LVS2012 Sept Ticket

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ÂŁ199 or off f 10% ) nal s o r i e t b di (Ad mem BVA

Over 100 hours of clinical and veterinary business CPD education, featuring world-class speakers and led by programme director Jill Maddison (RVC) NEW! A selection of hands-on workshops by Dick White Referrals and an Advanced Diagnostic Stream presented by IDEXX Laboratories NEW! The BVA Careers Fair - career support and guidance Over 300 exhibiting companies An extensive sponsor-led seminar programme, association rooms, plus much more...


Jill Maddison

David Church

Virginia Luis Fuentes

Clinical Programme 1

10.15 - 11.15 Canine chronic enteropathy - antibiotics, diet or steroids? Ed Hall MA VetMB(Cantab) PhD(Liv) MRCVS DipECVIM-CA 11.45 - 12.45 Diagnosing cats with heart disease in general practice - getting the best value from the tests at hand Virginia Luis Fuentes MA VetMB PhD CertVR DVC MRCVS DipACVIM DipECVIM

14.15 - 15.15 Feline triaditis - what is it, how do I diagnose and treat it? Stan Marks DipACVIM DipACVN

David Walker

Clinical Programme 2

9.00 - 10.00 Feline IBD versus intestinal lymphoma does it really matter? Stan Marks DipACVIM DipACVN

13.00 - 14.00 Animal / Human Abuse Chair: Peter Jones BVA President (from Oct 2012)

Nat Whitley

Hosted by:

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9.15 - 10.15 Hypercalcaemia and hypocalcaemia when should you worry and what can you do? David Church BVSc PhD MACVSc MRCVS 10.30 - 11.30 Pleural effusions in cats and dogs - why do they occur and what can I do about it? Nat Whitley BVMS PhD MRCVS CertVC DipACVIM DipECVIM 12.00 - 13.00 Bloat is surgical disease? Ed Hall MA VetMB(Cantab) PhD(Liv) MRCVS DipECVIM-CA 13.20 - 14.00 ISFM Clinical Lecture - the need to think differently about cats in practice

Sponsored by:

14.10 - 15.10 Sponsored by: Update on management of chronic orthopaedic pain - are NSAIDs the only option? Prof Matthew Pead BVetMed PhD MRCVS FHEA CertSAO

15.35 - 16.35 Getting the most from your scope - top tips for upper GI endoscopy Nat Whitley BVMS PhD MRCVS CertVC DipACVIM DipECVIM

15.40 - 16.40 Dogs with heart disease - when is an echo essential and when is it not? Virginia Luis Fuentes MA VetMB PhD CertVR DVC MRCVS DipACVIM DipECVIM

16.50 - 17.50 Medical mystery tour 2012 David Church BVSc PhD MACVSc MRCVS

16.55 - 17.55 Transfusion therapy - opportunities and limitations in general practice David Walker BVetMed(Hons) DipACVIM MRCVS


Clinical Programme 3 9.30 - 10.30 My tortoise won’t move! Survival tips for managing common diseases of tortoises and terrapins in general practice Kevin Eatwell BVSc (Hons) DZooMed (Reptilian) MRCVS 10.45 - 11.45 Top tips for improving your orthopaedic surgeries in general practice Prof Matthew Pead BVetMed PhD MRCVS FHEA CertSAO 12.15 - 13.15 The pills won’t work if the patient doesn’t receive them - improving medication compliance in small animal practice Jill Maddison BVSc DipVetClinStud PhD FACVSc MRCVS 13.45 - 14.45 Sickly snakes and lousy lizards reptile medicine fundamentals Kevin Eatwell BVSc (Hons) DZooMed (Reptilian) MRCVS 15:00 - 16.00 A logical approach to the bleeding patient David Walker BVetMed(Hons) DipACVIM MRCVS

Dick White Referrals Workshops Following the success of the Dick White Referrals Workshops run at last year’s London Vet Show, senior clinicians from DWR will be presenting more practical information in their dedicated CPD room on the first floor. On Thursday 15th November, they will be running two half-day sessions, aimed at providing up-to-date clinical information using an interactive discussion format: 9.00 - 12.00 Coping with abdominal crises 14.00 - 17.00 Managing multiple injuries in dogs and cats Each half-day session will deal with the decision-making and the implementation of management strategies from presentation of challenging cases to hospital discharge. Last year, the practical workshop topics were over-subscribed and this year, once again, places will be limited. Early reservation is therefore highly recommended.

