Order by the DFE which allows us to convert as a part of the Sutton Partnership of Secondary Schools. At this time 11 of the 14 mainstream secondary schools have converted to full academy status. Despite being given permission to convert the Governors have decided to delay a possible conversion until after the completion of the second access road.
At Stanley Park High we believe the main purpose of assessment is to enable each student to develop their full potential.
The Starting Point
Year 11 students currently at Stanley Park High and students in the appropriate age range studying elsewhere may apply to Stanley Park High for their Post 16 studies. Whilst the entry criteria for external applicants are the same as those for our current Year 11 students, there are only 50 places available for external applicants. Additional places may be available depending on the level of uptake of places by our current students. Where there are more external applicants than places, applicants will be considered according to the academic qualifications that the student currently holds. The minimum requirement for joining Stanley Park High at Post 16 is 5 GCSEs at Grade C or above, preferably including Maths and/or English. Courses which carry GCSE equivalency will be counted as 1 GCSE regardless of the course studied. For example a BTEC Extended Certificate at Pass, Merit or Distinction will count as 1 GCSE at A*–C. All students who do not obtain a C grade in Maths or English will be required to study these subjects during Year 12 and resit the GCSE qualification if appropriate. There are also specific requirements for individual subjects which are outlined in the Post 16 course brochure. Continuation onto Year 13 courses will be dependent on results obtained at the end of Year 12 alongside consideration of the student’s attendance, punctuality and application to their studies. To progress onto the A2 course please see the prospectus for minimum grade required. The Post 16 course brochure and application form is enclosed with this prospectus and can also be downloaded from our website. Details of which can be found on the back of the prospectus folder. Applications should be returned to the school by the 17th December. Late applications will be considered but the full range of subjects cannot be guaranteed as individual courses may be full.
All assessment should enable students to know precisely what they have done well and what they need to do in order to improve. Assessment needs to be linked to students’ work so that they know what aspects of the work will be assessed, how this will be done and what their role in the process is.
When students enter from Year 11 we will know the results they obtained at Key Stage 4. We will ask all students to take an online ALIS test, sat early in September, and through a combination of both their KS4 grades and the online test we will make a judgement as to their expected progress which will inform our target grade setting throughout Key Stage 5. There is no requirement for students to prepare for this test.
The Assessment Journey Students will continue to be assessed according to the appropriate grades or levels dependent on their course of study. The rate of progress made towards a student’s target level/grade will be by ‘traffic lighting’:
The student is not on track to meet their target with this rate of progress
The student is on track to meet their target with this rate of progress
The student is secure to meet their target and may exceed their target with this rate of progress
Informing Parents Parents are kept fully informed regarding assessment and progress. Of course, contact can be much more regular than this. On a day-to-day basis it should be through the work of the Tutors under the guidance of the Post 16 Progress Leader. This can be done via email or the Student Planner. There will also be a Parents’ Evening and a full annual report during each academic year.
Attendance and Punctuality
The Post-16 Learner’s Agreement
All students should aim for 100% attendance in order to learn. Research shows that high attendance is reflected in better achievement.
All Post 16 students and their Parents/Guardians are asked to sign the Post 16 Learners Agreement. This agreement has been implemented to help students achieve their full potential and prepare them for employment and higher education. It is important everyone joining Stanley Park Post 16 is clear of the high standards and expectations we expect from all our students.
The following is a summary of our policy and procedures: • If your child has to be absent for any medical reasons such as appointments, the Form Tutor must be told in writing in advance. Please try to make all appointments outside of school hours. • Absence through illness must be reported to the School Office by telephoning the dedicated absence line on the first day. The absence line number is: 0208 254 7804. All absences must also be explained in a letter on return to school.
There is a graduated system for dealing with those who do not comply with our expectations: Stage
Stage 1
Verbal Warning
To work with student to ensure that there is no repeat occurrence of the breach
Stage 2
First Written Warning
To involve Parents/Guardians and the school in a collective action to support student
Stage 3
Final Written Warning
To involve Parents/Guardians and the school in a collective action to support student and prevent progression onto Stage 4
Stage 4
Loss of Post 16 place
Aim: To allow the student to pursue more appropriate avenues in education, employment or training
• All absences of greater than 3 days require a medical note. • Holidays in term time are strongly discouraged and should only be requested in exceptional circumstances. In such cases holiday leave is at the discretion of the Headteacher. Requests should be made in advance in writing using a form obtainable from the School Office. A2 and Year 13 lessons begin in July, so annual holidays for students in Year 12 should not be taken until the end of the summer term. • Post 16 students are allowed to go off site between lessons and at break and lunch times. Students must sign in and out of the school at Student Services. • Post 16 students who are more than 5 minutes late may be asked to leave the lesson so as not to disturb the learning of others. This will be recorded on the register and will affect your overall attendance percentage.
Dress Code Post 16 students are viewed as important role models for the student community as a whole and as such students are expected to dress in a smart/casual manner that is suitable for a school environment. Students are not allowed to wear hats inside the school buildings and clothes should not display any offensive images or words. Students are also not allowed any facial piercings or extreme hair colouring or styles and all tattoos must be covered. The final decision regarding Dress Code will be at the discretion of your Head of School or the Post 16 Progress Leader.
Educational Visits – Charging and Remissions Policy The school works hard to provide a full range of educational visits for all its students. The school can ask for parental contributions towards Educational Visits on a voluntary basis. However, it must be noted that if sufficient funds are not raised in this way, there is a chance that such visits will be cancelled and we will find an alternative way of meeting the curriculum requirements will have to be used.
