Patient First Pre-show Newspaper

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Seminar programme

TRE 2 THEA November






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Patient safety innovations flourish at Patient First

Following its successful inaugural event last year, patient safety conference and exhibition Patient First is back with a suite of innovations and presentations designed to encourage vital patient safety conversations in today’s NHS and independent healthcare providers. healthcare professionals from the NHS and independent organisations in primary, secondary and tertiary care can access specialist, yet practical and up-to-the-minute information at no charge.

Taking place on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th November at London’s ExCeL, Patient First is run in association with NHS England and Sign up to Safety and with the support of organisations including the Health Foundation and the Picker Institute. Patient First has already established itself as the marketplace for UK patient safety, combining education, innovation and networking for the NHS, independent healthcare providers and industry. Thanks to education grants individually valued at almost £500, thousands of

Building on last year’s success, the conference education programme already promises to deliver unmissable content, with over 40 hours of CPD scheduled to offer delegates solutions that prevent harm and improve care. In addition, more than 80 organisations have already joined to exhibit at the event, representing a broad spectrum of the patient safety environment - from technology, medicines management and legal services to infection prevention and control, training and education and medical devices and products. Adding to this unrivalled networking opportunity are the 2,600+ people who are expected to repeat their attendance from the first show (representing 78% of all NHS trusts). Commenting after last year’s event, NHS England Director of Patient Safety Mike Durkin said: “This is a great opportunity to bring together board members, doctors, nurses, managers, Continued on page 9...

Best Practice Highlights Sepsis management - a collaborative approach Date: 12 Nov 2015 Time: 10:10 - 10:35 Increasing medicine incident reporting Date: 12 Nov 2015 Time: 11:35 - 12:00 CQC regulation - best practice Date: 13 Nov 2015 Time: 11:20 - 11:50 Multi agency care planning to reduce attendances to A&E by complex high volume users Date: 13 Nov 2015 Time: 14:45 - 15:10


Manage & avoid human error Avoidable human errors cost the NHS £2-3 billion a year (NHSLA figures). The human toll is immeasurable and avoidable harm costs too much to ignore - front line staff need the tools to change the safety culture, as well as the support and confidence to report errors so others can learn from them. Managers need to understand how errors occur and that they can be reduced. Boards need to embed patient safety and a culture of openness so that together you can better manage and avoid human error. Process plays its part but safe professional behaviour is key. This session will point you towards dealing with these issues with real improvements and two front line leaders will show how they are implementing successful safety changes.

SEMINAR: Human factors: solutions, not problems, Thursday 12th November: 13.05 – 13.40. Theatre 2 Join Trevor Dale, Chief Executive of Atrainability together with David Wood, Associate Director of Safe Services, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Dr Stephen Webb, Lead Clinician for Clinical Governance, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust for this must attend session.

Gold Sponsors:



Help Them Home – Improving Patient Flow in Hospitals Royal Voluntary Service is a charity that enriches the lives of more than 100,000 older people across Britain by providing vital support in the home, in hospital and in the community. Through these services our 35,000 volunteers help older people stay happy, healthy and independent. | @RoyalVolService | #Helpthemhome Royal Voluntary Service is a registered charity in England and Wales (1015988) and in Scotland (SC038924) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 2520413.







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TRE 3 THEA November



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01/10/2015 13:31

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How can we effectively fight viruses and achieve optimum health and wellness for the world? Facility managers, infection prevention and control professionals are trying to solve the long-standing challenge of achieving consistently healthy touch point surfaces during cleaning, sanitising, and disinfection. Staying ahead of, and breaking the chain of pathogen mobility is impossible without technologies that make it a fair fight. Make advanced commercial electrostatics part of your new surface management strategy. It is surprisingly affordable and easy to implement. Everyone responsible for the management of surfaces is now positioned to have a direct contribution to improving global public health. Knowing that the mobility of pathogens is an increasingly global concern, as recently experienced with Ebola, every surface that becomes consistently healthy can prevent sickness and loss of life in your immediate surroundings, your communities, and the communities of everyone around the world. Nine Tenths of the Law Possession of a pathogen in your space means that you have taken ownership of the risks and liabilities associated with unhealthy surfaces. The demands, costs, and personnel required to stay ahead of mobile pathogens without the use of technology makes the expectation of proper surface disinfection unrealistic. Proper surface disinfection is not possible without the assistance of advanced application technologies. This is a new standard of surface treatment performance to cover all your touch points. Our positively charged Electro static sprayer help promote & achieve the health & wellness of many clients by utilising a proven electrostatic technology and eliminating human

Electrostatics is the process of adding a positive electrical charge to the liquid droplets when they are sprayed. This makes the droplet electrically stronger than the surface or the item you are treating. Just like magnets, they are either drawn to each other and attach to the surface. Most surfaces are either neutral or negatively charge so the attraction of the droplets is intense.

error when applying liquids to surfaces, whilst achieving the advertised performance of your selected liquids with the best and most, uniform surface contact time on the market. Electrostatics is not an invention it is a natural condition. We expertly leverage this electrical phenomenon and have a patented system for broader and safer use. Spray any water-soluble liquid at a surface and the droplets seek out the target magnetically, while adhering for better liquid agent performance than ever before. We are proving to help professionals responsible for the cleanliness, health, and safety of their spaces and environments operating at new levels of effectiveness and efficiency. How does electrostatics work? Eco Statics are the UK & European distributor for a positively charged electrostatic sprayer which is now setting the standard in surface management protocol for fighting surface infections.

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What does a great healthcare team

Nine Tenths of the Law Possession of a pathogen in your space means that you have taken ownership of the risks and liabilities associated with unhealthy surfaces. The demands, costs and personnel required to stay ahead of mobile pathogens without the use of technology makes the expectation of proper surface disinfection unrealistic. Proper surface disinfection is not possible without the assistance of advanced application technologies.

It’s not just about understanding the Patient Experience. It about understanding team work, leadership, how to communicate effectively. It’s about dealing with difficult people successfully. It’s about recognising problems before they arise – and having an open reporting culture. Atrainability has been at the forefront of Healthcare Human Factors NonTechnical Skills Development since 2004. We’ve have experience with both public and private sector healthcare but more importantly along the way we’ve worked with professionals from many different health and social care backgrounds who’ve been passionate about their team and patients. We can help your team. Call 01483 272987 or

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Providing businesses with the latest portable electrostatic spray machine and solutions.

