WHAT'SON Your essential guide to activities, clubs, events and lots more in your area. There’s something for everyone! ARTS, CULTURE & TALKS Bedford Art Society Meeting Friday 2nd June 7.15 for 7.30 startt Chris Christoforou, an experienced commercial artist, will give an illustrated talk entitled “The Beauty in your Backyard” showing the wealth of reference material which can be used in paintings and drawings. Entry is free for members, £5 for visitors. Contact Jean Paterson 01234 307210 or www.bedsartsociety.co.uk for information Alpine Garden Society, Bedfordshire group Monday June 5th 7.30 for 8.00pm John Page will be speaking on ‘Alpines in Botanic Gardens’. Local nursery Plant sales (not just alpine plants), plant exhibits. Visitors very welcome £3 including refreshments. Wilstead Village Hall, MK45 3BX Bedford Floral Art Society Tuesday June 6th Addison Centre, Kempston at 7.30pm Mellissa Sheldrake presents ‘The Thyme Machine’ Raffle of arrangements, Sales table Visitors £7. Everyone welcome www.bedfordfloralartsociety.co.uk Eagle Gallery Anthony Mackay One Week Show Saturday 10th June – Saturday 17th June Anthony Mackay takes over the gallery for a display of his work. 101 Castle Road, Bedford MK40 3QP Tel 01234 346995 www.eaglegalleryartists.co.uk Bangsang Hospital Charity, The Gambia’ – Lunch & Talk Wednesday 14th June 12.00 for 12.30pm 2-course Lunch followed by Inspiring Talk by Anita Smith, MBE MRG, Founder & Director of this amazing, award-winning charity. Tickets: £15 from Virginia Pope, 01933 356974. A Mill Theatre ‘Warm Up‘ Appeal event. Sharnbrook Mill Theatre, MK44 1NP Reg. Charity 242164
Embroiderers’ Guild, Bedford Branch Thursday June 15th 7.30 for 8.00pm Interested in textiles? Come and join us. Tonight’s speaker is Chris Yates (aka ‘The teabag lady’) on ‘The Artful Teabag’ see chrisyatestextileart. weebly.com for more details. The sales table and our scrapbooks will help you to find out what we do and how to join us. Visitors welcome, £4 including refreshments. St Mark’s Church, Calder Rise, Brickhill MK41 7UY Different Pasts, Shared Futures exhibition Saturday 17th June 3-5pm The result of a series of workshops between Yarl’s Wood detainees and artist Josepa Munoz. The Higgins Bedford, Castle Lane, Bedford MK40 3XD Busy Quilters & Stitchers (BQS) Saturday 17th June 10.00 – 3.30pm, Goldington Academy, Haylands Way, Bedford MK41 9BX. A day of workshops, Bring a sewing kit, £5 Further details Val Morgan Tel 01234 266963 Biddenham Gardeners Association Tuesday 20th June at 7.30 CLEMATIS – QUEEN OF CLIMBERS By Carole Adams Visitors very welcome. Admission £5 per meeting – includes Raffle & Refreshment. Biddenham Village Hall Website www.biddenhamgardenersassociation.org.uk Bedford National Trust Association Tuesday June 27th. AGM Doors open 4.00. Meeting starts 4.30. Speaker 5.30 Speaker Helen Ghosh – Director General of the National Trust. Addison Centre, Kempston, Bedford For more information ring Betty Thomas on 01480 860 421 Bedford Floral Art Society Tuesday 4th July 7.30pm Jenni Baker presents ‘Wind in the Willows’ Raffle of arrangements, Sales table Visitors £7. Everyone welcome Addison Centre, Kempston www.bedfordfloralartsociety.co.uk
CLASSES, CLUBS & GROUPS Linedancing Mondays at Priory Methodist Church Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9QJ Beginners/Improvers (Absolute Beginners Welcome) 7.30pm – 8.30pm www.dancingstars.comli.com/ Tele:07969847553
