Orientation of Temples Everyone is aware of the East/West orientation with some lodge openings talking about the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. This has appeared even in the earliest catechisms of the 17th century when the usual comparison was with the building of the temple at Jerusalem on an east/west axis. It would appear that this also referred to the tabernacle of Moses which was also built on this direction. Rituals in various countries tend to agree on this point albeit expressed in different forms, but interesting nonetheless.
There has been some discussion about where the east actually lies—the east/west orientation has never been in doubt. The problem arose as to the standpoint of the worshipper entering or leaving the temple. However, it does appear if worshippers were standing at the altar looking eastwards then the entrance would be in the west and the Holy of Holies in the east and therefore perfectly sensible to have the master in the east.
The operatives were aware of this too— Vitruvius’s On Architecture 27BC mentions that “the sacred temples of the immortal gods . . . are so to be appointed . . . That those who come to the altar to sacrifice or make offerings may look towards the eastern heaven. For all the altars of the gods should look towards the east.”
Rare Photo Described by the Whitehouse as: a distinguished jurist, effective administrator, but poor politician, William Howard Taft spent four uncomfortable years in the White House. Large, jovial, conscientious, he was caught in the intense battles between Progressives and conservatives, and got scant credit for the achievements of his administration. The 27th President of the US was made a Mason at Sight in an occasional lodge (Kilwinning Lodge No.356) called for that purpose on February 18, 1909, in the Scottish Rite Cathedral, Cincinnati, Ohio, by the Grand Master of Masons in Ohio. Only a few photos exist in regalia. Read all about it at and what a mason at sight is at: https://nationalheritagemuseum.typepad.com/library_and_archives/william-h-taft/
Cross Keys April 2021
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