WHAT'SON Your essential guide to activities, clubs, events and lots more in your area. There’s something for everyone! ARTS, CULTURE & TALKS
Bedford Architectural, Archaeological, & Local History Society Illustrated talk:”A Bedfordshire Bobby Goes to War” Wednesday 8th March 7:30pm Clive Emsley (Emeritus Professor of History, Open University) Non-members welcome – £2:00 entry Enquiries (01234) 365095 Putnoe Heights Church & Community Centre Bedford MK41 8EB www.baalhs.org.uk
Bedfordshire Family History Society Friday 3rd March 7.15 p.m. Interested in Family History? Come along to our next monthly talk “Brick Walls & Digging Deeper into your Family History” by Gill Blanchard held in the Drama Hall of Mark Rutherford School, Wentworth Drive, Bedford MK41 8PX Members free, visitors £1. www.bfhs.org.uk
Bedford Art Society Friday 10th March 7.15 for 7.30pm There is nothing traditional or conventional about the art of Alexandra Drysdale. Educated in Cambridge, New York and the Chelsea School of Art. She will stimulate us with a talk ‘Let there be Light’ the art and science of light in painting. Entry is free for members £5 for visitors Contact Jean Paterson 01234 307210 or www.bedsartsociety.co.uk for information
Alpine Garden Society, Bedfordshire group Monday March 6th 7.30 for 8.00pm Tonight’s talk is by Arthur Nicholls and is on the flowers of Armenia. This area is hard to get to but rich in lovely flowers. Come and travel from your chair! Plant sales (trees, shrubs etc as well as alpines), plant exhibits and refreshments. See www. bedfordshirealpines.com for more information. Visitors very welcome £3
Bedford National Trust Association Tuesday, 21st March at 2.30 Speaker Alexandra Milner on “ History of the FANYS”: The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry (Princess Royal’s Volunteer Corps); an allfemale organisation, started in 1907. Meeting takes place in the Addison Centre, Kempston. Tea and biscuits will be served. Cost £3.00 for NT guests and £3.50 for non-NT guests. You will receive a warm welcome if you attend.
Wilstead Village Hall, MK45 3BX Bedford Floral Art Society Tuesday March 7th 7.30pm Lynda Stamp presents ‘Chasing Rainbows’ Raffle of arrangements, Sales table Visitors £7 Addison Centre, Addison Howard Park, Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8PN Everyone welcome www.bedfordfloralartsociety.co.uk Bedford Local Group of The Wildlife Trust Wednesday 8th March Meeting 7-30 pm ‘Nesting’’ an illustrated talk by Peter Holden MBE. Peter, a well known naturalist, will reveal the strategies and structures birds use to protect their eggs and young. Priory Methodist Church Hall, Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9QJ. Plenty parking available, All welcome, no charge but voluntary contributions are appreciated. Further details available under Events on www. wildlifebcn.org or at 01234 266057
Alpine Garden Society, Bedfordshire group Saturday March 25th 11.30 – 3.00pm Annual Flower Show. Over 80 classes including plants, flowers, photography, art and needlework. Plant sales. Tombola. Refreshments. See www.bedfordshirealpines. com for more information. Visitors £1. Wilstead Village Hall, MK45 3BX Bedfordshire Family History Society Friday 31st March 7.15 p.m. Interested in Family History? Come along to our next monthly talk “How far did your Ancestors Travel Before the Advent of Railways?” by Celia Heritage held in the Drama Hall of Mark Rutherford School, Wentworth Drive, Bedford MK41 8PX Members free, visitors £1. www.bfhs.org.uk
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CLASSES, CLUBS & GROUPS Embroiderers’ Guild, Bedford Branch Thursday March 16th 7.30 for 8.00pm Interested in textiles? Come and join us. Tonight it’s a dabble evening where we will be making small stitched pots and learning other techniques. If possible please bring a basic sewing kit (scissors, needles, reading glasses) but we can supply everything if you forget. Lots of chat, information and fun. The sales table and our scrapbooks will help you to find out what we do and how to join us. Visitors very welcome, £4 (includes refreshments) St Mark’s Church, Calder Rise, Brickhill MK41 7UY Stamping and Paper Crafting Class Saturday 25th March 10am Come and join my monthly stamping and paper craft classes in Bedford. Classes are open to everyone. Fun, relaxed environment where you get to have a play and get creative with stamping, colouring, card making and paper crafting and walk away with all your gorgeous makes! Each class is £15 and inc tuition, tea, coffee and biscuits, all the materials you will need, all your finished projects to take home plus the use of all the tools you will need on the day. All places must be pre booked. Please call or email for more details. Kerri Carson Tel 07754 400361 kerri@thatstampingfeeling.com St Andrews Church Centre, Kimbolton Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 2PF www.thatstampingfeeling.com Linedancing Mondays at Priory Methodist Church Newnham Avenue, Bedford MK41 9QJ Beginners/Improvers (Absolute Beginners Welcome) 7.30pm – 8.30pm www.dancingstars.comli.com/ Tele:07969847553 Kempston and District Model Railway Society Meets every Monday from 7.30pm-10pm At the Church of the Transfiguration rear church hall. New members welcome. Contact Brian Woodcock on 07795251988 or brianwoodcock@btinternet.com Bedford Advanced Drivers – Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents We meet bi monthly on the third Tuesday of each odd month in the Lecture Room at the Bedford Athletic Stadium in Barkers Lane, Bedford at 8.00pm. Our next meeting will follow our short AGM on Tuesday 21st March speaker yet to arranged, check our website. Non members very welcome.
Our May speaker from Cranfield University will be talking about driverless cars. Enquires call 01234 266070 or check our website www.roada-bedford.org.uk.’ Silver lining Club for the silver haired. Park Road Methodist Church Roff Avenue, opposite the high flats. Number 10 bus stops outside. FREE. 2pm-4pm every first Tuesday of the month. Various activities or just sit and chat with a cup of tea or coffee Over 70’s Gentle Exercise Classes Every Monday and Wednesday (except bank holidays) Mondays – Bedford Central Library (3rd floor meeting room) Wednesday – Bedford International Athletics Stadium £4 per session Tel 01234 718835 www.bedford.gov.uk/sport Rotary Club of Bedford de Parys Meet for breakfast every Tuesday at The Embankment Hotel 7.15am for 7.30am start. Fellowship, fundraising and interesting speakers www.bedforddeparysrotary.co.uk Scottish Country Dancing – Beginners class. Tuesday evenings 8pm -10pm ARA Social Club, Manton Lane, Bedford £2.50 per session, first evening free. Singles welcome No experience/partners needed. Wear soft shoes. Keith Rose 01234 781448 keith@krose.plus.com Bedfordshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. Meetings:- 1st Tuesday evening each month 7.30 – 9.30pm 3rd Saturday 10.30am. – 4.30pm each month. A friendly group of lovers of textile related crafts have changed venue to Flitwick Village Hall, 11 Dunstable Rd, Flitwick, Bedford MK45 1HP Local Friendship Group Welcomes new members We meet at a local public house every Wednesday at 8pm Call 07790 904736 or 07925 910639 Email: friendshipclub365@gmail.com Enjoy Irish Ceili and Set Dancing. Every Wednesday 8 pm to 10 pm at the Reading Room, 1, Barkers Lane, Bedford. £2 per session – first evening free. No partner required. Beginners welcome. Ring Pat [01234 308224] for more details.
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