BedsLife Magazine 2017 What's On

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WHAT'SON Your essential guide to activities, clubs, events and lots more in your area. There’s something for everyone! ARTS, CULTURE & TALKS Behind the Scenes at the Saleroom An evening of antiques with David Fletcher from BBC TV’s ‘Flog It!’ Saturday, 25th February 7pm start Join us for a light-hearted evening of amusing anecdotes and a chance to win £50 in Waitrose vouchers by guessing the value of some of David’s antiques. Tickets are £10 and include a glass of wine and canapés, available from Bedford Guild House between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday or by calling Maggie Fletcher on 0774 818 4429. Bedford Guild House, 56 Harpur Street, Bedford MK40 2QT Tel 01234 352038 An Artists’ Supper Club with Aid & Abet Thursday 2nd February 7pm – 11pm Join us this February for our next Artists’ Supper Club with Aid & Abet as they take us on an evening of playful exploration into the DIY artist’s mind-set. These events offer rich conversation paired with the opportunity for local artists to meet, connect, share and get to know one another. Herd, 25 St Cuthbert’s St, Bedford MK40 3JG Bedfordshire Family History Society Friday 3rd February at 7.15 p.m. Interested in Family History? Come along to our next monthly talk on ‘Have I found the “Mad Preacher” in the Family?’ given by Noel Evans in the Drama Hall of Mark Rutherford School, Wentworth Drive, Bedford MK41 8PX Members free, visitors £1. Bedford Art Society meeting Friday 3rd February 7.15pm for 7.30 start James Green will give a demonstration of using an airbrush to create an image from start to finish. He will cover the equipment and techniques involved. Entry is free for members £5 for visitors. Contact Jean Paterson 01234 307210 or for information.


Bedford Local Group of The Wildlife Trust Wednesday 8th February 2017 Meeting 7-30 pm ‘Keeping Track of Bedfordshire Wildlife’ an illustrated talk about surveying, monitoring and recording by Jackie Ullyett and Katharine Banham Priory Methodist Church Hall, Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9QJ. Plenty parking available, All welcome, no charge but voluntary contributions are appreciated. Further details available under Events on or at 01234 266057 Bedford RSPB local group meet at ARA club Manton Lane Bedford MK41 7PF. Thursday 16th February 7.30 pm Peter Holden MBE presents: ‘Born to Travel’. Bird migration & the amazing stories of their journeys. Entrance fee, group members £1 Guest £2 annual group membership £5 Reg. Charity No. 207076, more info Bedford National Trust Association Tuesday February 21st. Speaker – Lee Fish, Senior Building Surveyor with NT in East of England “Building Conservation Repair Philosophy” He says, “I will talk through various works I have been involved in, which will be of interest to members of the audience” The meeting is in the Addison Centre in Kempston. Tea and biscuits will be served. It costs £3 for NT guests and £3.50 for non-NT members. For more details contact Betty Thomas on 01480 860421 Busy Quilters & Stitchers (BQS) Saturday 25 February 10.00am – 3.30pm, Workshops in the morning & a speaker in the afternoon, Bring a sewing kit. £5 Further details Val Morgan Tel 01234 266963 Goldington Academy, Haylands Way, Bedford MK41 9BX.

CLASSES, CLUBS & GROUPS Linedancing Mondays at Priory Methodist Church Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9QJ Beginners/Improvers (Absolute Beginners Welcome) 7.30pm – 8.30pm Tele:07969847553

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Kempston and District Model Railway Society Meets every Monday from 7.30pm-10pm At the Church of the Transfiguration rear church hall. New members welcome. Contact Brian Woodcock on 07795251988 or Silver lining Club for the silver haired. Park Road Methodist Church Roff Avenue, opposite the high flats. Number 10 bus stops outside. FREE. 2pm-4pm every first Tuesday of the month. Various activities or just sit and chat with a cup of tea or coffee Over 70’s Gentle Exercise Classes Every Monday and Wednesday (except bank holidays) Mondays – Bedford Central Library (3rd floor meeting room) Wednesday – Bedford International Athletics Stadium £4 per session Tel 01234 718835 Rotary Club of Bedford de Parys Meet for breakfast every Tuesday at The Embankment Hotel 7.15am for 7.30am start. Fellowship, fundraising and interesting speakers Scottish Country Dancing – Beginners class. Tuesday evenings 8pm -10pm ARA Social Club, Manton Lane, Bedford £2.50 per session, first evening free. Singles welcome No experience/partners needed. Wear soft shoes. Keith Rose 01234 781448 Bedfordshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. Meetings:- 1st Tuesday evening each month 7.30 – 9.30pm 3rd Saturday 10.30am. – 4.30pm each month. A friendly group of lovers of textile related crafts have changed venue to Flitwick Village Hall, 11 Dunstable Rd, Flitwick, Bedford MK45 1HP Local Friendship Group Welcomes new members We meet at a local public house every Wednesday at 8pm Call 07790 904736 or 07925 910639 Email:

Evening Handcraft – Knitting, Stitching and lots of other hand crafts 1st & 3rd Wednesday of most months. Enjoy craft and good conversation with a relaxed group who support one another. Plus a whole craft shop to shop in if you want to. £4.75 per session which includes any drink off the O For Coffee menu. Tudor Rose Patchwork Unit 1, Oakley Park, Station Road, Oakley MK43 7RB Phone 01234 824983 for further details. Tudor Reeds Folk Dance Club Meet on First, Third and Fifth Wednesday of each month eve 8-10pm We are a friendly social Folk Dancing Club St Marks Church Hall, Calder Rise (off Avon Drive), Brickhill, Bedford MK41 7UY It’s good fun for only £1 incl. refreshments No partner required. Rosemary Mcneilage 01234 405594 MENCAP – Smiley Club Wednesdays 7pm – 8.30pm A fun social club for boys and girls from 9 to 18 who have learning disabilities. The club has a band of loyal volunteers, mostly teenagers and activities include: Art and crafts, board games, outside play in the warmer months and hanging out with friends! Pine Cones Family Centre, (behind Livingstone Lower School) Clapham Road, Bedford. For further information please contact the club leader Jeff Smith on 07798 762 808. MENCAP – Sparkle Club Wednesdays in term time between 7.00pm – 9.00pm Sparkle is a social club for adults with learning disabilities, every week has follows a different theme to keep the activities varies. It is held at Putnoe Primary School, Church Lane, Bedford MK41 0DH. For further information please contact Shilly on 07951514694 Bedford Pipe Band welcome new members. Thursdays 7.30pm – 9.30pm Friendly & relaxed group beginners to experienced. St John’s Church hall (MK42 0DL), Bedford. Contact Pipe Major Donald Reid 01234 268475 Mrs. Barrett (Band Secretary) 01234 360967

Enjoy Irish Ceili and Set Dancing. Every Wednesday 8 pm to 10 pm at the Reading Room, 1, Barkers Lane, Bedford. £2 per session – first evening free. No partner required. Beginners welcome. Ring Pat [01234 308224] for more details.

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