CLH News #249 February/March '23

Page 44

Hospitality Vacancies Fall But Still Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Levels

While the number of job vacancies in the hospitality sector remain critically high the downward trend in vacancies continues Between November 2022 and Januar y 2023 the number of vacancies stood at 146,000 according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), a fall of almost 3% (4,000) on the previous quar ter between August and October 2022

While this figure remains significantly higher than vacancy levels pre-pandemic , the figure has been falling in recent quar ters Between July and September 2022,

the number of hospitality vacancies fell by 15 000 to 158 000 unfilled roles between July and September 2022, down from 173,000 from April to June

The government has come under increasing pressure to add the hospitality sector to its Shor tage of Labour (SoL) scheme which it introduced for the adult social care sector in Februar y 2022, which enables the sector to attract and recruit workers from overseas


Page 2 Editor's Viewpoint Pages 24-25 Wines Spirits & Cocktails Pages 26-27 Cleaning & Hygiene Pages 30-31 Hospitality Technolog y Pages 31-33 Sustainable Resources Pages 41-44 Design and Refit Pages 45-48 Proper ty and Professional Pages 22-24 ExpoWest Cornwall Preview Pages 28-29 Chef's Buyers Guide Pages 34-36 Kitchen Equipment & Fit Out Pages 37-40 Outdoor Spaces

The Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News Group is published by RBC Pub ishing Ltd Suite 4, Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset Contributions are welcome for consideration, however, no responsibility will be accepted for loss or damage Views expressed within this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or the editorial team Whilst ever y care is taken when compiling this publication to ensure accuracy, the publisher will assume no responsibility for any effects, errors or omissions therefrom All rights reser ved, reproduction is forbidden unless written permission is obta ned

Welcome to any new readers of CLH

News! For those of you who don’t know us we are bimonthly publication for the licensed on trade and hospitality sector And we also produce a weekly digital issue distributed each Friday between 2 and 3 PM so please do sign up at www catererlicensee com (If you do not receive a copy after 3 PM please do check your spam folder occasionally first issues might need to be white listed!)

We continue to live through “challenging times Ever y day we seem to hear of doom and gloom stories By and large they are justified - the economy is in a mess with high inflation, high energ y costs, staffing shor tages, and high business rates - but, this is the situation we find ourselves in and we have to deal with the best way we can!

I have just returned from a two day hospitality trade event in the West Countr y, and off to another in two weeks’ time I was pleasantly surprised while staying in this cathedral city to see how busy the pub and bar sector was on cold dark early Februar y evenings

Trade events always give the oppor tunity to get feedback from operators at the coalface While we are by no means out of woods yet (and according to indications we will probably see the economy deteriorate possibly for the first two quar ters this year) there appears to be a sense that “ we are where we are , and we are going to trade through it and come out the other side”

We had quite a few positive comments, I'm delighted to say, and many of the comments relate to our ongoing campaign to reduce hospitality


Terms like “ no brainer” were used, since almost all operators I spoke to are well aware of Europe’s attitude towards hospitality VAT, and how most countries have significantly reduced it which is resulted and more money for the treasur y in the long term

Even a temporar y rate to at least give it a chance would be a sensible solution But as we all know all protests have thus far fallen on deaf ears

Personally I think any petitions on this topic would be a complete waste of time , we are probably only about 18 months away from a general election

So now is the time to lobby your MP If they want to keep their seat then they want your vote

That gives you and me and ever ybody else in the countr y some bargaining power

Again this is something we will be taking forward right through to the next election - a campaign by ever ybody involved in the hospitality sector to contact your current MP and all parliamentar y candidates and get a definitive answer on what their opinion is on hospitality VAT unless they would suppor t a cut

Please don't forget to follow us on Twitter @CLHNews and visit www.catererlicensee .com to keep up with all the latest sector news

PUBLISHED BY RBC Publishing Ltd Roddis House , Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1LG TELEPHONE: 01202 552333 FAX: 01202 552666 sales@catererlicensee com www CLHNews co uk @CLHNews CLHNews EDITOR Peter Adams SALES EXECUTIVES David Bar tlett Guy Stephenson PRODUCTION & DESIGN Matthew Noades PRODUCTION & WEB ADMIN Charlene Fox Published by Editor's Viewpoint 2 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
Peter Adams
All mater al is assumed copyright free unless otherwise

Hospitality Vacancies Fall But Still Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Levels


The hospitality sector employs around 7% of the UK workforce , with overseas staff historically making up more than 40 per cent of the hospitality workforce


Since the end of 2019 UK hospitality businesses have lost almost 200,000 international workers

EU workers were the biggest fall, in August 2022 there were an estimated 172,000 EU citizens working in the hospitality sector, down around 41 per cent compared to a pre-pandemic total of nearly 293 000

To help combat the ongoing staffing crisis many hospitality operators have increased wages and promoted generous incentives with some operators targeting older workers and offering on the job training to people without CVs

Other operators have increased “staff perks” offered more flexible shifts, and helped with general cost of living expenses


Paul Newman, par tner and head of leisure and hospitality at RSM UK, said: ‘Monthly food and accommodation ser vices vacancies remained flat at 146,000 in Januar y 2023, after reaching an all-time high in May/June last year

However, vacancies are nearly 65% higher than the 89,000 in Januar y 2020, reinforcing the challenging recruitment landscape hospitality businesses are facing This continues to negatively impact the ability of businesses to maximise sales with reduced opening days, restrictive trading hours and simplified menus all resulting from staff shor tages

‘Earnings in the sector dropped again by 10% in Q4 2022 from the previous quar ter and increased 3% year-on-year With headline CPI inflation in Januar y at 10 3%, adjusting for rising prices means wages are continuing to fall in real terms This has led to demands for higher pay rises but for some businesses, par ticularly small, independent operators, raising wages beyond National Minimum Wage rates when energ y costs and food inflation are at record highs will only lead to more pubs and restaurants going out of business

‘The number of people employed in the sector increased slightly to 1 69 million in Q4 2022 but with insolvencies reaching a decade high last year, these numbers are expected to contract as more companies close their doors in the face of ever spiraling costs

Wages in the sector have been steadily rising for a long time , reflecting the effor ts of businesses to both attract staff and keep up with inflation

There is no quick fix to solve this recruitment crisis but we do need to see greater investment if the sector is going to access the people it needs to fill essential roles Only then will businesses be able to trade to their full potential and begin to deliver the economic growth to create even more job oppor tunities ’


Steve Sweetlove , pay and people par tner at RSM UK, said: ‘Despite year-on-year wage rises in the sector being well above the UK average , labour shor tages continue to a major challenge for food and accommodation industries ”

As we emerge from the winter, operators should star t to really focus on their wider people strategies Where possible , rather than get bogged down by day-to-day issues, operators need to keep their eyes on the horizon and future-proof their workforce Key questions that employers need to ask themselves are why would employees want a career in hospitality, why would they want to join us and why would they want to stay with us? For many looking at the non-remuneration aspects such as progression will be as essential as the hourly rate of pay ’

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “The labour figures published by the ONS indicate that hospitality businesses are continuing to face an incredibly challenging recruitment landscape , with vacancy rates still 72% higher than pre-pandemic levels

This chimes with our Budget submission that we sent to the Chancellor earlier this month, where we call for Apprenticeship Levy reform, to give employers more control over the deliver y and funding of training which would, ultimately, allow many of the economically inactive to get back into work, at almost no cost to the Government “Recruitment will, undoubtedly, continue to be a key challenge for the industr y to grapple with, so government inter vention ranging from

apprenticeship reform investment in skills and implementing shor t-term immigration solutions, will ultimately make the challenge easier for businesses to manage

“It is only through measures such as these that the sector will be able to truly turn the corner, filling essential roles to help deliver growth and create even more job oppor tunities ”


Last summer a sur vey by industr y organisations UKHospitality, the British Institute of Innkeeping, and the British Beer and Pub Association revealed that staff shor tages in the hospitality industr y reached “critical levels,” causing nearly half (45%) of operators to cut trading hours or capacity in order to cope , costing the industr y £21bn in lost revenue and causing an estimated £5bn loss in tax for the Exchequer

The sur vey also revealed that staff shor tages are forcing one in three businesses in the sector to close one or more days a week

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Supporting Mental Health During the Cost of Living Crisis

The hospitality sector can be forgiven for wondering when it will catch a break After all, the feeling of being in a permanent state of battle since 2020 and facing a cocktail of issues including high energ y costs, debt, consumers tightening their budgets and Brexitrelated trading problems mean that for many businesses, the star t of 2023 is about day-to-day sur vival With warnings being issued by insolvency practitioners that thousands of firms face collapse in 2023, pressure in the sector is immense It is perhaps no surprise then that with 92% of adults in the UK repor ting that their cost of living has increased compared to a year ago, financial pressures and concerns about taking time off work because of deteriorating wellbeing are a recipe for chronic stress levels, and can increase feelings of anxiety, loneliness and isolation, which are key factors for mental ill health

With that being the case , the question arises as to how employers in the sector can best respond?


It can sometimes be forgotten that business owners face an invidious and often lonely situation in navigating such a difficult period in seeking to keep their workforce and supply chain together It is essential that employers take steps to safeguard their own mental health and wellbeing in order that they can be in a position to lead by example in suppor ting their employees Steps such as joining an active mentoring group and/or engaging a business coach can help with fostering positive and constructive influences Talking about mental health can be really difficult and if employees see their bosses speaking out about their own experiences, this can help break down stigma and help to create a more inclusive and open work culture


Employers should consider how they can best improve the employee experience in terms of wellbeing provi-

sion It is cost-effective and sensible to hold regular check-ins with employees to allow oppor tunities for discussions around mental health and wellbeing to develop A manager may not always know what is best to say or may feel that they need to “fix” the situation In reality, most people just want to feel heard and that their needs are approached from a position of empathy


“By failing to prepare , you are preparing to fail ” This well-worn cliché has par ticular salience where mental health is concerned In order to combat issues of absenteeism and presenteeism leading to high-levels of turnover and potentially costly disputes, employers should acquire the tools to spot the early signs and symptoms of a mental health issue developing, or of an existing condition worsening, so they can provide suppor t and early inter vention This means ensuring that managers receive high quality, tailored and regular training to help an employer discharge its duty of care to ensure the health and safety of its workforce so far as is reasonably practicable


Employers can help demonstrate that they take mental health seriously by ensuring that employees are made aware of where to find wellbeing suppor t information both within the business and via external resources This includes signposting to confidential advice helplines, which can be a cost-effective yet vital ingredient to provide employees with access to the suppor t they need, when they need it


Employers are recommended to identify what actually matters to their employees and in what context they may benefit from extra wellbeing suppor t throughout the employment life cycle For example , employers should consider whether they can improve their employee experience on pay, including whether it is feasible to allow a propor tion of salar y be accessed early, or to provide benefits such as discounted g ym memberships to give employees a potential outlet to help them build up their resilience

It is clear that effor ts to improve mental health in the sector require a redoubling of effor ts in 2023

Employers and employees alike need not face these issues alone

Demand for Staycations in 2023 Will Give UK Economy a Welcome Boost

UK consumers are continuing to book staycations in 2023 despite the cost-of-living squeeze on household incomes and the opening up of international travel, according to a recent sur vey of 1,000 consumers

The sur vey, on behalf of audit, tax and consulting firm RSM UK, found over a third (36%) of respondents are planning to take a shor t break of 1-4 days in the UK over the next 12 months (unchanged from 2022), whilst 28% of consumers are planning to take a long stay break of five or more days in the UK (down just 1% from 2022)

Across the generations, staycations proved to be par ticularly popular among the 35-44 age bracket – 47% of whom are planning a shor t break and 38% are planning a longer break in the UK Families were also keen to book in plans for a UK break in 2023

Chris Tate , par tner and head of hotels and accommodation at RSM UK, said: ‘These findings will provide a great sense of optimism for the sector which was hit hard by the various Covid restrictions and as a result experienced a lag in recover y Consumers are making some hard choices when it comes to what they will spend their money on in 2023 But what is obvious is the UK staycation, be it a long weekend or an annual holiday, seems to be holding up when it comes to discretionar y spend

The reopening of China, and the attractive exchange rates for the UK pound for travellers from USA and

Europe will help to boost inbound visitor numbers in the UK this year Whilst business travel is on the up, it’s unclear whether corporate travel will ever recover to 2019 levels as hybrid working increasingly becomes the new norm

On the leisure side , big draw events such as His Majesty the King s coronation in May, the hosting of the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool, and major international spor ting events throughout the year, will provide hotels and accommodation businesses with an oppor tunity to capture a share of spend from overseas travellers

‘Whilst there is plenty for the UK staycation market to look forward to in the coming year, there are underlying challenges the sector will continue to face including staff shor tages and rising costs

‘It’s promising that the travelling intentions are there , but as the cost-of-living crisis carries on, this will continue to chip away at consumer confidence Hotels, holiday parks and other UK accommodation providers will need to go back to basics and make the effor t to understand the customer and what they want at the right price

Maintaining a competitive edge to secure a share of spend will be more crucial than ever in 2023 ’

Robert’s Dorset – The Perfect Snack

• We are 100% cer t fied by the Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oi and buy only from a segregated supply c hain (Palm Oil only used in Fudge)

• Our ingred ents are of the highest quality, fully traceable and sourced locally where possible

Independent shops - Our colourful packaging is designed to draw the eye , and the contents won’t disappoint The pots can be stacked to optimise your space , and our mason jars will add that extra wow factor to any display

Pubs and Hotels - We have the perfect bar snacks to complement your fine beverages Whether you re wanting our eye catching, refillable , glass jars to add a touch of class to your bar area or want to add a special something to your guest’s welcome basket



Nothing gives a better welcome to your customers than a delicious snack and whether they are following a Vegan or Keto lifestyle or need allergen-free snacks, Rober t’s Dorset has just what you need

We supply independent shops, pubs, and the hospitality industr y, with a range of sizes for direct reselling and are now offering white label products


We are family owned and run since 2011, with us business is personal, and this means our trade customers get:

• Delicious snac ks to de ight your own customer s

• Great customer ser vice with a dedicated Account Manager

Easy order ing options , either online or by phone

• All products are handmade in beautiful Dor set, England

• All items are prepared to order Customer s always get the freshest products

Our production process is 99 9% waste free

Whether you are looking to star t a new business or increase brand awareness of your current one white labelling is a fantastic way to go about it and here are just some benefits:


We already have a range of tried, tested, and loved products available in all sizes Saving you money stress and time


We will work with you to create your branded packaging Set up fees and minimum orders apply


Choose whether you would like us to deliver direct to your customers or send the products to you for distribution


As we supply, package , and ship the product, you get to focus your precious time on sales and marketing


Proper Pork Crackling - available in eight amazing flavours, including Sea Salt, Salt & Vinegar, and Chorizo Keto Friendly and Allergen Free - No

MSG – No ar tificial flavours – No enhancers – No compromise Prepared to order to guarantee freshness, and triple cooked to give you that perfect crunch ever y time

Yummy Nuts and Delicious Cashews - Up to 11 delicious flavours including Sea Salt, Sweet Chilli, and BBQ These AA grade nuts are ethically, and sustainably sourced Like all our other products, they come in fully recyclable packaging and our pots and jars reusable They are Gluten-Free , as well as being both Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly too

Fabulous Fudge - Fabulous by name and by nature , made with locally sourced, real dair y cream, and supplied in pouches or bars 11 mouthwatering flavours, including two Vegan options Clotted Cream, Sea Salt & Caramel Millionaire Vegan Vanilla and Vegan Sea Salt & Caramel

We have a range of Crumbs and Seasoning too!

If you are looking to rebrand and sell, stock, or gift our amazing, delicious snacks we'd love to hear from you

Contact Rober t to discuss your needs and ideas:

rober t@rober tsdorset com

01202 875280

www rober tsdorset com or see the adver t on page 3

4 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023

How Hospitality Can Help the Chancellor Reduce Inflation

Tackling the three root causes of price inflation in hospitality – energ y, recruitment and taxes – in the Spring Budget can prevent price increases and drive down inflation

In its Budget submission to the Chancellor, UKHospitality has highlighted how the right suppor t on energ y, unlocking the labour market and reducing taxes on the sector can lead to a significant reduction in the rate of inflation and deliver growth

Severe cost increases in hospitality, par ticularly across energ y, food and drink, has left venues with no choice but to pass these on to the customer therefore contributing to the overall rate of inflation

Without any inter ventions by the Government cost pressures will intensify and drive up prices with most operators already planning to increase prices by 6-10% when energ y suppor t is reduced from April


• Introduce a new lower business rates multiplier for hospitality to make our tax system fit for purpose

• Implement minor shor t-term immigration reforms to counter the sales being lost due to labour shor tages par ticularly abolishing or reducing the Immigration Skills Charge and offering more flexibility to students to work longer hours

• Reform the Apprenticeship Levy to enable funding to be used for other forms of training and to change its operation to offer greater flexibility to employers and employees over training – and incentivise economically inactive people into work

• Introduce a temporar y, reduced rate of VAT to mitigate against the extraordinarily high energ y prices businesses are facing, to stimulate growth and cut costs

Give clear direction to OFGEM to inter vene in the non-domestic energ y market and instruct suppliers to renegotiate over-inflated contracts

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: “Inflation is the millstone that hangs around all of our necks and the Government has made it clear tackling these cost increases is a key priority We agree , and the Chancellor can take a significant step towards achieving that in the Spring Budget by unlocking the potential of hospitality

“Our venues have been ravaged by cost increases in ever y area whether that’s energ y food drink or recruitment The scale of these costs have forced businesses to increase prices for consumers, something which has contributed to inflation

“No business wants to increase its prices Hospitality wants to be par t of the inflation solution, not par t of the national problem

“There are measures that can be taken to somewhat relieve these pressures on venues and allow them to take advantage of demand, increase sales and keep prices low For example , reforming the Apprenticeship Levy and offering employers more control over the deliver and funding of training would allow many of the economically inactive get back into work, at almost no cost to the Government

“While we also recognise that the public purse strings are being held tight, there is a strong argument to tackle the tax burden on businesses in a responsible way A temporar y reduced rate of VAT would reduce costs, which would help lower inflation, and drive demand and growth We saw its success during the pandemic and that can be replicated now

“The sector has shown its potential to deliver rapid economic growth and tackle inflation, something the countr y desperately needs, and the Chancellor has the power at the despatch box on 15 March to enlist hospitality to help achieve his aims I would urge him to do just that ”

Hospitality Energy Bills to Almost Double as Support Falls Away

Businesses expect an 82% rise in their energ y bills when the Government’s suppor t is significantly reduced in April, according to a new hospitality sector sur vey

Even before the suppor t ends, businesses expect a 101% increase in energ y bills this quar ter, compared to the same period last year according to the joint Q1 Hospitality Members Sur vey by UKHospitality the British Beer and Pub Association, the British Institute of Innkeeping and Hospitality Ulster

The star tling figures were raised directly with politicians today as UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls gave evidence to a BEIS Strateg y Committee session on energ y price suppor t

The sur vey also bolsters concerns raised by the sector about the behaviour of energ y suppliers inflating quotes, without justification, with 56% repor ting increased standing charges

The hike in bills is significantly affecting trading in the sector, with 42% of businesses reducing opening hours per day and 34% reducing the amount of days they open per week

In a joint statement the organisations said:

“Hospitality businesses and representatives have consistently warned that the exclusion of the sector from

additional energ y suppor t means venues are facing unsustainable hikes in their energ y bills

“These sur vey results reinforce those warnings demonstrating the extent of this energ y devastation on venues with bills set to almost double as a result of suppor t significantly reducing Arriving on top of the 101% increase compared to this time last year the hit to the sector could not come at a worse time

“Despite continually raising the alarm over energ y suppliers’ unscrupulous behaviour during this crisis, we continue to see these companies relentlessly pursue excess profits at the expense of hard-working businesses and undermining the Government’s significant investment

“November demonstrated the role hospitality can play in delivering growth, even during tough times, but we need to see this recognised by Government action; by reigning in energ y suppliers and their poor conduct and unlocking hospitality’s potential in the Spring Budget

“The dramatic increases we are seeing in energ y prices shows the desperate need for suppor t and investment in hospitality, if our sector is to sur vive the current crisis and go on to deliver consistent economic growth, create jobs and reinvest in our local communities ”

Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 5

Average Wages for Hospitality Workers Have Risen 53% in the Past 10 Years – the Highest of Any Industry in the UK

Minimum wage increasing and recent shor tages of overseas workers have pushed wages higher

Construction workers see 39% increase in average pay over the last 10 years

The fastest-rising wages in the UK over the past decade have been in the hospitality sector*, with average weekly earnings for full-time workers rising 53% from £328 per week in 2012 to £502 per week in 2022**, says Hazlewoods, Char tered

Accountants and Business Advisers (see full table below)

Hospitality workers have also experienced the fastest wage inflation in the past year, with average weekly earnings jumping 23% from £409 in 2021to £502 in 2022

The average hospitality worker has experienced four times as much wage inflation as the UK’s average worker, with average wages increasing 4 9% from £696 per week in 2021 to £729 in 2022

Rebecca Copping, Associate Par tner at Hazlewoods, says the increase in wages over the past decade is par tly due to rises in the National Minimum Wage This figure has risen by 53% in the last ten years, from £6 19 per hour in 2012 to £9 50 in 2022

Wage inflation in the hospitality sector in the past year has also been fuelled by labour shor tages, with Brexit restrictions reducing the number of workers coming to the UK from the EU Under the UK’s new

immigration system, overseas workers must apply for a Skilled Worker visa However, relatively few jobs in hospitality meet the skill and salar y criteria required

As a result of these shor tages, employers have been forced to increase wages to attract British and Irish nationals to these positions

Rebecca Copping says: “Hospitality workers have seen minimum wage rises and Brexit combine to drive up their wages sharply over the past ten years ”

“Recruiting from what is a now a finite pool of workers in a much more competitive market has mean pay levels have had to increase markedly ”