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This is important because the liquid agents you choose work best when they are given an opportunity to electrically attach to a surface. Treating three-dimensional surfaces effectively is generally not possible without leveraging a liquid adhesion technology like electrostatics.

We are setting the standard of the way we disinfect and sanitise. Coverage enhanced due to electrostatic charge. Battery operated—24/7 operation Patented and proven technology

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Eco Statics |

Patient First UK


Independent patient safety investigation function The Secretary of State announced in July 2015 that he wanted to create an independent patient safety investigation function – effective from 1st April 2016. The aim of this organisation is not to replace the role of regulators, but to take the learning from the things that go wrong and spread and use it to help stop them happening again. Exactly what and how it will work is currently being developed in partnership with stakeholders. Come and contribute your ideas, meet members of the Expert Advisory Group and those who have been spreading and applying learning to improve patient safety.

Hear from an amazing line up of guest speakers

Take part in our on-going debates and discussions

Have your say in our video booth

Take part in our survey

… at the helm of England’s 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives. … enabling system wide improvements and encouraging a culture of safety. … working with local teams across local health economies to bring safety solutions up from grass roots. … using our networks and connections to enable rapid spread and adoption. … working across higher and further education, NHS commissioners and providers, local authorities, industry, patients, service users, carers.

Come and meet the Department of Health and NHS team, on stand M15, where you can: •

Academic Health Science Networks

We would love to hear and capture your thoughts, opinions and suggestions at this formation phase of the new function.

Find all the latest show news at

Listen to Ronke Akerele, Patient Safety Collaborative Lead and Director at Imperial College Health Partners in Theatre on at 09:15 on Friday 13th November talking about the Foundation of Safety Leadership Programme.

Visit us on stand J07 to learn more about the AHSN Network and Patient Safety Collaboratives

Real solutions to real problems in the new Best Practice Theatre Practical solutions to common challenges in patient care and safety are now on offer in the first ever Best Practice Theatre event taking place at the 2015 Patient First patient safety conference and exhibition, at London’s Excel on 12-13 November. Taking on board feedback from last year’s inaugural event, the new Best Practice Theatre aims to offer conference delegates interactive advice and insight from service providers with responsibility for patient safety issues on a daily basis. Brought to you by people who are active ‘in the field’, the carefully selected presentations will share practical tips and hints from across the country; whether your need is for general advice or for more specialist help, the focus of the Best Practice Theatre is on sharing real solutions to real patient safety problems encountered by teams just like yours. So come along and see how the best practice patient safety case studies can be adapted at your organisation for the benefit of your patients. The following are just a snap-shot of the presentations on offer: Engaging junior doctors in medication safety: The JEDI (Juniors’ Educational Drug Initiative) at the North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust will show how junior doctors can be encouraged to design, propose and initiate their own patient safety measures in areas such as warfarin, alcohol detoxification treatment, allergy and anaphylaxis


identification, and treatment and prescribing in renal failure. Vital ingredients in the success of this initiative include peer-to peer education, advertising campaigns and poster information, as well as humour and chocolate! Reducing ‘never events’: Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust’s ‘Never Event’ Strategy for patient safety will demonstrate how to achieve: •

Zero tolerance to never events

Improved attitudes limiting safety behaviour and practice

Culture of reporting of adverse events

Reduced waste (cost of complications, cost to patients, cost to staff).

Releasing nursing time: How South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust has released 35 hours of Band 5 nursing time following a review of insulin dependent diabetics, reducing staff sickness and bank/agency nursing costs, medication costs, and insulin medication errors and falls.

Improving decision-making in hydration: How wardbased education and support, and improved documentation resources from the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire are improving fluid balance monitoring and hydration. Using multidisciplinary working to prevent pressure ulcers: Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare will demonstrate how new patterns of multidisciplinary working, information resources, and early intervention care plans are improving the prevention and care of painful and expensive pressure ulcers. Changing staff rotas to reduce deliberate self-harm: How simple changes to staff rotas and improved communications to patients and carers can reduce deliberate self-harm requiring physical intervention by 85% within one year in a tier 4 mental health unit.

Seven-day care to reduce mortality: How Warrington Hospital has developed a nurse-led Acute Care Team to offer seven-day rapid response care of patients at risk of death. Maximising the ‘golden hour’ opportunity in sepsis care: Improvements in the delivery of antibiotics in the ‘golden hour’ and primary care education are being driven by a new sepsis collaborative in the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust.

0207 348 1867





Thursday 12th November

Thursday 12th November

Thursday 12th November

Time 09:00 10:00

10:15 10:55

11:20 12:00

12:10 13:10

13:20 13:50



Sign up to Safety; helping the NHS re(think) Patient Safety

09:00 10:00

Measurement and monitoring of patient safety

10:15 10:55

Dr Suzette Woodward, National Campaign Director, Sign up to Safety

Isabel del Arbol Stewart, Programme Manager, The Health Foundation; Dr Victoria Brown, Patient Safety Leadership Fellow, Yorkshire and Humber Improvement Academy; Jo Thomson, Programme Manager, Measurement and Monitoring of Safety Programme, Healthcare Improvement Scotland; Andrea McGuinness, Safety and Mortality Programme Lead, Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA)

11:15 12:00

Practical guide to QI in action

Dr Emma Vaux, QI Programme Director, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust; Rachel Heath,Core Medical Trainee, CT2 Royal Liverpool University Hospital

Antimicrobial resistance: TARGET tools and tales from the frontline

Dr Pete Smith GP, Churchill Medical Centre, Kingston; Iain Davidson, Chief Pharmacist, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust; Kathryn Wisner, Pharmaceutical Adviser, Medicines Optimisation Team, NHS Kernow and Professor Cliodna McNulty, Head, Primary Care Unit, Public Health England

Moving beyond measurement: Unlocking the potential of people’s experiences to improve care quality

12:15 12:55

13:05 13:40 13:50 14:20

Dr Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive, Picker Institute Europe

14:30 15:20

Development of the new Independent Patient Safety Investigation Service

15:30 15:55

Does regulation improve safety or not?

