1 minute read
Pumula Beach Hotel – Umzumbe
from FOMO Issue 14
by Thevillage
(An excerpt)
“Dear Village. I come to you today with a tale of victory!
I’ve tried chore charts, rosters, paid chores, loss of privileges, shouting, nagging, begging...
Nothing gets them to do what needs to be done and I am constantly “salty” and not very “chill”…
Well… after reading many Village posts of a similar theme, I decided to follow some advice that was given and I’m thrilled to say it hit them where it hurt!
For 3 days and 3 nights I have done what they do. I’ve not listened, I’ve forgotten to do what’s expected of me and I’ve shirked all my responsibilities. I forgot to re-stock the fridge,
I forgot to cook dinner, I forgot to take them anywhere fun on Sunday. I even went out and bought myself an ice cream – double scoop nogal – and neglected to buy them one. I was on such a roll I even toyed with forgetting to buy electricity!*
Was this an easy thing to do? No, it was not.
Well, not initially anyway, but then I really started leaning into it . Was it a kind thing to do? Definitely not. BUT, it seems to have been affective. I seem to have made my point because last night when the ever-hungry 15-year-old was making them toast for the third night in a row (while I kicked back with Netflix and a mega pint of red), I think he had a moment of clarity because he put the peanut butter back in the cupboard! AND closed the cupboard door!!!! Then the 10-yearold put his plate in the dishwasher Mum 1 - Boys 0 Small victories but I’m feeling like a winner today. You’re welcome. Follow me for more parenting tips."
Discipline for peace
Local child and teen behaviour specialist Karin Quail has a knack for understanding parental expectations and where teens are at – and getting them to meet in the middle. Follow her on YouTube – this video link takes you to a practical session on why lecturing children never works and how to change your approach. Read more here.