“Higher wages are good news for the staff in the sector but they are putting the industr y ’ s weak margins under even greater pressure ”

Construction workers see second highest wage inflation over the past year

The construction industr y has experienced a 38 7% rise in average pay over the past ten years, rising from £560 per week in 2012 to £777 in 2022 Weekly earnings have risen 9 6% in the past year, the second highest of any industr y sector in the UK

Weekly pay has been inflated by existing worker shor tages being exacerbated by a lack of new entrants and apprenticeships into the sector as well as a reduction in labour coming into the UK from the EU

The demand for experienced labourers with exper tise in areas such as bricklaying and plastering is also forcing construction firms to compete with one another, allowing in-demand workers to pick and choose projects offering the highest wages

Rebecca Copping says: “Construction businesses ever ywhere are being forced to pay higher and higher staff costs just to get projects over the line ”

“Intense competition among employers for skilled workers has driven up weekly pay rates across the board ”

Pubs Code Adjudicator Calls on Publicans to Take Part in Biggest Ever Survey of Tied Pub Tenants

The Pubs Code Adjudicator has this week launched its biggest ever Annual Tied Tenants Sur vey, and has called on tied publicans to take par t in what promises to be its most impactful sur vey to date

Seeking to canvas the opinions of a record 1,200 tied pub tenants – up from 614 in 2022 – the research will provide a unique , confidential and truly independent oppor tunity for tenants to share their views on their pub company and the PC A across a number of areas

The sur vey of tied tenants of the six largest pub-owning companies – Admiral Greene King Marston’s Punch Pubs Star Pubs & Bars and Stonegate – will be carried out by independent research company, Ipsos between 10th Januar y and the middle of March, and will cover four key themes:

- Awareness of Pubs Code r ights and where tenants get information and suppor t

- Relationship between tenants and their Business Development Manager s and Code Compliance Off cer s - Exper ience of tenant contact with the PC A and the PC A’s communications , inc luding the PC A website

- Exper ience of new tenants , inc luding the value of the information received and use of the sustainable business plan

Fiona Dickie Pubs Code Adjudicator said:

“The Pubs Code exists to restore balance in the relationship between tied pub tenants and pub-owning companies so that it works better and so that those tenants’ businesses can thrive and the Annual Tied Tenants Sur vey is the best way to truly understand how tenants feel about a variety of issues By doubling the number of respondents, this year s research will give us statistically relevant data which will allow us to

paint the most accurate picture yet of that relationship ” Dickie added: “We understand how busy tenants are , but we would be hugely grateful for their time if they are contacted by Ipsos about completing this impor tant sur vey All results are anonymous and the research is completely independent ”

Tenants will once again have the oppor tunity to feed back on their relationship with their Business Development Manager (BDM) and comment on the suppor t and information received by their pub company They will also be able to say how their pub company has been applying the Pubs Code and what their experience has been, and share their experience of the PC A ser vice and communications

Last year ’ s findings provided an impor tant benchmark as to how tied tenants view their pub company as well as the PC A Overall, 62% of tenants said they were satisfied with their relationship with their Pub Company, and 22% said they were dissatisfied Admiral came out on top of the satisfaction rankings, (80%) with Punch Pubs finishing bottom (47% of tenants satisfied, and 29% dissatisfied)

83% of new tenants found the information they received from their Pub Company useful before their tenancy star ted, while the tenant/ BDM relationship was generally positive , with 76% of all tenants saying that their BDM is fair with them in their discussions Repairs and dilapidations remained the biggest pain point, with 39% satisfied and 42% dissatisfied, although this was a slight improvement on 2019 figures (37% satisfied 44% dissatisfied)

In the 2022 sur vey, overall awareness of the Pubs Code among tenants stood at 79%, its highest ever level, while 84% said they had ever read seen or heard anything in relation to the Pubs Code However awareness of their Pub Company’s Code Compliance Officer was low at only 27%

The PC A will publish the findings from the sur vey and its response as soon as possible after the sur vey closes

Tackling Cost of Living Crisis Top of Mind for UK Food & Drink Shows

Bringing together the ver y best of the hospitality, manufacturing and grocer y, speciality & convenience retail sectors the UK Food & Drink Shows return to the NEC , Birmingham this April 2023 (24th – 26th), to showcase the ver y latest products, big thinking, key insights and address key trends through the lens of the developing cost-of-living crisis

The must-attend event unites Food & Drink Expo, Farm Shop & Deli Show, National Convenience Show and Foodex Manufacturing Solutions (incorporating Ingredients) under one roof, giving food and drink professionals 2023’s most comprehensive snapshot of the latest developments across multiple industries

The three-day event is well known for its ability to bring together the great and the good from the industr y ’ s diverse sectors with innovative exhibitors, hot-topic seminars and business-changing awards central to the shows’ unparalleled line-up

The UK has thus far narrowly avoided recession, yet the cost-of-living crisis continues to affect ever y par t of the industr y We’ll hear from the manufacturers supply chain operators retailers food producers star t-ups and key associations as they come together to discuss measures already in place and what comes next

Andrew Reed, Managing Director – Wine & Exhibitions, William Reed, said: “Across the UK Food & Drink Shows’ three days we’ll be addressing exactly what impact the heightened cost of living is having on the industr y, grilling our exper t panels on what can be done to help and highlighting the latest products and solutions the sector has to offer

The UK Food & Drink Shows are historically an event in which industr y professionals can come together, dissect problems, and share ideas Our industr y ’ s spirit was laid bare throughout the Coronavirus pandemic , now – as we face yet another challenge – I have no doubt that we will unite once again in April to prove our resilience ”

Food & Drink Expo invites buyers and decision makers across the whole industr y to come along and uncover the hottest trends latest product launches and the industr y ’ s vision for the future

Free to attend one trade badge provides access to all four shows Register free at www foodanddrinkexpo co uk

6 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023

Interest Rates for SME Lending Have Now Increased Almost Sixfold from Pandemic Low

Small businesses face surging interest rates on lending, with the average rate on new bank loans written increasing fivefold from just 0 98% in May 2020 to 5 84%* in December 2022, says UHY Hacker Young, the national accountancy group

Many SMEs, due to the lack of collateral, will be unable to borrow from banks and will have to pay even higher interest rates from other non-bank funders

These rates are expected to continue to rise if the Bank of England increases its base rate again The central bank has pushed up its base rate nine consecutive times in the past year in a bid to control spiralling inflation

The higher cost of ser vicing debt means that SMEs will face fur ther financial stress with many already struggling to cope with rising inflation labour shor tages and surging costs

Alison Price Par tner at UHY Hacker Young says: “Rising rates on borrowing can have a major impact on

small businesses Many small businesses are operating on tight margins so even a slight increase in borrowing costs can have a significant impact ”

These interest rates on bank lending are about the cheapest borrowing that SMEs can get The interest rates on non-bank lending for SMEs will be far higher ”

Says Alison Price: “For those SMEs who are already struggling with the cost-of-living increases, higher interest rates could mean serious financial trouble

The situation is unlikely to change for SMEs in the near future , with the Bank of England unlikely to bring rates down until its sees inflation fall substantially

Future lending to SMEs will also be harder to secure , with the Prudential Regulator y Authority (PRA) warning lenders to scrutinise applicants more thoroughly

Finalists Named in Pubaid Community Pub Hero Awards Pubs Recognised for Community and Charity Support in Competition Sponsored by Matthew Clark

Fifteen pubs have been named as finalists in the Community Pub Hero Awards, organised by PubAid and the All-Par ty Parliamentar y Beer Group (APPBG) and sponsored by Matthew Clark

The finalists all impressed the judges with their outstanding suppor t for their local communities or charities The competition, now in its four th year, has been expanded to offer two categories for pubs – Community Suppor t Hero or Charity Fundraising Hero and a new Community Regular Hero where pubs nominated a suppor tive customer The awards attracted a total of 200 entries, including 70 from MPs who nominated pubs in their constituencies

The finalists will now be judged and the overall winners announced in March at an event in London attended by shor tlisted licensees and their MPs PubAid co-founder Des O Flanagan said: Our hear tfelt congratulations go to our finalists, who have earned their place by going the extra mile and demonstrating, once again, that pubs are a force for good in their communities

“I was impressed by the stories from so many pubs, who have raised astonishing sums for charities, or provided incredible suppor t for local people , despite frequently facing uncer tainty themselves Choosing the 15 finalists was a real challenge and those who have reached the shor tlist should be ver y proud of their achievement ”

John Steele Trade Marketing Director Matthew Clark added: “We were delighted to suppor t this competition again and pleased to see an increase in the number of entries over last year It is wonderful to hear about the great work done by licensees and their teams and we re happy to be giving them well-deser ved recognition ”

The Rt Hon Alun Cairns MP, Chairman of the APPBG, said: To receive 70 nominations from MPs is an excellent result and shows how pubs are valued as hubs of charity and community suppor t in constituencies across the countr y All MPs with shor tlisted pubs in their constituency will join me in congratulating them on reaching the finals in a ver y tough competition ”

Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 7

An Immigration Lawyer’s Guide to Hiring From Outside the UK

Prior to Brexit, 42% of jobs in the hospitality industr y were filled by EU Nationals, who could previously exercise their free-movement rights without the need for a UK visa Brexit, compounded by those returning home during the pandemic , has heavily impacted the recruitment of workers The Migration Advisor y Committee (‘MAC’) has identified Hospitality as one of the most impacted sectors due to reliance on EU workers (second only to logistics ) As a consequence , one in seven vacancies remain unfilled (double the pre-pandemic level ) with companies now struggling to keep up with the demands of consumers, which, post-pandemic are growing rapidly and demand now exceeding pre-pandemic levels As a result, some establishments have completely closed, some are operating at a reduced capacity and others have had to reduce trading hours to maintain ser vice standards

In a bid to tackle the recruitment crisis industr y leaders petitioned the Government to allow EU nationals to come to the UK to work in hospitality for up to two years This was rejected It is understood that the Government was guided by the MAC who identified hospitality as a sector where risk of worker exploitation was a concern indicating that Exploitation may be a problem where the migrant is tied to a specific sector this is one reason that the MAC has generally not been suppor tive of occupation or sector-specific visas ” In addition, a repor t found that 67% of hospitality roles could potentially be automated The sector however disagrees; noting a desire from consumers for personal ser vice

Whilst a sector-specific two year hospitality visa isn’t for thcoming, there does remain hope that the UK will negotiate the EU becoming par tners in the Youth Mobility visa programme – a two year, unsponsored, working holiday visa for those under 30 years of age which the UK already offers to some commonwealth and other trade par tner countries

In the interim, the industr y is getting to grips with existing immigration options


In 2019, the Home Office introduced the ‘EU Settlement Scheme’, whereby EU Nationals who were residing in the UK before 31st December 2020, could make an application to remain in the UK Anyone holding EU Settlement status can be employed without restriction

The Government expects that the EU Settlement scheme has enabled businesses to “retain their stock of workers ” however it does recognise that “this pool of workers will diminish over the long term[which] may make filling vacancies more difficult especially for sectors dependent on EEA workers who are now ineligible for sponsorship”


Immigration Sponsorship Licence

Companies can apply for a sponsorship licence Currently, the Home Office does allow visa sponsorship for : - Chefs (al evels),

Cater ing and Bar Manager s - Publicans

- Customer ser vice manager s and super visor s

Individuals in such roles can be employed on full-time permanent contracts

Businesses should however note that not all roles are eligible for visa sponsorship - it’s impossible to sponsor front of house staff and more junior positions Industr y leaders have continued to call for some lower skill roles to be added to the Shor tage Occupation List to facilitate sponsorship including waiting staff and hotel receptionists It remains to be seen whether these roles will be added


Sponsoring an overseas national provides a sense of security for employers Employers typically sponsor some-

one for up to five years at a time , during which employees would not be able to work for another employer (although employees are entitled to change roles and secure sponsorship by another company)

Another benefit is that after five years, individuals can apply for indefinite leave to remain – meaning costs are time-limited for businesses and employees benefit with long-term stability for their family



This route can be costly for two reasons; firstly the employer will need to pay the employee a set minimum salar y and secondly the cost of making the application is expensive

To break it down, the current application costs are:

Visa Application Fee £610

Immigration Skill Surcharge £1 000 per year of visa duration NB a 64% discount is available for SME businesses

Immigration Health Surcharge £624 per year of visa duration

Cer tificate of Sponsor ship £199

Visa appointment Up to £100

TOTAL £2,533 For a one year v sa

Although some of these fees can be paid by either the employee or employer, it can never theless be a costly process Par ticularly, as the above does not account for costs for English language tests, dependant family, relocation costs flights or accommodation which will all need to be factored in before making and/or accepting an offer

In addition, all visa fees must be paid upfront and in full


As well as cost, individuals also need to meet the English language requirement, which could prove to be challenging for cer tain individuals as written English is tested as well as spoken


The sponsored work visa largely enables full time permanent positions Due to cost, minimum salar y requirements and visa conditions its less likely business will sponsor those wishing to work par t time hours or seasonal contracts


Businesses may consider alternative visa routes (if eligible) which include:

- Graduate route - offers the oppor tunity to remain in the UK for at least two years after successfully completing a course in the UK

- Youth Mobility Sc heme - applicable for indiv duals between the age of 18-30, and from a select number of countr ies

- Ancestr y – applicable for commonwealth nationals who have Br itish born grandparents


Although it is common practice to use recruitment agencies to hire workers, it is impor tant to be aware of unscrupulous recruitment practices such as the encouragement of modern slaver y which is common within the industr y


To conclude , currently, there is no shor t-term solution to the hospitality recruitment crisis Despite effor ts to attract workers in the domestic market, organisations will also need to consider alternative visa routes to recruit overseas nationals in order to keep pace within the marketplace

New Education Films Explain the Role of Pubwatches and Their Powers

Licensees who want to set up or know more about the issues surrounding Pubwatches can get all the information they need by watching a new range of shor t information films on NPW FAQ

YouTube page

The films answer some of the frequently asked questions that members of the pub hospitality trade and general public ask about a Pubwatches and their powers


What is a Pubwatc h?

Can Pubwatc h sc hemes ban people?

Can Pubwatc h sc hemes control per sonal information?

How can Pubwatc h member s identify a per son who has been banned?

How long should we ban people?

The five shor t films and a longer combined edition can be seen on the NPW FAQ YouTube page

Steve Baker chairman of National Pubwatch OBE said: “I hope that these films will provide people with a quick and simple means of obtaining answers to a range of issues For example I have personally been asked to explain banning ‘tariffs’ quite recently on a number of occasions so we have included that subject in the FAQ 5 For how long should we ban people?

“I would urge anyone interested in understanding some of the basic issues about how Pubwatch schemes

might operate , to spend a few minutes watching the films And I have no doubt that some of the public misconceptions around Human Rights and Data Protection will become clearer ”

The FAQ series has been produced for NPW by Mini Mammoth films NPW would like to thank the management of The Gig House Wokingham for the generous use of their venue NPW provides a range of free public ser vice and educational films on its YouTube page https://www youtube com/playlist?list=PLfg9 Y


Its free training film called Suppor ting Vulnerable People , allows licensees to help take frontline staff through a variety of scenarios on how to ensure the safety of customers The film can be viewed here

National Pubwatch also works in par tnership with Best Bar None , the Home Office backed accreditation scheme for licensed premises, to suppor t licensees and independent operators to reduce alcohol-related crime and meet their obligations under the Licensing Act There are 18 updated policies and procedures, which are free to download for operators on both the National Pubwatch and Best Bar None websites These include a range of topics from safeguarding vulnerable persons, Challenge 21/25, crime and disorder, drugs, searching and overcrowding The policy documents which are available in pdf and Word versions can be viewed at https://www nationalpubwatch org uk/policy-documents/

Is It Time For Some Fresh Promotions?

8 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023 The star t of the year is always a good time to reflect on what you did last year and what worked best for you in terms of both bringing in the footfall and ultimately profits Planning your promotions throughout the year is always good practice with any business and for our market sector we have to focus on events around the year and of course seasonal activity such as Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day HFE Signs have a range of pre-designed Pub Banners which are great to give some ideas There is no better way to adver tise your promotions than Printed Banners from HFE Signs – with great deals such as Three 8x3ft Printed Banners for just £108 delivered, you can t go wrong! Fur thermore , if you order printed banners by 11am they are delivered next working day and if that isn’t good enough, the design is free too For more information on Printed Banners, check out www hfe-signs co uk today!

Independent Brewers Call on Chancellor to ‘Invest in Britain’s Pubs’ by Increasing New Draught Drinks Duty Discount to 20%

The Society of Independent Brewers (SIB A) has today called on the Chancellor to expand the draught duty relief to 20% throwing a lifeline to the struggling pubs and hospitality sector

Under changes set to come into effect on the 1st of August draught pub products such as beer and cider will receive a 5% duty discount in an effor t to encourage pub-going and suppor t the industr y But SIB A say the new policy doesn’t go far enough, and a more substantial cut of 20% is needed to encourage people to suppor t their local community pub rather than drink at home

“The draught duty discount is a hugely positive move by the Government but in order to act as the lifeline for community pubs and small independent brewers it is intended to be , the Chancellor must go fur ther and invest in this vital industr y with a more generous 20% discount This would represent a real investment by Government in SME businesses in communities all across the UK and provide a shot in the arm for a struggling hospitality sector ” Andy Slee SIB A Chief Executive

The Chancellor is due to decide on duty rates which apply from the 1st August in his Spring Budget on the 15th March presenting an oppor tunity for him to expand the new draught duty relief from the £100 million a

year investment currently planned to £400 million a year if the 20% rate was adopted

“Pubs and brewers pay far more than their fair share of tax In fact breweries are the most taxed par t of the UK economy as a share of turnover and the expansion of the draught relief could be a huge help to thousands of small businesses By suppor ting draught beer in pubs the Chancellor is also helping the small independent breweries who supply them, improving sales and encouraging more people to enjoy a draught beer in their local This is par ticularly impor tant for fresh cask beer which can only be purchased in pubs, the majority of which is produced on a small scale and often by local breweries ” Andy Slee , SIB A Chief Executive added

The vast majority (80%) of the beer traditionally produced by small breweries is sold in local pubs within 40 miles of the brewer y

The hospitality sector is under intense pressure from the lingering impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the combined energ y and cost of living crisis Nearly 400 pubs closed for good in 2022 in England and Wales and the number of pubs in the UK has fallen 25% since 2000 The UK also lost 160 active breweries during the pandemic and in 2022 80 small independent breweries closed for good

Hoteliers Urge Government to Relax Rules to Aid UK Recruitment

Bristol hoteliers are urging the Government to relax some of the post-Brexit rules which have hindered their ability to recruit in recent years

A combination of the impact of Brexit, coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns, caused huge problems for the hospitality sector which has traditionally drawn heavily upon European workers to help staff hotels, pubs and restaurants

Before Brexit, it s estimated that the UK hospitality sector employed more than 400,000 EU workers

Today, EU employees make up 28 percent of the UK’s hospitality workforce , compared to 42 percent pre-pandemic

Many workers went home to be with their families when the Covid19 crisis came , forcing businesses into lockdown

Then, because of changes in employment law brought in by Brexit, most were unable to return, leaving huge workforce gaps, in hospitality and other sectors

Many hospitality businesses which had managed to keep doing despite being forced to close because of the pandemic found they were struggling to find the staff they needed when they were able to re-open

And little has dramatically changed since to significantly ease the staffing shor tage

With Chancellor Jeremy Hunt due to deliver his budget on 15 March and hoteliers are urging him to give them the power to boost the recover y of their businesses by being able to recruit the staff they need

Raphael Herzog, Chair of Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA), said:

“The past few years have been extremely challenging for the hospitality sector and there are still some huge difficulties to overcome

“Brexit, the pandemic and now the cost-of-living crisis, par ticularly in terms of energ y prices, have created the perfect storm

“One of the biggest issue for us remains recruitment in some key areas of our businesses, such as chefs, food and beverage staff, room attendants and so on, which is why we think it is time for the Government to look at relaxing some of the Brexit rules

“This will help not only hotels and other hospitality providers, but many other sectors which have also been struggling with staff shor tages, to help get Britain’s businesses back on their feet

“News repor ts are full of stories of staff shor tages, from bus and coach drivers to care providers, which is leading to hospital beds being blocked because people are not able to go home because there is not the community care ser vices available to them, largely because of staff shor tages

“The countr y is on its knees because of a shor tage of staff in so many sectors, which is why we are urging the Government to open up the EU borders more and give many British businesses the helping hand many of them so badly need ”

Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 9

HOTEL L AUNDRY: Is an in-house, outsourced or a hybrid solution best?

First impressions count! Guests expect fresh clean linens when they step into their hotel room and to be able to trust hotels to care for their garments, so being able to deliver top quality laundry is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and your hotel’s success

To deliver the best results hotels have three options: to outsource bring laundry operations in-house or a hybrid combination of the two Whilst outsourcing may seem like the easiest option, as there are no capital outlay or space requirements it often comes with high processing costs lengthy turnaround times and a lack of control

To help you decide which option would work best for your hotel commercial laundry specialist, WASHCO, looks at the advantages of on-premise laundries and reveals how you can overcome limited laundry space by adopting a hybrid solution

Advantages of handling laundry in-house

• Ultimate control over costs and quality

• Less stock is required compared with outsourcing your laundry

• Generate additional revenue from handling guests’ personal clothing in-house

• Minimise damage by managing use of wash chemicals and detergents

• React quickly to changes in demand with full control of the process

• Reduce your carbon footprint as transportation is not required

With many years of experience, WASHCO regularly partners with hotels to implement on-premise laundries Fairmont Windsor Park is currently benefiting from handling the entire process in-house using WASHCO s innovative range of smart laundry equipment WASHCONNECT which they’ve found has been vital in delivering consistent quality and sustainable results

The reliable machines use a cloud-based system to monitor every process helping WASHCO’s technical team to react quickly and solve any issues remotely, before the laundry team even notices there s a problem!

