Cross Keys November 2011

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The Cross Keys The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone Walking the Road / Seeking the Light November 2011

Number 152

In this issue: Why has the Craft outlived other societies? The Astors Crest Old Scottish Records Glasgow’s Lost Masonic Hall Offences PGL Renfrewshire East Seminars Celtic Lodge No.291 in Edinburgh Grand Master of Massachusetts The Level and the Square Candidate Patterns

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


Why has the Craft outlived other Societies? By the end of the 1700s, however, freemasonry had grown on a scale unrivalled by any other society, manifesting its remarkable ability to synthesize the traits and aspects of many organizations and successfully market itself to the public. Freemasonry, for all its secrecy, mysteries, and assortment of occupations and lifestyles, succeeded and survived where other societies declined and disappeared. Unlike other organizations, it did not exclude members based on cultural or economic standing. The copious minutes allow a candid look at the social mechanisms that allowed freemasonry to grow, expand, and compete with academic, literary, and scientific associations. The organisation exhibited a durability and resilience not demonstrated in other societies; whereas other associations rose in popularity, reached a pinnacle, and gradually were consigned to the societal and associational graveyard of indifference and disinterestedness, masonic lodges endured. Many societies failed through a diminishing membership, a lack of interest in the original topic/ focus, becoming involved in politics which divided membership or unable to market itself to society. Although freemasonry faced similar problems throughout the century, its longevity surely can be attributed to its inclusiveness, organisational competence, the myriad intellectual, economic, and social benefits it offered, and the freedom of lodges to form their own identity based on who joined. Yet the problems which plagued other associations would eventually beset the associational behemoth that was freemasonry. The massive consolidation of power, continual growth, the vulnerability of GL facilitated by the emergence of new, unsanctioned concordant orders, and flagging interest in clubs and societies resulted in derisive, internal conflicts. This last point is a warning of too many additional orders weakening the main body. GL has been wise recently in some decisions about allowing others orders to operate in Scotland and this course must be followed carefully. An Informed Mason is an Involved Mason

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The Astor Family The original founder of the Astor fortune was John Jacob Astor (1763-1884). John Jacob Astor was born in Waldorf, Duchy of Baden (Germany). John Jacob Astor was a butcher in Waldorf. In 1784, he came to America after a stop over in London, England. Although the story is that he came to America penniless--and that may be true--he soon joined the Masonic Lodge, was raised in 1790, and within 2-3 years had become the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in N.Y. City.

Masonic Charity in the 18th Century During the 18th Century, lodges had ‘poor boxes’ mainly for the use of masons who were unable to work through injury or old age, or for widows. The poor box was supplemented when new members joined and this amount varied upon lodge. Indeed, some lodges had different fees for operative and non-operative members. Some lodges such as No.8 in Edinburgh attempted to fund young apprentices through their trade, but this proved unsuccessful. Not satisfied with this, they gave non-monetary assistance in the form of ‚Cart of Coals…one peck of meal per week during the winter Quarter,‛ and a ‚new Coat and…a pair of shoes and a shirt‛ (1804 Minutes). Prisoners of war were also the beneficiaries of Grand Lodge charity. Grand Lodge minutes present an extraordinary account of a meeting held on 10 October 1759, during which the Charity Committee, ‚taking into their Consideration the distressed Case of the French Prisoners presently in the Castle of Edinburgh,‛ voted ten guineas towards their relief ‚in purchasing Cloaths and other necessaries for them But in the first place in supplying the necessitys of Such as may be Brother Masons Amongst them.‛ A group was appointed to ‚Enquire into and Inspect the Condition and Situation of these Prisoners Particularly Such of them as they shall find to be free Masons And to Report their Opinion as to their Number and Necessity with their first Convenience.‛ External charity donations was unheard of in these days although the POWs was probably the closest to it.

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Crests of the Province

The lodge crest has three distinct parts. Cannon - alludes to the Royal Ordnance Factory Wheat sheaf - the farming traditions of Bishopton and Erskine Staff and serpent (single caduceus) - alludes to the connection between our lodge and Erskine hospital for ex service men and women. It may symbolise the connection between the lodge’s first RWM Daniel Harper, his mother lodge being lodge Galen a lodge of chemists. It is also very similar to the crest of the Royal Army Medical Corps, which use the same symbol. This has been adapted from Bro. Iain McPhee’s (Sub PGM) history of 1556 on the website. I will say no more about it since Bro, Iain has kindly agreed to give a talk about the history of 1566 at our PGL Visit in 2012 which will explain the military connection.