16:05 16:40

Transforming acute kidney injury

IPSIS advisory group representatives

Paul Ridout, Partner Ridouts, LLP

Richard Fluck, National Clinical Director for Renal Disease, NHS England; Joan Russell, Head of Patient Safety, NHS England

14:30 15:20 15:30 16:00 16:10 16:50

The second victim 16:50 17:40

Barry Appleton, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Quality Improvement, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board; Professor Pauline Slade, Professor in Clinical Psychology / Consultant Clinical Psychologist, University of Liverpool; Professor Helen Spiby, Professor in Midwifery, University of Nottingham

16:55 17:35

Friday 13th November Time


09:15 10:00

Foundation of Safety Leadership Programme

10:20 10:55

AMR prescribing Quality Premium workshop

11:10 11:50

12:05 12:55

14:00 14:45

15:15 16:00

16:15 17:00

Ronke Akerele, Patient Safety Collaborative Lead and Director at Imperial College Health Partners

Elizabeth Beech, Prescribing Advisor, NHS Bath and North East Somerset CCG

National safety standards for invasive procedures practical support for trusts from the early implementers

Topic Sign up to Safety; helping the NHS re(think) Patient Safety (a live stream from Theatre 1)

Dr Suzette Woodward, National Campaign Director, Sign up to Safety

The importance of the pharmacist’s role in VTE prevention Rebecca Chanda, Senior Pharmacist Anticoagulation, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Help them home – Improving patient flow in hospitals David McCullough, Chief Executive, Royal Voluntary Service; Lorraine Austen, Programme Director for Community Integration Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Swindon

A whole health economy approach to minimising C. diff and other infections Carole Clive, Nurse Consultant, Infection Prevention & Control, Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust

Time 09:00 10:00

10:15 10:55

11:25 12:10

Human factors: Solutions, not problems

Trevor Dale, Chief Executive, Atrainability; David Wood, Associate Director of Safe Services, Cheshire and Wirral NHS Trust; Dr Stephen Webb, Lead Clinician for Clinical Governance, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

12:25 13:10

09:15 10:00

10:15 11:00

Sign up to Safety; helping the NHS re(think) Patient Safety (a live stream from Theatre 1)

Dr Suzette Woodward, National Campaign Director, Sign up to Safety

Reimagining falls and fractures care – Wirral’s Vanguard integrated care pathway development

Boo Stone, Commissioning Lead, Wirral Borough Council and Julie Griffiths, Community Voice

Suicide reduction - risk assessment and care planning for specialist services

Professor Louis Appleby, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Manchester

From invention to implementation: The NIC Arterial connector

Dr Peter Young, Consultant, Critical Care, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn; Dr Maryanne Mariyaselvam, Clinical Research Fellow, Cambridge University Hospitals; Dr Mark Blunt, Deputy Medical Director, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn

Sterile air surgical environment: A case study

Ramón Hilberink, International Sales Manager, Surgicube

Development of the new Independent Patient Safety Investigation Service (a live stream from Theatre 1)

13:20 13:55

Commissioning scorecard for falls Speaker information coming soon

Q&A session led by: Dr Mike Durkin, Director of Patient Safety, NHS England and IPSIS advisory group representatives

Managing sepsis - the implications for practice of the NCEPOD confidential enquiry on sepsis Dr Ron Daniels, CEO, UK Sepsis Trust

Anticoagulation innovation: Non-vitamin K Oral Anticoagulant (NOAC) Patient Alert Card Dr Honey Thomas, Consultant Cardiologist Northumbria Healthcare

Workshop: Acute kidney injury commissioning and primary care

Dr Daniel Lasserson, Senior Interface Physician in Acute and Complex Medicine, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust and Associate Professor of Ambulatory Care, Nuffield

14:30 15:20

15:30 16:10

16:20 17:15

Friday 13th November Time


Topic Foundation of Safety Leadership Programme (a live stream from Theatre 1)

Q&A session led by: Dr Mike Durkin, Director of Patient Safety, NHS England and IPSIS advisory group representatives

Workforce development for better standards, performance and delivery

Marc Lyall, Regional Director, Skills for Health and Ian Wheeler, Head of Research and Evaluation, Skills for Health

Appropriate antimicrobial prescribing in acute care Stuart Brown, Antibiotic Pharmacist, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust

Friday 13th November Time 09:15 10:00

VTE prevention exemplar - improving outcomes for patients Professor Roopen Arya, Profesor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Director, King’s Thrombosis Centre and Clinical lead, National VTE Board; Cara Doyle, VTE Lead Nurse, King’s College London Hospital; Helen Morrison, National VTE Prevention Programme Manager,NHS England

Development of the new Independent Patient Safety Investigation Service (a live stream from Theatre 1)

Topic Foundation of Safety Leadership Programme (a live stream from Theatre 1) The only way is Essex: The PROSPER QI project for falls, UTIs and pressure ulcers

10:30 11:30

Kieran Attreed-James, Quality Improvement Officer, Essex County Council; Lesley Cruickshank, Quality Innovation Manager - Residential and Nursing and PROSPER Project Manager, Essex County Council; Sue Ann Balcombe, Home Manager, Sherrell House; Bonnie Hysenlikaj, Care Manager, Corner House Care; Paul Buckle, Home Manager, Cunningham House Residential Home; Lal Mangalam, Home Manager, Admirals Reach Nursing Home

Fran Watts, Patient Safety Lead, NHS England and Will HarropGriffiths, Consultant Anaesthetist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

11:15 11:50

Leadership in quality improvement

Supporting patient recovery by enhancing the quality, choice and delivery of the patient meal experience

12:05 12:40

The evidence for new falls quality standards guidelines

12:50 13:15

See something, say something

13:30 14:15

Workshop: Acute kidney injury in secondary care

14:30 15:05

CQC patient safety core standards framework: falls, pressure ulcers, AKI & VTE

13:55 14:30

Diabetes mortality and morbidity: Investigating serious diabetes harm in hospitals

14:45 15:15

Patient safety and staffing levels. How Europe may or may not have the answers to large-scale recruitment campaigns

15:30 16:00

IT incompatibility - the hidden risks of epr and eps systems

Phil Mitchell Contract Director, East Kent Hospitals University NHS FT Serco

Increasing the pressure: How to increase reporting and kickstart improvement in action on pressure ulcers Susanne Coleman, PURPOSE Programme Manager, Clinical Trials Research Unit, University of Leeds

Let’s deal with emergency department exit block and crowding Dr Vincent Connolly, Medical Director, Emergency Care Intensive Support Team and Dr Adrian Boyle, Chair, Quality in Emergency Care Committee, Royal College of Emergency Medicine and Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

How to communicate and support patients in all aspects of care: A guide to going into hospital

Oliver Warren, Consultant in General and Colorectal Surgery, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Professor Charles Vincent, Professor of Psychology, Oxford University