Want more control but limited by space?

An increasingly popular choice amongst WASHCO customers is opting for a hybrid laundry approach The latest commercial machines can be specifically programmed to handle various items allowing hotels to manage the quality of items, like robes and towels, whilst reducing their outsourced laundry costs

Other items such as bed and table linens which require large multi-roll ironers would be better outsourced, to save valuable space in the laundry room

Having an on-premise laundry will give you flexibility to clean your own uniforms and mop heads, to help manage infection control and lower the costs of outsourcing It also presents an additional revenue stream if you choose to take on hand-finishing of guests garments

Concerned about the cost of an on-premise laundry?

If you are concerned about the capital investment required to bring your hotel’s laundry in-house, a finance option, like WASHCO s rental package, could be the ideal solution

With rental, there are no upfront costs and it s easier to manage outgoings with affordable monthly payments WASHCO also includes the equipment 7-day repair cover, annual servicing and safety checks as standard, giving you full peace of mind

If you decide to bring your hotel’s laundry in-house, or opt for a hybrid approach, it’s important to invest in the right equipment

To help you choose the right solution WASHCO has created a useful Buyer’s Guide

Simply scan the QR code to download your free copy

Or visit: WASHCO’s end-to-end service has helped hotels across the UK to bring their laundry operations

like to find out more, get in touch with our expert team on 08000 546 546 or info@washco co uk

If you


More Closures Imminent Without Further Intervention on Energy Bills, Hospitality Trade Bodies Warn

Industr y trade bodies, Hospitality Ulster, BBPA, UKHospitality and the BII, have jointly written to the Secretar y of State for BEIS, the Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, calling for fur ther suppor t for vulnerable pubs, brewers and hospitality operators, facing devastating energ y costs which are crippling their businesses

With over 1600 hospitality businesses already having failed in the last three months (CGA and AlixPar tners research) the organisations issued a stark warning about the thousands more potential business failures in the sector without fur ther suppor t

In addition, results from a recent joint sur vey of BII, UKH, BBPA and Hospitality Ulster members, revealed the ongoing fragility of pub businesses, with one in three at risk of failure in the next 12 months, 16% of members having no cash reser ves and a fur ther 23% with fewer than three months reser ves left The issue is simply crippling the entirety of hospitality, from pubs at the hear t of their communities through to city centre restaurant chains

With the Energ y Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS) closing at the end of March, operators will be left with little to no suppor t from its replacement, the Energ y Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS), leaving them facing bills of at least three and a half times that of the equivalent period in 2022

The letter follows a call from the BBPA in Januar y for an urgent inquir y looking at poor conduct by energ y suppliers to be held as well as UKHospitality’s Chief Executive Kate Nicholls giving evidence to the BEIS Select Committee earlier this week on the impact of the energ y crisis on the sector

In a joint statement, the organisations commented: “Hospitality businesses have faced countless challenges over the last three years, being the first to close and the last to open in the pandemic , battling against soaring inflation in ever y area of their business and more recently huge disruption caused by industrial action

“Government has previously inter vened to suppor t our sector, recognising the tangible social value we pro-

vide , but if they fail to act at this crucial time , these essential businesses providing so much in our communities, villages, towns and cities will be lost forever

“Spiralling energ y costs and having to commit to long-term contracts at eye-watering rates, now represents the single biggest threat to their sur vival 50% of respondents to the joint sur vey have had to renew their energ y contracts in the last six months of 2022, at a time of when prices were unfairly high in a non-competitive market

“We are calling on the Secretar y of State for BEIS to recognise the impossible situation facing our nation’s pubs, bars, restaurants, brewers and all those venues in hospitality, all of whom suppor t communities across the whole of the UK Government must ensure suppliers deliver a framework of fair and reasonable energ y costs for hospitality businesses, and direct energ y companies to allow those who were forced into contracts in 2022 at untenable rates to renegotiate , reflecting the now much lower wholesale prices, but also the record-breaking profits these suppliers have announced

“Formally recognising our sector as an energ y intensive and vulnerable area of the economy, as it has been throughout the pandemic and beyond would also allow them access to the enhanced suppor t under the EBDS

“Without this, thousands of otherwise viable businesses at the hear t of their communities will be lost, along with local, flexible , skilled employment The growth that Government needs can and will come from our sector, but without the suppor t on energ y bills the results will be catastrophic ”


Soft Drinks Drive Double-Digit Drinks Sales Growth

Britain’s On Premise has recorded a third week of inflation-beating drinks sales growth thanks in par t to strong soft drinks spending during ‘Dr y Januar y ’

The latest Drinks Recover y Tracker from CGA by NielsenIQ shows average sales in the week to Saturday (21 Januar y) were 11% above the equivalent period in 2022 It follows 24% growth in the first week of Januar y and 13% growth in the second week All three figures are above the current rate of inflation of 10 5%

However, the strong star t to 2023 is set against tough trading conditions in Januar y 2022, when many consumers were staying at home because of concerns about the Omicron variant of COVID-19

The Tracker shows drinks sales were in year-on-year growth on each of the seven days of last week and in double-digit growth for six of them Comparisons peaked on Sunday (15 Januar y), when they were 17% up

on the same day in 2022

The soft drinks categor y comfor tably outpaced the market, with sales 18% ahead of last year Beer (up 14%) cider (up 15%) and wine (up 15%) all had good weeks too but spirits (down 3%) had their worst seven days since November

“With year-on-year growth topping inflation so far in Januar y it’s clear that consumers are as keen as ever to drink out,” says Jonathan Jones, CGA’s managing director, UK and Ireland “Good soft drinks sales show Dr y Januar y doesn t have to keep people away from pubs and bars, and it reflects the rising quality and innovation in this categor y However the dip in spirits sales suggests many consumers are watching their spending carefully It’s also impor tant to remember that comparisons are with a ver y difficult Januar y 2022, so more year-on-year growth is far from cer tain in the months ahead

Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 11
the letter at https://bii imiscloud com/common/Uploaded%20files/impor tant%20documents/2023/Letter%20to%20the%20Se cretar y%20of%20State%20BEIS%20from%20the%20BII%20BBPA%20UKH%20and%20HU%202 2 23 pdf

‘A Soft Target For Fraud’: Mitigating Risk In The Hotel Industry

Brian Kinsella, Senior Regional Fraud Manager at global payments provider Elavon (www elavon com), shares common scenarios hotels may face during the booking process and ways businesses can improve resilience

Hotels are often seen as a soft target by fraudsters According to industr y research, average losses to fraud are around 5%, equating to over £2 billion in the UK hotels sector Tackling fraud is critical in the current economic climate , as histor y makes it clear that downturns and crises are the precursors to increased fraudulent conduct

While a shor tage of nearly 200,000 staff continues to plague the UK hospitality industr y, many hotels have been left with inexperienced staff, workers returning from prolonged periods of absence , and an eagerness to recoup losses, placing them at greater risk of becoming a fraud victim

As the industr y continues to recover and works to protect profitability, understanding how fraudsters attempt to steal money and taking some proactive steps can minimise the risk of fraud


Fraudsters often pose as wealthy individuals booking for a friend or as a fake travel agent using compromised credit card numbers to make bookings at high-end hotels and pay for them in advance These bookings are then sold on to unsuspecting travellers who pay directly to the fraudsters This results in financial loss to the hotel when the genuine cardholder raises a chargeback, and potential reputational damage when the unwitting travellers arrive Hotels can avoid becoming a victim of fraudulent pre-paid bookings by making sure guests present the card they paid with, and if they can’t, refund the original reser vation and ask for payment by a different means

Hotels can also consider only accepting pre-paid reser vations via an eCommerce account with Strong Customer Authentication (SC A), such as EMV 3DS, for added protection Transactions made through known booking platforms can be excluded to avoid friction in the purchasing process


Hotel reser vation fraud occurs when organised criminals make large bookings on a credit card followed by a cancellation and refund request to a different account When the genuine owner of the card raises a chargeback, it will be indefensible , and the hotel faces a double financial loss

Hotels can protect themselves by remaining vigilant of customers who offer a new credit card number when one is declined, par ticularly if the cards have consecutive numbers Additionally, hotels can review the booking details to ensure the email address matches the customer's name


Unrelated ser vices fraud happens when criminals order items not usually sold by a hotel when booking for a fake conference , business meeting or private event such as a wedding Items might include bottles of whisky, high-value souvenirs or tablet computers Having paid for the goods using compromised credit card numbers, the criminals arrange for deliver y of the items or order a freight company to collect them from the hotel Hotels can reduce the risk by offering standard ser vices when taking credit card payments, especially for first-time guests

As criminals continue to target the industr y, hotels must be proactive and stay on top of fraud developments to protect their customers reputation and bottom line

Plea for Spring Budget Action as 21 Pubs Close Doors to the Public Every Week in Britain

In the last 6 months of 2022, 554 pubs closed for business or stood empty without tenants, new statistics from C AMRA reveal C AMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale , is calling on the Prime Minister and Chancellor to put together a suppor t package to save the UK’s pubs after new figures showed that 21 pubs a week are closing for business or losing their licensees

Pub closure statistics revealed by the consumer organisation for the period July – December 2022 show that 554 pubs in Great Britain are now classed as ‘long term closures’ meaning they have gone out of business or are standing empty The shocking statistics have prompted C AMRA to call for the Government to invest in a dedicated suppor t package to save local pubs which are at the hear t of communities up and down the countr y

Beer drinkers and pub goers are being asked to contact their MP to ask them to suppor t action to save pubs in the Government’s Spring Budget

Commenting on pub closure figures for the last half of 2022, C AMRA Chairman Nik Antona said:

These figures should be an urgent wake-up call for the Government Without a suppor t package in the Spring Budget, we risk losing more pubs which are at the hear t of community life and play such a crucial role in bringing people together and tackling loneliness and social isolation

“If we want our pubs to sur vive and thrive in the months and years ahead, then the Government needs to use the upcoming Budget to announce a suppor t package to save our pubs and breweries

“Without help, we risk losing our much-loved community pubs for good and face more small and inde-

pendent breweries shutting up shop – reducing choice for drinkers up and down the countr y ”

With the cost of doing business rocketing, energ y costs sky-high and customers tightening their belts it is little wonder that hundreds of pubs across the countr y are closing for business or are standing empty We know that the licensed trade can thrive and drive growth in the economy, but only if the Government acts quickly

“That’s why C AMRA is calling on all pub goers to join our campaign for urgent help to save our pubs which includes giving more help with energ y bills from April, making the business rates system fairer for pubs and cutting tax on draught beer and cider by 20% to give our locals a fighting chance to compete with the likes of supermarket alcohol ”


• A 20% cut in duty c harged on draught beer and cider to help pubs , social c lubs and taprooms across Great Br itain to compete with supermarket alcohol when the new system of alcohol taxation is introduced in August 2023 • Assurance that the amount of help hospitality businesses receive towards their energy bills will continue at its current level until Spr ing 2024

• Introduc ng a permanent ower bus ness rates multiplier for hospitality businesses in England to recognise their community value – with funding for governments in Scotland, Wales and Nor thern Ireland to do the same Pub-goers are being urged to use C AMRA’s e-lobby tool, which quickly identifies your local MP and provides a template letter urging them to back the campaign to save the nation’s pubs and breweries The tool is available at: https://camra e-activist com/page/121106/action/1

Sustainable & Cost-Effective Hot Water Is Achievable Today

Hotels and restaurants typically exhibit significant, but varied, hot water and heating usage patterns, which contributes to the current 40% tally of UK greenhouse gas emissions generated by the built environment

To help achieve climate-neutral building stock by 2050 the industr y is being challenged to reduce operational energ y use By increasing the use of renewable energ y supply and prioritising on-site renewable energ y sources the hope it to reduce both harmful carbon emissions and bills

There is no doubt that being more sustainable comes with a cost Whether in the form of new build projects or, and far more likely, the refurbishment of existing, yet ageing facilities understanding the necessar y capital investment, operational savings and payback periods is going to be key

Addressing the efficiency of domestic hot water (DHW) systems - whether through the implementation of heat pumps, solar thermal, direct electric water heating or even simple modernisation of existing gas appliances - helps proper ties meet sustainability goals in a practical and cost-effective manner It also delivers

improved year-round conditions for staff and customers, providing access to spaces better suited to delivering quality hospitality

For buildings already on gas and that rely on large amounts of DHW - a large propor tion of current UK hotels for instance – silent solar preheat is the preferable option For new build proper ties the expectation is for specification to default to a mixture of heat pumps and direct electric afterheat New system approaches including prefabricated packaged plant rooms, also provide for better use of the spaces that already exist, without the need to under take expensive and disruptive building projects This is especially valid as demands for floorspace for dining as well as additional

or see the adver t on page 5

12 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
Adveco can help achieve emission reduction targets With more than 50 years of specialised exper tise in
supplying, and ser vicing hot water systems to the hospitality and hotel industr y, Adveco is the single resource you need for independent exper t technical guidance on choosing and developing bespoke sustainable applications today to get you on the right path towards net zero operation Visit www adveco co/sectors
or larger accommodation space comes at a premium

Extending Licensing Hours for King’s Coronation Would Provide ‘Much-Needed Boost’ for Sector

The extension of licensing hours for the King’s Coronation in May will provide a “much-needed boost” for the sector according to UKHospitality

The government launched a public consultation in December 2022 on extending licensing hours from 11pm to 1am from Friday 5 May until Sunday 7 May in England and Wales

This extension will grant pubs, bars and clubs an extra two hours trading to mark Charles III being crowned on 6 May in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London

Responding to the consultation UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate

Nicholls said: “The King’s coronation will be a spectacle celebrated by millions and hospitality will no doubt be at the centre of a historic moment for the countr y

“I’m pleased the Government is proposing to extend licensing hours and UKHospitality is fully behind the plans Not only will it benefit customers, but it also means businesses will be able to trade for longer, increase footfall and generate additional sales

“At a time when the sector has been ravaged by the cost of doing business crisis, as well as recruitment challenges and strike disruption, this extension would provide a much-needed boost and aid hospitality’s recover y ”

Restaurants & Diners Raise £750,000 for Homeless Charity

Restaurants and diners throughout the UK have raised £750 000 for the homeless, following another successful StreetSmar t campaign It adds to the more than £12million that the charity has put towards good causes since its founding 25 years ago

StreetSmar t s scheme , which adds an optional £1 donation to diners bills, raised a record total, with London restaurants alone contributing over a £250,000 Throughout the UK, 550 restaurants par ticipated in the fundraising scheme , which helps more than 50 homeless charities, and costs restaurant’s nothing and customers ver y little ,, is suppor ted by LandAid, who cover all the campaign’s costs As such, ever y penny of what’s raised goes towards helping those who need it

The campaign saw restaurants add £1 per table to diners bills (optional) during the festive period and now the money raised will help tackle homelessness in cities across the UK during the current cold snap and beyond

It was a successful year for the campaign with over 550 restaurants involved from Burnt Orange in Brighton raising £6,000, to Celentano’s in Glasgow raising £2,000 to fund projects in their local communities

Meanwhile in London, The River Café in Hammersmith raised £14,000, Cubitt House group of pubs raised £24,000 and ACME Fire Cult in Dalston raised £1,300, showing the diverse nature of those who took par t but all of whom come together once a year to suppor t StreetSmar t

Glass Door is one such charity operating in West and South London suppor ted by StreetSmar t funds Their CEO JO Car ter says: “As temperatures plummet, it is becoming life threatening to be sleeping on the street Glass Door s vital night shelter circuits are open to provide those with nowhere else to go somewhere safe and warm to sleep We’re proud to have been working with StreetSmar t for 15 years This year, their donation could suppor t 50 guests to stay in our emergency winter night shelter for one week ”

The eateries in Selfridges alone raised £97,000 These funds will be used to provide accommodation for 18–25-year-olds who do not have a safe and secure place to call home , distributed between Centrepoint in London and Manchester, and St Basils in Birmingham Both charities will be able to create new bed spaces to suppor t dozens of young people who otherwise could end up sleeping on friend’s floors, night buses or on the streets

This vital suppor t is needed more now than ever, as sadly latest figures show a 21% increase in rough sleeping in London alone compared to the same period last year

Paul Morrish, Chief Executive at LandAid, said: “I am delighted at the total raised from the 2022 StreetSmar t campaign LandAid are proud of the special relationship that we have with StreetSmar t, and it has been amazing to see such enthusiasm across the hospitality and proper ty industries in suppor ting the campaign, par ticularly during some testing years This small choice will create huge impact in suppor ting homelessness projects that will bring both relief and security to those who need it most across the countr y ”

Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 13 Find Pukka at Stand G36 at this years’ Expowest Cornwall 8th – 9th March 2023

Cost, Taste and Ethical Eating Essential to Achieve Post-Veganuary Success, says GlobalData

Meeting consumer expectations for ethical, ‘ green ’ offerings while maintaining reasonable costs will be a notable challenge for restaurants in launching vegan menus this year, opines GlobalData Veganuar y has always proved a valuable period for brands to showcase new meat alternative innovations, but this year, it’s the ‘ green ’ credentials associated with vegan offerings that will reel in the crowd, explains the leading data and analytics company


When it comes to new vegan product launches, leading brands such as McDonald’s have focused on consumer facing aspects like sustainable packaging, while other areas hidden down the supply chain, such as carbon footprints and simplicity of ingredients have taken a backseat

Ramsey Baghdadi Consumer Analyst at GlobalData comments: “For a plant-based menu to succeed, it cannot rely on its ‘plant-based’ status alone It must also perfect associated aspects such as high quality, ethical production, and sustainable packaging to closely align with the preferences of non-meat eaters/flexitarians throughout the globe While mega-brands like McDonald s can rely on brand recognition, loyalty, and affordability to entice new customers, independent operators may not have that luxur y Therefore , independents such as Plants by Deliciously Ella, need to look towards high quality, sustainable and local operations that help them to stand out (and justify a higher price point) ”

GlobalData’s 2022 Q1 consumer sur vey shows that, globally, people are more likely to tr y meat or fish-alternatives based on health (66%)*, sustainability (33%)* and animal-welfare (33%)*, and not just because it tastes good If these measures are taken to consideration, you ’ re on your way to having a successful plant-based alternative menu item




Replicating a meat-like taste is a proven preference among consumers globally In 2022, almost a third (31%)* of consumers globally claimed that they are likely to tr y meat or fish-alternatives because of the taste

Baghdadi continues: “This Veganuar y we have seen a wide range of new plant-based options being introduced across the foodser vice sector, especially in the UK and US, including the new vegan American Hot pizza from Domino’s Burger King’s Vegan Royale with Cheeze burger and the Double McPlant burger from McDonald’s which has been vegan-cer tified

Replicating the same flavor and sense of indulgence is essential for these big named brands, as many consumers are already accustomed to their meat counterpar ts – making a strong point of comparison


The plant-based market is maturing, and consumers expect more than a basic ‘mushroom substitute’ when eating out Foodser vice providers must join leading brands in considering long-term strategies for vegan menus Especially during the cost-of-living crisis, brands should also focus on the affordability of vegan products to boost consumer accessibility

Baghdadi concludes: “Veganuar y is now synonymous with experimental behaviors, as thousands sign up each year to test a flexi or vegan lifestyle for themselves Naturally, not all par ticipants will fully commit, with Februar y onwards painting a truer success rate for both the par ticipants and brands’ new menus That said, as of November 2022, a third (34%)** of people globally claim to be vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or have a low meat diet This alone shows that the market for affordable plant-based meat is out there all year round, it’s not just a Januar y thing ”

How Dry Was the UK During Dry January?

Dr y Januar y 2023 was a little less dr y compared to previous years according to a sur vey by product intelligence platform Vypr

A nationally representative sur vey of its 65 000-strong community revealed that Dr y Januar y had a low engagement this year, less than 35% par ticipated in a month-long abstinence , with just under 10% more men than women taking on the challenge

When asked why they weren't par ticipating in Dr y Januar y, 57% of consumers responded that they enjoyed having a drink, with 22% stating that they didn't drink and 7% saying it was too much effor t or they didn't have the suppor t of family and friends

Those taking par t in Dr y Januar y had different reasons for joining the challenge 42% said it was for health benefits, and 33% said it saved money The post-Christmas and New Year detox accounted for 30% of consumers and 20% said it was par t of wider lifestyle changes

Most par ticipants (38%) said they found Dr y Januar y easy, with just

under 30% saying it was okay Less than 7% broke the challenge with 19% commenting it was sometimes challenging So what have consumers swapped their usual tipple to?

• 34% swapped to alcoho -free beer

25% c hose zero-alcohol Gin

• 22% pic ked non-alcoholic lager

• 20% went for booze-free sparkling wines

Other c hoices inc luded Whisky (16%) and Rum (15%)

• 22% said they hadn't tr ied any alcohol substitutes

50% of respondents said plenty of alcohol-free options were available , but 26% stated it was in supermarkets rather than bars or licensed premises 6% said bars and restaurants had enough of a range of products 41% stated alcohol-free products were fairly priced with 31% adding them depending on options Just under a third (29%) felt alcohol-free products were expensive

Overall 53% of consumers said Dr y Januar y had saved them money while 33% said it had little or no impact But surprisingly 14% said it was more expensive , which may indicate premiums on non or lowalcohol products


Just under 50% of consumers sur veyed said they were likely to continue not drinking after Dr y Januar y ends, with 31% saying they might However, just over a fifth (22%) said they would drink

Ben Davies, the founder of Vypr, comments: "With a wider range of non-alcoholic products, consumers can reduce their drinking What is apparent is that the offering needs to be wider across hospitality Consumers are interested in alternatives and will experiment Our data show an appetite for alcohol-free products and an increase in those stopping drinking for long periods "

Smashed AF Drynks’ Mission to Get the UK to Rethink Drinking... Not Ban Drinking

For Dr ynks Unlimited founder Richard Clark alcohol free drinks are not just an oppor tunity to “cash in on the latest trend” Richard is on a mission to motivate the British public to rethink drinking !