The aim of this group is to offer friendship, support and advice to all people with short stature, their families, friends and any interested professional bodies. We would like to have the opportunity to share our experiences of living with short stature to help lessen parents' apprehension of having a child with a growth condition. Furthermore, we would like to promote public awareness for increased understanding of people with short stature.

Under the enthusiasm of Bro. John McLellan, the brethren of the lodge manage to raise a total of £405 through various activities. To find out more, click on the image above.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


Sir William Wallace RAC No.109

The companions of Sir William Wallace Royal Arch Chapter No.109 headed by MEC Ken Blackie (1st Principal) with the set of ashlars presented to the lodge on its 200th Anniversary. Both ashlars can be permanently seen in the new display cabinet made by Bro. Jim McNeil ALM seen far right in the photo. These magnificent ashlars strengthen the bond between the lodge and the chapter which has existed since 1865.

History of the Lodge The history of the lodge is still available for sale priced £20. Due to its weight, it can only be collected from the lodge—see Bro. Allan Stobo PM. It covers 200 years from 2011 with appendices on the Houstoun & MacDowal family, Provosts, WW! Roll of Honour, Presentations, Lodge which have conferred degrees in 242, Thistle Lodge in NY, Notable Achievements, Installing Masters, etc.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


Glasgow’s Lost Masonic Hall Bro. James Linburn Cown, like many other Glasgow architects and sculptors, was a member of a lodge. One of his most interesting buildings is at 98-104 West Regent Street, which he designed for the Masonic Halls Company as Lodge St John, Glasgow No. 3 Bis and as business chambers (1895-6), which advertises its Masonic use by its statues of the saints John the Baptist (on the left with the lamb) and John the Evangelist (on the right with a chalice), and the Sun motif in the attic gable. This was the home to a number of lodges and orders (as well as The Glasgow Association of Spiritualists) and must have been a sad day when the organisation moved out. It would appear that Bro. Cowan also designed the Masonic Hall in Hope Street, Motherwell.

Old Format The wardens were not always situated in the S & W, and indeed, some lodges (and orders) have wardens in the W which was common during the 17th, 18th centuries. Why this formation? M

The triangle is one of a large number of symbols in the ritual to demonstrate the number 3. this is an important number in masonry, but why? The most obvious answer is that is probably related to the Holy Trinity. In Pritchard’s exposure of ritual in 1730 (Masonry Dissected) the layout is as shown. This was related to the entrance to many cathedrals which SW JW were flanked by two minor towers or similar structures. The Craft was de-Christianised during the 19th Century so prior to this the ritual was a very Christian piece of symbolism. Another possibility is that when asked to vouch for their columns during the opening, this was done easily by simply looking down their side of the lodge. A bit too simple? Any other ideas would be of interest.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


From the Columns


On 13th October, the PMs of the lodge conferred the MM degree on Bros: (See Page 8 for the photo).

Most lodges have had incidents in which a

The AGM was held on 27th October, 2011 where all accounts were passed. The election of office-bearers took place with the nomination of master— Bro. Graham Burns Scott will be installed on 11/11/11.

with at lodge level although more serious

brother has behaved in a manner unbecoming of a freemason. These are usually dealt matters can be referred to Grand Lodge. The Craft has been vigilant in ‘policing’ itself, possibly more so than most other organisations with the ultimate sanction being expulsion.

Perhaps in today’s climate of appeal

and lawyers that might become more difficult. On a lighter side, minor disagreements have

US Thoughts on Grand Lodges I was recently forwarded the October 2011 issue of Cross Keys. Regarding whether Grand Lodge should get involved with issues outside of Masonry: absolutely not. The sole function of Grand Lodge, any Grand Lodge, is to see that the Lodges within its jurisdiction are regular and wellgoverned, that they are compliant with the ancient usages and customs, both amongst each other and with Lodges of other jurisdictions as far as that can be done.

existed for hundreds of years and are just part of human nature.