15:20 16:00

16:15 17:00

Dr Emma Vaux, QI Programme Director, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust Julie Windsor, Patient Safety Lead, Older People and Falls, NHS England

Dawn Dawson Head of General Nursing and Clinical Governance Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Dr Charles Tomson, Consultant Nephrologist, Department of Renal Medicine Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne

Speaker information coming soon

Dr Gerry Rayman, Head of Service at the Diabetes Centre, Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust, National Lead on Inpatient Diabetes and Chair of the National Diabetes Inpatient Audit national advisory group

How to communicate and support patients in all aspects of care: A guide to going into hospital (a live stream from Theatre 1) Oliver Warren, Consultant in General and Colorectal Surgery, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Professor Charles Vincent, Professor of Psychology, Oxford University


11:45 12:15 12:30 12:55

16:15 17:00

The future of the National Reporting and Learning System - and making the most of the system we have Lucie Mussett, Patient Safety Lead, Development of the Patient Safety Incident Management System, NHS England; Dr Frances Healey, Head of Patient Safety Insight, NHS England

Implementation of a urinary catheter ‘free’ inpatient service Karen Anderson, Head of Infection Prevention and Control/ Decontamination Lead, Somerset Partnership NHS

Suicide reduction - outside specialist services

Professor Keith Hawton, Director, Centre for Suicide Research, University of Oxford

Harry Harron, Managing Director, A-Team Health Recruitment Ltd

Ann Slee, E-Prescribing Lead, NHS England

How to communicate and support patients in all aspects of care: A guide to going into hospital (a live stream from Theatre 1)

Oliver Warren, Consultant in General and Colorectal Surgery, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Professor Charles Vincent, Professor of Psychology, Oxford University

Patient First UK

Find all the latest show news at NE BEST PRACTICE THEATRE W SUPPORTER THEATRE CONFERENCE TOPICS ! Thursday 12th November

Time 10:10 10:40

10:55 11:25

Topic Leadership culture around implementing reforms

Tony Yeaman, Healthcare Partner, Weightmans

Delivering safety at every part of the patient journey: The importance of interoperability in medicines

Gill Honeywell, Chief Pharmacist, Isle of Wight NHS Trust

How real is real time working?

11:40 12:10

Jon Shaw CEO Careflow Connect Ltd; Charlie Stockman, Clinical Engagement Lead, Careflow Connect Ltd

12:25 12:55

Michael Robinson, Associate Director of Integrated Governance and Policy, Bolton NHS Clinical Commissioning Group

13:10 13:40

13:55 14:25

14:40 15:10

15:25 15:55 16:10 16:40

Creating a population-focused safety culture in Bolton

The impact of antimicrobial (and other) guidance provided at the point of care via mobile app

Eamus Halpin, Design Mentor, Horizon Strategic Partners

Thursday 12th November

Time 10:10 10:35 10:50 11:20 11:35 12:00 12:15 12:40 12:55 13:20 13:35 14:00

A tailored innovation supporting enhanced medication adherence and outcomes

14:15 14:40

Nervecentre sponsored session

14:55 15:20

Freedom to speak up and where we need to be

15:35 16:00

Mark Dodd, National Business Development Manager, Biodose UK

Caroline Chapman, Consultant Nurse Acuity/Hospital at Night, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Whitnii Levon, Adviser, Public Concern at Work

Giving patient’s a voice with technology the evidence is compelling

16:15 16:40

Topic Sepsis management – a collaborative approach

Stefa Buras-Rees, Teams Improving Patient Safety Programme Lead, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

Strategies for improving internal communication within the NHS through technology

Leon Douglas, Head of Technology and Clinical Information, Health Innovation Network Faisal Khan, Director of Mhealth, The App Garden

Increasing medicine incident reporting

Lisa Green, Dispensary Manager / Medicines Safety Specialist Technician, Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Fluid Balance Improvement Project

Sarah Pinnington, Acute Care Clinical Educator, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Sarah Ingleby, Lead Nurse - Acute Care and Hospital at night, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The Deteriorating Patient Group

Dr Fraser Millard, Consultant Radiologist, AMD Governance and Deputy Medical Director, South Warwickshire NHS FT Fiona Burton, Deputy Director of Nursing, South Warwickshire NHS FT

PURIS: standardising pressure ulcer guidance and prevention over the whole health economy Jayne Etches, Project Lead, Pressure Ulcer Reduction in Stockport (PURIS)

Insulin Dependent Diabetics pilot

Rosie McDonnell, Head of Commmunity Nursing, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust

MSSA on the ICU

Jerome McCann, Warrington and Halton NHS Hospitals Foundation Trust Dr Adam Old, FY2, Warrington and Halton NHS Trust and Dr Joanne Ashton, FY2, Warrington and Halton NHS Trust

Acute Care Team rapid response system

Jerome McCann, Warrington and Halton NHS Hospitals Foundation Trust Dr Adam Old, FY2, Warrington and Halton NHS Trust and Dr Joanne Ashton, FY2, Warrington and Halton NHS Trust

Improving return from leave on an adult mental health inpatient ward Nokuthula Ndimande, Matron, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Tom Dawson, Founding Director, Rescon

Friday 13th November Friday 13th November Time 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:15

11:30 12:00 12:15 12:45 13:00 13:30 13:45 14:15

14:30 15:00

15:15 15:45



10:00 10:25

Reducing self-harm on a Tier 4 mental health unit

10:40 11:05

Clinical audit - engaging technology to improve efficiency

David Lewis, Partner, Weightmans

Reducing errors in flexible endoscope decontamination

11:20 11:50

CQC Regulation – Best Practice

Topic Prosecutions in healthcare cases under the Health and Safety at Work Act

Christina Bradley Laboratory Manager, Hospital Infection Research Laboratory, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

12:05 12:30

Jon Shaw CEO Careflow Connect Ltd; Charlie Stockman, Clinical Engagement Lead, Careflow Connect Ltd

How real is real time working?