“For me there’s a huge oppor tunity: the consumer wants to be excited more , and given more options Operators are looking to make more profit and attract new consumers - this is the perfect combination!”

With Sir Clive Woodward calling for big changes at Twickenham following the Welsh Rugby League setting up an alcohol-free zone at the Principality Stadium on international match days Richard argues that banning alcohol at spor ts events - whether Wembley or Twickenham - is not the solution

Richard believes that consumers should have access to have a good range of alcohol beers, ciders and wines

“People who drink alcohol have a great time but Dr ynks Unlimited believe in freedom of choice for those who may not want to drink, for whatever reason It would be great if more retailers would promote the great AF options available, he says Dr ynks Unlimited’s “Smashed”, its range of alcoholfree beers and ciders, are not just an addition to an alcoholic product but are all carefully brewed and dealcoholised using an innovative cool vacuum distillation machine Which, put simply, “smashes the alcohol out of its lager, pale ale , shandy as well as apple and berr y ciders

“As the branding says, we smashed the alcohol out of our bespoke beers and lagers and ciders creating some real drinks at 5% that are right to be de-alcoholised (not ever ything can be) and they become 0% real beers and lagers and ciders

"We can all go that bit more to suppor t retailers," Richard adds "Not just by providing more choice , but by offering staff training and samples

14 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
so they can help educate and inspire consumers "We can help do that and play a key par t in helping people rethink the way they drink! , he added For fur ther information visit www smasheddr ynks com or see the adver t on the facing page

Why a Hotel’s ESG Policies Should Not Be Placed By The Wayside In 2023

For many a new year is a time for renewal and rebir th It is cer tainly true for the hotel sector as it star ts to re-shape itself for the revival that is already taking place in hospitality Many hotels are re-thinking their strategies, revitalising their offers and re-positioning themselves in the market to take advantage of emerging oppor tunities

One area, which has already been increasing its impor tance is sustainability This year will likely see it become critical to hotels’ prosperity as travellers focus on a hotel’s sustainability and ESG policies intensifies and almost defines the hotel choices they make Also, from providing relief for rising energ y costs and cultivating a healthy local supply chain, to attracting and retaining talent, ESG strateg y could be key to solving the

hotel sector’s challenges in 2023


For hospitality businesses, the energ y crisis has compounded pressures and over a third of UK pubs and restaurants were forced to reduce their opening hours due to rising energ y costs last year However, energ y prices have now moderated and the economy has so far managed to narrowly avoid recession Indeed, energ y bills may well fall below the price guarantee by the summer

This tempering of energ y price rises should not stop hotel owners taking action Despite the upfront cost, ESG policies with a focus on increasing renewable energ y supplies will drive down bills in the longterm while also benefiting the planet

Getting star ted may not be as daunting as it seems At Burgh Island, we commissioned a Sustainable Energ y Strateg y Repor t, cour tesy of Doug King Consulting which has given us invaluable insight into the renewable energ y capabilities of our proper ty


At the end of November last year, a sur vey of hospitality businesses in the UK showed that the vacancy rate stood at 11% compared to a UK average of 4%, costing the industr y £22bn per year However, in the last quar ter of last year, according to a sur vey in the Morning Adver tiser, vacancies fell from 158,000 to 149,000, a drop of 5 5% Hotel owners can, of course , help accelerate this declining trend by implementing their own initiatives, such as better training, more sociable hours or providing

a higher standard of accommodation

Introducing more sustainable and environmentally friendly policies, can also help In fact, 33% of job hunters think ESG policies have affected how they search for job oppor tunities with nearly two in five (38%) employees prepared to look for a new role if their current firm’s ESG policies were not up to scratch


Amidst cost and workforce concerns, the prosperity of a hotel or other hospitality business’ local area is often a key factor in its success Clearly, the cost-of-living crisis is having a dispropor tionately profound effect on local industries, which often rely heavily on small, regional customer bases However again sustainability policies can play a role not only helping local firms but also the hospitality businesses themselves

One initiative is to suppor t local suppliers For example almost 100% of Burgh Island’s produce is sourced locally and in addition we grow our own produce on our own on-site garden This has aided the development of a fantastic relationship between the hotel and goods and ser vices providers in the area, leading, in some cases, to new experiences for our guests

Although recently there has been a trickle of more optimistic economic news, the outlook is still challenging However, hoteliers who may be tempted to reign in their ESG policies and trim their sustainability initiatives would be taking the wrong decisions Reviving rather than reducing their ESG commitments, is impor tant across the range of hotels’ operations and could well be the key factor in many hotels sur vival and success

Historic Village Pub Keeps it in the Family as New Manager Takes Over from Her Parents

If pubgoers at The Bull Inn at Linton, Maidstone , think the new face behind the bar looks familiar, they’d be right – new General Manager Natalie Alden took over the pub from her parents after growing up there

Natalie took on the running of the Shepherd Neame pub – which moved from being a tenanted site to a managed house earlier this month – after watching her parents run it for the past 15 years

And she has such a fondness for the establishment that she had her own wedding reception to husband Charlie there five months ago, with many of the guests being regulars at the pub

Natalie , 39, said: “I am completely and utterly in love with The Bull Inn I got married in September here , and all the customers came to the wedding

Her parents Kim and Bob were in the hospitality industr y for more than 30 years and Natalie , who has two sisters and two brothers, describes running a pub as ‘in her blood’

She said: I have lived with the industr y since I was seven; I have lived and breathed it We used to come home from school and Mum was working behind the bar and the head chef would make us our tea

“Whatever I have done in my life over the last 15 years, I have kept ending up back here So when my parents decided it was time to move on, and it became a managed house it made perfect sense to apply to become the General Manager ”

She said of her parents who are now enjoying well-earned semi-retirement: “My parents have been massively suppor tive of me doing this After all it’s because of them that I got into the industr y in the first place!

“They have taught me that if you want something in life you have got to work hard for it My parents are incredibly hardworking people , and are great role models for us to look up to

After taking on the management of the site , which offers breathtaking views over the valley from its garden terrace , Natalie has been delighted that the vast majority of its staff have chosen to stay on

Some cosmetic changes to the site are planned, but, Natalie emphasises, it will continue to provide the same warm welcome it has done for regulars and new visitors alike that it has done for many years

“The Bull just needs someone here to love her,” she added “And I do love her ”

P&G Professional: Reduce Energy Without Compromising Results

Against the backdrop of the current energ y crisis and impending net zero targets, companies are now more aware than ever as to how much their practices are impacting the environment Customers are also increasingly conscious of the products businesses use , and how sustainable they are However, an emphasis on sustainability should not come at the expense of product performance

16 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
Businesses need commercial solutions that can save energ y and conser ve energ y
P&G Professional s trusted brands – including Ariel® Professional, Lenor® Professional Fair y® Professional Flash® Professional– are formulated to provide an outstanding clean even with one wash, shor t cycles and low water temperatures, giving professionals confidence that their business will always shine For example Ariel® Professional is specifically formulated to provide an outstanding clean, even at colder temperatures, meaning businesses can save energ y and in turn save money on bills while still achieving a spotless clean In fact making a simple change such as switching temperature from 60°C to 30°C can save up to 60% on washing machine bills! Learn more on: https://pgpro co uk/en-gb/ *Cost of e ectr c ty saved for laundr y when wash ng at 30C vs 60C c ycle and for automatic dishwashing when using a shor t c ycle (average 47C) vs a norma c yc e (average 57C) P us cost of gas saved f l ng n a 10L bucket of water at 20C vs 50C for surface c eaning and a 45L sink at 20C vs 46C for hand d shwash ng Energy cost sav ng based on average H1 2022 e ectr c ty and gas pr ces (incl taxes) for bus nesses in the United K ngdom source Eurostat (Statistics for European Comm ssion) Based on 4 washes per day (1460 per year) for both hand and automat c d shwash ng 1 wash per day (365 per year) for surface clean ng and 10 oads per week (520 per year) for laundr y
without compromising results

Finger Clickin’ Good: How Hospitality Can Get Better at SEO

But what the vibrant nature of the sector does surface is that outlets’ search marketing strategies need to be more effective than ever


Our analysis of consumer search terms for our recent Restaurant SEO Repor t reveals the first- and second-ranked phrases include the words “ near me ” It might seem innocuous but it’s hard to overegg the importance of making location a key ingredient of hospitality marketing The inclusion of those two shor t words in searches has become almost unconscious for consumers - showing how much this matters when they’re making a choice

So, optimising for ‘ near me ’ searches should be a given - no matter how big or boutique an eaterie is But work doesn’t end there

Simply stating the location in the text of search results won’t do That would be a missed oppor tunity to display other aspects that make the place special and wor th consumers ’ time and money

Search optimisation is a key par t of nourishing the narrative (or, at least, moving negative sentiment fur ther down the rankings) We’re certainly seeing a rise in interest among brands to tackle this aspect

Changing the conversation involves challenging brand assumptions That begins with a renewed focus on the business website to show exactly what’s on the menu


Search optimisation has long been overlooked by many hospitality brands and establishments This misses the strateg y ’ s power to tap into new audiences and its effect on wider marketing oppor tunities

SEO allows eateries to reach diners higher up the funnel as well as in their hungriest moments lower down the food chain Any visitor to an outlet’s website means more volume , more fuel for CRM and more people to target through other channels

Whether fried chicken or foodie dishes are to your taste , the chances are you’ll have made a hospitality booking or devoured a deliver y in the past few weeks

It’s likely, because the value of eating out is even higher than previously predicted - almost £92bn by the beginning of 2023, while the takeaway market’s set to reach £12 6bn by 2025

In the pandemic , more of us turned to deliveries Post-Covid, we ’ ve returned to hospitality venues in droves while keeping up the takeaways

While the cost-of-living crisis might mean different decisions for households up and down the UK, it’s unlikely to result in a dramatic downturn of bookings and orders Most people still like being catered for

Competitors need to create culinar y curiosity by including other details in copy That means going beyond opening times and a bog-standard image of a building exterior Adding aspects of ingredient provenance , speciality dishes and accessibility will all drive choice

In this way businesses can engage a brand new audience fur ther up the funnel That might be enough to persuade people to eat in or take away, thus growing the target market

Conversely, the last thing any hospitality venue wants is a slew of bad reviews (unless, of course , it infamously dines out on poor publicity) But they don’t have to leave a sour taste - in fact, it’s bad practice to ignore them Embracing difficult reviews is an oppor tunity to respond with an improved marketing strateg y

If you want to improve your SEO, there are lots of tools available , not least Google’s own options These include Google Analytics Search Console and Keyword Planner All are useful for managing and augmenting your website and Google Business Profile , one of the most vital aspects for achieving online visibility at a local level

It s also impor tant to realise that it s ver y difficult for any organisation to handle the granular aspects of successful search strategies alone Optimisation is a resource-intensive discipline that delivers an almost endless supply of data for customer trend analysis, and marketing and operational improvement

Engaging a professional external par tner that can manage the lion’s share of SEO through an AI-driven dashboard can make all the difference in the race to provide the most mouth-watering offer to the UK’s growing army of diners

Shepherd Neame Pub Managers Celebrate 30 Years – With 30 Happy Couples

A husband and wife team who have managed a Shepherd Neame venue for 30 years celebrated the milestone with 30 couples who have married there over the years – including several brides in their wedding dresses

Janet and Philippe Sorak joined The Barn in Lonsdale Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, as General Managers in 1992 and launched weddings in 2011

Since then the beamed building has gone on to become an awardwinning wedding venue and hundreds of couples have marked their big day there

So it was fitting that when Janet and Philippe reached 30 years at the site that they would celebrate with 30 couples – and they did so in style earlier this month

Several brides attended in their original gowns and the couples along with others who have helped the pair over the years, including photographer Helen England and toastmaster Jim Cattermole – enjoyed a sitdown meal and disco into the evening

Janet said: “It was an absolutely amazing night Some of the couples were really emotional about it, and they are talking about doing an annual reunion now, they enjoyed it so much!

Gibson Plus Landmark Baubles

“We couldn’t get over how they all made friends and were on the dancefloor together late into the night – it was just so lovely You get thank you cards and messages but to hear people say how happy they’ve been was so nice for us – it was the best way to celebrate ”

Chloe Hinson, 28, from Tunbridge Wells, was one of the brides who came in her dress, accompanied by husband Andrew, 30 The pair married at The Barn just eight weeks ago

Andrew described the ser vice they had for their wedding as “faultless” while Chloe said: “Janet and Philippe were so amazing It is a nice intimate venue and they looked after ever y detail perfectly ”

Bev and John Smith, who live in Chalk, married there in June last year after two postponements due to the pandemic

Bev did not wear her wedding dress, opting for a necklace she wore on her wedding day with her outfit She said: “We looked at quite a few venues but we loved this one because it was more intimate and personal Philippe was amazing from day one ”

John added: “The amount of effor t they put in for you is amazing The awards they have received are well deser ved ”

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18 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023 Congratulations to OiLChef for winning the prestigious Best Kitchen Innovation Award at the Restaurant & Takeaway Expo at the Excel in London Cooking oil is expensive Would you like to save up to 50% on fr yer oil purchases ever y month? If you do, then OiLChef is for you The OiLChef device is a small accessor y that fits inside your Deepfr yer and will double the life of your fr ying oil, saving you up to 50% on oil purchasing This is not a filter! OiLChef is vir tually maintenance free , takes 3 seconds to install and only needs to be replaced ever y 3 years FDA Approved technolog y, and winner of Best Kitchen Innovation Award UK 2022 , the OiLChef device is vir tually unbreakable and maintenance free The OiLChef device is now available for fish pans and can cost as little as one pound per day and guaranteed for 3 years!! 60 second explainer video: https://youtu be/UMGuvCnFSHc No wires, chemicals, replacement par ts and vir tually unbreakable , each unit comes with a full 3-year warranty, and we give you a “tr y before you buy 14-day money back guarantee ! With OiL Chef in your fr yer, your food cooks quicker, becomes a little crispier, absorbs less oil and your food holds its texture for longer which is fantastic news for your deliver y and kerb side pick-up! OiLChef, trusted by industr y exper ts, used by the industr y and available for you now in the UK Contact them today via their website: OiLChef
Gibson Plus is a family-run, manufacturing business based on the outskir ts of Newtownards, an historic market town in beautiful County Down, Nor thern Ireland Established in 1989 by Brian and Jacqui Gibson, the ever yday running of the business is now taken care of by their children, Susan and Matthew Traditionally, our company specialised in the manufacture of labels badges and signs selling mainly to industrial customers schools and nursing homes We pride ourselves on having built our family business around a core of loyal, returning customers over many years Quality products at fair prices, attention to detail and excellent customer ser vice are our top priorities at Gibson Plus LANDMARK BAUBLE Our Landmark Baubles are produced in the U K using 3mm ethically sourced, Maple Veneer with a thin plastic backing The beauty of the Landmark Bauble is they can be produced with the landmark or image of your choice This allows you to create a design that you can be confident your customer base will love! MAGNIFIQUE BAUBLES The same great product manufactured using the exact same processes, but adapted for the warmer months The Magnifique Magnet is perfect for hotels, gift shops and tourist attractions We can engrave the image of your choice to make the perfect personalised magnet for your customers! PRODUCT BENEFITS: • Al our products are handcrafted n the U K • Light weight & robust perfect for popping in a Chr istmas card • Free no obl gation
Wins Prestigious Best Kitchen Innovation Award

High Demand for Night-Time Economy, but Late Night Levy 'Must Go'

New figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows hospitality is fuelling the night-time economy but worr ying trends are emerging, par ticularly the loss of 800,000 workers in the past six years

Nightclubs, bars, restaurants and cafes are responsible for 42% of customer spend after 6pm, the largest of those examined by the ONS, which demonstrates the strong public demand for our late-night offering

The figures show the sector remains a key employer, with 8 7 million people working at night, but the significant loss of workers over the past six years and the continued drain on turnover by the Late Night Levy is preventing venues taking advantage of high demand

UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls said: This new data shows how impor tant the night-time economy is to communities across the UK; as a critical employer and its role driving footfall to towns and cities to visit our late-night venues

“Hospitality is the main attraction in the night-time economy, with almost half of consumer spend taking place there , but there s so much more we can do if barriers to doing business are removed The loss of nearly a million workers from the sector just shows the pressure it is under

“The Late Night Levy can be one of the main drains on business, costing venues £365,000 last year and stifling the sector’s recover y from the pandemic Its introduction has been a failure and removing such an ineffective levy, which local authorities and a House of Lords Committee both concluded has not been successful, would provide much-needed relief for affected venues

“After a pandemic where late-night venues could scarcely open and now a cost-of-living crisis, we need to see a concer ted effor t by Government and local authorities to back our night-time economy

Suppor ting positive measures such as the agent of change principle would be a great help to the sector, as would planning and licensing policies that recognise the benefits the late-night sector brings ”


Over three quar ters (77%) of businesses in the night-time economy have called for the late night levy to be abolished in a sur vey by the Night Time Industries Association

Many across the sector, the sur vey says are seeing this as a “Stealth Tax

” to suppor t local Policing and Local Authority budgets across the UK, but more impor tantly, within the current climate these additional costs are unaffordable and will fur ther erode the limited cash flow these businesses are sur viving on


• 72 2% of Respondents with a LNL area feel it does not meet its objective

• 84 4% of Respondents who do not currently pay LNL felt that a Late Night Levy would not benefit the area they operate within

• 81% of Respondents felt that the LNL would not be affordable in the current operating c limate

• 77% of Respondents felt that The LNL should be abolished

Only nine local authorities, including Newcastle , Southampton and London boroughs Camden and Tower Hamlets, charged a late-night levy in 2022 Several councils, such as Nottingham and Cheltenham, have scrapped the tax in suppor t of the night time economy and hospitality sectors

Michael Kill CEO NTIA says: “It is absurd that the Government is even considering consulting on the expansion of the current late night levy scheme It’s atrociously timed, in the middle of a cost inflation crisis, where the sector is perilously being pushed closer and closer to the edge ”

“The House of Lords review on licensing last year was ver y clear that

the late night levy had not met its objectives, wholehear tedly backed by the industr y, suggesting that it is unaffordable and represents no benefit to businesses on the ground ”


What type of business do you operate?

• 45 9% Nightc lub / Venue / Event Space

• 36 1% Pub/Bar/Restaurant

• 4 9% Hybr id Space

• 4 9% Promoter / Event Organiser

• 4 9% Supply Chain

• 3 3% Other

Where is your business located?

• 77 8% England

• 19% Scot and

• 3 2% Wales

Is your business currently subject to a Late Night Levy?

• 71 4% No / 28 6% Yes


Do you believe that the Late Night Levy meets its objectives for the business area you operate within?

• 72 2% No / 27 8% Yes


Do you believe a Late Night Levy would benefit the area which you operate within?

• 84 4% No / 15 6% Yes


Under the current operational conditions, is a Late Night Levy affordable to your business within your area?

81% No / 19% Yes

What do you think should happen to the Late Night Levy?

• 77% Believe the Late Night Levy Should be abolished

• 9 8% Left to Local Author ities to decide on implementation

• 9 8% Ro led out nationally

Hospitality Kicks Off Football Tournament This June, Raising Vital Funds for 3 Great Charities

Hospitality Kicks, the charity football tournament for hospitality brands is heading to Manchester on Tuesday 27th June 2023 with the goal of raising £50,000 for three fantastic industr y charities The final amount raised will be distributed evenly between Only A Pavement Away, The Tim Bacon Foundation and the Licensed Trade Charity

Founded by Wireless Social, the leading connectivity and Wi-Fi provider for hospitality venues the inaugural Hospitality Kicks will bring together 40 teams from the sector, for a day of free-kicks, fundraising and no doubt, fierce rivalr y Places are open for operators and suppliers eager to form a 7-aside team (£300 for operators, £800 for suppliers) and prove to their peers they have the goals to match their guest experience A breadth of sponsorship oppor tunities are also now available to forward thinking businesses, from branding up footballs and corner flags to operating food and drink stands and the after-par ty enter tainment Kicking off is at 9am on 27th June 2023 at Wythenshawe Spor ts Ground, Manchester Tournament matches will be played until 3pm, with food and drink available throughout the day, before the winner is crowned by

a soon to be announced special guest Hospitality Kicks will conclude with enter tainment and drinks running until 6 30pm

Commenting, Julian Ross, CEO at Wireless Social, said: “I truly believe there is no industr y better than hospitality at coming together to suppor t people and great causes I’m thrilled to be launching Hospitality Kicks this summer, team registrations, donations and sponsorships have already star ted pouring in so I encourage you to move fast if you want to be involved as not only will it be a fun day, the funding we’ll raise for Only A Pavement Away, the Licensed Trade Charity and the Tim Bacon Foundation is vital

“It’s truly humbling how positive the initial response to Hospitality Kicks has been and I hope that it will be an event in the industr y calendar that people will be excited to be a par t of for many years to come ”

To take par t in Hospitality Kicks or to find out more about sponsorship oppor tunities, please visit www hospitalitykicks com or email info@hospitalitykicks com

KP Snacks Gets Flavourful With Exciting New McCoy ’s Launch

KP Snacks has unveiled a brand-new product range for the UK’s number one ridged crisp brand with the launch of McCoy’s Epic Eats

Delivering on McCoy’s unmistakable bold flavour, the range features two new irresistible products, Nacho Cheese and Spicy Salsa

Rolling out from 20th Februar y, the McCoy’s Epic Eats range delivers unique and tempting flavours and promises an epic snacking experience for consumers looking to tr y something new

Amy Heap, Marketing Manager at KP Snacks says: “McCoy’s is the original and best ridged crisp brand, synonymous with big and bold flavours We know taste is the most impor tant factor driving purchases in CSN and our NPD reflects flavour trends and delivers innovative new products to the categor y McCoy’s Epic Eats packs that flavour punch with the same signature crunch ”

The new range is suppor ted by an engaging media campaign spanning radio and social to drive awareness of the new product range

Running from Februar y to March, the Epic Eats radio activity is par t of McCoy’s ongoing par tnership with Global radio and will feature a range of on-air adver ts including an exciting competition offering listeners the chance to win their own epic adventure

See the adver t on the facing page for details

20 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023


You’re Invited to Expowest Cornwall in March!