16.15 - 17.15 Fat cats and diabetes - what’s the link and what can you do to break it? Yaiza Forcada DVM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS

I came last year so I know the quality of the programme is very high. It is very practical, it talks about things that are relevant and which we can use in practice. Lorraine Birch, Vet, Cavan Vets


Alison Lambert

Alan Robinson

Peter Watson

Business Programme 8.30 - 9.30 Do you and your veterinary practice have a tax planning strategy? Riz Akhtar FCCA ACMA, Owner, RA Accountants LLP 9.40 - 10.30 Community Engagement The 7 Pillars for Success Zara Boland BVSc BE MRCVS, Director, Vet Voice 10.45 - 11.45 A new business model for a new economy Alan Robinson Owner, Vet Focus 12.00 - 13.00 The impact of customer loyalty on your direct practice spend Kingsley Baxendale National Account Manager, Novartis Sponsored by: 14.15 - 15.05 Get ahead of the game recent trends and new online opportunities for veterinary practice in 2012 Susie Samuel MA VetMB MRCVS, Director, Vet Help Direct

15.30 - 16.20 What do your clients really think? The importance of mystery shopping and client listening groups Peter Watson CEO, Vets4Pets 16.30 - 17.15 What are the good guys doing… what can I copy today that will help me tomorrow Alison Lambert Partner, Onswitch Ltd

London Vet Show: 15 - 16 Nov 2012

Susie Samuel

Laura Heaps

BVA Careers Fair Programme 9.00 - 9.50 Identifying the right job and making it yours CVs, job searching and interview techniques Helen Frewin, Totem Consulting 10.00 - 10.50 Getting the most out of your first few years in practice - advice from recent graduates Rob Darvill, Benson & Babb Becky Bradshaw, St. James’ Veterinary Group 11.30 - 12.20 So being a good vet isn’t just about the animals - essential communication skills for handling clients and colleagues Tom Mowlem / Graham Banks Companion Care 12.45 - 13.35 Help! I’ve had an official complaint what do I do next? Gordon Hockey, RCVS Acting Registrar 13.50 - 14.40 Learning doesn’t stop at University - PDP, CPD and post graduate qualifications Prof Stephen May RCVS Council member (from July) 15.00 - 15.50 Start as you mean to go on - essential financial planning for new graduates Danny James, Lloyd and Whyte 16.00 - 16.50 Expand your horizons - working and volunteering overseas Laura Heaps, RVC Intern (from Nov) Ed James, RVC Intern (from Nov) 17.00 - 17.50 Internships: the stepping stone to specialist training Padraig Egan, Fitzpatrick Referrals


Sponsor-led Seminars 9.30 - 10.30 (S1) Haemoabdomen: Transfusion? Incision? Decisions! Laurent Findji DMV MS MRCVS DiplECVS Mayank Seth BVetMed(Hons) DipACVIM (SAIM) MRCVS 11.00 - 12.00 (S9) Management of arthritis: how to convert problems into a success Professor Stuart Carmichael 12.30 - 13.30 (S10) Diagnosis and management of feline allergic dermatitis Dr Stephen C Shaw BVetMed PhD DVD MRCVS

APBC Association Room Sponsored by:

10.00 - 10.30 Body talk Sarah Whitehead BA(Hons) MSc

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11.00 - 11.30 Scary Marys! Kris Glover BA (Hons) PG Dip CABC CCAB 12.00 - 12.30 Don’t leave me here! Claire Hargave BSc(Hons) MSc PGCE C Sci C Chem MRSC DAS(CABC) CCAB

BVDA Association Room

14.00 - 15.00 (S2) The diagnosis of canine heart failure in practice Mike Martin MVB DVC MRCVS