Lodge St. Andrew’s

No.25 has a typical record in its minutes of 1803: A complaint was brought against Brother John Weymss Snr by Brother James Adamson for very rude and unbecoming usage at a meeting of the committee on the 6th current. When Brother Weymss in consequence of some altercation be-

Just as Freemasonry has no place in religion or politics, just as Freemasons cannot use their membership for personal political or economic gain, Freemasonry cannot insert itself into social issues. Once it does, it will by default be taking sides in subjects that are often controversial and divisive.

tween him and Brother Adamson respecting an extravagant charge made by Brother Weymss for recouping a few articles of household furniture that belonged to the late James Thomson lodge Ty-

Freemasonry exists because men are able to set aside social, political and economic differences and meet as true equals. A true Freemason will do what he feels he must to be a responsible citizen. Grand Lodges cannot do it for him.

ler and for charging 7/6 of King’s duty which was not accounted for nor intimation thereof given by Brother Weymss to the excuse of the said Brother Weymss took Brother Adamson by the nose and

Fraternally, Bro. Jeffrey D. Blaisdell Shekomeko No.458 F&AM Grand Lodge of New York, USA Sec'y, Poughkeepsie Chapter No.172 RAM in the State of New York, USA

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011

twisted it with great violence.


The Past Masters’ Degree Team

Front Row: Stuart Black (SD), Peter Smolarek DoC (WSW), Brian Smolarek Jr (Tools), Brian Smolarek Snr (RWM), Alex Stobo (WJW) and Graham Brydson (JD) Back Row: Grant Macleod Sec (R & E), Danny Birrell (Retro), Allan Stobo (CfE), Henry Leslie (Rec), John Stobo (S & S), Garry Forbes (IG), John Copland (CC) and John Flanagan.

Jewels Continuing the theme of lodge jewels from last month, another fine example is that of Calabar Lodge No.3434 in Nigeria which works under the UGLE. This jewel was struck to commemorate the consecration of the District Grand Lodge of Nigeria in 1913. The lodge dates from 1910. The jewel has an English PM symbol at the top and an elephant in the centre surrounded with the lodge name.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


Freemasonry & The Nazis Gypsies, accused criminals, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews and Freemasons; difficult to find a common bond by simple appellation, but all shared a common fate at the hands of Nazi Germany - all were sent to concentration camps. Some lived to see deliverance by Allied forces; others saw their fate sealed by Adolf Hitler's "Final Solution". The suffering of our brother masons in Nazi Germany is a story that many history books in our school failed to teach us as young men, this is most probably because numerically we were the smallest group than any other who shared a similar fate. My visit last year to Washington, D.C.'s Holocaust Museum alerted me to "minorities" found in the camps. Indeed if a few of us know of the suffering of our brothers in German camps, even less know of the systematic hunting and execution of freemasons, orchestrated by Hitler's cronies; Spain's Franco and Italy's Mussolini. Human rights were violated, property and wealth seized in all countries that became a part of the Axis war machine. Fearful of the of the Jewish faith and Freemasonry, Hitler concluded that both were in collusion with each other and drew himself up a conspiracy involving a collaboration between what he called international Jewry and Freemasonry that had laid out blueprints for each other to enslave Germany through political, cultural and economical machinations. The ten Grand Lodges of Germany were dissolved as a result of Hitler's grab for power in his role as chancellor. The Gestapo pilfered the membership lists found in the Grand Lodges and helped to identify our brethren. The jewels, furniture and other property found within were sold at auction and helped to fund a growing invasion force. In a time difficult to show pride in belonging to the brotherhood, German Freemasons found a binding symbol: The Forget-Me-Not. Through an incredible coincidence, the symbol of the little blue flower that had been adopted in 1926 by the Grand Lodge Zur Sonne at their annual convention was also adopted in 1938 by the annual Nazi party's charity, Winterhilsfwerk. Manufactured by the company that had made the Forget-Me-Not pin some twelve years earlier, it became the perfect way for German Freemasons to distinguish each other without arousing unneeded exposure. Alas, with the Nazi party armed with complete member lists, the subterfuge was hardly enough to stop the doom that would be spelled for our brethren who were accused falsely of planning a take-over of Germany with the help of Jews. By throwing away what he referred to as human "refuse" into concentration camps, Hitler felt he could finally seize global power with no apparent threat to his own ambitions. Within the confines of forced labour camps where humanity toiled for their oppressors under the banner of a mockingly false promise of "Arbeit Macht Frei", inmates wore colour-coded identity badges. An inverted triangle sewn onto the left breast and right-outer knee of the prisoner's clothing could easily distinguish to a guard the reason for their incarceration. Along with Jewish people with yellow six-point stars, convicted criminals were given green triangles, Gypsies black, Jehovah's Witnesses wore purple, homosexuals pink and Freemasons were grouped with political prisoners and given red triangles to wear. There are no accurate records of exactly how many brothers we lost in the mass exterminations, but my research has concluded a conservative estimate of some 80'000 to perhaps up to 200'000 Freemasons. Today, there is no doubt of the pride of the Jewish people in the Star of David. I have adopted the red triangle for my own, and I pray that some of you may one day also. Today my brethren, I wear a red triangle upon my lapel not only to remember the suffering of my past brothers‌ I wear it because I am a free and accepted mason.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


