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Irish Certificate
Nice example of an Irish diploma dated 1793 (before the days when the diploma was standard practice in many Grand Lodges and were often given by the lodge itself.
Once Grand Lodges realized, it could be a money maker then these were standardized and brethren were charged and also charged for replacement unless on active service when the fee was sometimes waived.
This certificate shows the three columns of the EA TB and some standard symbolism common at the time of printing.
President of Mexico
Brother Benito Pablo Jua rez Garcí a was born in the state of Oaxaca of humble origin in 1806, and was (in childhood) a little shepherd, but graduated as a lawyer and became President of Mexico. He fought against foreign occupation under the emperorMaximilianand who soughtconstitutionalreforms to create a democratic federal republic. Bro. Garcí a was initiated into a lodge in Mexico City without a name and unsure location! He then joined the York Rite and was received in the National Mexican Rite and the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite. Even today, there are a number of ‘Grand Lodges’ in Mexico making the situation quite confusing.