Important Degrees
any brethren do not progress any further than the three degrees (and Mark) in the lodge and this is absolutely fine. However, many brethren was to expand their knowledge of masonry and their enjoyment of the Craft as a whole. So what then after the MM degree? The obvious answer is the Royal Arch conferred in a chapter rather than a lodge. This set of degrees continues the masonic story to the rebuilding of KST—although different it is a very typical ‘masonic’ degree with colour and more symbolism. Any serious freemason should take these degrees and think where they fit into the three degrees of the Craft. After this many brethren continue with degrees under the Royal Arch control—Cryptic and Ark. The former continues the temple legendary history while the latter refers to Noah. However, it is the Royal Arch which opens doors for many when they are now eligible to join the Preceptory and become a Knight Templar. This is not really masonic, but describes a history of the actual KT. The other chivalric order is that of the Red Cross of Constantine which is much smaller (on purpose) than the KT. This is related to Constantine’s vision, but the second degree of that Order attempts to link the Craft and Royal Arch degrees in a very impressive lecture.
sons after a period of time might be invited to join the Scottish Rite (ie. the 18th degree or Rose Croix as often called). Another invitational order is the Royal Order of Scotland which consists of two degrees with very masonic symbolism along with ‘other stuff.’ This often concludes the journey, but there are many more orders to explore of time allows. A common one for esoteric masons or brethren with an interest in Heretic ideas is the Rosicrucian Society (not an order as it’s to a certain extent independent from the Craft). This is also smaller as only brethren with an esoteric slant are suitable. The remainder are often describes as ‘fun’ orders such as the Order of the Secret Monitor, the Allied Masonic Degrees, Knight Templar Priests, The Operatives, Athelstan, Knight Masons, etc. Although orders on their own, they are not essential to the legendary Craft story, but can provide a great deal of enjoyment for the members. Confused? I’m sure you are and the route you decide is entirely your choice whether planned or through friends. Before you do join, do some research (not all online!), but ask brethren who are members—they will be delighted you have expressed an interest.
The best advice is to seek your daily advance There is no set route after the Royal Arch and in masonic knowledge and this can be done it often depends on friends. Active freema- through other orders.
Cross Keys April 2021
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