12:45 13:10

Patient safety and the NHS spine

Gareth Butt, Technical Director, Quicksilva Limited

13:25 13:50

The impact of antimicrobial (and other) guidance provided at the point of care via mobile app

14:05 14:30

Teaching health care assistants to identify the deteriorating patient using simulation and human factors

14:45 15:10

Eamus Halpin, Design Mentor, Horizon Strategic Partners

James Coulston, Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, Somerset and North Devon Regional Vascular Centre and Pippa Richards, Care of the Deteriorating Patient Simulation and Human factors Fellow

Delivering safety at every part of the patient journey: The importance of interoperability in medicines

Gill Honeywell, Chief Pharmacist, Isle of Wight NHS Trust


Dean Bennett, Compliance Manager, Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; Michael Spry, Clinical Improvement & Assurance Manager, Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Errol Archer, Senior Associate Solicitor, Ridouts

Junior educational drug initiative - featuring inpatient alcohol detoxification and warfarin prescribing

Moving a Quality Strategy from the boardroom into clinical practice

David Curtis, Su2S project manager and Sarah Browne, Deputy Director of Nursing at South Essex Partnership Trust

Lorna McGuigan, Charge Nurse, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Janine Wright, Consultant Gastroenterologist and Clinical Workstream Lead for Medication Safety, North Middlesex University Hospital; Dr Anna Gill Clinical Research Fellow, Rheumatology Royal Free Hospital; Dr Daniel Johnson, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust; Dr Kartik Kumar, Core Medical Trainee, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

The Forgotten Fluid Balance Chart

Charlotte Cairns, Practice Facilitator, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust and Carolyn Letchford, Practice Facilitator, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

Reducing harm from in-hospital falls

Darren Fletcher, Patient Safety Manager, York St John’s University

Making the Journey Safe - recognising and responding to severe sepsis in A&E

Sarah Pinnington, Acute Care Clinical Educator, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Brigid Atterton, Sister Accident and Emergency, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Multi agency care planning to reduce attendances to A&E by complex high volume users Richard Tipper, Patient Safety Project Manager, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and Daniel Hodgkiss, Governance Facilitator, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust

15:25 15:50

Reducing surgical never events

16:05 16:30

Preventing pressure ulcers in the community

Tom Crawford, QI/Project Lead Theatres /Sepsis Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust Siobhan McCoulough, Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust, Hounslow & Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust

0207 348 1867

• Ambulance services • Antibiotic resistance • Antipsychotics in dementia • Avoidable harm • Care bundles • Care records • Catheter-related urinary tract infections • Clinical audit • Clinical negligence • Consultancy • Cross-boundary end of life care • Decontamination • Delivering change at scale • Deteriorating patients • Disruptive innovation • Duty of candour • Employee engagement • Falls • Gap between mortality and avoidable deaths • Governance • Hand hygiene • Human factors • Infection prevention and control • Innovation in care models • Involving patients in feedback • Leadership • Legal • Learning culture • Measurement and monitoring • Medical Equipment • Medication errors • Medication safety thermometer • Medicines charter for patients • Medicines optimisation • Mental health • Never events • Open culture • Paediatric prescribing errors • Patient feedback • Patient safety technology • Prescribing for older people • Pressure ulcers • Primary care • Quality improvement • Recruitment • Reliable care processes • Reporting • Responsibility for medical staff • Risk management • Root cause analysis • Safe staffing • Safety collaborative • Sepsis Six • Simulation • Story telling • Surgical site infection • Training • Venous thromboembolism



Addenbrooke’s - Oh CQC turn excellent quality assurance into a public disaster On 22 September, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published its report on the inspection of Addenbrooke’s Hospital. I congratulate the CQC on a thorough and detailed review of a large hospital, complete with an informative and helpful review as an objective assessment of a wide variety of issues, good and bad. It is to be applauded that the CQC has developed a practice of external reflection that, followed by strict performance management with SMART objectives backed by sanctions both personal and corporate, would undoubtedly lead to improvement in quality services. However, the CQC’s obsession with a flawed methodology copied from OFSTED (the most glaring omission being the lack of a “compliant” rating), combined with a determination to produce whole hospital ratings, delivers an irrational and perverse conclusion out of a process that by its complexity is bound to fail and thereby seriously to mislead. In considering the following, remember that the rating Requires improvement is improvement needed to achieve Good. The laudable premise may be only Good is good enough, when in many cases “compliant” would be satisfactory to most. Aspiration is muddled with stigmatisation in a way which is unhelpful, and the Addenbrooke’s report demonstrates it in spades. To any objective reader of this summary, Addenbrooke’s is not inadequate: •

Eight activities were inspected – one was rated Good (children), five Requires improvement, i.e. certainly compliant and probably almost Good, and two Inadequate (maternity and outpatients).

For the five Requires improvement, review the 35 specific areas inspected and you find 10 were rated Good and three Outstanding, with 15 Requires improvement, six Inadequate and one not rated. Gynaecology and diagnostic imaging were reported to be

Good but reported Inadequate simply because they were linked with maternity and outpatients (and maternity is at sister hospital The Rosie).

credibility of senior management, no doubt demoralising staff and causing deep concern and distress to patients and families by the judgement Inadequate.

• •

First class, well developed procedures to support and performance manage leaders throughout the service have been used to traduce the reputation of a flagship hospital, demoralise its hardworking staff and engineer fear and panic in the public, who must be seriously misled by the public presentation.

• • • •

On the Target areas, the hospitals were rated… Outstanding for Caring, while 13 areas of Outstanding Practice were specifically identified, including the birthing unit and the neonatal intensive care unit at the so called Inadequate maternity service Good for Effective in four out of seven services, with no Inadequate and the so called Inadequate outpatients not rated Good for Safe in three out of eight services, with only two Inadequate Good or Outstanding for Caring in all areas, including maternity and outpatients Good for Responsive in one area, with six Requiring improvement and two Inadequate (neither maternity) Good for Well-Led in two areas, with four Requiring improvement and two Inadequate (maternity and outpatients).

Overall, judgments seem to be based on insufficient numbers of staff (although staff are generally praised), the struggle to manage a new computer system (not unknown) and a thorough disrespect for senior management (somehow, however, tiers of management are praised). There is criticism of lack of resource without mentioning the budget shortfall with which senior management had to wrestle.

Trusts should consider carefully resisting unfair and incorrect criticism in the interests of patients and staff and the Department of Health should seriously consider whether this approach, as exemplified at Addenbrooke’s, is in any way likely to foster the improvement said to be necessary or, rather, to increase pressures even to maintain the status quo.