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Kempston and District Model Railway Society Meets every Monday from 7.30pm-10pm At the Church of the Transfiguration rear church hall. New members welcome. Contact Brian Woodcock on 07795251988 or brianwoodcock@btinternet.com Bedford Advanced Drivers – Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents We meet bi monthly on the third Tuesday of each odd month in the Lecture Room at the Bedford Athletic Stadium in Barkers Lane, Bedford at 8.00pm. Non members very welcome. Our May speaker from Cranfield University will be talking about driverless cars. Enquires call 01234 266070 or check our website www.roada-bedford.org.uk.’ Silver lining Club for the silver haired. Park Road Methodist Church Roff Avenue, opposite the high flats. Number 10 bus stops outside. FREE. 2pm-4pm every first Tuesday of the month. Various activities or just sit and chat with a cup of tea or coffee Over 70’s Gentle Exercise Classes Every Monday and Wednesday (except bank holidays) Mondays – Bedford Central Library (3rd floor meeting room) Wednesday – Bedford International Athletics Stadium £4 per session Tel 01234 718835 www.bedford.gov.uk/sport Rotary Club of Bedford de Parys Meet for breakfast every Tuesday at The Embankment Hotel 7.15am for 7.30am start. Fellowship, fundraising and interesting speakers www.bedforddeparysrotary.co.uk Scottish Country Dancing – Beginners class. Tuesday evenings 8pm -10pm ARA Social Club, Manton Lane, Bedford £2.50 per session, first evening free. Singles welcome No experience/partners needed. Wear soft shoes. Keith Rose 01234 781448 keith@krose.plus.com Bedfordshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. Meetings:- 1st Tuesday evening each month 7.30 – 9.30pm 3rd Saturday 10.30am. – 4.30pm each month. A friendly group of lovers of textile related crafts have changed venue to Flitwick Village Hall, 11 Dunstable Rd, Flitwick, Bedford MK45 1HP
Bedford Bowling Club Welcome Sessions Every Tuesday and Friday 2pm – 4pm The Bedford Bowling club holds taster sessions in Bedford Park (near the café), and welcomes anyone who would like to try the game. We are a warm, friendly club and the green is in a sheltered & idyllic part of the park. We provide all equipment for these sessions, and only ask you wear flat soled shoes to protect the green. There is no cost or obligation and tea and biscuits are provided. For full information ring Ray on 305695, Warwick on 403551, or Alison on 343257. Or check out our new web site google “bedfordbowlingclub, Bedford – hugo fox”. Local Friendship Group Welcomes new members We meet at a local public house every Wednesday at 8pm Call 07790 904736 or 07925 910639 Email: friendshipclub365@gmail.com Enjoy Irish Ceili and Set Dancing. Every Wednesday 8 pm to 10 pm at the Reading Room, 1, Barkers Lane, Bedford. £2 per session – first evening free. No partner required. Beginners welcome. Ring Pat [01234 308224] for more details. Evening Handcraft – Knitting, Stitching and lots of other hand crafts 1st & 3rd Wednesday of most months. Enjoy craft and good conversation with a relaxed group who support one another. Plus a whole craft shop to shop in if you want to. £4.75 per session which includes any drink off the O For Coffee menu. Tudor Rose Patchwork Unit 1, Oakley Park, Station Road, Oakley MK43 7RB Phone 01234 824983 for further details. Tudor Reeds Folk Dance Club Meet on First, Third and Fifth Wednesday of each month eve 8-10pm We are a friendly social Folk Dancing Club St Marks Church Hall, Calder Rise (off Avon Drive), Brickhill, Bedford MK41 7UY. It’s good fun for only £1 incl. refreshments.No partner required. Rosemary Mcneilage 01234 405594 MENCAP – Smiley Club Wednesdays 7pm – 8.30pm A fun social club for boys and girls from 9 to 18 who have learning disabilities. The club has a band of loyal volunteers, mostly teenagers and activities include: Art and crafts, board games, outside play in the warmer months and hanging out with friends! Pine Cones Family Centre, (behind Livingstone Lower School) Clapham Road, Bedford. For further information please contact the club leader Jeff Smith on 07798 762 808.
