Ot show theatres

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OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SHOW 2014 Welcome to the Occupational Therapy Show – the UKs largest dedicated CPD education and trade event just for Occupational Therapists (OTs), taking place on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th November at the NEC, Birmingham. We are delighted to announce that Dr Hilary Jones, TV’s Celebrity Doctor, will be opening the show on Wednesday to welcome thousands of OTs from all over the country, from a wide range of specialist areas, to educate, inspire, and raise the proile of such an important allied healthcare profession. With a FREE, CPD conference programme, social and networking events and over 250 suppliers from which you can research and source new products and services, this is YOUR show. The conference programme stretches across four separate streams, covering clinical areas including: • Physical • Mental health • Children and families • Innovation in practice and shaping the future There are a total of 56 hours of professional development to be obtained over the two days. CPD certiicates will be sent out post event, stating the sessions and the total number of hours attended. You can also access advice from more than 250 leading suppliers showcasing practical new equipment, products and services. With over 111 new to the show there’s something for everyone.



10:00 - 10:30

Opening welcome

10:45 - 11:45

Enabling powerful rivers; the magniicent promise of Occupational Therapy Dr Michael Iwama, PhD OT(C), Professor & Chair of the Department of Occupational Therapy, Georgia Regents University

12:05 - 12:45

The effectiveness of Occupational Therapy in social services Dr Gail Boniface, Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator, Cardiff University

13:30 - 14:15

Occupational Therapy and mental health: what’s the evidence? Katrina Bannigan, Associate Professor, Plymouth University

14:30 - 15:15

An international perspective: home modiications for people in the bariatric range Elizabeth Ainsworth, Occupational Therapist and Access Consultant, Home Design for Living, Australia

15:30 - 16:15

Flipping healthcare Alexander Kamadu, National Improvement Manager, NHS Improving Quality

16:30 - 17:15

Are OT’s inclusive when considering disability? Chaired by: Rachel Booth, Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist for AMH in Patients, Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust; Chair at BAOT the Northern and Yorkshire Regional Committee and Laraine Epstein, Senior Lecturer, Coventry University



10:00 - 11:00

Whither Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapists and their service users? Health and social care implications of the Care Act 2014 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012 Michael Mandelstam, Independent Legal Trainer and Consultant, Michael Mandelstam

Thursday 27th November: Registration opens from 09:00, doors open 09:30 - 16:30

11:45 - 12:30

Can we train experienced OTs to facilitate return to work through early specialist health-based VR (ESTVR) for the TBI population? Jain Holmes, UKOTRF and UoN Research Fellow, University of Nottingham

Admission Policy Entrance to the Occupational Therapy Show is restricted to all Occupational Therapist professionals including Commissioners, Case Managers and inal year students only. Non-healthcare professionals, non-inal year students and minors (under the age of 18) WILL NOT be permitted into the show, other than those pre-registered. Please note, there is no childcare provision at the show, so please plan in advance.

13:00 - 13:45

Occupational Therapy - removing the barriers to occupational performance Jackie Pool, CEO, Jackie Pool Associates

14:00 - 14:40

Stroke rehabilitation; the appliance of science? Avril Drummond, Occupational Therapist; Professor of Healthcare Research, Nottingham University; Member of The Royal College of Physicians Intercollegiate Working Party for Stroke; Vice-Chair of The Stroke Association Research Awards Committee

15:00 - 15:45

The HCPC’s standards for continuing professional development and audit process Jonathan Jones, Stakeholder Communications Manager, The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)

VENUE AND OPENING HOURS Hall 12, NEC, Birmingham Wednesday 26th November: Registration opens from 09:00, doors open 09:30 - 17:30, with drinks reception until 18:30

A special thank you to the following OTs for dedicating their time to support the Occupational Therapy Show 2014.