Spring is nearly here , which means that so is Expowest Cornwall! Taking place on Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th March at the Royal Cornwall Showground in Wadebridge it's your oppor tunity to get ready for Easter, the Summer, and beyond


Over 150 exhibitors will be bringing you ever ything from the latest food offerings to the newest drinks, the best in business ser vices sundr y supplies catering equipment, food ser vice and much more besides It’s your annual oppor tunity to get all the products your business needs for the year ahead, and to keep up with the ver y latest trends and innovations Catch up with colleagues, suppliers and customers as well as making essential new contacts After all you can t see touch and taste on the internetthere s no substitute for meeting producers face to face and tr ying their products in person!

New for 2023 is an aisle in the show which focuses on the Fish & Chip/Takeaway trade It features existing exhibitors, as well as some who are exhibiting at the show for the first time on their own stands Come and sample from T Quality, Middletons Foods, Kerr y Foods, Dr ywite Ltd, Pacific West, Blenders, Pan Euro Foods, and Pukka Pies These organisations are grouped for your convenience , and there are many other suppliers to takeaways throughout the show

A new Leading in Innovation and Sustainability area will be signposting you to organisations within the show that display these qualities within their business products and ser vices There will be a mixture of information and products to inform you about innovative new products and ser vices, or sustainability credentials, that align

Duchy Cash Systems

with your business objectives and ethos See how companies are working towards doing business in a way that is better for ever yone

The LWC drinks area is back, bigger and better than ever LWC Drinks is the UK’s largest independent drinks wholesaler Discover a world of wines a whole range of spirits, beers, ciders, as well as mixers and soft drinks Let them quench your thirst for the best for your business! They have more than 50 brands represented this year – so if you run bar in your business, it s cer tainly wor thwhile spending time here at the show

As well as stocking up, you can network with colleagues, and take advantage of a range of exclusive show offers Expowest brings exhibitors to Cornwall who want to meet the region’s buyers The show is easy to reach and well signposted from ever y direction What’s more there’s ample free parking within an easy stroll of the show Expowest Cornwall really is the show that has it all covered!

For more information about the show, to book a stand, or register to attend, please call 01934 733433 visit or follow @Expowest UK

Chadds Foodsmiths

Chadds Foodsmiths The Cornwall family based foodser vice wholesaler supplying local business for the past 75 years

Supplying Food and hygiene products to –• restaurant, hotel, pub, cafe , coffee shop, take-away, farm shop, vis tor attraction care home sc hools & colleges

We offer an extensive range of food categor ies from frozen ice cream da r y meats and grocer y & Dr nks

We also stoc k an extens ve range of Hygiene products inc luding c leaning c hemicals Hardware B n Bags and hand towels and toilet rol s and laundr y c hemical systems

Also eco fr iendly c hemical systems

‘We are the one stop shop for caterers’

Our range will appeal to all those who have a pas-

South West Labels

South West Labels are a supplier of labelling guns, thermal label printers & labels We re here for retail, industrial and manufacturing businesses We’re independent which means impar tial recommendations combined with over 30 years experience in supplying these products

The labelling gun market can be complicated Many products are known by

sion for great food and a great ser vice From the big brand products to working with local ar tisan suppliers we have something for ever yone

Chadds Foodsmiths are members of the Sterling Supergroup, this allows us to benefit from the group purchasing power when negotiating deals with suppliers; we can then pass these savings on to our customers It also enables Sterling own label produce to be available The own label range has significantly developed over recent years and continues to help us offer a good value product to our customers

Come and meet us on our stand G26 at Expowest For more details call our telesales 01288 353964 for a representative to visit

different names depending on their use Labelling guns, price guns, pricing guns, label guns, coding guns and batch guns Our range of products can meet all needs: Simple low use models, durable machines for industr y A wide variety of specialist features including auto-incrementing guns for batch codes

All equipment is supplied with a one year factor y warranty and are designed to give years of reliable and effective ser vice

Visit us on stand F26 to view our products

Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd

Established in 1975 Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd are now one of the largest Suppliers of Cash Registers and Electronic Scales in the South West Of England as well as shipping world-wide

Whether you are looking for a basic low cost Cash Register or a fully integrated, EPOS solution for retail or hospitality environments, we are always happy to help Supplying and maintaining cash registers and scales throughout the south west of England All makes and models including Sam4s, Casio, Pi Electronique , Aster and much more

Full training and suppor t on any make and model of Cash register, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

22 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
Cash Register Rolls and Ink Rol er s/Ribbons • Pr icing guns and labels • Money Counting Scales • Money Sor ter s • Forge Note Detector s • Mon tor ines • Stoc k control Software • Pag ng Systems Please pay us a visit on stand H25
S E E U S S T A N D H 4 1
Supplying Cornwall and Devon Duchy Cash Systems is a provider of premium EPOS solutions for the hospitality sector - pubs restaurants hotels and nightclubs Each system is tailored to suit the customer s needs, focussing on speed/ease of use and durability Our touchscreen EPOS terminals offer a host of time and labour saving features, helping your staff work more efficiently Optional back office , stock control software features total stock management, enhanced security features, time and cost saving tools Duchy Cash Systems provide the comprehensive after sales package that only a local company can really offer : 24 hour telephone suppor t, remote diagnostics & assistance , and a fast callout response Visit us on stand H41 at the Expowest Cornwall show Tel : 0333 577 0108 Mobile : 07770677123 Email : www.cornwallcashr Cornwall Scale & Equipment Ltd V isit us on Stand H25 Expowest Cornwall Preview Foodservice Distributors Dole Cornwall Foodservice 2-5 Callywith Gate Industrial Estate Launceston Road, Bodmin, Cornwall PL31
of unbeatable fresh produce, dairy, chilled, fine foods & frozen products throughout Devon & Cornwall Over 3000 products kept in stock
01208 77911 bodminsales@dole co uk SEE US ON STAND F28
available for next day delivery Order until Midnight for next day delivery

Expowest Cornwall Preview

Rosemullion Distillery Cultivates Success... 60 Awards and Growing

Founded by Liz and Andy Bradbur y in 2017, and based on the Helford river Cornwall, Rosemullion s success stems from their commitment to being protectors and perfecters of the distillers craft They take their role as Ar tisan-producers ver y seriously ensuring quality control by confining production to 300 to 500 bottles at a time , with all spirits produced by hand using their bespoke copper stills

Being placed in an area of outstanding natural beauty has enabled Rosemullion to draw upon its unique proper ties – Helford rainwater is used in the fermentation and distillation process complemented by local Cornish ingredients plus seasonal fruit from their own orchard and vines

These business values and natural benefits have led to Rosemullion being one of the most awarded Ar tisan distilleries in the UK Currently holding 60 awards, these include a Gin Guide Award for its Rosemullion

Barton Reed & Co

Bar ton Reed & Co is the leading supplier of quality furniture to hotels restaurants public houses and leisure facilities in the South West We can supply beautiful leather sofas stylish high bar stools comfy tub seats, elegant restaurant tables and chairs, and relaxing beds

From laid back, seaside charm to cutting-edge design our extensive product range will suit your style and give your business the look that you want to achieve We have a huge choice of colours, fabrics and finishes and all our furniture comes with a two-year warranty Bar ton Reed & Co is a family-run business and we have been involved in the furniture industr y since 1945 Over the years we have forged strong relationships with our suppliers to give you the best furniture available with a ser vice that goes above and beyond

Summer Gin, and, most notably, a haul of 9 awards in the Sip Awards 2022 The Sip Awards covered 3 Platinum wins for Rosemullion’s Har vest Gin (including best flavoured gin), Dark Rum and Dr y Gin; they were also awarded a Double Gold for the Summer Gin and 5 Gold Awards for their Seafarer’s Gin, Spiced Rum, Gold Rum, White Rum and Chocolate rum (which also received an innovation award)

Andy Bradbur y confirms ‘like all the entrants UK and Worldwide , we work really hard to get our spirits noticed, both nationally and Internationally so these awards cer tainly gave us a licence to celebrate! We are hopeful this recognition will help us expand our hospitality and retail stockists in 2023 and look forward to meeting trade attendees at the for thcoming Expowest Cornwall, Stand number J27, to offer the 10% discount for this show


our customers’ expectations

Seven reasons why you should choose Bar ton Reed & Co to supply your contract furniture:

• W de range of styles

• Easy order ing and re-order ing

• Single point of contact Shor t lead times

• Direct deliver y

• After sales ser vice

• Two-year warranty on ever y item Get in touch to discuss your furniture requirements or to order our new brochure – we ’ re here to help Call us on 01409 271189, visit www bar tonreed co uk or email info@bar tonreed co uk

Alternatively see us on Stand H28 at Expowest Cornwall

Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 23
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising


Expo Cornwall 8th - 9th March Stand E31

Come and say hello and see what in-show offers we have





Pukka – the nation’s number one pie brand[1] - has been baking its bestselling pies for 60 years, and as par t of this bir thday celebration Pukka has launched a special new recipe that pays tribute to its Chip Shop hear tland Combining two iconic British favourites, The Pukka Pie and chip shop curr y sauce Pukka’s new Chip Shop Chicken Curr y Pie has the seal of approval from industr y exper ts and is already delivering on the brand’s full on flavour promise Set to fly off menus, almost three quar ters (71%) of Pukka’s core buyers said

Bareksten has bottled the essence of Norway, in both taste and character – dark wild breath-taking and dramatic Developed with the finest ingredients and exceptional flavours, the hero product in this range of spirits; Bareksten Botanical Gin (46% ABV) is a smooth potato based botanical gin, a superpremium, versatile spirit, making it a distinctive addition to any bar’s gin line-up Featuring 26 botanicals, 19 of which are found locally, the exquisite black bottle hints at the deep, dark forests where the majority of the botanicals are sourced

vice with regular customer contact, a range of point-of-sale material and a fully equipped ser vice depar tment Come and Say Hello - Stand E31

Norway is renowned for the best quality berries in the world; juniper, blueberries and lingonberries are selected for their depth of taste and aroma Whilst herbs sourced from amongst the pine trees add dense dark under tones of the forest floor Produced at the Oss Craft Distiller y in Bergen Bareksten Botanical Gin tastes exactly as you would expect it to - of the Norwegian forest The nose is vibrant and inviting with clear notes of fresh pine inter twined with enticing spiced under tones For a perfect ser ve , a classic Bareksten Botanical Gin & Tonic is best ser ved with cherr y tomatoes to fully appreciate the botanical flavours

The Bareksten Spirits collection also includes Navy Strength Gin, Old Tom Gin, Double Gin, Illsint Absint and the Scandinavian favourite , Botanical Aquavit Bareksten Botanical Gin was awarded Gold in the Gin categor y at The London Spirits

Competition in 2022

For trade enquiries please contact or visit www barekstenspirits com

Introducing Bareksten – A Premium Range Of AwardWinning Spirits From The Dark Norwegian Forests Ingredients: • 35ml Bareksten Botanical Gin • Premium Tonic Water • 2 Cherr y tomatoes halved • Coriander leaves Method: • Pour Bareksten Botanical Gin in a glass full of ice cubes • Top up with premium tonic water and garnish with halved cherr y tomatoes and coriander leaves For trade enquiries, please contact sinead@osscraft no Master of Malt | LWC | Hammonds | Amazon | Enotria | Speciality Drinks | @barekstenspirits Join the Spirit of Norway Stig & Tonic Expowest Cornwall Preview Spirits and Cocktails Moor Coffee Ltd. We re ver y excited to be exhibiting at the 2023 Cornwall show after a couple of years out We encourage you to come along and talk to us about our special offers, take advantage of our enhanced machine bundles and sample some delicious, freshly ground coffee - we look forward to meeting you! Stand E31 Our Independent coffee company based near Dar tmoor specialises in commercial coffee machines coffee beans, brewing equipment and machine repairs throughout the South West and the UK With over 25 years ’ experience in the beverage vending industr y, we understand that coffee machines can be an expensive outlay, so we offer a range of purchase options on both new and refurbished equipment Machine accessories can be added to create a complete business model and once you have chosen your machine we will deliver, install and train you and your staff free of charge! After-sales suppor t is taken seriously (no box sellers here!) so we provide you with a comprehensive back-up ser
they’d be likely to buy it 2 From traditionalist All Steak, to stadium favourite Chicken Balti and award-winning Vegan and Vegetarian[3 recipes, these popular pies are the ticket to broadening appeal and bringing in even more customers Par tnered with the Pukka Pie Heater package , pies stay warm for up to 4 hours, ready to ser ve Pukka is helping outlet owners both drive engagement and sales to maximise footfall during key sales periods Available on the Pukka foodser vice website these include a Heat & Ser ve Guide Social Media Toolkit, and bespoke POS [1] IRI Marketplace | Ch lled & Frozen Pies | 52 w/e 20th Marc h 2022 | Total UK [2] VYPR Consumer Steer Sept 2022 [3] Vegg e Cheese Leek & Potato winner of The Grocer New Product Awards 2019 and Vegan M nced Steak & Onion w nner of The Grocer New Product Awards 2021 Find Pukka at Stand G36 at This Years’ Expowest Cornwall 24 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023

Spirits and Cocktails

Goldstone Rum

There’s a new family run distiller y on the scene in Sussex and it’s offering something a bit different to Britain s rum industr y Their scratch rum is made from fresh sugar cane juice which is added to the fermentation within hours of being pressed This along with three other types of sugar jagger y, panela and traditional molasses makes for a ver y unique tasting rum

John Bowell co-founder said ‘Our rum has a flavour profile like nothing else we ’ ve tried during our recipe development The rum has notes of baked banana and hazelnut making it rich and round on the palate and nose

We’ve been overwhelmed with the feedback we ’ ve received from customers and hospitality professionals’

Born out of the idea that there is a gap in the market for an ar tisanal quality rum usterlising traditional methods over mass production Goldstone Rum is made with a slow fermentation, using high quality natural sugars The result being something exceptional

Tom Surger y who recently visited the distiller y said I m so excited to see the journey Georgina and John are on with Goldstone Rum It’s inspiring stuff The rums are characterful, pure and super smooth I can’t wait to watch them develop fur ther ’

The team at Goldstone Rum are currently developing their flavour range inspired by traditional rum cocktails Ginger and lime after the dark and stormy and Kola Nut after the cube libre The flavoured rums will be available in the Spring

The Brighton-based husband-and-wife duo are also working with the hospitality industr y to provide sessions at the distiller y for restaurants and bars to expand their knowledge on fermentation and distillation of spirits

Their rum school upstairs allows sommeliers and bar staff to create their own flavour combinations of rum Their distiller y is open to the public on Saturdays for tours and tastings for just £10 per head

To find out more visit www goldstonerum com

Pineapple and Ginger Daiquiri


50ml Goldstone white


50ml pineapple juice

25ml ginger syrup

25ml coconut water

Juice of half a l me


- Make the ginger syrup by combin ng the sugar coconut water and a thumb of peeled grated ginger in a saucepan on a low heat and stir until dissolved Allow to cool

- Combine Goldstone Rum®, pineapple juice , lime juice and ginger syrup together in a coc ktail shaker with ice Shake well, strain and ser ve

Flavour Blaster - Add Theatre to Every Serve With Aromatic Bubble Garnish

A DEVICE adding the wow factor to cocktails has taken the international market by storm, after being inspired by the childhood experience of blowing bubbles

Flavour Blaster Pro, which creates aroma filled bubbles on the top of drinks is now used by professionals in Michelin Star Restaurants and Five Star Hotels around the world As well as leading mixologist and Flavour Blaster ambassador Simone Caporale , owner of Sips 3rd best cocktail bar in world

The professional aroma gun is sold to more than 40,000 customers in 150 countries, thanks to its use of innovative technolog y

Other clients include top chains such as The Alchemist, Maybe Sammy in Australia, and it is also currently helping to create the immersive experience at Johnny Walker in Edinburgh

The company also has a strong foothold in the international market, particularly in the USA where it can be found in venues in California, Florida and Las Vegas to name a few

Its success is the result of a collaboration between hospitality entrepreneur Colin Myers and manufacturing

guru, Rober t Flunder who came up with the initial concept to add some theatricality to the drinks experience And the resulting creation was down to Colins fascination with the concept of edible bubbles which would use authentic aromas rather than synthetic flavours

Australian-born Colin who previously worked in the bar and leisure industr y in the UK, spent four years helping to develop the product which he describes as “ an inner child gadget ”

The company uses a leading company in New York to prepare its aromas, which are distilled from actual fruits, herbs and spices rather than being ar tificially produced

And it s not stopping there Now with a 15-strong staff plus a R & D team, a number of other products for the Hospitality sector are also in development

“The ultimate in theatrical mixolog y ”

For fur ther information visit www flavourblaster com

Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 25

Cleaning and Hygiene Ozone Clean

Ozone Clean is the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ozone generating equipment to the hospitality sector as well as many other industries for Odour and Infection control We supply a range of generators suitable for all applications both industrial and domestic that can effectively treat small to ver y large areas

Our company is multi internationally award winning and has rapidly built a strong reputation within Hospitality and other industries since our inception in 2005 Our goal is centred on supplying products that are efficient, safe and cost effective , backed up by an excellent ser vice ethic and after sales operation

We have over 850 clients and 11 million rooms per

year being treated with our equipment In manufacturing we only use the highest quality par ts which enables us to say that we still have machines that are still in use after 15 years Therefore , our range of products are the most efficient and reliable on the market

Due to the efficiency and reliability of our flagship products the OC1500 and OC700, at a cost from 28p per day we have empirical evidence that by using Ozone Cleans range of products you will be able to enjoy an ROI within 12 months, often sooner Genuine and provable results This is achieved by the permanent removal of Odours, Bacteria, Mould and Viruses in as little as 5 minutes

Peace of mind, efficiency and reliability go hand in hand with Ozone Clean and don’t forget by using our OC range you will be having a positive impact on the environment as opposed to the traditional methods which have a high energ y or chemical consumption

Should you decide to buy either our OC1500 or OC700 we will offer you a 15% discount exclusive to this ar ticle Just quote OZO15

Web: www ozoneclean co uk

Call : 020 8883 2756

Emails: sales@ozoneclean co uk

edencleen from Cleenol

Over the course of our histor y, we at Cleenol have always produced products that offer a perfect balance between cleaning performance and efficiency with an attention to reducing the environmental impact that our products may carr y edencleen, our latest brand, reaffirms our commitment to our credentials for environmental guardianship, and represents an evolution of what has been an integral par t of our DNA Edencleen has been designed to reflect in par t our vision for a cleaner, safer world, that touches not only the environmental aspects of sustainability, but has as an aim, a social ambition to leave the planet in the safe care of and for future generations As such with edencleen, Cleenol looks to ensure transparency in our approach, which may on occasion result in some counter intuitive elements

The range covers the essential needs to cover 80% of daily cleaning and include: a washroom cleaner and toilet gel cleaner and urinal deodoriser, an all-purpose surface sanitiser, a degreaser and a washing up liquid, a no rinse floor degreaser a window cleaner and a laundr y detergent and fabric softener


CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

GroutGleam - Refresh, Recolour, Restore

GroutGleam restore and recolour grout and tiled surfaces to like new condition incredibly affordably No mess no stress, no hassle , completed and reusable in hours

This everlasting solution has huge commercial appeal with low upfront costs which result in ongoing cost savings with reduced cleaning and maintenance requirements

Operating successfully for over 5 years, our 50+ nationwide network of Official Par tners exclusively offers the GroutGleam ser vice after completion of our full training programme

Any grout and tiled surface in any tiled location can receive the full GroutGleam treatment

Our list of satisfied customers grows daily and so far, includes hotels, pubs, restaurants, holiday parks, offices, leisure centres, g yms, theatres, stadiums, airpor ts, train, and bus stations and much more

We are not tilers, we do not regrout Our bespoke compound overlays and chemically bonds to your existing grout resulting in an everlasting low maintenance easy clean surface

edencleen from Cleenol


edencleen products have been developed around the following principles and ingredients:

• RSPO cer tif ed palm oil der ivatives

• No animal der ived products

• Cruelty free

• M nimal petroc hemical der ived products

• No parabens , formaldehyde , CMI/MIT, tr ic losan, phosphates , c hlor ine bleac hes , optical br ightener s , quaternar y ammonium compounds

• VOC free and phosphate EDTA NTA free

• Rec yc lable / rec yc led pac kaging 100% bio-based surfactant - made by using bio-based ethylene oxide whic h is manufactured from biomass ethanol


20 room independent hotel in Blac kpool affordably recoloured a l 20 ensuite shower cubic les in just 6 days with one of our Official Par tner s


After almost a decade in ser vice a holiday lodge company with 10+ UK s tes and approac hing 800 cabins were concerned about the condit on of their bathrooms

Their biggest complaint from customer s when sur veyed is the tired appearance of their bathrooms To replace 800 bathrooms wou d require an investment of mill ons of pounds and too muc h downtime To regrout 800 bathrooms would require an investment approac hing a million pounds and too muc h downtime

The solution to GroutGleam each bathroom will save the company hundreds of thousands of pounds when compared to regrouting And ver y impor tantly with one GroutGleam Official Par tner able to complete 2 bathrooms per day, with them being reusable within hours, there is barely any downtime

GroutGleam is proven to be a total win win for their customers with huge savings and next to no downtime

See the adver t on this page for fur ther information

• Bioethanol, naturally der ived acids , sugar-based surfactants , bio-based solvents , low impact preser vatives

Combining carefully formulated products, with appropriate packaging, using recycled material or recyclable componentr y, the range ’ s mostly colourless liquid and low fragrance usage are designed to convey a transparency and straightforwardness of our approach which will be a hallmark of all edencleen products and associated ser vices

Careful use of enzymatic formulations and more traditional chemistr y brings a por tfolio of products that s finely attuned to delivering effective cleaning which when used as instructed helps maintain a neutral environmental impact edencleen’s new range represents just the star t to a fully refreshed solution to meet the most demanding of customers expectations

See the adver t on this page for fur ther information

Only GroutGleam Official Partners offer the MOST AFFORDABLE and COMMERCIALLY VIABLE grout and tiled surface refurbishment, restoring to like new condition in HOURS with almost no downtime

GroutGleam operates nationwide, offering your establishment an everlasting solution that has already transformed thousands of bathrooms, kitchens, restrooms, shower facilities, entrance ways, offices, lobbies and more over the last 5 years

Join our growing list of super satisfied customers that include hotels, pubs, restaurants, holiday parks, offices, leisure centres, gyms, theatres, stadiums, airports, train and bus stations and many more.

