Little House on the Prairie Most brethren in their mid-40s upwards will remember the TV series Little House on the Prairie. However, probably very few like myself were aware that ‘Pa’ (Charles P. Ingalls) was an active freemason in De Smet Lodge No.55 in South Dakota having joined in 1886. Not only that, but his wife and two daughters were also active in Bethlehem Chapter No.12 of the Eastern Star. He is shown earing a square and compassed badge. Bro. Charles was born on the 10th of this month in 1836 in NY and after much travelling, settled in De Smet where he continued farming. He also ran successfully for local public offices including Justice of the Peace, the school board, street commissioner, deacon in the Congregational church and Deputy Sheriff; for a few years he ran a local retail store and finally sold insurance. He became active in the lodge taking the office of Treasurer for a couple of years and was one of three members responsible for the repair of the Lodge furnishings in the 1890s. The lodge still owns the Tyler’s sword used by Bro. Ingalls. His service came to an end with his death on June 8, 1902. He died of heart disease at the age of 66 years. De Smet Lodge No.55 conducted a full Masonic funeral service for Charles, and paid for his final expenses, including providing his headstone.
To find out more, a book has been published by Teresa Lynn and ban be bought here: Little Lodges on the Prairie: Freemasonry & Laura Ingalls Wilder,
Cross Keys January
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