Farah Riaz OT, Social Services

Fiona Prior OT, Independent

Hannah MacDonnell OT, Paediactrics

Jacqueline Bralant OT, Health & Community Services

Jennie Alexander OT, Trauma & Orthopaedics

Kadie Bennett OT, Older Persons Unit

Kamaljit Pacura OT, Trauma & Orthopaedics

Kate Sheehan OT, independent

Laura Banwell OT, Older Persons Unit

Mark De Fusco OT, Orthopaedics

Niamh Duggan OT, Respiritory & Critical Care

Patricia Pellegrini OT, Social Services

Sally Dickinson OT, Stroke Unit

Thomas Rowe OT, Mental Health

Venue: Hall 12, NEC, Birmingham • Satellite navigation use: B40 1NT • All other travel information visit: www.thenec.co.uk




Sponsored by: WEDNESDAY 26th NOVEMBER TIME 10:10 10:50

11:05 11:45

12:10 12:50



Neoprene splinting Philip Renforth, Rheumatology Specialist OT, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust

Expert witness: an overview Nicholas Deal, Barrister and Bond Solon Trainer, Bond Solon Ltd Outcome measures for OT’s working with children what to measure and why Anne Corbett, Manger of Children’s Community Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services, Barts Health NHS Trust

13:20 14:00

Whole persons, diverse people Paul Farmer, Chief Executive, MIND

14:20 15:00

Healing our heroes: functional rehabilitation for the combat amputee Allyson Ballard, Lead Occupational Therapist, Complex Trauma, Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre Headley Court

15:20 16:00

Occupation-focused paediatric assessment Sally Payne, Head Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Heart of England Foundation NHS Trust

16:20 17:00

Supporting people with mental health conditions into employment - doing what works Nicola Oliver, UK IPS Project Co-ordinator, Centre for Mental Health

10:20 11:00 11:10 11:50

Occupational Therapy approaches in palliative care… Survive? Thrive! Gillian Evans, Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist in Palliative Care, Northumbria Healthcare Trust

12:00 12:40

The HCPC’s standards for continuing professional development and audit process Jonathan Jones, Stakeholder Communications Manager, The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)

12:50 13:30

The pivotal role of OT in children: family assessment in children and young people with a consciousness disorder following brain injury Milla Johnson, Clinical Specialist and Deputy Head Occupational Therapist, The Children’s Trust and Claire Waite, Head Occupational Therapist, The Children’s Trust


10:10 10:50

Occupational Therapists, the Swiss army knife of the home adaptations process Rachel Russell, Independent Occupational Therapist and PhD Candidate

11:05 11:45

Running a marathon made me a better children’s OT Sheilagh Blyth, MSc Bsc OT (Hons) Founder/ Owner, Enable Me Method

12:00 12:40

Manual handling in community care and single handed handling Pat Alexander, Director, Herts Handling Training Ltd

13:10 13:50

Intensive interaction for people with profound learning dificulties: an introduction - what it is and why we need it Janet Gurney, Chief Executive, Us in a Bus

14:10 14:50

An introduction to case management James Ainscough, Director of Ainscough Associates Ltd and Past Director of CMSUK

15:10 15:50

Working with children with 4 limb CP: 2nd year research results Marian Nairac, Occupational Therapist, Kent Community Health Trust and Nicky Wood, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust



10:30 11:10

WOTSUP? - a smart approach to sensory integration assessment in school aged children Kath Smith, Occupational Therapist, SI Network (UK & Ireland)/MBB Connections Ltd WOTSUP? - a smart approach to assessment of adult clients with sensory processing challenges Ros Unwin, Independent Consultant Occupational Therapist, SI Network (UK & Ireland)/RU Sensational

11:30 12:10

Growing well/being well: the therapeutic use of horticulture Imogen Gordon, Senior Lecturer - Occupational Therapy and Course Director - Social and Therapeutic Horticulture, Coventry University and Sharon Heeney Senior Lecturer - Occupational Therapy and Course Director - Social and Therapeutic Horticulture, Coventry University

12:25 13:05

The role of the OT in preventing pressure injuries Fiona Collins, Regional Director, Healogics UK

13:15 13:55

CECOPS: Supporting clinicians in delivering safe, good quality and effective services Brian Donnelly, Chief Executive, CECOPS CIC and Ellie Burcher, Independent OT and CECOPS Approved Trainer, EJB Therapy