We are not tilers, we do not regrout Our bespoke compound overlays and chemically bonds to your existing grout resulting in a low maintenance, easy clean surface As well as being incredibly affordable, GroutGleam reduces your ongoing cleaning and maintenance costs

Cleaning and Hygiene Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 27
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Chef's Buyer's Guide

Bacchus Wines PLDC

Bacchus Wines PLDC Ltd is an independent wine merchant that offers joyful and affordable wines Launched online in 2021, Bacchus Wines is a par tnership between Hampshire locals, wine broker and hospitality exper t Pierre-Loup

DeCam and Trond Rornes of CardsSafe Limited They offer wines to restaurants, caterers, bars, and wine enthusiasts

The current Bacchus Wines collection features three family-owned independent wine estates - Chateau Parenchère , Paul Lebrun Champagne and Château du Rooy

The flagship collection by Parenchère features the ‘Magnificent Seven’ wines which includes four beautiful reds and the sulphite-free and fruity L’Équilibriste

Bordeaux Rouge a wonderful Blanc-Sec and two unique rosé wines

“I have been buying wines from Pierre-Loup

DeCam of Bacc hus Wines for over twenty-two year s When I owned the Mic helin-starred JSW Restaurant in Hampshire , and since retiring I stoc ked my cel ar with the joyful wines of Château de Parenc hère They are my go-to wines , and I always receive excellent wines and ser vice ”


Bacchus Wines PLDC is also excited to announce their new UK-exclusive par tnership with champagne house Paul Lebrun

Founded in 1902, the Maison draws its inspiration from multi-generational winemaking know-how Their Champagnes are top in their class and have beaten the biggest brands on the market in taste tests Currently, three 100% Chardonnay champagnes are available including the Car te d’Or Brut with a nose of candied lemon and peaches The elegant Extra Brut has notes of white blossom, pineapple , and low sugar content And the spectacular Cuvee Prestige Brut aged on lees for a minimum of for ty-eight months with an intense structure “I ser ved the Extra Brut c hampagne at my supper c lub The citrus notes and creaminess complimented my sa mon ’ s salty smoky notes The c hampagne so icited muc h praise from the diner s!”


Small yet perfectly curated, the Bacchus Wines PLDC collection is handpicked and personally selected by the founders They choose quality wines with provenance and integrity, with the utmost impor tance on the ar t of winemaking rather than mass production They offer prices and ser vice hospitality businesses can appreciate For more information please visit https://bacchuspldc com/

Farm Frites - The Fresh Taste of the Land

Potatoes may be a seasonal har vest, but demand is year round We balance seasonality with demand to ensure high quality crops are used at their best

At Farm Frites we har vest multiple varieties across two seasons with processes that ensure that the quality outcome is the same whichever variety we use Sustainability star ts with us There is a great responsibility with food manufacture and we are aware of our impact on the environment Growing, manufacture and supply is the beginning of the chain, and it is impor tant to us that we are setting the right intentions to minimise the impact

Potato products go a long way to satisfying need for customisation, consumers expect to be able to customise for taste or to suit an allerg y requirement Loaded fries allows from healthy to indulgence offers for flexitarian diets and allow an

The year ahead presents many challenges for the hospitality sector and its consumers Still, it remains a place where we all enjoy spending time for social engagements, a celebration or a treat!

Seafood is often seen as a tricky product to prepare at

operator to respond to trends in a cost-effective way – ever ything works with chips from plant-based classic sauces & cheeses to world flavours and spices

Our potatoes are grown and farmed at sites near our factor y HQ and then prepared and frozen quickly allowing for essential nutrients to be retained in the product - freezing in itself is a preser vative

The Quick Oven Fries range is ideal for food outlets who need to ser ve great tasting fries but can’t use deep-fr yers due to location operation or regulation These fries can be oven cooked in a conventional trade oven from frozen in just four minutes Fast cooking times mean these fries allows operators to cook five times more por tions in 20 minutes than other oven fries

Our Ultimate Chip goes beyond triple cooked and is based on a ten-step process – the texture of Ultimate Chip is second to none A full chip that is effectively a roast potato in terms of its inner fluffiness and external crisp The imperfect lengths in each ser ving will offer an authentic product with more of a focus on texture , crispiness and taste – the ideal premium side dish

For more information call us on 01452 415845, or visit www farmfrites co uk

28 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
home meaning that operators ser ving a quality and exciting seafood range can be guaranteed to impress their diners Providing creative and innovative menu dishes will entice consumers to enjoy eating out of home and drive footfall in the hospitality sector With the additional challenges of a well publicised labour shor tage , Pacific West provides a wide range of great tasting easy to ser ve products that also meet the demands of busy operators in terms of quality, style and presentation Mar tin Finegan, Managing Director at Pacific West, says, "Our most popular products include the best selling Salt & Pepper Squid the classic Seafood Basket and our wide range of value added King Prawns The team at Pacific West are inspired by world foods to bring market leading innovation to menus across the UK " Mar tin goes on to say "Our love of seafood now also includes a highly creative plant based range to meet the growing demand from vegans and flexitarians This range includes plant based Calamari Rings, the high impact Enoki Mushrooms and the incredibly popular and flavoursome Jackfruit Bao Buns With innovation at its core , Pacific West has recently launched new products, including Katsu Prawns, Sweet Chilli Squid Bites and Panko Katsu Fish Pacific West is proud to deliver the world's finest seafood & more Get in touch to find out how Pacific West can enhance your menu and delight your guests www pacificwestfoods co uk
Pacific West Foods

Hospitality Technology

Boost Your Efficiencies During the Spring & Summer Rush

As the spring/summer season approaches, the upcoming events calendar is looking quite busy; from St Patricks Day, Mother’s Day, Easter, Coronation of Charles III, and Father s Day, all the way through to Eurovision and the FA Cup Final During this busy period, operators need to raise their tech game to ensure customer experience and operational efficiency are slicker than ever

Call Systems Technolog y (CST) specialise in innovative communication technolog y and software solutions that transform and enhance the hospitality industr y – for both customers and operators Helping to deliver a truly first-class ser vice whilst subtly elevating the experience to stand out from competitors

Staff should be readily available without being constantly visible and communication between teams should be almost invisible yet still allow the establishment to operate at its best Thankfully, modern paging systems, designed specifically for the hospitality industr y, are allowing just that

Here are our top tips to make sure spring/summer is a sizzler :

1) With many operators currently shor t-staffed, call buttons allow customers to instantly gain a team mem-

ber's attention when needed, making it easier to order additional food and drink or request to pay the bill

2) Instead of getting customers to wait in a long tedious queue create an invisible one instead Utilising customer paging solutions gives diners the freedom to wait where they wish – such as the bar - while reducing congestion

3) Simple but effective , WaiterCall instantly connects front and back-of-house for the slickest ser vice Instant communication eliminates the need to run back and for th from the kitchen pass leaving more time to upsell drinks and maintain high levels of customer ser vice

4) Two-way radios provide instant communication between managers, kitchen staff and waiting staff Meaning table turns are increased, incidents are dealt with immediately, and the overall guest experience is enhanced No guessing, shouting or time wasted – just clear communication

Keeping on top of the latest technolog y not only relieves stress for staff during busy periods but also helps improve simple operations, keeping customers happy and most impor tantly, loyal

For more information or

Recruitment Challenges Set to Continue in 2023

Hospitality teams put in longer hours over the festive season to meet the demands of strong trading, according to workforce management specialist Bizimply, but staff recruitment remains the biggest challenge for the sector in 2023

According to Bizimply’s sur vey, 66% of operators did not have enough staff available in December, prompting them to ask existing employees to work longer hours Average hours worked in the second half of December climbed to 32 hours per week, compared to 28 in October

Employees in top end restaurants put in even longer shifts, averaging 48 hours, up from 40 before the festive period

Of the operators polled by Bizimply one-third are expecting no easing of the challenges in recruiting front-of-house staff, rising to two-thirds when it comes to filling kitchen vacancies

Shaw commented: “Despite the cost of living crisis, we ’ re seeing signs of a recover y for hospitality Operators need to make sure they have the right staff in place to meet increased trade later in the year ”


Staff par ticularly new recruits thrive when their GM is visible and actively managing them, so make sure your GMs are front of house , and reduce the time they spend in the back office on admin like staff rotas

Respect your team members by giving them plenty of notice of their shifts And empower them to schedule their own holidays with Bizimply s Unavailability feature

Use the data to identify whether you are over- or under-staffed and create your staff rotas accordingly

Sustainable Resources

Osprey Charging

Osprey worked with Marston’s to understand their requirements and to find the best solution for each location, with a range of hardware speeds to suit each site The chargers were also designed to be user-friendly and simple to operate , with easy payment options and clear instructions, making the customer journey as simple as possible The installation of the chargers has also helped Marston’s to attract new customers, as well as to retain existing ones who have switched to EVs

Osprey Charging the one of the UK’s leading EV charging networks, par tnered with Marston’s (amongst other UK wide hospitality groups) to install EV chargers across their UK estate The ongoing par tnership has proved a huge success and provides a footprint of how businesses can embrace the transition to electric mobility

The Marston’s project is an excellent example of how EV charging can be integrated into existing business operations The pub chain has over 1,500 locations throughout the UK, and as more people switch to electric vehicles it became clear that offering charging facilities would be a valuable ser vice for their customers The process of installing EV chargers requires a significant investment in infrastructure and logistics, so Marston’s decided to work with Osprey Charging, as a leader in the UK market to deliver and operate the infrastructure

The roll-out continues at pace , with Osprey installing and operating over 200 chargers across the Marston’s por tfolio As the market has grown Osprey have worked with Marston’s to revisit and upgrade earlier sites to keep up with customer expectations and demand To date , the par tnership has delivered over 25 million electric miles, the equivalent of nearly 7000 tonnes of CO2 savings

The par tnership provides an excellent example of how businesses can embrace the transition to electric mobility with the help of exper ts such as Osprey

Charging It’s not just about providing a valuable ser vice for customers – it’s also about future-proofing your business With the UK government planning to ban the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030, the shift to electric vehicles is inevitable Businesses that are ready to offer EV charging facilities will be in a better position to meet the needs of their customers, as well as to contribute to their company s ESG targets and the UK’s wider decarbonisation effor ts proper ty@ospreycharging co uk www ospreycharging co uk

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 31

The hospitality sector is a prime example of an industr y in which EV charging solutions can flourish, whether electric vehicle charging points are placed at a pub for a quick top-up or at hotels where guests can safely and efficiently charge their vehicles overnight

In 2021, over 220,000 EV owners sought hotels that provided EV charging facilities, choosing to book at these destinations over hotels without EV charging The average cost of an overnight stay in a UK hotel is around £85 –£90 per night; that’s about £19 8m of EV-related revenue last year alone

This revenue increase doesn’t just stop at check-ins either ; with RAW

Charging’s fully-funded host solution, you can enhance your business and create a new revenue stream

So why exactly should you invest in EV charging solutions?

Here are just four reasons for introducing EV charging facilities to your commercial premises:

• You’l attract more guests – With 1 in 5 of all new vehic es in the UK being an EV and ever y major manufacturer offer ing an EV range opening up your business to EV owner s is a no-bra ner

• You ll increase your ROI – With plenty of incent ves and subscr iptions , suc h as RAW Charg ng ’ s fully-funded solutions EV c harg ng facil ties are affordable for any business and, in turn, can dramat cal y increase ncome and footfall

• You’l increase guest dwell time – EV owner s using hosp ta ity-based EV c harg ng are far more likely to stay longer as they c harge This increase in dwell time subsequent y means they’ll spend more at the destinat on

• You l cement your brand as a sustainable business – Be ng environmentally conscious is a huge plus for many potential guests In addition, investing in EV c harg-

Riso Gallo - Sensationally Sustainable!

Riso Gallo is the first international rice brand to have produced its rice from sustainable agriculture , making their premium bestselling risotto completely sustainable from field to fork!

Established in 1856, Riso Gallo is the oldest Risotto rice producer in Italy and has been delivering its premium rice to consumers around the world for over six generations

Known to many as Italy s first choice Riso Gallo is one of the longest sur viving rice companies in Italy and is still growing A family run business it is now in it s 6th generation

The company has uniquely created its own Circular Economy within it’s rice production, collaborating with innovative star tups to give new life to the by-products of the rice mill which produces the delicious range of rices of the Riso Gallo Brand

Rice House is an Italian initiative in which the secondar y materials in rice cultivation are used to build ethi-

cal houses

Rice by-products are even used by Mogu in a range of designer furniture production

The Albini Group to develop a process of ‘Off the Grain’ dye for fabric When the Nero (black) rice is processed for the food industr y, the by product of the deep grape coloured water is used as a natural dye

All Riso Gallo plastic vacuum packaging is now suitable for recycling, following the launch of a new eco-sustainable , low environmental impact plastic Riso Gallo are the first company to adopt this sustainable packaging The Gallo Risotto Traditional, Arborio, Carnaroli, and the Carnaroli Rustico are now in packs using FSC cer tified cardboard outer to protect the grains Riso Gallo is committed to reducing and monitoring greenhouse emissions and uses energ y from renewable cer tified resources www risogallo co uk

Whether you are a business or an individual switching to more sustainable eco-friendly solutions is becoming a central par t of our ever yday lives

At Intrinsic , we want to help customers with this transition by providing market leading paper straws that truly deliver on Quality, Safety and Sustainability These are impor tant values for how we operate as a business and are embodied in each and ever y drinking straw that we manufacture

All our paper straws are made from carefully selected materials (e g FSC® paper, inks, adhesives, packaging), that must meet our strict criteria of being sustainable , compostable , biodegradable , and food safe approved

As a cer tified Carbon Balanced Printer, through global conser vation charity World Land Trust, we are able to offer carbon balanced straws that contribute towards offsetting projects tackling carbon, reducing deforestation, and protecting threatened species

With onsite manufacturing facilities we can give customers a complete straw making ser vice offering a choice of paper straw solutions suitable for various

drinking applications and beverages


• Cocktail Straws

• Classic Straws

• Milkshake Straws

• Smoothie Straws

• Bubble Tea Straws

Individual Wrapped Straws

• Custom / Branded Straws

Whatever your requirements, product aesthetics and performance are fundamental features of any Intrinsic straw as we want people to enjoy their drink experience , giving them peace of mind and the ability to sip in comfor t Our straws are strong and durable in many different liquids, ensuring their shape and integrity are retained for many hours, while also looking great and feeling comfor table on your lips

Would you like to know more? Interested in samples or pricing? Get 20% OFF fir st order when quoting CLH0223

Call us on 01952 980810 visit or email

ing facilities wi l boost your ESG credent als , signposting that you re future-ready and ahead of the competition RAW Charging is spearheading EV infrastructure change In shor t we ease the entire process guiding you from planning and installation to completion with the perfect EV infrastructure plan for your specific business Once your EV charging facilities are in place we ll continue to provide ongoing customer suppor t and build a strong working relationship With RAW Charging: • You can f nd the perfect tai ored c harging solution for your locat on • We ll install and maintain your c harging facilities Benef t from reliable and easy-to-use roaming EV c harger s will benefit you and your guests • Rece ve an option for a free fully-funded consultanc y process at no extra cost Are you ready to join the hospitality sector s fastgrowing EV charging infrastructure network? RAW Charging is on hand to provide risk-free revenue and seamless EV charging solutions to your location See the adver t on the facing page for details Book for Success with RAW Charging: Why Hotel EV Charging is a Must-Have Make The Right Choice With Your Drinking Straws Sustainable Resources Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 33


Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

New DrainMinor C (Combi Oven Pump) Creates Considerable Interest

The New DrainMajor C (Combi Oven Pump) manufactured by Pump Technolog y Ltd

There are significant advantages that this combi oven drainage pump offers The pump features a tank with its clear side window was the large , triangular, low-level float attached to the pump by a rigid arm, external to the pump casing Because of the design of this float system the unit can cope with an exceptional quantity of grease , fat and food par ticles before the reliable star t/stop operation of the pump is affected

The triangular low-level float also means that inlet heights can be just 70mm from base to centreline giving the appropriate inlet requirement for wall or central island Combi Ovens The build quality of the submersible wastewater pump

was also a discussion point, with the mechanical shaft seal arrangement between pump impeller and motor winding generally agreed as an advantage over a common lip seal/diaphragm arrangement especially considering the hot wastewater temperatures and potential grease which these units have to handle It can be connected to multiple ovens or oven and sink combinations Also, multiple inlet connections can be cut onsite directly into the rigid Polyethylene tank without the need to manifold inlets outside of the tank and then feed into it via a single inlet This means that the installation footprint is just the size of the compact tank and potential leaks from knocked manifold piping and joints are eliminated

It looks like the New DrainMinor C is a winner and will soon be featuring in combi oven installations ever ywhere

Inox Equip - A Full Kitchen Refubishment Service

A kitchen refurbishment can cause a massive disruption to your home and residents and can prove to be overwhelming But don t worr y - Inox Equip has you covered with their temporar y commercial catering facility ser vice Not only does Inox Equip handle all aspects of the refurbishment processfrom electrical work to gas work, ventilation, Altro flooring, Whiterock walls, and ceilings - they also offer a turnkey solution that takes care of ever ything from

help you choose the right options for your needs and budget Plus, with installation and maintenance ser vices available , you can trust that your equipment will always be in top working order Inox Equip is dedicated to providing their clients with the highest level of ser vice and quality So if you ' re in need of a temporar y commercial catering facility or new equipment and supplies, don't hesitate to reach out to their team of exper ts They'll make sure your business stays up and running, even during the largest refurbishments Please contact us on 01280 822124 or sales@inoxequip com

Please visit our website for more information https://www inoxequip com



As well as supplying catering equipment from all the top manufacturers in the catering industry, at Inox Equip we can also provide full fit out services for new and refurbishment projects. This includes:

Altro Whiterock or Hygeinic wall cladding

Altro or Polyfloor non- slip safety flooring

Full electrical wiring with NICEIC certification

Mechanical services including new and replacement water, waste and gas pipe with GasSafe certification

Lay-in grid and plasterboard ceiling solutions

Lighting systems

Internal wall removal and construction

Temporary kitchen supply

n 01280 822124 e sales@inoxequip com


you the ability to maintain your food ser vice while we refurbish your kitchen space
www inoxequip
star t to finish And with their competitive pricing and project management ser vice , you can trust that the entire refurbishment will be handled efficiently and effectively Inox Equip doesn't just stop at refurbishments They also offer a range of high-quality commercial catering equipment and supplies and their team is on hand to
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising
34 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023

Fryers and Oil

Operators should consider when purchasing a fr yer and their oil, the oil capacity against production rate , burner efficiency and recover y rate as well as a true cool zone in gas fr yers to help prolong the oil life Blue Seal V ray Gas Fr yers are our premium fr yer and burner system, which come at a higher price compared to some competitors’ gas models However the fuel efficiency cost saving, performance and stainless steel high build quality far out way the additional initial cost to the operator

Blue Seal produce high performance thermostatic controlled gas & electric fr yers Our Evolution range gas fr yers GT60, GT46 & GT45 have a premium feature benefit of all using our patented V Ray burner system This system uses infra-red technolog y radiating the heat into the tank, only heating the area of oil the baskets are sitting in This promotes incredibly fast recover y rates, high efficiency for limited fuel consumption provides a true cool zone in conjunction with the specially shaped tank The true cool zone prevents crumb and food debris that

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

drops below the batter plates from continuous cooking and carbonising which in turn helps prevent the degrading of oil quality This all achieves considerable cost saving for the operator with fuel and oil, as well as time efficiency, producing the finished products

Blue Seal also offer an additional Filtration units that give a fantastic solution to improving oil life have great mobility and space saving features as well as powerful pumps & full stainless steel construction Moisture , fatty acids and food residue contaminate cooking oil, spoiling fried food taste and causing the oil to smoke Blue Seal Filtamax removes impurities, quickly and effectively maintaining consistent high cooking quality and considerable extension of oil life

The Carbon Pads remove sub-micron par ticles down to 0 5 microns – this is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand Daily filtering of fr yer oil using carbon filters can massively increase the life span of the oil creating large cost savings and create more consistent finish and taste to the food product

Choose British-Made Stainless Steel Products

Pland has been manufacturing commercial Stainless Steel products for over 100 years

Still based on the same site in Leeds there isn t much they don t know about designing stainless steels products for the catering market

Stainless steel has many beneficial proper ties that has led to its dominance in the commercial kitchen It offers a smooth neutral surface that impar ts no taste to food so ideal for food preparation This also makes it difficult for bacteria to adhere and sur vive it s therefore naturally hygienic and it s also ver y easy to clean It has a high resistance to corrosion too so will not be affected by its surrounding environment be that steamy in the case of a kitchen or ver y cold within a freezer The surface works well over a long period and at the end of its life it is 100% recyclable and therefore less harmful to the environment When total life cycle costs are considered, stainless

