Grand Master Mason Edward James Bruce, The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, was Grand Master Mason 1921—24. He was the second of the family to lead the Scottish Craft. He became Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary State for the Colonies (1908–11) and a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland. He also had other high offices including Deputy Grand Master and Governor of the Royal Order of Scotland. His son, Andrew, is the current Earl and also a Past GMM and possibly one of the most colourful characters in the Craft! His grandson, Adam, is the current master of Sir Robert Moray No.1641 and in the future. . .
‘New’ Largs Pier On 10 January 1833, the foundation stone of a lace MP, one of Bro. Sir Thomas Brisbane's new pier at Largs was laid with masonic hon- commissioners, addressed the ceremony beours by Bro. William Miller, of Monkcastle, fore the Grand Master proceeded to lay the Most Worshipful Master of the Mother Kil- foundation stone with plate saying This pier winning and Provincial Grand Master of the erected by subscription . . . in the Year of our County of Ayr. Also in the main deputation Lord 5833 . . . by (all names included). was Bro. Sir Michael Shaw Stewart MP PGM
of Renfrewshire West and a large number of The pier opened the following the year at a cost of £4275. dignitaries . The members of the Mother Lodge, with Largs St John, Greenock St. John’s No.175, Garthland St. Winnoch No.205, Blair Dalry
No.290, Rothesay St. John No.292, St. John RA No.320 and Neptune Kilwinning Saltcoats No.442, met at midday on the Green of Largs, and proceeded in procession accompanied by several bands of music through the town to where the pier was to be erected. Robert Wal-
Cross Keys September 2021
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