Zal Marketing Brochure

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We start with a principle: Every Bochur, will benefit from a personal relationship with — and personal interest from — his teachers and mentors at Yeshiva. This works for every bochur on any level. The ‫ מצויין‬who comes to us with high level learning skills, will gain from the close mentorship to pursue goals commensurate to his ability, while being guided to be a leader to his peers. The “standard” bochur will enjoy the refreshing style with which we approach the subjects he is already familiar with, as well as enjoy the personal relationships with his teachers that worked for him in Mesivta. The bochur who hasn’t yet seen success in learning will benefit from our non cookie-cutter style, which will coach him to pursue goals within his grasp, while he builds up the skills needed to feel accomplished and confident in Limud Hatorah.

GEMORA L’IYUN Thinking Beyond The Daf (Chakira and Analysis): The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Winner, has been enormously successful in teaching the Talmidim to appreciate the depths possible in a Sugya, and how to think on their own. He challenges each Chavrusah around the table to develop their own thoughts and to uncover the underlying thought process behind each argument all the while training them in a ‫דרך‬ ‫הלימוד‬. The Complete Sugya (Gemara to Halacha): Unfortunately some Bochurim never develop the appreciation for Seder Iyun and this can be caused by any number of things including difficulty maintaining the connecting thread throughout the year, or the lack of proper scaffolding. Rabbi Graj is tackling this challenge with a novel approach, by pursuing sugyas without necessarily following the page numbers. He breaks up the learning according to the development of an idea, allowing even a beginner to follow the complex reasoning and logic of an entire sugya. With a companion of clearly outlined Marei Mekomos, and a strong emphasis on the relevant Halacha, it’s easy to follow and appreciate this style of learning. At every sugya’s completion, the bochurim compose their own essay summarizing the ideas discussed. The Foundation (Text & Skill Building): For the Bochur entering Zal with insufficient skill and vocabulary, Zal can be very daunting. Rabbi Blau takes them under his watchful care to rekindle their motivation, gently coaching them in the great sea of Talmud. The goal is to build the skills from the ground up, allowing them to feel confident moving onto the higher Shiurim.

CHASSIDUS Parallel classes are offered in Chassidus, with Rabbi Paltiel teaching the advanced level. He showers the Bochurim with depth and insight through the Rebbe Rashab’s Hemsheichim, and Le’girsa completing a full year in the Rebbes Ma’amroim. Rabbi Sternberg successfully guides the bochurim in understanding the concepts of Chassidus on their own, and to appreciate the depth of Chassidus in a way that is practical, relevant and applied. Rabbi Levi Tzukernik is a master at reaching all his students and building up their skill and appreciation for Chassidus and Chassidishkeit.

GIRSO & HALACHA We have a robust Girso curriculum, with daily quotas. We go as far as recording our own Shiurim as an option for the bochurim to use as a guide during Chazzarah. As a result of this, this year a large group of Talmidim were able to complete the entire Mesechta. We have a full hour of Halacha Leiyun with ‘background shiurim’, to fill in on the main points based on the Beis Yosef. We also have ‘summary shiurim’, wrapping up the Halacha with a synopsis of the modern day questions and rulings of the Poskim and highlighting the differences between the Alter Rebbe's opinion and that of the “Velt’s”.

PRE-SEMICHA We offer a ‘pre-Semicha’ class for Bochurim in their final year of Zal, who enjoy Halacha L’iyun. The class is headed by Rabbi Shimon Piekarski, who successfully teaches the Bochurim how to glean the Halacha from the Tur, Beis Yosef, the Mechaber, and Magen Avrohom, all the way through the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch. This class has helped many Bochurim prepare themselves to learn Semicha properly, and gives them a head start with completing and getting tested on ‫ הלכות שבת‬and the ‫הוספות‬.

THE LAMDAN We have had the unique success of building the gifted bochur who is way above the rest of his Chaveirim. Rabbi Yisroel Labkowsky, well known for his encyclopedic knowledge and mastery of Halacha, personally mentors and guides them individually to build on their strength and guide their goals whether it is finishing shas, mastering chakirah, or delving into the depths of a halachic topic. In the afternoon, Rabbi Baras and Rabbi Berel Lipsker, both well accomplished Talmidei Chachomim, serve as personal mentors to answer questions and give guidance to the Talmidim.

Conclusion: From beginner to advanced, from Chassidus to Niglah, we have been B’ezras Hashem matzliach in creating an atmosphere of growth and Hadracha in Limud Hatorah. As we continue to grow in numbers, we will always stay true to our roots and ideals, caring for each individual bochur as just that: an individual. Central Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch

Chovevei Torah Campus 885 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn NY 11213 718-735-6601 ext. 105 Email us:

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