BioQualifications - Lopez, Camilo

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Bio - Camilo Lopez, BUD, is an urban designer at Carras Community Investment, Inc. He provides support in urban renewals, community development, land use, transportation analysis, illustrative concepts, graphic support, concept plans, and master planning including site analysis, public outreach, gathering data and project delivery. Mr. Lopez is highly capable at working cross computer platforms to design, create, and produce maps and other graphical support in the latest versions of GIS (Arc Map), Adobe Suite, AutoCAD, sketch up, and Microsoft Office. In addition, Mr. Lopez is Highly capable of planning process, by applying state, county and local codes, ordinances and regulations, conducts review of various development applications including plats, permits, site plans, variance requests and rezoning, in addition to assisting with updates and maintenance of Comprehensive Plan and land development regulations, as well as, all other planning and design chores. Mr. Lopez is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University, where he earned his Bachelor’s in Urban Design and Architecture. He is in the process of achieving his Master’s in Urban and Regional Planning. Among his several academic awards is his first prize in North Miami Call for Ideas Competition for the Downtown Concept Plan. Work Samples:

01 - Existing Conditions Analysis/Research - Carras Community Investment, Inc (CCI)

The goal of this study was to provide a detailed review of existing land use characteristics, socioeconomic conditions, physical features, and other indicators, in order, for the creation of a Community Redevelopment Area/Agency in Hialeah that can revive and enhance the study area in accordance with Section 163.355, F.S. The process seeks to establish such agency for the welfare of the community around the Hialeah Tri-Rail Market Station and to improve their quality of life. Camilo assisted the team with data collection, field studies, research, graphical representations, illustrative concepts and project delivery.

02 - Mixed-Use Overlay District - Camilo Lopez and BDPG

The proposed Mixed-use Overlay District is envisioned as an area that will provide a destination with a mix use, “work, live, and play� uses such as employment, retail, housing, public spaces, and recreation. Setting the grounds for the progress and future of Lake Park!. The BDPG and Camilo Lopez worked on the Land Development Regulations for the creation of a Mixed-Use Overlay District in the Town of Lake Park, Florida. Camilo Lopez assists the team with all graphical representations and urban design components.

03 - Urban Design - Land Development Regulations - Camilo Lopez and The Corradino Group (CG)

Worked done for Opa-Locka Community Redevelopment Agency The team crafted new zoning codes, New Urban Codes, and Form based codes, as well as performed charrettes, developed master plans and created walkable places for the City of Opa-Locka Community Development Agency. Camilo Lopez assisted the team with all graphical representations and urban design components.

04 - Market Analysis - Carras Community Investment, Inc (CCI)

Worked done for Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency Carras Community Investment Inc. was engaged by the Lake Worth Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to prepare a market analysis for the 1000 Lake Avenue edifice (site), with primary focus to: 1. Identify the current 1000 Lake Avenue edifice downtown area economic base; 2. Identify the market potential for future redevelopment within the 1000 Lake Avenue edifice; 3. Assist in conceptualizing a market-based redevelopment strategy that would serve the 1000 Lake Avenue edifice to achieve short and long term goals/vision; 4. Make recommendations and outline next steps based on the baseline data collected. Camilo assisted the team with data collection, research, and project delivery.

05 - Urban Design - Land Development Regulations - Camilo Lopez and The Corradino Group (CG)

Worked done for North Miami Community Redevelopment Agency The illustrative Concept Plan for Key Elements of the Downtown focuses on generating ideas for strategic locations of redevelopment and civic improvement within the boundaries of the Downtown District (C-3), as recommended by the City’s Downtown Master Plan. This Section conceptualizes new land use patterns, public and private redevelopment opportunities, urban design elements, landscape/streetscape enhancements to guide public and private investment. Additionally, urban, landscape, and streetscape design concepts were identified. A variety of graphics including collage renderings, plan, aerial views, and street-level perspectives were prepared to depict concepts. The concept plans and graphics provide a visualization of the key elements and recommendations of the Master Plan and can serve as a guide for the long-term coordination of private and public investment. As the ultimate goal, the City envisions the downtown area to be a lively, safe and comfortable area for new and existing residents, businesses and visitors alike. Camilo Lopez assisted the team with all graphical representations, urban design components, data collection, filed studies, and research.