Governing Body The Governing Body of Stanley Park High is comprised of 18 governors including the Headteacher. There are 4 categories of governor laid down by Government regulation. These are: Parent Governors, elected from the parents of the school; Local Authority Governors, appointed by the London Borough of Sutton; Community Governors, these are co-opted by the other governors and Staff Governors, elected by the staff of the school. The normal term of office for Governors (except the Headteacher) is 4 years from the date of appointment. The Chair of Governors is Miss J Pascoe. The full Governing Body meets at least 3 at times each academic year. Many of the Governing Body’s responsibilities are delegated to committees who report back at the termly full Governing Body Meetings. These include the Standards Committee, Staffing Students and Curriculum (CUST) Committee and the Premises and Finance Committee.
Independent Learning Study periods are built into the timetable to enable students to focus on the demands of the courses that they have chosen to study. Most courses require 6 hours of independent learning per subject per week and therefore students should expect to spend at least 18 hours per week in private study. Without such a commitment a student is unlikely to achieve their full potential. There are a number of areas in the school for students to study and socialise including Flame and Stanley Perc. Each period has a dedicated classroom available for students to study privately and all breakout areas in each of the schools have ICT facilities for Post-16 students to utilise during the school day. Spark, the School’s Learning Resource Centre is also available both during the school day and after school until 5pm for students to study and use the PCs.
Careers Advice and University Guidance Qualifications gained as a result of studying at Stanley Park may lead to exciting opportunities. After successfully completing courses at the end of Year 13 students may decide to apply for a place at University to study for a qualification at degree level. Alternatively, many students enter the world of work after two years of study or possibly after the completion of one year courses which can include the many apprenticeships which are now available. Students meet with both subject and pastoral teaching staff to receive guidance on choosing appropriate courses both prior to enrolment in Post-16 and after AS results for the transition to A2 study. This high level of advice and support continues throughout the UCAS application process. We ensure that students have access to all possible opportunities and we do this through: • Career Guidance • University visits • UCAS application guidance • Links with industry
Religious Studies and Collective Worship We are a multi‑faith, multi‑cultural community and we value and respect everyone’s faith. Students in Key Stage 5 are exposed to RS teaching and appropriate religious and cultural events. We make excellent use of our local community who are pleased to support us in this. Throughout the year there are regular assemblies in year groups and in larger school arrangements. In these assemblies we collectively celebrate achievement, share insights and emphasise values. We hope that it will not be necessary for any parent to withdraw their child from our assemblies.
School Fund As is common in all schools we would politely ask for parental support regarding School Fund contributions. The school fund collections are used to benefit the development of all our students. In the past we have, amongst others, used the fund in order to: supply students with a school planner, maintain and run the school mini-buses, cover the cost of affiliation fees to various organising bodies in order to run sports clubs and other extracurricular activities and contribute to the cost of school outings. Parents are asked to make a donation of £15 per year per child. For families with two children at Stanley Park High we ask for £25 and for three children £35.
Schools Meals Harrison Catering Services provide an excellent lunchtime cafeteria service in Flame, our canteen with a wide choice of foods and drinks. Stanley Perc, our coffee shop, is open throughout the day for Post 16 students to purchase breakfast, snacks and drinks. If a student has a special dietary requirement and wish to use Flame or Stanley Perc, parents should inform the school in writing so that any necessary arrangements can be made. The students are encouraged to eat sensibly. Chilled water is available from the dispensers located around the school.
Harrison Catering Our caterers are Harrison Catering Services. They are a family run, independent caterer who take pride in the freshness and quality of their food. They have been providing the school meal service at Stanley Park High since January 2012. Harrison Catering Services Limited are extremely experienced in providing food for children and provide school meals to a number of other primary, secondary and independent schools across the UK. Please see our website for the tariffs and further information.
Parent Pay We have a cashless catering system in the school canteen. By removing the collection of cash, we are able to provide a much quicker service to the students as well as being able to provide parents with information on the eating habits of their child. As part of this system we use biometric registration as a means of identifying the students to their catering accounts.
Academies Stanley Park encourages the development of both the academic and applied learning aspects of Post-16 study. Therefore we have launched a number of academies to encourage students to explore opportunities outside of their studies to relate their newfound knowledge and skills to either further study at University or the world of work.
Timings of the School Day Please find below our timings of the school day. Tutor Time is mandatory on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Period
Period 1
08.30am – 09.20am
Period 2
09.20am – 10.10am
10.10am – 10.30am
Period 3
10.30am – 11.20am
Period 4
11.20am – 12.10pm
12.10pm – 12.40pm
12.40pm – 1.35pm
Period 5
01.35pm – 02.25pm
Period 6
02.25pm – 03.15pm
Vertical Tutoring At Stanley Park all our students receive excellent pastoral care and support. Students are able to meet with their form tutor every day and are the first source of care and advice. On entry to Post-16 a student will be placed into one of our ‘SmallSchools’ – Performance, Trade and World and it will be very much regarded as their home base. Post-16 students are then carefully placed into very small Vertical Tutor Groups with students from the younger year groups and they remain in these groups for the remainder of their time at Stanley Park. Here they will be expected to contribute fully to the life of the school, which may include mentoring of younger students in their Vertical Tutor Groups.
From 2013 we will have several academies available for students to choose from should they wish. Further information relating to each academy is enclosed within the prospectus folder and can be found on our website, details of which is on the back of the prospectus folder.
Stanley Park High Damson Way Carshalton Surrey SM5 4NS Tel 0208 647 5842 Fax 0208 254 7800 Email