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MENCAP – Sparkle Club Wednesdays in term time between 7.00pm – 9.00pm a social club for adults with learning disabilities. It is held on Putnoe Primary School, Church Lane, Bedford MK41 0DH. Bedford Pipe Band welcome new members. Thursdays 7.30pm – 9.30pm Friendly & relaxed group beginners to experienced. St John’s Church hall (MK42 0DL), Bedford. Contact Pipe Major Donald Reid 01234 268475 Mrs. Barrett (Band Secretary) 01234 360967 www.bedfordpipeband.org.uk Bedford Gallery Quire 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursday of each month 7.30 pm Priory Methodist Church, Newnham Ave, Bedford We welcome those interested in singing/playing’West Gallery’ music from the early 18th century to the mid19th century. Contact Ken Baddley 01234 310018 www.bedfordgalleryquire.org.uk Bedford Folk Dance Company Meet Thursday eve 8 – 10 pm. We are a friendly Country and Folk Dance Club Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford MK41 8EB It’s good fun for only £2 incl. Refreshments No partner required Ron Law 01234 825574 www.bedfordfolkdanceclub.com Magpie Ladies Group A friendly group who meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 7.30 pm At St Mark’s Church, Calder Rise, Brickhill. (No meetings in August) Guest Speakers and social events Tea/Coffee and cake included New members welcomed Please Contact: Rosemary 01234 405594 or Barbara 01234 304960 Art Friends – New Art Group Art for Fun and Friendship For All Every Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm Bromham Baptist Church Enquiries please call Jackie 01234 825663 / 07880 518465 Flower School Thursday evenings 5pm – 7pm April Flowers, 90 High Street, Clapham Various arrangements covered with a demo followed by the opportunity for students to complete the same design which they can take home. Booking essential Call Amy on 01234 343335 / 07794 827137 P.M Bridge Group First and third Thursdays of each month 11am to 2.45pm Friendly duplicate bridge Good standard buffet lunch £6 including lunch, tea or coffee. Renhold Village Hall. Tel Ann on 01234 212066
Linedancing Thursdays Kempston Hammers Social And Sports Club 134 High Street High Street Kempston Bedford MK42 7BN Beginners/Improvers (Absolute Beginners Welcome) 7.00pm – 8.00pm Improver/Intermediate 8.00pm – 10.00pm http://dancingstars.comli.com/ Tele:07969847553 Bedford Fine Companions Folk Dance Club We are a long established folk dance club who meet every Friday in term time from 8pm to 10pm at Hazeldene School Bedford MK41 9AT (use Hartshill entrance). We are a friendly group always ready to welcome new members. No partner required. Contact David Cooke on 01234 823920, https://finecompanions.wordpress. com or find us on Facebook. Bedfordshire Family History Society Welcomes new members at their monthly meetings on the 1st Friday of every month. Contact Lynn on 01234 306482 Held in the Drama Hall of Mark Rutherford School, Wentworth Drive, Bedford MK41 8PX www.bfhs.org.uk Friday Daubers This friendly group of amateur daubers meets at 5 Lansdowne Road Bedford every Friday between 1pm and 4pm to spend a few hours enjoying our hobby. Between us we use a variety of media. If you enjoy drawing and/or painting why not join us. If you are interested why not contact one of us to find out more – Anne 07548 840856 or Jenny 01234 824568 or email Marianne marianne.sellers@ virginmedia.com
COMMUNITY / CHARITY EVENTS Pavenham Open Gardens Sunday, 11th June 1.45pm to 5.30pm In aid of Cancer Research UK. This popular annual event features many gardens in Pavenham High Street. There is free parking at Bartlemas Farm and a free courtesy bus running through the village for those who prefer not to walk all afternoon. Tea and cakes are served and there are other attractions to appeal to all. Entry is £4.50 for adults, £1.50 for children of 12 and over, and accompanied under 12s are free. This payment gives entry to all open gardens and all proceeds go to the charity. Further details from Sue on 01234 354183 or Amanda on 01234 824565. British Red Cross Events Sunday 11th June, Open Gardens, Dragon’s Glen, Clophill, Beds, MK45 4BQ 1.30 – 5pm, Drinks & cakes, Plant stall, Parking. Tickets £4.00 pay on entry. Sunday 25th June, Open Gardens, The Secret Garden, Wymington, NN10 9LS, 1.30 – 5pm, Drinks & cakes, Plant stall, Parking. Tickets £4.00 pay on entry. Friday 30th June, Open Gardens, West End, Cheddington, LU7 0RP 2 – 5pm, Plant stall, Parking. Tickets £3.50 pay on entry.