Having achieved a finding which appears unfair, if not arguably wrong, the CQC has set about destroying the

Paul Ridout is a Partner at Ridouts LLP

Paul’s Session: 11:20 - 11:50, Friday 13th November CQC Regulation - Best Practice Errol Archer, Senior Associate Solicitor

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Patient First UK



Floor plan and participants list Trading Name Abloy UK

PF Theatre 1 G70

Poster Zone





Parafricta Medical Products





6 2



Leadership Lounge

Ultrasound Training







Royal 4 Voluntary Service


M66 Seating Area


Teal Task Force






NIV Training Zone Sponsored by Phillips





H51 H51



Dakota Healthcare






RL Solutions

Sole Mates

Nervecentre Software





H43 MMR International



Visensia – The Safety Index







A-Team Healthcare Recruitment






B.Braun Medical Ltd




Calea UK




Who Are You Ltd

3 3

3 3



All in One Medical

Hotboard by Ward-Hendry




Turun UK





Stanley Healthcare



Best Practice Presentation Theatre




Isansys Lifecare


GG20 Careflow Connect



The Health Foundation



H21 ViVO Smart Medical Devices











Synergy Health


Sign up to Safety



5 Surfacide



Kings Lynn Institute of Patient Safety


Lincor Solutions


Calea UK

PF Theatre 2

Abloy UK 6



The AHSN Network

8 ID Medical 6

Independent Patient Safety Investigation Service


P31 Hetikal



Public Concern at Work

Emergency Personnel



Eco International Holdings


Redwing Hospital Performance



Royal College of Emergency Medicine






Medway NHS Foundation Trust




Microtest Ltd


Morse Watchmans


Neova Health

PF Theatre 3


Opus Pharmacy Services





Pentland Medical


Pharmacy Medical


Picker Insitute Europe


Public Concern at Work




RDP Health


Redwing Hospital Performance

P15 M31

Ridouts LLP


RL Solutions


Royal College of Emergency Medicine


Royal Voluntary Service


Safe-T Ltd


Sage Products




SBRI Healthcare


Sensium Healthcare




Sign up to Safety


Skills For Health


Sole Mates


STANLEY Healthcare


Sturge Industries Ltd




SurgiCube International

P64 GG41

Synergy Health


Teal Task Force


The App Garden


The Association for Perioperative Practice


The Health Foundation

0207 348 1867



Syndicate Healthcare



Nervecentre Software Ltd

Rescon Technologies

Prescription Training Ltd



MedHAND International AB


A Team Health Recruitment





6 I10

Focus Active









Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management

Isansys Lifecare Ltd




Endur ID







Neova Health



I15 GG05


Morse Watchmans






Picker Institute Europe M31

Endur ID



Emergency Personnel

ID Medical







SBRI Healthcare



3 6

I37 I36 Pentland Medical








Hotboard by Ward-Hendry




Eco International Holdings Limited





Diabetes UK















Antimicrobial Copper

Horizon Strategic Partners


Focus Active


Presentation Theatre





B. Braun Medical



Lincor Solutions




Sturge Industries

The App Garden




Syndicate Healthcare




H45 GG41


Sensium Healthcare








Skills for 4 Health





Sage Products








All in One Medical



3 6




Horizon Strategic Partners



Antimicrobial Copper


Pharmacy Medical



Diabetes UK

OPUS Pharmacy Services




I71 Medhand International


I70 Medway NHS Trust




AHSN Network

Careflow Connect Ltd

Vanguard Healthcare Mobile Operating Theatre

Stand No


Turun UK


Vanguard Healthcare Solutions




Visensia- The Safety Index


ViVO Smart Medical Devices


Weightmans LLP


Who Are You Ltd


Willach Pharmacy Solutions



HOW TO REGISTER FOR YOUR PLACE Telephone: Call us on 0207 348 1867 & speak to our delegate team

Online: Book online at

using your education grant code

Email: referencing the organisation you work for

When & Where ExCel London

Exit block and crowding harms patients and staff Exit block happens where you can’t get patients from A&E into a hospital inpatient bed. Over 500,000 patients a year are affected. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) says that this is unacceptable and is currently campaigning to eradicate Exit Block from Emergency Departments. Exit block leads to crowding, which is the most important problem facing Emergency Departments (EDs) worldwide. Crowding is associated with avoidable mortality, delays to analgesia, impaired comfort and dignity and burnout among emergency department staff. In the UK crowding in EDs is worsening. The visible effects are ambulances queuing outside emergency departments, trolleys on corridors within EDs, and long waits in EDs both to be seen and to be transferred out to a ward. Crowding and exit block are not inevitable and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine has proposed several interventions. What do the statistics show? NHS England has reported that in the first three quarters of 2014-15 there have been more four hour target breaches, than in the totality of 2013-2014. This is already 189,863, an increase of 13.8%. The number of patients breaching by 12 hours are similarly higher for the first three quarters of 2014-2015. Performance at this level must be avoided, the magnitude of the effect is about 13 deaths a year per Department.

Thursday 12th November, Doors Open: 8:30 - 18:00, Hall S6

More breaches indicates more Exit Block and crowding. Exit Block in UK Emergency Departments is growing substantially.

Friday 13th November, Doors Open: 8:30 - 18:00, Hall S6

What action is needed?

Dr Adrian Boyle and Sam McIntyre, Quality Manager

Exit Block as a standard of care and is wholly committed to tackling this pernicious condition.

Crowding caused by Exit Block is neither acceptable for patients, nor staff. This is why the College will not normalise

Exit block Session: 15:40 - 16:15, Friday 13th November Let’s deal with emergency department exit block and crowding Dr Vincent Connolly, Medical Director, Emergency Care Intensive Support Team and Dr Adrian Boyle, Chair, Quality in Emergency Care Committee, Royal College of Emergency Medicine and Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Think differently about patient safety Over the last fifteen years we have learnt a lot about patient safety but not realised the outcomes we would have hoped. The time is right to think differently about patient safety; how we learn, how we report incidents, how we investigate them, how we share and implement solutions. All of these are flawed. We also need a new approach to conferencing and bringing people together. This is why the Sign up to Safety Campaign is supporting Patient First - who are like us, thinking differently about our shared cause; bringing people together to make a difference so that patients and staff are free from avoidable harm.

A VIBRANT PLACE TO LIVE AND WORK 1 HOUR FROM LONDON AND 30 MINS FROM THE COAST Are you an experienced or newly qualified nurse?

