2 minute read
The Grand Lodge has an new updated website and is worth having a look at: The Grand Lodge of Scotland -Scottish Freemasonry (grandlodgescotland.com) Very quickly, we can see there are Scottish lodges in over 40 countries worldwide. At the recent seminar, the launched the new digital identity for the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland. The new Digital identity was designed to support the new digital drive by the Grand Lodge. This offers an easily recognizable brand across all its digital assets and presents a more contemporary approach to the way Scottish Freemasonry is presented in the global digital space.

PGL Renfrewshire East
I hope everyone had an enjoyable festive season, and as we end another year, the lodge installations are almost complete.
Unfortunately, two premises in the Province suffered water damage after the cold spell in mid December and a number of meetings had to be cancelled or rescheduled. Hopefully these premises will be up and running again in early January.
The PGL Handbook has now been in print for 20 years and the 2023 edition will be available at PG Committee on Monday 9th January, 7pm in Lodge St John Busby No. 458.
The PGL Annual Meeting and Installation of Elected Office Bearers will take place on Saturday 28th Jan in Lodge Union and Crown No 307 at 2.30pm. The Office Bearers will be installed by Bro Chris Kerr DPGM and Bro Gavin Burt SPGM.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all brethren,

In October 1863, the world’s first and oldest Football Association is founded at The Freemasons’ Tavern, Great Queen Street London (now the New Connaught Rooms) and the first set of rules were established. The representativesfromalltheprofessionalteamsacrossEnglandincluding private schools and world teams agree on the set rules of the game. There are a number of Masonic Lodges named after their famous teams – Anfield Lodge, No. 2215, Everton Lodge No. 823 and more recently the Football Lodge No.9921.

To submit an article or want added to the mail list or Facebook group, contact the Editor, Grant Macleod:
E-Mail: sec242pm@yahoo.co.uk Website: http://lodge242.bravesites.com/