Bogus Grand Lodges of the US The USA has suffered for many years with a huge variety of Grand Lodges forming (and disappearing ) over the years. Unlike Scotland and Ireland which has only had one and England which has an amalgamation with two (plus a couple of smaller ones), tis country has not been plagued with this problem. The regular Grand Lodges of the US have managed to maintain a distance between themselves and the others, but to give an idea about the situation the Prince Hall research society has a web page to illustrate the number out there: The page above demonstrates the large number of Grand Lodges in Texas alone. We should consider ourselves lucky in this country.

Masonry on Click on the picture below and go to see an explanation about the well known lapel badge.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


GL News At the recent communication, Bro. John Samuel Miller was appointed as Provincial Grand Master of Renfrewshire East with effect from 2nd February, 2012. At the same meeting, it was agreed to extend recognition to the Grand Lodge of Cyprus and the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska.

PGL News Education Dinner—Saturday 18th May, 2012. The Province is holding its biennial dinner in Johnstone. The main speaker will be the Grand Master of Ireland who will be supported by our own Grand Master Mason. Lodges will be notified in due course. At the recent PGL Seminars (Master & Secretaries and New Members), a number of points were raised which will be acted on by PGL. It was good to see a respectable turnout proving the seminars have a use. One Grand Lodge recently reported that NO ONE person signed up for their Masters’ Programme while the Irish Symposium of The Masonic Society had to cancel due to a lack of numbers. See Pages 13 and 14 for further information about recent activity with PGL.

The Stuart Niven Fund In November 2010, Stuart Niven a former pupil of mine was involved in a serious car accident in which he sustained life changing paralysis injuries. Stuart is now starting out on a challenging rehabilitation journey to reclaim as normal a life as possible. His friends and colleagues are supporting him in as many ways as they can. To help him on his road to recovery, various events are organised to raise funds to help with care, support and equipment—click on Stuart to go to the website. The website keeps an up to date account of donations—the lodge has contributed to Stuart’s appeal and I’m hoping others might too.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


PGLRE Caring & Sharing Fund Since its launch by PGM Bro. David A. Reid in January the 2011 PGLRE Caring and Sharing Fund has already reached £6000 through a range of activities by Lodges through the Province. When the final amount raised in the Province is announced next month it will be augmented from the £275,000 fund made available by the Grand Lodge of Scotland as part of the celebrations to mark the 275th Anniversary of its founding. It has been decided that all six outside charities chosen by PGLRE will benefit equally from the money raised. They are: Erskine Hospital, Combat Stress, Breast Cancer Care, Alzheimer’s Society, Beatson Oncology and Yorkhill Childrens’ Foundation. A large proportion of the money raised came from donations made by individual Lodges during official visitations during February through to April when the RWM of each Lodge was presented with a hand-crafted Charity Mallet and invited to sign a special Charity Charter. Copies of the signed Charter were also sold to Lodges as souvenirs to raise additional funds. Other activities included an evening of entertainment and dancing held at Lodge Moorpark No.1263 in June and a sponsored walk headed by Mrs Dawn Oliff, Homes and Charities Manager at Grand Lodge. Mrs Oliff also took part in similar sponsored walks in Edinburgh and Aberdeen. On the Aberdeen walk she was joined by the GMM Bro. Charles Iain R. Wolrige Gordon of Esselmont and the SPGM of PGLRE, Bro. Iain McPhee, who had also taken part in the Paisley to Bridge of Weir sponsored walk. PGM Bro. David A. Reid said: ‚We will know the final total by next month, but the amount already raised is a great achievement made possible by the generosity of Lodge members who gave both in terms of time and money to make this initiative such a success. It has been a real opportunity to demonstrate our willingness to support outside charities.‛