Avancini Launches Heavy Duty Variable Speed Single-Phase Spiral Mixers

Avancini, a company with 60 years’ experience of manufacturing spiral mixers for bakeries and restaurants, is extending its classic SP mixer range by offering mid-sized variable speed models in a single-phase format

Traditionally multi-speed spiral mixers with a dough handling capability in excess of 20kg (33litres), are only available in three-phase configurations, which means that the majority of high street operators are denied the opportunity to prepare stiff doughs, high-hydration doughs or enjoy the time-saving benefits of larger multi-speed machines, by virtue of the fact that they only have a single-phase supply on site

steel is usually the least expensive option so it truly offers long term value

The Pland range of catering products star ted in the supply of Sinks and they still produce them in many sizes, with or without leg stands They also produce a broad selection of wash basins be they circular or square , inset or wall mounted Through customer demand their collection over the years grew to include stainless steel urinals cupboards work surfaces tables shelving units and trolleys with complementar y accessories too

Check out their standard range of catering products online at www plandstainless co uk, but please be aware , a growing number of the products they produce today are specially designed for clients to a par ticular size or to help provide a product solution For this ser vice speak to their in-house design team by calling Pland Stainless on tel: 0113 263 4184

But now after a year of R&D and many months of rigorous testing in a commercial kitchen environment, Avancini launched a range of single-phase spiral mixers with fully variable speed controls, in 23, 50 and 85 litre models at Italy s SIGEP Expo in January

Michael George, from Avancini s UK distributor NOWAH, explained the reason for these new additions to the Avancini range "In recent years we've seen increased demand for multi-speed mixers from local artisan bakeries, as well as independent contemporary Italian pizzerias/restaurants, all of whom want to craft excellent quality products using stiffer or high-hydration doughs and breads These specialist doughs require a mixer with two or more speed settings in order to achieve the ideal yeast activation and optimal mixture Sadly, in the past, it was only businesses with a three-phase electrical supply that could produce these doughs (in volume) and benefit from the time-saving features of multi-speed mixers But not anymore, thanks to Avancini

NOWAH, Avancini’s UK distributor, are Craft Guild of Chefs business partners, sponsors of the CGC Graduate Awards, and sponsors of the 2023 Young Pastry Chef of The Year by Passion to Inspire Apart from Avancini mixers, NOWAH also distribute the highly regarded Kemplex range of dough sheeters/ laminators/ dough breaks GGF deck ovens and La Pastaia pasta machines

For more information on the Avancini spiral mixers, or the other specialist pastry, bakery and restaurant equipment supplied by NOWAH visit


Evolution Fryers and Filter Units
The Premium Fryer and Bur ner System
ultimate solution for any catering establishment, perfect for pubs, hotels, restaurants, cafes and much more.
mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 35

For All Your Commercial Catering Ventilation Needs


is a Five-Star Choice For Top Pastry Chefs

Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out The oven is the cornerstone of any baking operation for caterers, licensees, and hoteliers Controlling the movement of air inside the convection oven coupled with the performance of steam generation ensures perfect heat distribution and the best baking results Whether it s a countertop oven to produce delicious snacks or full-scale ovens for busy kitchens MIWE offers the oven to suit your needs and to provide the bake quality you demand It’s no wonder that top pastr y chefs request MIWE ovens for their five-star hotels The MIWE range of convection baking ovens offer excellent quality throughout the entire product catalogue with the benefit of gastronomic functions and auto cleaning to provide ovens that offer fantastic flexibility and energ y efficiency With a myriad of clever features to make baking a pleasure , programmable controllers to ensure consistent results and an automatic cleaning system that allows you to clean your baking station overnight and save energ y with the auto-star t technolog y MIWE convection ovens are designed to offer bakers the solutions to meet their needs Its ovens also feature a variety of energ ysaving technolog y The MIWE eco mode ensures the right compromise of low energ y consumption and baking-readiness is assured in between baking processes In addition, MIWE air control technolog y allows bakers to precisely control the amount of circulated air in convention ovens, allowing you to ensure optimal baking conditions for all baked goods in ever y baking phase EPP is the exclusive UK distributor of MIWE To find out more visit
Caterquip Ventilation Ltd is proud to be celebrating their 23rd Anniversar y this year This Warwick based company offers nationwide coverage for all your commercial catering needs: free site sur veys, quotations and designs (C AD), quality bespoke and standard fabrications, specialist knowledge of catering ventilation systems including input air odour reduction (carbon filtration and ESP) and sound attenuation Affiliated members of Constructionline CHAS and B&ES Caterquip Ventilation have a strong hold in the marketplace often advising industr y professionals on ventilation systems to a DW172 specification & BSEN:6173 They have strong relationships with all leading kitchen equipment suppliers, and they offer a kitchen design ser vice to help you build your ideal kitchen Projects under taken have included Olympic Villages, Basildon Hospital, The Mitre Hotel at Hampton Cour t, The Truck Stop at Anglesey, The Lodge at Old Hunstanton, Colleges, Schools, Hotels, Restaurants and Public Houses They ensure their systems are compliant with the current guidelines whilst maintaining an efficient and dynamic facility With extensive knowledge of manufacturing and installing ventilation systems, they can help you design the best kitchen within the space available Call: 01926 887167, visit:, email: 36 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
Caterquip Ventilation

Outdoor Spaces

A Special Offer from Fenton Timber

Fenton Timber was established in the late 1990’s by Jim Miller who sadly passed in 2007, since then the business has continued under the management of Alex Spencer, with Ade Tate overseeing manufacture who were both staff members from the early days of the business

Fenton’s USP is delivering fully assembled, weather treated “ready to use ” Picnic Benches/Tables and associated Garden Furniture to the License Trade , Schools and the Leisure Industr y all year round

The benefits of purchasing from Fenton Timber is not just the fact we deliver all of our own goods, with our own transpor t and staff but that we also guarantee our goods and operate all year round It might sound strange selling garden furniture during the winter!

Aside from customers whom might have outdoor

functions barbecues summer fairs live music etc there are also unfor tunate times whereby customers have been flooded and suffered losses, and we are there to assist getting them back up on their feet

As readers of the Caterer & Licensee – you can also take advantage of our current offer –20% off RRP on Supreme and Octagonal Tables (Ends Fri 10th Mar '23) so call us free on 0800 085 6447.

Enjoy The Sunshine With Our Maintenance Free Outdoor Furniture!

With Spring just star ting (we hope!) what better way for your customers to enjoy the sunshine than sitting outside and relaxing TDP’s furniture , made from recycled UK plastic waste , will be ready and waiting as it doesn’t have to be stored away for the winter or be treated for the new season

Our range of furniture includes picnic tables, dining sets, benches and chairs as well as planters and children s furniture All products benefit from a 20-year warranty and ver y low maintenance , with no annual staining or treatments required It will not rot or splinter, is ver y stable and extremely durable , lasting for decades in even the busiest of areas

TDP has been supplying environmentally friendly products to the industr y for over 30 years We are the choice supplier for those who want outdoor furniture that lasts and to date we have saved

over 4,000 tonnes of recycled plastic waste from landfill By producing our furniture from recycled plastic rather than wood, we have saved over 10,000 trees from being felled We manufacture all our furniture in Derbyshire Ever ything is handcrafted and as such you can order your furniture in custom colourways, and we can include branding, establishment names, table numbers and other key information as either engravings or plaques Our furniture is longer-lasting and easier to maintain than their wooden alternatives meaning you buy them once and they will last a lifetime for your business From your first contact with us, to taking deliver y, we want the whole experience to be both enjoyable and stress free We’re here to help so please do visit our website www tdp co uk, give us a call on 01629 820011 or drop us an email at
Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 37 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Following last year ’ s heat wave , and with an additional bank holiday on the horizon, consumers are expected to flock to pub gardens and restaurant terraces this spring and summer, representing a valuable oppor tunity for operators with outdoor spaces

Premium candle specialist Bolsius Professional has released a new guide for operators keen to capitalise on their outdoor spaces

Combining stunning exteriors, design tips and cost-effective ideas, Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue provides ideas and guidance on creating a compelling multi-sensor y outdoor

experience for customers

Paul Christodoulou National Account Manager UK & Ireland Out of Home at Bolsius Professional said:

“At the moment, consumers are ver y conscious of where they are choosing to dine and spend their money

Yet, with one in four (27%) pub goers saying that they expect outdoor areas, and almost half of UK consumers that go to pubs or restaurants stating that they would prefer to sit in an outdoor area – even if the weather was ‘just okay’ getting your outdoor space right is more impor tant than ever

“In these challenging times, a welcoming outdoor area can mean


As the cold winter months star t to make way for the warmer, and hopefully drier spring and summer period the use of outdoor enter taining spaces star ts to increase

At Space-Ray, we can help you maximise the potential of your outdoor space and extend its use beyond sunset, and the inevitable drop in temperature

Specialising in heating solutions for external areas, Space-Ray’s range of gas fired and electric heaters offer you the option to choose the product best suited to your applications:-

The Coldblocker gas fired radiant heater, is ideal for covered outdoor spaces and is rain proof to IP44 Fitted with a tinted glass front, which not only offers flame protection, it also gives the heater a stylish sleek appearance when not in operation

The Linea electric radiant

heater offer IP55 level of protection along with remote control and glass front, it is ideal for the smaller space where gas is not available or a viable option

Our SURA Plus and AQUA ranges of electric heaters use high quality Dr Fischer shor twave radiant lamps also offer an IP55 rating making them durable and weather resistant The Sura plus range is remote controllable

The Eclipse range of zero glow electric radiant heaters are perfect for those intimate areas where no additional light is required Ceramic heating elements are utilised, which provide a gentle level of heat from the sleek and stylish fully black heater Suitable for covered outside areas and offer protection levels of IPX4

Check out our outdoor heating website for fur ther information www outdoorheating spaceray co uk info@spaceray co uk

more covers and extended dwell time - translating into increased spend Our research shows 81% of consumers agree that ambience is impor tant to their decision to stay out longer or return to an establishment “Candlelight plays a vital role in creating that atmosphere with more than two thirds of consumers feeling that lighting and candlelight are impor tant to their overall experience at an establishment, and 60% feeling candlelight invites them to stay out longer What’s more , candlelight can also contribute to the perception of a venue with 61%3 of consumers saying it would make them feel they were experiencing higher
quality at an establishment
a selection of tips and
foliage and comfor t
to unlock revenue through
into this typically under-utilised area Bolsius Professional is a leading candle manufacturer, with an extensive range of indoor and outdoor candles designed specifically for restaurants, bars and hotels To discover more about their candle range , and to download a copy of the Bolsius Professional guide ‘Investing in outdoor : attract and retain customers to grow revenue ’ , go to www bolsius com/en/professional/inspiration See the adver t on the previous page or visit www bolsiusprofessional com
38 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
why we ’ ve pulled together
ideas for operators, from furnishings to
we ’ re helping them
Outdoor Spaces
Maximise the Potential of Your Outdoor Space With Our Range of Patio Heaters
Bolsius Professional Helps Operators To Unlock Revenue In Their Outdoor Spaces

Extending Outdoors Ltd

Extending Outdoors offer a wide range of Pergolas & Verandas to extend your living into the outdoors

Many hoteliers, restaurants and cafes depend on their open-air space to distinguish them from their rivals so displaying this space with an excellent outside open or covered construction can help entice customers in and to appreciate the ambience and vistas regardless of the weather

For hospitality businesses requiring a fast, simple and affordable change to their outside space one of our pergolas or canopies could be the ideal arrangement Both pragmatic and beautiful, they give shade and protection from the elements

For existing verandas and pergolas, outside blinds can be mounted to the top and sides to give powerful protection from the sun or rain, establishing a

comfor table climate throughout the entire year

Shades and pergolas offer an incredible expansion to large open spaces, par ticularly when supplied with your own personalisation including remote controlled retractable or sliding rooftops sliding glass zip screens separate passage entr yways climate sensors and LED lighting and radiators

All work carried out is fully guaranteed and our products are all fitted by our own fitters and offer nationwide coverage We have over 35 years experience in bespoke made to measure glass extensions, conser vatories and orangeries

Allow your customers to dine outdoors with full protection or utilise the extra space for a children's play area the oppor tunities are endless

See the adver t on this page for fur ther details

ExtEnding OutdOOR Living Retractable Buildings - Retractable Roofs - Glazing Choices - Automatic Awnings Pergolas Verandas Swimming Pool, Spa & Hot Tub Enclosures Extending Outdoors Ltd provide a wide range of products to extend outside living Planning undertaken as applicable 30 years experience - guarantees up to 10 years We have over 1,000 installations throughout the UK Only provide quality products Most products are exclusive all from Europe Residential and Commercial Email: Mobile: 0771810511 Main Line: 01722 444590 Websites: 8 Wilton Business Centre, Kingsway, Salisbury, Wilts SP2 0AH - Nationwide Create an outdoor living space to enjoy all year
want one
world beating Kanga boxes
You can then keep food hot indefinitely and fully comply with HACCP regulations
too good to be true?
we only supply premium German manufactured products from stock at incredibly low prices The insulated box manufactured from top quality expanded polypropylene is a dense closed cell insulation material but incredibly light to handle when empty for example the GN insulted box with a 117 mm internal depth only weighs just over a kilo and yet holds a massive 21 lts capacity Now combine the Kanga box with a Carbon Heater and the magic begins hot food all the time! Our range of Carbon heaters offers two voltage options 12 volts for car operation using the cigarette lighter socket or 230 volt mains voltage for internal or external mains use The big advantage of the Carbon Heaters they are absolutely fool proof just inser t them in the bottom of the box turn on and forget, there are no consumer controls the temperature is pre-set at the factor y at 75 deg C The Carbon Heater is ver y light at only 700 grammes and does not take up much room only being 10mm thick Dishes can be place on the Carbon Heater straight out of the oven up to 120deg C Finally quick and easy to clean just wipe over with a damp cloth Contact Catering Equipment Limited on Tel: 0121 773 2228 or visit www.clickonstore .net or www kangaboxuk com
Outdoor Spaces Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 39
First of all, you will
of our
and a Carbon Heater
Keeping Food Hot? We Have All The Answers

Outdoor Spaces

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

We are an independent supplier ser ving the outdoor restaurant trade with supplies for outdoor seating areas We have some large clients including Gondola group along with many smaller cafe bars, restaurants and public houses

We design and manufacturer our own windbreaks and use the best materials available For anyone looking long term that saves you money as you won’t be replacing cheap internet impor ts next season It’s one area where it doesn’t pay to buy budget as the continual bumps and

scrapes outdoor goods receive combined with the harsh British climate really needs something tough enough for the job

We also supply Markilux awning which are some of the best made in the industr y and Uhlmann parasols another top rated German brand Bespoke goods are also a speciality with custom made menu holders waiter stations and planters all to you requirement If we can help you do drop a line to sales@cafeculture biz

Preparing for Spring Advice

Now is the time to get your outdoor areas tidied up and planned for spring trade

Here are 3 top considerations to help you prepare


Get more people through the door by creating a great fir st impression

Smar ten and tidy up your outdoor s

Give your grass c hance to recover from winter

• Jetwash your patios and dec ks

• Use plant pots or planter s to create welcoming entrances

• Chec k and c lean outdoor dining furniture replace any broken Create impact with colour

Stand out from other venues and be eye catching to passers-by with an injection of colour Choose bright plants colourful outdoor furniture and parasols




What do your customers want from your outdoor space?

Who are your core customers?

Does your outdoors suit their needs? Are they comfor table on the furniture you have?

What are they doing? Is it mostly consuming drinks and snacks or do you offer full dining? Or a bit of ever ything? Do you have a mixture of furniture to accommodate all these requirements?

Weatherproof your outdoors

Make customers comfor table no matter the British weather, increase dwell time and spending with outdoor shelters and parasols


GREAT Events and Enter tainment

Your outdoors provides extra space to host events and enter tainment

Are you planning events for the kings coronation?

Will you need additional seating or long tables for large groups?

Be memorable and do something different

Use your outdoor areas to differentiate your venue from others

Do you have space for outdoor games or a pizza oven or BBQ?

Is it welcoming, especially going into the evening? Can you add lighting to create a welcoming atmosphere

Contact Woodberr y Outdoor Furniture

Woodberr y are outdoor furniture and shelter specialists for the hospitality trade Give Woodberr y s friendly exper t team a call to chat through how you can improve outdoor trade 01926 889922

Browse a wide range of outdoor furniture , shelters and planters online at www.woodberr

40 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design & Refit

Magicman - Repair, Renew, Restore

The appearance of your hotel is of paramount impor tance when inspiring confidence and delight amongst clientele You have earned your name and now want to maintain your position and reputation

Being awarded ‘Best for Innovative Hard Surfaces Restoration and Repair Ser vices 2022’ by Design and Build Awards and with 30 years ’ experience in specialist repairs and restoration, Magicman can assist

Our customers include celebrated hotels, famous cruise lines and busy international transpor t hubs From Park Lane to Pakistan, Bermondsey to Bermuda, we provide repair and restoration ser vices all over the UK and around the world At Magicman, we know that a good repair is the best thing to do

If your premises are in need of some TLC we have the ser vices and equipment to help you out We can handle minor chips scratches and other superficial issues as well as more major damage such as dents burns and cracks

Our team can handle most problems with efficiency and ease , whether they involve cabinets or furniture We'll even handle any of your snagging issues before you hand over possession of the room to your client, so they don't have to worr y about paying extra fees due to incomplete repairs

We've got all kinds of options when it comes to repairing damaged items in your hotel rooms

If you want to find out more visit or download our free app available now

Additional Ranges as ILF Continue to Expand email terr

With the ever-growing success of the ILF Chairs website , 2023 has seen an increase in their stock chairs to 8 ranges available in different Faux and Velvet upholster y and selection of frame colours, plus an 8 colour stock range of Egger laminated 25mm table tops in a selection of sizes

A full range of table bases in metal and stainless steel are also kept in stock In addition a new range called Boutique elegant seating with frames in Ash Walnut and Beech and offering a full selection of stain finishes and fabrics

Their new online website offers both indoor and outdoor seating and table solutions

Divided into Contemporar y seating, Boutique , Barstools, Lounge Seating, Period Seating, Outdoor seating and tables plus Indoor Dining & Coffee height tables, offering a great selection of products to view at

your leisure Also included now is an extensive range of stock seating, barstools, table bases and table tops

Most made to order indoor seating and indoor wooden table bases and tops can be finished to any customer specification Outdoor items offer a variety of colours within the same product style

Also included is a link to priced chairs and table bases plus a selection of priced made to order seating in a selection of Faux Leather upholster y colours and wood frame colours These products can also be supplied to customer specification, just ask for details

Enquiries can be sent to them directly from the website and they will reply within 24 hours They hope you will enjoy the experience of viewing their easy to navigate website and they look forward to helping clients get the best products for their hospitality site

We have developed a range of innovative repair solutions to rectify damage to all types of hard surface – wood, laminate, ceramic, metal, uPVC, stone, marble, granite, even glass

The damage disappears, just like magic!

QuALitY REPAiRS tO dAMAgEd itEMS & SuRFACES On-SitE Magicman® technicians are trained to deliver on site repairs to doors, floors, worktops, baths, shower trays, tiles, window frames and cills, furniture and so much more BEFORE AFTER tel: 0345 458 1010 get an estimate today Magicman® is the premier damage repair and restoration service
Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 41 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design & Refit

Get Ready for the Great British Summer with Indoor/Outdoor Furniture

With blue skies never guaranteed, planning for the summer months can be a challenge That’s why at Trent Furniture , we ’ ve got a great range of options that are ever y bit at home in the interior of your hospitality venue as they are in your outdoor seating area throughout the summer months

Our Bolero Chair is lightweight and stackable making it easy to move around as the weather and other needs dictate Made from hardwearing polypropylene , it’s built to last and its brown woven design looks great both indoors and outside with the matching and equally versatile Bolero Table If you prefer black, check

Lose Less, Sell More

If you re considering the CardsSafe system for your venue , retaining your customers’ banking or ID cards is safer than ever CardsSafe eliminates walkouts and helps increase customer spending and trust in your brand while protecting staff from discrepancies

The CardsSafe system is specifically designed to securely retain customer credit and debit cards while the cardholder runs a tab As a result staff can securely keep customers bank cards while customers enjoy the facilities allowing them to up-sell onsite


CardsSafe s cost-effective tab-keeping system works alongside existing POS to retain customer credit and debit cards securely As a result CardsSafe vir tually eliminates walkouts and chargebacks because it is a deterrent for slipper y customers and prevents it from happening because their bank card is securely retained


CardsSafe is a fantastic

out our popular Plaza range for similar contemporar y style and flexibility

The clean monochrome lines of our Cannes range is another great option for furniture that provides chic and comfor table seating alfresco or inside The full aluminum construction means it will ser ve you well in any setting for years to come and when not in use it can be easily stacked and stored away For more information about our cost-effective range of indoor/outdoor furniture please call us on 0116 2864 911 or fill in our contact form at www trentfurniture co uk/contact-us

customer ser vice and helps staff to upsell By safely securing customers’ bank cards while running a tab, it helps to increase trust between the venue and customers and allows the team to build loyalty and confidence while enabling them to increase

Over 5000 venues, including Young’s pubs, Hilton Hotels, Lord’s cricket ground, and many independent restaurants and bars, utilise the system The CardsSafe units can sit discreetly behind the bar or POS, and the system does not capture data, so it never breaches GDPR

Our system has revolutionised how the hospitality industr y manages its customers’ obligations It’s also incredibly easy to install and requires minimal staff training Our customer ser vice team is on hand with troubleshooting, and we also supply you with free replacement keys should they go missing The question is, can you afford not to have CardsSafe as a par t of your business?