Sponsored by:

15.30 - 16.30 (S3) Advances in the treatment of canine and feline liver disease Nick Bexfield BVetMed PhD DSAM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS

Sponsored by:

17.00 - 18.00 (S4) Putting flea control back into (your) practice Dr Ernie Ward DVM

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12.45 - 13.30 The mouth.... a minefield or a mint? Colin Baxter President BVDA 14.00 - 14.45 Applied anaesthesia for dentistry Andrew Perry BVSc MRCVS, Alternative Resident, Veterinary Dentistry 15.15 - 16.00 Myths and misconceptions Rachel Perry BSc BVM&S MRCVS 16.30 -17.15 The concept of preventative oral care for dogs Simone Kirby Dip EVDC MRCVS, European Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry

This represents pretty much a year’s CPD in one go and is a chance to learn outside of one’s normal experience. Charlie Leigh, Practice Manager, Canonbury Dragon Vet


Anke Hendricks

Stijn Niessen

Danièlle Gunn-Moore

Clinical Programme 1

10.00 - 10.50 Beyond the injections - improving the quality of life of diabetic pets and their owners Stijn Niessen DVM PhD DipECVIM PGCVetEd FHEA MRCVS 11.30 - 12.20 The challenge of Pseudonmonas otitis anything that works? Anke Hendricks DrMedVet CertVD DipECVD FHEA MRCVS

13.50 - 14.40 Managing the geriatric cat why are they special? Danièlle Gunn-Moore BSc BVM&S PhD FHEA MACVSc MRCVS

Hosted by:

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14.50 - 15.40 Saving sight - when to treat and when to refer Rick Sanchez BSciBiol DVM DipECVO MRCVS 16.00 - 16.50 A new look at feline respiratory disease and vaccines Danièlle Gunn-Moore BSc BVM&S PhD FHEA MACVSc MRCVS

Lisa Milella

Clinical Programme 2

9.00 - 9.50 Bugs in the gut part 1 - how do I determine what’s important and what’s not? Stan Marks DipACVIM DipACVN

12.30 - 13.30 Question Time Chair: Robin Hargreaves BVA President Elect. (from Oct 2012)

Dan Chan

Sponsored by:

9.15 - 10.05 Manky ears - sampling, cleaning and flushing Anke Hendricks DrMedVet CertVD DipECVD FHEA MRCVS 10.20 - 11.10 Tips for developing a catfriendly practice - more than just avoiding big dogs Danièlle Gunn-Moore BSc BVM&S PhD FHEA MACVSc MRCVS

Sponsored by:

12.00 - 12.50 Getting the most from your ophthalmic exam - tips and tricks for general practice Rick Sanchez BSciBiol DVM DipECVO MRCVS 13.50 - 14.40 What the hormones are telling us? Navigating the minefield of endocrine tests in dogs and cats Stijn Niessen DVM PhD DipECVIM PGCVetEd FHEA MRCVS 15.05 - 15.55 Bugs in the gut part 2 - when and how do I treat? What works? Stan Marks DipACVIM DipACVN 16.05 - 16.55 Saving lives - logical approach and assessment of the blocked cat Dan Chan DVM DipACVECC DipACVN MRCVS The sessions have been very useful and I can fit a great deal of CPD into a couple of days. Andrew Frost, Vet, Locum


Clinical Programme 3 9.30 - 10.20 On the nose - tips and tricks for surgically managing nasal disorders in dogs and cats in general practice Gert ter Haar DVM PhD MRCVS DECVS 10.35 - 11.25 Dealing with difficult extractions and what to do when it all goes wrong Lisa Milella BVSc MRCVS DipEVDC

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11.40 - 12.30 Dogs going deaf - does it matter and what can you do to help? Gert ter Haar DVM PhD MRCVS DECVS 13.30 - 14.20 Food allergies and pitfalls of home-made diets Dan Chan DVM DipACVECC DipACVN MRCVS 14.35 - 15.25 Antimicrobial therapy in dentistry - if, when and where? Lisa Milella BVSc MRCVS DipEVDC