Dr Suzette Woodward, National campaign Director, Sign up to Safety


to see a variety of nursing opportunities

Sign up to Safety Session: 9:00 - 10:00 Thursday 12th November Sign up to Safety; helping the NHS re(think) Patient Safety Dr Suzette Woodward National Campaign Director


Patient First UK


Patient safety innovations flourish at patient first 2015 Continued from page 1... pharmacists and all those who are seeking to deliver improved safety outcomes for their patients.” Six streams of content A six-stream conference programme has been crafted to offer nurses, doctors, pharmacists, the broad patient safety management community and senior operational and functional management a broad spectrum of thought leadership, clinical development and practical guidance. This years conference programme streams cover Medicines Saftey, Infection Prevention & Control, Best Practice in Patient Safety, Culture, Leadership and Engagement, Measurement, Data and Technology and Integration and Commissioning. Thought leadership Leading this year’s signature multi-stream conference programme is Dr Suzette Woodward, National Campaign Director of Sign up to Safety, who will be speaking to the conference on helping the NHS re(think) patient safety to

realise the outcomes sought by all for patients and staff to be free from avoidable harm. In another keynote session, Dr Mike Durkin, Director of Patient Safety at NHS England will lead a question and answer panel session on the development of the new Independent Patient Safety Investigation Service. He will be joined by members of the expert advisory group already working with Dr Durkin on the evolution of the new investigation service. Other leading speakers booked to attend Patient First include: Dr Emma Vaux, QI Programme Director, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust; Dr Robin Cordell, Deputy Medical Director of Primary Care, Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management; Dr Honey Thomas, Consultant Cardiologist, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust; Dr Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive, Picker Institute Europe; Dr Ron Daniels, CEO, UK Sepsis Trust, as well as many more. Another highlight of this year’s conference programme is the update by NHS England Vanguard site Wirral Health Partners, which is piloting an accelerated new model of integrated care. Showcasing this at Patient First, vanguard representatives will be on hand to present on falls and fractures care and will show how they are ripping up the rule book on collaboration to reduce readmissions and support people to remain at home. Interactive opportunities At the heart of the Patient First 2015 event is the opportunity for delegates and key opinion leaders to get together and network in a more intimate, interactive environment where best practice and intelligent thinking can be shared on a personal level. At this year’s Patient First, four such venues will be available: the Best Practice Theatre; the Supporter

Are you getting the most out of your workforce?

Theatre; the Leadership Lounge, and the Exhibition Floor Space. Information on each of these venues is available below. So, don’t delay, register your interest in attending patient First now. For more information, visit: www.patientfirstuk. com Networking opportunities at Patient First Best Practice Theatre This theatre will showcase local examples of best practice in patient safety and innovation in patient care from a variety of NHS, private and independent healthcare providers and commissioners. Sessions in this stream will cover areas including: infection prevention and control; medicines safety; culture, leadership and engagement; and measurement, data and technology. Supporter theatre This theatre will present frontline case studies from improvement projects and other patient safety initiatives by providers and commissioners, as well as advisory content from partners and supporter organisations. The topics covered will include technology, medicines management, legal updates and safety pledges. Leadership lounge The VIP area will provide a valuable working space at the heart of the show for speakers and senior management to network, hold meetings and take part in round table sessions. Exhibition Floor Over 100 educational establishments, professional representative organisations, consultants, legal specialists, IT, HR and clinical product suppliers have all signed up to exhibit at Patient First, providing delegates with a unique opportunity to access the very latest expertise, market intelligence and innovations all under one roof.

Why engagement should be at the top of the agenda for Healthcare The issue around Engagement in healthcare is becoming an increasingly important one. Engagement is more than implementing a strategy; it’s about creating and sustaining a culture and work environment in which employees and staff members feel motivated to offer discretionary effort, to go that extra mile for patients and colleagues. Research has shown a strong correlation between high engagement and improved performance, better patient welfare, enhanced reputation and stronger recruitment and retention rates, the statistics are too compelling to be ignored. Research from the Involvement and Participation Association (IPA) shows that an engaged and motivated workforce can have a positive impact on the consistent delivery of quality healthcare. Five of the acute trusts heralded for their staff engagement and studied by the IPA recorded an average 8.10 in a survey of in-patients. These trusts also recorded higher CQC ratings in both quality of services and financial performance.




For Healthcare organisations to improve employee engagement consideration has to be given to creating an environment where there is clear, accessible communication from management and senior stakeholders, and a culture where employees empowered.

0207 348 1867

According to “Nursing a Healthy Reputation” 71% of nurses support the values of the 6Cs of patient support - care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment, the findings suggest that continuous communication which reinforces these values and encouraging employee feedback can help to overcome the issues of staff disengagement. Another area where Employee Engagement plays a key role is external reputation, particularly because of its impact on the recruitment and retention of staff. Statistics from “Nursing a Healthy Reputation” which surveyed 1,600 nurses showed that 57% were considering a new role and 21% actively seeking a change, and that three in four nurses said they would actively avoid working for a trust seen as having a poor track record in employee engagement. Employees make the best ambassadors, and in a culture where external reputation can be damaged via social media as well as word-of-mouth, providing a channel where employees can share successes, and have a line of communication with management for constructive dialogue can play a key role in improving engagement and encouraging employee advocacy. Continued on page 11...


Meet some of our exhibitors TRAINING FOR CRITICAL TEAMS



Atrainability is recognised as one of the leading providers of Human Factors Training for critical teams including Health and Social Care, Ambulance Service, Fire Service, and Aviation. To date we have trained over 25,000 professionals. What is Human Factors and what impact does our Atrainability courses have?

Isansys Lifecare is a new generation healthcare company that provides patient surveillance and monitoring services built on an innovative, low-cost and scalable digital platform. We are working with hospitals and healthcare organisations to deliver patient monitoring services using the Patient Status Engine platform and new generation wireless vital signs monitors.

Ridouts LLP is a law firm built upon talent and experience for the single purpose of being the best provider of legal services to the health and social care sector. With over 100 years combined experience the breadth and depth of experience makes us the obvious choice for providers.

Visit us on stand J62

Visit us on stand H26

Visit us on stand GG43




Cognisco’s representatives will be available to talk to delegates about the groundbreaking and practical work it is doing with health and social care organisations to identify, mitigate and address any gaps in staff knowledge, understanding or confidence to improve their performance and the safety of patients

Enhanced patient care experiences, improved clinical outcomes, and reduced costs are vital healthcare industry goals that can be realised by using technology most effectively. At Microsoft, we strive to empower health organisations, care providers, and patients to improve patient health by working together more closely. Using a unified platform for collaborative decision making, care teams can optimise efficiency and productivity all along the care continuum. By enabling remote access to medical information, health systems can help improve the vitality of a diverse population. And by extending securityenhanced access to information and expertise to virtually any device, health organisations can support a mobile workforce of health professionals who are productive, informed, and connected. Microsoft and our partners are uniquely positioned to enable this people-first approach through our end-to-end portfolio of software, devices, and services that are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of health organisations and their patients.

