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ADVICE FOR A BAD DAY… with song titles

Oh, my goodness. It’s all a big, messy shambles right now, isn’t it? It feels as if the world has just… I don't know… gone bananas?* Some places, of course, feel more bananas, than others. SA, naturally, is right up there, with the “tough”. While we might not win the hardship Olympics (Ukraine!), we’re on the podium for sure. So. Strength to us, Warriors. This is no time and place for the wobbly or weak-livered. We all know that now, laid on top of the normal entry-level South African challenges, (inequality, uncertainty, criminality… ugh, all of it) we’ve also got the mad tiger’s tail of the pandemic, with its financial scorched earth and mental health wounds, to cope with too. And parents have a big job to do. Scorched earth or not. We not only have to keep everything together for ourselves, but for our families too. So. What do we do? How do we parent with optimism and positivity, when we are rocking and rolling on our own foundations? Because, make no mistake, a decent parent has to be the North Star, the family rock, the cheerleader and believer in a better future. That, in a nutshell, is just our job. The good news, most aspects of being a good parent are not expensive. The bad news? Parenting is hard. To be positive and brave when things are vile, is a job description from hell. No jokes. I think – maybe predictably – that bloodyminded optimism, patience and kindness are necessary parental ingredients in a cold climate. Plus, song titles! Here, from me, is some advice for coping on a bad day. It might not help, but I hope it does, just a little. On a bad day… remember to be kind to yourself first, and then be kind to your kids. Be patient. This turmoil too might pass, but you’ve got to stay in the game to benefit if it does. Some days that’s the best thing you can hope for. Keep plodding through the awful days and just get through the night. Your landscape might look different, you might just see a slither of light on the horizon, tomorrow. One that isn't visible today. Ask for help: professional, if you can afford it, and from friends and communities, if you can’t. (The Village is here for you.) Extend a hand of friendship, kindness and patience to someone else who needs help too. Helping others is literally the best medicine. Life. It's a long and winding road (you can’t cut to the good part). Darkness only lasts 'til dawn, and oh baby, baby, it’s a wild world. If you’re down in the hole, hold on to your high hopes. We’ll get through, one way or the other and… okay. That’s enough song titles! On the grimmest days… there’s music! And the hope that life will be better tomorrow. Sending love and strength Vanessa

* (No! It's always been this way, we only know more about everything now.)

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