For more information please visit www.cardssafe .com

Or contact the sales team on 0845 500 1040

hospitality business tool that increases
42 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Design & Refit

Top Engraver Supports Hospitality Sector

with Swift Service for Etched & Printed Table Numbers & QR Discs

One of the UK’s most professional and technically advanced engraving and etching supplier Brunel Engraving is providing a rapid response to the growing demand for etched table numbers and QR code discs in the pub and catering industr y

The company has made a substantial investment in additional state of the ar t equipment and related software in order to produce a wide range of individually engraved and printed table numbers and discs

The numbers and discs enable customers to link to apps or menus,

10 Years of Mayfair

Mayfair Furniture will be celebrating 10 years this year of providing the UK’s fastest and affordable commercial furniture

Supplying all kinds of establishments from high end hotel chains to small local takeaways

We keep in stock a huge variety of items ready for immediate dispatch, and can fulfil a wide range of bespoke orders We deliver to all areas of the UK, Ireland & Europe

We are not just a supplier ; we understand that from time to time hospitality and leisure establishments like to give themselves a fresh new look That's why not


only do we supply contract furniture , but when it's time for your establishment to go through a refurbishment we also offer a complete clearance ser vice We ll organise ever ything from a suitable time and date , professional clearance staff to remove contract furniture whether fitted or unfitted Along with our sister company Caterfair who provides commercial catering equipment for your kitchens we are the ideal people to speak to when you are looking to refurbish

See the adver t below for fur ther details

eliminating the requirement for hard copies of menus and making it quicker and more convenient for customers to order Our investment in additional equipment and software has ensured that our customers in the hospitality sector can benefit from high quality products with excellent swift ser vice at a fair price Our ISO9001 accreditation means that ever y job no matter how large or small goes through the workshops with this expectation level and the continuous amount of 5 stars we receive on Trust pilot, highlights this commitment” said Tom Pycock, Sales Director of Brunel Engraving In addition to rotar y engraving, Brunel offers laser engraving, chemical etching, anodic print dye sublimation print flatbed UV print and wide format UV print T: 01275 871 720 E: info@brunelengraving co uk W: www brunelengraving co uk
Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 43 Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Sanicom Provides The Solution For

In Historic York

MST Auctioneers Ltd

MST AUCTIONEERS Ltd specialise in handling & auctioning a wide variety of goods

We act for Insolvency Practitioners, Receivers, Bailiffs and Solicitors as well as large PLCs

We are members of The National Association of Auctioneers and Valuers (NAVA)

For the past 25 years, we ' ve provided a unique disposal ser vice tailored to suit, liquidators, banks, receivers as well as private and corporate vendors We carr y out probate valuations and conduct complete house and commercial clearances

We have the largest Auction venue in the South of England Our regular monthly Auctions occupy 45,000 sq ft of undercover space , selling over 2500 lots from 3 rostrums over two days

We also hold regular Auctions ”On Site” and "On Line"

See adver t on this page for fur ther details

Gatehouse Coffee located in Walmgate Bar is a charming café nestled within the ancient walls of York As the most complete of the four main medieval gateways into the city, Walmgate is the only ‘Bar’ in the UK to retain its barbican por tcullis and inner doors and par ts of it date back to the 12th centur y Offering a selection of ar tisan coffee and tasty treats to locals and tourists, the café owners reconfigured the space to improve the flow of the café for customers As par t of the refurbishment the catering sink was relocated which meant a pumping solution would be required to enable the discharge of hot waste water A Saniflo Sanicom lifting station proved to be the perfect answer and it was duly installed out of sight underneath the adjacent stairwell Protected by a grease filter, the Sanicom takes grey hot water waste and pumps it upwards through a network of discharge pipes within the café walls and ceiling ultimately connecting to an existing cast iron soil pipe concealed within the toll bar walls A job that gravity drainage could just not do The Sanicom is the perfect pumping solution for catering and hospitality and is available with one or two pumps Visit or email marketing@saniflo co uk
44 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023
Design & Refit
Please mention the Caterer, Licensee & Hotelier News when replying to advertising

Property and Professional

Saffron Academy Limited - Training. Development. Collaboration.

Saffron Academy deliver a world class training ser vice by: Collaborating, Development, Training

These are the values that we prioritise and believe are desirable and wor th striving for Saffron Academy Limited gets a buzz from helping individuals, teams, and businesses to be the best that they can be , and we are passionate about the power of training, watching individuals grow, and

pursuing talent and creativity

We provide training that is ENGAGING INNOVATIVE & MADE SIMPLE; from engagement to completion, we will handle ever ything for you These internationally and nationally recognised courses could be your chance at achieving the goals you ’ ve set and improving your qualifications

For details of the courses we offer, go to the courses page for full descriptions of the training packages and the latest training schedule; https://saffronacademy co uk/courses/

These packages are a combination of accredited and bespoke training, and we can tailor them around your own organisation if you prefer ‘in-house’ training

The funding for our courses is par tly provided by the European Social

Inflation and the cost-of-living crisis has made it a challenging time for hospitality business owners, but that doesn’t have to hold back your ambitions to thrive Millbrook Business Finance can help you secure funding to make your business dreams a reality

Millbrook Business Finance are leisure and hospitality finance specialists

Capify - We're Here to Support Your Hospitality Business

For almost 15 years, Capify has worked closely with the hospitality sector, providing business owners with much-needed funding We ve been there through some difficult times – like the 2008 recession and Covid-19, and have continued to lend even when the banks have said no Unfor tunately, business owners are once again confronted with turbulence , thanks to the ongoing cost of living crises However, there’s still an oppor tunity to prosper

If you ’ ve got exciting business plans in 2023, we can help you achieve them We’re proud to have created an accessible business loan which is both quick and easy to apply for, and, once approved, the funds can be paid out in as little as 24 hours

Capify s finance can be used for any business purpose , whether that’s:

• Managing shor t-term cash flow issues

• Purc hasing seasonal food and dr ink

• Hir ing additional staff

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

Answer: because we can help your business to succeed.

With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector The Bowden Group s Managing Consultant

David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements:

Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business

David will also be on hand to give you extra (and this can be without any extra charge) suppor t through our Sprowts4Mentoring system, to analyse , ever y single week, your business performance figures giving you weekly analysis and concise repor ts, with appropriate guidance , to optimise your business’s Sales, Profitability and Staff Management PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS

Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business

The largest overhead even higher than Cost of Sales is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business

And YES Covid19 changed a lot of things We need to learn from those things!

Right now we are experiencing massive increases in the cost of the raw materials that we buy both Food and Drink We will take that fully into consideration When was the last time that you fully and meticulously costed out and priced correctly, ever y dish on your menu both Food and Drinks?

Budgeting, Forecasting, Menu Management, Stock Controls, Purchasing, and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your

Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you MANAGING PEOPLE

Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From

‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff, your team needs careful and skilful Management Motivation guidance and Development

We have a ver y good record in helping Hospitality business owners to implement processes that improve how they manage their people which in turn benefits the owners as well as the Team Members themselves

We can help you to manage difficult people situations, to improve your operational planning, to recruit, train and manage your team better, creating a more productive , pleasant and ‘’retaining’’ working environment


We will help you build a workable planned Marketing Strateg y We don t do fancy posh or expensive we just recommend what our experience says will actually work for your business

It’s no longer enough to rely on word-of-mouth and repeat business You need to employ a wealth of skills in a number of areas to ensure that your Marketing is attracting new customers and engaging with existing customers

From Digital Marketing, such as Social Media marketing Websites eMail Marketing and online adver tising to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your Hospitality business should be constantly working on ‘’ all things Marketing’’

If your business is actually struggling, or if you just feel that it could be doing some things better, give David Hunter a quick call on 07831 407984 to arrange a ‘’Free of Charge’’ initial consultation (please quote CLH Offer) when David will discuss with you what could be achieved if you ask us to work with you

Fund (ESF) and is available from the Depar tment for Work and Pensions (DWP) until December 2023 We can offer this funding to businesses in the Hospitality, Leisure , Travel, Tourism and Retail sectors, operating in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly providing that they have less than 250 employees

On the other hand, we also have available commercial courses, such as First Aid, for any business outside the earlier sectors, should they need it For fur ther information about us, please contact:

https://saffronacademy co uk/contact/


Telephone: 07983 469870 https://mobile

• Purc hasing new cater ing equipment or anything else which your business needs

Our flexibility means we will tr y and look beyond your credit histor y when assessing your application and instead, we will consider whether your business has the potential to deliver solid and sustained growth

If you d like to find out how much finance you qualify for,

You'll be taken to Capify s website , where you can get a no-obligation quote within minutes You'll also be able to find out more information about the business loan and the unique and straightforward repayments

To find out more www capify co uk/hospitality-fund or call us on 0800 151 0980 to speak to one of our specialist finance sale team

and can help fund any of the following: Equipment and mac h ner y • Refurbishment of trading premises • New stoc k and inventor y • Unexpected VAT b lls and staff wages • Cashflow and work ng capital requirements Millbrook Business Finance are exper ts at arranging fast and affordable finance between £25,000 to £25m We offer flexible repayment terms and industr y-beating pay out times too, meaning your money can land into your account within as little as 24 hours We will not be beaten on price We guarantee to beat any like-for-like finance approval* We offer free business finance reviews Looking to reduce your costs? Let Millbrook review your current finances and see if we can save you money through refinancing Interested in business finance , but not sure you'll be approved? We can check your eligibility in minutes without it impacting your credit score Speak to a business finance specialist today: 0333 188 2206 Or visit our website to submit an enquir y: www millbrookbusinessfinance com See the adver t on page 47 * Cond t onal on M l brook Business Finance Ltd receiv ng a copy of the forma finance approva and is at the sole discret on of Mi lbrook Business Finance Ltd
Feb/Mar 2023 CLH News 45
Do You Have Plans
Take Your
This Year?

Property and Professional

The Grey Walls pub and hotel on Elleray Road in Windermere , a year-round Lake District top tourist destination, is being offered to experienced operators to lease with the benefit of a major £750,000 investment

Extensive staff accommodation and parking, a rarity in this prime location, and multiple income stream potential make The Grey Walls an appealing commercial oppor tunity

Heineken-owned Star Pubs & Bars plans for The Grey Walls will transform the tired premises into a premium local with a reputation for great food and drink, filling a gap in the market It will also have 10 ensuite letting bedrooms and a newly refurbished two-bedroom manag-

er s flat alongside its plentiful staff accommodation and parking

The proposed works, which the new operator would have input into, would involve a top-to-toe redecoration of the pub giving it a more modern countr y look and feel and creating seating for over 200

Inside , upgrades will include new lighting, flagstones and hand sawn wide timber floorboards, a new bar with overhead gantr y, retro style leather armchairs and rustic wooden tables and chairs An open through fire with woodburner will demark the pub’s two trading areas and create a greater sense of space

Outside , the pub façade will be redecorated in more contemporar y black and grey colours with new signage and lighting completing the look The front of the pub will also benefit from a new alfresco café style eating and dining area The large beer garden at the rear of the pub will also be upgraded with new timber furniture Planting and festoon lighting will add to the ambience

Other changes will include a new commercial kitchen and upgrade of the customer toilets, a new hotel reception area, renovation of the cellar and installation of the latest dispense technolog y which improves the quality and consistency of draft beer and cider The Smar t Dispense System’s unique cooling technolog y and line insulation from keg to tap is 20% more energ y efficient than standard systems, keeping cider and beer colder

Says Star Pubs & Bars Area Manager, Rick Rose-Coulthard: “The Grey Walls is all about location, facilities and an oppor tunity to be par t of one the UK’s top staycation locations It is right in the centre of beautiful Windermere in the Lake District National Park one of the UK’s leading tourist destinations Even better, it is only 200 meters from

Windermere train station and has parking, so is perfect for both local and tourist trade With competition for staff, the extensive staff accommodation is a real bonus, especially as this is a rarity locally

“There is a great oppor tunity for the right operator to capitalise on the current lack of premium, destination food-led pubs in the area They will need to have run a good food pub before and preferably have hotel experience

Anyone interested in finding out more about leasing The Grey Walls can see fur ther details by visiting

PRICE: £600,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4265 MINE HEAD , SO ME RSET Impressive Detached Tudor Sty e Proper ty in Fabu ous Location Long Establ shed We l Appo nted L cenced Restaurant w th Outside Seating • Commerc a k tchen w th Prep Area and Wash Up Room • Except ona Se f-Contained 4 Double Bed Accommodation Pr vate Park ng for 4 Cars and Outbui dings N R, SALC OMBE , D EVON Award Winning Restaurant in Idy l c South Hams Location Panoramic Coasta Views over Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Trad ng 11 Months of the Year Local Repeat Custom with Huge Tour st Boost • Contemporar y nter or Design & South Facing Terrace PRICE: £125,000 LEA SEHOLD REF: 3684 PRICE: £120,000 LEASEHOLD REF: 4269 D ARTMO UTH , D EVON Premium Cockta l & W ne Bar Located With n South Hams • Voguish Interior Decor Creat ng Laid Back Sophist cation • Internal Capac ty for C rca 80 Guests • Ded cated Outside Seating Area on Promenade for 26 • Potent a to Expand on th s A ready Successfu Bus ness TEI GNM OUTH , DEVON Charm ng Catering Prem ses C ose to the Seafront Fu ly Equipped Licensed and Seat ng 28 • Previously Trad ng Dayt mes w th Scope for Even ng Trade • Ideal Turnkey Operat on in Sought Af ter Area • Per fect Owner Operator Oppor tun ty PRICE: £27,500 LEASEHOLD REF: 4425 W EMB URY, D EVON Substantial Character Vi lage Inn Close to Wembur y Beach • Refurbished & Unopposed Community Pub with Trade Gardens & Car Park Lounge Bar & Restaurant, Commerc a Kitchen & Spac ous Living Accommodation Current y C osed Previously Trading at mpressive Leve s • Avai ab e on a New Free of T e Lease PRICE: NIL PREMIUM – GUIDE RENT : £35 ,000 REF: 45 39 DU NSTER , SO MER SET • A Stunn ng 9 Bedroom Grade I Listed Hotel Exud ng Character & Class • S tuated n the V llage of Dunster at the Gateway to Exmoor Nationa Park Ma n Bar & Restaurant Tea Room & Period Bal room/Function Room • 9 Beautiful y and Indiv dua ly Appointed En-Suite Lett ng Rooms A Rare Oppor tunity to Buy a Substant al & Successful Freeho d Bus ness PRICE: £1,300,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4302 TO RQ UAY, D EVON Substant a Freeho d Pub S te Refurb shed Community Pub with 2 Interna Trad ng Areas & Large Outside Deck Spac ous 3 Bed Owners Accom at F rst Floor Level • Fur ther Se f-Contained 3 Bed Apar tment with Separate Entrance on Second deal for Par t/Ful Res dentia Redeve opment STP or Owner Operator Pub PRICE: £350,000 + VAT FREEHOLD REF: 3328 PRICE: £430,000 FREEHOLD REF: 4188 DAW LISH, DE VO N A Fabulous Waterfront Inn with Views Over South Devon Coast ine • Large Open P an Trad tiona Trading Area Commerc a Kitchen & Anc l aries • Outside Trade Pat o Area & Balcony with Coasta V ews 1 Bed Owners Apar tment w th Sea Views & Secondar y Managers F at 4 Lett ng Rooms on the Top Floor - 3 w th Spectacu ar Sea V ews NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! EAST DEVON COAST Attractive Licensed Restaurant Busy Prime Trading Location Restaurant 42 Catering Kitchen Huge Potential For New Owners Well Presented & Equipped LH £28 995 2109 DARTMOOR DEVON Substantial Landmark Inn & Hotel New Free Of Tie Lease Available 12 Letting Rooms 3 Bed Owners Bar & Restaurant Areas Seating 156+ Impressive Multifaceted Business LH £45,000 4833 01392 201262 www stonesmith co uk T H E W E S T C O U N T R Y S P E C I A L I S T S THINKING OF SELLING? C ALL FOR A FREE VALUATION DARTMOOR NATIONAL PARK Detached Countr y B&B Set In 6 Acres 5 Letting Rooms & Owners Accom 2 Lounges Dining Room Sun Room Gardens Paddock Meadows Stables Idyllic Home & Income Low Overheads DUCHY LH £395,000 6012 DEVON COUNTRY VILLAGE Substantial Character Village Inn Sought After Trading Location Bar/ Restaurant Areas 66+ Garden 80+ 3 Letting Rooms Owners Accommodation Tremendous Potential Throughout FH £445 000 4834 MID DEVON VILLAGE Traditional Character Countr y Inn Well Presented Throughout Bar Areas 40+ Restaurant 40+ Extensive Kitchens Car Park 3 Bed Owners Apartment Beer Gdn FH £325,000 4830 LYME REGIS DORSET Immaculate Coffee Shop & Café Completely Refitted in 2019 Easily Manageable Business Daytime Hours Only Exceptionally Low Overheads LH £29 000 2153 DOR SET VILLAGE Detached Countr y Inn & Restaurant 3 E/S Letting Rooms & Owners Appt Bar/Restaurant 60+ Al Fresco Seating 50+ Commercial Kitchen Car park & Garage Impressive & Profitable Business FH £595,000 4822 LOOE, CORNWALL Impressive Licensed Café & Bistro Furnished To A High Standard Lucrative Trading Position 36 Covers Inside 48 Covers Outside Excellent Trade & Profits LH £60 000 2134 SOMERSET VILLAGE Destination Countr y Inn & Restaurant Profitable Business Opportunity Bar/Restaurant 66+ Al Fresco Seating 60+ Catering Kitchen 2 Bed Apartment Car Park Tremendous Potential FH £370,000 4794
Prominent Lake District Tourist Hotspot Pub and Hotel Now Available with Significant Investment 46 CLH News Feb/Mar 2023

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Articles inside

Property and Professional

page 46

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

page 45

Capify - We're Here to Support Your Hospitality Business

page 45

Property and Professional Saffron Academy Limited - Training. Development. Collaboration.

page 45

In Historic York

page 44

Design & Refit Top Engraver Supports Hospitality Sector

page 43

Design & Refit Get Ready for the Great British Summer with Indoor/Outdoor Furniture

page 42

Design & Refit Magicman - Repair, Renew, Restore

page 41

Preparing for Spring Advice

page 40

Outdoor Spaces Café Culture - Pavement Profit

page 40

Extending Outdoors Ltd

page 39

Enjoy The Sunshine With Our Maintenance Free Outdoor Furniture!

pages 37-38

Outdoor Spaces A Special Offer from Fenton Timber

page 37

Avancini Launches Heavy Duty Variable Speed Single-Phase Spiral Mixers

page 35

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

page 35

Fryers and Oil

page 35

Commercial Kitchen Fit-Out

page 34

Riso Gallo - Sensationally Sustainable!

pages 33-34

Sustainable Resources Osprey Charging

pages 31, 33

Boost Your Efficiencies During the Spring & Summer Rush

page 31

Chef's Buyer's Guide Bacchus Wines PLDC

page 28

GroutGleam - Refresh, Recolour, Restore

page 27

edencleen from Cleenol

page 26

Cleaning and Hygiene Ozone Clean

page 26

Spirits and Cocktails Goldstone Rum

page 25


page 24

Barton Reed & Co

page 23

Expowest Cornwall Preview Rosemullion Distillery Cultivates Success... 60 Awards and Growing

page 23

South West Labels

page 22

Chadds Foodsmiths

page 22

You’re Invited to Expowest Cornwall in March!

page 22

KP Snacks Gets Flavourful With Exciting New McCoy ’s Launch

pages 20, 22

Hospitality Kicks Off Football Tournament This June, Raising Vital Funds for 3 Great Charities

page 20

High Demand for Night-Time Economy, but Late Night Levy 'Must Go'

page 20

Gibson Plus Landmark Baubles

page 18

Shepherd Neame Pub Managers Celebrate 30 Years – With 30 Happy Couples

page 18

Finger Clickin’ Good: How Hospitality Can Get Better at SEO

page 18

Historic Village Pub Keeps it in the Family as New Manager Takes Over from Her Parents

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Why a Hotel’s ESG Policies Should Not Be Placed By The Wayside In 2023

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Smashed AF Drynks’ Mission to Get the UK to Rethink Drinking... Not Ban Drinking

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How Dry Was the UK During Dry January?

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Cost, Taste and Ethical Eating Essential to Achieve Post-Veganuary Success, says GlobalData

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Extending Licensing Hours for King’s Coronation Would Provide ‘Much-Needed Boost’ for Sector

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Sustainable & Cost-Effective Hot Water Is Achievable Today

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Plea for Spring Budget Action as 21 Pubs Close Doors to the Public Every Week in Britain

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‘A Soft Target For Fraud’: Mitigating Risk In The Hotel Industry

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Soft Drinks Drive Double-Digit Drinks Sales Growth

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More Closures Imminent Without Further Intervention on Energy Bills, Hospitality Trade Bodies Warn

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HOTEL L AUNDRY: Is an in-house, outsourced or a hybrid solution best?

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Hoteliers Urge Government to Relax Rules to Aid UK Recruitment

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Independent Brewers Call on Chancellor to ‘Invest in Britain’s Pubs’ by Increasing New Draught Drinks Duty Discount to 20%

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New Education Films Explain the Role of Pubwatches and Their Powers

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An Immigration Lawyer’s Guide to Hiring From Outside the UK

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Interest Rates for SME Lending Have Now Increased Almost Sixfold from Pandemic Low

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Tackling Cost of Living Crisis Top of Mind for UK Food & Drink Shows

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Pubs Code Adjudicator Calls on Publicans to Take Part in Biggest Ever Survey of Tied Pub Tenants

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Average Wages for Hospitality Workers Have Risen 53% in the Past 10 Years – the Highest of Any Industry in the UK

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Hospitality Energy Bills to Almost Double as Support Falls Away

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How Hospitality Can Help the Chancellor Reduce Inflation

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Robert’s Dorset – The Perfect Snack

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Demand for Staycations in 2023 Will Give UK Economy a Welcome Boost

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Supporting Mental Health During the Cost of Living Crisis

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Hospitality Vacancies Fall But Still Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Levels

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Hospitality Vacancies Fall But Still Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Levels

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