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Afternoon Vintage Tea Friday 23rd June 2pm to 4pm Admission £3 – Tea, cake and dancing Christ the King Church Hall Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP For Information call 01234 404563 A Different Brew – A Cafe with a difference’ Summer Opening Times Monday- Friday 10am till 8pm and Sundays 11am till 6pm 106 Clapham Road, Bedford Licensed to sell alcohol with food. Sunday menu includes a roast, different meat each week. Staffed by adults with learning difficulties working both front and back of house. A Different Brew is a project of Beds Garden Carers (BGC) Find us on Facebook Beds Garden Carers – Learning Disabilities Charity Panacea Museum The museum tells the story of the Panacea Society – a remarkable religious community formed in the early twentieth century. General Opening Hours. Museum and Gardens Open February half term to October half term Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 11.00am – 5.00pm Gardens only April – September Monday – Wednesday from 11.00am – 4.00pm FAIRS / ANTIQUES Midsummer Fair Sunday 18th June 11am-3pm A collection of stallholders selling a variety of homemade crafts, with kids crafts and face painting. Free entry. Forest Centre, Station Road MK43 0PS Tel 01234 767037 Top Sale Saturday 17th June 9am to Noon, Entry 50p. Refreshments available Christ the King Church Hall, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP For information call 01234 965497 Antique Showroom Open Days at Williams Antiques & Restoration Friday 23rd June & Saturday 24th June 10-4pm Showroom open with furniture, silver, pottery, maps and small gifts. Tea area serving hot drinks and homemade cake. Free entry 1 Hampshire Buildings, School Lane, Colmworth www.williamsantiques.co.uk
FAMILY Bedford’s Big High Street Showcase Saturday 3rd June 9.30am-4pm Enjoy some summer fun for all the family at our Bedford High Street festival! www.bedford.gov.uk/highstreetshowcase
Bedford international Kite Festival Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th June 9am – 5pm The event will showcase kites from the four corners of the globe including America, Canada, Japan, China, Germany, France, Holland and Belgium as well as flyers from across the UK. The programme throughout the weekend will feature kites never seen before in the UK and children’s and adults workshops in the kite marquee. Alongside the various demonstrations in the arena will be a whole host of other attractions, food and drink, entertainment, music and kite stalls specialising in kite equipment, clothes and other accessories. Russell Park, The Embankment, Bedford MK40 3RH Odell Village Fete and Family Dog Show Saturday 10th June – 2pm. Entry Adults £1.50, Children Free. Dog Show Entry Fee – £1.50 per dog per class. Attractions including, Bouncy Castle, Gift and Bottle Stall. Tombola, White Elephant, side shows, Pimms, Children’s Sports, ice creams, raffle and refreshments. Scout Field , Horsefair Lane, Odell, MK43 7AA. Car Parking opposite The Bell public house. Disabled parking next to the Scout Field. For more information call Jane on 01933 410959 or email jane@eshelby.co.uk. For details of Dog Show Classes and for more information go to www.odellbeds.net Great Barford Community Fun Day Saturday 17th June 12 noon to 5pm. This year’s fun day has a fun fair theme, rides, climbing wall, mini karts and more, side stalls, fun and games for all the family. On the Playing Field by the Village Hall. All welcome. Milton Ernest Fete and Show Saturday 24th June 2-4.30pm Fun and games on the village green with a brass band, stalls, races, tug of war, WI tea and a show in All Saints Church with flowers, baking, arts/ crafts, photography and children’s artwork and handwriting. Lady Skeet will judge the fancy dress. Village Green, Milton Ernest Santa Pod – Summer Nationals Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th June 2017 National Drag Racing Championships headined by MSA 200mph Pro Mods, Drag Bikes, Nostalgia classes and the Jet Car. www.santapod.com Chill in The Park Sunday 25th June 1-5pm Music & Fun for all! Local Acts and Community Performances Bouncy obstacle course, Penalty Shoot Out, Face Painting, Kids Crafts and more. Food & Drink available Addison Howard Park, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8AP
International Children’s Day Saturday 4th June 10am – 5pm Hosted by Goluch Events and Polish British Integration Centre. All children activities will be free of charge! All Welcome! Russell Park, The Embankment, Bedford MK40 3RH To advertise with us please get in touch – www.bedslifemagazine.co.uk
