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Scots POW
Holland and Switzerland were both neutral in the First World War and by August 1917, the governments of Britain and Germany reached an agreement that allowed each side to transfer a number of British POWs to Holland and German POWs to Switzerland, where they would be interned until the end of the War. This flow of releases began toward the end of 1917 and by the middle of 1918, a considerable number of British were already accommodated in Holland.
In the midst of all these prisoners were a number of English, Irish and Scottish Brethren. Some of these senior Brethren, were in contact with The Grand East of the Netherlands and on the 15th June 1918 the Grand East issued a Warrant authorising the formation of Willem van Oranje Lodge on the 6th of July 1918. The ceremony took place in the Temple of The Grand East of the Netherlands in The Hague when some 43 number British Prisoners of War were Constituted into this new Dutch Lodge. The original Charter was in the Dutch language, and still survives today.
The following are the list of founder brethren in Scottish lodges: Sgt David Nichol, “Candra” No.59 (Canadian Western Cavalry) Capt Malcolm G Sandeman, “Friends in Council” No. 1383 (EC) (A&SH) Sgt Hugh A. R. MacLennan, Langside No.955 (Cameron Highlanders) Sgt Frederick J. Taylor, South China No. 848 (RE) Sgt Benjamin Davis, Victoria No.363 (Royal Warwickshire Reg) Sgt Benjamin Smith, Caledonian No.339 (Royal Fusiliers) Cpl Joseph Reid, St. Bryde No.579 (Cameron Highlanders) Sgt Colin MacDonald, St. James No.97 (Cameron Highlanders)
As the war came to an end, these P.O.Ws were allowed to return home. However, they all enjoyed the companionship of their Dutch Lodge and on the 14th of July 1919 the Willem van Orange Lodge was issued with Warrant No 3976 on the register of the U.G.L.E. and the ceremony was conducted in Freemason’s Hall London by The Right Honourable Lord Ampthill Pro Grand Master of U.G.L.E. (see over). This Lodge is still in existence and continues to meet right up to the present day.
My thanks to Bro. Bob Bashford PM (GLoI) for providing the information.
Fancy a Birmingham Burns Supper?

Halas Abbey Lodge is holding its Burns Supper in Halesowen in the West Midlands (near Birmingham). If you’re in the area, you would be made most welcome. Contact gusteruel@aol.com
Congratulations to Bro. Allan McKinley who received his Jubilee Certificate for 50 years in the Craft. It was one of the first duties of the new master, Bro. Alistair Griffiths, last month to present the certificate. Alan has been a great attender for all these years and continues to work hard for St. Paul’s Church of which he is a long time elder. Too good to be true? He’s a St. Mirren fan so that evens things out. . .
We have been brought into the full splendour of the true light. Our God has brought us the medicine for both soul and body, truly precious and golden, once by Trismegistus, and now by our “medicus.” Jesus Christ, who is the stone cut without hands from the highest of mountains, and the corner-stone rejected indeed by the nations, but placed as the cope-stone — the head and glory of the Eternal Temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
When and who wrote this? Its English title is Most Secret Mysteries and has huge similarities merging religious and medical views, and also mark masonry. However, this was written by Michael Maier in approximately 1614 well before a mark degree had been thought about! Quite remarkable.

Arcana Arcanissima