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


New Members Seminar 3rd October, 2011 A seminar, held in Lodge Union and Crown premises in Barrhead aimed to help new members understand the function of GLOS, PGL, and how other lodges in the Province of Renfrewshire East fit into these existing structures. The meeting was attended by three members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, Bro Bud Gauld, Bro Archie McGowan, and Bro. Alex Galbraith, seen sitting together on the left. The PGM Bro David A, Reid addresses the new members, while Bro Grant McLeod PM of Houstoun St. Johnstone 242 looks on waiting for his opportunity to speak to them (on the right).

Brother Gordon Wade, a PM of Lodge Thistle and Crown 1167 demonstrates how the PGL website is constructed, and how visitors to this site get the best out of it.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011

The PGM Designate Bro John S. Miller ended the seminar by discussing the main points raised at the seminar, and thanked all of the new members for attending.


The Celtic Lodge & Deacon Brodie Bro. William Brodie greatly respected member of Edinburgh's society, Brodie (1741-88) was a skilful cabinet-maker and a member of the Town Council as well as deacon of the Incorporation of Wrights and Masons and a member of Canongate Kilwinning No.2. However, unknown to most gentlefolk, Brodie had a secret night-time occupation as the leader of a gang of burglars, this extra-curricula activity being necessary to support his extravagant lifestyle which included two mistresses, numerous children and gambling habit. Brodie had the perfect day job to support his night-time activities, part of which involved making and repairing security locks and mechanisms. The temptation obviously proved too much for him when working on the locks of his customer's houses, as he would copy their door-keys! This would allow him and his three accomplices in crime, Brown Smith and Ainslie, to return at a later date to steal from them at leisure. Brodie's last crime and ultimate downfall was an armed raid on His Majesty's Excise Office in Chessel's Court, on the Canongate. Although Brodie had planned the burglary himself, things went disastrously wrong. Ainslie was caught and immediately turned King's Evidence on the rest of the gang. Brodie escaped to the Netherlands, but was arrested in Amsterdam and returned to Edinburgh for trial. The trial started on 27th August 1788, however little hard evidence could be found to incriminate Brodie. That was, until a search of his house revealed the tools of his illicit trade. The jury found both Brodie and Smith guilty and their execution was set for 1st October 1788. Brodie was hanged at the Tolbooth with his accomplice George Smith, the demon grocer. Brodie's story however does not quite end there. He had bribed the hangman to ignore a steel collar he was wearing, with the hope this would defeat the noose! But despite the arrangement he made to have his body quickly removed following the hanging, he could not be revived. The final irony was that Brodie was hanged from a gibbet, which he himself had only recently redesigned. He proudly boasted to crowd that the gallows upon which he was about to die was the most efficient of its kind in existence. Brodie was buried in an unmarked grave at the Parish Church in Buccleuch. It is said that Brodie's bizarre double-life inspired Robert Louis Stevenson, whose father had had furniture made by Brodie. Stevenson included aspects of Brodie's life and character in his story of a split personality, 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde'.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


The Celtic Lodge & Deacon Brodie (ctd) Bro. William Brodie stayed in Brodie’s Close (left) off the Lawnmarket where Lodge Celtic now have their premises. He was given the business from his father who was a successful wright. It used to be the home of Lodge Roman Eagle and had Roman Eagle Hall (centre). The lodge rooms are well preserved and the ceiling (right) dated from 1646 is in excellent condition. The lodge would be well worth a visit for any brother interested in Masonic history or old lodge rooms.

November’s Events in 242

Friday 4th November, 2011—visit to Annan to confer MMD FRIDAY 11th November—INSTALLATION at 7pm Thursday 24th November— EA by OBs at 7.30pm

Sir William Wallace RAC 17th November—EMD at 7.30pm

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


Old Premises

Many lodges have been displaced from their meeting places. One such lodge is Corkerhill No.1426 which used to meet in Rutland Crescent, just off Paisley Road West near the Toll. This was the building before moving to the current halls in Mafeking Street near Ibrox Stadium. This is another example of a lodge moving from its original premises which often were purpose built and elegant. Can anyone shed some ligth about what happened to 98—104 West Regent Street?

