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Masonic Miscellany
Whilst freemasonry here in Scotland has been placed on a back burner with many lodges enjoying a summer recess, Bro. Brian Kerr PM reports that in Cincinnati Ohio, the majority of masonic lodges have been as busy as ever working away in the heat and burden of the day.
Recently brother Brian was invited to take part in the reconsecration ceremony marking the 175th anniversary of the Buckeye Lodge during which he had the honour of presenting the 3rd lesser light in what was by all accounts a very dignified and impressive ceremony.
Bro. Brian reports that in casual conversations with the office bearers of the Grand Lodge at a picnic after the close of the meeting that they were impressed with the objective evaluations as published in the Cross Keys in relation to our beloved craft.
Doing his best to promote the good name of Houstoun St Johnstone.
Mt Herman Lodge No. 7 (British Columbia)
Membership has shown a net increase in the past 5 years and more importantly an increase in active attendance and engagement in the lodge business (numbers and committee work), ritual work (high attendance at practices with questions from new officers and enthusiasm in learning our ritual), participation in educational programs and volunteering to present papers.
There is an informal development program. The master has struck up a committee to cover best practices including expectations, duties and roles of lodge officers. PMs have been helpful in guiding / mentoring Lodge Officers in their roles. There are enough MMs to sustain succession of for the next 5 years.
We give opportunities to those who wish to take on an office but do not force or rush anyone to take on an office. Recently a newer member declined on the opportunity of office, saying he would rather take a year to reflect on his journey as a MM and become more seasoned as a mason. The next year he took office and has been performing excellently in that office.
Our sponsors mentor the new members and they regularly meet and talk. New members, EA, FC, and MM are encouraged to visit other lodges and their sponsors and other senior members accompany them.