HEALTH & WELLBEING Bedford Macular Support Group Third Monday of each month at 10:30 am. Volunteer Centre, 43 Bromham Road Offering practical and emotional support to people suffering central vision loss or Macular Disease. Speakers on a range of related topics. Info 01234 781372 Hearts In Beds Cardiac Support Group First Tuesday each month 7pm Priory Methodist Church Halls, Newnham Ave, Bedford, MK41 9QJ (We hold a gentle exercise session from 7 – 7-30 pm under a qualified trainer. Everyone welcome, you don’t need to have a cardiac condition to join us. Raffle at the end of the evening. Contact Sid Luff, 01234 404671 or Ted Jolliffe 01234 327791 for further details of the Group. Health Walks – Forest of Marston Vale Wednesdays 10.30am Free, no need to book. Most walks start at Reception but some elsewhere – see notice board or ring 01234 767037. The Forest Centre, Station Road, Marston Moretaine, Beds MK43 0PR
MUSIC, DANCE & THEATRE Pavenham Folk Concert Saturday June 3rd 8.00pm The Blackheart Orchestra will be playing their first concert in Pavenham. Please see their website; www.theblackheartorchestra.com Tickets £10 from Jim Russell, 01234 824572 The Village Hall, Pavenham MK43 7PH CLOUD – World première – New Musical Monday 5th- Saturday 10th June at 7.30pm An epic, pioneering tale of love, betrayal and team spirit; it features a stunning score with heart-rending songs and strong characters against a vision of a future world where humans struggle to survive against the elements. This is not a post-apocalyptic future you’ve seen before……this is CLOUD……Music & Lyrics by Kaye Vincent – Book & Lyrics by Kaye Tompkins. Tickets: £1113 (£3 conc. Tues & Wed. only for Students i.f.e.) Sharnbrook Mill Theatre, MK44 1NP www.sharnbrookmilltheatre.co.uk – or in person at Twinkle. Twinkle Boutique, High St. Sharnbrook. Singin’ in the Rain performed by Harrold Priory School Wednesday 21st – Friday 23rd June 7.00 pm. The classic MGM musical is brought to life by pupils from Harrold Priory School in a welcome collaboration with Sharnbrook Mill Theatre. [An Amateur Youth Production by arrangement with Josef Weinburger on behalf of Music Theatre International of New York. Screenplay by Betty Comden and Adolf Green, Songs by Nacio Herb Brown and Arthur Freed]. Tickets: £5 Students i.f.e., £7 Adults www.sharnbrookmilltheatre.co.uk – or in person at Twinkle Twinkle Boutique, High St. Sharnbrook. Sharnbrook Mill Theatre, MK44 1NP
Bedford Organ and Keyboard Club Concert with IAN GRIFFIN Wednesday 28 June 7.30 – 10.00 pm Members £5 Non-Members £6 Pay at door Tel: 01234 344423 Addison Centre, Kempston, Bedford, MK42 8PN www.organfax.co.uk/clubs/bedford
SPORTS & OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Great Barford Bowls Club annual OPEN DAY. Saturday 24th June 10 am – 4 pm. This is special this year since it is the 40th anniversary of the Ladies Section and the official opening of the new clubhouse extension. Entry is free and there will be a chance to try bowls and fun games. Tea/ coffee/burgers/sausages will be available. www. greatbarfordbowlsclub.org.uk – Main entrance and car park in Woodpecker Close, Great Barford, MK44 3BG Kempston Park Indoor Bowls Club We are an indoor bowls club with superb facilities which will be updated to an even higher standard in early summer to make it the most prestigious club in the area.We offer bowls coaching from qualified coaches for beginners of all ages whether or not you are a club member. We provide you with bowls and bowls shoes and up to five lessons without any obligation to join the most prestigious club in the area. 290 Hillgrounds Road Kempston MK42 8UB 01234 852291. www.kempstonparkbowls.co.uk Bedford Parkrun every Saturday Meet at The Bandstand at 9am. Join us for a 5km run around the park (dogs, children and buggies all welcome). Register for free on the Parkrun UK website http://www.parkrun.org.uk Rambling Club We’re a friendly walking group who meet on a Sunday morning for a 5/6 mile walk. For further information or a copy of our programme please contact brclub75@yahoo.co.uk or phone 01234 360769. Bromham Short Mat Bowling Club Tuesday evenings 7 pm – 9.00 pm and Monday afternoons 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm (September to May only). We are a friendly group of people that play short mat bowls. It is a fun, in-expensive, sociable game for all ages with a cuppa at half time. We meet in Bromham Village Hall and the first two sessions are free and where training can be given. All that you would require to bring is a pair of flat shoes or even your slippers! Contact Sue Amor on 01234 823610 for more details and we hope you will come along and give it a try.