Sponsored by:

15.40 - 16.30 Resisting resistance - is antibiotic resistance really a risk in your practice and, if so, what can you do? Tim Nuttall BSc BVSc (Bris) Phd CertVD CBiol MIBiol MRCVS

IDEXX Advanced Diagnostics Stream 8.30 - 9.25 Interpreting haematology reports: what every practitioner should know Dennis DeNicola / Peter Kintzer IDEXX 9.35 - 10.30 Finding clarity in blood chemistry reports: what to do when the bloodwork doesn’t make sense Dennis DeNicola / Peter Kintzer IDEXX 10.45 - 11.40 The most perplexing cases of all: the under-the-weather patient Dennis DeNicola / Peter Kintzer IDEXX 11.50 - 12.45 The approach to the itchy dog Terri Bonenberger DipECVD DipACVD 13.15 - 14.10 Cardiac biomarkers: What are they & how can they help decision-making in practice Adrian Boswood RVC 14.20 - 15.15 Thyroid testing diagnostic dilemmas Dennis DeNicola / Peter Kintzer IDEXX 15.30 - 16.30 Diagnosis and management of feline kidney disease Jane Robertson DVM DACVIM Head of North America and Europe Internal Medicine for IDEXX Laboratories

This show is vastly superior in numbers and quality than other events. And to have done it in just a couple of years is very impressive. The clinical programme is excellent. Richard Bottom, Vet, Bay Vets


Mark Johnston

Brian Faulkner

Mark Moran

Business Programme 9.00 - 9.50 Consumer behaviour - how the concept of ‘self’ impacts veterinary practice business Ross Tiffin Managing Director, Tartan Business Solutions 10.00 - 10.50 Websites 2012: engage and interact with your consumers Kelly Baltzell Chief Executive Officer, Beyond Indigo 11.30 - 12.20 Sponsored by: Making the most of your health plans for pets Mark Moran Director, Vets in Business Limited 12.30 - 13-30 Navigating a foreign land: working in the UK as an overseas graduate Jacqui Molyneux BVSc BSc CertSAS MRCVS RCVS President from July 2012 13.45 - 14.35 How to become the veterinary employer of choice Graeme McConnell Head of Recruitment, Companion Care 15.00 - 15.50 How to get your share of online pharmacy sales Mark Johnston MA VetMB MRCVS, Managing Director, Vetstream 16.00 - 16.45 The surprising truth about the source of confidence and how it relates to working in veterinary practice Brian Faulkner BSc(Hons) BVM&S MBA MSc(Psych) Cert(GP)BS Cert(GP)SAM, Managing Director, Frontfoot Consultancy Suffolk Ltd

Zaila Dunbar

Helen Frewin

BVA Careers Fair Programme 9.00 - 9.50 Returning to work from a career break useful tips from those in the know Zaila Dunbar, Vet of the Year 2012 James Goldman, BVA Legal Team 10.00 - 10.50 Surely there’s more to vet life than practice? - alternative career options Jill Maddison, Royal Veterinary College Prof Alun Williams, Cambridge University 11.00 - 11.50 Getting the most out of the staff you manage - essential leadership skills for new managers Helen Frewin, Totem Consulting 12.00 - 12.50 Can I use my skills outside the profession? - careers for vets in traditional business roles Gemma Ludgate, C2 Careers 13.00 - 13.50 Don’t fall short of the law when managing people - the basics of employment law James Goldman, BVA Legal Team 14.00 - 14.50 Surely there’s more to vet life than practice? - alternative career options Linda Smith, Association of Government Vets Richard Dixon, Vets Now Jo Lowe, Army 15.00 - 15.50 Taking the next step in your career - setting up a new practice - the basics Peter Gripper, Anval

Sponsored by:

16.00 - 16.50 Create a happy team, managing workrelated stress Alistair Dornan, BUPA


Sponsor-led Seminars 9.30 - 10.30 (S11) Management of arthritis: how to convert problems into a success Professor Stuart Carmichael