06 - Parking Research/Analysis - Camilo Lopez and The Corradino Group (CG)

Worked done for North Miami Community Redevelopment Agency This Parking Study has been prepared, based on and as a supplemental report to the Illustrative Concept Plan for Downtown, the Downtown Development and Major Corridor Master Plan, the Comprehensive Plan and, allowances for development in the Downtown under the City’s existing Land Development Regulations. These plans have been completed over several of years and are used as a guide to future development potential and, therefore the need for additional parking. The intended objective of the City through its planning process is to make the Downtown an area in which to Live, Work and Play! By providing a significant amount of both public and private parking the intent is also to create an inviting area that will encourage people who now drive through downtown North Miami to stop, park, frequent businesses and enjoy the cultural opportunities the City has to offer. By many indicators the lack of large-scale, safe and secure parking is a hindrance to new development. Therefore, the demand is now!. This Study will identiy long term strategies to address the need to provide for more off-street parking facilities – both public and private. As development takes place it is anticipated that the exising surface parking lots and low intesity and density uses throughout the Downtown Area will be redeveloped into either standalone parking structures or preferably as part of a mixed-use development. Therefore, “Creating New Places From Old Spaces”. Camilo Lopez assisted the team with all graphical representations, urban design components, data collection, filed studies, and research.

07 - Doral Transit Mobility Plan - Camilo Lopez and The Corradino Group (CG)

Worked done for the City of Doral, Florida in collaboration with the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization This report primarily focuses on pedestrian, bicycle, and transit aspects of an intermodal transportation system and marks a paradigm shift in transportation planning for the City of Doral, which can be seen as an example for how multi-modal initiatives are undertaken in the region. Since its incorporation, Doral has been playing a progressive role in the development of multimodal mobility in Miami-Dade County. The goals of this study were to: + Preserve, maintain, and enhance transportation systems in Doral + Promote safe and secure multi-modal transportation + Support intermodal access and connectivity + Support economic growth + Preserve quality of life in Doral Camilo Lopez assisted the team with all graphical representations, urban design components, data collection, filed studies, and research.

08 - Key Biscayne Safe Routes To School - Camilo Lopez and The Corradino Group (CG)

Worked done for the Village of Key Biscayne, Florida Safe Routes to School is a federally mandated program emerging from the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Transportation Equity Act, a Legacy for Users (SAFTEA-LU) and continued under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). It is an effort to create a more favorable environment for non-motorized transportation to and from local schools. The completion of this study involved the cooperation of multiple agencies operating within the Village of Key Biscayne as well as technical review of several factors influencing transportation and behavior. Camilo Lopez assisted the team with all graphical representations, urban design components and data collection.

09 - Downtown Community Redevelopment Plan UPDATES - Camilo Lopez and BDPG

Worked done for the City of Hollywood Downtown Community Redevelopment Agency The 2015 Amendment to the Community Redevelopment Area for Downtown Hollywood is intended to update the original plan, which was adopted in 1981 and amended in 1985, 1991, and 1993, in order to include and reflect the significant planning efforts that have occurred since that time. These planning efforts include the 2011- 2016 – 2025/2027 Strategic Plan, Downtown Hollywood Master Plan, the University of Miami CRA Workshop Presentation, Urban Land Institute Study, Young Circle: Vision, Zoning and Design Standards, and the Hollywood Citywide Master Plan. The Plan and the 2015 Amendment were also developed in accordance with Part III, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, “The Community Redevelopment Act”, which confers upon local governments certain powers to plan and implement redevelopment activities. Camilo Lopez assisted the team with all graphical representations, urban design components and data collection.

10 - Beach Community Redevelopment Plan UPDATES - Camilo Lopez and BDPG

Worked done for the City of Hollywood Beach Community Redevelopment Agency The 2015 Amendments to the Community Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Plan for Hollywood Beach are intended to update the original plan, which was adopted in 1997 and amended through 2007, in order to include and reflect the significant planning efforts and redevelopment objectives which have been implemented since that time. These planning efforts include: the 2011- 2016 – 2025/2027 Strategic Plan; the University of Miami CRA Workshop Presentation (2010); the Hollywood Beach CRA Master Plan (12.10.07), and; the Hollywood Citywide Master Plan (2001). Camilo Lopez assisted the team with all graphical representations, urban design components and data collection.

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