14:45 15:25

Current issues in paediatric upper limb prosthetics: what work still needs to be done? Tara Sims, Occupational Therapist, Brighton and Hove City Council and Child Prosthetics Research Team (University of Southampton) and Kelly Hull, Physiotherapist, Solent NHS Trust and Child Prosthetics Research Team (University of Southampton)

13:40 14:10

Occupational performance and pressure care: are we taking it seriously? Adam Ferry, Occupational Therapist, The OT Service

14:35 15:10

Acute psychiatry - bread and butter of OT Rachel Booth, Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist for AMH in Patients, Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust; Chair at BAOT the Northern and Yorkshire Regional Committee

15:25 16:10

Dementia challenges - enabling and supporting the person with dementia Melanie Sturnam-Floyd, Moving and Handling Consultant, Norfolk County Council and NBE Membership Secretary at MSF Handling

15:40 16:20

Mindfulness as an occupational enabling strategy John Chacksield, Occupational Therapy Consultant, Mental Fitness Ltd

16:25 17:10

Inluencing health and well-being globally: what does the collaboration between the World Federation of Occupational Therapists and the World Health Organization mean to you? Samantha Shann, Vice President Finance, World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT)

16:40 17:25

Did you hear the one about the funny occupational therapist? Therapeutic use of humour Alice Hortop, Senior Occupational Therapy Lecturer, The University of the West of England


TOPIC From damage to disorder; working with personality dificulties in a forensic setting Julia Harrison, Occupational Therapist Adult Forensic Services, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust




10:20 11:00

WOTSUP? - a smart approach to sensory integration assessment in school aged children Kath Smith, Occupational Therapist, SI Network (UK & Ireland)/ MBB Connections Ltd WOTSUP? - a smart approach to assessment of adult clients with sensory processing challenges Ros Unwin, Independent Consultant Occupational Therapist, SI Network (UK & Ireland)/RU Sensational

11:10 11:50

Independence – time to re-think our assumptions? Dr Bethan Collins, Principal Lecturer in Occupational Therapy and Lead for Widening Participation, Bournemouth University

12:00 12:40

Shaping the future: creative, courageous OTs Jen Gash, BSc.Hons O.T. Dip. CMI, KMCC, Coach, OT, Artist, Entrepreneur, OTCoach

12:50 13:30

Autism: using structure and visuals as tools to engage service users Lisa Belshaw, Occupational Therapist and MDT Coordinator, ESPA

13:40 14:10

Occupational performance and pressure care: are we taking it seriously? Adam Ferry, Occupational Therapist, The OT Service

14:20 15:05

15:20 16:00



10:30 11:15

Tree Fu Tom: A TV series to help children’s motor skills Dr Lynda Foulder-Hughes, Specialist Series Consultant at BBC, Doctoral Supervisor and Associate Lecturer (Open University), Director, Dyspraxia Solutions

11:25 11:55

Stigma, survival, strategies - living not dying with HIV Camilla Hawkins, Lead Occupational Therapist, Mildmay UK

12:05 12:45

The effectiveness of specialised seating assessment and provision for clients in long term care Martina Tierney, Owner/Clinical Director, Seating Matters

13:40 14:10

Update on the Better Care Fund Gillian Owen-John, Chair, COTSS-H

Communicate2U: communicating with people who are vulnerable – everybody’s responsibility Annette Roebuck, Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, Coventry University and Co-Founder of Communicate2U

14:25 15:05

Developmental coordination disorder/’dyspraxia’: a focus on handwriting Dr Mellissa Prunty, Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, Brunel University, London

A practical mindfulness approach to teaching self-regulation of stress reactions into well-being and resilience Gerri de Vries, Founder, Developer and Director of Training, Mindfulness based NLP Trainings

15:15 15:45

The role of Occupational Therapy in falls prevention and management: review of the evidence base Kate Robertson, Consultant Therapist in Falls Prevention, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust and Falls Guideline Development Group Project Lead, College of Occupational Therapists

For more information visit www.theotshow.com

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