CABI Association Room

11.00 - 12.00 (S5) The diagnosis of canine heart failure in practice Mike Martin MVB DVC MRCVS

Sponsored by:

12.30 - 13.30 (S6) Putting flea control back into (your) practice Dr Ernie Ward DVM

Sponsored by:

14.00 - 15.00 (S7) The management of feline lower urinary tract disease Angie Hibbert BVSc CertSAM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS

Sponsored by:

15.30 - 16.30 (S12) Diagnosis and management of feline allergic dermatitis Dr Stephen C Shaw BVetMed PhD DVD MRCVS 17.00 - 18.00 (S8) The secrets and proven benefits of nutritional excellence Dr R Geoffrey Broderick DVM

9.00 - 9.45 The importance of animal companionship: implications to human and animal health

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Hosted by:

10.00 - 10.30 The impact of the bond between owner and cat on treatment and recovery 11.00 - 11.30 Human-animal relationships: why dogs and cats are different 11.45 - 12.15 Companion animal practice, a contribution to society beyond private enterprise

VBF Association Room Hosted by: 14.00 - 14.45 Good boss, bad boss Don’t miss Vetlife’s interactive drama on Friday afternoon starring some faces you might recognise!

Sponsored by:

Society of Greyhound Veterinarians 13.00 - 13.30 How the racing scene works

Sponsored by:

Hosted by:

13.30 - 14.00 Introduction to racing injuries TM

14.00 - 14.30 Special considerations in medicating greyhounds 15.00 - 15.30 Laboratory differences in greyhounds

The conference is great value, especially when you book early. Such a good networking event for what is a people-industry. Gideon Smith, Partner, Companion Care

15.30 - 16.00 Racing machine to retired athlete 16.00 - 16.30 Veterinary conditions in retired greyhounds 16.30 - 17.00 Special considerations when nursing greyhound patients

Over 300 Exhibiting Companies! This year’s London Vet Show plays host to the single largest European source of cutting- edge veterinary solutions on our largest ever exhibition floor. Exhibitors include Dick White Referrals, Nestlé Purina, Protexin, Novartis, Elanco, IDEXX, Companion Care, Hills, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ceva, Norbrook, St Francis Group, Vétoquinol, Abbott Animal Health, MSD Animal Health and around 300 more. For the full exhibitor list, visit

The London Vet Show Party Night! This year’s party will be taking place on Thursday 15th November at supperclub in London, and will again be hosted by Vets Now, bringing their own expertise and looking after the social side of the country’s (and industry’s) fastest growing event.

Hosted by:

Tickets for the party are just £39 (+VAT) per person and include free drinks vouchers, a buffet and entertainment for the evening... Book your place today!

WIN AN AFRICAN SAFARI WORTH £12,000! Following the response to last year’s competition, we will again be offering one lucky delegate the opportunity to win a once in a lifetime Safari for two to Uganda, organised by our friends at the WVS. To enter, each delegate will simply be required to collect a stamp in their passport from each of the Safari sponsors exhibiting at this year’s show. Itinerary • Day 1 - 2: Arrival at Entebbe Airport and transfer to the hotel. Enjoy a forest walk with chimps at Ngamba Island. • Day 3 - 4: Admire the sunset from a boat ride to the Islands. Next, visit the rhinos at Ziwa rhino ranch. • Day 5 - 6: Transfer to Fort Portal, then on to Bwindi via QENP to take in a game drive.
 • Day 7 - 8: A visit to the community day schools in Karangara, followed by gorilla trekking. • Day 9 - 10: On to Kampala, followed by a visit to Jinja, the source of The River Nile and Bujjagali Falls. • Day 11: A final visit to Kampala and then back to the UK. Sponsored by:

Organised by:

Competition Rules: 1. Entry to this competition is restricted to one entry per attending veterinary professional delegate. 2. Multiple entries will be disqualified. 3. Automated entries, bulk entries or third party entries will be disqualified. 4. The competition is open to UK residents only unless otherwise stated. 5. Winners will be chosen at random from all valid entries that have complied with the conditions. 6. The winner will be announced at the close of the event. 7. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to. 8. The competition will run from 15.11.12 until 16.11.12. 9. The London Vet Show is compliant with the data protection act. Our policy is such that we will not pass on your details to any third party without your prior consent.

