1 minute read
Freemasons’ Quarterly Review
This newspaper was published between 1834 to 1851 with a huge variety of topics. Below is the table of contents from the first edition:
The last topic is interesting considering we do not allow discussion of political ideas in the lodge. The following is an except from a longer article on numbers in masonry:
The Tetrad was esteemed the most perfect number by the Pythagoreans, as being the arithmetical mean between one ancl seven, equal ly exceeding and exceeded in number. It wants 3 of 7, and exceeds 1 by 3. The first solid figure is found in a Tetrad, for a point is correspondent to Monad , a line to Duad , because drawn from one point to another, a superficies to Triad, because it is the most simp le of all rectilinear figures; but a solid properly agrees with the Tetrad ; for the first pyramid is in a Tetrad , the base being triangular, so that at the bottom is 3, and at the top 1. This number refers with us to the four rivers of Paradise, Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates, which were imitated in the four artificial rivers surrounding the tabernacle in the wilderness. Also important to Freegardeners.
Full article here.