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Ouse Valley Archers Currently offering a four week introduction in target archery. Currently offering a four week introduction in target archery. Courses run by Archery GB approved coaches and all equipment is provided. For experienced archers or those who have completed a beginners course the club shoots indoors/outdoors on Tuesday & Thursday 7.00pm – 9.00pm and Sunday 2.00pm – 4.00pm at Putnoe Primary School & Field Bedford For further details visit our website or contact info@ ousevalleyarchers.com Walking Football Summer sessions at Bedford Cricket Club Mondays 7-8pm Thursdays 2-3pm For more information and to book a place please email: info@walkingfootballleagues.co.uk Mowsbury Park Bowling Club Try lawn bowls for FREE any Wednesday or Friday 2pm to 4.30pm. Just bring flat shoes. For more info about our club please contact Anne Haynes on 01234 211828 or visit our NEW web site www.mowsburyparkbowlsclub.co.uk Bedford FC Mini Soccer Club Every Saturday at Goldington Academy 10.30am till 12.15pm. Open to boys and girls aged 4-10yrs. Cost per child £3.00 and £5 for two children. Our sole aim is to provide children of all abilities with a unique footballing experience, developing their physical, social and communication skills in a safe environment. Full usage of toilet and changing facilities and plenty of car parking spaces. www.bedfordfcminisoccer.com. Bedford Girls and Ladies FC We are a voluntary sports club for girls age 8 and upwards. If you’d like to find out more info please call Jill on 01234 772668 or 07850540631. Bedford Thunder Basketball club Mixed gender sessions Age 10-13 3.00-4.30 every Saturday Age 14-16 4.30-6.00 every Saturday Men’s club 7.35-9.45 every Tuesday All session in Bedford Academy, for further information contact bedfordthunder@outlook.com or visit our website www.bedfordthunder.com Wootton Badminton Club Wootton Upper School, Hall End, Wootton, Beds, MK43 9HT Thursdays from 7.30pm to 10.00pm This friendly club welcomes anyone who does or has played badminton, sorry no absolute beginners. Contact: Freda Dunlop 01234 270638 Email: garry.freda@btinternet.com www.woottonbedfordbadmintonclub.weebly.com
Bedford mighty eagles dodgeball team We are a club that plays at a high level but would love anyone from any sporting ability and background to come down and give it a go as long as you are 15 and above. We have a men’s and women’s squad. It is great fun and a fantastic way to keep fit. We train on Tuesday’s 8-9 at: Hastingsbury school, Hill rise, Bedford, Mk42 7EB First training session is FREE and then each session is only £3 after that Bedford United Football Club Bedford United is a non-profit making football club holding the FA Charter Standard status and providing a fun, friendly, safe and structured environment to learn, play and enjoy football. We have an established range of teams from our Academy right through to our Adults so if you’re interested in playing, coaching or helping out visit us at www.bedfordunitedfc.co.uk. Cyclists Touring Club, Bedfordshire. We meet on a regular basis and have rides to various places, and cater for all abilities. We ride as a group for the pleasure of riding and socialising, nobody gets left behind ! See website ctc-bedfordshire.co.uk for details of our forthcoming rides, or ring 01234 219148 for further information. Social Table Tennis Mon/Tue 7.30pm-10.00pm Sports Hall, Lincroft School, Oakley All Ages Welcome. Just Turn Up £4 per player per session, Bats Available, Free Hire Coaching Available Call John 07921 093199 Bedford Borough Bowling Club Established over 100 years are now enrolling new members and forming a junior section. Probably the most prestigious bowling club in the Bedford area with both indoor and outdoor bowling greens. We offer FREE tuition from qualified instructors, with all equipment provided, we just ask you to wear flat shoes. Afterwards, you can obtain a cool drink or a coffee from the bar and relax in the comfortable lounge area. There are also restaurant facilities for lunch time meals. So give it a try, bring the family all are welcome. Free parking. Check our web site www.boroughbowlin. org.uk or telephone 01234 340736 for more details,
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by Friday 16th June To advertise with us please get in touch – www.bedslifemagazine.co.uk