Sensium Healthcare’s focus is on wireless ultralow power, lightweight, monitoring solutions which improve patient care and safety, shorten hospital stays and reduce costs. The SensiumVitals ‘early warning’ system uses world-leading wireless innovation, with proven performance and reliability, to deliver essential, clinical support alongside ultimate patient comfort, confidence and mobility.

Visit us on stand H20

MAINTAIN GERM FREE Eco International Holdings Ltd bring you a new level of surface treatment covering all your touch points. We are setting the standard in the application method using the latest unrivalled technology and next generation solutions; enabling you to maintain germ-free environments effortlessly. Visit us on stand M76

RECRUITMENT Emergency Personnel strive to provide outstanding service to candidates and clients to assure our evolving business continues to innovate. We are extremely proud to be one of the leaders in supplying healthcare professionals across the UK. Visit us on stand P35

THE HEALTH FOUNDATION We are an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK. From giving grants to those working at the front line to carrying out research and policy analysis, we shine a light on how to make successful change happen. Visit us on stand GG07

SMART PHONE - CLINICAL GUIDANCE MicroGuide is used in 73 Medical Organisations to enable them to provide clinical guidance to over 30,000 clinicians’ smartphones so they always have the latest guidance at the point of care. The service has won a number of awards, including the 2015 EHI “Excellence in Mobile Healthcare Visit us on stand M66

Visit us on stand J61

PULSE OXIMETRY Pentland Medical focus on introducing, unique patented technologies to key UK healthcare sectors, e.g. anaesthesia, oncology and infection prevention. The latest addition being the Assurance® Alar Nasal Sensor, the next generation of pulse oximetry. Alar will transform physiological measurement of vital parameters across, anaesthesia and emergency care. Visit us on stand I36

Visit us on stand J50

SIGN UP TO SAFETY Sign up to Safety is harnessing the commitment of staff to make care safer. A patient safety campaign, it is one of a set of national initiatives to help the NHS improve the safety of patient care. Collectively and cumulatively these initiatives aim to reduce avoidable harm by 50% and support the ambition to save 6,000 lives. Sign up to Safety is for everybody, in every part of the NHS whether you work in primary, secondary or tertiary care; whether you work in acute, mental health, learning disabilities, ambulance or community care settings; whether you work in a national body or a general practice. We are united by our common goal; to continually strive to make the care we give our patients as safe as possible. Visit us on stand H10


PAIN MANAGEMENT Sole Mates are the exclusive importers and distributors of Sole Mates Insoles to the UK and Europe. We promote our product through our website, numerous trade shows and events throughout the year and through a growing number of high street outlets which include chemists, podiatrists, beauticians, and sports therapy clinics

Vanguard Healthcare is the leading supplier of mobile healthcare facilities to the NHS and private providers across the UK and Europe. Vanguard has a proven track record of helping healthcare providers to strategically improve patient access and address waiting lists; enabling the treatment of over 217,000 patients. Visit us on stand I10

Visit us on stand H40

ENHANCING HUMAN PERFORMANCE Rescon provides Health and Social Care products and services relating to evaluation and enhancement of holistic human performance. Our primary product is Lincus (, a Software Service platform that improves the health and wellbeing of users, promotes self-care and improves engagement whilst reducing health and social care spend.

LEGAL & EXPERT ADVICE As an established provider of legal services to NHS Foundation Trusts we deliver expert legal advice. We provide incisive advice on board governance, healthcare, employment law, procurement, project finance, joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, real estate, construction, commercial contracts and dispute resolution, regulatory issues, health and safety and mental health. Visit us on stand M20

Visit us on stand M31


Patient First UK

VANGUARD: SAFE CLINICAL ENVIRONMENTS WITH A GLOBAL REACH Vanguard Healthcare’s mobile facilities provide safe clinical environments which can be delivered to nearly any geography to enable excellent, safe patient care. Since February, one of Vanguard’s flagship mobile laminar flow theatre units has been providing half of the clinical capacity for the Dutch Caribbean Island, Bonaire.

that Bonaire’s population is around 16,500; nearly 3.5% of the islands residents have received treatment in the Vanguard unit.


Why engagement should be at the top of the agenda for healthcare Continued from page 9... As the healthcare sector in general faces increasing pressure on budgets and targets to deliver higher quality of healthcare to an increasing number of patients, improving engagement as a means to improving the delivery of healthcare must be top of the agenda.

The facility has simplified care for the residents, patients and clinical staff – who were faced with the prospect of having to leave the island in order to deliver or receive treatment. Instead Vanguard brought care to them.

Many healthcare organisations are still searching for a way to create a culture that improves employee engagement, clearly effective internal communication between all parties is at the heart of any successful organisation.

Being the islands only theatre has meant that a wide range of procedures have been performed since the facilities arrival earlier in the year. Vanguard’s versatile unit can be utilised for even highly invasive procedures such as joint replacements – thanks to the laminar flow ventilation system installed in the operating theatre.

However, many employees within the healthcare sector have limited access to computers or are working across multiple sites the challenge for Healthcare organisations is to find a medium that provides employees with access to relevant communications and information, and provides a platform for employees to have a voice and share their opinions.

In fact, a great number of joint replacements have been carried out in the temporary facility. Since the unit’s arrival, over 570 procedures have taken place, including 117 orthopaedic and four cardiology procedures. Given

Mobile App technology has a pivotal role to play in changing the dynamic of communications within the healthcare sector. With high levels of smartphone ownership in the UK and a society well versed in communicating over digital channels, apps provide an accessible medium for healthcare organisations to be able to connect with every employee and provide a channel to distribute communications, share content and encourage 2 way dialogue.

Tristan Botjes, Internal Project Coordinator at Hospital San Francisco said of the project: In a way Vanguard and Bonaire are connected to each other for life now. On the streets you meet people who speak of their experiences before and after a procedure and some even show off their baby who was born in it (we’ve had 20 births in the unit!). Visit us on stand G70

The HealthcareConnect App from the The App Garden can help Healthcare organisations to achieve higher levels of employee engagement through improved internal communications leading to better delivery of healthcare, increased employee advocacy and enhanced organisational reputation.

The App Garden sponsored session: 10:50 - 11:20, Thursday 12th November, Best Practice Theatre The App Garden


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