Unknown Photo

A group of stonemasons outside one of the large houses which used to surround Kilbirnie, Ayrshire. A full range of ages can be seen as well as working tools which are a prominent part of the photo. Is this master mason in the centre?

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


A Grand Master Profile On December 27th, 2010, Richard James Stewart of Shrewsbury, was installed as the 87th Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, following such Past Grand Masters as Paul Revere, General Joseph Warren, and Arthur W. Coolidge, former Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts. It is a volunteer position that generally lasts for three years. An election and installation takes place in the second and third years of the Grand Master’s term. As Grand Master, Brother Stewart presides over 36,000 Masons and 232 lodges throughout the Commonwealth. The Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts was chartered in 1733, following the establishment of the Grand Lodges of England in 1717 and Ireland in 1725; making the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts the third oldest Grand Lodge in the world and the oldest in the Western Hemisphere.

Albert Einstein “Strange is our situation here on Earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that man is here for the sake of other men.� This is a quote from Albert Einstein (not a mason) talking about science and religion. Whether or not he was an atheist is uncertain, but his sentiments echo much of the masonic belief.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


The Level and the Square We meet upon the Level and we part upon the Square What priceless words of meaning these words Masonic are Come, let us contemplate them, They are worthy of a thought; In the very walls of Masonry the sentiment is wrought. We meet upon the Level and from every station come The rich man from his palace and the poor man from his home, For the rich must leave their wealth and state outside the Mason's door, And the poor man finds his best respects upon the checkered Floor. We meet upon the Plumb, 'tis the order of our Guide We walk upright in every way and lean to neither side; The All-Seeing Eye that reads our hearts and doth bear us witness true, That we still try to honour God and give each man his due. We part upon the Square, for the world must have its due, We mingle with the multitude, a faithful band and true, But the influence of our gatherings in Masonry is green, And we long upon the Level to renew the happy scene. There is a World where all are equal, we are hurrying to it fast, We shall meet upon the Level when the Gates of Death are past; We shall stand before the Orient and our Master shall be there, To try the blocks we offer with His own unerring Square. We shall meet upon the Level there, but never thence depart, There's a Mansion, 'tis all ready for each trusting, faithful heart, There is a Mansion and a welcome and a multitude is there; Who have met upon the Level and been tried upon the Square. Let us meet upon the Level then while labouring patient here; Let us meet and let us labour though the labour be severe, Already in the western sky the signs bid us prepare, To gather up our working tools and part upon the Square. Hands round Ye faithful Brotherhood, the bright fraternal chain, We part upon the Square below and meet in Heaven Again; And the words of precious meaning, those words Masonic are, "WE MEET UPON THE LEVEL AND WE PART UPON THE SQUARE". Robert Morris

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New Lodge Secretary Brethren, Please take note that the new secretary will be: Bro. Danny Birrell PM


Houston Renfrewshire PA6 7LQ

Candidate Patterns Lodges typically and unsurprisingly recruit candidates from their local areas. This had always been the situation. For example, Johnstone was a prominent engineering town during the 19th and 20th centuries and therefore the majority of its members were drawn from this group of men. Dundee, being on the Tay, had many brethren with a sea-faring background although it operative nature was still prevalent as shown. Other lodges such as Salfire or Galen in Glasgow who recruited specialists—in this case firemen and chemists respectively. This healthy approach to membership has provided the Craft with a fantastic range of brethren with many skills.

In Memoriam The dead are like the stars by day … withdrawn from mortal eye… yet not extinct that hold their way In glory through the sky… .Spirits of bondage thus set free… .Vanish amidst immensity… While human thought… .Like human sight… .Fail to pursue…. Their trackless flight.

It is with deep sadness and much regret that we have to inform you of a loss sustained to the Craft in Renfrewshire in the passing to the Grand Lodge above of the following Brothers: Bro. Brian Robertson PM Chaplain 242 Bro. George Cassidy WJW Lodge Craigends No.1042 also sadly passed away recently

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The Cross Keys is Edited and Researched by Brothers - Grant Macleod & Brian Kerr E-Mail:

Lodge Websites Thanks to Bro. Allan Stobo WJW for proof reading.

Don’t forget to support the Ashlar magazine— Scotland’s only Masonic magazine., especially with 242 on the front Just click on the magazine to find out more.

Cross Keys Nov.. 2011


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