Why you should become a delegate No other veterinary event in Europe delivers more value for forwardthinking vets than the London Vet Show. Now in its fourth year, the show will deliver another world-class conference programme, keeping delegate fees affordable and offering you fantastic value for money. And this is what you get... • Half of your annual CPD training requirement delivered in just two days - and at a fraction of the cost. • Three cutting-edge clinical streams programmed by Jill Maddison from the RVC. • Expert business advice in the separate business programme • A selection of hands-on NEW F workshops by Dick 2 012OR White Referrals and an Advanced Diagnostic Stream presented by IDEXX Laboratories. • An extensive sponsor-led seminar programme, association rooms • Access to the largest veterinary exhibition in Europe where you will find the latest products, solutions and services. NEW • The British Veterinary 201F2OR Association Careers Fair, offering indispensable career support and developments for BVA members. Who should attend? If you are a vet, owner, partner, locum, practice manager, RVN, Nurse or practice administrator, then the London Vet Show will help you keep abreast of clinical and business matters facing veterinary professionals today.

BOOK TODAY! Book before 15th September for just £199 (+VAT) and an additional 10% off for BVA members. Register online at www. or call 02476 719687 using promotional code ISS3.

With thanks to our supporters and sponsors: Education partners:

Platinum sponsors: Dick White Referrals

Gold sponsor:

Silver sponsors:

Farbe/colour: PANTONE 288 CV

Supported by:

Media partners:

VetSurgeon .org

Official charity:

Delegate Booking Form Title:


Job Title: Practice partner/owner Clinical or other director Practice manager RVN Receptionist Other (please state)

Vet Assistant vet Locum vet Nurse

(S9) Management of arthritis: how to convert problems into a success (S10) Diagnosis and management of feline allergic dermatitis (S2) The diagnosis of canine heart failure in practice (S3) Advances in the treatment of canine and feline liver disease


Address: Postcode: Telephone:

Your delegate pass is for two days, however please indicate which days you will be attending: Thursday Friday Both Seminars: Please tick sessions you would like to book: Thursday (S1) Haemoabdomen: Transfusion? Incision? Decisions!

(S4) Putting flea control back into (your) practice




BVA Membership Number: Do you have any dietary requirements? Vegetarian Vegan Gluten Free Other Number of delegate passes @ £199 Number of BVA member passes @ £179.10 Number of BVA student passes @ £53.55

(S11) Management of arthritis: how to convert problems into a success

(S5) The diagnosis of canine heart failure in practice (S6) Putting flea control back into (your) practice (S7) The management of feline lower urinary tract disease (S12) Diagnosis and management of feline allergic dermatitis (S8) The secrets and proven benefits of nutritional excellence

Number of party tickets @ £39

Book your sessions through Connect our new online interactive planner!

1 x £4 administration fee


VAT @ 20%

Please contact me to book my sessions at the show


Ways to pay

Cheque for £_________ Made payable to CloserStill Media Healthcare Ltd. Please ensure London Vet Show is written on the back of the cheque. Credit card. Please debit my



Card Number:


Eurocard Expiry date:

3 digit authorisation code:

Cardholder name and address:

To confirm your booking - please do one of the following using promotional code ISS3: 1. 2. 3.

Complete and fax this form to 02476 713778 Complete and post this form to Delegate Management Team, London Vet Show 2012, George House, Coventry Business Park, Herald Avenue, Coventry CV5 6UB Telephone our Delegate Management Hotline on 02476 719687 or email

Please note that the £4 administration is per form and NOT per delegate pass. Confirmation of your booking will be sent when full payment is received. All posted bookings must be accompanied by a cheque or credit card detail. Timetable correct at time of going to print and is subject to change. Cancellation terms: A service charge of 25% will be made if you cancel before 12 October 2012. Thereafter, no refunds are possible including non attendance at the conference. CloserStill Media Healthcare Ltd. VAT Number 927488087.

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